From: mthorn@aol.com (M Thorn)
Newsgroups: alt.pagan
Subject: Pagan supplies online at last!!
Date: 2 Apr 1995 11:10:22 -0400

Many of you have heard of and used Abyss Mail Order. They have a free 90+
page catalog. They carry over 1,000 books as well as candles,incense,
jewelry, and lots more. What makes them my favorite? They have very good
prices, a wide selection, and ship with a day or so. You can fax or phone
orders--they take credit cards!! . For a free catalog email them at


They are working on a WWW site so ask about it! 

Blessed Be
Michael Thorn
totally biased customer

[I second this recommendation, particularly for customers outside the ]
[US. Abyss take credit cards and ship overseas. That makes it easy and]
[cheap to order from them. 
[Their address is:
[Abyss Distribution