znc-perl-1.7.5-bp150.2.9.1<>,ȉ^(!M@eeeaYkThk^32l.Isxow=%a65# ~-KT;B5\pfT ۡl}PřK}Z"$m%S53tE^y7Lػ9ލ-ْlbte٭ 􁗖-* MG ̳$i>PO`2D.5>pw w ǵהcAq[ew|yDAN4W̙`G2?-.>=O@?O0d   2 %0 Ie}    t | ,c  $(89t:|FFmGFHFIFXFcYHXc\H]I^IIbIcJMdJeJfJlJuKvK(wLxLyL}zNNNNO,Cznc-perl1.7.5bp150.2.9.1Perl support for ZNCZNC is an IRC bouncer with many features like detaching, multiple users, per channel playback buffer, SSL, IPv6, transparent DCC bouncing, and C++ module support. This package contains the Perl extension to ZNC.^(obs-arm-3?openSUSEApache-2.0http://bugs.opensuse.orgProductivity/Networking/IRChttps://wiki.znc.in/ZNClinuxaarch64X4Mkh,^A큤큤A큤^(^(^(}!^(]ӈ]ӈ^(]ӈb894b7e0717786f3bf744bc306173cdc99205a93402ccf4df2be9a22ac1c11aead458b8cc1935fbbf6a36875289afc8683c2cf50b7480f7cd3d52f2ac30e97593578b2c4da392d395be51bbab1be926fe9ff58ca251caa659d48599bd96f8407afdb5b02d782fd92e08fb32c07587f2084afacf809111560423cd2c878769f21272febcdb40b0557f6b8c97ff64520b34a4b92a273208fe641562acb5566efb7cfc7749b96f63bd31c3c42b5c471bf756814053e847c10f3eb003417bc523d30rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootznc-1.7.5-bp150.2.9.1.src.rpmperl(ZNC)perl(ZNC::BufLines)perl(ZNC::CActionMessage)perl(ZNC::CAuthBase)perl(ZNC::CBufLine)perl(ZNC::CBuffer)perl(ZNC::CCTCPMessage)perl(ZNC::CChan)perl(ZNC::CClient)perl(ZNC::CClientAuth)perl(ZNC::CConfig)perl(ZNC::CConfigEntry)perl(ZNC::CCoreTranslationMixin)perl(ZNC::CCron)perl(ZNC::CDebug)perl(ZNC::CDebugStream)perl(ZNC::CDelayedTranslation)perl(ZNC::CDir)perl(ZNC::CException)perl(ZNC::CExecSock)perl(ZNC::CFPTimer)perl(ZNC::CFile)perl(ZNC::CGetAddrInfo)perl(ZNC::CHTTPSock)perl(ZNC::CIRCNetwork)perl(ZNC::CIRCSock)perl(ZNC::CIRCSocket)perl(ZNC::CIncomingConnection)perl(ZNC::CJoinMessage)perl(ZNC::CKickMessage)perl(ZNC::CLanguageScope)perl(ZNC::CListener)perl(ZNC::CMessage)perl(ZNC::CModCommand)perl(ZNC::CModInfo)perl(ZNC::CModeMessage)perl(ZNC::CModule)perl(ZNC::CModuleEntry)perl(ZNC::CModules)perl(ZNC::CNick)perl(ZNC::CNickMessage)perl(ZNC::CNoticeMessage)perl(ZNC::CNumericMessage)perl(ZNC::COptionalTranslation)perl(ZNC::CPartMessage)perl(ZNC::CPerlModule)perl(ZNC::CPerlSocket)perl(ZNC::CPerlTimer)perl(ZNC::CQuitMessage)perl(ZNC::CRealListener)perl(ZNC::CSCharBuffer)perl(ZNC::CSConnection)perl(ZNC::CSListener)perl(ZNC::CSMonitorFD)perl(ZNC::CSSSLConnection)perl(ZNC::CSSockAddr)perl(ZNC::CServer)perl(ZNC::CSockCommon)perl(ZNC::CSockManager)perl(ZNC::CSocket)perl(ZNC::CSocketManager)perl(ZNC::CTable)perl(ZNC::CTargetMessage)perl(ZNC::CTemplate)perl(ZNC::CTemplateLoopContext)perl(ZNC::CTemplateOptions)perl(ZNC::CTemplateTagHandler)perl(ZNC::CTextMessage)perl(ZNC::CTimer)perl(ZNC::CTopicMessage)perl(ZNC::CTranslation)perl(ZNC::CTranslationDomainRefHolder)perl(ZNC::CTranslationInfo)perl(ZNC::CUser)perl(ZNC::CUtils)perl(ZNC::CWebSession)perl(ZNC::CWebSessionMap)perl(ZNC::CWebSock)perl(ZNC::CWebSubPage)perl(ZNC::CZNC)perl(ZNC::CZNCSock)perl(ZNC::CZNCTagHandler)perl(ZNC::Csock)perl(ZNC::MCString)perl(ZNC::PerlMCString)perl(ZNC::StrPair)perl(ZNC::String)perl(ZNC::VCString)perl(ZNC::VChannels)perl(ZNC::VIRCNetworks)perl(ZNC::VListeners)perl(ZNC::VPair)perl(ZNC::VVString)perl(ZNC::VWebSubPages)perl(ZNC::ZNCSocketManager)perl(ZNCc)perl(perleval)znc-perlznc-perl(aarch-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     ld-linux-aarch64.so.1()(64bit)ld-linux-aarch64.so.1(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libc.so.6()(64bit)libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libgcc_s.so.1()(64bit)libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0)(64bit)libperl.so()(64bit)libpthread.so.0()(64bit)libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.17)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6()(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3.8)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.11)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.14)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.15)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.21)(64bit)libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4.9)(64bit)perlrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)znc5.103.