From: wolfe@wolves.Durham.NC.US (G. Wolfe Woodbury) Subject: Re: Looking to explore ideas on paganism and ritual, 2nd try Date: 11 Aug 93 05:53:14 GMT I read with interest the commentary on rituals here, and hope that this turns into a longer thread. At Lughnasahd/Lammas my CUUPs chapter held a public ritual that was also part of the program for a Pagan Conference sponsored jointly by CUUPs and "Our House/Unltd Academy" of Durham. (With assistance from the Stardust Circle Wicca Seminary, etc...) The ritual was essentially a "BYORP" (Bring Your Own Ritual Piece) affair, where the participants sat down before the ceremony and put it together on the spot. There was a "Master of Ceremonies" (me :-) who had proposed a theme for the ritual - Healing of ourselves in renewal of life - and provided an outline for fitting pieces into. It was an outstanding success (well, one guided meditation was badly done, but it was a "first effort" for the writer.) We had Unitarian Universalists, technopagans, formal Wiccans, conservative Wiccans, ecclectic neo-pagans, Gaian ecopagans, and several one-of-a-kind pagans in attendance. It was held in the forest glade space of our CUUPs group, on the grounds of the local UU Fellowship, and thus we were using the UU principles as the guide for activity. This means that there is a "respect for the worth and dignity of every person" and an emphasis on tolerance and inclusivity. I don't have my notepad with the order on it here, but the sequence was rather generic. procession to glade with chanting (We All Come from the Goddess) call to the directions/elements (east,south,west,north) casting the circle (person to person) sealing the circle (walking the perimeter) singing the circle Invocation of the Goddess/Lady Invocation of the God/Lord raising energy (circle dance,spiral dance) sharing of energy, healing sendouts, grounding healing meditation sharing of wine/water and bread heart circle, sharing of experiences farewell to the God/Lord farewell to the Goddess/Lady farewell to the directions/elements opening of the circle (merry meet, merry part, merry meet again) potluck feast Most of the rituals and ceremonies that I have participated in in groups have followed this sort of a sequence or some variation on it. Parts of it are shortened or combined with other parts, some parts may be absent or have a different focus (different meditations or heart circle theme.) I got a "post-mortem" report on the ritual from several folks this last week and was gratified by the success that it seemed to be. For several folks it was their first large group (we had 40-some folks present) ritual, and they were quite pleased. Some of the older (as in more experienced) folks were also pleased with the coherence of the ritual despite its impromptu planning method. The one uniformly negative comment was that the "healing meditation" was badly timed and obvioulsy the work of an inexperienced person. It should be easy to fix this for other rituals of a similar nature. Interspersed with the pieces above were chants and drumming and general "foolishness" to cover the rough spots were we had to dig around and find the notepad or get a candle over to light a direction beacon or altar candle. We had 5 altars set up. In in each of the cardinal directions, and one in the center. Participants were encouraged to place objects of their own on the altars as they felt inclined. I should have announced this a bit more in advance of the time so that there was more opportunity for folks to do this. (The purpose of this is to "charge" the objects or to "sanctify" the altars. I find it is a way to make a group ritual much more personal by adding pieces from my home altar(s) to the group altars.) Perhaps others can comment on their reactions to this description, and/or comment on rituals that they have been involved in. Bright Blessing to all Wolfe