INSTALL(8)              NetBSD System Manager's Manual              INSTALL(8)

     INSTALL -- Installation procedure for NetBSD/ofppc.

     About this Document
     What is NetBSD?
     Changes Between The NetBSD 8 and 9 Releases
        Installation and Partitioning Changes
     Features to be removed in a later release
     The NetBSD Foundation
     Sources of NetBSD
     NetBSD 9.4 Release Contents
        NetBSD/ofppc subdirectory structure
        Binary distribution sets
     NetBSD/ofppc System Requirements and Supported Devices
        Supported OpenFirmware based systems
     Getting the NetBSD System on to Useful Media
     Preparing your System for NetBSD installation
     Installing the NetBSD System
        Running the sysinst installation program
           Possible hardware problems
           Quick install
           Booting NetBSD
           Network configuration
           Installation drive selection and parameters
           Selecting which sets to install
           Partitioning the disk
           Preparing your hard disk
           Getting the distribution sets
           Installation from CD-ROM
           Installation using FTP
           Installation using NFS
           Installation from an unmounted file system
           Installation from a local directory
           Extracting the distribution sets
           Configure additional items
           Finalizing your installation
     Post installation steps
     Upgrading a previously-installed NetBSD System
     Compatibility Issues With Previous NetBSD Releases
     Using online NetBSD documentation
     Thanks go to
     Legal Mumbo-Jumbo
     The End

   About this Document
     This document describes the installation procedure for
     NetBSD 9.4 on the ofppc platform.  It is available in four
     different formats titled INSTALL.ext, where .ext is one of
     .ps, .html, .more, or .txt:

           .ps     PostScript.

           .html   Standard Internet HTML.

           .more   The enhanced text format used on UNIX-like
                   systems by the more(1) and less(1) pager util-
                   ity programs.  This is the format in which the
                   on-line man pages are generally presented.

           .txt    Plain old ASCII.

     You are reading the ASCII version.

   What is NetBSD?
     The NetBSD Operating System is a fully functional Open
     Source UNIX-like operating system derived from the Univer-
     sity of California, Berkeley Networking Release 2 (Net/2),
     4.4BSD-Lite, and 4.4BSD-Lite2 sources.  NetBSD runs on many
     different different system architectures (ports) across a
     variety of distinct CPU families, and is being ported to
     more.  The NetBSD 9.4 release contains complete binary
     releases for most of these system architectures, with pre-
     liminary support for the others included in source form.
     Please see the NetBSD website: for
     information on them.

     NetBSD is a completely integrated system.  In addition to
     its highly portable, high performance kernel, NetBSD fea-
     tures a complete set of user utilities, compilers for sev-
     eral languages, the X Window System, firewall software and
     numerous other tools, all accompanied by full source code.

     NetBSD is a creation of the members of the Internet commu-
     nity.  Without the unique cooperation and coordination the
     net makes possible, NetBSD would not exist.

     NetBSD 9.4 is dedicated to the memory of Wayne Knowles, who
     passed away in December 2022.

     Wayne was a long term contributor, working mostly on low
     level Mips code.

     Beyond his technical contributions, Wayne was always helpful
     and friendly.  His example encouraged users to contribute to
     the project and share their work with the community.

   Changes Between The NetBSD 8 and 9 Releases
     The NetBSD 9.4 release provides many significant changes,
     including support for many new devices, hundreds of bug
     fixes, new and updated kernel subsystems, and numerous user-
     land enhancements.  The result of these improvements is a
     stable operating system fit for production use that rivals
     most commercially available systems.

     It is impossible to completely summarize the massive devel-
     opment that went into the NetBSD 9.4 release.  The complete
     list of changes can be found in the following files:
     files in the top level directory of the NetBSD 9.4 release

     Installation and Partitioning Changes

     The sysinst installation program has been reworked for this

     It now supports arbitrary big disks and offers GPT parti-
     tions as alternative to MBR/fdisk partitions on a lot archi-

     Unfortunately it has not been tested on all hardware sup-
     ported by NetBSD.  If you have problems partitioning the
     target disk or installing the system, please report bugs
     with as much details as possible.  See the Administrivia
     section below on how to report bugs or contact other users
     and ask for support.

   Features to be removed in a later release
     The following features are to be removed from NetBSD in the

     o   groff(1).  Man pages are now handled with mandoc(1), and
         groff(1) can still be found in pkgsrc as textproc/groff.

   The NetBSD Foundation
     The NetBSD Foundation is a tax exempt, not-for-profit
     501(c)(3) corporation that devotes itself to the traditional
     goals and Spirit of the NetBSD Project and owns the trade-
     mark of the word ``NetBSD''.  It supports the design, devel-
     opment, and adoption of NetBSD worldwide.  More information
     on the NetBSD Foundation, its composition, aims, and work
     can be found at:

   Sources of NetBSD
     Refer to mirrors:

   NetBSD 9.4 Release Contents
     The root directory of the NetBSD 9.4 release is organized as


     CHANGES       Changes between the 8.0 and 9.0 releases.

     CHANGES-9.0   Changes between the initial 9.0 branch and
                   final release of 9.0.

     CHANGES-9.1   Changes between the 9.0 and the 9.1 release.

     CHANGES-9.2   Changes between the 9.1 and the 9.2 release.

     CHANGES-9.3   Changes between the 9.2 and the 9.3 release.

     CHANGES-9.4   Changes between the 9.3 and the 9.4 release.

     CHANGES.prev  Changes in previous NetBSD releases.

     LAST_MINUTE   Last minute changes and notes about the

     README.files  README describing the distribution's contents.

     images/       Images (ISO 9660 or USB) for installing
                   NetBSD.  Depending on your system, these may
                   be bootable.

     source/       Source distribution sets; see below.

     In addition to the files and directories listed above, there
     is one directory per architecture, for each of the architec-
     tures for which NetBSD 9.4 has a binary distribution.

     The source distribution sets can be found in subdirectories
     of the source subdirectory of the distribution tree.  They
     contain the complete sources to the system.  The source dis-
     tribution sets are as follows:

     gnusrc    This set contains the ``gnu'' sources, including
               the source for the compiler, assembler, groff, and
               the other GNU utilities in the binary distribution

     sharesrc  This set contains the ``share'' sources, which
               include the sources for the man pages not associ-
               ated with any particular program; the sources for
               the typesettable document set; the dictionaries;
               and more.

     src       This set contains all of the base NetBSD 9.4
               sources which are not in gnusrc, sharesrc, or

     syssrc    This set contains the sources to the NetBSD 9.4
               kernel for all architectures as well as the
               config(1) utility.

     xsrc      This set contains the sources to the X Window Sys-

     All the above source sets are located in the source/sets
     subdirectory of the distribution tree.

