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Garcia Moreno Alberto Planas Dominguez Matej Cepl Alberto Planas Dominguez Ondřej Súkup Ondřej Súkup Ondřej Súkup Tomáš Chvátal Tomáš Chvátal Tomáš Chvátal Tomáš Chvátal Tomáš Chvátal Ondřej Súkup Bernhard Wiedemann Tomáš Chvátal Thomas Bechtold Ondřej Súkup Tomáš Chvátal Tomáš Chvátal kberger@suse.comOndřej Súkup tchvatal@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.comtbechtold@suse.comtbechtold@suse.commimi.vx@gmail.comtbechtold@suse.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtbechtold@suse.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comtoddrme2178@gmail.comappleonkel@opensuse.orgappleonkel@opensuse.orgmichal@cihar.comappleonkel@opensuse.orgsbahling@suse.comaplanas@suse.comaplanas@suse.commichael@stroeder.comaplanas@suse.comaplanas@suse.comaplana Add CVE-2024-27351.patch patch (CVE-2024-27351, bsc#1220358)- Add CVE-2023-43665.patch (bsc#1215978, CVE-2023-43665) * Denial-of-service possibility in django.utils.text.Truncator- Add fix-cve-2023-36053.patch (bsc#1212742, CVE-2023-36053)- Add CVE-2023-24580-DOS_file_upload.patch (CVE-2023-24580, bsc#1208082) to prevent DOS in file uploads. - Add test_custom_fields.patch to make inspectdb.tests.InspectDBTestCase.test_custom_fields pass. - .sig file is actually not available (and is not it), so stop pretending we can cryptographically verify the tarball.- Update to 1.11.29 (bsc#1198297) * CVE-2020-9402: Potential SQL injection via "tolerance" parameter in GIS functions and aggregates on Oracle - Add CVE-2021-32052.patch: Header injection possibility since "URLValidator" accepted newlines in input on Python 3.9.5+- update to 1.11.28 - drop pyyaml53.patch * fix boo#1161919 (CVE-2020-7471) Potential SQL injection via StringAgg(delimiter)- add pyyaml53.patch - fix tests with new PyYAML 5.3- Update to 1.11.27 * CVE-2019-19844: Potential account hijack via password reset form (bsc#1159447) * Fixed a data loss possibility in SplitArrayField.- Update to 1.11.26: * Fixed a crash when using a contains, contained_by, has_key, has_keys, or has_any_keys lookup on JSONField, if the right or left hand side of an expression is a key transform (#30826).- Update to 1.11.25: * Fixed a crash when filtering with a Subquery() annotation of a queryset containing JSONField or HStoreField (#30769).- Update to 1.11.24: * Fixed crash of KeyTransform() for JSONField and HStoreField when using on expressions with params (#30672).- Update to 1.11.23: * CVE-2019-14232 CVE-2019-14233 CVE-2019-14234 CVE-2019-14235 bsc#1142883 bsc#1142885 bsc#1142882 bsc#1142880 * Just security fixes- Update to 1.11.22: * CVE-2019-12781 (bsc#1139945): Incorrect HTTP detection with reverse-proxy connecting via HTTPS- update to 1.11.21 * fix bnc#1136468 - CVE-2019-12308: AdminURLFieldWidget XSS - drop pyyaml5.patch- Add fix2028.patch to make tests pass until 2038- Add patch to build with PyYAML >5: * pyyaml5.patch- Enable python3 build for python versions <= 3.7 That's what in the support matrix from Update to 1.11.20 * fix boo#1124991 - CVE-2019-6975- Enable tests like on regular django to detect regressions for the python2 based variant too- Add patch to work well with sqlite 3.26 and newer: * django-sqlite-326.patch- Update to 1.11.18 (bsc#1120932, CVE-2019-3498) * CVE-2019-3498 -- Fixed content spoofing possiblity in the default 404 page. * Pinned Pillow != 5.4.0 in test requirements. * Fixed broken links to PyYAML page. * Doc'd that mysqlclient 1.3.14 and later isn't supported.- Update to 1.11.17 * Prevented repetitive calls to geos_version_tuple() in the WKBWriter class in an attempt to fix a random crash involving LooseVersion * Fixed a race condition in QuerySet.update_or_create() that could result in data loss- Build python3 variant on old Leaps- update to version 1.11.15 * boo#1102680 - CVE-2018-14574 Open redirect possibility in CommonMiddleware * Fixed WKBWriter.write() and write_hex() for empty polygons on GEOS 3.6.1+ * Fixed a regression in Django 1.11.8 where altering a field with a unique constraint may drop and rebuild more foreign keys than necessary * Fixed crashes in django.contrib.admindocs when a view is a callable object, such as django.contrib.syndication.views.Feed * Fixed a regression in Django 1.11.12 where QuerySet.values() or values_list() after combining an annotated and unannotated queryset with union(), difference(), or intersection() crashed due to mismatching columnsupdate to version 1.11.12 (CVE-2018-7537, CVE-2018-7536): * Fixed #29273 -- Prevented initial selection of empty choice in multiple choice widgets. * Fixed links to Sphinx docs. * Fixed #29192 -- Removed inaccurate statement regarding overriding fields from abstract base classes. * Added CVE-2018-7536,7 to the security release archive. * Added release date for 1.11.12. * Bumped version for 1.11.12 release. * Fixed #29229 -- Fixed column mismatch crash when combining two annotated values_list() querysets with union(), difference(), or intersection(). * Added stub release notes for 1.11.12. * Fixed typo in docs/releases/1.11.12.txt. * Post-release version bump. * Fixed CVE-2018-7537 -- Fixed catastrophic backtracking in django.utils.text.Truncator. * Bumped version for 1.11.11 release. * Post-release version bump. * Removed blank lines per isort 4.3.0. * Fixed CVE-2018-7536 -- Fixed catastrophic backtracking in urlize and urlizetrunc template filters. * Switched test requirement to new psycopg2-binary package. * Added stub release notes for security releases. * Corrected doc'd type of some parameters from string to str. * Added CVE-2018-6188 to the security release archive.- update to 1.11.10 (bsc#1077714, CVE-2018-6188): * Fixed GeoIP test failure with the latest data. * Bumped version for 1.11.9 release. * Fixed #28890 -- Removed newlines between MultiWidget's subwidgets. * Fixed #29016 -- Fixed incorrect foreign key nullification on related instance deletion. * Fixed #29032 -- Fixed an example of using expressions in QuerySet.values(). * Added stub release notes for 1.11.10. * Fixed typo in docs/topics/testing/advanced.txt. * Fixed CVE-2018-6188 -- Fixed information leakage in AuthenticationForm. * Fixed #29017 -- Updated BaseCommand.leave_locale_alone doc per refs #24073. * Refs #28876 -- Fixed incorrect class-based model index name generation for models with quoted db_table. * Fixed location of spatialite_source label. * Fixed #29002 -- Corrected cached template loader docs about when it's automatically enabled. * Fixed #29094 -- Fixed crash when entering an invalid uuid in ModelAdmin.raw_id_fields. * Added release date for 1.11.9. * Refs #28876 -- Fixed incorrect foreign key constraint name for models with quoted db_table. * Fixed a GeoIP2 test failure with the latest GeoIP2 database. * Post-release version bump. * Fixed typo in docs/topics/i18n/translation.txt. * Bumped version for 1.11.10 release. * Added stub release notes for 1.11.9. * Fixed #29071 -- Fixed contrib.auth.authenticate() crash if a backend doesn't accept a request but a later one does. * Fixed #25277 -- Restored test dependency to the original python-memcached. * Refs #28856 -- Fixed caching of a GenericForeignKey pointing to a model that uses more than one level of MTI.