Quick Install Instructions If there are bugs found in this CD release, workaround information can be found at http://www.OpenBSD.org/errata.html Please refer to the following files on the three CDROM's for extensive details on how to install OpenBSD 3.4 on your machine: CD1:3.4/i386/INSTALL.i386 CD2:3.4/macppc/INSTALL.macppc CD2:3.4/vax/INSTALL.vax CD3:3.4/sparc/INSTALL.sparc CD3:3.4/sparc64/INSTALL.sparc64 Other architectures are available on the FTP site, due to not fitting onto the 3 CDs we are able to provide. Quick installer information for people familiar with OpenBSD, and the use of the "disklabel -E" command. If you are at all confused when installing OpenBSD, read the relevant INSTALL.* file as listed above! i386: Play with your BIOS options, and see if you can enable booting from CD1. Many older PCs have ROM bugs with CD booting. If CD booting fails, write CD1:3.4/i386/floppy34.fs to a floppy, then boot that. Use floppyB34.fs instead for greater scsi controller support, or floppyC34.fs for better laptop support. If you are mixing OpenBSD with another operating system, you will want to read the INSTALL.i386 document. If you have problems with pcibios, use "> boot -c" and then "UKC> disable pcibios", and following the install read the pcibios(8) manual page. MACPPC: Use CD2. At poweron, hold down the 'c' key until the display turns on and shows "OpenBSD/macppc Boot". Or at the Open Firmware prompt type "boot cd:,ofwboot /3.4/macppc/bsd.rd" VAX: Please refer to the INSTALL.vax file. SPARC: To boot off CD3, type "boot cdrom 3.4/sparc/bsd.rd", or "b sd(0,6,0)3.4/sparc/bsd.rd" depending on your ROM version. Alternatively, write CD3:3.4/sparc/floppy34.fs to a floppy and boot using "boot fd()" or "boot floppy" depending on your ROM version. On machines using the Forth prom, you must use new mode. SPARC64: To boot off CD3, type "boot cdrom". Otherwise, write CD3:3.4/sparc64/floppy34.fs to a floppy and boot it using "boot floppy" or write CD3:3.4/sparc64/miniroot34.fs to the swap partition on the disk and use the PROM to boot from that partition using "boot disk:b". CD 2 track 2 is an audio track entitled "The Legend of Puffy Hood". Music, Co-arrangement, Recording, Mixing, Drum Programming, Bass, Organ, and Violin by Jonathan Lewis. Co-Arrangement, Lyrics, and Main Vocals by Ty Semaka. Back-vocals by Bob Beck, Calvin Beck, Theo de Raadt, Alan Kolodziejzyk, Jonathan Lewis & Peter Valchev. Source Code Use CD#3 contains src.tar.gz. Using this tree it is possible to get a head-start on using the anoncvs servers as described at http://www.OpenBSD.org/anoncvs.html. Using these files results in a much faster initial CVS update than you could expect from a fresh checkout of the full OpenBSD source tree. There are two ways of using the CD: Copy the tree off it, (assuming the CD is mounted on /mnt): # cd /usr/src # tar xvfz /mnt/src.tar.gz After this, /usr/src will be a checkout area where all cvs(1) commands will work OK. Refer to http://www.OpenBSD.org/anoncvs.html for more details. CD#3 also contains the following: Changelogs/ This is all of the CVS commit logs we have generated while working on the project. ports.tar.gz Our ports tree. Refer to CD3:/PORTS XF4.tar.gz A CVS checkout of our version of the XFree86 source tree. Important man pages to read are config(8) and options(4), which will describe in detail how kernels are built. Further Notes: To make a floppy under MS-DOS, use CD1:/3.4/tools/rawrite.exe. Under Unix, use "dd if=<file> of=/dev/<device> bs=32k" (where device could be "floppy" or "rfd0c" or "rfd0a"). To write a floppy under NT, use CD1:/3.4/tools/ntrw.exe instead. Use properly formatted perfect floppies with NO BAD BLOCKS or you will lose. Installing Packages The OpenBSD CD-ROM ships with several applications pre-built forvarious hardware architectures. We call these things packages. The number of applications vary according to available disk space. Check the directory 3.4/packages/<arch> to see which packages