From: ()
Subject: Re: Uk advice
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 1993 21:08:53 GMT

A couple of London Bookshops for your interest.

1) Dillons  (General books but excellent Pagan/Occult/New wotsit)
   Malet Street, London (Near Tottenham Court Road)

2) Mysteries (Tacky but interesting!)
   Monmouth Street, Near Covent Garden

3) Atlantis Books (Lots of 2nd hand)
   Museum Street, Nr British Musuem

4) Watkins Books
   Cecil Court, Nr Covent Garden/Leicester Sqr.

Others are more General, i.e. Foyles in Charing Cross Road, Books etc. 
which is opposite Foyles (and IMHO very good section downstairs)

These bookshops are all close'ish to each other.