     The source sets are distributed as compressed tar files.
     Except for the pkgsrc set, which is traditionally unpacked
     into /usr/pkgsrc, all sets may be unpacked into /usr/src
     with the command:
           # cd / ; tar -zxpf set_name.tgz

     In each of the source distribution set directories, there
     are files which contain the checksums of the files in the

           MD5     MD5 digests in the format produced by the com-
                   cksum -a MD5 file.

           SHA512  SHA512 digests in the format produced by the
                   cksum -a SHA512 file.

     The SHA512 digest is safer, but MD5 checksums are provided
     so that a wider range of operating systems can check the
     integrity of the release files.

     NetBSD/ofppc subdirectory structure

     The ofppc-specific portion of the NetBSD 9.4 release is
     found in the ofppc subdirectory of the distribution:
     .../NetBSD-9.4/ofppc/.  It contains the following files and

     INSTALL.more  Installation notes in various file formats,
                   including this file.  The .more file contains
                   underlined text using the more(1) conventions
                   for indicating italic and bold display.
                                       A gzipped NetBSD kernel
                                       containing code for every-
                                       thing supported in this
                                       A gzipped kernel for
                                       installing or upgrading
                                       NetBSD on your hardware.
                   sets/    ofppc binary distribution sets; see
                                       A gzipped NetBSD kernel
                                       containing code for every-
                                       thing supported in this
                                       A gzipped kernel for
                                       installing or upgrading
                                       NetBSD on your hardware.
                              ofwboot  A bootloader, which can
                                       start a kernel from your
                                       root partition, supporting
                                       MBR and RDB partition lay-

                   Binary distribution sets

                   The NetBSD ofppc binary distribution sets con-
                   tain the binaries which comprise the NetBSD
                   9.4 release for ofppc.  The binary distribu-
                   tion sets can be found in the
                   ofppc/binary/sets subdirectory of the NetBSD
                   9.4 distribution tree, and are as follows:

                   base     The NetBSD 9.4 ofppc base binary dis-
                            tribution.  You must install this
                            distribution set.  It contains the
                            base NetBSD utilities that are neces-
                            sary for the system to run and be
                            minimally functional.

                   comp     Things needed for compiling programs.
                            This set includes the system include
                            files (/usr/include) and the various
                            system libraries (except the shared
                            libraries, which are included as part
                            of the base set).  This set also
                            includes the manual pages for all of
                            the utilities it contains, as well as
                            the system call and library manual

                   debug    This distribution set contains debug
                            information for all base system util-
                            ities.  It is useful when reporting
                            issues with binaries or during devel-
                            opement.  This set is huge, if the
                            target disk is small, do not install

                   etc      This distribution set contains the
                            system configuration files that
                            reside in /etc and in several other
                            places.  This set must be installed
                            if you are installing the system from
                            scratch, but should not be used if
                            you are upgrading.

                   games    This set includes the games and their
                            manual pages.

                            This set contains a NetBSD/ofppc 9.4
                            GENERIC kernel, named /netbsd.  You
                            must install this distribution set.

                   man      This set includes all of the manual
                            pages for the binaries and other
                            software contained in the base set.
                            Note that it does not include any of
                            the manual pages that are included in
                            the other sets.

                   misc     This set includes the system dictio-
                            naries, the typesettable document
                            set, and other files from /usr/share.

                   modules  This set includes kernel modules to
                            add functionality to a running sys-

                   rescue   This set includes the statically
                            linked emergency recover binaries
                            installed in /rescue.

                   text     This set includes NetBSD's text pro-
                            cessing tools, including groff(1),
                            all related programs, and their man-
                            ual pages.

                   NetBSD maintains its own set of sources for
                   the X Window System in order to assure tight
                   integration and compatibility.  These sources
                   are based on X.Org.  Binary sets for the X
                   Window System are distributed with NetBSD.
                   The sets are:

                   xbase    The basic files needed for a complete
                            X client environment.  This does not
                            include the X servers.

                   xcomp    The extra libraries and include files
                            needed to compile X source code.

                   xdebug   This distribution set contains debug
                            information for all X11 binaries.  It
                            is useful when reporting issues with
                            these binaries or during develope-
                            ment.  This set is huge, if the tar-
                            get disk is small, do not install it.

                   xfont    Fonts needed by the X server and by X

                   xetc     Configuration files for X which could
                            be locally modified.

                   xserver  The X server.

                   The ofppc binary distribution sets are dis-
                   tributed as gzipped tar files named with the
                   extension .tgz, e.g.  base.tgz.

                   The instructions given for extracting the
                   source sets work equally well for the binary
                   sets, but it is worth noting that if you use
                   that method, the filenames stored in the sets
                   are relative and therefore the files are
                   extracted below the current directory.  There-
                   fore, if you want to extract the binaries into
                   your system, i.e.  replace the system binaries
                   with them, you have to run the tar -xzpf com-
                   mand from the root directory ( / ) of your

                   Note:  Each directory in the ofppc binary dis-
                          tribution also has its own checksum
                          files, just as the source distribution

                 NetBSD/ofppc System Requirements and Supported
                   NetBSD/ofppc is a port to OpenFirmware and
                   CHRP based PowerPC machines.

                   Supported OpenFirmware based systems

                   o   Genesi / bplan GmbH Pegasos II
                   o   IBM 7044 Model 270
                   o   IBM 7046 Model B50

                 Getting the NetBSD System on to Useful Media
                   Installation is supported from several media
                   types, including:

                         o   CD-ROM / DVD / USB-stick
                         o   FTP
                         o   Remote NFS partition
                         o   Tape
                         o   Existing NetBSD partitions, if per-
                             forming an upgrade

                   The steps necessary to prepare the distribu-
                   tion sets for installation depend upon which
                   installation medium you choose.  The steps for
                   the various media are outlined below.

                   CD-ROM / DVD / USB-stick  Find out where the
                                             distribution set
                                             files are on the CD-
                                             ROM, DVD or USB
                                             stick.  Likely loca-
                                             tions are
                                             binary/sets and
                                             (You only need to
                                             know this if you are
                                             mixing installer and
                                             installation media
                                             from different ver-
                                             sions - the
                                             installer will know
                                             the proper default
                                             location for the
                                             sets it comes with).