- build only for python2 - Python3 provided by Django-2.0- update to 1.11.8: * Fixed #28488 -- Reallowed error handlers to access CSRF tokens. * Fixed #28856 -- Fixed a regression in caching of a GenericForeignKey pointing to a MTI model. * Fixed #28597 -- Fixed crash with the name of a model's autogenerated primary key in an Index's fields. * Added stub release notes for 1.11.7. * Fixed #28305 -- Fixed "Cannot change column 'x': used in a foreign key constraint" crash on MySQL with a sequence of AlterField or RenameField operations. * Fixed #28689 -- Fixed unquoted table names in Subquery SQL when using OuterRef. * Added assertion helpers for PostgreSQL's server-side cursor tests. * Fixed #28729 -- Replaced a numbered list with unordered list in TemplatesSetting docs. * Fixed #28786 -- Doc'd middleware ordering considerations due to CommonMiddleware setting Content-Length. * Added release date for 1.11.8. * Fixed #28702 -- Made query lookups for CIText fields use citext. * Added 2017-12794 to the security release archive. * Fixed typo in docs/topics/cache.txt. * Bumped version for 1.11.6 release. * Added release date for 1.11.6. * Fixed #28648 -- Corrected typo in docs/topics/db/queries.txt. * Bumped version for 1.11.7 release. * Added stub release notes for 1.11.8. * Fixed #28848 -- Fixed SQLite/MySQL crash when ordering by a filtered subquery that uses nulls_first/nulls_last. * Fixed typo in docs/topics/db/aggregation.txt. * Fixed #28802 -- Fixed typo in docs/topics/auth/default.txt. * Fixed typo in docs/topics/forms/media.txt. * Bumped version for 1.11.8 release. * Fixed typo in docs/ref/models/querysets.txt. * Fixed test failures due to ordering differences on PostgreSQL 10. * Fixed #28710 -- Fixed the Basque DATE_FORMAT string * Added stub release notes for 1.11.6. * Fixed #28747 -- Fixed typos in django/conf/ comments. * Fixed #28817 -- Made QuerySet.iterator() use server-side cursors after values() and values_list(). * Post-release version bump. * Fixed #28792 -- Fixed index name truncation of namespaced tables. * Fixed #28781 -- Added QuerySet.values()/values_list() support for union(), difference(), and intersection(). * Fixed #28722 -- Made QuerySet.reverse() affect nulls_first/nulls_last. * Refs #28710 -- Simplified l10n format test * Initialized CsrfViewMiddleware once in csrf_tests. * Added release date for 1.11.7. * Linked to prefetch_related_objects func in DB optimization docs. * Fixed #28645 -- Reallowed AuthenticationForm to raise the inactive user error when using ModelBackend. * Fixed #28653 -- Added missing ForeignKey.on_delete argument in docs. * Fixed #28561 -- Removed inaccurate docs about QuerySet.order_by() and joins. * Fixed #28555 -- Made CharField convert whitespace-only values to the empty_value when strip is enabled. * Fixed #28601 -- Prevented cache.get_or_set() from caching None if default is a callable that returns None.- update to version 1.11.5 * CVE-2017-12794: Possible XSS in traceback section of technical 500 debug page * Fixed GEOS version parsing if the version has a commit hash at the end (new in GEOS 3.6.2) (:ticket:`28441`). * Added compatibility for ``cx_Oracle`` 6 (:ticket:`28498`). * Fixed select widget rendering when option values are tuples (:ticket:`28502`). * Django 1.11 inadvertently changed the sequence and trigger naming scheme on Oracle. This causes errors on INSERTs for some tables if ``'use_returning_into': False`` is in the ``OPTIONS`` part of ``DATABASES``. The pre-1.11 naming scheme is now restored. Unfortunately, it necessarily requires an update to Oracle tables created with Django 1.11.[1-4]. Use the upgrade script in :ticket:`28451` comment 8 to update sequence and trigger names to use the pre-1.11 naming scheme. * Added POST request support to ``LogoutView``, for equivalence with the function-based ``logout()`` view (:ticket:`28513`). * Omitted ``pages_per_range`` from ``BrinIndex.deconstruct()`` if it's ``None`` (:ticket:`25809`). * Fixed a regression where ``SelectDateWidget`` localized the years in the select box (:ticket:`28530`). * Fixed a regression in 1.11.4 where ``runserver`` crashed with non-Unicode system encodings on Python 2 + Windows (:ticket:`28487`). * Fixed a regression in Django 1.10 where changes to a ``ManyToManyField`` weren't logged in the admin change history (:ticket:`27998`) and prevented ``ManyToManyField`` initial data in model forms from being affected by subsequent model changes (:ticket:`28543`). * Fixed non-deterministic results or an ``AssertionError`` crash in some queries with multiple joins (:ticket:`26522`). * Fixed a regression in ``contrib.auth``'s ``login()`` and ``logout()`` views where they ignored positional arguments (:ticket:`28550`).- update to version 1.11.4: * Fixed #27939 -- Updated OpenLayersWidget.map_srid for OpenLayers 3. * Fixed #27956 -- Fixed display of errors in an {% extends %} child. * Updated various links in docs to avoid redirects * Fixed typo in docs/topics/auth/default.txt. * Double quoted HTML attributes in widget docs * Fixed #28303 -- Prevented localization of attribute values in the DTL attrs.html widget template. * Added stub release notes for 1.11.3. * Documented OSMWidget.default_lat/lon. * Fixed #28101 -- Fixed a regression with nested __in subquery lookups and to_field. * Bumped version for 1.11.4 release. * Bumped version for 1.11.3 release. * Updated translations from Transifex * Fixed #28039 -- Fixed crash in BaseGeometryWidget.subwidgets(). * Fixed #28242 -- Moved ImageField file extension validation to the form field. * Made docs/topics/migrations.txt use single quotes consistently. * Fixed #28355 -- Fixed widget rendering of non-ASCII date/time formats on Python 2. * Updated name of topics/db/queries link on index. * Fixed #28025 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/models/querysets.txt. * Fixed #28043 -- Prevented AddIndex and RemoveIndex from mutating model state. * Fixed #28207 -- Fixed contrib.auth.authenticate() if multiple auth backends don't accept a request. * Fixed #28361 -- Fixed possible time-related failure in was_published_recently() tutorial test. * Fixed #28265 -- Prevented renderer