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-11.7.5-bp150.]])]\"\\P@@[O+[L[)[5@Z@ZC@YX,XpXpXQ4@Vn@V͛@VKUT@Tء@Mathias Homann Bernhard Wiedemann Martin Pluskal Martin Pluskal Martin Pluskal info@paolostivanin.commpluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.comtchvatal@suse.commpluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.comjzelazkova@suse.commpluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.comjengelh@inai.dempluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.commpluskal@suse.commpluskal@suse.com- Update to 1.7.5: * modpython: Add support for Python 3.8 * modtcl: install .tcl files when building with CMake * nickserv: report success of Clear commands * Update translations, add Italian, Bulgarian, fix name of Dutch * Update error messages to be clearer * Add a deprecation warning to ./configure to use CMake instead in addition to an already existing warning in README- Use swig to build bindings- Update to version 1.7.4: * This is a security release to fix CVE-2019-12816 boo#1138572 * Send "Connected!" messages to client to the correct nick- Update to version 1.7.3: * This is a security release to fix CVE-2019-9917. * Docker only: the znc image now supports --user option of docker run. - Drop no longer needed znc-CVE-2019-9917.patch- Fix boo#1130360 CVE-2019-9917 * znc-CVE-2019-9917.patch- Update to version 1.7.2: * Fix compilation without deprecated APIs in OpenSSL (#1615) * Distinguish Channel CTCP Requests and Replies (#1624) * admindebug: Enforce need of TTY to turn on debug mode (#1580) * controlpanel: Add missing return to ListNetMods (#1589) * webadmin: Fix adding the last allowed network (#1584)- Update to version 1.7.1: * Security critical fixes[edit] + CVE-2018-14055: non-admin user could gain admin privileges and shell access by injecting values into znc.conf. + CVE-2018-14056: path traversal in HTTP handler via ../ in a web skin name. * Core + Fix znc-buildmod to not hardcode the compiler used to build ZNC anymore in CMake build (#1536) + Fix language selector. Russian and German were both not selectable. + Fix build without SSL support (#1554) + Fix several broken strings + Stop spamming users about debug mode. This feature was added in 1.7.0, now reverted. (#1541) * New + Add partial Spanish, Indonesian, and Dutch translations * Modules + adminlog: Log the error message again (regression of 1.7.0) (#1557) + admindebug: New module, which allows admins to turn on/off --debug in runtime (#1556) + flooddetach: Fix description of commands (#1548) + modperl: Fix memory leak in NV handling + modperl: Fix functions which return VCString (#1543) + modpython: Fix functions which return VCString (#1543) + webadmin: Fix fancy CTCP replies editor for Firefox. It was showing the plain version even when JS is enabled * Internal + Deprecate one of the overloads of CMessage::GetParams(), rename it to CMessage::GetParamsColon() + Don't throw from destructor in the integration test + Fix a warning with integration test / gmake / znc-buildmod interaction. - Drop upstream patches: * znc-inject2.patch * znc-inject.patch * znc-traversal.patch- Fix boo#1101280 CVE-2018-14056 * znc-traversal.patch - Fix boo#1101281 CVE-2018-14055 * znc-inject.patch * znc-inject2.patch - Fix building on Leap-42* by using less strict linker flags- Define systemd unitdir for cmake- Update to version 1.7.0: * Add CMake build. Minimum supported CMake version is 3.1. For now ZNC can be built with either CMake or autoconf. In future autoconf is going to be removed. * Currently znc-buildmod requires python if CMake was used; if that's a concern for you, please open a bug. * Increase