are available for your hardware architecture. To install one or more of these packages you must 1) become the superuser (root) 2) mount the appropriate CD-ROM 3) use the ``pkg_add'' command to install the software Example (in which we use su(1) to get superuser privileges, thus you have to be in group "wheel", see the manual page for su(1)). $ su Password: <enter your root password> # mkdir -p /cdrom # mount /dev/cd0a /cdrom # cd /cdrom/3.4/packages/<arch> # pkg_add -v <package-name> # <add more packages if desired> # umount /cdrom Your hardware architecture can be determined by issuing the command ``arch''. The response will be something like ``OpenBSD.sparc''. ``sparc'' is the architecture. The various m68k architectures share packages. Package names are usually the application name and version with .tgz appended, e.g. emacs-20.3.tgz. Some packages -- pgp for example -- can not be placed on the CD-ROM due to patent or other restrictions. To obtain such packages use the command: # pkg_add -v ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/3.4/packages/<arch>/<package-name> or # ftp ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/3.4/packages/i386 250 CWD command successful ftp> ls m* 227 Entering Passive Mode (129,128,5,191,164,73) 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for m*. m4-1.4.tgz magicpoint-1.05a.tgz malsync-1.6.tgz mawk-1.3.3.tgz metamail-2.7.tgz mgdiff-1.0.tgz micq-0.4.5.tgz mirror-2.9.tgz ... 226 Transfer complete. ftp> get m4-1.4.tgz "|pkg_add -v -" File System Layout The following are suggested sub-tree sizes for a full system install. The numbers include enough extra space to permit you to run a typical home system that is connected to the internet: SYSTEM / /usr /var /usr/X11R6 alpha 40MB 250MB 25MB 100MB i386 40MB 200MB 25MB 140MB macppc 50MB 200MB 25MB 140MB sparc 50MB 200MB 25MB 120MB sparc64 50MB 200MB 25MB 100MB vax 65MB 125MB 25MB 120MB When you are in the disklabel editor, you may choose to make your entire system have just an 'a' and 'b' partition. The 'a' partition you set up in disklabel will become your root partition, which should be the sum of all the 3 main values above (/, /usr, and /var) plus some space for /tmp. The 'b' partition you set up automatically becomes your system swap partition -- we recommend a minimum of 32MB but if you have disk to spare make it at least 64MB. However, we recommend you use many seperate partitions so that users cannot fill up your important partitions as easily, thus causing nasty denial of service problems. If you are extra cautious, you will make at least the following seperate partitions: / swap /usr /var /tmp /home. OpenBSD is free software You can do with it as you like, subject to very few conditions (described at www.OpenBSD.org/policy.html). But free software isn't written without money. Network links, hardware costs, release engineering and testing work; all these things take money and significant effort on the part of those who have made this what it is. Please reward the developers who have made OpenBSD what it is, YOU can donate funds or hardware to get your name listed on our Donations page www.OpenBSD.org/donations.html. Contact Theo de Raadt or send a donation cheque in Canadian or US funds to: OpenBSD 812 - 23rd Ave SE Calgary, Alberta Canada T2G 1N8 (Make the cheque out to "Theo de Raadt": cheques made out to "OpenBSD" cannot be cashed) No major funding or cost-sharing of the project comes from any company or educational institution. Theo works full-time on improving OpenBSD and paying bills, many other developers expend spend significant quantities of time as well. Ongoing operating funds for the project are generated by sales of CDs, tshirts, and posters, so if you like yours, please buy one for a friend. Please be generous, and OpenBSD will keep making a release every 6 months. This is our 14th release on CDROM, and we certainly hope we can continue! - Thanks to everyone who has purchased an OpenBSD CD-ROM.