                                             Proceed to the
                                             instructions on

                   FTP                       The preparations for
                                             this installa-
                                             tion/upgrade method
                                             are easy; all you
                                             need to do is make
                                             sure that there's an
                                             FTP site from which
                                             you can retrieve the
                                             NetBSD distribution
                                             when you're about to
                                             install or upgrade.
                                             If you don't have
                                             DHCP available on
                                             your network, you
                                             will need to know
                                             the numeric IP
                                             address of that
                                             site, and, if it's
                                             not on a network
                                             directly connected
                                             to the machine on
                                             which you're
                                             installing or
                                             upgrading NetBSD,
                                             you need to know the
                                             numeric IP address
                                             of the router clos-
                                             est to the NetBSD
                                             machine.  Finally,
                                             you need to know the
                                             numeric IP address
                                             of the NetBSD
                                             machine itself.

                                             Once you have this
                                             information, you can
                                             proceed to the next
                                             step in the instal-
                                             lation or upgrade
                                             process.  If you're
                                             installing NetBSD
                                             from scratch, go to
                                             the section on pre-
                                             paring your hard
                                             disk, below.  If
                                             you're upgrading an
                                             existing installa-
                                             tion, go directly to
                                             the section on

                   NFS                       Place the NetBSD
                                             distribution sets
                                             you wish to install
                                             into a directory on
                                             an NFS server, and
                                             make that directory
                                             mountable by the
                                             machine on which you
                                             are installing or
                                             upgrading NetBSD.
                                             This will probably
                                             require modifying
                                             the /etc/exports
                                             file on the NFS
                                             server and resetting
                                             its mount daemon
                                             (mountd).  (Both of
                                             these actions will
                                             probably require
                                             superuser privileges
                                             on the server.)

                                             You need to know the
                                             numeric IP address
                                             of the NFS server,
                                             and, if you don't
                                             have DHCP available
                                             on your network and
                                             the server is not on
                                             a network directly
                                             connected to the
                                             machine on which
                                             you're installing or
                                             upgrading NetBSD,
                                             you need to know the
                                             numeric IP address
                                             of the router clos-
                                             est to the NetBSD
                                             machine.  Finally,
                                             you need to know the
                                             numeric IP address
                                             of the NetBSD
                                             machine itself.

                                             Once the NFS server
                                             is set up properly
                                             and you have the
                                             information men-
                                             tioned above, you
                                             can proceed to the
                                             next step in the
                                             installation or
                                             upgrade process.  If
                                             you're installing
                                             NetBSD from scratch,
                                             go to the section on
                                             preparing your hard
                                             disk, below.  If
                                             you're upgrading an
                                             existing installa-
                                             tion, go directly to
                                             the section on

                   Tape                      To install NetBSD
                                             from a tape, you
                                             need to make a tape
                                             that contains the
                                             distribution set
                                             files, in `tar' for-

                                             If you're making the
                                             tape on a UNIX-like
                                             system, the easiest
                                             way to do so is
                                             probably something

                                                   # tar -cf

                                             where tape_device is
                                             the name of the tape
                                             device that repre-
                                             sents the tape drive
                                             you're using.  This
                                             might be /dev/rst0,
                                             or something simi-
                                             lar, but it will
                                             vary from system to
                                             system.  In the
                                             above example,
                                             dist_sets is a list
                                             of filenames corre-
                                             sponding to the dis-
                                             tribution sets that
                                             you wish to place on
                                             the tape.  For
                                             instance, to put the
                                             kern-GENERIC, base,
                                             and etc distribu-
                                             tions on tape (the
                                             absolute minimum
                                             required for instal-
                                             lation), you would
                                             do the following:

                                                   # cd
                                                   # cd
                                                   # tar -cf

                                             Note:  You still
                                                    need to fill
                                                    in the

                                             Once you have the
                                             files on the tape,
                                             you can proceed to
                                             the next step in the
                                             installation or
                                             upgrade process.  If
                                             you're installing
                                             NetBSD from scratch,
                                             go to the section on
                                             preparing your hard
                                             disk, below.  If
                                             you're upgrading an
                                             existing installa-
                                             tion, go directly to
                                             the section on

                 Preparing your System for NetBSD installation
                   NetBSD/ofppc can be installed on hard disks
                   with the standard MBR partition layout or with
                   the AmigaOS/MorphOS specific RDB partition

                   When choosing RDB partitions, for example
                   because you want to run MorphOS on a Pegasos
                   II in parallel with NetBSD, then you have to
                   prepare your NetBSD partitions using the
                   MorphOS HDConfig tool.

                   You can skip the rest of this section when you
                   want to use MBR partitioning.

                   You will have to create an RDB partition for
                   each NetBSD partition, NetBSD/ofppc will use.
                   Change the partition parameters by selecting
                   Edit Partition and change the following set-

                   1.   Set all reserved block to zero.

                   2.   Set the partition status to disabled so
                        it won't appear under MorphOS.

                   3.   Select Custom Filesystem and change the
                        ID to 0x4e425207 for the root partition,
                        to 0x4e425301 for the swap partition and
                        to 0x4e425507 for all the other user par-
                        titions you need.

                 Installing the NetBSD System
                   To install NetBSD/ofppc you will either have
                   to boot netbsd-INSTALL from a CD-ROM or set up
                   an NFS or TFTP server to boot it over the net-

                   Running the sysinst installation program

                   1.   Introduction

                        Using sysinst, installing NetBSD is a
                        relatively easy process.  Still, you
                        should read this document and have it
                        available during the installation
                        process.  This document tries to be a
                        good guide to the installation, and as
                        such, covers many details for the sake of
                        completeness.  Do not let this discourage
                        you; the install program is not hard to

                   2.   Possible hardware problems

                        Should you encounter hardware problems
                        during installation, try rebooting after
                        unplugging removable devices you don't
                        need for installation.  Non-removable
                        devices can be disabled with userconf
                        (use boot -c to enter it).

                   3.   General

                        The following is a walk-through of the
                        steps you will take while installing
                        NetBSD on your hard disk.  sysinst is a
                        menu driven program that guides you
                        through the installation process.  Some-
                        times questions will be asked, and in
                        many cases the default answer will be
                        displayed in brackets (``[ ]'') after the
                        question.  If you wish to stop the
                        installation, you may press CONTROL-C at
                        any time, but if you do, you'll have to
                        begin the installation process again from
                        scratch by running the /sysinst program
                        from the command prompt.  It is not nec-
                        essary to reboot.