minimum GCC version from 4.7 to 4.8. Minimum Clang version stays at 3.2. * Make ZNC UI translateable to different languages (only with CMake), add partial Russian and German translations. (#1237) (#1354) (#1462) * If you want to translate ZNC to your language, please join https://crowdin.com/project/znc-bouncer * Configs written before ZNC 0.206 can't be read anymore (#929) * Implement IRCv3.2 capabilities away-notify, account-notify, extended-join (#315) (#316) * Implement IRCv3.2 capabilities echo-message, cap-notify on the "client side" (#950) * Update capability names as they are named in IRCv3.2: znc.in/server-time-iso→server-time, znc.in/batch→batch. Old names will continue working for a while, then will be removed in some future version. * Make ZNC request server-time from server when available (#839) * Increase accepted line length from 1024 to 2048 to give some space to message tags * Separate buffer size settings for channels and queries (#967) * Support separate SSLKeyFile and SSLDHParamFile configuration in addition to existing SSLCertFile (#1192) * Add "AuthOnlyViaModule" global/user setting (#331) * Added pyeval module * Added stripcontrols module (#387) * Add new substitutions to ExpandString: %empty% and %network%. (#1049) (#1139) * Stop defaulting real name to "Got ZNC?" (#818) * Make the user aware that debug mode is enabled. (#1446) * Added ClearAllBuffers command (#852) * Don't require CSRF token for POSTs if the request uses HTTP Basic auth. (#946) * Set HttpOnly and SameSite=strict for session cookies (#1077) (#1450) * Add SNI SSL client support (#1200) * Add support for CIDR notation in allowed hosts list and in trusted proxy list (#207) (#1219) * Add network-specific config for cert validation in addition to user-supplied fingerprints: TrustAllCerts, defaults to false, and TrustPKI, defaults to true. (#866) * Add /attach command for symmetry with /detach. Unlike /join it allows wildcards. * Timestamp format now supports sub-second precision with %f. Used in awaystore, listsockets, log modules and buffer playback when client doesn't support server-time (#1455) * Build on macOS using ICU, Python, and OpenSSL from Homebrew, if available (#894) * Remove --with-openssl=/path option from ./configure. SSL is still supported and is still configurable - Update dependencies - Run spec-cleaner - Use cmake for building- Update to version 1.6.6: * Fix use-after-free in znc --makepem. It was broken for a long time, but started segfaulting only now. This is a useability fix, not a security fix, because self-signed (or signed by a CA) certificates can be created without using --makepem, and then combined into znc.pem.- Cleanup of spec file with spec-cleaner- Update project url- Update to version 1.6.5: * Fixed a regression of 1.6.4 which caused a crash in modperl/modpython. (#1283) * Fixed the behavior of verbose command in the sasl module. (#1291)- Drop extra hardening flags- Slightly trim descriptions.- Update to version 1.6.4 (boo#1017182): * Fixed build with OpenSSL 1.1. (#1310) * Fixed build on Cygwin. * Fixed a segfault after cloning a user. The bug was introduced in ZNC 1.6.0. (#1340) * Fixed a segfault when deleting a user or network which is waiting for DNS during connection. The bug was introduced in ZNC 1.0. (#1342) * Fixed a segfault which could be triggered using alias module. (#1347) * Fixed an error in controlpanel module when setting the bindhost of another user. * Fixed route_replies to not cause client to disconnect by timeout. (#1299) * Fixed compatibility with the Gitter IRC bridge. (#1321) * Fixed OnInvite for modpython and modperl. (#1283) * Fixed external location of GoogleTest for make test.