Copyright 1995 Ceci Henningsson This file may be distributed and redistributed freely provided that it remains intact and includes this copyright notice. Last update: July 10, 1995. ====================================================================== For mail order I recommend Abyss. They have a very wide selection of everything you need: herbs, books, candles, incense, tools, you name it. They also take credit cards, which makes it a lot cheaper for non-US residents like me. They charge actual cost for shipping and still the sum total cost is lower than every store I've visited in Scandianvia. Make sure you tell them that you want to be on their snail mailing list if you order from outside the US. I've had problems getting them to send me their catalogue on a regular basis, even though I order at least once a year. Their e-mail address is: <Quoting from Lisa-Ann's catalogue list:> Abyss 48-NWL Chester Rd. Chester, MA 01011 (413) 623-2155 COST: Free Books, tapes, statues, jewelry, tarot decks, candles, ritual tools, incense, oils, herbs, bumper stickers, pins, cauldrons, etc... (These folks have everything!) Cash, check, M.O., Visa, MC. <end quote> === Here's a source in Europe that has everything and then some. Need some Egyptian Embalming Fluid? A Psi-enhancer or an antique I-Ching coin? The widest selection of scents and incenses for magical use that I have ever come across. More expensive than Abyss, even including postage. :( <Quoting from Lisa-Anne's catalogue list> Sorcerer's Apprentice 6-8 Burley Lodge Road Leeds, LS6 1QP Great Britain COST: 3.75 GBP Mail order only. Posts overseas. Ask for the "Teaching Catalogue". SA probably has more different incenses and oils than any other occult supplier (including Abyss). If you require something they don't already have, they make it to your specifications. They give discounts for large orders of the same item on request. The teaching catalogue contains some spells and tips for the beginning occultist. Prices are a bit on the steep side. Visa, MC <end quote> For an overview of which tarot packs exist, get the US Games Catalogue: <Quoting from Lisa-Ann's catalogue list:> US Games Systems Inc. 179 Ludlow Street Stamford, CT 06902 USA Phone: 1-800-544-2637 Fax: 1-203-353-8431 COST: Free 48 pages, mostly with full colour illustrations. Ship overseas, US Games Systems probably have the world's largest assortment of tarot and tarot-like decks. The illustrations are mainly of the cover of the box for the tarot, so don't say much more than what you see in an occult shop (if you're lucky enough to have access to one). Unfortunately the captions don't say much more than the hype on the box either, so it's not a catalogue that tells you enough to know which deck to chose, just which decks exist, and some about their outer appearance. Slightly cheaper than Abyss in most cases. Visa, MC <end quote> === For herbs, check out Wise Woman in Colorado Springs. --Ceci