                   4.   Quick install

                        First, let's describe a quick install.
                        The other sections of this document go
                        into the installation procedure in more
                        detail, but you may find that you do not
                        need this.  If you want detailed instruc-
                        tions, skip to the next section.  This
                        section describes a basic installation,
                        using a CD / DVD as the install media.

                        o   What you need.

                            -   The distribution sets (in this
                                example, they are on the CD or

                            -   One 1.44 MB 3.5" floppy.

                            -   A minimum of of memory installed.

                            -   An optical drive.

                            -   A hard drive with at least 600 MB
                                of free space for a complete base
                                install, not including room for
                                swap.  If you wish to install the
                                X Window System as well, you will
                                need at least 225 MB more.

                        o   The Quick Installation

                            -   Insert the first boot floppy you
                                just created and boot the com-
                                puter.  After language selection,
                                the main menu will be displayed.

                                        * NetBSD-9.4 Install System                     *
                                        *                                               *
                                        *>a: Install NetBSD to hard disk                *
                                        * b: Upgrade NetBSD on a hard disk              *
                                        * c: Re-install sets or install additional sets *
                                        * d: Reboot the computer                        *
                                        * e: Utility menu                               *
                                        * f: Config menu                                *
                                        * x: Exit Install System                        *

                            -   If you wish, you can configure
                                some network settings immediately
                                by choosing the Utility menu and
                                then Configure network.  It isn't
                                actually required at this point,
                                but it may be more convenient.
                                Go back to the main menu.

                            -   Choose Install.

                            -   You will be guided through the
                                setup of your disk.

                            -   You will be asked to choose which
                                distribution sets to install.

                            -   When prompted, choose CD-ROM as
                                the install medium if booted from
                                CD-ROM.  The default values for
                                the path and device should be ok.

                            -   After the installation process
                                has completed, you will be
                                brought back to the main menu,
                                where you should select Reboot,
                                after you have removed the boot-
                                floppy from the drive.

                            -   NetBSD will now boot.  If you
                                didn't set a password for the
                                root user when prompted by
                                sysinst, logging in as root and
                                setting a password should be your
                                first task.  You are also advised
                                to read afterboot(8).

                   5.   Booting NetBSD

                        Boot your machine.  The boot loader will
                        start, which will print a countdown and
                        begin booting.

                        If the boot loader messages do not appear
                        in a reasonable amount of time, you
                        either have a bad boot floppy or a hard-
                        ware problem.  Try writing the install
                        floppy image to a different disk, and
                        using that.

                        It will take a while to load the kernel
                        from the floppy, probably around a minute
                        or so, then, the kernel boot messages
                        will be displayed.  This may take a lit-
                        tle while also, as NetBSD will be probing
                        your system to discover which hardware
                        devices are installed.  The most impor-
                        tant thing to know is that wd0 is
                        NetBSD's name for your first SATA/PATA
                        disk, wd1 the second, etc.  sd0 is your
                        first SCSI disk, sd1 the second, etc.

                        Note that once the system has finished
                        booting, you need not leave the floppy in
                        the disk drive.

                        Once NetBSD has booted and printed all
                        the boot messages, you will be presented
                        with a welcome message and a main menu.
                        It will also include instructions for
                        using the menus.

                   6.   Network configuration

                        If you do not intend to use networking
                        during the installation, but you do want
                        your machine to be configured for net-
                        working once it is installed, you should
                        first go to the Utility menu and select
                        the Configure network option.  If you
                        only want to temporarily use networking
                        during the installation, you can specify
                        these parameters later.  If you are not
                        using the Domain Name System (DNS), you
                        can give an empty response when asked to
                        provide a server.

                   7.   Installation drive selection and

                        To start the installation, select Install
                        NetBSD to hard disk from the main menu.

                        The first thing is to identify the disk
                        on which you want to install NetBSD.
                        sysinst will report a list of disks it
                        finds and ask you for your selection.
                        You should see disk names like sd0 or

                   8.   Selecting which sets to install

                        The next step is to choose which distri-
                        bution sets you wish to install.  Options
                        are provided for full, minimal, and cus-
                        tom installations.  If you choose sets on
                        your own, base, etc, and a kernel must be

                   9.   Partitioning the disk

                        o   Choosing which portion of the disk to

                            You will be asked if you want to use
                            the entire disk or only part of the
                            disk.  If you decide to use the
                            entire disk for NetBSD, sysinst will
                            check for the presence of other oper-
                            ating systems and you will be asked
                            to confirm that you want to overwrite

                   10.  Editing the NetBSD disklabel

                        The partition table of the NetBSD part of
                        a disk is called a disklabel.  If your
                        disk already has a disklabel written to
                        it, you can choose Use existing partition
                        sizes.  Otherwise, select Set sizes of
                        NetBSD partitions.

                        After you have chosen your partitions and
                        their sizes (or if you opted to use the
                        existing partitions), you will be pre-
                        sented with the layout of the NetBSD
                        disklabel and given one more chance to
                        change it.  For each partition, you can
                        set the type, offset and size, block and
                        fragment size, and the mount point.  The
                        type that NetBSD uses for normal file
                        storage is called 4.2BSD.  A swap parti-
                        tion has a special type called swap.
                        Some partitions in the disklabel have a
                        fixed purpose.

                              a       Root partition (/)

                              b       Swap partition.

                              c       The entire disk.

                              d-p     Available for other use.
                                      Traditionally, d is the
                                      partition mounted on /usr,
                                      but this is historical
                                      practice and not a fixed

                        You will then be asked to name your
                        disk's disklabel.  The default response
                        will be ok for most purposes.  If you
                        choose to name it something different,
                        make sure the name is a single word and
                        contains no special characters.  You
                        don't need to remember this name.

                   11.  Preparing your hard disk

                        You are now at the point of no return.
                        Nothing has been written to your disk
                        yet, but if you confirm that you want to
                        install NetBSD, your hard drive will be
                        modified.  If you are sure you want to
                        proceed, select yes.

                        The install program will now label your
                        disk and create the file systems you
                        specified.  The file systems will be ini-
                        tialized to contain NetBSD bootstrapping
                        binaries and configuration files.  You
                        will see messages on your screen from the
                        various NetBSD disk preparation tools
                        that are running.  There should be no
                        errors in this section of the installa-
                        tion.  If there are, restart from the
                        beginning of the installation process.
                        Otherwise, you can continue the installa-
                        tion program after pressing the return

                   12.  Getting the distribution sets

                        The NetBSD distribution consists of a
                        number of sets that come in the form of
                        gzipped tar files.  At this point, you
                        will be presented with a menu which
                        enables you to choose from one of the
                        following methods of installing the sets.
                        Some of these methods will first transfer
                        the sets to your hard disk, others will
                        extract the sets directly.

