Newsgroups: alt.magick From: (Carl Hommel) Subject: Not Shields but Centering & Grounding Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1992 16:24:20 GMT So, in the interest of furthering enlightenment, I would like to see a discussion on "centering & grounding: how to". There seems to be general agreement that C & G are among the first techniques that novices should learn to avoid damage to the environment... Here is how I describe the process to others. When you are giving someone a backrub, sometimes the muscles running up and down along the spine are bunched up into tight cords. You must gently but firmly work those cords back into flat sheets, by pressing outward from the spine. Centering is like that. Close your eyes, and think about your body. Normally, you perceive yourself as living in just the central core of your body. Extend outward and fill up the rest of your skin. Make sure that there isn't any room for anything else. Grounding could happen next. Keep extending yourself outward, beyond your skin. Reach downward, to the earth, or upward, to the sky. Both "grounds" are useful for dissapating various kinds of unwanted energy. The proof is in the pudding, Carl Hommel === From: (Carol Anne Ogdin) Subject: Re: Not Shields but Centering & Grounding Date: Sat, 19 Sep 92 00:01:23 GMT The most direct means of centering and grounding I know: Take off your shoes and stand in dirt (no floors, no concrete, just the skin of Mother Earth). Now, visualize your energy flows seeping into the soil, using the energetic flow to connect the spine, down through the legs, into the Earth. Keep that connection going deeper and deeper. Sometimes, I get a mile or more below the surface (although I recommend against reaching for the magma!). Five-ten minutes of that can work wonders; it is especially nice for someone who is--in the moment--spacey, flighty, and out-of-sorts, or reeling from the assault of just too much "stuff" to cope with.