From: (Bear) Subject: Re: Tarot reversals... Date: 19 Mar 93 16:03:24 GMT Melissa, First a book suggestion: Dictionary of the Tarot by Bill Butler It's pluses: 1) For the major arcana, it lists the descriptions and meanings from around 12 decks for each card. Sometimes these descriptions help in figuring out what the cards are really trying to say. 2) For the minor arcana, it lists fewer descriptions and definitions, but still very useful. 3) With this setup, it shows how interpretations vary. It's minus: *) You may wind up marking pages with the suit and card numbers to make book navigation a little easier. Now on reading reversals (or not!) As the others have stated, you must pick up a cards context from it position in the spread. Depending on the spread style you use, some cards may have an inherently reversed meaning. I tend to not read the cards as reversals, unless the context and situation imply. Also, pick up what the card might mean from the symbols in them - some decks have some very sophisticated meanings in the imagry they present. With this stuff as stated by many people, there is no one true way. You have to go with what feels right/is comfortable. You didn't state which deck you are using and which deck it is has some bearing on how to read the cards. A good artist will kind of imprint their style on the deck. Also, a medieval deck will read differently then a modern deck like the New York City Tarot which will read differently from the Native American decks. Since this seems to be degenerating into a general talk on Tarot, I'll continue for the benefit of others who may be interested: There are three decks that have been called 'Beginners Decks' These are the Morgan-Greer, The Aquarian and The Rider-Waite. They are all good for begginers and they are relativly easy to read. The main thing about picking a deck is to pick one that looks good to you and also 'feels' right to you. There are other decks that may be considered beginners decks as well. There are some that are very hard for beginners to use as well.