                        For all these methods, the first step is
                        to make the sets available for extrac-
                        tion.  The sets can be made available in
                        a few different ways.  The following sec-
                        tions describe each of the methods.
                        After reading about the method you will
                        be using, you can continue to the section
                        labeled `Extracting the distribution

                   13.  Installation from CD-ROM

                        When installing from a CD-ROM, you will
                        be asked to specify the device name for
                        your CD-ROM drive (usually cd0) and the
                        directory name on the CD-ROM where the
                        distribution files are.

                        sysinst will then check that the files
                        are actually present in the specified
                        location and proceed to the extraction of
                        the sets.

                   14.  Installation using FTP

                        To install using ftp, you first need to
                        configure your network setup if you
                        haven't already done so.  sysinst will
                        help you with this, asking if you want to
                        use DHCP.  If you do not use DHCP, you
                        can enter network configuration details
                        yourself.  If you do not have DNS set up
                        for the machine that you are installing
                        on, you can just press RETURN in answer
                        to this question, and DNS will not be

                        You will also be asked to specify the
                        host that you want to transfer the sets
                        from, the directory on that host, the
                        account name and password used to log
                        into that host using ftp, and optionally
                        a proxy server to use.  If you did not
                        set up DNS, you will need to specify an
                        IP address instead of a hostname for the
                        ftp server.

                        sysinst will then transfer the set files
                        from the remote site to your hard disk.

                   15.  Installation using NFS

                        To install using NFS, you first need to
                        configure your network setup if you
                        haven't already done so.  sysinst will do
                        this for you, asking you if you want to
                        use DHCP.  If you do not use DHCP, you
                        can enter network configuration details
                        yourself.  If you do not have DNS set up
                        for the machine that you are installing
                        on, you can just press RETURN in answer
                        to this question, and DNS will not be

                        You will also be asked to specify the
                        host that you want to transfer the sets
                        from and the directory on that host that
                        the files are in.  This directory should
                        be mountable by the machine you are
                        installing on, i.e., correctly exported
                        to your machine.

                        If you did not set up DNS, you will need
                        to specify an IP address instead of a
                        hostname for the NFS server.

                   16.  Installation from an unmounted file

                        In order to install from a local file
                        system, you will need to specify the
                        device that the file system resides on
                        (for example wd1e), the type of the file
                        system, and the directory on the speci-
                        fied file system where the sets are
                        located.  sysinst will then check if it
                        can indeed access the sets at that loca-

                   17.  Installation from a local directory

                        This option assumes that you have already
                        done some preparation yourself.  The sets
                        should be located in a directory on a
                        file system that is already accessible.
                        sysinst will ask you for the name of this

                   18.  Extracting the distribution sets

                        A progress bar will be displayed while
                        the distribution sets are being

                        After all the files have been extracted,
                        the device node files will be created.
                        If you have already configured network-
                        ing, you will be asked if you want to use
                        this configuration for normal operation.
                        If so, these values will be installed in
                        the network configuration files.

                   19.  Configure additional items

                        The next menu will allow you to select a
                        number of additional items to configure,
                        including the time zone that you're in,
                        to make sure your clock has the right
                        offset from UTC, the root user's shell,
                        and the initial root password.

                        You can also enable installation of
                        binary packages, which installs the
                        pkgin(1) tool for managing binary pack-
                        ages for third-party software.  This will
                        feel familiar to users of package tools
                        such as apt-get or yum.  If you prefer to
                        install third-party software from source,
                        you can install the pkgsrc(7) tree.

                        Finally, you can enable some daemons such
                        as sshd(8), ntpd(8), or mdnsd(8).

                   20.  Finalizing your installation

                        Congratulations, you have successfully
                        installed NetBSD 9.4.  You can now reboot
                        the machine and boot NetBSD from hard

                 Post installation steps
                   Once you've got the operating system running,
                   there are a few things you need to do in order
                   to bring the system into a properly configured
                   state.  The most important steps are described

                   1.   Before all else, read postinstall(8).

                   2.   Configuring /etc/rc.conf

                        If you or the installation software
                        haven't done any configuration of
                        /etc/rc.conf (sysinst normally will), the
                        system will drop you into single user
                        mode on first reboot with the message

                              /etc/rc.conf is not configured.
                              Multiuser boot aborted.

                        and with the root file system (/) mounted
                        read-only.  When the system asks you to
                        choose a shell, simply press RETURN to
                        get to a /bin/sh prompt.  If you are
                        asked for a terminal type, respond with
                        vt220 (or whatever is appropriate for
                        your terminal type) and press RETURN.
                        You may need to type one of the following
                        commands to get your delete key to work
                        properly, depending on your keyboard:
                              # stty erase '^h'
                              # stty erase '^?'
                        At this point, you need to configure at
                        least one file in the /etc directory.
                        You will need to mount your root file
                        system read/write with:
                              # /sbin/mount -u -w /
                        Change to the /etc directory and take a
                        look at the /etc/rc.conf file.  Modify it
                        to your tastes, making sure that you set
                        rc_configured=YES so that your changes
                        will be enabled and a multi-user boot can
                        proceed.  Default values for the various
                        programs can be found in
                        /etc/defaults/rc.conf, where some in-line
                        documentation may be found.  More com-
                        plete documentation can be found in

                        When you have finished editing
                        /etc/rc.conf, type exit at the prompt to
                        leave the single-user shell and continue
                        with the multi-user boot.

                        Other values that may need to be set in
                        /etc/rc.conf for a networked environment
                        are hostname and possibly defaultroute.
                        You may also need to add an ifconfig_int
                        for your <int> network interface, along
                        the lines of


                        or, if you have in


                        To enable proper hostname resolution, you
                        will also want to add an /etc/resolv.conf
                        file or (if you are feeling a little more
                        adventurous) run named(8).  See
                        resolv.conf(5) or named(8) for more

                        Instead of manually configuring network-
                        ing, DHCP can be used by setting
                        dhcpcd=YES in /etc/rc.conf.

                   3.   Logging in

                        After reboot, you can log in as root at
                        the login prompt.  If you didn't set a
                        password in sysinst, there is no initial
                        password.  You should create an account
                        for yourself (see below) and protect it
                        and the ``root'' account with good pass-
                        words.  By default, root login from the
                        network is disabled (even via ssh(1)).
                        One way to become root over the network
                        is to log in as a different user that
                        belongs to group ``wheel'' (see group(5))
                        and use su(1) to become root.

