Crystals & Gems and their powers

     Blue Lace Agate - Psychic, peacful energy
     Moss Agate - Healing, riches, happiness, longevity, friends
     Amethyst - Dreams, overcomming, indulgences, healing, 
                psychic powers, protection, courage, emotional 
                love, success
     Aventurine - healing, peace, calming, luck,             
                  intellegence, eye sight, money
     Azurite - psychic powers, dreams, divination, healing, 
     Bloodstone - stops bleeding, victory, wealth, strength,              
     Carnelian - cures jealousy, anger, healing, protection, 
                 sexual energy
     Citrine - Protection, psychic awareness, creativity, 
               dispells nightmares
     Hermatite - healing, grounding, divination, intuition [hematite?]
     Jasper - Healing, health, beauty, protection
     Lapis Lazuli - Healing, love, fidelity, psychic powers, 
                    protection, courage, beauty
     Moonstone - love, psychic powers, divination,             
                youth, moon magic, sleep, dreams, dieting
     Onyx - protection, defensive magic, helps control passions 
            and emotions
     Rhodochrosite - energy, love, peace
     Sodalite - peace, meditatiion, wisdom, healing
     Sugilite - psychic powers, spirituality, healing wisdom
     Tigereye - money, protection, courage, luck, divination, 
                earth energy
     Tourquoise - Luck, protection, courage, money, love, 
                  friends, healing
     Clear quartz    - Magnifies psychic and healing energy, a 
                       power and protection crystal
     Smokey quarts   - Overcomes depression, fatique, good for 
                       grounding empowering
     Rose quarts     - Love energy, calming, happiness
     Rutilated quarts- energy stone, magical