- Update changelog with missed issue boo#973088 (update to 1.6.3)- Update to 1.6.3 * New character encoding is now applied immediately, without reconnect. * Fixed build with LibreSSL. (#594) * Fixed error 404 when accessing the web UI with the configured URI prefix, but without the / in the end. * znc-buildmod now exits with non-zero exit code when the .cpp file is not found. (#1226) * Fixed znc-buildmod on Cygwin. * ExpandString got expanded. * Default quit message is switche - Small spec file cleanup- Update to 1.6.2 * fixes + Fixed a use-after-delete in webadmin. It was already partially fixed in ZNC 1.4; since 1.4 it has been still possible to trigger, but much harder. + Fixed a startup failure when awaynick and simple_away were both loaded, and simple_away had arguments. + Fixed a build failure when using an ancient OpenSSL version. + Fixed a build failure when using OpenSSL which was built without SSLv3 support. + Bindhost was sometimes used as ident. + CAP :END wasn't parsed correctly, causing timeout during login for some clients. + Fixed channel keys if client joined several channels in single command. + Fixed memory leak when reading an invalid config. * autovoice + Check for autovoices when we are opped. * controlpanel + Fixed DelCTCPReply case-insensitivity. * dcc + Add missing return statement. It was harmless. * modpython + Fixed a memory leak. * modules_online + Wrong ident was used before. * stickychan + Fixed to unstick inaccessible channels to avoid infinite join loops. * internal changes + Fixed the nick passed to CModule::OnChanMsg() so it has channel permissions set. + Fixed noisy -Winconsistent-missing-override compilation warnings. + Initialized some fields in constructors of modules before OnLoad(). - Make building more verbose - Partially fixes bsc#956254 - CVE-2014-9043- Update to 1.6.1: * Fixed the problem that channels were no longer removed from the config despite of chansaver being loaded. * Fixed query buffer size for users who have the default channel buffer size set to 0. * Fixed a startup failure when simple_away was loaded after awaynick. * Fixed channel matching commands, such as DETACH, to be case insensitive. * Specified the required compiler versions in the configure script. * Fixed a rare conflict of HTTP-Basic auth and cookies. * Hid local IP address from the 404 page. * Fixed a build failure for users who have -Werror=missing-declarations in their CXXFLAGS. * Fixed CXXFLAGS=-DVERSION_EXTRA="foo" which is used by some distros to package ZNC. * Fixed znc-buildmod on Cygwin. * Fixed CThreadPool destructor to handle spurious wakeups. * Fixed make distclean to remove zncconfig.h. * Improved the error message about --datadir. * Fixed a compilation warning when HAVE_LIBSSL is not defined. * Fixed 'comparision' typos in CString documentation. * Added a non-minified version of the jQuery source code to make Linux distributions (Debian) happy, even though the jQuery license does not require this. * chansaver: * Fixed random loading behavior due to an uninitialized member variable. * modpython: * Fixed access to CUser::GetUserClients() and CUser::GetAllClients(). * sasl: * Improved help texts for the SET and REQUIREAUTH commands. (#875) * savebuff: * Fixed periodical writes on the disk when the module is loaded after startup. (#868) * webadmin: * Fixed module checkboxes not to claim that all networks/users have loaded a module when there are no networks/users. (#872) * Added an explanation that ZNC was built without ICU support, when encoding settings are disabled for that reason. * Improved the breadcrumbs. * Mentioned ExpandString in CTCP replies. * Added an explanation how to delete port which is used to access webadmin.