# Sound mode for pmf (version 1.9) when running on a SparcStation.
# It uses special sound actions, NOT robot actions.
frontecho ----------
frontecho Starting the sound mode for pmf, Padrone's MudFilter.
frontecho This is pmf sound mode version 1.5, by Padrone Dec 22, 1990.
frontecho Turn off the sound mode by typing "soundoff" or "frontunset sound".
frontecho It can be turned on again with "soundon" or "frontset sound".
# alias soundon "source /home/idefix2/ida/tompa/pmf/sparc-sound"
alias soundon "source /home/ingatrix3/ida/tompa/pmf/sparc-sound"
alias soundoff "frontunset sound"
frontset sound
sound "$1 gives a round of applause"			"applaud.au"
sound "You applaud wholeheartedly"			"applaud.au"
sound "$1 bounces around"				"bounce.au"
sound "B O I N G !!"					"bounce.au"
sound "$1 drops the bottle"				"bottle.au"
sound "$1 burps"					"burp.au"
sound "Excuse yourself!"				"burp.au"
sound "$1 throws $2 head back and cackles with glee"	"cackle.au"
sound "You cackle gleefully"				"cackle.au"
sound "$1 chuckle$2 politely"				"chuckle.au"
sound "$1 claps."					"clap.au"
sound "You clap briefly"				"clap.au"
sound "$1 coughs noisily"				"cough.au"
sound "$1 bursts into tears"				"cry.au"
sound "$1 across the dance floor"			"dance.au"
sound "$1 does the disco duck"				"discoduck.au"
sound "Feels silly, doesn't it?"			"discoduck.au"
# We don't want to match "You can buy drinks here.".
# Since "$1 buy drinks here" is lexically smaller than "$2 drinks $3",
# it will be matched first, and the empty string means no sound.
sound "$2 drinks $3"					"drink.au"
sound "$1 buy drinks here"				""
sound "$1 order drinks here"				""
sound "$1 lets off a real rip-roarer"			"fart.au"
sound "$1 flip$2 head over heels"			"flip.au"
sound "$1 deep and passionate kiss"			"french.au"
sound "You give $1 a REAL kiss"				"french.au"
sound "$1 frowns."					"frown.au"
sound "Is something wrong?"				"frown.au"
sound "$1 gasp$2 in astonishment"			"gasp.au"
sound "$1 giggle$2 inanely"				"giggle.au"
sound "$1 grin$2 evilly."				"grin.au"
sound "$1 groans loudly."				"groan.au"
sound "You groan."					"groan.au"
sound "$1 growl$2."					"growl.au"
sound "$1 hiccups"					"hiccup.au"
sound "Hic!"						"hiccup.au"
sound "$1 kicks you."					"kick.au"
sound "You kick $1."					"kick.au"
sound "$1 kisses"					"kiss.au"
sound "You kiss $1"					"kiss.au"
sound "$1 fall$2 down laughing."			"laugh.au"
sound "$1 starts moaning."				"moan.au"
sound "You start to moan."				"moan.au"
sound "A ball of fire explodes in the sky"		"pose.au"
sound "You send a ball of fire into the sky."		"pose.au"
sound "$1 pukes on "					"puke.au"
sound "$1 pukes all over you!"				"puke.au"
sound "$1 doubles over and puke"			"puke.au"
sound "You puke on $1"					"puke.au"
sound "$1 purrs contentedly."				"purr.au"
sound "$1 screams loudly"				"scream.au"
sound "ARRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!"				"scream.au"
sound "$1 sighs deeply."				"sigh.au"
sound "You sigh."					"sigh.au"
sound "$1 sings in italian"				"sing.au"
sound "$1 sings in Italian"				"sing.au"
sound "Oh sole mio!"					"sing.au"
sound "$1 shakes and quivers"				"shake.au"
sound "You're shaking in your boots."			"shake.au"
sound "$1 shivers from the cold"			"shiver.au"
sound "$1 slaps you"					"slap.au"
sound "You slap $1"					"slap.au"
sound "$1 snaps with $2 fingers"			"snap.au"
sound "You snap your fingers."				"snap.au"
sound "$1 sneezes."					"sneeze.au"
sound "$1 snickers."					"snicker.au"
sound "You snicker"					"snicker.au"
sound "$1 sniffs."					"sniff.au"
sound "You sniff"					"sniff.au"
sound "$1 snores loudly"				"snore.au"
sound "Zzzzzzzzzz..."					"snore.au"
sound "$1 spit$2 on $3"					"spit.au"
sound "You spit."					"spit.au"
sound "$1 sulks in the corner"				"sulk.au"
sound "You sulk"					"sulk.au"
sound "You thank $1"					"thank.au"
sound "$1 thanks you"					"thank.au"
sound "$1 whispers"					"whisper.au"
sound "$1 whistles appreciatively."			"whistle.au"
sound "$1 yawns"					"yawn.au"
sound "My, what big teeth you have!"			"yawn.au"
sound "Tjirrp"						"chirp.au"
sound "Twit, Twit, Twit"				"chirp.au"
sound "$1 open$2 the $3 door"				"opendoor.au"
sound "$1 open$2 the door"				"opendoor.au"
sound "The $1 door opens"				"opendoor.au"
sound "$1 close$2 the $3 door"				"closedoor.au"
sound "The $1 door closes"				"closedoor.au"
sound "$1 close$2 the door"				"closedoor.au"
sound "$1 tells you: $2"				"beep.au"
sound "$1$2"						"beep.au"