I recently bought the book, "To Ride A Silver Broomstick", and I have loved every word. She writes for the new witch, or the 'thinking about it' person, which I was when I bought the book. She gives you all the interesting information in an almost textbook style format, and at the end of chapters she often has as assignment to write in your journal, which you are expected to keep up if you really want to study the craft. She is also open about the craft, giving all the different traditions and letting you look everything over so that you get a clear overview of the witchcraft, and can decide for yourself what most appeals to you. I found it a great tool in furthuring my spirituality. Even people who are not interested in Wicca per say, but in broadening their spirirtual life to include an emphasis on nature, and the God and Goddess, would do well to have this book. She covers topics such as making your own ritual, designing your own ceromony, what tools a witch uses in the craft, webweaving, spellcraft, tarot and divination tools, history and different traditions, and much more. She is an open person, and this comes out in her book. She emphasizes the idea that wicca is a personal religion, and what works for you is acceptable, as long as it follows the rule of, "And it harm none, do what thou will". In short it was a wonderful intoduction to the Craft, as well as being a valuable tool and reference guide. I would reccomend it to anyone interested in the Craft, and to anyone already practicing that would like a good book to further there study and broaden their perspective. Bleesed be, hollie* hollie@omnigroup.com