Date: Tue, 21 Mar 95 18:17 GMT From: (Mogg Morgan) Subject: golden Dawn faq Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society ================================= Thank you for your inquiry concerning the Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society (UK) which takes its name from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the celebrated occult society that flourished in the early part of the twentieth century. The aim of our group is to disseminate authentic information about the occult, and with this in mind we organize speaker meetings, workshops and conferences throughout the year. Our interests include ceremonial magick, witchcraft, tantra, qabala, shamanism, runes, the thelemic magick of Aleister Crowley, and others. Some members have been practising magick for years; others are new to the occult. Recent meetings have included workshops on tarot and on visualization and talks on Robert Anton Wilson, the artist Austin Osman Spare, the pagan religions of the ancient British Isles, and techniques of ritual invocation. We hold a speaker meeting on the last Friday of almost every month at 8.00 pm in Oxford Town Hall (admission free). Details of this are posted in alt.magick and at the Inner Bookshop in Magdalen road. Ring beforehand on (01865) 243671 if you want to check the meeting is still happening. The best time to ring for general information is between 10am and 7pm GMT. At these meetings the speaker will usually begin at about 8pm, although many members arrive a bit earlier for an informal chat. We also offer magical training in the Eastern (Tantrik) and Western (Hermetic) tradition, to associate members willing to travel to our main centre in Oxford. For those who live too far away to meet us on a regular basis we will try to refer you to contacts in your area. We also recommend that you come to our annual symposium of thelemic magick in October. The Proceedings of the Ninth Symposium are published under the title 'Thelemic Magick XC (1994) and this publication gives a good indication of the kind of talks, workshops etc that form the symposium. Before going any further we recommend that you read our fact-sheets on Magick, Kabbalah or Crowley which are available in exchange for two second class stamps each or equivalent. You might also like to have a look at the journal Nuit Isis, Amookos's Tantra Magick, Jan Fries' Visual Magick and Aleister Crowley's Magick and 'Thelemic Magick XC' article on Liber Samech. Magick (£2.50). If you would like to become an associate member of the Society please complete the slip and send it along with a cheque or postage order for five pounds (or equivalent) payable to the Golden Dawn. In return you will receive a monthly newsletter which gives details of various GD and other events of interest throughout the year. Love is the Law Love under Will Mogg Morgan, Secretary snail: PO Box 250, Oxford, OX1 1AP (UK) Where we stand ============== The Golden Dawn Society exists to promote a wider understanding of magick and the occult. We totally reject the notion that we are in any way evil. Those who have sought to label us as 'black' or evil, either do not know or do not want to know the facts about modern pagan belief. Paganism is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of different practices including witchcraft, ritual magick, Thelema, etc. Paganism has no creed or dogma, but there are common goals amongst pagans. One of these is a belief in the power of magick. To paraphrase Aleister Crowley, magick is the science and art of causing change within ourselves and our environment by the use of the human will. Magick has always played an important role in almost all known societies of the past and, we believe the future. Magick is a reputable activitity practiced by people of every colour, gender, nationality, sexuality etc. Another central tenet of paganism is tolerance. We demand that the tolerance, pagans have traditionally shown to other viewpoints and faiths is in turn given to us. We have no political aspirations other than the right to pursue our chosen way, without discrimination. Where this brings us into conflict with the conventional view - as for instance over access to sacred sites, the right to marry, name our children and conduct our own funerals - we reserve the right to campaign in an open and democratic manner. Copyright OGDOS 1981