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O O OfIgIDI O O OjIlIDIurlphy_attachurlphy_serviceurlphy_status8IPI|IIII)O)O)O)O)O)O )O )O *O *O*O$*O0*OP*O\*Od*Ox*O*O"$*O#*O$)O&*O'*O($*O)*O,*O-+O0+O:4+OAT+OB$*OCp+O^a?݃œ~ A!@_>`#}B]:;98()+*./-,$%'&"#! `acbfgedlmonjkihxy{z~}|tuwvrsqpPQSRVWUT\]_^Z[YXHIKJNOMLDEGFBCA@&("OpenBSD4.8GENERIC#35 @(#)OpenBSD 4.8 (GENERIC) #35: Mon Aug 16 11:04:16 MDT 2010 OpenBSD 4.8 (GENERIC) #35: Mon Aug 16 11:04:16 MDT 2010 deraadt@zaurus.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/zaurus/compile/GENERIC dackirqtargetlunsocketfunctionchanneldrivemuxconfigurationproductreleaseportnoreportidphypfpflogpfsyncpflowencnmeamstsendrunccdksymssystracebpfilterbridgecarpgifgreloopppppppoeslsppptrunktunvethervlanbiowsmuxhotplugwdc_default_read_reg: reading from a write-only register %d wdc_default_write_reg: writing to a read-only register %d drive at %s channel %d drive %dwdcsplwdcstart: channel waiting for irq%s channel %d: reset failed for drive 1 drive 0atapi type: %s c_bcount: %d c_skip: %d missing untimeoutwdc_probe_caps%s(%s:%d:%d): using PIO mode %d, Ultra-DMA mode %d, DMA mode %d using BIOS timings%s: transfer error, downgrading to PIO mode %d %s: transfer error, downgrading to DMA mode %d %s: transfer error, downgrading to Ultra-DMA mode %d wdccmdwdc_exec_command: polled command not done%s:%d: %s %s(%s:%d:%d): %s physio split wd ioctl request... cannot proceed user_strat: No ioctl IBSSwlanLucent WaveLAN/IEEESony WaveLAN/IEEELucent Embedded WaveLAN/IEEEPRISM2 HFA3841(EVB2)PRISM2 HWB3763 rev.BPRISM2 HWB3163 rev.APRISM2 HWB3163 rev.BPRISM2 HFA3842(EVB3)PRISM1 HWB1153PRISM2 HWB3163 SST-flashPRISM2 HWB3163(EVB2) SST-flashPRISM2 HFA3842(EVAL)PRISM2.5 ISL3873PRISM2.5 USBPRISM2.5 ISL3874A(Mini-PCI)PRISM2.5 ISL3874A(PCI-bridge)PRISM3 ISL37300PPRISM3 ISL37300P(PCI)PRISM3 (USB): unable to read station address wi_attachaddress %sWaveLAN/IEEE node%s: received packet on invalid port (wi_status=0x%x) %s: received packet of unknown type on port 7 %s: oversized packet received (wi_dat_len=%d, wi_status=0x%x) %s: Error decrypting incoming packet. %s: oversized mgmt packet received in hostap mode (wi_dat_len=%d, wi_status=0x%x) wihap: failed to copy header %s: wi_cmd failed with %d %s: timeout in wi_cmd 0x%04x; event status 0x%04x %s: wi_cmd_io: busy bit won't clear %s: init failed %s: invalid data path: %x %s: failed to allocate %d bytes on NIC %s: unsupported crypto algorithm %d wiscan%s: wi_scan_timeout: %d tries %s: mgmt. buffer allocation failed %s: tx buffer allocation failed wi_do_hostencryptwi_do_hostdecrypt%s: wi_do_hostdecrypt: iv mismatch: 0x%02x%02x%02x%02x vs. 0x%x %s: wi_start: dropping unassoc dst %s %s: wi_start: xmit failed %s: host encrypt not implemented for 802.3 %s: wi_mgmt_xmit: xmit failed %s: device timeout Unknown PRISM2 chipSymbol %s: %s%s (0x%04x), Firmware %d.%d.%d (primary), %d.%d.%d (station), %s: Firmware %d.%02d variant %d, %s: %u (%d dBm) put_rateswihap_init: sc=%p whi=%p Sending disassoc to sta %s Sending deauth to sta %s wihap_shutdown: free(sta=%p) wihap_shutdown: sc=%p whi=%p wihap_timeout: disassoc due to inactivity: %s wihap_timeout: deauth due to inactivity: %s wihap_auth_req: station %s short request wihap_auth_req: returns status=0x%x wihap_auth_req: algorithm unsupported: 0x%x challenge: 0x%x 0x%x ... wihap_auth_req: new station wihap_auth_req: station %s algo=0x%x seq=0x%x wihap_assoc_reqwihap_assoc_req: bad ssid: '%.*s' != '%.*s' wihap_assoc_req: capinfo: not ESS: capinfo=0x%x wihap_assoc_req: returns status=0x%x wihap_assoc_req: already assoc'ed? wihap_assoc_req: polling not supported: capinfo=0x%x wihap_assoc_req: WEP flag mismatch: capinfo=0x%x wihap_assoc_req: rates mismatch. wihap_assoc_req: from station %s wihap_deauth_req: unknown station: %s wihap_disassoc_req: unknown station: %s wihap_data_input: no TODS src=%s, fctl=0x%x wihap_data_input: incorrect bss: %s wihap_data_input: dropping unassoc src %s wihap_ioctl: i shouldn't get other ioctls! wihap_ioctlwihap_mgmt_input: len=%d MGMT: unknown (stype=0x%x) assoc resp: assoc req: probe req: reassoc resp: reassoc req: ann traf ind beacon: deauth: auth: disassociation: probe resp: ftype=0x%x (ctl=0x%x) : where did the card go? ne2000_attach: setup failed ne2000_detect%s: remote transmit DMA failed to complete ne2000_write_mbuf: negative lenne2000_write_mbuf: data != lim%s: %d silo overflow%s, %d ibuf overflow%s comprmcomstartcomcninit: mapping failed: unknown uart %s: console : ns8250, no fifo : ns16450, no fifo : ns16550, no working fifo : ns16550a, %d byte fifo : st16650, no working fifo : st16650, %d byte fifo : ti16750, 64 byte fifo : st16c654, 64 byte fifo : pxa2x0, 32 byte fifo (SIR)comattach: bad fifo type%s: can't establish soft interrupt%s: probed fifo depth: %d bytes malo%s: can not create DMA tag %s: error map dma memory %s: error load dma memory %s: error alloc dma memory %s: timeout while waiting for cmd response! %s: could not create desc DMA map %s: could not allocate DMA memory %s: can't map desc DMA memory %s: could not load desc DMA map %s: could not allocate soft data %s: could not load rx buf DMA map%s: could not allocate rx mbuf cluster %s: could not allocate rx mbuf %s: could not create DMA map %s: setting channel failed! %s: setting RX antenna failed! %s: setting TX antenna failed! %s: turn radio on failed! %s: setting TX power failed! %s: setting RTS failed! %s: can't map mbuf (error %d) malo_tx_mgt%s: not enough space for mbuf dancemalo_tx_datamalo_rx_intr%s: could not load old rx mbufmalo8335-h%s: timeout at boot firmware load! %s: error %d, could not read firmware %s malo8335-m%s: timeout at firmware load! %s: setting short slot failed %s: setting long slot failed GetHwSpecificationsSetRadioSetAidSetTxPowerSetAntennaSetPrescanSetPostscanSetRateSetChannelSetRTSSetSlotunknown %#xOKgeneral errornot supportedpendingignoredincomplete%s: firmware cmd %s failed with %s version %d.%d%s %s: unsupported OHCI revision ohciohci_alloc_std: curlen == 0ohci_free_sitd: sitd=%p not done, legacy support%s: SMM does not respond, will reset %s: reset timeout ohci_allocx: xfer=%p not free, 0x%08x ohci_freex: xfer=%p not busy, 0x%08x ohci_intr: sc->sc_hcca == NULL %s: blocking intrs 0x%x %s: unrecoverable error, controller halted %s: resume detect %s: %u scheduling overruns ohci_add_done: addr 0x%08lx not foundohci_softintr: sitd=%p is done ohci_device_ctrl_done: not a requestohci_rem_ed: ED not foundohci_close_pipe: pipe not empty sed=%p hd=0x%x tl=0x%x pipe=%p, std=%p ohci_close_pipe: pipe still not empty ohci_abort_xfer: not in process contextohciabohci_abort_xfer: hcpriv is NULL ohci_root_ctrl_startOHCI root hubohci_device_ctrl_transfer: not a request ohci_device_bulk_start: a request ohci_device_intr_transfer: a requestohci_device_intr_close: ED not foundohci_setintr: 0 interval %s: isoc TD alloc failed ohci_device_isoc_start: not in progress %p ohci_device_isoc_abort: hcpriv==0 ohci_device_isoc_abort: early return radioradio at %ssoftraid%s: could not allocate memory for metadata %s: could not allocate memory for foreign metadata sr_meta_probe%s:, sr_meta_probe: can't allocate vnode %s%d%c%s: read invalid metadata pointer %s: 0x%x i/o error on block %llu while reading metadata %d %s: sr_meta_rw: can't allocate vnode %s: sr_meta_clear can not clear foreign metadata %s: chunk sizes are not equal; up to %llu blocks wasted per chunk sr_meta_chunks_createunknown optional metadata type%s: save metadata failed %s: no in memory copy of metadata %s: could not write metadata to %s %s: could not allocate metadata scratch area %s: not valid softraid metadata sr_meta_validate%s: %s can not read metadata version %u, expected %u %03d%s: invalid metadata checksum %s: invalid foreign metadata %s: not enough memory for fake discipline sr_meta_native_bootprobe%s: native bootprobe could not read native metadata %s:, sr_meta_native_bootprobe: can't allocate vnode for partition %s: not enough memory for metadata buffer %s:, sr_meta_native_bootprobe: can't allocate vnode sd%s: failed to allocate device array %s: failed to allocate ondisk array %s: found duplicate chunk %u for volume %u on device %s %s: not all chunks were provided; attempting to bring volume %d online sr_boot_assembly%s: failed to allocate hotspare %s: failed to allocate boot volume! wdsr_meta_native_probe%s: not all chunks are of the native metadata format %s: could not read native metadata sr_meta_native_attach%s: not part of the same volume src_dev_mm == NODEVsr_locksr_hs_lock%s: controller registration failednegative wu sleeperssr_wu_get%s: %s device is being deleted, failing io %s: sr_scsi_cmd NULL discipline %s: unsupported state request %d %s: could not save metadata to %s %s: chunk not part of array %s: %s is already a hotspare %s: %s is already in use sr_hotspare%s: %s partition not of type RAID (%d) OPENBSDSR %sHOTSPARE%s:, sr_hotspare: can't allocate vnode %s: %s volume degraded, will attempt to rebuild on hotspare %s %s: pending I/O failed to complete on failed chunk %s, hotspare rebuild aborted... %s: no offline chunk found on %s! %s: discipline does not support rebuild %s: rebuild already in progress %s: partition too small, at least %llu B required sr_rebuild_init%s: partition too large, wasting %llu B %s: rebuild of %s started on %s %s:, sr_rebuild_init: can't allocate vnode %s: no offline chunks available for rebuild %s: %s not degraded %s: roaming device %s -> %s %s: could not initialize discipline %s: invalid metadata format %s: can't attach metadata type %d %s: failed to clear metadata %s: one of the chunks has corrupt metadata; aborting assembly %s: trying to bring up %s degraded %s: volume level does not match metadata level! sr_ioctl_createraid%s: %s offline, will not be brought online %s: unable to create sensor for %s %s: volume %s is roaming, it used to be %s, updating metadata %s: disk already assembled; will not partial assemble it already assembled %s: %s was not shutdown properly is currently in use; can't force create %s: chunk %s already in use %s: 0x%x i/o error on block %llu while writing boot blocks %d %s: sr_ioctl_installboot: vnode alocation failed %s: 0x%x i/o error on block %llu while writing boot block %d %s: sr_ioctl_installboot: vnode allocation failed sr_downsr_raid_inquirysr_raid_read_capsr_syncsr_checksum%02x%02x%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xsr_shutdown%s: %s: illegal block count for %s %s: %s: illegal cmdlen for %s invalid data offset%s: unable to start backgound operation %s: bogus rebuild restart offset, starting from 0 %s: resuming rebuild on %s at %llu%% %s: rebuild exhausted wu_rsr_rebuildsr_yield%s: could not create write io %s: could not create read io %s: rebuild exhausted wu_wRAID 0%s: %s: %s: invalid chunk state transition %d -> %d %s: %s: %s: invalid chunk state%s: %s: invalid volume state transition %d -> %d sr_raid0_rw%s: %s: too many ccbs queued %s: wu: %p not on pending queue %s: i/o error on block %lld target: %d b_error: %d %s: invalid target on wu: %pRAID 1invalid volume statesr_raid1_rw%s: is offline, can't read %s: retrying read on block %lld %s: permanently fail write on block %lld could not requeue ioRAID 4RAID 5%s: %s: %s: invalid chunk state transition %d -> %d%s: %s: invalid volume state transition %d -> %dsr_raidp_rwDisk %llx offline, regenerating buffer %s: can't get wu_wio error: disk %x %.2x CRYPTOsr_crypto_calculate_check_hmac_sha1sr_crypto_decrypt_keysr_crypto_change_maskkeysr_crypto_create_key_diskKEYDISK%s:, sr_create_key_disk: can't allocate vnode sr_crypto_read_key_disk%s: %s is not a key disk %s: not enough memory for chunk sr_uioplsr_iovplsr_crypto_alloc_resourcessr_crypto_ioctlsr_crypto_rw2%s: i/o error on block %lld RAID 6old_state = %d, invalid new_state%d = %d, sr_raid6_rw+Q singleDisk %llx offline, regenerating Dx%s Disk %llx & %llx offline, regenerating Dx+Dy Disk %llx offline, regenerating Dx+P /dev/ksyms: Symbol table not valid. ELFpf_src_connlimit, %u states killedpf: pf_src_connlimit: blocking address pf_insert_src_nodepf: src_tree insert failed: wirestackpf: %s key attach failed on %s: , existing: diagnostic ../../../../net/pf.cs->key[idx] == NULLpf: key setup: pf: state insert failed: id: %016llx creatorid: %08xpf: state key linking mismatch! dir=%s, if=%s, stored af=%u, a0: , a1: , proto=%u, found af=%u, a0: pf: key search, if=%s: pftmstate->timeout != PFTM_UNLINKEDstate->timeout < PFTM_MAXcur->timeout == PFTM_UNLINKED[%u]%u.%u.%u.