From: Subject: blakes7-d Digest V98 #77 X-Loop: X-Mailing-List: archive/volume98/77 Precedence: list MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" To: Reply-To: ------------------------------ Content-Type: text/plain blakes7-d Digest Volume 98 : Issue 77 Today's Topics: Re: [B7L] What is going on here? [B7L] Re: worst first lines [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon Calling London [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon Calling London [B7L] re: ??????? [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon calling London [B7L] Video tapes [B7L] re:Decisions, Decisions [B7L] theory [B7L] Re: b7spin: depression Re: [B7L] Video tapes Re: [B7L] re: ??????? Re: [B7L] Re: worst first lines Re: [B7L] theory Re: [B7L] Re: b7spin: depression Re: [B7L] re:Decisions, Decisions Re: [B7L] unwanted message Re: [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon Calling London Re: [B7L] B7 and Dad's Army Re: [B7L] video tapes [B7L]Decisions, decisions Re: [B7L]Decisions, decisions ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 10:58:53 EST From: ShilLance To: Subject: Re: [B7L] What is going on here? Message-ID: <> Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit In a message dated 98-03-06 16:40:00 EST, you write: << > From: G. Robbins > > Why am I getting all of these empty messages from > mailed to this list? Am I the only one > getting this or is everybody having the same problem? I opened up my > email and it said I had 55 new messages, and I just checked them last > night. For a second there, I thought that I had become a very popular > person overnight!! > > WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?? > > Just to let you know that I am experiencing exactly the same thing. Two hours ago I received 6 of these blank messages and just now I logged on and received a further 28! Can anything be done to stop anymore of these messages? Cheers, (from someone who is usually a lurker!), Val. >> I'm getting the same stuff as well!!!!!! Gwynn ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 17:23:17 -0000 From: "Dangermouse" To: Subject: [B7L] Re: worst first lines Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Avon: So tell me about the Shadow bars Tarrant: OK, what do you want to know? Avon: Shadow's legal there, right? Tarrant: Well, it's legal, but it ain't 100 % legal etc. (alternatively, based on Man Of Iron) Avon: We should have shotguns for this kind of deal... ------------------ Tarrant rushed straight through the flight deck and off to his cabin. 'Whats up with him?' Vila asked. Dayna shook her head wearily. 'Just because someone at the disco told him afros were as dead as corduroy....' ------------------ Blake's 7 Episode V, The Federation Strikes Back It is a dark time for the Rebels. Although Star One has been destroyed, Federation troops have driven the rebels from the Liberator and pursued them across the galaxy. Evading the dreaded Federation Space Command, a small group of freedom fighters led by Kerr Avon has established a new secret base of the remote world of Xenon. The evil Servalan, now posing as Commissioner Sleer, has despatched thousands of Mutoids into the far reaches of space... ------------------- Blake: Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Gan: I think so, Blake, but where will we get 500 blow-up dolls of Peter Mandelson? ----------------- "Previously, on Star Trek: Voyager..." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 17:32:14 +0000 From: Jackie To: Subject: [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon Calling London Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jenni-Alison wrote: > > Lindley asked: > > > And what represents the Fallen > > Madonna with the Big Boobies? > > How about The Liberator with the big Nacelles? > > Jenni BRILLIANT! wish I`d thought of it! But..... how do you hide that in a knockwest sausage??? Bye Jackie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 17:32:04 +0000 From: Jackie To: Subject: [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon Calling London Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Taylor, Steve [MIS] wrote: > > Lost track of the names > > ->>Lizzen verree carefullee, I shall zay zis only vonce. WHERE IS AVON?!! > -> > ->Oops! How could forget him? > -> > > ->The primary role of stud in black > ->leather has been given to Servalan > ->already. I guess Avon could be > ->Bobby Cedric "Englebert" > ->Von Smallhausen. Black leather, > ->icy demeanour and wooden acting > ->all accounting for... > -> > > No - Avon is Yvette (actually its more the thought of her in black > leather....) - cunning, manipulative, always gets what she wants:-) > > Steve T > > PS anyone want to start a Dad's Army cross-over! - I would but I'm not that > good at this sort of thing! Jackie wails - But Dad`s Army is full of OLD men, and I do not remember any females of any age in it! The only sugestion I can make is Capt Mainwaring is Blake, but that is too obvious. The only "baddie" that I can recall is the air-raid warden, so he would have to be either Servalan or Travis. Bye Jackie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 17:32:33 +0000 From: Jackie To: Subject: [B7L] re: ??????? Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit wrote: I`m also getting these *funny* non messages. Is it likely that someone is: a) Having trouble with their machine. b) Having trouble with their server. c) Taking the mickie d) is one of the 53 trying to send an SOS, but is out of range. e) It`s Orac giving us precise instructions on how much we need to have in order to win the auction at Domo, but due to our primitive hardware, we`re not getting the message. f) or does Calle need to kick the machinery (always a good way of stopping hiccups!!) Bye Jackie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 17:31:48 +0000 From: Jackie To: Subject: [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon calling London Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Ophelia wrote: > > Phillipe is enjoying his > new bicycle. > Got that? Good. We can proceed.. > > First, an update on the war: > > "All the rebels want to do is shoot > Federation guards. This of course > makes the Federation guards very > cross, and they shoot Resistance > members. By the time the > Andromedans arrive, there will be > no one left..." > > I did not pick 'Allo 'Allo entirely because > of the studs in black leather. There are > definite similarities. A daring band of > rebels (the two Resistance groups) > struggling against a rather interesting > colonial power (the Germans), while the > ordinary people, both the oppressed and > the military, really couldn't give a damn > and just want a peaceful life. ("Rene, > you have to stop meeting those naughty > Resistance people. Then I will try not to > arrest two many Frenchmen, and we can > all lead a quiet life.") There is the sharp > definition between the power-hungry > baddies (the Gestapo) and the ordinary, > nice military (the ordinary German soldiers.) > And there are some *very* interesting > methods of interrogation and torture. > > ("Helga, if you do not answer my questions, > you will have no pudding. And ve are > having jam roly-poly." > "Oh, Herr Flick, you are a ruthless man!) The byplay between Helga and Herr Flick was absolutely priceless. If I had to name a favourite charactor in this comedy, Herr Flick would get my vote (only just ahead of Rene) > And, of course, all wimmin under forty > are referred to as girls... > > [Jackie]: > > >Lizzen verree carefullee, I shall zay zis only vonce. WHERE IS AVON?!! > > Oops! How could forget him? > > The primary role of stud in black > leather has been given to Servalan > already. I guess Avon could be > Bobby Cedric "Englebert" > Von Smallhausen. Black leather, > icy demeanour and wooden acting > all accounting for... > > M. Alfonse? They both tend towards > funereal black.. > > But, really, Avon should be Rene (I > wasn't happy with casting Gan in > the role. Gan would be better as Hans.) > After all, Rene was conscripted into > the Resistance against his will, when all > he really wanted to do was make lots of > money from the German oppressors... > And, he's irresistable to wimmin and some > men, (altho why he would prefer Yvette > over both Maria and Gruber is beyond me.) > So the Avon droolers will be happy. > > >Who are you having as the Italian officer (Wotta mistaka to maka!!) (I > >suggest Carnell) > > Carnell as Bertrolli is an excellent > idea. But wouldn't that make Servalan > Edith? > > >What about the German officer "wiz my little tank"? > > Not guilty! The incredibly camp and > sweet-natured Lt. Hubert Gruber was > one of my suggestions for Vila (along) > with Hans - because they both tend to > apologize after shooting people. Also, > Gruber is a somewhat neutral party who > just wants to have his cognac, get along > with people, and maybe have some wild > sex with Rene. (Yeah, so I'm an A/V > fan. Didn't influence my casting in the > least. I apologise here. I have`nt seen the show in such a long time, that I had forgotton thet Gruber was the camp German "wiz my little tank". I had confused the name Gruber with the little German who ended up being takent to England in a botched British Airman rescue attempt. I loved Gruber`s attempts to get Rene into his room at the Chateaux. And (if I`m remembering correctly) Grubers absolute delight at finding Rene in his room one night - Rene had come in through a secret passage with (leading?)the the resistance. The secret passageway`s entrance was in Gruber`s bedroom. Rene`s horror, and Grubers delight was hilarious!! > > And we who harbour desires for our > thief can take heart - it was actually > a rather large tank. > > I used to wish Gruber would forget Rene > and settle down with one of those nice > German boys who used to gaze into his > eyes when he sang. I didn't expect him > to marry Helga, as he did... Any good > Vila/Soolin stories around? I must have missed that bit. Camp Gruber marrying Helga?? How come?? > > >And you forgot `er indoors - You stupid woman! :-> > > Which one? Edith or Fanny? > Edith's portrayal always bothered me, > it was highly misogynous, and I can't think > of an equivalent. And Fanny is a goddess > in her own right and does not need > recasting. :) > I was actually thinking of Edith. In my perverted thinking I think she should be Jenna (altho this would make Blake= Rene). Always the eternal triangle. Jenna catches Blake in close proximty with another female rebel, and you get the classic "You stupid Woman" speech. Fanny, as you say, does not need reasting. But I find just a touch of Blake in her. There she is doing her own thing, and Rene & Edith (Avon & Vila) barge into her room without so much as a Bye Your Leave set up the radio (orac? I`m stretching