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@ָ  %s: Selection Timeout for target %d %s: command incomplete for target %d lun %d, state 0x%x %s: DMA error for command on target %d, lun %d %s: transport error %s: bus reset destroyed command for target %d lun %d %s: command aborted for target %d lun %d %s: command timed out for target %d lun %d %s: command overrun for command on target %d, lun %d %s: status overrun for command on target %d, lun %d %s: message not COMMAND COMPLETE after status on target %d, lun %d %s: No MESSAGE OUT phase after selection on target %d, lun %d %s: EXTENDED IDENTIFY failed on target %d, lun %d %s: target %d lun %d rejected INITIATOR DETECTED ERROR message %s: target %d lun %d rejected ABORT message %s: target %d lun %d rejected MESSAGE REJECT message %s: target %d lun %d rejected NOP message %s: target %d lun %d rejected MESSAGE PARITY ERROR message %s: target %d lun %d rejected BUS DEVICE RESET message %s: target %d lun %d rejected IDENTIFY message %s: target %d lun %d had an unexpected bus free %s: HBA attempted queued transaction with disconnect not set for target %d lun %d %s: HBA attempted queued transaction to target routine %d on target %d %s: HBA attempted queued transaction for target %d lun %d when queueing disabled %s: invalid IOCB entry type detected %s: internal queues full for target %d lun %d status 0x%x %s: SCSI phase skipped (e.g., COMMAND COMPLETE w/o STATUS phase) for target %d lun %d %s: Auto Request Sense failed for target %d lun %d %s: Wide Negotiation failed for target %d lun %d %s: SDTR Message failed for target %d lun %d %s: Bad LVD Bus condition while talking to target %d lun %d %s: Port Unavailable for target %d %s: port logout for target %d %s: port changed for target %d %s: port busy for target %d %s: comp status %x ` `+>> *` €` "2  d2  >: `!x@Ò  +  `>: `! @Թ3   >: `!>: @Ԯ">+aH@ؐx` a1>+x>+`!X@Δ` ">+xp!X@Ŕ` $>+xဒ!X@Լ` (>+xᐒ!X@Գ` @>+x᠒!X@ԩ` @>+xᰒ!X@ԟ` @>+x!X@ԕ>+!Аx!X@ԍx>+@ԇ``>+x@~` >+x@u` >+x@l` >+x@c` >+x @Z` >+x0@Q` @>+x@@H` >+xP@?x@:@ x1  d2  >: `"( `@  r  . r &, >: `"` `@  r `. r&, d2  >: `" `@ݒ   g  `&( >: `Ő" >: `" >: `#0 >: `#x >: `# >: `# >; ` 0 >; ` ` >; `  >; `  >; `! >; `!@ >; `!p g "&,`$&( >; `|! >; `"w ` >; `q"H>;"@v   >; `" `X@l X` &, >; `X# >; `#` `@Z  &, >; `# `@P  g`"v&, r?Ȑ . r  *` l *  *@ 2  `* * @ " >; `# `@,  g`Q  r?Đ . r  *` l *  *@ 2  `* * @ 7" >< ` `@ /  d2  >< ` @@ "  >< ` h@  &, >< ` @   >< ` @   &,><`  @ڒ  &,p,t(<Pdx$8Pd|4h%s: fast posting handle 0x%x not found 㿘`* | " >>!@ґ 0 $$ (  , X `  `@ż$ %s: bad command %x %s: no parameters for %x %s: isp_mboxcmd could not get command started %s: isp_mboxcmd timeout #2 %s: isp_mboxcmd timeout #3 %s: isp_mboxcmd timeout #4 %s: mbox cmd %x failed with INVALID_COMMAND %s: mbox cmd %x failed with HOST_INTERFACE_ERROR %s: mbox cmd %x failed with TEST_FAILED %s: mbox cmd %x failed with COMMAND_ERROR %s: mbox cmd %x failed with COMMAND_PARAM_ERROR %s: mbox cmd %x failed with error %x 㿘@  76@ 7 " s>>"X>͐# `2`  `2 `>>"p`   `@ А d ``   #J%Đ d `@€ + `@€ @*`2` ``   `@  뙐 d `@" `< `  ``   `@  ` `@€@  g? 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X*@4  j   `>ϒ`* @ >!@n 0[2   @>! 4` `   \  \ @2  ; >!@H $ "  X & X @) `*  l  p    @ " $ $ #Đ ` $  P  ``*#İ  $#āncr5380_status: none? 㿐 X  *@   >& @  ncr5380_machine: state=idlencr5380_machine: no current cmdncr5380_machine: unexpected disconnect. %s: no REQ while aborting, reset %s: no REQ for next phase, abort ncr5380_machine: Unexpected phase 0x%x %s: parity error! %s: reset SCSI bus for TID=%d LUN=%d %s: %d extra bytes from %d:%d %s: Target %d LUN %d stuck busy, resetting... 