%u:%uIPv4 wire: (%d) stack: (%d) %u:%u @%d [lo=%u high=%u win=%u modulator=%u wscale=%u inICMPTCPUDPIPv6ICMPv6invalid address type: %d pf_change_appf_change_a6pf_change_icmppf_modulate_sackpf_send_tcppf: pf_test_via: kif == NULL, @%d via %spf_step_into_anchor: stack overflow pf_get_wscalepf_get_msspf_calc_msspf_tcp_isspf_normalize_tcp_stateful failed on first pktpf: loose state match: fwdrev seq=%u (%u) ack=%u len=%u ackskew=%d pkts=%llu:%llu dir=%s,%s pf: BAD state: pf: State failure on: %c %c %c %c | %c %c pf_test_state_tcppf: state reuse pf_test_state_udppf: icmp type %d in wrong direction (%d): pf_test_state_icmppf: ICMP error message too short (icmp)pf: ICMP error message too short (icmp6)pf: ICMP error message too short (udp)pf: ICMP error message too short (tcp)pf: OK ICMP %d:%d pf: BAD ICMP %d:%d -> state: seq=%u pf: ICMP error message too short (ip6)pf: ICMPv6 short optpf: ICMP error message too short (ip)pdpd->srcpf_test_state_otherpd->dstpf_routablepf_rtlabel_matchpf_route: invalid parameterspf_routepf_route: m0->m_len < sizeof(struct ip)pf_route: pf_map_addr() failed.pf_route6: invalid parameterspf_route6pf_route6: m0->m_len < sizeof(struct ip6_hdr)pf_route6: pf_map_addr() failed.pf_testpf: dropping packet with ip optionspf: dropping IPv4 packet with ICMPv6 payloadpf_test: kif == NULL, if_xname %snon-M_PKTHDR is passed to pf_testpf_test6pf: dropping packet with dangerous v6 headerspf: dropping IPv6 packet with ICMPv4 payloadpf: IPv6 short optpf: IPv6 rthdr0pf: IPv6 short rthdrpf: IPv6 more than one rthdrpf_test6: kif == NULL, if_xname %snon-M_PKTHDR is passed to pf_test6pffrentpffragpffrcachepffrcentpfstscr../../../../net/pf_norm.cBUFFER_FRAGMENTS(frag)!BUFFER_FRAGMENTS(frag)TAILQ_EMPTY(&pf_cachequeue) || TAILQ_LAST(&pf_cachequeue, pf_cachequeue) != fragexpiring %d(%p)trying to free > %d cache entriestrying to free > %d frentsLIST_EMPTY(&frag->fr_cache) || LIST_FIRST(&frag->fr_cache)->fr_off > frcache->fr_end*frag == NULL || BUFFER_FRAGMENTS(*frag)frep != NULL || frea != NULLcomplete: %p(%d)drop: too big: %dfrent != NULL%d < %d?missing fragment at %d, next %d, max %dadjust overlap %doverlap -%dmax packet %ddropping bad fragmentreass frag %d @ %d-%d mff and %dIP_DFpf_normalize_tcp_initsrc->scrub == NULLpf_normalize_tcp_statefulTimestamp failed %c%c%c%c tsval: %lu tsecr: %lu +ticks: %lu idle: %lus %lums src->tsval: %lu tsecr: %lu dst->tsval: %lu tsecr: %lu tsval0: %lupf: broken RFC1323 stack did not timestamp data packet. Disabled PAWS security.pf: did not receive expected RFC1323 timestamppf: dst idled out of PAWS pf: src idled out of PAWS pf: %s: multiple TS??src->scrub || dst->scrubpf_normalize_mss/pf_find_or_create_ruleset: RB_INSERT2 '%s' '%s' collides with '%s' '%s'pf_find_or_create_ruleset: RB_INSERT1 '%s' '%s' collides with '%s' '%s'/*pf_anchor_setup: rulesetpf_anchor_setup: .. beyond root../pf_anchor_copyout: '%s' '%s'pf_anchor_remove: broken refcountpfcnslkpfruleplpfsrctrplpfsnitemplpfstateplpfstatekeyplpfstateitemplpfruleitemplpfaltqplpfpurgepfpurge threadpf_setup_pfsync_matchingpfioctlpf: stoppedpf: startedaltq: startedaltq: stoppedpfrktablepfrke_plainpfrke_routepfrkcounterspfr_clr_addrs: corruption detected (%d). pfr_add_addrspfr_del_addrspfr_set_addrspfr_tst_addrspfr_get_addrs: corruption detected (%d). pfr_get_astats: corruption detected (%d). pfr_clr_astatspfr_enqueue_addrs: IPv6 walktree failed. pfr_enqueue_addrs: IPv4 walktree failed. pfr_mark_addrs: IPv4 walktree failed. pfr_mark_addrs: IPv6 walktree failed. pfr_lookup_addrunknown pfrke_type %dpfr_insert_kentries: cannot route entry (code=%d). pfr_reset_feedbackpfr_route_kentrypfr_unroute_kentrypfr_unroute_kentry: delete failed. pfr_walktree_pfpfr_add_tablespfr_del_tablespfr_get_tables: corruption detected (%d). pfr_get_tstats: corruption detected (%d). pfr_clr_tstatspfr_set_tflagspfr_ina_definepfr_commit_ktablepfr_update_stats: assertion failed. pfr_attach_tablepfr_detach_table: refcount = %d. pfr_pool_get%fingerprinted %s:%d %d:%d:%d:%d:%llx (%d) (TS=%s,M=%s%d,W=%s%d)pf_osfp_fingerprintpf_osfp_fingerprint_hdrfingerprint 0x%x didn't matchosfp matched %s %s %s %x==%xosfp no match against %xpfosfpenpfosfpadding osfp %s %s %s = %s%d:%d:%d:%s%d:0x%llx %d (TS=%s,M=%s%d,W=%s%d) %xFound "%s %s %s" instead of "%s %s %s" Couldn't find "%s %s %s" pfiaddrplpfi_kif_get for pfi_all failedpfi_kif_getpfi_kif_ref with unknown typepfi_kif_unref: rules refcount <= 0pfi_kif_unref: state refcount <= 0pfi_kif_unref with unknown typepfi_kif_get failedpfi_attach_ifnet: cannot allocate '%s' address hookpfi_dynaddr_setup/%d:0:peer:broadcast:networkpfi_dynaddr_updatepfi_table_update: cannot set %d new addresses into table %s: %dpfi_address_add: address buffer full (%d/%d)pfi_address_add: no memory to grow buffer (%d/%d)pfi_update_statuspf_get_sportpf_map_addrpf: pf_map_addr: selected address pf: pf_map_addr: src tracking (%u) maps to pf_get_transaddrpf: NAT proxy port allocation (%u-%u) failedpflog%dpflog_packetpfsync%dpfsync destroypfsync: pfsync_state_import: unknown interface: %spfsync_state_import: invalid creator id: %08xpfsync_input: PFSYNC5_ACT_INS: invalid valuepfsync_input: PFSYNC_ACT_UPD: invalid valuepfsync_input: PFSYNC_ACT_UPD_C: invalid valuereceived invalid bulk update end: bad timestampreceived valid bulk update endpfsync bulk donereceived bulk update startpfsync_insert: PFSYNC_ACT_TDB_UPD: invalid valuepfsyncioctlpfsync_deferred: unable to find deferred statepfsync_update_state: unexpected sync state %dpfsync bulk startrequesting bulk updatepfsync_update_state_req: unexpected sync state %dpfsync_update_state_req: nonexistant instancepfsync_delete_state: unexpected sync state %dpfsync_clear_states../../../../net/if_pfsync.cst->sync_state == PFSYNC_S_NONEst->sync_state != PFSYNC_S_NONEreceived bulk update requestpfsync bulk failfailed to receive bulk updatepflow%dexport_pflow_ifbioioctlhotplug_device_attachhotplug_device_detachhotplug: event lost, queue full hotplugclosehtplevhotplugreadpppoe%dpppoe: alien host unique tag, no session found %s: wrong interface, not accepting host unique %s: host unique tag found, but it belongs to a connection in state %d pppoe: packet too short: %d pppoe: unknown version/type packet: 0x%x %s: unknown code (0x%04x) session = 0x%04x %s: failed to send PADR, error=%d %s: received unexpected PADO pppoe: received PADO but could not find request for it %s: session 0x%x terminated, received PADT %s: session 0x%x connected %s: %s: TAG HUNIQUE ERRORSERVICE NAME ERRORTAG RELAYSID ERRORAC SYSTEM ERRORGENERIC ERRORTAG ACCOOKIE ERROR%s: tag 0x%x len 0x%x is too long %s: parse error pppoe: packet content does not fit: data available = %d, packet size = %u pppoe: could not get PPPoE header ../../../../net/if_pppoe.cm->m_flags & M_PKTHDRpppoe (data): dropping too short packet: %d bytes pppoe (data): unknown version/type packet: 0x%x pppoe (data): could not get PPPoE header pppoe_output%s (%x) state=%d, session=0x%x output -> %s, len=%d pppoe_send_padi in state %d%s: failed to transmit PADI, error=%d %s: failed to send PADI, error=%d %s: timeout %s: disconnecting %s: could not establish connection pppoe_send_padtaltq assertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d altq assertiontbr_set: no cpu clock available! altq_add: no cpu clockinvalid weight value %d for red! use %d cbq_add_class: borrow class != parent cbq_add_queue: no parent class! altq: packet for %s does not have pkthdr rmc_init: root class not allocated _rmc_wrr_dequeue_next_rmc_prr_dequeue_nextrmc_root_overlimithfsc_dequeue:All breakpoints used. Already set. Too many breakpoints. Not set. No breakpoints set Map Count Address %s%p %5d %-12sdb_commandCount missing Bad modifier Ambiguous No such command the kernel did not panic procscalloutmountsvnodesbufsnfsreqsnfsnodesbcstatsbreaksextentsmallocnfsreqnfsnodeobjectpagepanicpoolregistersuvmexpwatchescrashhaltrebootpoweroffmachineexaminedeletebreakdwatchwatchstepcontinueuntiltracecallshowboothelphangmandmesgddb> Bad function db_fncallArgument missing Too many arguments ELF[ %s symbol table has bad start address %p ] bad magic[ %s ELF symbol table not valid: %s ] bad e_machine.strtab.symtabsymtab unaligned[ using %lu bytes of %s ELF symbol table ] symtab corrupteddb_examine= 0x%lx \%03o%-*ld%-*lo%-*s%-*lu%-*lx: db_print_cmd%*ld%*lo%*lu%*lxAddress missing Value missing Syntax error Symbol not found Divide by 0 Negative shift amount () Score: %lu/%lu db_hangman^R String too long Bad escape Bad character Bad character in number End of stack trace. --db_more-- -%*lo-%#*lo-%*lu-%#*lu-%*lx-%#*lxFaulted in traceback, aborting... Starting stack trace... %-12s%s %sdb_show_regs+%s[after %6d] bsd[ no symbol table formats found ] No slots left for %s symbol tableUnable to find symbol table slot for %s.invalid symbol table name%s %s%s Sifting table %s: db_printsym [%s:%d]After %d instructions (%d loads, %d stores), Breakpoint at Stopped at RUN AT LEAST 'trace' AND 'ps' AND INCLUDE OUTPUT WHEN REPORTING THIS PANIC! DO NOT EVEN BOTHER REPORTING THIS WITHOUT INCLUDING THAT INFORMATION! radixmaxoffmaxwidthtabstopslineslogUnknown variable No value All watchpoints used. No map. Too many watchpoints. No watchpoints set Map Address Size %s%p %8lx %lx Unknown size %s = %s db_write_cmdNothing written. cdspkrhpinputsvolumeoutputsdacmastermonitoraudioaudio: missing method audioattachaudio: could not allocate play buffer sourceselectaudio: could not allocate record buffer auddetaudiodetach: %s didn't detach au_portofaudio_attach_mi: NULL oplaudioprint: unknown type %d%s at %smpuaudio_open: 0 precision aud_draud_hraud_rdaudio_silence_copyoutaud_wrau_get_muteau_set_muteau_set_gainau_get_gainau_set_portau_get_portaudiosetinfoaudiogetinfowskbd_set_mixervolume%s: error %d on component %d%s ccdiodone: countccdbufplccdlockWARNING: no memory for concatenated disks ccdattach: count <= 0ccd%dccdinitccdinit: device name too long. (mirror)fictitiouscnopen: recursive/etc/firmware/%sSamsungK9F2808U0C 16Mx8 3.3VK9F1G08U0A 128Mx8 3.3V%s: reset failed device 0x%02x : vendor 0x%02x: %s: identification failed block %d page %d verify failed flashdump flashsize NAND flash%04x: %02xdp8390_initdp8390_start: no header mbufdp8390_xmit: no packets to xmitdp8390_xmit: desync, next_tx=%d inuse=%d cnt=%d new=%d%s: length does not match next packet pointer %s: len %04x nlen %04x start %02x first %02x curr %02x next %02x stop %02x %s: NIC memory corrupt - invalid packet length %d : failed to clear NIC buffer at offset %x - check configuration %s: device enable failed midimid_rdmid_wrmid_clmid_dr: <%s> midi: missing method midi at %sunconfiguredsystrrd%s: attach to %u: %d strprocplstrpolplsystrace_fork../../../../dev/systrace.cstrp->proc == p%s: %u: policy %d %s: new, ents %d %s: %d: code %d -> policy %d %s: %d -> pid %d %s: %u: %p(%lu) %s: Trying to detach from %d %s: allocating %d -> %lu systrmsg%s: %p: pid %d -> pid %d %s: free %d vndencryptvndbufplvndlockWARNING: no memory for vnode disks vnd devicevndioctlvnd%dVNDIOCSET: device name too long vndioctl: null vpextract_entropyarc4_stirarc4maybeinit: prematurearc4random_buf_largerndrdvideovideo: could not allocate frame buffer video: could not request frame buffer size vid_rdvideommap: invalid page%s: interrupt but no streams! video at %scd9660_inactive: pushing activecd9660_reclaim: pushing activeRRIP without PX field? RRIP with incorrect flags?RRIP with incorrect NM flags? IEEE_P1282RRIP_1991AIEEE_1282SPcd9660_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp'scd9660root_deviceCD001%/@%/C%/Eisoinodefhtovp: directory crosses block boundary %d[off=%d/len=%d] fhtovp: bread error %d fhtovp: crosses block boundary %d fhtovp: lbn exceed volume space %d cd9660_strategy: spectag VT_ISOFS, isofs vnode udf_disklabelspoofudftrpludfndpludfdsplFSD does not lie within the partition! Cannot read sector %d of FSD Cannot read sector %d Invalid root file entry! Couldn't find the fsd Invalid Metadata File FE @ sector %d! (tag.id %d) Cannot read sector %d for Metadata File Entry Can't read sector %d of VDS unodeUnrecognized file type (%d) found a vnode alias Invalid file entry! *UDF Virtual Partitionudf_find_partmaps*UDF Sparable Partition*UDF Metadata Partitionhash entry is NULL, up->u_ino = %dudf_allocv: failed to allocate new vnode udf_transname(): name too long udf_transname(): Unicode translation failed udf: invalid FID udf: invalid FID fragment uiomove returned %d udf_readdirInvalid FID tag (%d) tag VT_UDF, hash id %u udf_lookup: Invalid tag warning: udf_readlblks returned error %d Unknown strategy type %d Cannot deal with strategy4096 yet! SFile offset out of bounds (%d > %d) LFile offset out of bounds (%d > %d) Unsupported allocation descriptor %d elf32_load_fileOpenBSDexec: a VTEXT vnode has writecount != 0coredump: offset %lld != notestart %lldcoredump: offset %lld != secstart %lldcoredump_elf32coredump: offset %lld != p_offset[%d] %lldcoredump_notes_elf32%s@%dcoredump_note_elf32#!exec_script_makecmds: epp already has a fdexec_script: copyinstr couldn't fail/dev/fd/%dvmcmdset_extend: not necessary../../../../kern/exec_subr.cocnt > 0exec_process_vmcmds: RELATIVE no baseswapperfork initcfpendcannot