Subject: Re: Pattern of actions
Date: 18 Nov 93 08:24:34 -0500, Sheryl Ann Galchutt writes:
> I see the future as a web of branching possibilities. And choice you
> make vears you off on one branch, which splits into an infinite
> number before you. I seem to be getting along very well with life's
> problems by 'feeling' my way along the branches. Has anyone heard of
> this? I believe it is similar to the Druidic concept of the Pattern,
> but would like input on it.

It sounds to me rather more like Norse tradition than druidic.  What
you are describing is similar to the Web of Wyrd (sp), which is,
loosely, the pattern of all things that could ever happen.  The idea
is that if one could get 'above' the pattern and look down, one could
foretell the future by the pattern of the threads.  Within the web, if
one is good enough, one should be able to predict the future from all
the small events occurring in the present, and all that has happened
in the past.  (This is a /very/ simplified explanation - part of the
mystery of this is its tremendous complexity).  In Norse mythology,
Odin hung upon Yggdrasil, the Tree of the World, for 9 days, in order
to gain the wisdom of the runes, which will give clues to the patterns
of the web, if one knows how to read them.

If you are interested in pursuing this, I found the book 'The Web of
Wyrd' to be an interesting intro to these ideas.  It's author is, I
*think*, named Bardo.  I'm sure there are others here who could
recommend other books, as well.

Good luck, and welcome to the board!

				Walking a hopefully helpful path,

						Jaguar =^^=