㿘 2 >@- p2>@' m  \ @ @>@  % ,X` @>π`  '>?  C -e d \ ` ? \ @2   >",  €ɒ/m+F'##>!0@@ #Ē`  &  P  ``*,#Đ &#> @* `&#`") `   @ "   &  @ h `" `#Ā    P  ``*#Đ &# ` ` > @!X#Ā`2 # P  ``*#Đ &#Ā`^`` >`& !p@ْ ```  `>! @Ȓ &  B% (`4> \ ``@  \ `@" P? >!@  P * T *@ X`* \* h \ @*  &#&#& & & & &#&#ȁ***++8+8++(FAS216FAS408ESP406NCR53C96NCR53C94ESP200ESP100AESP100out of memory %s: unknown variant %d, devices not attached : %s, %dMHz, SCSI ID %d 㿘&l 2&x  @Vi &&l&x 2&l  @V` &&x&l >&x 2&>@:"0a>>"@2 0Y ̕* &>&@)"& @ .  `. o . o&*"@ *`"  o*  , @ *  . p. o& h @.&d& . H. J> D& \& Tx& `@wU &`! d€     d€      d €   %s: unknown revision code, assuming ESP100 㿘 d @!> Ȁ!> @  d .&g`   Ȁ!" d> @  d.&g   !&`:>>#(*` € d €   &` d&&  n d` m  d` l  d` o  d`   d` p 0 @c! d` l  d` o  d`   d` p 2P28222112%s: resetting SCSI bus 㿘 d@>#H@2 >`Ȁ!> @*   d.&g`  [NCR_INIT(%d)] 㿘> Ȁ`>#@&d 2   & & &  & & x x& |&  @ l$%t $ |$  |"@& |   4 @ ] 0  .&d  "`,@    " ,@ 2 !&&\&&` %t&  h : @? `: `!`*& ** ` .&dȀ!> @   d.&g`  0 .&d@&regs[intr=%02x,stat=%02x,step=%02x] [ncr53c9x_select(t%d,l%d,cmd:%x)] 㿐` `,`"* %t ` > Ȁ`>`"@t .&d`` 2 d>!X!>`@0#@ n#@9 d     n &@ @ Y ,`"* &@ Q* &`&    2(`&  `  d   d   d   > 쀢`ON 2??.``$` d &&&&`&& '@ d   d`  m @ d` `Ȁ!> @  d .&g`  `Ȁ!> @ޒ  d .&g`   d @0<  d      `Ȁ!> @ C C d.&g`  C0`$ ` d@  ``Ȁ!> @ B B d.&g`  B㿘H /* % &`  x &@ x" & | x& x&`@ @m H 0especb㿘H /* % x  `#> x b@k  x ` x ` "`$ | " & H 0[ncr53c9x_scsi_cmd] [0x%x, %d]->%d 㿘 !> Ȁ `>@'#` Ȁ >  #x `@   2$ H  b$  $ $ $  $ ,    $ $ $ ( $$ ,, 0H /* % $$ "@$ d @qH 0`2  @" " @ @  @ [ncr53c9x_poll] [ncr53c9x_poll: rescheduling] 㿘> Ȁ`>@! 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[intr %x, stat %x, step %d, prevphase %x] selid=0x%2x %s: identify failed esp: no nexus%s: step 1 & !NEG %s: !MSGOUT (%s:%d:%d): selection failed; %d left in FIFO [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] (%s:%d:%d): select; %d left in DMA buffer [intr %x, stat %x, step %d] %s: unexpected status after select: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: stray interrupt %s: ICCS: : [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: STATUS_PHASE: msg %d %s: invalid state: %desp no nexusMESSAGE_OUT_PHASE MESSAGE_IN_PHASE %s: MSGIN: unexpected FC bit: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] %s: MSGIN: weird bits: [intr %x, stat %x, step %x] COMMAND_PHASE 0x%02x (%d) DATA_OUT_PHASE [%ld] DATA_IN_PHASE STATUS_PHASE %s: unexpected bus phase; resetting 㿈> Ȁ`>@x# d@ 2 d @€  d. r@€  d . s@€  d. q`$`" q@ q 2! r &&\Ȁ > q! r@xj s 8 q -& 8 d@€  Ȁ!" d> @xU  d .&g   E &d > @xD##  > >#@vՒ  p0@Y  r @( d@€  Ȁ!" d> @x"  d .&g    &d  2%  "`,6 @"-&e&e  .&e &g>&d &\ @w&` d@€  Ȁ!" d> @w  d .&g   ِ &e ` d.&e € "D r d@?2  d> @wȐ X  d @ 2Ѱ  r2+ r&d "' r&``2&X&\ >&t q x s #\ @w  r 2 r> q  s  ,?#\@w r >> @w!&``Ȁ >#@w Ȁ!> @wz  d .&g`  &e&h @` >#@wg Ȁ!> @w`  d .&g`  &e&h @`.&e.&h q` Ȁ > r!0@wG s d@€  Ȁ!" d> @w8  d .&g   ( Ȁ!> @w' D d D.&g`  D&d?`Q> ̓*` €  "`,&e ">@ly` >@w!X` *&e" * %t `.&e  , &e 2> @v!x `>@v!Ȑ>@v!>#@-D  "`, $ " & &  $& &d?`> *` €> @v!ΰ &\  >!>@v"&d .&j.&i.&h .&e "  q@l` >&d@v"( q~ &d 2&\Ȁ >@v"H>#@, $ " & &  $& &\ `.&d> T! d@€    $ d& " d&`> q r"` s#\@v] <@€ .&fȀ >"@vN ` >&e`.&eȀ!> @v? 