mount rootcannot find root vnodepagedaemonfork pagedaemonreaperfork reapercleanerfork cleanerfork updateaiodonedschedulerfork aiodoned/sbin/init/sbin/oinit/sbin/init.bak/dev/consolewarning: /dev/console does not exist warning: /dev/console error %d initexecinit: couldn't allocate argument spaceexec %s: error %d init: not found no initacct_processacctAccounting resumed Accounting suspended ../../../../kern/kern_bufq.cbq != NULLbqiniterror == 0bufq_init: type %i unknownbqdestbqqueuebqquiesinitclocks: unable to register softclock intrfdescpldup2: fdallocfd_unused: fd_lastfile inconsistentfdlockclosef: count: %d/%dclosefclosef: count < 0kqueueplknoteplkqread../../../../kern/kern_event.c(kn->kn_status & KN_QUEUED) == 0kn->kn_status & KN_QUEUEDexecve: argp == NULLexecve: no vmcmdssys_execve: falloc indx != iinit died (signal %d, exit %d)cpu_exit returnedthrdeaththrdyingwait../../../../kern/kern_exit.cTAILQ_EMPTY(&pr->ps_threads)ppwaitWARNING: thread `%s' (%d) exits with status %d unable to allocate kthread_qktrsyscallktrsysretktrnameiktremulktrgenioktrpsigktrcswktrace write failed, errno %d, tracing stopped lockmgr: process context requiredlockmgr: using decommissioned locklockmgr: non-release on draining lock: %dlockmgr: make up your mindlockmgr: not holding exclusive locklockmgr: non-zero exclusive countlockmgr: locking against myselflockmgr: unknown locktype request %dlockmgr: release of unlocked lock!lockmgr: draining against myselflockmgr: pid %d, not exclusive lock holder %d unlocking lock type %s: SHARED (count %d) lock type %s: EXCL (count %d) by pid %d with %d pendinglkmopnlkmlookupDDB symbols added: %ld bytes %s,devbufdebugpcbroutetblfragtblifaddrsooptssysctlioctlopsiovNFS reqNFS mountnamecacheUFS quotaUFS mountshmVM mapsemdirhashACPIVM pmapfile descsubprocVFS clusterMFS nodeExport HostNFS srvsockNFS daemonip_moptionsin_multiether_multimrtISOFS mountISOFS nodeMSDOSFS mountMSDOSFS fatMSDOSFS nodettysmiscfs mountpfkey datatdbxform_datapagedepnewblkindirdepVM swapRAIDframe dataUVM amapUVM aobjUSB deviceUSB HCmemdesccrypto dataIPsec credspacket tagsemuldataip6_optionsNDPtempNTFS mountNTFS nodeNTFS fnodeNTFS dirNTFS hash tablesNTFS file attrNTFS resident data NTFS decompNTFS vrunkqueuebluetoothbwmeterUDF mountUDF file entryUDF file idBluetooth HIDAGP MemoryDRMsysctlklkmalloc - bogus typemalloc(): allocation too large, type = %d, size = %lu malloc: allocation too large???malloc: wrong bucketmalloc: lost dataprevious typeData modified on freelist: word%s %d of object %p size 0x%lx %s %s (0x%x != 0x%x) %s %d of object %p size 0x%lx %s %s (invalid addr %p) malloc: out of space in kmem_mapfree: non-malloced addr %p type %sfree: multiple freesmultiply freed item %p free: duplicated freefree: unaligned addr %p, size %ld, type %s, mask %ld%d,HighUseLimitRequestsType LimKern LimType%15s %5s %6s %7s %6s %9s %8s %8s InUseMemUse%15s %5ld %6ldK %7ldK %6ldK %9ld %8d %8d rw_enter: %s downgrade of non-write lockrw_enter: %s downgrade, not holderrw_enter: unknown op 0x%xrw_enter: %s locking against myself%s: lock not held%s: lock not held by this process%s: lock not shared%s: lock heldtodo < 0; minphys brokentodo > MAXPHYS; minphys brokendone < 0; strategy brokendone > todo; strategy brokenphysiophysbufputphysbuf: private buf B_WANTED%-16s %-8s %18p %s %5d %5d %5d %d %#10x %-12.12s %-16s COMMANDSTRUCT PROC *UAREA * PID %-10s %18s %18s %18s VMSPACE/VM_MAP PID %-16s %-8s %18s %s EMULWAIT-CHANNELWAIT-MSGFLAGSWAITPPIDPGRPUID PID %5s %5s %5s S %10s %-12s %-16s usage: show all procs [/a] [/n] [/w] /a == show process address info /n == show normal process info [default] /w == show process wait/emul info procinit: mallocprocplprocessplzombieplucredplpgrpplsessionplpcredplchgproccnt: procs < 0enterpgrp: setsid into non-empty pgrpenterpgrp: session leader attempted setpgrpenterpgrp: new pgrp and pid != pgidenterpgrp: mksession but not curprocidlestopzombiedeadonprocCONTROLTINMEMNOCLDSTOPPPWAITPROFILSELECTSINTR SUGID SYSTEM TIMEOUT TRACED WAITEDWEXITEXECPWEUPCSSTEPSUGIDEXECNOCLDWAITNOZOMBIEINEXECSYSTRACECONTINUEDBIGLOCKTHREADIGNEXITRVSOFTDEPSTOPPEDCPUPEGPROC (%s) pid=%d stat=%s flags=%b pri=%u, usrpri=%u, nice=%d forw=%p, list=%p,%p process=%p user=%p, vmspace=%p estcpu=%u, cpticks=%d, pctcpu=%u.%u%, swtime=%u user=%llu, sys=%llu, intr=%llu mawn%c%5d %-10.10s %18p %18p %18p plimitplidle%dfork idle../../../../kern/kern_sched.cci == curcpu()curproc == spc->spc_idleproccpu_switchto returnedsensordevstunrsensor_task_unregister: unexpected state %dcoredump%s%s.core/var/crash/sigaplpausepsignal signal numberissignal Process (pid %d) got signal %d postsigpostsig actioncoredump_tradpid %d (%s): %s write of %lu@%p at %lld failed: %d usersystemsigwait../../../../kern/kern_sig.cerror != 0p->p_sigwait != 0uiomove: modeuiomove: procureadc: zero residureadc: non-positive iovcnthashinit: bad cntpowerhook_disestablish: hook not establishedsysctllksysctldlkkern_sysctltsleep: no identtsleep: not SONPROCsleep_finish !SONPROCwakeup: p_stat is %dthrsleep%s%s(%d)sysctl_tc_choicedummyTimecounter "%s" frequency %lu Hz -- Insufficient hz, needs at least %u Time stepped from %ld.%09ld to %ld.%09ld sysctl_tc_hardwaredenied attempt to set clock forward to %ld denied attempt to set clock back %ld seconds nanosleeptimeout_add: not initializedtimeout_add: to_ticks (%d) < 0%9d %2d/%-4d %8x %s ticks now: %d ticks wheel arg func syswqwqtasksunable to create system work queue threadwqdestroyunable to create thread for "%s" workq boredsmashed stack in %s../../../../kern/sched_bsd.cphzpreempt: cpu_preempt not yet implementedp->p_stat != SONPROCp->p_cpu == curcpu()setrunnable not configured unsupported >>> %s probe returned %d >>> probing for %s* mapply: no match function for '%s' device>>> %s probe won >>> no winning probe root device %s not configured %s at rootconfig_make_softcconfig_make_softc: allocation for device softc failed%s%dconfig_make_softc: duplicate %sexpandcreatconfig_make_softc: %sing dev arrayconfig_make_softc: device name too longconfig_detach: bad device fstateconfig_detach%s detached config_detach: detached device has childrenconfig_detach: forced detach of %s failed (%d)config_defer: can't defer config of a root deviceconfig_defer: deferred twiceconfig_defer: can't allocate defer structureconfig_pending_decr: config_pending == 0config_activate_children: device %s failed %d resume %s failing resume cannot be handled (default %s%s)can't figure root, hope your kernel is right setrootroot on %s%c swap on %s%d%c dump on %s%d%cnetbootroot device (%s) not foundwrit%s%d%c: %s %sing fsbn %lld of %lld-%lld (%s%d bn %lld; cn %lld tn %lld sn %lld)dklkdisk_attach: can't allocate storage for disklabeldisk_detach: disk_count < 0disk_unbusy: %s: dk_busy < 0 filesystem type %d not known.. assuming ffs dk_mountrootroot filesystem has size 0use one of: exit %s[a-p]parsediskroot device (default %sswap devicefindblkmajorcannot obtain vnode for 0x%x/0x%xcannot open disk, 0x%x/0x%x, error %dcannot read disk label, 0x%x/0x%x, error %dcannot close disk, 0x%x/0x%x, error %ddisk_map/dev/%s%s%cextent_register: already registeredextentplextent_create: name == NULLextent_create: storage provided for non-fixedextent_create: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_create: end < startextent_create: fixed extent, bad storagesize 0x%lxextent_destroy: NULL extentextent_alloc_region: NULL extentextent_alloc_region: EX_CONFLICTOK and EX_WAITSPACE are mutually exclusiveextent_alloc_region: extent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx) extent_alloc_region: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: region lies outside extentextntextent_alloc_region: can't allocate region descriptor extent_alloc_region: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, size 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: overflowextent_alloc_region: extent `%s', size 0x%lx extent_alloc_region: bad sizeextent_alloc_subregion: NULL extentextent_alloc_subregion: NULL result pointerextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', ex_start 0x%lx, ex_end 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: substart 0x%lx, subend 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad subregionextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', size 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad sizeextent_alloc_subregion: bad alignmentextent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), alignment 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: overflow after alignmentextent_alloc_subregion: can't allocate region descriptor extent_alloc_subregion: extent `%s', size 0x%lx, boundary 0x%lx extent_alloc_subregion: bad boundaryextent_free: NULL extentextent_free: extent `%s', start 0x%lx, size 0x%lx extent_free: extent `%s', region not within extentextent_free: start 0x%lx, end 0x%lx extent_free: region not foundextent_free: overflowFLWANTEDWANTEDNOCOALESCEFIXEDextent `%s' (0x%lx - 0x%lx), flags=%b 0x%lx - 0x%lx extent_print: NULL extentklogpr_rmpage: nidle inconsistentpr_rmpage: nitems inconsistentphpoolpool_init: pool item size (%lu) too largepool_init: too much uptime../../../../kern/subr_pool.cpp->pr_itemsperpage != 0LIST_EMPTY(&pp->pr_fullpages)LIST_EMPTY(&pp->pr_partpages)pool_destroy: pool busy: still out: %upool_get: PR_ZERO when ctor setpool_do_get: %s: crossed hard limitpool_do_get: %s: curpage NULL, nitems %u pool_do_get: nitems inconsistentpool_do_get: %s: page emptypool_do_get: %s: nmissing inconsistentpool_do_get: nidle inconsistentpool_do_get: %s: items on itemlist, nitems %u pool_do_get(%s): free list modified: page %p; item addr %p; offset 0x%x=0x%xpool_put of NULLph->ph_page <= (caddr_t)vph->ph_page + ph->ph_pagesize > (caddr_t)vpool %s: putting with none out pool_do_putpool_do_put: %s: page header missing((((vaddr_t)pi) + ioff) & (align - 1)) == 0pp->pr_crange->ucr_high >= range->ucr_high && pp->pr_crange->ucr_low <= range->ucr_lowph->ph_nmissing == 0 page %p, nmissing %d item %p, magic 0x%x POOL %s: size %u, align %u, ioff %u, roflags 0x%08x alloc %p minitems %u, minpages %u, maxpages %u, npages %u itemsperpage %u, nitems %u, nout %u, hardlimit %u nget %lu, nfail %lu, nput %lu npagealloc %lu, npagefree %lu, hiwat %u, nidle %lu empty page list: full page list: partial-page list: no current page curpage %p FailReleasesPgreqPgrelNpageHiwatMinpgMaxpgIdleSize%-10s%4s%9s%5s%9s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%6s%5s db_show_all_pools %*u %*lu %*d %*s %*lu inf%-10s %18p %18p %-10s %18s %18s Allocatorusage: show all pools [/a] pool(%p:%s): page inconsistency: page %p; at page head addr %p (p %p) pool(%s): free list modified: page %p; item ordinal %d; addr %p (p %p); offset 0x%x=0x%x pool(%p:%s): page inconsistency: page %p; item ordinal %d; addr %p (p %p) dma%dkernel %sassertion "%s" failed: file "%s", line %d%s: table is full panic: splassert: %s: want %d have %d spl assertion failure in %slogprikprintf%llx%llobug in kprintf: bad base0123456789ABCDEF(null)0123456789abcdefaddchangeddbdisableenablefindquittimezoneverbose--- more --- 0%o*UNKNOWN**FOUND*%3d free slot (for add) Unknown devno (max is %d) %3d at disable %s flags 0x%x ???%3d %s count %d (pseudo device) %s [] ? Unknown argument %3d can't change free slot change (y/n) ?%3d %s changed flags changed out of memory. already disabled Error unknown state %3d can't disable free slot %3d %s already %3d can't enable free slot command args description [count] number of lines before more enter ddbdev add a device8|10|16 base on large numbersdevno|dev change devicesattr val|devno|dev disable devicesattr val|devno|dev enable devicesdevno|dev find devices this message list configuration leave UKC[attr [val]] show attributes (or devices with an attribute)[mins [dst]] set timezone/dst don't know toggle verbose bootingUnknown routine /%c/ Unknown attribute Unknown pseudo routine /%c/ Value missing for attribute %s ? Not same device type No more space for new devices. No device of this type exists. Clone Device (DevNo, 'q' or '?')Insert before Device (DevNo, 'q' or '?')Device not complete number or * is missing Argument expected Dev expected 8|10|16 expected DevNo or Dev expected Attr, DevNo or Dev expected timezone = %d, dst = %d Unknown command disautoconf verbose %sabled Unknown command, try help User Kernel Config UKC> Continuing... pipelkpiperdExpected pipe buffer wraparound disappearedExpected wraparound badPipe buffer overflowpipewrpipeclpipepl../../../../kern/sys_process.c(p->p_flag & P_SYSTEM) == 0ptrace: impossiblesysvmsgplmsgqrmmsgwaitNULL userbufferfreeing message queue with active referencesmsg NULLSysV message longer than MSGMAXsemaplsemuplsemwaitsemop - can't undo undossemexit - semid not allocatedsemexit - semnum out of rangeshmseg free count inconsistentshmplttrstrtttckoutqttwritettyrub: would panic c = %d, val = %d load: %d.