                   4.   Adding accounts

                        Use the useradd(8) command to add
                        accounts to your system.  Do not edit
                        /etc/passwd directly! See vipw(8) and
                        pwd_mkdb(8) if you want to edit the pass-
                        word database.

                   5.   The X Window System

                        If you installed the X Window System, you
                        may want to read the chapter about X in
                        the NetBSD Guide:

                   6.   Installing third party packages

                        If you wish to install any of the soft-
                        ware freely available for UNIX-like sys-
                        tems you are strongly advised to first
                        check the NetBSD package system, pkgsrc.
                        pkgsrc automatically handles any changes
                        necessary to make the software run on
                        NetBSD.  This includes the retrieval and
                        installation of any other packages the
                        software may depend upon.

                        o   More information on the package sys-
                            tem is available at

                        o   A list of available packages suitable
                            for browsing is at

                        o   Precompiled binaries can be found at
                            usually in the ofppc/9.4/All subdir.
                            If you installed pkgin(1) in the
                            sysinst post-installation configura-
                            tion menu, you can use it to automat-
                            ically install binary packages over
                            the network.  Assuming that
                            is correctly configured, you can
                            install them with the following com-

                            # pkgin install tcsh
                            # pkgin install bash
                            # pkgin install perl
                            # pkgin install apache
                            # pkgin install kde
                            # pkgin install firefox

                            Note:  Some mirror sites don't mirror
                                   the /pub/pkgsrc directory.

                            The above commands will install the
                            Tenex-csh and Bourne Again shells,
                            the Perl programming language, Apache
                            web server, KDE desktop environment
                            and the Firefox web browser as well
                            as all the packages they depend on.

                        o   If you did not install it from the
                            sysinst post-installation configura-
                            tion menu, the pkgsrc(7) framework
                            for compiling packages can be
                            obtained by retrieving the file
                            It is typically extracted into
                            /usr/pkgsrc (though other locations
                            work fine) with the commands:

                                  # cd /usr
                                  # tar -zxpf pkgsrc.tar.gz

                            After extracting, see the
                            doc/pkgsrc.txt file in the extraction
                            directory (e.g.,
                            /usr/pkgsrc/doc/pkgsrc.txt) for more

                   7.   Misc

                        o   Edit /etc/mail/aliases to forward
                            root mail to the right place.  Don't
                            forget to run newaliases(1) after-

                        o   Edit /etc/rc.local to run any local
                            daemons you use.

                        o   Many of the /etc files are documented
                            in section 5 of the manual; so just

                                  # man 5 filename

                            is likely to give you more informa-
                            tion on these files.

                 Upgrading a previously-installed NetBSD System
                   The easiest way to upgrade to NetBSD 9.4 is
                   with binaries, and that is the method docu-
                   mented here.

                   To do the upgrade, you must have one form of
                   boot media available.  You must also have at
                   least the base and kern binary distribution
                   sets available.  Finally, you must have suffi-
                   cient disk space available to install the new
                   binaries.  Since files already installed on
                   the system are overwritten in place, you only
                   need additional free space for files which
                   weren't previously installed or to account for
                   growth of the sets between releases.

                   Since upgrading involves replacing the kernel,
                   boot blocks, and most of the system binaries,
                   it has the potential to cause data loss.  You
                   are strongly advised to back up any important
                   data on the NetBSD partition or on another
                   operating system's partition on your disk
                   before beginning the upgrade process.

                   The upgrade procedure is similar to an instal-
                   lation, but without the hard disk partition-

                   Fetching the binary sets is done in the same
                   manner as the installation procedure; refer to
                   the installation part of the document for
                   help.  File systems are checked before unpack-
                   ing the sets.

                   After a new kernel has been copied to your
                   hard disk, your machine is a complete NetBSD
                   9.4 system.  However, that doesn't mean that
                   you're finished with the upgrade process.  You
                   will probably want to update the set of device
                   nodes you have in /dev.  If you've changed the
                   contents of /dev by hand, you will need to be
                   careful about this, but if not, you can just
                   cd into /dev, and run the command:

                         # sh MAKEDEV all

                   sysinst will attempt to merge the settings
                   stored in your /etc directory with the new
                   version of NetBSD using the postinstall(8)
                   utility.  However, postinstall(8) is only able
                   to deal with changes that are easily auto-
                   mated.  It is recommended that you use the
                   etcupdate(8) tool to merge any remaining con-
                   figuration changes.

                 Compatibility Issues With Previous NetBSD
                   Users upgrading from previous versions of
                   NetBSD may wish to bear the following problems
                   and compatibility issues in mind when upgrad-
                   ing to NetBSD 9.4.

                   Note that sysinst will automatically invoke

                         postinstall fix
                   and thus all issues that are fixed by
                   postinstall by default will be handled.

                   A number of things have been removed from the
                   NetBSD 9.4 release.  See the ``Components
                   removed from NetBSD'' section near the begin-
                   ning of this document for a list.

                 Using online NetBSD documentation
                   Documentation is available if you installed
                   the manual distribution set.  Traditionally,
                   the ``man pages'' (documentation) are denoted
                   by `name(section)'.  Some examples of this are

                         o   intro(1),
                         o   man(1),
                         o   apropos(1),
                         o   passwd(1), and
                         o   passwd(5).

                   The section numbers group the topics into sev-
                   eral categories, but three are of primary
                   interest: user commands are in section 1, file
                   formats are in section 5, and administrative
                   information is in section 8.

                   The man command is used to view the documenta-
                   tion on a topic, and is started by entering
                   man [section] topic.  The brackets [] around
                   the section should not be entered, but rather
                   indicate that the section is optional.  If you
                   don't ask for a particular section, the topic
                   with the lowest numbered section name will be
                   displayed.  For instance, after logging in,

                         # man passwd

                   to read the documentation for passwd(1).  To
                   view the documentation for passwd(5), enter

                         # man 5 passwd


                   If you are unsure of what man page you are
                   looking for, enter

                         # apropos subject-word

                   where subject-word is your topic of interest;
                   a list of possibly related man pages will be

                   If you've got something to say, do so!  We'd
                   like your input.  There are various mailing
                   lists available via the mailing list server at
                   for details.

