Package: python3-cryptodatahub Source: cryptodatahub Version: 0.12.5-1 Architecture: all Maintainer: Szilárd Pfeiffer Installed-Size: 1884 Depends: python3-asn1crypto, python3-attr (<< 22.0.1), python3-dateutil, python3-six (>= 1.13), python3-urllib3, python3:any Filename: all/python3-cryptodatahub_0.12.5-1_all.deb Size: 453724 MD5sum: 7e0f6ed10684a3c62866db078b7afaf8 SHA1: 8895d0ef6faf193ca39ec538f0692e277c461a89 SHA256: 0e5df1def4a04e0d74b04626bb04e65dd24a67de515a433da1de6450cfca6bde Section: python Priority: optional Description: Repository of cryptography-related data **CryptoDataHub** is a repository of cryptography-related data available under a free license. The main goal of the repository is to support cryptographic library tester and client/server cryptographic settings analyzer applications such as `CryptoLyzer `__ with reliable and freely available data. . -------------- Python Wrapper -------------- . Installation ============ . .. code:: shell . pip install cryptodatahub . Support ======= . Implementations --------------- Package: python3-cryptolyzer Source: cryptolyzer Version: 0.9.1-1 Architecture: all Maintainer: Szilárd Pfeiffer Installed-Size: 387 Depends: python3-attr (<< 22.0.1), python3-dateutil, python3-requests, python3-urllib3, python3:any Filename: all/python3-cryptolyzer_0.9.1-1_all.deb Size: 50684 MD5sum: 7d24ebef31cf2b1765e2ff45c6f06ce9 SHA1: c7d2c8e912b85740b912adcf093623f95136ef98 SHA256: 6c8321b8769d67b4639e48d4b01e75273d7238aa313538ebcedc7e2952a3478c Section: python Priority: optional Description: Fast and flexible cryptographic protocol analyzer **CryptoLyzer** is a fast and flexible server cryptographic settings analyzer library for Python with an easy-to-use `command line interface `__ with both human-readable (`Markdown `__) and machine-readable (`JSON `__) output. It works with multiple cryptographic protocols (`SSL `__/ `TLS `__, `opportunistic TLS `__, `SSH `__) and analyzes additional security mechanisms (`web security `__ related `HTTP response header fields `__, `JA3 tag `__) or `HASSH tag `__). . Usage ----- . Pip ^^^ . .. code:: shell Package: python3-cryptoparser Source: cryptoparser Version: 0.12.5-1 Architecture: all Maintainer: Szilárd Pfeiffer Installed-Size: 439 Depends: python3-asn1crypto, python3-attr (>= 20.3.0), python3-dateutil, python3-urllib3, python3:any Filename: all/python3-cryptoparser_0.12.5-1_all.deb Size: 51132 MD5sum: adc3cc7904d58778c5855c184c2493c7 SHA1: bec80a1d8b24ec0f4d947b8311f2a982ca097ac7 SHA256: 2c5e76b4ff36e61f670f78bf05d3b9c541365c1f571a13d4359592ee4947dfb0 Section: python Priority: optional Description: An analysis oriented security protocol parser and generator **CryptoParser** is a cryptographic protocol (TLS, SSH) and security-related protocol piece (HTTP headers) parser. It is neither a comprehensive nor a secure implementation of any cryptographic protocol. The goal is to support testing cryptographic libraries or analysing cryptography-realted settings of application servers such as `CryptoLyzer `__ does. . ----- Usage ----- . Pip === . .. code:: shell . pip install cryptoparser . ------- Support -------