%02d not a controlling terminal no foreground process group runningrunnableiowait cmd: %s %d [%s] %ld.%02ldu %ld.%02lds %d%% %ldk empty foreground process group ttyfree: tty_count < 0ptarrlk/dev/XtyXXptydevnamepqrstuvwxyzPQRST0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZptcreadptcwriteptmattach: Can't find pty slave in cdevswnmea%dLatitudeLongitudeGPRMCGPSGPS simulatedGPS autonomousGPS differentialGPS estimatedGPS invalidGPS unknownmsts%dMSTSendrun%dEndRunputc: required clalloc b_to_q: required clalloc WARNING: mclpools limit reached; increase kern.maxclustersmbplmcl%dkm_clget: request for %u byte clusterunknown type of extension bufferm_defrag: no packet hdr or not a chainmbuf prepend length too bigm_copym0: short mbuf chainm_copym0 overrunm_copym0: m == NULL and not COPYALLm_copym0: off %d, len %dm_copydata: off %d < 0m_copydata: short mbuf chainm_copydata: null mbufm_copydata: len %d < 0m_zero: M_READONLYm_apply: len %d < 0m_apply: null mbuf in skipm_apply: null mbufm_apply: off %d < 0../../../../kern/uipc_mbuf.cfrom->m_flags & M_PKTHDRm == NULL in m_pulldown()unixsockplnetclssoclose: NOFDREFsoaccept: !NOFDREF../../../../kern/uipc_socket.cm == so->so_rcv.sb_mbreceive 1aso->so_rcv.sb_mb == mreceive 3receive 1soqinsquenetionetlck../../../../kern/uipc_socket2.csb->sb_mb == sb->sb_lastrecordsbappendaddrsbappendcontrolsemi-panic: sbcompress(sb->sb_flags & SB_LOCK) == 0sb->sb_cc == 0sb->sb_datacc == 0sb->sb_mb == NULLsb->sb_mbtail == NULLsb->sb_lastrecord == NULLsbdropsbcreatecontrol: message too large %d netconacceptnetcon2uipc 1uipc 2uipc 4piusrrequnp_attachunp_bindunp_connect2unp_disconnectbremfree: lost tailbuf_put: releasing dirty bufferbuf_put: still on the free listbuf_put: still on the vnode listbuf_put: b_dep is not empty../../../../kern/vfs_bio.cbp->b_bufsize > 0bufplneedbufferbp->b_lblkno == blkno + 1bp->b_vp == vpTrying to dirty buffer on freelist!Trying to undirty buffer on freelist!getblkbuf_get: dup lblk vp %p bp %pClean buffer on BQ_DIRTYbiowait!(bp->b_flags & B_ASYNC)biodone alreadyCurrent Buffer Cache status: numbufs %lld, freebufs %lld bufpages %lld, freepages %lld, dirtypages %lld pendingreads %lld, pendingwrites %lld bufinit: can't reserve VM for buffers../../../../kern/vfs_biomem.c(bp->b_flags & B_BUSY) == 0buf_needvapg != NULLbp->b_flags & B_BUSY(bp->b_data != NULL) || (bp->b_flags & B_NOTMAPPED)bp->b_data != NULLsize == round_page(size)bp->b_pobj == NULLbp->b_data == NULLbuf_alloc_pagesbuf_page_offset > 0buf_alloc_pages: overlap buf: %p page: %puobj != NULLpg->wire_count == 1cache_lookupcache_revlookup: found entry for .cache_revlookup: found entry for ..wtf? leak?nchplcluster_wbuild: size %ld != filesize %ldvop_generic_revokeallvop_generic_revokeoperation %s not listed in %s. vfs_op_descsvfs_opv_init: bad operationvfs_opv_init: operation vector without default routine.nameilockfpllf_findoverlap: defaultnamei: nameiop contaminated with flagsnamei: flags contaminated with nameiopsnamei: bad cred/procleaf should be emptyrelookup: null namerelookup: lookup on dot-dotrelookup: symlink found.vfslockClean vnode has pending I/O'scleaned vnodecleaned vnode isn'tfree vnodefree vnode isn'tvref used where vget requiredvref on a VNON vnodeUse count is not zero!vnode already on free list: vnode already on free listvput: null vpvput: bad writecountvput: v_writecount != 0vput: bad ref countvput: ref cntvrele: null vpvrele: cannot lockvrele: bad writecountvrele: v_writecount != 0vrele: bad ref countvrele: ref cntvdrop: zero holdcntvclean: deadlockvclean: cannot reclaimvclean: not cleanvgonemissing bdevvgonel: not cleanmissing aliasVNONVREGVDIRVBLKVCHRVLNKVSOCKVFIFOVBAD%p, type %s, use %u, write %u, hold %u,vprint flags (%s)|VALIASED|VBIOONSYNCLIST|VBIOONFREELIST|VBIOWAIT|VXWANT|VXLOCK|VSYSTEM|VTEXT|VROOTkinfo: vp changed WARNING: some file systems would not unmount retrying unmount of %s failed with error %d syncing disks... giving up softdep vwakeup: neg numoutputvinvalbufvinvalbuf: flush failedvinvalbuf: dirty bufsvflushbufvflushbuf: dirtyvflushbuf: not dirtybgetvp: not freebrelvp: NULLvfs_register called with vfc_refcount > 0 AGENEEDCOMMITASYNCBADBUSYCACHECALLDELWRI DONE EINTR ERRORINVALNOCACHEPHYSRAWREADWANTEDWRITEINPROGXXXDEFERREDSCANNEDPDAEMON vp %p lblkno 0x%llx blkno 0x%llx dev 0x%x proc %p error %d flags %b bufsize 0x%lx bcount 0x%lx resid 0x%lx sync 0x%x data %p saveaddr %p dep %p iodone %p dirty {off 0x%x end 0x%x} valid {off 0x%x end 0x%x} NONUFSNFSMFSMSDOSFSPORTALPROCFSAFSISOFSADOSFSEXT2FSVFSNNPFSNTFSUDFtag %s(%d) type %s(%d) mount %p typedata %p data %p usecount %d writecount %ld holdcnt %ld numoutput %d clean bufs: bp %p dirty bufs: RDONLYSYNCHRONOUSNOEXECNOSUIDNODEVASYNCEXRDONLY EXPORTED DEFEXPORTED EXPORTANON EXKERB LOCALQUOTAROOTFSflags %b vnodecovered %p syncer %p data %p vfsconf: ops %p name "%s" num %d ref %d flags 0x%x statvfs cache: bsize %x iosize %x blocks %llu free %llu avail %lld files %llu ffiles %llu favail %lld f_fsidx {0x%x, 0x%x} owner %u ctime 0x%x syncwrites %llu asyncwrites = %llu syncreads %llu asyncreads = %llu fstype "%s" mnton "%s" mntfrom "%s" locked vnodes: %p %p, %pall vnodes: %p, %p,syncersched_sync: fsync failedmounted on: %s syncer vnode sys_mountmount: lost mountunmount: dangling vnodesys_getfhsys_fhopensys_fhstatsys_fhstatfsvn_lockgetcwd: oops, forgot to null lvpgetcwd: oops, went back too farvop_islockedvop_lookupvop_createvop_mknodvop_openvop_closevop_accessvop_getattrvop_setattrvop_readvop_writevop_ioctlvop_pollvop_kqfiltervop_revokevop_fsyncvop_removevop_linkvop_renamevop_mkdirvop_rmdirvop_symlinkvop_readdirvop_readlinkvop_abortopvop_inactivevop_reclaimvop_lockvop_unlockvop_bmapvop_printvop_pathconfvop_advlockvop_reallocblksvop_strategyvop_bwritedead_read: lockdead_write: locktag VT_NON, dead vnode dead_badop calledchkvnlockfifowfiforfifo_read modefifo_write modetag VT_NON, fifo with %ld readers and %ld writersfifo_badop calledspec_read modespec_read procspec_read typespec_write modespec_write procspec_write typespec_ioctlspec_fsyncspec_fsync: dirtyspec_fsync: not dirtyspec_close: not specialtag VT_NON, dev %d, %d spec_badop calleddos2unixtime(): month value out of range (%ld) denodedeget(): pcbmap returned %d detrunc(): can't truncate root directory, clust %ld, offset %ld deextend: file too largemsdosfs_reclaim(): pushing activemsdosfs_inactive(): pushing activefatentry(): function code doesn't specify get or set fatentry(): get function with no place to put result extendfile(): attempt to extend root directory extendfile: pcbmapmsdosfs_lookup. .. doscheckpath(): .. not a directory? doscheckpath: source and target on different filesystemsRRaArrAamsdosfs: reducing max cluster to %d from %d due to FAT size msdosfs_sync: rofs mod dev %d, %d, %s msdosfs_createmsdosfs_create: no namemsdosfs_write(): bad file typemsdosfs_rename: no namemsdosfs_renamemsdosfs_rename: lost to startdirmsdosfs_rename: lost from startdirmsdosfs_rename: updating .. in root directory?msdosfs_mkdirmsdosfs_mkdir: no namemsdosfs_readdirmsdosfs_strategy: spectag VT_MSDOSFS, startcluster %ld, dircluster %ld, diroffset %ld (LOCKED)bpf_detachd: descriptor not in listbpf: ifpromisc failedbpfbpfwritebpf_mcopybpfattachifaddritempooltoo many interfacesif_attach_common: mallocif_clone_listif_downallifioctlifconfif_getgroupif_getgroupmembersegressif_group_egress_buildifpromiscifnewlladdr%s: trying to send packet on wrong domain. if %d vs. mbuf %d, AF %d %s: can't handle af%d lcpipcpipv6cppapchap%s: input packet is too small, %d bytes %s: invalid input packet %s: protocol queue overflow %s: Cisco packet in PPP mode %s: invalid input protocol %s: PPP packet in Cisco mode %s: Failed to align packet! %s: no memory for transmit header %s: cisco invalid packet length: %d bytes %s: cisco unknown packet type: 0x%x %s: up %s: loopback %s: cisco input: %d bytes <0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x-0x%x> %s: cisco output: <0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%x 0x%x-0x%x> %s: %s output <%s id=0x%x len=%d%s: %s invalid packet length: %d bytes %s: %s invalid conf-req length %d %s: %s tlu %s: %s send code-rej for 0x%x %s: %s id mismatch 0x%x != 0x%x %s: %s send terminate-ack %s: %s: RXJ%c (%s) for proto 0x%x (%s/%s) %s: invalid proto-rej length %s: lcp echo req but lcp closed %s: invalid lcp echo request packet length: %d bytes %s: got lcp echo req, sending echo rep %s: lcp invalid echo reply packet length: %d bytes %s: lcp got echo rep %s: %s input(%s): <%s id=0x%x len=%d%s: %s up(%s) %s: %s down(%s) %s: %s open(%s) %s: %s close(%s) %s: %s TO(%s) rst_counter = %d %s: %s %s->%s (incoming call) %s: Up event%s: Down event (carrier loss), taking interface down.%s: Down event (carrier loss) [invalid] 0x%lx send conf-ack max_failure (%d) exceeded, send conf-rej send conf-nak [glitch] %lu [empty] [non-empty] [mine %s != his %s] [chap not MD5] %s: lcp parse opt values: send conf-rej [not configured] [invalid chap len] [rej] %s: lcp parse opts: [don't insist on auth for callout][access denied] %s: lcp rej opts: magic glitch %s: lcp nak opts: sppp_lcp_scrstill need hisaddr send conf-ack %s [ack] [addr requested] %s [not agreed] %s: ipcp parse opt values: %s: ipcp parse opts: %s: ipcp rej opts: [agree] [wantaddr %s] %s: ipcp nak opts: %s: ipcp_open(): no IP interface sppp_ipcp_scr%s: ipv6cp_open(): no IPv6 interface sppp_ipv6cp_opensppp_ipv6cp_RCR send %s send %s suggest %s %s [%s]%s: ipv6cp parse opt values: [rej] [invalid]%s: ipv6cp parse opts:%s: ipv6cp rej opts:sppp_ipv6cp_RCN_nak [agree] [random] [suggestaddr %s]%s: ipv6cp nak opts: sppp_ipv6cp_scrsppp_chap_input%s: chap invalid packet length: %d bytes %s: chap input <%s id=0x%x len=%d name= value-size=%d value=%s: chap corrupted challenge <%s id=0x%x len=%d%s: chap unknown input(%s) <0x%x id=0x%xh len=%d%s: chap dropping response for old ID (got %d, expected %d) %s: chap response, his name != expected %s: chap bad hash value length: %d bytes, should be %d Welcome!Failed...%s: chap input(%s) <%s id=0x%x len=%d name=%s: chap corrupted response <%s id=0x%x len=%d%s: chap success%s: chap failure%s: chap failure %s: chap TO(%s) rst_counter = %d reconfirmedtlu%s: chap %s, next re-challenge in %d seconds re-challenging suppressed %s: chap tld %s: pap invalid packet length: %d bytes %s: pap corrupted input <0x%x id=0x%x len=%d%s: pap corrupted input <%s id=0x%x len=%d%s: pap input(%s) <%s id=0x%x len=%d name= passwd=%s: pap failure%s: pap failure %s: pap success%s: pap TO(%s) rst_counter = %d %s: pap peer TO %s: pap tld %s: LCP keepalive timeout sppp_set_ip_addrs%s: sppp_set_ip_addrs: in_ifinit failed, error=%d sppp_clear_ip_addrssppp_get_ip6_addrssppp_set_ip6_addrsppp_suggest_ip6_addrconf-reqconf-ackconf-nakconf-rejterm-reqterm-ackcode-rejproto-rejecho-reqecho-replydiscard-reqchallengeresponsemruasync-mapauth-protoqual-protoproto-compaddr-compaddressesaddresscompressioninitialillegalstartingclosedclosingstoppingreq-sentack-rcvdack-sentopenedestablishterminateauthenticatenetwork-%02x\x%x%d.%d.%d.