- Update to 1.6.0: * Switch versioning scheme to ... Add settings * for which SSL/TLS protocols to use (SSLProtocols), which ciphers to enable (SSLCiphers). By default TLSv1+ are enabled, SSLv2/3 are disabled. Default ciphers are what Mozilla advices: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Intermediate_compatibility_.28default.29 * Validate SSL certificates. Allow clients to specify an ID as part of * username (user[@identifier][/network]). Currently not used, but modules can use it. * Add alias module for ZNC-side command interception and processing. * Support character encodings with separate settings for networks, and for clients. It replaces older charset module, which didn't work well with webadmin, log and other modules. * Support X-Forwarded-For HTTP header, used with new TrustedProxy * setting. Add URIPrefix option for HTTP listeners, used with reverse * proxy. Store query buffers per query the same way it's done for * channels, add new option AutoClearQueryBuffer. * Add DisableChan command to *status, it was available only in webadmin before. * Allow wildcards in arguments of Help commands of *status and various modules. * Support IRCv3.2 batches, used for buffer playbacks. Support IRCv3.2 * self-message. Remove awaynick module. It's considered bad etiquette. * Add JoinDelay setting, which allows a delay between connection to server, and joining first channel. By default it joins immediately after connect. * Make Detach, EnableChan and DisableChan commands of *status accept multiple channels. * znc-buildmod: Build output to the current working directory. Wrap * long lines in tables (e.g. in Help or ListAvailMods commands). * Support ECDHE if available in OpenSSL. Report ZNC version more * consistently, add HideVersion setting, which hides ZNC version from public. * Bump compiler requirements to support C++11. This means GCC 4.7+, Clang 3.2+, SWIG 3.0.0+. - Drop support for old distributions since they lack support for C++11 - Drop package extra, all modules are now in znc - Disable colloquy plugin since it fails to build - Drop init script- Rename znc-python to znc-python3 - Add signature and znc.keyring - Reorder source names - Correct (pre) dependencies for older releases of openSUSEobs-arm-3 15797129571.7.5-bp150. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs://build.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Maintenance:11837/openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15_Update/f8f123f395d3a5b6cdfc8de77c7a5d7b-znc.openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15_Updatedrpmxz5aarch64-suse-linuxdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3723394860ebfdf8d56c30a211d34ccac1934ef0, strippedPerl5 module source textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=bd963892ce1e7f3b918c11dd1def91c891de91ba, strippedPerl5 module source, ASCII textASCII textn|`RRRRRR RR RRR RRRPPPPPPPPPP P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P!P"P#P$P%P&P'P(P)P*P+P,P-P.P/P0P1P2P3P4P5P6P7P8P9P:P;PP?P@PAPBPCPDPEPFPGPHPIPJPKPLPMPNPOPPPQPRPSPTPUPVPWPXPYPZP[P\P]P^P_RRRR R RRRR R R RRRP` tuCYutf-8ea3e774d9da011968b8fe0d0fb11a41ecbe5f3272ab5c9b8fb1c4413edc223a5?07zXZ !t/-P]"k%w9bؒ-O= o4\ַ`AP![I(QT |lc7|nXNemWۺ ;Uɹ/PM'!CDMFJ,[tpnт'[T@Q<0ZZf~WX'BC1eM{QIS!܍9ٔE>BË})E W&DWP@ErVb}mhMRq=9 NbBhQRAJk}i;uuLCM2ZAȎ2/\eaV˒b'DP7<г\SUGctnG^T},7 ^b}*R pdCZkH8=Gw9Ca dY/>ƮEHgLAZ2VU4?(3czC[BghS+ !]f"nѧ(o%k#ҰM'9=7u1혫tŎ;zH\X<>e(h^S-{~k,mh8]tՊ(gdJdu\G[}JwAYy9[o<&-r~5hdemF(SǐPVf\ZD.zQyiŽ:-կsEmCs?AEdLI;}.%MjZbׇ6`$E׀<~EM˓)HLĦffj^_$u -'$ipiw϶!| dW_'MRJϟ3iKp7M$:aˮj߳y-5G @eS3ik1}@f.@JHS $N~1\X% ,Kn#^fRmeI2įhmGPYEj(dF%<}rə In!3) iø%o[okX9sjAھK& Pw; k?t KP4pFUE{%$? r``jhk-MK@ oc[YHt'B,II]6HU/?,Hw r9w0g|r^U }5|xDH4Lg9`Bw1؅۬r`\[$S Gí>"^O#M3$YTf6)e}jeUJ?qa˩ţw&|b]r<&\\k`5*ěx8B?X`ys2N7e+Y;ӥkjUC;Mtiʨ翫ܳ,JsamRN@L%bީ߳d;.JG6ۅ<+PR*4y?ypܑb7[1Y#^%B,!™u-g@$s{ k6Uuoiuuk i@bWTͳKU_2l,0OA^0:(\:\*gSZU&ީqs(DFfw'Du2xA+k*[A(W˹jYYcը9x eN5SX s_xtps˥rxF{t%ѧ[9u/ uapn(+_xcж!w<ԌCP䶇>ԉHb["$| KU-ùxUki•i821Z۪41ᢷ~nֽb*" nTf,J`pϨu9^">%mFWs{\ᄆO5,]m2oEY#c٠noyڟqqǖEoA ƿ9}| v8܉센j=SY26oAM!ؑA!`Ub[9ZJ=;4yD8|޷ʡ PY}ufof% VgP[F2}93׍C3VAN lz_T4*NcҳJ=i#rl"E r$Ue_aQ@ Sχ,uJ(5bS]1[#5ڠ^+p$Q)9bן뙄~uʅ)L\pDŽhZa\׷_n٨0=UYόKlT0;r>4z IxW}p'z_Iz=>OjK@ K=? 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