warning on Widget.render() with **kwargs. * Fixed typo in docs/topics/testing/advanced.txt. * Fixed #28125 -- Clarified 1.11 release note about Template.render() prohibiting non-dict context. * Refs #18974 -- Added stacklevel for permalink() deprecation. * Fixed #28350 -- Fixed UnboundLocalError crash in RenameField with nonexistent field. * Fixed #28051 -- Made migrations respect Index's name argument. * Fixed #28420 -- Doc'd 'is' comparison restriction for User.is_authenticated/anonymous. * Added release date for 1.11.4. * Refs #28174 -- Fixed autoreload test crash on Python 2/non-ASCII path. * Fixed #28389 -- Fixed pickling of LazyObject on Python 2 when wrapped object doesn't have __reduce__(). * Fixed #28148 -- Doc'd ImageField name validation concerns with the test client. * Added stub release notes for 1.11.2. * Fixed #27890 -- Fixed FileNotFoundError cleanup exception in on Python 3.6+. * Fixed #28138 -- Used output type handler instead of numbersAsStrings on Oracle cursor. * Fixed widgets module path in docs/ref/contrib/gis/forms-api.txt. * Fixed #27947 -- Doc'd that model Field.error_messages often don't propagate to forms. * Fixed #28067 -- Clarified __str__() return type when using python_2_unicode_compatible(). * Fixed docstring typo in django/contrib/admin/ * Fixed #28102 -- Doc'd how to compute path to built-in widget template directories. * Fixed #28352 -- Corrected QuerySet.values_list() return type in docs examples. * Fixed #28181 -- Added detection for GDAL 2.1 and 2.0. * Refs #23853 -- Updated sql.query.Query.join() docstring. * Added a test for Model._meta._property_names. * Refs #27919 -- Changed Widget.get_context() attrs kwarg to an arg. * Fixed #28415 -- Clarified what characters ASCII/UnicodeUsernameValidator accept. * Fixed #28074 -- Doc'd template-based widget rendering changes for contrib.gis. * Fixed #28278 -- Fixed invalid HTML for a required AdminFileWidget. * Added content_type filtering in Permission querying example. * Corrected FileExtensionValidator doc regarding the value being validated. * Fixed #27960 -- Set errcheck=False for GDALAllRegister to prevent crash. * Fixed #28097 -- Fixed layout of ReadOnlyPasswordHashWidget. * Fixed #27969 -- Fixed models.Field.formfield() setting 'disabled' for fields with choices. * Post-release version bump. * Fixed #28298 -- Prevented a primary key alteration from adding a foreign key constraint if db_constraint=False. * Refs #28192 -- Fixed documentation of ChoiceField choices requirement * Fixed #27966 -- Bumped required psycopg2 version to 2.5.4. * Linked GIS QuerySet API docs to corresponding PostGIS docs. * Fixed #27974 -- Kept resolved templates constant during one rendering cycle. * Refs #28100 -- Fixed URL in el, es_MX, and pt auth translations * Fixed typo in docs/ref/request-response.txt. * Fixed #27963 -- Removed unneeded docstring example in contributing docs. * Added stub release notes for security releases. * Fixed #28349 -- Doc'd how to upgrade Django from LTS to LTS. * Fixed typo in docs/ref/forms/fields.txt. * Fixed CVE-2017-7234 -- Fixed open redirect vulnerability in views.static.serve(). * Fixed #28170 -- Fixed file_move_safe() crash when moving files to a CIFS mount. * Fixed broken links to Oracle docs. * Fixed #27554 -- Fixed prefetch_related() crash when fetching relations in nested Prefetches. * Added links and cosmetic edits to docs/ref/request-response.txt. * Added stub release notes for 1.11.1. * Fixed #28079 -- Restored "No POST data" (rather than an empty table) in HTML debug page. * Removed incorrect "required" attribute in docs/ref/forms/fields.txt. * Fixed #28176 -- Restored the uncasted option value in ChoiceWidget template context. * Refs #24423 -- Readded inadvertently deleted i18n tests. * Fixed #27965 -- Fixed precision comparison in a geoforms test (refs #27939). * Corrected post-release version bump. * Made run gis_tests only when using a GIS database backend. * Fixed #28230 -- Allowed DjangoJsonEncoder to serialize CallableBool. * Fixed broken link to QUnit docs. * Removed MySQL (unsupported) from Perimeter docs. * Fixed #28266 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/models/instances.txt. * Fixed #28139 -- Added another level of headings in the topics index. * Fixed #28003 -- Doc'd what an auto-created OneToOneField parent_link looks like. * Fixed #28160 -- Prevented hiding GDAL exceptions when it's not installed. * Updated man page for Django 1.11. * Fixed #27988 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/django-admin.txt. * Fixed #28199 -- Fixed Subquery generating unnecessary/invalid CAST. * Fixed #28122 -- Fixed crash when overriding views.static.directory_index()'s template. * Fixed AppRegistryNotReady error when running gis_tests in isolation on PostGIS. * Fixed #28435 -- Removed inaccurate warning about SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD. * Fixed #28040 -- Updated SplitArrayWidget to use template-based widget rendering. * Fixed #28269 -- Fixed Model.__init__() crash on models with a field that has an instance only descriptor. * Tested EmailMessage(attachments=[MIMEText]) * Clarified return value of NumGeometries GIS function. * Refs #27935 -- Fixed BrinIndex.max_name_length if a project's default database isn't PostgreSQL. * Fixed #28058 -- Restored empty BoundFields evaluating to True. * Replaced "not A== B" with "A != B" in docs/howto/writing-migrations.txt. * Added CVE-2017-7233,4 to the security release archive. * Fixed #28204 -- Fixed MultipleObjectMixin.paginate_queryset() crash on Python 2 if InvalidPage message contains non-ASCII. * Fixed #27935 -- Fixed crash with BrinIndex name > 30 characters. * Fixed #28293 -- Fixed union(), intersection(), and difference() when combining with an EmptyQuerySet. * Fixed #28222 -- Allowed settable properties in QuerySet.update_or_create()/get_or_create() defaults. * Refs #27556, #27488 -- Updated support backends docs for isvalid lookup. * Fixed nondeterministic ordering test failure in model_forms. * Fixed #28345 -- Applied limit_choices_to during ModelForm.