it a bit here) to do their own thing (the gambling scene in Gambit!) quite oblivious to the requirements of the old lady. > >Guud moaning! > > Aaargh! Travis, of course. > > >Even the British airmen were not recast! (I suggest Egrorian and Pinder) > > Brilliant casting! Egorian, being the > eldest, would be Fairfax, with Pinder > as Carstairs. > > Maybe you could help me with a few more > spare characters... Edith, Maria, Yvette, > Lisa, the other LeClerc brother... > 'Allo 'Allo had an incredibly large regular > cast. > And what represents the Fallen > Madonna with the Big Boobies? Servalan? (sorry,sorry,sorry,sorry! just couldn`t resist that!) > >Jackie > >I just loved this show, - every one had their own catch-phrase. > > "I see flashing knobs!" > > >"the pill is in the till, and the gateaux is at the chateaux!" > > To which I reply: > > "So, somebody must have substituted > ze forged painting in the Gestapo > sausage for ze real painting in the Gestapo > sausage when ze sausage was in ze cafe. > Or, ze Resistance substituted ze forged > painting for ze real painting in ze Gestapo > sausage when they stole ze sausage. Or > you, Herr Gruber, wiz your vell known leaning > towards art, have substituted ze forged > painting for ze real painting when your leetle > dog returned the sausage to your quarters, > cleverly mincing ze sausage to remove all > traces of mein little swastika which I had > placed on the side of it, so now I vill never > know if it was ze Gestapo sausage or just > any old sausage!" > > It was a *very* complicated show. Bye Jackie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 17:48:33 GMT From: To: Subject: [B7L] Video tapes Message-Id: <> Jay asked about the video tapes: "How much are they? This might call for a quick phone call to Mum to nip down to Woolies for me." Ten pound ninety nine pence each. cheers Steve Rogerson Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention 26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent "The workers united will never be ignited" Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 17:45:49 +0000 From: Jackie To: Subject: [B7L] re:Decisions, Decisions Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Mary W O'Connor wrote: > > > Right, it's decision time! > > > > I have to figure out what I'm doing on the last weekend in March, and I > > think you lot can help. Really it's a question of how long to spend at > > deliverance: the convention fees are OK, but the hotel rate starts to > > mount up. > > They sure do, but it is important to be on site. > > >At the moment, attending on Saturday and Sunday, staying in the > > hotel Saturday night, looks pretty affordable. If I were to stretch my > > budget a bit, what would be the best investment? Friday evening - Sunday > > evening or Saturday afternoon - Monday morning? > > > > I've never been to a con before, so I'm in the dark a bit here. I'm > > imagining something like an astronomy conference, but with fewer lectures > > and better dress sense. > > Your are going to have fun! > You are going to be sorry you didn't go to the whole thing. > Take a camera. I am hoping to get pictures of as many people from this > list as I can. The trick will be to remember names and faces. :-) > > Remember to talk to strangers. > > Look for me in one of my costumes, Jenna - Bounty, Cally - Redemption, > Servalan - Project Avalon, Avon - Terminal or Horizon. > > Remember, you are going to have fun! You are too Late. The main Convention Hotel has been fully booked up since before christmas. At least that is what I was told by Diane Gies in January, when I enquired whether I could have 2 rooms (one for the kids, and one for hubby and me). Bye Jackie ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 08:16:08 -0800 From: Pat Patera To: Subject: [B7L] theory Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Fran Myers wrote: > I have a theory! Someone is trying to join but they are putting the > "request" in the address instead of the subject line. I think it is a devious Federation plot, no doubt devised by Servalan, to overwhelm the rebel communications system with pointless messages so that they become discouraged and give up the good fight. Pat P Frantically poking that delete key PS When we find this perpetrator, we shall we shall bend her busy fingers backwards; we shall pull her eyeballs out by the stalks; we shall make her listen to endless streams of Vila's jokes... ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 08:19:38 -0800 From: Pat Patera To: Subject: [B7L] Re: b7spin: depression Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Fran Myers wrote: > is there a message here? does b7 appeal to depressives because it is a > series always doomed to failure? Or does watching Blakes7 over and over and over make one into a depressive? Most all those excellent rebels should have been outstanding in their field (not out standing in a chalk pit) :^D Pining Pat P Who, with such mental and physical gifts as she possesses, should surely rule the world by now. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 20:05:05 -0000 From: Alison Page To: Lysator Subject: Re: [B7L] Video tapes Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Steve - > Jay asked about the video tapes: "How much are they? This > might call for a quick phone call to Mum to nip down to > Woolies for me." > > Ten pound ninety nine pence each. I was in WHSmith today, and they are that price there too. *And* 'The Way Back/ Space Fall' is number nine in their video charts.. which I find pretty impressive, for a twenty year old TV show. You know, combining that info with Judith's comments on how many tapes the BBC sold it sounds like there are still plenty of true believers out there, at least in the UK Alison ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 14:36:58 -0600 From: Lisa Williams To: Subject: Re: [B7L] re: ??????? Message-Id: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Jackie wrote: >Is it likely that someone is: > >a) Having trouble with their machine. >b) Having trouble with their server. Either of those, probably (b). I've seen this happen before; I think it happens under some circumstances when a server in a badly screwed-up state is trying to bounce messages. It usually stops once someone figures out what's going on, which seems to be the case here. (At least I haven't seen any more blanks since around midday yesterday.) - Lisa _____________________________________________________________ Lisa Williams: or Lisa's Video Frame Capture Library: New Riders of the Golden Age: ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 13:00:47 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker To: Dangermouse CC: Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: worst first lines Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > "Previously, on Star Trek: Voyager..." This is DEFINITELY a worst first line, for anything, B7 related, or not. :^) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 13:06:12 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker To: Subject: Re: [B7L] theory Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Continuing theories on why all the blank messages: Zen is trying to send us direct communications, but not having the palm-print interface, we cannot make computer-mind contact. (I wish they'd done more with that business. Jenna and the ship kind of bonded, and then no later references or plot material out of it.). ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 13:08:14 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker To: Subject: Re: [B7L] Re: b7spin: depression Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Pat Patera wrote: > > Fran Myers wrote: > > is there a message here? does b7 appeal to depressives because it is a > > series always doomed to failure? > Or does watching Blakes7 over and over and over make one into a > depressive? > Most all those excellent rebels should have been outstanding in their > field > (not out standing in a chalk pit) :^D > Pining Pat P > Who, with such mental and physical gifts as she possesses, should surely > rule the world by now. Join Dogbert's New Ruling Class. :^) We'll rule the world someday. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Mar 1998 18:40:13 +0000 (GMT) From: Judith Proctor To: Lysator List Subject: Re: [B7L] re:Decisions, Decisions Message-ID: Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII On Sat 07 Mar, Jackie wrote with regard to Deliverance: > You are too Late. The main Convention Hotel has been fully booked up > since before christmas. At least that is what I was told by Diane Gies > in January, when I enquired whether I could have 2 rooms (one for the > kids, and one for hubby and me). And the moral of that story is to book early for Redemption... We've got a very nice hotel, incredibly easy to reach from Europe (Eurostar stops at Ashford International) and with a great atmosphere for conventions (as people at the last Who's 7 will remember). Visit our stand at Deliverance. I may even have some chocolate for bribery purposes... Judith -- Redemption 99 - The Blakes 7/Babylon 5 convention 26-28 February 1999, Ashford International Hotel, Kent ------------------------------ Date: 08 Mar 1998 13:34:52 +0100 From: Calle Dybedahl To: B7 Subject: Re: [B7L] unwanted message Message-ID: Fran Myers writes: > I have a theory! Someone is trying to join but they are putting the > "request" in the address instead of the subject line. No, someone is sending *completely* empty messages. Not even with the mandatory header lines. This makes Lysator's sendmail fill those mandatory headers with its best guess, which makes it look like it comes from the listbot. As far as I can see the empties comes from, whose postmaster I have tried to contact. Since this is a major company (Texas Instruments), I have some hope of recieving a reply. -- Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN | Mediocre minds think alike. ------------------------------ Date: 08 Mar 1998 13:36:38 +0100 From: Calle Dybedahl To: Subject: Re: [B7L] re: `Allo, `Allo, zis is Avon Calling London Message-ID: Jackie writes: > BRILLIANT! wish I`d thought of it! But..... how do you hide that in a > knockwest sausage??? You use a *really big* knockwurst, of course. -- Calle Dybedahl, Vasav. 82, S-177 52 Jaerfaella,SWEDEN | Mediocre minds think alike. