This is the archive holding almost all old messages from the Blake's 7 mailing list (send mail to to join). The reason that it isn't all messages is that some of them sometimes ends up in the bit bucket when our disks become full. The only solution to that problem would be a dedicated disk for the B7 files. If you wish to give us one, we can use anything that uses SCSI or SMD interfaces and is small enough for one person to lift. The files in the 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 subdirectories are compressed using GNU zip. If you can't uncompress them at your site, our FTP server can do it for you. Just omit the ".gz" suffix when you get the file. A large portion of the 1995 archive (roughly august, september and october) is missing due to a serious disk crash. Some of that can be found in digest form in directory pub/blake7/digest, but the period from July 16 to September 10 is lost unless someone somewhere has kept a private archive. As of 1 Feb 1996 this archive is closed. All the old files will still be here, but new postings to the list are archived in digest form in the subdirectory /pub/blake7/digest