__init__(). * Fixed #27981 -- Doc'd date/time filter l10n changes in refs #25758. * Made a few cosmetic updates to "Migrations that add unique fields". * Bumped version for 1.11 release. * Fixed #28004 -- Doc'd how to create migrations for an app without a migrations directory. * Fixed #28202 -- Fixed FieldListFilter.get_queryset() crash on invalid input. * Fixed #27949 -- Doc'd how OpenLayers 3 widgets work. * Pass type to sql_alter_column_* where it was missing. * Fixed #27866 -- Made ChoiceWidget.format_value() return a list * Fixed #28308 -- Doc'd removal of Select.render_option() (refs #15667). * Fixed #28178 -- Changed contrib.gis to raise ImproperlyConfigured if gdal isn't installed. * Fixed #28284 -- Prevented Paginator's unordered object list warning from evaluating a QuerySet. * Fixed #28209 -- Made date-based generic views return a 404 rather than crash when given an out of range date. * Fixed #28161 -- Fixed return type of ArrayField(CITextField()). * Corrected docs regarding MySQL support of Length GIS function. * Fixed #28175 -- Fixed __in lookups on a foreign key when using the foreign key's parent model as the lookup value. * Refs #18247 -- Fixed SQLite QuerySet filtering on decimal result of Least and Greatest. * Refs #28207 -- Fixed contrib.auth.authenticate() if 'backend' is in the credentials. * Fixed #27644 -- Doc'd FileSystemStorage.get_created_time(). * Added test for intersection() when combining with a queryset raising EmptyResultSet. * Fixed #28197 -- Fixed introspection of index field ordering on PostgreSQL. * Removed extra characters in docs header underlines. * Fixed GEOSGeometry reference in GIS tutorial. * Refs #28066 -- Fixed Python 2 failures in sessions_tests. * Removed obsolete Widget.format_output() in tests. * Fixed #28059 -- Restored class attribute in
    of widgets that use multiple_input.html. * Fixed typo in docs/ref/contrib/postgres/fields.txt. * Refs #27025 -- Fixed "invalid escape sequence" warning in auth_tests on Python 3.6. * Fixed #28031 -- Removed notes about old uWSGI/sentry versions (refs #20537). * Removed unexpected initial attribute in data migration examples. * Renamed "Mac OS X" to "macOS" in docs. * Sorted imports per isort 4.2.9. * Refs #28138 -- Added release notes for d52577b62b3138674807ac74251fab7faed48331. * Back to the future. * Fixed #27993 -- Fixed model form default fallback for SelectMultiple. * Refs #27866 -- Adapted backport for Python 2 compatibility * Removed unused links in docs/internals/contributing/triaging-tickets.txt. * Clarified QuerySet.iterator()'s docs on server-side cursors. * Fixed #28096 -- Allowed prefetch calls with ModelIterable subclasses * Fixed #28414 -- Fixed ClearableFileInput rendering as a subwidget of MultiWidget. * Corrected REPL example in forms docs for Python 3. * Refs #28181 -- Corrected detection of GDAL 2.1 on Windows. * Fixed #28075 -- Prevented ChoiceWidget from localizing option values. * Fixed #28282 -- Fixed class-based indexes name for models that only inherit Model. * Fixed #28038 -- Restored casting to text of builtin lookups on PostgreSQL. * Fixed #28418 -- Fixed queryset crash when using a GenericRelation to a proxy model. * Fixed #28062 -- Added a setting to disable server-side cursors on PostgreSQL. * Fixed #28105 -- Fixed crash in BaseGeometryWidget.get_context() when overriding existing attrs. * Refs #28160 -- Skipped a GeoManager test if not using a GIS database backend. * Fixed #28157 -- Fixed choice ordering in form fields with grouped and non-grouped options. * Fixed #28095 -- Doc'd Widget.build_attrs() signature change in Django 1.11. * Fixed a forms test after updated translations. * Fixed 403 link in docs/ref/contrib/gis/install/spatialite.txt. * Simplified schema.tests with assertForeignKeyExists()/assertForeignKeyNotExists(). * Fixed #28336 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/settings.txt. * Fixed #28378 -- Fixed union() and difference() when combining with a queryset raising EmptyResultSet. * Refs #28052 -- Cleaned up some indexes in schema tests. * Fixed #28047 -- Fixed QuerySet.filter() crash when it uses the name of a OneToOneField pk. * Added release date for 1.11.1. * Fixed #28327 -- Removed contradictory description of mod_wsgi docs. * Clarified "newly-introduced features" in the supported versions policy. * Fixed docs build with Sphinx 1.6. * Fixed #28239 -- Removed docs for a removed arg of template.Context. * Bumped version for 1.11.2 release. * Refs #28066 -- Fixed nondeterministic ordering test failure in sessions_tests. * Updated and links to https. * Fixed typos in docs/topic/db/search.txt. * Fixed #28174 -- Fixed crash in runserver's autoreload with Python 2 on Windows with non-str environment variables. * Fixed typos in docs/howto/static-files/index.txt. * Fixed #28294 -- Doc'd request/args/kwargs attributes of class-based views. * Fixed #27967 -- Fixed KeyError in admin's inline form with inherited non-editable pk. * Fixed db backend discovery in admin_scripts tests. * Fixed outdated TIME_FORMAT in docs/ref/templates/builtins.txt. * Fixed #26028 -- Added overriding templates howto. * Updated was_published_recently() tutorial test to check boundary condition. * Fix a typo in django/db/ * Fixed #28109 -- Corrected the stack level of unordered queryset pagination warnings. * Fixed #28142 -- Fixed is_safe_url() crash on invalid IPv6 URLs. * Refs #22397 -- Removed model in test cleanup * Fixed #28052 -- Prevented dropping Meta.indexes when changing db_index to False. * Fixed #18485 -- Doc'd behavior of PostgreSQL when manually setting AutoField. * Updated core translations from Transifex * Fixed #28166 -- Fixed Model._state.db on MTI parent model after saving child model. * Added missing import in docs/topics/db/queries.txt. * Refs #27919 -- Passed ChoiceWidget.create_option() kwargs as expected. * Fixed #28229 -- Fixed the value of LoginView's "next" template variable. * Fixed #27975 -- Fixed crash if ModelChoiceField's queryset=None. * Added release date for 1.11.2. * Fixed #27912, CVE-2017-7233 -- Fixed is_safe_url() with numeric URLs. * Fixed #28159 -- Fixed BaseInlineFormSet._construct_form() crash when using save_as_new. * Removed an obsolete temporal reference in docs/faq/general.txt. * Fixed #28042 -- Fixed crash when using a two-tuple in EmailMessage's attachments arg. * Fixed #27945 -- Clarified that RegexValidator searches with the regex. * Linked GIS functions docs to corresponding PostGIS docs. * Refs #17453 -- Fixed broken link to #django IRC logs. * Fixed gis_tests.geoapp test with incorrect geodetic coordinates. * Fixed #28066 -- Prevented SessionBase.cycle_key() from discarding data. * Fixed #27730 -- Doc'd that template vars created outside a block can't be used in it. * Fixed #28069 -- Moved setup_test_environment() warning in tutorial 5. * Fixed #28130 -- Fixed formset min_num validation with initial, unchanged forms. * Fixed #28091 -- Re-raised original exception when closing cursor cleanup fails * Clarified backend support of Area GIS function. * Fixed #28387 -- Fixed has_changed() for disabled form fields that subclass it. * Fixed #27915 -- Allowed Meta.indexes to be defined in abstract models. * Fixed #26755 -- Fixed test_middleware_classes_headers if Django source isn't writable. * Fixed #28188 -- Fixed crash when pickling