%d%s: phase %s lo%dlooutput: no header mbuflo_altqstart: can't handle af%d ifmedia_add: can't malloc entryifmedia_set: no match for 0x%x/0x%x ifmedia_set failedifmedia_match: multiple match for 0x%x/0x%x, selected instance %d sl%d: can't allocate buffer %s: af%d not supported slstartslinputpppioctl%s: no compressor for [%x %x %x], %x %s: comp_alloc failed %s: decomp_alloc failed %s output: mbuf packet without packet header!if_ppp/ccp: not enough data in mbuf (%p+%x > %p+%x) %s: got %d bytes %s: input queue full %s: VJ uncompress failed on type uncomp %s: VJ uncompress failed on type comp %s: decompress failed %d pppdumpmpppwritepppasyncstart%s: packet too big %s: too few input mbufs! %s: bad protocol %x %s: missing UI (0x3), got 0x%x %s: garbage received: 0x%x (need 0xFF) %s: no input mbufs! %s: bad fcs %x %s: too short (%d) %s: bad char %x %s input: pppdumpbbsd_decomp%d: bad sequence # %d, expected %d bsd_decomp%d: peer should have cleared dictionary bsd_decomp%d: ran out of mru bsd_decomp%d: bad code 0x%x oldcode=0x%x max_ent=0x%x explen=%d seqno=%d bsd_decomp%d: bad CLEAR z_compress: deflate returned %d (%s) z_decompress%d: bad seq # %d, expected %d z_decompress%d: inflate returned %d (%s) z_incomp%d: inflateIncomp returned %d (%s) file errorstream errordata errorinsufficient memorybuffer errorunknown compression methodinvalid window sizeinvalid reserved bitincorrect header checkincorrect data checkinvalid block typeinvalid stored block lengthsinvalid bit length repeattoo many length or distance symbolsincomplete dynamic bit lengths treeoversubscribed dynamic bit lengths treeoversubscribed literal/length treeincomplete literal/length treeinvalid literal/length codeinvalid distance code0.95Pstream endtunopentunreadbridge_ioctlbridge_brlconfbridge_input(): no HDRbridge_rtfindbridge_ipsecnot implementedbstp still activenot a bstp membersvlanvlanattach: hashinit%s: initialized with non-standard mtu %lu (parent %s) vlan_ioctlvlan_ether_purgemultirn_addmask: mask impossibly already in tree Mask for route not entered Non-unique normal route, mask not entered Non-unique normal route on dupedkey, mask not entered rn_addroute: t->rn_p is NULL%s %p at %p rn_delete: Orphaned Maskrn_delete: inconsistent dupedkey list rn_delete: couldn't find our annotation rn_delete: inconsistent normal annotation rn_delete: inconsistent annotation rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set rn_initrn_init 2next == NULLraw_usrreqrtentplroute_init rtable_addrtable_addif: rtable_addrtfreertfree: %p not freed (neg refs) rtfree 2ifafreertflushclone: called with a non-cloning routertflushclone: no rnh_walktreertrequest1rtrequest deletertinit: wrong ifa (%p) was (%p) rtinitrttmrplrt_timer_init: already initializedrt_timer_queue_destroy: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_remove_all: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_add: rtq_count reached 0 rt_timer_timer: rtq_count reached 0 route_outputsysctl_dumpentrysl_compress_tcpgre_ioctlgre_send_keepalive%s: capabilities 0x%08x trunk_ioctl%s: using proto %u %s: failed to remove multicast address on all ports trunk_ether_purgemulti%s: ioctl %lu failed on %s: %d trunk_ether_cmdmultitrunk_hashmbuf%s: port %s at index %d %s: ADDMULTI failed on %s lacp_port_create../../../../net/trunklacp.c!TAILQ_EMPTY(&la->la_ports)la->la_refcnt >= la->la_nportsla->la_refcnt > la->la_nportsTAILQ_EMPTY(&lsc->lsc_aggregators)lsc->lsc_active_aggregator == NULL(lp->lp_state & LACP_STATE_DISTRIBUTING) != 0best_la == NULL || best_la->la_nports > 0best_la == NULL || !TAILQ_EMPTY(&best_la->la_ports)i == p->pm_countla->la_refcnt > 0la->la_refcnt == 0lsc->lsc_active_aggregator != la!LACP_TIMER_ISARMED(lp, LACP_TIMER_WAIT_WHILE)lp->lp_mux_state == LACP_MUX_DETACHED || la != NULLla->la_pending > 0 || !LACP_TIMER_ISARMED(lp, LACP_TIMER_WAIT_WHILE)%s: unknown statela->la_pending > 0lp->lp_timer[i] >= 0vether%d%s: bad channel ignored; freq %u flags %x number %u %s: invalid channel freq %u flags %x %s: invalid channel (NULL) ieee80211_media_initUnexpected mode %uBad IBSS channel %uunexpected mode %uieee80211_prfieee80211_kdfPairwise key expansionieee80211_derive_ptkPMK Nameieee80211_pmkid_sha1ieee80211_pmkid_sha256ieee80211_eapol_key_micieee80211_eapol_key_check_micieee80211_eapol_key_encryptieee80211_eapol_key_decryptieee80211_bip_encap../../../../net80211/ieee80211_crypto_bip.c(wh->i_fc[0] & IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MASK) == IEEE80211_FC0_TYPE_MGTieee80211_bip_decapm0->m_len >= sizeof(*wh) + IEEE80211_MMIE_LENieee80211_ccmp_phase1ieee80211_ccmp_encryptieee80211_ccmp_decryptieee80211_tkip_decrypt%s: Michael MIC failure ieee80211_wep_encryptieee80211_wep_decrypt%s: %sassociation failed (status %d) for %s ../../../../net80211/ieee80211_input.cieee80211_has_seq(wh)%s: received %s from %s rssi %d mode %s ni != NULL%s: impossible operating mode%s: station %s deauthenticated by peer (reason %d) %s: station %s disassociated by peer (reason %d) ieee80211_ioctl80211scan%s: tsft offset %s%llu %s: no memory for TIM bitmap! %s: no memory for AID bitmap! unable to setup inital BSS node%s: begin %s scan passive%s: creating ibss %s: end %s scan ieee80211_end_scanfreeing bss nodebogus long slot station count %dbogus non-ERP station count %dnot in ap mode, mode %uieee80211_ibss_merge%s: rates mismatch, BSSID %s %s: sync BSSID %s -> (from %s) %s: ieee80211_ibss_merge: bssid mismatch %s %s: my tsft %llu beacon tsft %llu %s: sync TSF with %s ../../../../net80211/ieee80211_node.cic->ic_opmode == IEEE80211_M_HOSTAP%s: failed to queue raw tx frame %s: sending %s to %s on channel %u mode %s null node%s: no node for dst %s, discard raw tx frame invalid integrity group cipher!invalid group data cipher!../../../../net80211/ieee80211_output.crs->rs_nrates > IEEE80211_RATE_SIZEmanagement frame too large: %u%s: station %s disassociate (reason %d) %s: station %s deauthenticate (reason %d) ieee80211_recv_4way_msg14-way%s: received msg %d/%d of the %s handshake from %s ieee80211_recv_4way_msg2ieee80211_recv_4way_msg3group key../../../../net80211/ieee80211_pae_output.ck->k_flags & IEEE80211_KEY_GROUPk->k_flags & IEEE80211_KEY_IGTKEAPOL-Key frame too large: %u%s: sending msg %d/%d of the %s handshake to %s %s: sending EAPOL-Key request to %s .5 channel %d start %u%sMbshort protection enabled %s preamble %s slot time%s %s: bogus xmit rate %u setupassoc_reqassoc_respreassoc_reqreassoc_respprobe_reqprobe_respreserved#6reserved#7beaconatimdisassocdeauthaction_noackreserved#15INITSCANAUTHASSOCRUNauto11a11gturbo0x"%s: open authentication failed (reason %d) for %s newly%s: station %s %s authenticated (open) %s: no recent beacons from %s; rescanning associated%s: %s with %s ssid APL1APL1AAPL1_ETSICAPL1_FCCAAPL1WAPL2APL2CAPL2DAPL2_ETSICAPL2WAPL3APL3WAPL4APL4WAPL5APL5WAPLDAPLDEBUGETSI1ETSI1WETSI2ETSI2WETSI3ETSI3AETSI3W,ETSI4ETSI4CETSI4WETSI5ETSI5WETSI6ETSI6WETSIAETSIBETSICETSIEU1WFCC1FCC1AFCC1WFCC2FCC2CFCC2AFCC2WFCC3FCC3AFCCAFRANCEMKK1MKK1_FCCAMKK1AMKK1A1MKK1A2MKK1BMKK2MKK2AMKKANONEWOR01WWOR02WWOR0WWOR1WWOR2WWOR3WWOR4WWOR5_ETSICWOR9WWORAWWORLDaeauazbgbhbnbrbybzcncocrczdodzegf2fifrgrgthkhnhuiqj1j2j3j4j5jmjojpk2kpkrkwkzlbliltlvmkmomxmyninlnzpaphpkprqarusasgsisvtntttwuaukuyuzvnyezazwarp_rtrequest: bad gateway value arp_rtrequest: malloc failed arprequestarpresolve: unresolved and rt_expire == 0 arpresolve: %s: route without link local address arpresolve: %s: can't allocate llinfo arpintrarp: attempt to add entry for %s on %s by %s on %s in_arpinputarp: attempt to overwrite entry for %s on %s by %s on %s arp info overwritten for %s by %s on %s arp: attempt to overwrite permanent entry for %s by %s on %s duplicate IP address %s sent from ethernet address %s arp: ether address is broadcast for IP address %s! arptfreerevarprequestrevarp[NULL][ ifa_addr= ifa_dsta= ifa_mask= flags=0x%x, refcnt=%d, metric=%d la_rt=%p la_hold_head=%p, la_asked=0x%lx rtentry=%p flags=0x%x refcnt=%d use=%ld expire=%ld rtableid %u key= mask= gw= ifp=%p ifa=%p genmask= gwroute=%p llinfo=%p (NULL)Route tree for AF_INET (not initialized) in_controlinvalid argument to in_lifaddr_ioctlin_ifinitin_addmultiin_delmultiin_pcbinit: hashinit failedin_pcbinit: hashinit failed for lportinpcbplIPv6 pcb passed into in_pcbconnectin_pcbhashlookup: faddr=%08x fport=%d laddr=%08x lport=%d rdom=%d in6_pcbhashlookup: faddr= fport=%d laddr=in_pcblookup_listen: laddr=%08x lport=%d in6_pcblookup_listen: laddr= lport=%d internetdivert_packetdivert_usrreqicmp_erroricmp lenicmp_reflecticmp_mtudisc_timeouticmp_mtudisc_timeout: bad route to timeouticmp_redirect_timeout: bad route to timeoutipqeplipqplaeshmac-sha1deflateip_initipintr no HDRsave_rte: olen %d %x hops %xip_srcroute: nhops %d mlen %dredirect (%d) to %x forward: src %x dst %x ttl %x ip_savecontrolip_mrouter_init ip_mrouter_init: so_type = %d, pr_protocol = %d ip_mrouter_done add_vifrmtaddrmaskadd_vif #%d, lcladdr %x, %s %x, thresh %x reset_vifdel_vif %d, numvifs %d add_mfcadd_mfc update o %x g %x p %x add_mfc no upcall o %x g %x p %x add_mfc %s o %x g %x p %x dbx %p multiple kernel entriesadd_mfc o %x g %x p %x dbg %p del_mfcdel_mfc origin %x mcastgrp %x ip_mforward: ip_mrouter socket queue full ip_mforward: no rte s %x g %x ip_mforward: received source-routed packet from %x ip_mforward: src %x, dst %x, ifp %p expire_upcalls: expiring (%x %x) wrong if: ifp %p vifi %d vififp %p phyint_send on vif %ld err %d bw_upcalls_sendbw_upcalls_send: cannot allocate mbuf bw_upcalls_send: ip_mrouter socket queue full unschedule_bw_meter: bw_meter entry not foundip_output: IPv6 pcb is passedip_outputip_output no HDRip_output: tag of length %d (should be %dmalformed IPv4 option passed to ip_optcopyip_setmoptionsrip_attachrip_detachrip_usrreqtcp_inputtcp_input: TCPS_LISTENm_pulldown malfunctiontcp_dooptionstcp_sack_optiontcp_pulloutofbandsynplsyn_cache_insert: bucketoverflow: impossiblesyn_cache_insert: cacheoverflow: impossibleinvalid sc_tp in syn_cache_cleanupsyn_cache_respondtcp_output: options too longtcphdr too bigtcp_outputtcp_output: template len != hdrlen - optlentcp_output REXMTtcpcbpltcpqeplsackhlpltcp_inittcp_respondtcp_ctlinputtcp6_mtudisc_callbacktcp_set_iss_tsmtcp_signaturetcp_timer_rexmttcp_usrreqtcp_identudp_inputudp6_ctlinputIPv6 inpcb to udp_outputudp_usrreqIPv4 Simple EncapsulationIPsec AHIPsec ESPIPcompTCP MD5 Signature Option, RFC 2385gettdbbysrcdstno tdb hash table tdb cnt bucket cnt %d%s %d +(unknown address family)ipsp_addressipsp_is_unspecifiedipsp_reffree: illegal reference count %d for object %p (len = %d, malloctype = %d) ipsp_spd_lookupipsec policyipsec acquireipsp_spd_inpipip_input: should never reach hereipe4_input(): should never be called etherip_getgifipsec_common_inputipsec_common_input_cbipsec_common_ctlinputudpencap_ctlinputah6_input: l went zero or negativeesp6_input: l went zero or negativeipcomp6_input: l went zero or negativeesp_initesp_input_cbah_initah_massage_headersah_input_cbcarp_hmac_prepare_ctxcarp_hmac_generatecarp_hmac_verifycarp_setroutecarp: packet received on non-carp interface: %sreceived ttl %d != %d on %spacket too short %d on %schecksum failed on %schecksum failed, on %spacket size %u too smallinvalid version %d != %dincorrect hashreplay or network loop detectedcarp_send_adip6_output failed: %d> snd6errors< snd6errorsip_output failed: %d> snderrors< snderrorscarp_update_lsmask: %x%s: master_down event in INIT state carp_join_multicast6carp_ioctlcarp_vhids_ioctlBACKUPMASTERstate transition (vhid %d): %s -> %sstate transition: %s -> %s%s demoted group %s by %d to %d (%s)carpdevcarp_ether_purgemultiipcomp_initMD5FinalRMD160FinalSHA1TransformSHA1Finallibdes v 3.21 - 95/11/21 - eaycryptopcryptodesccryptocryptof_ioctlcrydevcuio_copydata: off %d < 0iov_copydata: empty in skipcuio_copydata: emptycuio_copydata: len %d < 0cuio_copyback: off %d < 0cuio_copyback: empty in skipuio_copyback: emptycuio_copyback: len %d < 0cuio_apply: len %d < 0cuio_apply: ind %d >= uio_iovcnt %d for offcuio_apply: ind %d >= uio_iovcnt %d for lencuio_apply: off %d < 0swcr_encdecswcr_authcomputeSoftware crypto device cannot initialize!DES3DESBlowfishCAST-128SkipjackRijndael-128/AESAES-CTRAES-XTSARC4HMAC-MD5HMAC-SHA1HMAC-RIPEMD-160HMAC-SHA2-256HMAC-SHA2-384HMAC-SHA2-512Keyed MD5Keyed SHA1MD5SHA1DeflateLZSaes_ctr_cryptaes_xts_cryptAES_CMAC_FinalHMAC_MD5_InitHMAC_MD5_FinalHMAC_SHA1_InitHMAC_SHA1_FinalHMAC_SHA256_InitHMAC_SHA256_Finalaes_key_unwrap%s: unknown handle %d! (losing track of %d packet buffer%s) INQUIRY COMPLETEINQUIRY RESULTCONN COMPLETECONN REQDISCONN COMPLETEAUTH COMPLETEREMOTE NAME REQ COMPLETEENCRYPTION CHANGECHANGE CONN LINK KEY COMPLETEMASTER LINK KEY COMPLETEREAD REMOTE FEATURES COMPLETEREAD REMOTE VERSION INFO COMPLETEQoS SETUP COMPLETECOMMAND COMPLETECOMMAND STATUSHARDWARE ERRORFLUSH OCCURROLE CHANGENUM COMPLETED PACKETSMODE CHANGERETURN LINK KEYSPIN CODE REQLINK KEY REQLINK KEY NOTIFICATIONLOOPBACK COMMANDDATA BUFFER OVERFLOWMAX SLOT CHANGEREAD CLOCK OFFSET COMPLETECONN PKT TYPE CHANGEDQOS VIOLATIONPAGE SCAN MODE CHANGEPAGE SCAN REP MODE CHANGEFLOW SPECIFICATION COMPLETERSSI RESULTREAD REMOTE EXT FEATURESUNKNOWNSCO CON COMPLETESCO CON CHANGEDSNIFF SUBRATINGEXTENDED INQUIRY RESULTENCRYPTION KEY REFRESHIO CAPABILITY REQUESTIO CAPABILITY RESPONSEUSER CONFIRM REQUESTUSER PASSKEY REQUESTREMOTE OOB DATA REQUESTSIMPLE PAIRING COMPLETELINK SUPERVISION TIMEOUT CHANGEDENHANCED FLUSH COMPLETEUSER PASSKEY NOTIFICATIONKEYPRESS NOTIFICATIONREMOTE HOST FEATURES NOTIFICATIONBT_LOGOVENDOR../../../../netbt/hci_event.cm->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(hdr)%s: (%s) event %s hdr.type == HCI_EVENT_PKT%s: (%s) opcode (%03x|%04x) status = 0x%x num_cmd_pkts = %d %s: CommandStatus opcode (%03x|%04x) failed (status=0x%02x) m->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(ep)%s: CommandComplete opcode (%03x|%04x) failed (status=0x%02x) %s: (%s) opcode (%03x|%04x) num_cmd_pkts = %d %s: (%s) %d response%s %s: bdaddr %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x m->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(ir)%s: %d response%s m->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(rr)ACLSCO%s: (%s) %s connection complete for %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x status %#x %s: Warning, could not read clock offset %s: Warning, could not write link policy %s: (%s) handle #%d, status=0x%x %s: (%s) bdaddr %2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x class %2.2x%2.2x%2.2x type %s %s: (%s) handle #%d, status=0x%x, encryption_enable=0x%x %s: handle #%d, offset=%u, status=0x%x m->m_pkthdr.len >= sizeof(rp)hci_cmd_read_local_features%s: %s: lmp_mask %4.4x, acl_mask %4.4x, sco_mask %4.4x hci_cmd_read_local_commandsHCI: UNIT %s: flags 0x%4.4x, num_cmd=%d, num_acl=%d, num_sco=%d +HANDLE #%d: %s raddr=%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x, state %d, refcnt %d L2CAP: CID #%d state %d, psm=0x%4.4x, laddr=%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x, raddr=%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x LISTEN psm=0x%4.4x, laddr=%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x RFCOMM: SESSION: state=%d, flags=0x%4.4x, psm 0x%4.4x laddr=%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x, raddr=%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x +DLC channel=%d, dlci=%d, state=%d, flags=0x%4.4x, rxcred=%d, rxsize=%ld, txcred=%d, pending=%d, txqlen=%d LISTEN: psm 0x%4.4x, laddr=%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x:%2.2x +DLC channel=%d %s: cmd %#lx ../../../../netbt/hci_link.cunit != NULL%s: %s = %d unknown! link->hl_statebdaddr != NULLlink != NULL%s: mtx_enter(&bt_lock) in %d %s: mtx_leave(&bt_lock) in %d %s: error %d sending HCI_CMD_DISCONNECT %s: link #%d expired %s: (%s) changing link key for handle #%d %s: (%s) requesting encryption for handle #%d %s: (%s) requesting auth for handle #%d link->hl_unit != NULL%s: (%s) handle #%d, auth %s, encrypt %s, secure %s m != NULL%s: bad ACL packet type %s: bad ACL packet length (%d != %d) %s: short ACL packet %s: dropped incomplete ACL packet %s: unknown packet type %s: unexpected packet fragment %s: %s: dumping packet for unknown handle #%d %s: (%s) chunk of %d (plen = %d) bytes %s: %s: handle #%d, plen = %d, max = %d m->m_pkthdr.len > 0%s: %d packets completed on handle #%x but none pending! %s: (%s) handle #%d (%d) sco->hl_link == acl%s: bad SCO packet length (%d != %d) %s: bad SCO packet type %s: handle #%d (num=%d) link->hl_refcnt == 0%s: (%s) #%d, type = %d, state = %d, refcnt = %d %s: no memo found %s: memo %p too old (expiring) %s: memo %p found %s: memo updated for %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s: memo created for %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s: no memory for memo! %s: flushing %p ../../../../netbt/hci_socket.c%s: packet (%d bytes) not sent (error %d) %s: (%s) opcode (%03x|%04x) addr != NULLnam != NULLm->m_len >= sizeof(type)m->m_len >= sizeof(hci_event_hdr_t)m->m_len >= sizeof(hci_cmd_hdr_t)../../../../netbt/hci_unit.cdev != NULLhci_if->enable != NULLhci_if->disable != NULLhci_if->output_cmd != NULLhci_if->output_acl != NULLhci_if->output_sco != NULLhci_if->get_stats != NULL%s: (%s) opcode (%3.3x|%4.4x) buf != NULL%s: mtx_enter(&unit->hci_devlock) in %d %s: mtx_leave(&unit->hci_devlock) in %d %s: (%s) recv event, len = %d %s: (%s) recv SCO, len = %d %s: (%s) recv ACL, len = %d %s: (%s) complete SCO %s: done %s: (%s) dropped event packet. %s: (%s) dropped ACL packet. %s: (%s) dropped SCO packet. %s: (%s) num_cmd_pkts=%d %s: (%s) num_acl_pkts=%d %s: (%s) num_sco_pkts=%d %s: (%s) invalid L2CAP packet dropped, CID #%d, length %d %s: (%s) received packet (%d bytes) %s: no data, pending = %d ../../../../netbt/l2cap_lower.cchan->lc_link != NULL%s: CID #%d sending packet (%d bytes) l2cap_reql2cap_pdu../../../../netbt/l2cap_misc.cchan != NULLyes%s: (%s) CID #%d, auth %s, encrypt %s, secure %s %s: cid %d, ident %d used->lc_lcid == cid%s: (%s) code %d, ident %d, len %d letoh16(cp.reason)../../../../netbt/l2cap_signal.cnew->lc_link == linkl2cap_recv_config_reqcp.resultopt.type(%s) exceeding L2CAP Signal MTU for link! reasonl2cap_send_config_req../../../../netbt/l2cap_socket.c%s: Connecting %s: Connected %s: Disconnected (%d) %s: New Connection %s: auth %s, encrypt %s, secure %s %s: packet (%d bytes) dropped (socket buffer full) %s: received %d bytes ../../../../netbt/l2cap_upper.chandle != NULLproto != NULLupper != NULL%s: send %d bytes on CID #%d (pending = %d) ../../../../netbt/rfcomm_dlc.cdlc->rd_state != RFCOMM_DLC_CLOSED%s: dlci %d, auth %s, encrypt %s, secure %s dlc->rd_session != NULLdlc->rd_session->rs_state == RFCOMM_SESSION_OPENdlc->rd_state == RFCOMM_DLC_WAIT_SESSIONrs != NULLrs->rs_state == RFCOMM_SESSION_OPEN%s: lost %d bytes on DLCI %d %s: dlci %d send %d bytes, %d credits, rxcred = %d dlc->rd_state == RFCOMM_DLC_OPENrfcomm_credit../../../../netbt/rfcomm_session.cLIST_EMPTY(&rs->rs_dlcs)%s: expiring %s: Disconnected %s: too many packets completed! %s: short frame (%d), discarded %s: Bad FCS value (%#2.2x), frame discarded %s: dlci %d, type %2.2x, len = %d %s: short frame (%d, EA = 0), discarded %s: session was not even open! %s: Invalid direction bit on DLCI %s: SABM(%d) %s: DISC(%d) %s: Received spurious UA(0)! %s: Received spurious UA(%d)! %s: UA(%d) %s: DM(%d) %s: Bad Frame Length (%d), frame discarded %s: non-open DLC (state = %d), discarded %s: Bad PF value, UIH discarded %s: UIH frame exceeds rxsize, discarded %s: Credit limit reached, UIH discarded %s: UIH received for non existent DLC, discarded %s: UIH(%d) %s: Short MCC header, discarded %s: Incorrect MCC length, discarded %s: MCC %s type %2.2x (%d bytes) %s: MCC type EA = 0, discarded %s: Bad RPN length (%d) %s: Bad RLS length %d %s: Bad PN length %d %s: dlci %d type %2.2x (%d bytes, fcs=%#2.2x) %s: dlci %d, pktlen %d (%d data, %d credits), fcs=%#2.2x !(credits == 0 && len == 0)%s: %s type %2.2x len %d %s: incredible length! (%d) ../../../../netbt/rfcomm_socket.carg != NULLso != NULL%s: %d bytes dropped (socket buffer full) ../../../../netbt/rfcomm_upper.cdlc->rd_statedlc != NULL../../../../netbt/sco_socket.c../../../../netbt/sco_upper.c%s: %d bytes rpc denied, status=%d rpc denied, error=%d RPC timeout for server %s (0x%x) prog %u krpc_call: sosend: %d bind failed nfs_read modenfsbioreadnfsbioread: type %x unexpectednfs_write modenfs_write procnfsvinvalnfs_bufqProcess killed due to text file modification nfs_doio: type %x unexpectednfs_boot: no suitable interfacenfs_boot: using interface %s, with revarp & bootparams nfs_boot: socreate, error=%dnfs_boot: GIFFLAGS, error=%dnfs_boot: SIFFLAGS, error=%dnfs_boot: client_addr=%s nfs_boot: set if addr, error=%dnfs_boot: server_addr=%s hostname=%s nfs_boot_initnfs_boot: bootparam whoami, error=%dreverse arp not answered by rarpd(8) or dhcpd(8)nfs_boot: bootparam get %s: %d nfs_boot: mountd %s, error=%d nfs_boot_getfhnfs_boot: portmap NFS/v2, error=%d nfs_boot: bootparam_whoami: bad reply nfs_boot: bootparam_getfile: bad reply xid 0x%x flags 0x%x rexmit %i procnum %i proc %p mreq %p mrep %p md %p nfsmount %p vnode %p timer %i rtt %i size %llu flag %i vnode %p accstamp %i pushedlo %llu pushedhi %llu pushlo %llu pushhi %llu commitflags %i nfshshlknfs_ngetnfs_commitlk../../../../nfs/nfs_node.cnp2 == NULLnfs_inactive: pushing activeNULL v_data (no nfsnode set up?) in vnode %pnfs_reclaim: pushing activenfskqlknfskqpwnfskqdetnfskqpollnfsrv3_accessnfsrv_getattrnfsrv_setattrnfsrv_lookupnfsrv_readlinknfsrv_readnfsrv_read iovnfsrv_writenfsrv_createnfsrv_mknodnfsrv_removenfsrv_renamenfsrv_linknfsrv_symlinknfsrv_mkdirnfsrv_rmdirnfsrv_readdirnfsrv_readdirplusnfsrv_commitnfsrv_statfsnfsrv_fsinfonfsrv_pathconfnfsconnfscon sotypenfsreconreceive error %d from nfs server %s Egad!! short receive (%d/%d) from nfs server %s %s (%d) from nfs server %s impossible packet lengthnfsreply nilnfsretryis alive againnot respondingnfsndlcknfs sndunlocknfsrcvlknfs rcvunlocknfs_realign_fixup: no memory to pad tonfs server %s: %s nfs getstreamnfsd wakeupnfsrcnfsrv cache../../../../nfs/nfs_subs.cauth_type == RPCAUTH_UNIXnfs S too bignfsreqplnfsnodeplbuild > MLENnfsd initbad nfs svc reply, siz = %indscplnfsidlnfsionfsdnfs_mountroot: rootroot on %s nfs_mountroot: getattr for rootswap on device 0x%x nfs_mountrootswap/swapswap on %s nfs_mountroot: getattr for swap WARNING: no swap nfs_mountroot: can't setup swap vpnfsnfs_mount_diskless: vfs_rootmountalloc failednfs_mountroot: mount %s failed: %dnfs_args: retrying connect nfs_mountopen eacces vtyp=%d nfs: writerpc iovcnt > 1nfs_remove: no namenfs_remove: bad v_usecountnfs_rename: no namenfs readdirrpc bad uioEEK! readdirrpc resid > 0 nfs readdirplusrpc bad uioEEK! readdirplusrpc resid > 0 .nfs%08X%08Xnfs: sillyrename dir nfs physio/asyncnfs_fsyncnfsfsyncnfs_fsync: not dirtytag VT_NFS, fileid %ld fsid 0x%lxbwrite: buffer is not busy???dev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, size = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloc: bad sizefile system fulluid %u on %s: %s %s: write failed, file system is full ffs_alloc: missing credentialdev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, osize = %d, nsize = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad sizeffs_realloccg: missing credentialffs_realloccg: bad blocknoffs_realloccg: small bufffs_realloccg: small buf 2dev = 0x%x, optim = %d, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad optimdev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, bprev = %lld, fs = %s ffs_realloccg: bad bprevffs1_reallocblks: unallocated block 1ffs1_reallocblks: unallocated block 2 %lld,ffs1_reallocblks: unallocated block 3ffs1_reallocblks: alloc mismatchffs1_reallocblk: start == endffs1_reallocblks: non-logical clusterffs1_reallocblks: non-physical cluster %dffs2_reallocblks: unallocated block 1ffs2_reallocblks: unallocated block 2ffs2_reallocblks: unallocated block 3ffs2_reallocblks: alloc mismatchffs2_reallocblk: start == endffs2_reallocblks: non-logical clusterffs2_reallocblks: non-physical cluster %dmode = 0%o, inum = %d, fs = %s ffs_valloc: dup allocfree inode %s/%d had %lld blocks out of inodes %s: create/symlink failed, no inodes free ffs_clusteralloc: map mismatchffs_clusteralloc: allocated out of groupffs_clusteralloc: lost blockffs_nodealloccg: block not in mapcg = %d, irotor = %d, fs = %s ffs_nodealloccg: map corrupteddev = 0x%x, bsize = %d, size = %ld, fs = %s ffs_blkfree: bad sizebad block %lld, ino %u bad blockdev = 0x%x, block = %lld, fs = %s ffs_blkfree: freeing free fragffs_blkfree: freeing free blockdev = 0x%x, ino = %u, fs = %s ffs_freefile: range: dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %sffs_freefile: freeing free inodeffs_checkblk: bad sizeffs_checkblk: bad block %lldffs_checkblk: partially free fragmentbno = %lld, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: block not in mapstart = %d, len = %d, fs = %s ffs_alloccg: map corruptedffs1_balloc: blk too bigffs1_balloc: ufs_bmaparray returned indirect blockCould not unwind indirect block, error %dffs2_balloc: block too bigffs2_balloc: ufs_bmaparray returned indirect blockffs2_balloc: unwind failedffs_update: bad link cntffs_truncate: newspaceffs_truncate2ffs_truncate1ffs_truncate: partial truncate of symlinkffs_indirtrunc: bad buffer sizeDisk overlap start %lld, end %lld overlap start %llu, end %llu Disk buffer overlapffs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp's ffsWARNING: %s was not properly unmounted WARNING: R/W mount of %s denied. Filesystem is not clean - run fsck ffs_reload: dirty2ffs_reload: dirty1ffs_mountfs(): obsolete rotational table format, please use fsck_ffs(8) -c 1 ffs_statfsupdate: rofs modffsinodino1pldino2plffs_read: modeffs_read: short symlinkffs_read: type %dffs_write: modeffs_write: typeffs_write: nonsync dir writeffs_fsyncffs_fsync: dirtyffs_fsync: not dirtybmsafemapallocdirectallocindirfreefragdiradddirremsema_release: not heldadd_to_worklist: already on list%s_process_worklist: Unknown type %ssoftdepsoftdep_move_dependencies: need merge codesoftflushpagedepplinodedepplnewblkplbmsafemapplallocdirectplindirdepplallocindirplfreefragplfreeblksplfreefilepldiraddplmkdirpldirremplnewdirblkplsoftdep_setup_inomapdep: found inodesoftdep_setup_blkmapdep: found blocksoftdep_setup_allocdirect: lost blocksoftdep_setup_allocdirect: Bonk art in the headsoftdep_setup_allocdirect: lost entrysoftdep_setup_allocdirect: non-zero indirallocdirect_merge: old %d != new %d || lbn %ld >= %dallocdirect_merge: extra newdirblknewfreefrag: frag sizesoftdep_setup_allocindir_page: Bonk art in the headsetup_allocindir_phase2: not indir blksetup_allocindir: lost blocksetup_allocindir_phase2: blknosoftdep_setup_freeblocks: non-zero lengthsoftdep_setup_freeblocks: inode busysoftdep_setup_freeblocksdeallocate_dependencies: not indirdeallocate_dependencies: already gonedeallocate_dependencies: lost pagedepdeallocate_dependencies: Unknown type %sdeallocate_dependencies: Unexpected type %sfree_allocdirect: extra newdirblkcheck_inode_unwritten: busy inodehandle_workitem_freeblocks: block count handle_workitem_freeblksindir_trunc: lost indirdepindir_trunc: dangling depsoftdep_setup_directory_add: lost inodedepsoftdep_setup_directory_add: lost entryfree_diradd: unfound refnewdirrem: whiteoutnewdirrem: not ATTACHEDnewdirrem: inum %d should be %dsoftdep_change_linkcnt: bad deltahandle_workitem_remove: vgethandle_workitem_remove: bad file deltahandle_workitem_remove: bad dir deltahandle_workitem_remove: truncatehandle_workitem_remove: lost inodedephandle_workitem_freefilesoftdep_disk_io_initiation: readdisk_io_initiation: indirdep gonehandle_disk_io_initiation: Unexpected type %sinitiate_write_filepage: already started %s: dir inum %d != new %dinitiate_write_filepageinitiate_write_inodeblock: already doing I/Osoftdep_write_inodeblock: lost dep2softdep_write_inodeblock: lost dep1%s: indirect pointer #%ld mismatch %d != %dsoftdep_write_inodeblock%s: direct pointer #%ld mismatch %d != %dsoftdep_write_inodeblock: lbn orderinitiate_write_inodeblock: already startedsoftdep_write_inodeblock: Unknown state 0x%xinitiate_write_inodeblock_ufs2: already startedinitiate_write_inodeblock_ufs2: I/O underwaysoftdep_write_inodeblock: lost dep3%s: indirect pointer #%ld mismatch %ld != %ld%s: direct pointer #%ld mismatch %ld != %lddisk_write_complete: indirdep gonedisk_write_complete: not gonehandle_disk_write_complete: Unknown type %shandle_allocdirect_partdone: dangling dephandle_allocindir_partdone: dangling dependencyhandle_written_inodeblock: not startedhandle_written_inodeblock: new entryhandle_written_inodeblock: filefreehandle_written_inodeblock: live inodedephandle_written_inodeblock: bad size%s: %s #%ld mismatch %d != %dhandle_written_inodeblockdirect pointer%s: %s #%ld allocated as %dindirect pointerhandle_written_inodeblock: Unknown type %shandle_written_mkdir: bad typehandle_written_filepage: not startedhandle_written_filepage: attachedsoftdep_update_inodeblock: update failedsoftdep_update_inodeblock: bwritesoftdep_update_inodeblock: bad deltasoftdep_update_inodeblock: bad link countsoftdep_fsync: pending opssoftdep_fsync: dirtysoftdep_fsync: Unexpected type %ssoftdep_fsync_mountdev: vnode not a disksoftdep_fsync_mountdev: not dirtysoftdep_sync_metadata: Unknown type %sflush_pagedep_deps: flush failedflush_pagedep_deps: lost inodeflush_pagedep_deps: MKDIR_BODYflush_pagedep_deps: MKDIR_PARENTsoftupdaterequest_cleanup: unknown typeclear_remove: vgetclear_remove: fsyncclear_inodedeps: fsync2clear_inodedeps: fsync1clear_inodedeps: vgetsoftdep_check_for_rollback: Unexpected type %ssdsdtydrain_outputsoftdep_deallocate_dependencies: dangling depssoftdep_deallocate_dependencies: unrecovered I/O error%s: got error %d while accessing filesystem deps: ATTACHEDUNDONECOMPLETEDEPCOMPLETEMKDIR_PARENTMKDIR_BODYRMDIRDIRCHG GOINGAWAY IOSTARTED SPACECOUNTED NEWBLOCKUFS1FMTONWORKLIST%s%s(%p) state %b %smount %p ino %u lbn %lld worklist_printfs %p ino %u nlinkdelta %u dino %p %s bp %p savsz %lld fs %p newblk %lld state %d bmsafemap %p buf %p lbn %lld newlbk %d oldblk %d newsize %lu olsize %lu %s bp %p inodedep %p freefrag %p savedata %p savebp %p off %d newblk %d oldblk %d freefrag %p %s indirdep %p buf %p vnode %p mp %p blkno %lld fsize %ld ino %u previno %u devvp %p mp %p oldsz %lld newsz %lld %s chkcnt %d uid %d mode %x oldino %u vnode %p mp %p off %ld ino %u da_un %p diradd %p bp %p mp %p ino %u dm_un %p pagedep %p softdep_free: unknown type %dmfs_mount: dup devmfsidlmfs_open not VBLKmfs_strategy: bad devmfs_close: dirty buffers mfs_inactive: not inactive (mfs_buflist %p)tag VT_MFS, pid %d, base %p, size %ld mfs_badop calledufs_bmaparray: invalid argumentsufs_bmaparray: indirect block not in cacheufs_getlbns: indirect block %d not foundufs_getlbns: Invalid indirect block %d specified../../../../ufs/ufs/ufs_dirhash.c((((ip)->i_ump->um_fstype == 1) ? (ip)->dinode_u.ffs1_din->di_size : (ip)->dinode_u.ffs2_din->di_size) >= (1 << 9))(dh->dh_onlist)ufsdirhash_lookup: bad offset in hash array(dirblock < dh->dh_nblk && dh->dh_blkfree[dirblock] >= (((slotneeded) + ((4) - 1)) / (4)))ufsdirhash_findfree: free mismatch(offset < dh->dh_dirblks * (1 << 9))(oldoff < dh->dh_dirblks * (1 << 9) && newoff < dh->dh_dirblks * (1 << 9))(offset == dh->dh_dirblks * (1 << 9))ufsdirhash_dirtrunc: blocks in useufsdirhash_dirtrunc: first free corrupt(offset <= dh->dh_dirblks * (1 << 9))ufsdirhash_checkblock: bad offsetufsdirhash_checkblock: bad dir endufsdirhash_checkblock: bad free countufsdirhash_checkblock: bad first-freeufsdirhash_checkblock: missing first-free entryufsdirhash_checkblock: bad dir(block < dh->dh_nblk && block < dh->dh_dirblks)(dh->dh_hused < dh->dh_hlen)ufsdirhash_findslot: '%.*s' not found(dh->dh_hused >= 0)(dh->dh_hash != 0L)((((&ufsdirhash_list)->tqh_first) == 0L))ufs_inactive: pushing activeufs_reclaim: pushing activei_ffs_size too smallmangled entry%s: bad dir ino %d at offset %d: %s bad dirFirst bad Second bad ufs_makedirentry: missing nameufs_direnter: newblkufs_direnter: compact1ufs_direnter: compact2checkpath: .. not a directory groupundefinedchkdqufs_quota_free_blocks2: vnode is not locked %s: warning, %s %s disk quota exceeded %s: write failed, %s %s disk quota exceeded for too long %s: write failed, %s disk limit reached chkiqinode quota exceededinode quota exceeded for too long %s: write failed, %s inode limit reached chkdquot: vnode is not lockedchkdquot: missing dquotmissing dquotquotaon: mount point not busyquotaoff: mount point not busysetquotasetusefree dquot isn'tdqsync: dquotdqsyncdqsync: filechown: lost quotaufs_linkufs_link: no nameufs_rename: no nameufs_renameufs_rename: lost to startdirrename: EXDEVufs_rename: same fileufs_rename: lost dir entryufs_rename: lost from startdirufs_mkdirufs_mkdir: no nameufs_readdir: lost in spaceufs_strategy: spectag VT_UFS, ino %d, on dev %d, %d flags 0x%x, effnlink %d, nlink %d mode 0%o, owner %d, group %d, size %lldufs_makeinodeufs_makeinode: no nameext2fs_alloc: missing credentialmode = 0%o, nlinks %d, inum = %d, fs = %s ext2fs_valloc: dup allocext2fs_alloccgblk: cg=%d bno=%d fs=%s ext2fs_alloccg: dup allocext2fs_nodealloccg: block not in mapcg = %d, ipref = %d, fs = %s ext2fs_nodealloccg: map corruptedbad block %d, ino %d dev = 0x%x, block = %d, fs = %s dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %s ifree: range: dev = 0x%x, ino = %d, fs = %sifree: freeing free inodeext2fs_mapsearch: block not in mapext2fs_alloccg: map corruptedext2fs_balloc: ufs_getlbns returned indirect blockext2fs_bmaparray: invalid argumentsext2fs_bmaparry: indirect block not in cacheext2fs_bmaparray: num=%d ext2fs_bmaparray: numext2fs_inactive: pushing activeext2fs_truncate1ext2fs_truncate2ext2fs_truncate3ext2fs_truncate: partial truncate of symlinkext2fs_indirtrunc: bad buffer sizeext2fs_readdiri_size too smallrec_len is smaller than minimalrec_len % 4 != 0reclen is too small for name_lendirectory entry across blocksinode out of boundsbad directory entry: %s offset=%d, inode=%lu, rec_len=%d, name_len=%d ext2fs_dirbadentrydirenter: missing nameext2fs_direnter: newblkext2fs_direnter: frag sizeext2fs_direnterext2fs_direnter: compact1ext2fs_direnter: compact2 %u %uext2fs_direnter: compact2checkpath%s: mode%s: short symlinkext2fs_read%s: type %d%s: typeext2fs_write%s: nonsync dir write start %lld, end %lld overlap start %lld, end %lld ext2inoplext2dinoplext2fs_mountroot: can't setup bdevvp'sext2fs%s: file system not clean; please fsck(8) ext2fs_reload: dirty2ext2fs_reload: dirty1ext2fs_statfsExt2 fs: bad block size: %d (expected <=2 for ext2 fs) Ext2 fs: unsupported first inode positionExt2 fs: unsupported optional feature Ext2 fs: unsupported revision number: %x ext2fs_link: no nameext2fs_rename: no nameext2fs_rename: lost to startdirrename: linked directoryext2fs_rename: lost dir entryext2fs_rename: mangled dirext2fs_rename: lost from startdirext2fs_mkdir: no nameext2fs_mkdir: blksizeext2fs_makeinode: no nameext2fs_reclaim: pushing active%u/%unnpfs_devclose never opened?nnpfsreadnnpfsNNPFS PANIC Error: Message to small to receive wakeup, opcode = %d nnpfs_message_rpc: deadlock avoided pid = %u == %u NNPFS PANIC Warning nnpfs_dev: Unknown message opcode == %d NNPFS PANIC Error: Could not wakeup requestor with opcode = %d properly, to small receive buffer. NNPFS PANIC WARNING! nnpfs_message_installroot: called again! NNPFS PANIC WARNING! nnpfs_message_installnode: no parent nnpfs_message_installattr: tokens and no data NNPFS PANIC WARNING! nnpfs_message_installdata failed! Reason: lookup failed on cache file '%s', error = %d NNPFS PANIC WARNING! nnpfs_message_installdata failed Reason: No node to install the data into! NNPFS PANIC WARNING! nnpfs_message_updatefid: %d nnpfs_node_purgennpfs_lockfailed to allocate syncer node when nnpfs daemon diednnpfs_attr2attr: bad valuennpfs_attr2vattr: bad valueNNPFS PANIC WARNING! nnpfs_dnlc_enter: %s already in cache lookup_nodegetfh_compatnnpfs: remote pioctl: got a negative data size: opcode: %dnnpfs_pioctl_call: got a humongous in packet: opcode: %dnnpfs_fhopennnpfs_readdir: mail arla-drinkers and tell them to bake burned cookiesnnpfs_lock: lock NULLnnpfs_unlock: lock NULL attr: %svalid data: %svalid flags: 0x%x offset: %d NNPFS PANIC WARNING! nnpfs_fsync called after reclaiming! nnpfs_uio_end_lengthnnpfs_lookup_commonnnpfs_create_commonnnpfs_remove_commonnnpfs_rename_commonnnpfs_mkdir_commonnnpfs_rmdir_commonnnpfs_link_commonnnpfs_inactive: failed writing back data: %d xnode: fid: %d.%d.%d.%d amappl../../../../uvm/uvm_amap.c((sz) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0((padsz) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap->am_ref == 0 && amap->am_nused == 0(amap->am_flags & AMAP_SWAPOFF) == 0((entry->end - entry->start) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0((addsize) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap->am_maxslot < slotneed(((entry->end - entry->start)) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap->am_ref == 0amap_wipeout: corrupt amapcownowpagecownowamap_cow_now: non-resident wired page in anon %pamap_splitref: split at zero offsetamap_splitref: map size check failed((offset) & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == 0amap_pp_adjref: overshot targetamap_pp_adjref: negative reference countLIST_NEXT(&marker_prev, am_list) == &marker_next || LIST_NEXT(LIST_NEXT(&marker_prev, am_list), am_list) == &marker_nextamap_lookup: offset out of rangeamap_lookups: offset out of rangeamap_add: offset out of rangeamap_add: replacing null anonamap_add: slot in useamap_unadd: offset out of rangeamap_unadd: nothing thereanonpl../../../../uvm/uvm_anon.cpg->loan_count > 0anon->an_page == NULLanon->an_swslot == 0uvmexp.swpgonly > 0anon_pagein: uvmfault_anonget -> %duao_set_swslot: uobj = %p uao_set_swslot: attempt to set a slot on a NOSWAP object../../../../uvm/uvm_aobj.cslot == 0uao_create: kernel object already allocateduao_create: hashinit swhash faileduao_create: malloc swslots faileduao_create: asked to enable swap on kernel objectuaoeltplaobjpluao_detuaoflshuao_flush: strange, got an out of range flush (fixed) uao_flush: weird flagsuao_getuao_getpageudv_attachudv_detach../../../../uvm/uvm_device.cuobj->uo_npages == 0 && RB_EMPTY(&uobj->memt)udv_faultfltamapcopyanonget1anonget2flt_noram1../../../../uvm/uvm_fault.cresult != VM_PAGER_PENDuvmadvice[ufi.entry->advice].advice == ufi.entry->adviceflt_pmfail1uvmexp.swpgonly <= uvmexp.swpagesflt_noram3flt_noram2uobjpage != PGO_DONTCAREflt_pmfail2flt_noram4flt_noram5fltagain2(pages[lcv]->pg_flags & PG_RELEASED) == 0uvm_fault: fault on non-pageable map (%p, 0x%lx)uvm_fault: uvmfault_anonget -> %duvm_fault: want to promote data, but no anon(map->flags & VM_MAP_INTRSAFE) == 0start >= vm_map_min(map) && end <= vm_map_max(map)va >= entry->startentry->next != &map->header && entry->next->start <= entry->enduvm_fault_unwire_locked: address not in map../../../../uvm/uvm_glue.cva == sva + szuvm_init: page size not setuvm_km_init: could not reserve space for kerneluvm_km_suballoc: unable to allocate space in parent mapuvm_km_suballoc: submap allocation faileduvm_km_suballoc: unable to create submapkm_pgrm../../../../uvm/uvm_km.cuobj->pgops == &aobj_pageruvm_km_pgremove_intrsafe: no pagevm_map_pmap(map) == pmap_kernel()!(flags & UVM_KMF_VALLOC) || !