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Incompatible FormatCannot Read Medium - Unknown FormatIncompatible Medium InstalledCommands Cleared By Another InitiatorOverwrite Error On Update In PlaceInvalid Combination of Windows SpecifiedToo Many Windows SpecifiedCommand Sequence ErrorCopy Cannot Execute Since Host Cannot DisconnectLog Parameters ChangedMode Parameters ChangedParameters ChangedPower On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset OccurredImport Or Export Element AccessedNot Ready To Ready Transition (Medium May Have Changed)Threshold Parameters Not SupportedParameter Value InvalidParameter Not SupportedInvalid Field In Parameter ListLogical Unit Not SupportedIllegal Field in CDBIllegal Function (Should 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)Invalid Element AddressLogical Block Address Out of RangeInvalid Command Operation CodeRecovered ID with ECCMiscompare During Verify OperationGrown Defect List Not FoundPrimary Defect List Not FoundDefect List Not FoundSynchronous Data Transfer ErrorParameter List Length ErrorDefect List Error in Grown ListDefect List Error in Primary ListDefect List Not AvailableDefect List ErrorRecovered Data - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data With LECRecovered Data With CIRCRecovered Data - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data With Error Correction & Retries AppliedRecovered Data With Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data Without ECC - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data Using Previous Sector IDRecovered Data With Retries and/or CIRC AppliedRecovered Data With Negative Head OffsetRecovered Data With Positive Head OffsetRecovered Data With RetriesRecovered Data With No Error Correction AppliedData Synchronization Mark ErrorPositioning Error Detected By Read of MediumMechanical Positioning ErrorRandom Positioning ErrorBlock Sequence ErrorEnd-Of-Data Not FoundFilemark or Setmark Not FoundRecord Not FoundRecorded Entity Not FoundAddress Mark Not Found for Data FieldAddress Mark Not Found for ID FieldUncorrected Read Error - Recommend Rewrite the DataUncorrected Read Error - Recommend ReassignmentMiscorrected ErrorNo Gap FoundIncomplete Block FoundData Resynchronization ErrorCIRC Unrecovered ErrorL-EC Uncorrectable ErrorUnrecovered Read Error - Auto Reallocate FailedMultiple Read ErrorsError Too Long To CorrectRead Retried ExhaustedUnrecovered Read ErrorID CRC Or ECC ErrorWrite Error - Auto Reallocate FailedWrite Error Recovered with Auto ReallocationWrite ErrorError Log OverflowSpindle Servo FailureFocus Servo FailureTracking Servo FailureTrack Following ErrorLogical Unit Communication Parity ErrorLogical Unit Communication TimeoutLogical Unit Communication FailureMultiple Peripheral Devices SelectedNo Reference Position FoundLogical Unit Does Not Respond To SelectionLogical Unit Not Ready, Format In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Initialization Command RequiredLogical Unit Is in Process Of Becoming ReadyLogical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not ReportableExcessive Write ErrorsNo Write CurrentPeripheral Device Write FaultNo Seek CompleteNo Index/Sector SignalNo Current Audio Status To ReturnAudio Play Operation Stopped Due to ErrorAudio Play Operation Successfully CompletedAudio Play Operation PausedAudio Play Operation In ProgressI/O Process TerminatedEnd-Of-Data DetectedBeginning-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedSetmark DetectedEnd-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedFilemark DetectedNo Additional Sense InformationDiagnostic Failure on Component 0x%02xASC 0x%02x ASCQ 0x%02xCheck Condition on opcode %x SENSE KEY: %s %c Filemark Detected%c EOM Detected%c Incorrect Length Indicator Set INFO FIELD: %u COMMAND INFO: %d (0x%x) ASC/ASCQ: %s FRU CODE: 0x%x SKSV: %s Additional Sense Information (byte %d out...): %2d: %2d: 0x%02x㿘  >  4"X!>"x @ʐL`` >"L`` >"  , ` @>" , ` ">>">#` ` * *`  *  >ݐ"L` m` ` * *`  *  >#ʔ @  >#(L``>#@ `@p  >#X`B    L@     L@ "  ->#p >#  # ? 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