model fields. * Fixed typo in docs/ref/models/querysets.txt. * Pointed Dive into Python links to python3 site * Refs #25240 -- Added ExtractWeek examples. * Added some shell output in tutorial 2. * Removed inappropriate highlighting in committing-code.txt. * Fixed #28399 -- Fixed QuerySet.count() for union(), difference(), and intersection() queries. * Fixed #28212 -- Allowed customizing the port that LiveServerTestCase uses. * Fixed flake8 warning on Python 2. * Clarified meaning of "Optional" in auth.models.User field docs. * Clarified HStoreField model/form difference in 1.11 release notes. * Removed self from method signatures in docs. * Added stub release notes for 1.11.4. * Updated tests after French translation update * Fixed #27603 -- Fixed AsKML when queryset is evaluated more than once. * Fixed #28262 -- Fixed incorrect DisallowedModelAdminLookup when a nested reverse relation is in list_filter. * Fixed #27434 -- Doc'd how to raise a model validation error for a field not in a model form. * Refs #21415 -- Fixed contrib.humanize translations for es_AR * Fixed #27655 -- Added some guidelines to the coding style docs. * Updated contrib translations from Transifex * Removed nonexistent methods from File's docs. * Doc'd the need to remove default ordering on Subquery aggregates. * Fixed broken link to mysqlclient docs. * Fixed #28210 -- Fixed Model._state.adding on MTI parent model after saving child model. * Removed usage of deprecated sphinx.util.compat.Directive. * Refs #28100 -- Added 1.11.1 release note for e6bfd3d751278d7cfd09af1120c4bbce509c05da. * Fixed #28190 -- Clarifed how include/extends treat template names. * Refs #26294 -- Fixed typo in docs/ref/django-admin.txt. * Refs #28091 -- Fixed typo and rephrased 1.11.1 release note. * Fixed typo in docs/ref/class-based-views/mixins-single-object.txt. * Bumped version for 1.11.1 release. * Added release date for 1.11.3. * Bumped version for 1.11 release candidate 1. * Simplified tutorial's test names and docstrings. * Fixed typo in django/db/backends/base/ comment. * Fixed #28233 -- Used a simpler example in the aggregation "cheat sheet" docs. - Require python-pytz and Recommend python-bcrypt- Fix building on older Python versions.- Fix wrong-script-interpreter rpmlint error.- should be the master, not django-admin.- Don't provide python2-django or python2-South, singlespec packages should use correct name.- Implement single-spec version.- Update to 1.10.7 Bugfixes * Made admin’s RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper use the wrapped widget’s value_omitted_from_data() method (#27905) * Fixed model form default fallback for SelectMultiple (#27993)- Update to 1.10.6 Bugfixes * Fixed ClearableFileInput’s “Clear” checkbox on model form fields where the model field has a default * Fixed RequestDataTooBig and TooManyFieldsSent exceptions crashing rather than generating a bad request response * Fixed a crash on Oracle and PostgreSQL when subtracting DurationField or IntegerField from DateField * Fixed query expression date subtraction accuracy on PostgreSQL for differences large an a month * Fixed a GDALException raised by GDALClose on GDAL >= 2.0- Update to 1.10.5 * See * Full text search for PostgreSQL * New-style middleware * Official support for Unicode usernames- Update to 1.9.12 Bugfixes * Quoted the Oracle test user’s password in queries to fix the “ORA-00922: missing or invalid option” error when the password starts with a number or special character (#27420) * DNS rebinding vulnerability when DEBUG=True * CSRF protection bypass on a site with Google Analytics- Change Requires: python-Pillow to python-imaging for compatibility with SLE-12 which provides PIL instead of Pillow.- Update to 1.9.9 Bugfixes * Fixed invalid HTML in template postmortem on the debug page (#26938). * Fixed some GIS database function crashes on MySQL 5.7 (#26657). - Update to 1.9.8 Fix XSS in admin’s add/change related popup (bsc#988420) Unsafe usage of JavaScript’s Element.innerHTML could result in XSS in the admin’s add/change related popup. Element.textContent is now used to prevent execution of the data. The debug view also used innerHTML. Although a security issue wasn’t identified there, out of an abundance of caution it’s also updated to use textContent. Bugfixes * Fixed missing varchar/text_pattern_ops index on CharField and TextField respectively when using AddField on PostgreSQL (#26889). * Fixed makemessages crash on Python 2 with non-ASCII file names (#26897). - Update to 1.9.7 Bugfixes * Removed the need for the request context processor on the admin login page to fix a regression in 1.9 (#26558). * Fixed translation of password validators’ help_text in forms (#26544). * Fixed a regression causing the cached template loader to crash when using lazy template names (#26603). * Fixed on_commit callbacks execution order when callbacks make transactions (#26627). * Fixed HStoreField to raise a ValidationError instead of crashing on non-dictionary JSON input (#26672). * Fixed dbshell crash on PostgreSQL with an empty database name (#26698). * Fixed a regression in queries on a OneToOneField that has to_field and primary_key=True (#26667).- Update to 1.9.6 Bugfixes * Added support for relative path redirects to the test client and to SimpleTestCase.assertRedirects() because Django 1.9 no longer converts redirects to absolute URIs (#26428). * Fixed TimeField microseconds round-tripping on MySQL and SQLite (#26498). * Prevented makemigrations from generating infinite migrations for a model field that references a functools.partial (#26475). * Fixed a regression where SessionBase.pop() returned None rather than raising a KeyError for nonexistent values (#26520). * Fixed a regression causing the cached template loader to crash when using template names starting with a dash (#26536). * Restored conversion of an empty string to null when saving values of GenericIPAddressField on SQLite and MySQL (#26557). * Fixed a makemessages regression where temporary .py extensions were leaked in source file paths (#26341).