Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 15:14:37 EDT From: Dalan Blackthorn <34T7B36@CMUVM.CSV.CMICH.EDU> Subject: dictionaries Stop what you are doing and take notice.... Tired of putting up with a dictionary that calls you and your religion Sata nic? I certainly am. Witchcraft has certainly been mis-defined for many years . But we are all forced to buy one of these monstrosities because we can't spe ll every word we want to. Things have changed. The American Heritage Dictiona ry (3rd. college edition) has things right. Not only does it have an adequate entry for witch and witchcraft, it also has Wicca as an entry, also properly de fined. If your library is in need of a new dictionary, I would highly recommend t his one. I commend the efforts of American Heritage for setting things straigh t. So, throw out that misrepresenting dictionary of yours, and get a decent on e. I have. I also sent them a letter of appreciation. Just thought you would like to know that. Blessed Be, Dalan Blackthorn. === From: (Lisa Ann) Subject: Re: dictionaries Date: 28 Apr 1994 04:29:26 GMT [quote of the above article] I second Dalan on that. I have it on my HD... witch (w²ch) n. 1. A woman popularly believed to have supernatural powers and practice sorcery, and often believed to be aided by spirits or a familiar. 2. A believer or follower of Wicca; a Wiccan. 3. A hag. 4. Informal. A woman or girl considered bewitching. 5. One particularly skilled or competent at one's craft. Ñwitch v. witched, witch0ing, witch0es. Ñtr. 1. To work or cast a spell on; bewitch. 2. To cause, bring, or effect by witchcraft. Ñintr. To use a divining rod to find underground water or minerals; dowse. Ñwitch2er0y (-›-rT) n. Ñwitch2y adj. witch0craft (w²ch2kraft1) n. 1. Magic; sorcery. 2. Wicca. 3. A magical or irresistible influence, attraction, or charm. Wic0ca (w²k2›) n. 1. A pagan nature religion having its roots in pre-Christian western Europe and undergoing a 20th-century revival, especially in the United States and Great Britain. 2. A group or community of believers or followers of this religion. Nice, eh? Lisa Ann, or she who likes these definitions MUCH better than Webster's! ***What's so amazing about really deep thoughts? -T.A.*** ********************************************