                   There are various mailing lists set up to deal
                   with comments and questions about this
                   release.  Please send comments to:

                   To report bugs, use the send-pr(1) command
                   shipped with NetBSD, and fill in as much
                   information about the problem as you can.
                   Good bug reports include lots of details.

                   Bugs also can be submitted and queried with
                   the web interface at

                   There are also port-specific mailing lists, to
                   discuss aspects of each port of NetBSD.  Use
                   majordomo to find their addresses, or visit

                   If you're interested in doing a serious amount
                   of work on a specific port, you probably
                   should contact the `owner' of that port
                   (listed below).

                   If you'd like to help with NetBSD, and have an
                   idea as to how you could be useful, send us
                   mail or subscribe to:

                   As a favor, please avoid mailing huge docu-
                   ments or files to these mailing lists.
                   Instead, put the material you would have sent
                   up for FTP or WWW somewhere, then mail the
                   appropriate list about it.  If you'd rather
                   not do that, mail the list saying you'll send
                   the data to those who want it.

                 Thanks go to
                   o   The former members of UCB's Computer Sys-
                       tems Research Group, including (but not
                       limited to):

                             Keith Bostic
                             Ralph Campbell
                             Mike Karels
                             Marshall Kirk McKusick

                       for their work on BSD systems, support,
                       and encouragement.

                   o   The Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. for
                       hosting the NetBSD FTP, CVS, AnonCVS,
                       mail, mail archive, GNATS, SUP, Rsync and
                       WWW servers.

                   o   The Internet Research Institute in Japan
                       for hosting the server which runs the
                       CVSweb interface to the NetBSD source

                   o   The Columbia University Computer Science
                       Department for hosting the build cluster.

                   o   The many organizations that provide NetBSD
                       mirror sites.

                   o   Without CVS, this project would be impos-
                       sible to manage, so our hats go off to
                       Brian Berliner, Jeff Polk, and the various
                       other people who've had a hand in making
                       CVS a useful tool.

                   o   We list the individuals and organizations
                       that have made donations or loans of hard-
                       ware and/or money, to support NetBSD
                       development, and deserve credit for it at
                       (If you're not on that list and should be,
                       tell us!  We probably were not able to get
                       in touch with you, to verify that you
                       wanted to be listed.)

                   o   Finally, we thank all of the people who've
                       put sweat and tears into developing NetBSD
                       since its inception in January, 1993.
                       (Obviously, there are a lot more people
                       who deserve thanks here.  If you're one of
                       them, and would like to be mentioned, tell

                 Legal Mumbo-Jumbo
                   All product names mentioned herein are trade-
                   marks or registered trademarks of their
                   respective owners.

                   The following notices are required to satisfy
                   the license terms of the software that we have
                   mentioned in this document:

                   NetBSD is a registered trademark of The NetBSD
                   Foundation, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the University of California, Berkeley and its
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the NetBSD Foundation.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. and its contribu-
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project.  See
          for information about
                   This product includes cryptographic software
                   written by Eric Young (
                   This product includes cryptographic software
                   written by Eric Young (
                   This product includes software designed by
                   William Allen Simpson.
                   This product includes software developed at
                   Ludd, University of Lulea.
                   This product includes software developed at
                   Ludd, University of Lulea, Sweden and its con-
                   This product includes software developed at
                   the Information Technology Division, US Naval
                   Research Laboratory.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Aaron Brown and Harvard University.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Adam Ciarcinski for the NetBSD project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Adam Glass.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Adam Glass and Charles M.  Hannum.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Alex Zepeda.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Alex Zepeda, and Colin Wood for the NetBSD
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Allen Briggs.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Amancio Hasty and Roger Hardiman
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ben Gray.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Bill Paul.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Boris Popov.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Bruce M. Simpson.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Causality Limited.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Charles Hannum.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Charles M. Hannum.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Charles M. Hannum, by the University of Ver-
                   mont and State Agricultural College and Gar-
                   rett A.  Wollman, by William F. Jolitz, and by
                   the University of California, Berkeley,
                   Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and its contrib-
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Christian E. Hopps.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Christian E. Hopps, Ezra Story, Kari Mettinen,
                   Markus Wild, Lutz Vieweg and Michael Teske.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Christopher G. Demetriou.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Christopher G. Demetriou for the NetBSD
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Chuck Silvers.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Cisco Systems, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Colin Wood.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Colin Wood for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Computing Services at Carnegie Mellon Univer-
                   sity (
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Daan Vreeken.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Daishi Kato
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Daniel Widenfalk and Michael L. Hitch.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Daniel Widenfalk for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   David Jones and Gordon Ross
                   This product includes software developed by
                   David Miller.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Dean Huxley.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Emmanuel Dreyfus
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Eric S. Hvozda.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Eric S. Raymond
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Eric Young (
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Eric Young (
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ezra Story.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ezra Story and by Kari Mettinen.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen and by Bernd
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen, and Michael
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ezra Story, by Kari Mettinen, Michael Teske
                   and by Bernd Ernesti.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Frank van der Linden for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Gardner Buchanan.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Garrett D'Amore.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Gary Thomas.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Gordon Ross
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Harvard University.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Harvard University and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Hellmuth Michaelis and Joerg Wunsch
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Henrik Vestergaard Draboel.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Herb Peyerl.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Hidetoshi Shimokawa.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Hubert Feyrer for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ian W. Dall.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Intel Corporation and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Internet Research Institute, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   James R. Maynard III.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jared D. McNeill.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jason L. Wright
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jason R. Thorpe for And Communications,
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Joachim Koenig-Baltes.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jochen Pohl for The NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Joerg Wunsch
                   This product includes software developed by
                   John Birrell.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   John P. Wittkoski.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   John Polstra.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jonathan R. Stone for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jonathan Stone.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jonathan Stone and Jason R. Thorpe for the
                   NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Jonathan Stone for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Julian Highfield.
                   This product includes software developed by K.
                   This product includes software developed by K.
                   Kobayashi and H. Shimokawa
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Kazuhisa Shimizu.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Kazuki Sakamoto.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Kenneth Stailey.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Kiyoshi Ikehara.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Klaus Burkert,by Bernd Ernesti, by Michael van
                   Elst, and by the University of California,
                   Berkeley and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Kyma Systems.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Leo Weppelman and Waldi Ravens.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Lloyd Parkes.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Lutz Vieweg.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Marc Horowitz.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Marcus Comstedt.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Mark Brinicombe.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Mark Brinicombe for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Mark Tinguely and Jim Lowe
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Markus Wild.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Marshall M. Midden.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Masanobu Saitoh.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Masaru Oki.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Matt DeBergalis
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Matthew Fredette.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Michael Smith.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Mika Kortelainen
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Mike Pritchard.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Mike Pritchard and contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Minoura Makoto.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   MINOURA Makoto, Takuya Harakawa.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Niels Provos.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Niklas Hallqvist.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Niklas Hallqvist, Brandon Creighton and Job de
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Paolo Abeni.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Paul Kranenburg.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Paul Mackerras.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Paul Mackerras <>.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Pedro Roque Marques <>
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Per Fogelstrom.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Peter Galbavy.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Phase One, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Philip A. Nelson.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   QUALCOMM Incorporated.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Roar Thronaes.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Rodney W. Grimes.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Roger Hardiman
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Rolf Grossmann.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ross Harvey.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Ross Harvey for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Scott Bartram.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Scott Stevens.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Shingo WATANABE.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Softweyr LLC, the University of California,
                   Berkeley, and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Stephan Thesing.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Steven M. Bellovin
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Takashi Hamada.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Takumi Nakamura.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Tatoku Ogaito for the NetBSD Project.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Tommi Komulainen <>.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   TooLs GmbH.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Trimble Navigation, Ltd.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Waldi Ravens.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   WIDE Project and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Winning Strategies, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Yasushi Yamasaki
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Yen Yen Lim and North Dakota State University
                   This product includes software developed by
                   Zembu Labs, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the Alice Group.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the Computer Systems Engineering Group at
                   Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the Computer Systems Laboratory at the Univer-
                   sity of Utah.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the Harvard University and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan and its con-
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the Network Research Group at Lawrence Berke-
                   ley Laboratory.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL
                   Toolkit. (
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the PocketBSD project and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the RiscBSD kernel team
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the RiscBSD team.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the SMCC Technology Development Group at Sun
                   Microsystems, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the University of California, Lawrence Berke-
                   ley Laboratories.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the University of California, Lawrence Berke-
                   ley Laboratory.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the University of California, Lawrence Berke-
                   ley Laboratory and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the University of Vermont and State Agricul-
                   tural College and Garrett A. Wollman.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the University of Vermont and State Agricul-
                   tural College and Garrett A. Wollman, by
                   William F.  Jolitz, and by the University of
                   California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Labo-
                   ratory, and its contributors.
                   This product includes software developed by
                   the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the FreeBSD project
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Allegro Networks, Inc.,
                   and Wasabi Systems, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Bernd Ernesti.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Christopher G.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Eiji Kawauchi.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Frank van der Linden
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Genetec Corporation.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Jason R. Thorpe.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by John M. Vinopal.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Jonathan Stone.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Kyma Systems LLC.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Matthias Drochner.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Perry E. Metzger.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Piermont Information
                   Systems Inc.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Shigeyuki Fukushima.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by SUNET, Swedish Univer-
                   sity Computer Network.
                   This product includes software developed for
                   the NetBSD Project by Wasabi Systems, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed or
                   owned by Caldera International, Inc.
                   This product includes software developed under
                   OpenBSD by Per Fogelstrom.
                   This product includes software developed under
                   OpenBSD by Per Fogelstrom Opsycon AB for RTMX
                   Inc, North Carolina, USA.
                   This software was developed by Holger Veit and
                   Brian Moore for use with "386BSD" and similar
                   operating systems.  "Similar operating sys-
                   tems" includes mainly non-profit oriented sys-
                   tems for research and education, including but
                   not restricted to "NetBSD", "FreeBSD", "Mach"
                   (by CMU).
                   The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
                   Engineers and The Open Group, have given us
                   permission to reprint portions of their