- Update to 1.9.5- Update to 1.9.2 Security issue * User with "change" but not "add" permission can create objects for ModelAdmin's with save_as=True Backwards incompatible change * .py-tpl files rewritten in project/app templates Bugfixes * Fixed a regression in ConditionalGetMiddleware causing If-None-Match checks to always return HTTP 200 (#26024). * Fixed a regression that caused the "user-tools" items to display on the admin's logout page (#26035). * Fixed a crash in the translations system when the current language has no translations (#26046). * Fixed a regression that caused the incorrect day to be selected when opening the admin calendar widget for timezones from GMT+0100 to GMT+1200 (#24980). * Fixed a regression in the admin's edit related model popup that caused an escaped value to be displayed in the select dropdown of the parent window (#25997). * Fixed a regression in 1.8.8 causing incorrect index handling in migrations on PostgreSQL when adding db_index=True or unique=True to a CharField or TextField that already had the other specified, or when removing one of them from a field that had both, or when adding unique=True to a field already listed in unique_together (#26034). * Fixed a regression where defining a relation on an abstract model's field using a string model name without an app_label no longer resolved that reference to the abstract model's app if using that model in another application (#25858). * Fixed a crash when destroying an existing test database on MySQL or PostgreSQL (#26096). * Fixed CSRF cookie check on POST requests when USE_X_FORWARDED_PORT=True (#26094). * Fixed a QuerySet.order_by() crash when ordering by a relational field of a ManyToManyField through model (#26092). * Fixed a regression that caused an exception when making database queries on SQLite with more than 2000 parameters when DEBUG is True on distributions that increase the SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER compile-time limit to over 2000, such as Debian (#26063). * Fixed a crash when using a reverse OneToOneField in ModelAdmin.readonly_fields (#26060). * Fixed a crash when calling the migrate command in a test case with the available_apps attribute pointing to an application with migrations disabled using the MIGRATION_MODULES setting (#26135). * Restored the ability for testing and debugging tools to determine the template from which a node came from, even during template inheritance or inclusion. Prior to Django 1.9, debugging tools could access the template origin from the node via Node.token.source[0]. This was an undocumented, private API. The origin is now available directly on each node using the Node.origin attribute (#25848). * Fixed a regression in Django 1.8.5 that broke copying a SimpleLazyObject with copy.copy() (#26122). * Always included geometry_field in the GeoJSON serializer output regardless of the fields parameter (#26138). * Fixed the contrib.gis map widgets when using USE_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR=True (#20415). * Made invalid forms display the initial of values of their disabled fields (#26129).- Update to 1.9.1 Bugfixes * Fixed BaseCache.get_or_set() with the DummyCache backend (#25840). * Fixed a regression in FormMixin causing forms to be validated twice (#25548, #26018). * Fixed a system check crash with nested ArrayFields (#25867). * Fixed a state bug when migrating a SeparateDatabaseAndState operation backwards (#25896). * Fixed a regression in CommonMiddleware causing If-None-Match checks to always return HTTP 200 (#25900). * Fixed missing varchar/text_pattern_ops index on CharField and TextField respectively when using AlterField on PostgreSQL (#25412). * Fixed admin’s delete confirmation page’s summary counts of related objects (#25883). * Added from __future__ import unicode_literals to the default created by startapp on Python 2 (#25909). Add this line to your own files created using Django 1.9 if you want your migrations to work on both Python 2 and Python 3. * Prevented QuerySet.delete() from crashing on MySQL when querying across relations. * Fixed evaluation of zero-length slices of QuerySet.values() (#25894). * ... * update to 1.9 (CVE-2016-7401, CVE-2015-8213) * * Performing actions after a transaction commit * Password validation * Permission mixins for class-based views * New styling for "contrib.admin" * Running tests in parallel- update to 1.8.6: * * add missing Requires for python-setuptools (bsc#952198) /usr/bin/django-admin needs the pkg_resources framework from python-setuptools to run properly.- update to 1.8.4 (CVE-2015-5963): * add keyring and verify source signature- update to 1.8.3: * Various bugfixes/security fixes (CVE-2015-5145, bsc#937524)- update to 1.8.2 (CVE-2015-3982): * * Update to Django 1.8 * "Long-Term Support" (LTS) release New features: * Model._meta API * Multiple template engines * Security enhancements * New PostgreSQL specific functionality * New data types * Query Expressions, Conditional Expressions, and Database Functions * TestCase data setup Backwards incompatible changes: * Related object operations are run in a transaction * Assigning unsaved objects to relations raises an error * Management commands that only accept positional arguments * Custom test management command arguments through test runner * Model check ensures auto-generated column names are within limits specified by database * Query relation lookups now check object types * select_related() now checks given fields * Default EmailField.max_length increased to 254 * (DROP) Support for PostgreSQL versions older than 9.0 * (DROP) Support for MySQL versions older than 5.5 * (DROP) Support for Oracle versions older than 11.1 * Specific privileges used instead of roles for tests on Oracle * ...- Update to Django 1.7.7: Security issues: * Denial-of-service possibility with strip_tags() * Mitigated possible XSS attack via user-supplied redirect URLs Bugfixes: * Fixed renaming of classes in migrations where renaming a subclass would cause incorrect state to be recorded for objects that referenced the superclass (#24354). * Stopped writing migration files in dry run mode when merging migration conflicts. When makemigrations --merge is called with verbosity=3 the migration file is written to stdout (:ticket: 24427).- Update to Djano 1.7.6: Bugfixes * Mitigated an XSS attack via properties in "ModelAdmin.readonly_fields" * Fixed crash when coercing "ManyRelatedManager" to a string (#24352). * Fixed a bug that prevented migrations from adding a foreign key constraint when converting an existing field to a foreign key (#24447).- Update to Django 1.7.5: Bugfixes * Reverted a fix that prevented a migration crash when unapplying contrib.contenttypes's or contrib.auth's first migration (#24075) due to severe impact on the test performance (#24251) and problems in multi-database setups (#24298). * Fixed a regression that prevented custom fields inheriting from ManyToManyField from being recognized in migrations (#24236). * Fixed crash in contrib.sites migrations when a default database isn't used (#24332). * Added the ability to set the isolation level on PostgreSQL with psycopg2 >= 2.4.2 (#24318). It was advertised as a new feature in Django 1.6 but it didn't work in practice. * Formats for the Azerbaijani locale (az) have been added.