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 13:36:21 -0800 From: "J. I. Horner" To: Subject: Re: [B7L] B7 and Dad's Army Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Jay wrote: > I was thinking Pike was Tarrant, mainly because of the youthful looks, but > I can't see Tarrant running home to ask his Mum everytime they go out. :-) I was thinking of Tarrant as Pike but mainly because Pike was always called 'that stupid boy'! Ooops! Julie Horner ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 13:47:56 -0800 From: "J. I. Horner" To: Subject: Re: [B7L] video tapes Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Jay wrote: > > At 11:42 AM 3/6/98 GMT, you wrote: > >I've now seen the first two B7 video tapes on sale in the new > >release. The bastards. They've got great new covers. HMV are > >selling them in a nice cardboard box cover. Woolworths is > >giving away free collectors postcards with them. All of them > >trying to tempt me in to owning two sets of B7 videos. I will > >resist. I WILL RESIST! > > How much are they? This might call for a quick phone call to Mum to nip > down to Woolies for me. They are £10.99 - Woolies have the limited edition (first 7000) set and the cover design is quite clever. I noticed that the spines on each video were slightly different, but it was only when I got them home and stood them on the shelf reading left to right that I realised that when you get the set, the spines will spell out the B7 logo. Before now I had only seen B7 on UK Gold and have been recording them from there but, owing to a few cock-ups with our new VCR, I missed chunks of some of the first few, including all of 'The Way Back'. I used this as an excuse with husband as to why I needed to lash out dosh to buy the first few tapes to fill in the gaps, and wondered how I was then going to persuade him that I needed to go on and buy the lot as they come out, even the episodes we recorded OK. However, no problem! We watched the first tape last night and he said this morning that he thoroughly enjoyed it and agreed with me that the quality of the recording is much better. Also I was shocked to realise how much was cut for UK Gold.I watched my recording of 'Space Fall' quite recently so I was surprised last night to see scenes which I had never seen before. Anyway, looks like I will have no problem now justifying myself when I carry on to buy all the tapes. However, I still have to convince him that I need to save some of the UK Gold recordings as well because they contain the Paul Darrow introductions... Julie Horner ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 13:56:47 -0800 From: "J. I. Horner" To: Subject: [B7L]Decisions, decisions Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit I will be another first time con-goer at Deliverance and I have a question. Will I be a real party pooper if I don't go in fancy dress? And if I do dress up, is it alright to just have a stab in the general direction or do people expect to be able to say, 'oh you are so-and-so in episode x'? I think I can manage leather trousers and a black polo neck, and after discussions with Jenni I have possibilities of a Liberator hand-gun, but my teleport bracelet has met with disaster (I was saving an empty Fairy liquid bottle but the cleaning lady through it out and I haven't a hope of using up the new bottle before the end of the month) Also I can't imagine my husband going very far along the dressing up path. Due to a baby sitting problem (sister got first call on Mum for the Saturday night) I will also have a two-year old in tow - an infant Servalan perhaps? No I don't think so, Servalan in nappies doesn't quite convince me. Julie Horner ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 08 Mar 1998 09:36:21 -0800 From: Helen Krummenacker To: Subject: Re: [B7L]Decisions, decisions Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit J. I. Horner wrote: > > I will be another first time con-goer at Deliverance and I have a > question. > > Will I be a real party pooper if I don't go in fancy dress? And if I do > dress up, is it alright to just have a stab in the general direction or > do people expect to be able to say, 'oh you are so-and-so in episode x'? I've only gone to American cons, but I imagine in this they are pretty much the same... no one will think less of you if you aren't in costume. The majority don't wear them. But it _is_ a great way to start conversations. The more accurate the costume, the more likely it is to recognized for what it's supposed to be, but I'd say any black leather outfit could be claimed as an Avon costume, or any tight white gown as Servalan. But don't let it break your heart if people just think you're a guy with good fashion sense. Also, the more obscure the character, the less likely the costume will be recognized, no matter _how_ good it is. General fannish clothing (B7 t-shirt, B5 hat, Prisoner badge, whatever) may also help you meet people, as they will know what you like. > > I think I can manage leather trousers and a black polo neck, and after > discussions with Jenni I have possibilities of a Liberator hand-gun, but > my teleport bracelet has met with disaster (I was saving an empty Fairy > liquid bottle but the cleaning lady through it out and I haven't a hope > of using up the new bottle before the end of the month) Definitely sounds like Avon's apprentice. ;) > > Also I can't imagine my husband going very far along the dressing up > path. > > Due to a baby sitting problem (sister got first call on Mum for the > Saturday night) I will also have a two-year old in tow - an infant > Servalan perhaps? No I don't think so, Servalan in nappies doesn't quite > convince me. Oh, yes! One surviviing child of Auron. > > Julie Horner -------------------------------- End of blakes7-d Digest V98 Issue #77 *************************************