                   In the following statement, the phrase ``this
                   text'' refers to portions of the system

                   Portions of this text are reprinted and
                   reproduced in electronic form in NetBSD, from
                   IEEE Std 1003.1, 2004 Edition, Standard for
                   Information Technology -- Portable Operating
                   System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base
                   Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C)
                   2001-2004 by the Institute of Electrical and
                   Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group.
                   In the event of any discrepancy between these
                   versions and the original IEEE and The Open
                   Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open
                   Group Standard is the referee document.

                   The original Standard can be obtained online

                   This notice shall appear on any product
                   containing this material.

                   In the following statement, "This software"
                   refers to the parallel port driver:
                         This software is a component of "386BSD"
                         developed by William F. Jolitz, Tele-

                   Some files have the following copyright:
                         Mach Operating System
                         Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989 Carnegie
                         Mellon University
                         All Rights Reserved.

                         Permission to use, copy, modify and dis-
                         tribute this software and its documenta-
                         tion is hereby granted, provided that
                         both the copyright notice and this per-
                         mission notice appear in all copies of
                         the software, derivative works or modi-
                         fied versions, and any portions thereof,
                         and that both notices appear in support-
                         ing documentation.

                         SOFTWARE IN ITS CONDITION.  CARNEGIE
                         ING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.

                         Carnegie Mellon requests users of this
                         software to return to
                         Software Distribution Coordinator  or
                         School of Computer Science
                         Carnegie Mellon University
                         Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

                         any improvements or extensions that they
                         make and grant Carnegie the rights to
                         redistribute these changes.

                   Some files have the following copyright:
                         Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Carnegie-Mellon
                         All rights reserved.

                         Author: Chris G. Demetriou

                         Permission to use, copy, modify and dis-
                         tribute this software and its documenta-
                         tion is hereby granted, provided that
                         both the copyright notice and this per-
                         mission notice appear in all copies of
                         the software, derivative works or modi-
                         fied versions, and any portions thereof,
                         and that both notices appear in support-
                         ing documentation.
                         SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" CONDITION.

                         Carnegie Mellon requests users of this
                         software to return to
                         Software Distribution Coordinator  or
                         School of Computer Science
                         Carnegie Mellon University
                         Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890

                         any improvements or extensions that they
                         make and grant Carnegie the rights to
                         redistribute these changes.

                   Some files have the following copyright:
                         Copyright 1996 The Board of Trustees of
                         The Leland Stanford Junior University.
                         All Rights Reserved.

                         Permission to use, copy, modify, and
                         distribute this software and its docu-
                         mentation for any purpose and without
                         fee is hereby granted, provided that the
                         above copyright notice appear in all
                         copies.  Stanford University makes no
                         representations about the suitability of
                         this software for any purpose.  It is
                         provided "as is" without express or
                         implied warranty.

                 The End
NetBSD/ofppc 9.4                 Apr 20, 2024                 NetBSD/ofppc 9.4