- Update to Django 1.7.4: Bugfixes * Fixed a migration crash when unapplying ``contrib.contenttypes``’s or ``contrib.auth``’s first migration (:ticket:`24075`). * Made the migration's ``RenameModel`` operation rename ``ManyToManyField`` tables (:ticket:`24135`). * Fixed a migration crash on MySQL when migrating from a ``OneToOneField`` to a ``ForeignKey`` (:ticket:`24163`). * Prevented the ``static.serve`` view from producing ``ResourceWarning``\s in certain circumstances (security fix regression, :ticket:`24193`). * Fixed schema check for ManyToManyField to look for internal type instead of checking class instance, so you can write custom m2m-like fields with the same behavior. (:ticket:`24104`).- Update to Django 1.7.3: Security fixes: * WSGI header spoofing via underscore/dash conflation. * Mitigated possible XSS attack via user-supplied redirect URLs. * Denial-of-service attack against django.views.static.serve. * Database denial-of-service with ModelMultipleChoiceField. Bug fixes: * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher has been increased by 25%. This part of the normal major release process was inadvertently omitted in 1.7. This backwards compatible change will not affect users who have subclassed django.contrib.auth.hashers.PBKDF2PasswordHasher to change the default value. * Fixed a crash in the CSRF middleware when handling non-ASCII referer header (#23815). * Fixed a crash in the django.contrib.auth.redirect_to_login view when passing a reverse_lazy() result on Python 3 (#24097). * Added correct formats for Greek (el) (#23967). * Fixed a migration crash when unapplying a migration where multiple operations interact with the same model (#24110).- South has been merged in main Django; provide and obsolete it- Update to Django 1.7.2: * Fixed migration’s renaming of auto-created many-to-many tables when changing Meta.db_table (#23630). * Fixed a migration crash when adding an explicit id field to a model on SQLite (#23702). * Added a warning for duplicate models when a module is reloaded. Previously a RuntimeError was raised every time two models clashed in the app registry. (#23621). * Prevented flush from loading initial data for migrated apps (#23699). * Fixed a makemessages regression in 1.7.1 when STATIC_ROOT has the default None value (#23717). * Added GeoDjango compatibility with mysqlclient database driver. * Fixed MySQL 5.6+ crash with GeometryFields in migrations (#23719). * Fixed a migration crash when removing a field that is referenced in AlterIndexTogether or AlterUniqueTogether (#23614). * Updated the first day of the week in the Ukrainian locale to Monday. * Added support for transactional spatial metadata initialization on SpatiaLite 4.1+ (#23152). * Fixed a migration crash that prevented changing a nullable field with a default to non-nullable with the same default (#23738). * Fixed a migration crash when adding GeometryFields with blank=True on PostGIS (#23731). * Allowed usage of DateTimeField() as Transform.output_field (#23420). * Fixed a migration serializing bug involving float("nan") and float("inf") (#23770). * Fixed a regression where custom form fields having a queryset attribute but no limit_choices_to could not be used in a ModelForm (#23795). * Fixed a custom field type validation error with MySQL backend when db_type returned None (#23761). * Fixed a migration crash when a field is renamed that is part of an index_together (#23859). * Fixed squashmigrations to respect the --no-optimize parameter (#23799). * Made RenameModel reversible (#22248) * Avoided unnecessary rollbacks of migrations from other apps when migrating backwards (#23410). * Fixed a rare query error when using deeply nested subqueries (#23605). * Fixed a crash in migrations when deleting a field that is part of a index/unique_together constraint (#23794). * Fixed django.core.files.File.__repr__() when the file’s name contains Unicode characters (#23888). * Added missing context to the admin’s delete_selected view that prevented custom site header, etc. from appearing (#23898). * Fixed a regression with dynamically generated inlines and allowed field references in the admin (#23754). * Fixed an infinite loop bug for certain cyclic migration dependencies, and made the error message for cyclic dependencies much more helpful. * Added missing index_together handling for SQLite (#23880). * Fixed a crash when RunSQL SQL content was collected by the schema editor, typically when using sqlmigrate (#23909). * Fixed a regression in contrib.admin add/change views which caused some ModelAdmin methods to receive the incorrect obj value (#23934). * Fixed runserver crash when socket error message contained Unicode characters (#23946). * Fixed serialization of type when adding a deconstruct() method (#23950). * Prevented the SessionAuthenticationMiddleware from setting a "Vary: Cookie" header on all responses (#23939). * Fixed a crash when adding blank=True to TextField() on MySQL (#23920). * Fixed index creation by the migration infrastructure, particularly when dealing with PostgreSQL specific {text|varchar}_pattern_ops indexes (#23954). * Fixed bug in makemigrations that created broken migration files when dealing with multiple table inheritance and inheriting from more than one model (#23956). * Fixed a crash when a MultiValueField has invalid data (#23674). * Fixed a crash in the admin when using “Save as new” and also deleting a related inline (#23857). * Always converted related_name to text (unicode), since that is required on Python 3 for interpolation. Removed conversion of related_name to text in migration deconstruction (#23455 and [#23982]). * Enlarged the sizes of tablespaces which are created by default for testing on Oracle (the main tablespace was increased from 200M to 300M and the temporary tablespace from 100M to 150M). This was required to accommodate growth in Django’s own test suite (#23969). * Fixed timesince filter translations in Korean (#23989). * Fixed the SQLite SchemaEditor to properly add defaults in the absence of a user specified default. For example, a CharField with blank=True didn’t set existing rows to an empty string which resulted in a crash when adding the NOT NULL constraint (#23987). * makemigrations no longer prompts for a default value when adding TextField() or CharField() without a default (#23405). * Fixed a migration crash when adding order_with_respect_to to a table with existing rows (#23983). * Restored the pre_migrate signal if all apps have migrations (#23975). * Made admin system checks run for custom AdminSites (#23497). * Ensured the app registry is fully populated when unpickling models. When an external script (like a