Released sometime around December 1, 1997. Copyright 1997, Theo de Raadt. All applicable copyrights and credits can be found in the applicable file sources found in the files src.tar.gz and srcsys.tar.gz. XXX XXX If there are bugs found in this release, workaround information XXX can be found at XXX Following this are the instructions if you had purchased a CDROM set from, instead of attempting to do an alternate form of install. The instructions for doing an ftp (or other style of) install are very similar; the CDROM instructions are left intact so that you can see how much easier it would have been if you had purchased a CDROM instead. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to the following files on the two CDROM's for extensive details on how to install OpenBSD 2.2 on your machine: CD1:2.2/i386/INSTALL.i386 CD1:2.2/arc/INSTALL.arc CD1:2.2/mac68k/INSTALL.mac68k CD1:2.2/pmax/INSTALL.pmax CD1:2.2/sparc/INSTALL.sparc CD1:2.2/mvme68k/INSTALL.mvme68k CD2:2.2/amiga/INSTALL.amiga CD2:2.2/hp300/INSTALL.hp300 CD2:2.2/alpha/INSTALL.alpha ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick installer information for people familiar with OpenBSD, and the use of the new "disklabel -E" command. If you are at all confused when installing OpenBSD, read the relevant INSTALL.* file as listed above! i386: Play with your BIOS options, and see if you can enable booting off a CD; try using CD1. If not, write CD1:2.2/i386/floppy22.fs to a floppy, then boot that. If you are mixing OpenBSD with another operating system, you will surely need to read the INSTALL.i386 document. ARC: Using CD1, tell the BOOT ROM to load the file CD1:\2.2\arc\bsd.rd. If that does not work, create a MSDOS filesystem using your vendor's arc setup program, copy CD1:2.2/arc/bsd.rd to there and attempt to boot it. SPARC: To boot off CD1, type "boot cdrom 2.2/sparc/bsd.rd", or "b sd(0,6,0)2.2/sparc/bsd.rd" depending on your ROM version. Alternatively, write CD1:2.2/sparc/floppy22.fs to a floppy and boot it using "boot fd()" or "boot floppy" depending on your ROM version. Finally, a third alternative is to write CD1:2.2/sparc/kc.fs and CD1:2.2/sparc/inst.fs to two seperate floppies. Then insert "kc.fs", and boot as described above. As soon as the floppy drive ejects a floppy, insert "inst.fs". Answer a bunch of questions. Reboot from the "kc.fs" floppy. This time, when the floppy is ejected simply re-insert "kc.fs" again and answer a different set of questions. PMAX: Write the simpleroot22.fs onto the start of the disk using dd on another machine. After moving the disk drive, use "boot -f rz(0,0,0)/bsd" (2100/3100) or "boot 5/rz0a/bsd" (5000). Alternatively, install via network as described in detail in INSTALL.pmax. AMIGA: Create BSD partitions according to INSTALL.amiga's preparation section. Mount the CD2 under AmigaOS as device CD0: Next, execute the following CLI command: "CD0:2.2/amiga/utils/loadbsd CD0:2.2/amiga/bsd.rd". HP300: You can boot over the network by following the instructions in INSTALL.hp300. ALPHA: Your alpha must use SRM firmware (not ARC). If you have a CDROM, you can try "boot -fi 2.2/alpha/bsd.rd dkaX" (use "show device" to find your CDROM drive identifier). Otherwise, write CD2:2.2/alpha/floppy.fs to a floppy and boot that by typing "boot dva0". If this fails, you can place bsd.rd on some other device and boot it, or use the provided simpleroot. MAC68K: Boot MacOS as normal and partition your disk with the appropriate A/UX configurations. Then, extract the Macside utilities from CD1:2.2/mac68k/utils onto your hard disk. Run Mkfs to create your filesystems on the A/UX partitions you just made. Then, use the BSD/Mac68k Installer to copy all the sets in CD1:2.2/mac68k/ onto your partitions. Finally, you will be ready to configure the BSD/Mac68k Booter with the location of your kernel and boot the system. MVME68K: Theo has no real idea. In the rush to get everything else done, the install stuff for the mvme68k was never completed. Enough pieces are included so that a really skilled person could find a way to install it; perhaps using netbooting. Good luck! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Further Notes: To make a floppy under MS-DOS, use /2.2/tools/rawrite.exe. Under Unix, use "dd if=<file> of=/dev/<device> bs=32k" (where device could be "floppy" or "rfd0c" or "rfd0a"). Use properly formatted perfect floppies with NO BAD BLOCKS or you will lose. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTES ABOUT THE SOURCE CODE: src.tar.gz contains a source archive starting at /usr/src. This file contains everything you need except for the kernel sources, which are in a seperate archive. To extract: # mkdir -p /usr/src # cd /usr/src # tar xvfz /tmp/src.tar.gz srcsys.tar.gz contains a source archive starting at /usr/src/sys. This file contains all the kernel sources you need to rebuild kernels. To extract: # mkdir -p /usr/src/sys # cd /usr/src/sys # tar xvfz /tmp/srcsys.tar.gz Both of these trees are a regular CVS checkout. Using these trees it is possible to get a head-start on using the anoncvs servers as described at Using these files results in a much faster initial CVS update than you could expect from a fresh checkout of the full OpenBSD source tree. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PORTS TREE A ports tree archive is also provided. To extract: # cd /usr # tar xvfz /tmp/ports.tar.gz # cd ports # ls ... The ports/ subdirectory is a checkout of the OpenBSD ports tree. Go read if you know nothing about ports at this point. This text is not a manual of how to use ports. Rather, it is a set of notes meant to kickstart the user on the OpenBSD ports system. Certainly, the OpenBSD ports system is not complete. This is because the full integration of ports into the OpenBSD environment is a very young project as of this release. We believe the ports that are provided here are stable, but it is most important to realize that ports will continue to grow a great deal in functionallity in the future. As we said, ports will be growing a lot in the future. The ports/ directory represents a CVS (see the manpage for cvs(1) if you aren't familiar with CVS) checkout of our ports. As with our complete source tree, we will soon be making ports available via anoncvs. So, in order to keep current with the, you must make the ports/ tree available on a read-write medium and update the tree with a command like: # cd [portsdir]/; cvs -d update -PAd [Of course, you must replace the local directory and server name here with the location of your ports collection and a nearby anoncvs server.] Again, it's important to see the webpage for specific instructions as this is a very new service which hasn't yet been ironed out completely. Finally, despite ports' youth, help is never far. If you're interested in seeing a port added, would like to help out, or just would like to know more, the mailing list is a good place to know.