These images make up the complete set of 78 tarot cards as scanned from the
Rider-Waite deck by U.S. Games.  In addition, there are two extra files,
taridx01.jpg and taridx02.jpg, which are index sheets containing
scaled-down versions of all the images.

NOTICE: Each of these images contain a copyright notice in the lower-right
corner, in the white border.  This copyright symbol must remain intact if
you are to use these pictures.  I have obtained written permission from
U.S. Games to scan and distribute these images, and their only requirement
is that the copyright symbol remain.  U.S. Games has been extremely helpful
in this matter, so please honor their request.  The copyright notice is
small and unobtrusive.

Scan/image details: The cards were scanned on an Epson flatbed scanner, in
full 24-bit color, at 180 dpi.  They were then cropped using XV version 3.0
and saved directly as full-color JPEG images (with version 4 of the JPEG
library).  The images are all roughly 475x800 pixels.

For those of you who actually use the Tarot and are thinking, "What an
idiot -- I'd never scan my cards.  They'd never forgive me, and plus, all
that electromagnetic radiation from the scanner ... yuck."  I didn't.  :-)
I bought a deck for the sole purpose of scanning it. December -93.