queueing infrastructure) reloads pickled models, it could crash with an AppRegistryNotReady exception (#24007). * Added quoting to field indexes in the SQL generated by migrations to prevent a crash when the index name requires it (##24015). * Added datetime.time support to migrations questioner (#23998). * Fixed admindocs crash on apps installed as eggs (#23525). * Changed migrations autodetector to generate an AlterModelOptions operation instead of DeleteModel and CreateModel operations when changing Meta.managed. This prevents data loss when changing managed from False to True and vice versa (#24037). * Enabled the sqlsequencereset command on apps with migrations (#24054). * Added tablespace SQL to apps with migrations (#24051). * Corrected contrib.sites default site creation in a multiple database setup (#24000). * Restored support for objects that aren’t str or bytes in mark_for_escaping() on Python 3. * Supported strings escaped by third-party libraries with the __html__ convention in the template engine (#23831). * Prevented extraneous DROP DEFAULT SQL in migrations (#23581). * Restored the ability to use more than five levels of subqueries (#23758). * Fixed crash when ValidationError is initialized with a ValidationError that is initialized with a dictionary (#24008). * Prevented a crash on apps without migrations when running migrate - -list (#23366).- Update to Django 1.7.1 * Allowed related many-to-many fields to be referenced in the admin (#23604). * Added a more helpful error message if you try to migrate an app without first creating the contenttypes table (#22411). * Modified migrations dependency algorithm to avoid possible infinite recursion. * Fixed a UnicodeDecodeError when the flush error message contained Unicode characters (#22882). * Reinstated missing CHECK SQL clauses which were omitted on some backends when not using migrations (#23416). * Fixed serialization of type objects in migrations (#22951). * Allowed inline and hidden references to admin fields (#23431). * The @deconstructible decorator now fails with a ValueError if the decorated object cannot automatically be imported (#23418). * Fixed a typo in an inlineformset_factory() error message that caused a crash (#23451). * Restored the ability to use ABSOLUTE_URL_OVERRIDES with the 'auth.User' model (#11775). As a side effect, the setting now adds a get_absolute_url() method to any model that appears in ABSOLUTE_URL_OVERRIDES but doesn’t define get_absolute_url(). * Avoided masking some ImportError exceptions during application loading (#22920). * Empty index_together or unique_together model options no longer results in infinite migrations (#23452). * Fixed crash in contrib.sitemaps if lastmod returned a date rather than a datetime (#23403). * Allowed migrations to work with app_labels that have the same last part (e.g. django.contrib.auth and vendor.auth) (#23483). * Restored the ability to deepcopy F objects (#23492). * Formats for Welsh (cy) and several Chinese locales (zh_CN, zh_Hans, zh_Hant and zh_TW) have been added. Formats for Macedonian have been fixed (trailing dot removed, #23532). * Added quoting of constraint names in the SQL generated by migrations to prevent crash with uppercase characters in the name (#23065). * Fixed renaming of models with a self-referential many-to-many field (ManyToManyField('self')) (#23503). * Added the get_extra(), get_max_num(), and get_min_num() hooks to GenericInlineModelAdmin (#23539). * Made migrations.RunSQL no longer require percent sign escaping. This is now consistent with cursor.execute() (#23426). * Made the SERIALIZE entry in the TEST dictionary usable (#23421). * Fixed bug in migrations that prevented foreign key constraints to unmanaged models with a custom primary key (#23415). * Added SchemaEditor for MySQL GIS backend so that spatial indexes will be created for apps with migrations (#23538). * Added SchemaEditor for Oracle GIS backend so that spatial metadata and indexes will be created for apps with migrations (#23537). * Coerced the related_name model field option to unicode during migration generation to generate migrations that work with both Python 2 and 3 (#23455). * Fixed MigrationWriter to handle builtin types without imports (#23560). * Fixed deepcopy on ErrorList (#23594). * Made the admindocs view to browse view details check if the view specified in the URL exists in the URLconf. Previously it was possible to import arbitrary packages from the Python path. This was not considered a security issue because admindocs is only accessible to staff users (#23601). * Fixed UnicodeDecodeError crash in AdminEmailHandler with non-ASCII characters in the request (#23593). * Fixed missing get_or_create and update_or_create on related managers causing IntegrityError (#23611). * Made urlsafe_base64_decode() return the proper type (byte string) on Python 3 (#23333). * makemigrations can now serialize timezone-aware values (#23365). * Added a prompt to the migrations questioner when removing the null constraint from a field to prevent an IntegrityError on existing NULL rows (#23609). * Fixed generic relations in ModelAdmin.list_filter (#23616). * Restored RFC compliance for the SMTP backend on Python 3 (#23063). * Fixed a crash while parsing cookies containing invalid content (#23638). * The system check framework now raises error models.E020 when the class method Model.check() is unreachable (#23615). * Made the Oracle test database creation drop the test user in the event of an unclean exit of a previous test run (#23649). * Fixed makemigrations to detect changes to Meta.db_table (#23629). * Fixed a regression when feeding the Django test client with an empty data string (#21740). * Fixed a regression in makemessages where static files were unexpectedly ignored (#23583)./bin/sh/bin/shpython3-Djangopython3-Southi03-ch2c 1710155022  !"#$%&&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXXZ[\]^_`abcdefggijklmnopqrrtuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'')*+,-.//123456779:;<=>?@ABCDEFFHIJKLMNOPQQSTUVWXYZ[\\^_`abcdefggijklmnopqrrtuvwxyz{|}}       !"#$%&'')*+,-./0122456789:;<=>?@AACDEFGHIJKLLNOPQRSTUVWWYZ[\]^_`abbdeghijklmmopqrstuvwxyz{|}~       !"#$%&'()**,-./0123455789:;<=>?@@BCDEFGHIJKKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^^`abcdefghijklmmopqrstuvwxxz{|}~|      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0/23456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcddfghijjlmnopqrstuvwxyzz||~/      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"##%&'()*+,-./0123455789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}/                           ! 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