(flags & UVM_KMF_ZERO)TAILQ_EMPTY(&pgl)km_alloc1wvallocwaitkmthreadkmallocpg != NULL && TAILQ_NEXT(pg, pageq) == NULLlost pa../../../../uvm/uvm_map.cuvm_rb_insert: duplicate entry?uvm_mapent_alloc: out of static map entries uvm_mapent_alloc: cannot allocate map entry# uvm_map() successful calls# uvm_map() back merges# uvm_map() missed forward# back merges skipped# map lookup calls# map lookup hint hitsvmspplvmmpeplvmmpekplUVM_OBJ_IS_KERN_OBJECT(uobj)(align & (align - 1)) == 0(flags & UVM_FLAG_FIXED) == 0 || align == 0tmp && tmp->space >= length!VM_MAPENT_ISWIRED(first_entry)uvm_map_replace1uvm_map_replace3uvm_map_replace5uvm_map_replace4tmpent->start=0x%lx, tmpent->end=0x%lx, end=0x%lx uvm_map_replace2(start & PAGE_MASK) == 0 && (len & PAGE_MASK) == 0(flags & UVM_EXTRACT_REMOVE) == 0 || (flags & (UVM_EXTRACT_CONTIG|UVM_EXTRACT_QREF)) == 0map->flags & VM_MAP_PAGEABLEuvm_map_pageable: stale mapuvm_map_pageable_all: stale map(flags & (PGO_FREE|PGO_DEACTIVATE)) != (PGO_FREE|PGO_DEACTIVATE)start >= current->startpg->uobject == NULLpg->uanon == anonuvm_map_clean: weird flagsvmmaplkfork: encountered a submap during fork (illegal)fork: non-copy_on_write map entry marked needs_copy (illegal)MAP %p: [0x%lx->0x%lx] #ent=%d, sz=%u, ref=%d, version=%u, flags=0x%x pmap=%p(resident=%d) - %p: 0x%lx->0x%lx: obj=%p/0x%llx, amap=%p/%d submap=%c, cow=%c, nc=%c, prot(max)=%d/%d, inh=%d, wc=%d, adv=%d OBJECT %p: pgops=%p, npages=%d, refs=%d PAGES : <%p,0x%llx> refs= PAGE %p: flags=%b, vers=%d, wire_count=%d, pa=0x%llx uobject=%p, uanon=%p, offset=0x%llx loan_count=%d [page ownership tracking disabled] >>> ANON DOES NOT POINT HERE <<< (%p) checking pageq list >>> PAGE NOT FOUND ON PAGEQ LIST! <<< page found on pageq list page found in uvm_pmemrange >>> page not found in uvm_pmemrange <<< anon backpointer is OK checking object list >>> PAGE NOT FOUND ON OBJECT LIST! <<< page found on object list ../../../../uvm/uvm_mmap.c!UVM_ET_ISSUBMAP(entry)start >= entry->start!UVM_OBJ_IS_KERN_OBJECT(entry->object.uvm_obj)../../../../uvm/uvm_object.cpgs[i] != NULL!(pgs[i]->pg_flags & PG_RELEASED)!(pg->pg_flags & PG_RELEASED)uvm_page_bootstrap: no memory pre-allocateduvm_page_init: lost %ld page(s) in inituvm_setpagesize: page size not a power of twouvm_pageboot_alloc: out of virtual spaceuvm_pageboot_alloc: out of memoryuvm_pageboot_alloc: pmap_growkernel() faileduvm_page_physget: called _after_ bootstrapuvm_page_physget: out of memory!uvm_page_physload: page size not set!uvm_page_physload: start >= enduvm_page_physload: tried to add RAM after vm_mem_inituvm_page_physload: can not malloc vm_page structs for segment ignoring 0x%lx -> 0x%lx uvm_page_physload: unable to load physical memory segment %d segments allocated, ignoring 0x%llx -> 0x%llx increase VM_PHYSSEG_MAX uvm_page_physload: bad free list %duvm_page_physdump: physical memory config [segs=%d of %d]: 0x%llx->0x%llx [0x%llx->0x%llx] STRATEGY = RANDOM ../../../../uvm/uvm_page.c(pg->pg_flags & PG_TABLED) == 0obj == NULL || anon == NULLoff == trunc_page(off)(pg->pg_flags & PG_DEV) == 0pg->pg_flags & PG_TABLEDsaved_loan_count == 0pg->wire_count == 0../../../../uvm/uvm_pager.cpseg->start == 0pseg->use == 0pagersegpseg != &psegs[PSEG_NUMSEGS]id >= 0 && id < MAX_PAGER_SEGSUVM_PSEG_INUSE(pseg, id)size <= MAXBSIZEpppp->pg_flags & PG_BUSYnpages <= MAXPHYS >> PAGE_SHIFTswap || pg->uobject == uobj!write || (pgs[i]->pg_flags & PG_FAKE) == 0rvpagedaemon: deadlock detected! pgdaemon../../../../uvm/uvm_pdaemon.cp->loan_count > 0anon->an_swslot != 0uvmexp.swpginuse <= uvmexp.swpagespagedaemon: pageout returned invalid 'unlock' codep->uanon != NULL../../../../uvm/uvm_pglist.c(alignment & (alignment - 1)) == 0(boundary & (boundary - 1)) == 0!(flags & UVM_PLA_WAITOK) ^ !(flags & UVM_PLA_NOWAIT)uvm_pglistalloc: Upper boundary 0x%lx not on pagemask. ../../../../uvm/uvm_pmemrange.csz >= 1pmr != NULL && pg != NULLpg_prev != NULL && pg_next != NULL!TAILQ_EMPTY(pgl)count > 0 && (start == 0 || end == 0 || start < end) && align >= 1 && powerof2(align) && maxseg > 0 && (boundary == 0 || powerof2(boundary)) && (boundary == 0 || maxseg * boundary >= count) && TAILQ_EMPTY(result)uvm_pmr_getpagesFlags: 0x%x, will panic now. atop(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(&pg[i])) == atop(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(pg)) + ipmr != NULL(pg[i].pg_flags & PQ_FREE) == 0 && VALID_FLAGS(pg[i].pg_flags)(pg->pg_flags & PQ_FREE) == 0 && VALID_FLAGS(pg->pg_flags)pmr->high > pagenouvm_pmr_split: lost one pmr drain->nsegs == 0prev == NULL || atop(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(prev)) < pagenobefore > 0after > 0sz >= high - lownw != NULLPMR_IS_SUBRANGE_OF(atop(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(high_next)), atop(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(high_next)) + high_next->fpgsz, start, end)start == 0 || atop(VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(found)) + found->fpgsz > startRanges, use queue: * [0x%lx-0x%lx] use=%d nsegs=%ld maxsegsz[%d]=0x%lx free=0x%lx #ranges = %d %s = %d Current UVM status: pagesize=%d (0x%x), pagemask=0x%x, pageshift=%d %d VM pages: %d active, %d inactive, %d wired, %d free min %d%% (%d) anon, %d%% (%d) vnode, %d%% (%d) vtext pages %d anon, %d vnode, %d vtext freemin=%d, free-target=%d, inactive-target=%d, wired-max=%d faults=%d, traps=%d, intrs=%d, ctxswitch=%d fpuswitch=%d softint=%d, syscalls=%d, swapins=%d, swapouts=%d, kmapent=%d fault counts: noram=%d, noanon=%d, pgwait=%d, pgrele=%d ok relocks(total)=%d(%d), anget(retries)=%d(%d), amapcopy=%d neighbor anon/obj pg=%d/%d, gets(lock/unlock)=%d/%d cases: anon=%d, anoncow=%d, obj=%d, prcopy=%d, przero=%d daemon and swap counts: woke=%d, revs=%d, scans=%d, obscans=%d, anscans=%d busy=%d, freed=%d, reactivate=%d, deactivate=%d pageouts=%d, pending=%d, nswget=%d nswapdev=%d, nanon=%d, nanonneeded=%d nfreeanon=%d swpages=%d, swpginuse=%d, swpgonly=%d paging=%d kernel pointers: objs(kern)=%p swplkuvm_swap_init: can't get vnode for swap deviceswapmapswp vnxswp vnduvm_swap_init: extent_create failedswapdrum_addsys_swapctlswapctl: copystrswapctl: miniroot copy failedswap0x%04xswap_on: miniroot larger than swap?Preserved %d pages of miniroot leaving %d pages of swap swap_on: unable to preserve minirootdisklabel regionswap_off: swapdev not in listswstrategy: vnode type 0x%xsw_reg_strategy: swap to sparse file../../../../uvm/uvm_swap.cvnx->vx_pending == 0uvmexp.nswapdev >= 1sdp != NULLwarning: resource shortage: %d pages of swap lost sdp->swd_npginuse >= nslotsflags & PGO_SYNCIOswapmount: no device swapmount: no device 2 swap_deviceswapmount: copystrswap_decrypt: key not initializedsbrk: grow %ld failed, error = %d uvm_coredump: user process with submap?uvm_deallocate with null mapuvnsyncuvn_attachuvn_term../../../../uvm/uvm_vnode.cuvm_vnp_terminate: io sync wanted bit setuvn_flushuvn_flshuvn_flush: obj=%p, offset=0x%llx. error during pageout. uvn_flush: WARNING: changes to page may be lost! uobj->pgops->pgo_mk_pcluster != 0uvn_flush: PGO_SYNCIO return 'try again' error (impossible)uvn_cluster: offset out of rangeuvn_getuvn_getpageuvn_iosyncgif_output: recursively called too many times NULL pointer passed to ip_ecn_ingressNULL pointer passed to ip_ecn_egressNULL pointer passed to ip6_ecn_ingressNULL pointer passed to ip6_ecn_egressin_gif_outputin6_gif_outputin6_pcbconnectin6_pcbnotifyHuh? Thought in6_pcbnotify() never got called with mapped! in6_ifloop_requestADDDELETEin6_ifloop_request: %s operation failed for %s (errno=%d) in6_controlnd6_prelist_add succeeded but no prefix prefix ioctls are now invalidated. please use ifconfig. in6_update_ifain6_update_ifa: addmulti failed for %s on %s (errno=%d) in6_update_ifa: failed to remove a route to the old destination: %s in6_update_ifa: the prefix length of an existing (%s) address should not be changed in6_update_ifa: valid lifetime is 0 for %s in6_update_ifa: prefixlen should be 128 when dstaddr is specified in6_update_ifa: a destination can be specified for a p2p or a loopback IF only in6_purgeaddr: failed to remove a route to the p2p destination: %s on %s, errno=%d Couldn't unlink in6_ifaddr from in6_ifaddr in6_unlink_ifa: autoconf'ed address %p has no prefix invalid argument to in6_lifaddr_ioctlin6_savemkludge: no kludge spacein6_addmultiin6_delmultiin6_are_prefix_equal: invalid prefix length(%d) in6_prefixlen2mask: invalid prefix length(%d) in6_prefixlen2maskin6_ifawithscope: output interface is not specified divert6_packetdivert6_usrreqget_last_resort_ifid%s: interface identifier generated by random number %s: ifid: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %s: failed to get interface identifier %s: borrow interface identifier from %s %s: got interface identifier from %s %s: got interface identifier from itself in6_ifattach_linklocalin6_ifattach_linklocal: failed to configure a link-local address on %s (errno=%d) %s: no ifid available ia == NULL in in6_ifattach_linklocalin6_ifattach_loopbackin6_ifattach_loopback: failed to configure the loopback address on %s (errno=%d) in6_nigroupin6_ifattach: %s has too small MTU, IPv6 not enabled in6_ifattachin6_ifattach: %s is not multicast capable, IPv6 not enabled in6_ifdetach%s: didn't unlink in6ifaddr from list in6_cksum: mbuf len (%d) < off+len (%d+%d)in6_cksum: out of datainternet6%s:%d: ip6q already locked ../../../../netinet6/frag6.cip6q_lockfrag6_input%s:%d: ip6q lock not held ip6q lock checkicmp6_mtudisc_callback_registerENOBUFS in icmp6_error %d icmp6_input: unknown type %d(src=%s, dst=%s, ifid=%d) ICMP6 checksum error(%d|%x) %s icmp6_notify_erroricmp6_notify_error: in6_embedscope failed icmp6_mtudisc_updateni6_inputicmp6_rip6_inputicmp6_reflecticmp6_reflect: source can't be determined: dst=%s, error=%d ../../../../netinet6/icmp6.csanity fail: off=%lx, sizeof(ip6)=%lx in %s:%d (src=%s dst=%s tgt=%s)icmp6_redirect_inputICMP6 redirect sent from %s rejected; must be from linklocal ICMP6 redirect sent from %s rejected; hlim=%d (must be 255) ICMP6 redirect rejected; no route with inet6 gateway found for redirect dst: %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; neither router case nor onlink case: %s icmp6_redirect_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, icmp6 packet %d): %s icmp6_redirect_input: invalid ND option, rejected: %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; redirect dst must be unicast: %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; not equal to gw-for-src=%s (must be same): %s ICMP6 redirect rejected; no route found for redirect dst: %s icmp6_redirect_outputicmp6_mtudisc_timeout: bad route to timeouticmp6_redirect_timeout: bad route to timeoutip6_initip6_inputip6_input: packet to an unready address %s->%s ip6_savecontrolip6_pullexthdr: invalid nxt=%d ip6_nexthdrip6_nexthdr: m == NULLOpenBSD-currentip6_forwardcannot forward from %s to %s nxt %d received on %s cannot forward src %s, dst %s, nxt %d, rcvif %s, outif %s ip6_forward: tag of length %d (should be %dip6_mrouter_doneadd_m6ifregister_mifdel_m6ifadd_m6fc: %s o %s g %s p %x dbx %p del_m6fcip6_mforwardip6_mforward: ip6_mrouter socket queue full ip6_mdqregister_sendip6_output: IPv4 pcb is passedip6_outputassumption failed: hdr not splitip6_output: tag of length %d (should be %dip6_ctloutputip6_getpcboptip6_getpcbopt: unexpected optionip6_setmoptionsip6_setpktopt: impossible case nd6_init called more than once(ignored) nd6_setmtu0: new link MTU on %s (%lu) is too small for IPv6 ndopts == NULL in nd6_optionuninitialized ndopts in nd6_optionndopts == NULL in nd6_optionsduplicated ND6 option found (type=%d) too many loop in nd opt nd6_options: unsupported option %d - option ignored uninitialized ndopts in nd6_optionsln->ln_rt == NULLln->ln_rt->rt_ifp == NULLrt_llinfo(%p) is not equal to ln(%p)dst=0 in nd6_timer(ln=%p)nd6_lookupunspecnd6_lookup: failed to lookup %s (if = %s) nd6_freend6_rtrequestnd6_rtrequest: bad gateway value: %s %s: failed to join %s (errno=%d) nd6_rtrequest: malloc failed nd6_ioctla router(%s) advertises a prefix with non-link local address default router list contains a non-linklocal address(%s) ifp == NULL in nd6_cache_lladdrfrom == NULL in nd6_cache_lladdrnd6_output: can't allocate llinfo for %s (ln=%p, rt=%p) nd6_storelladdr: something odd happens nd6_storelladdr: sdl_alen == 0, dst=%s, if=%s scope error in prefix list (%s) nd6_ns_inputnd6_ns_input: src=%s nd6_ns_input: dst=%s nd6_ns_input: tgt=%s nd6_ns_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet (wrong ip6 dst) nd6_ns_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, NS packet %d) nd6_ns_input: duplicate IP6 address %s nd6_ns_input: bad DAD packet (link-layer address option) nd6_ns_input: invalid ND option, ignored nd6_ns_input: bad NS target (multicast) nd6_ns_input: NS packet from non-neighbor nd6_ns_outputnd6_ns_output: source can't be determined: dst=%s, error=%d nd6_ns_output: max_linkhdr + maxlen >= MCLBYTES (%d + %d > %d) nd6_ns_output: insufficient MCLBYTESnd6_na_inputnd6_na_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_na_input: duplicate IP6 address %s nd6_na_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, NA packet %d) nd6_na_input: ND packet from non-neighbor nd6_na_input: invalid ND option, ignored nd6_na_input: a solicited adv is multicasted nd6_na_input: invalid target address %s nd6_na_outputnd6_na_output: source can't be determined: dst=%s, error=%d nd6_na_output: max_linkhdr + maxlen >= MCLBYTES (%d + %d > %d) nd6_na_output: insufficient MCLBYTES%s: starting DAD for %s nd6_dad_start: memory allocation failed for %s(%s) nd6_dad_start: called with non-tentative address %s(%s) nd6_dad_start: ifa->ifa_ifp == NULLnd6_dad_timer: called with null parameter %s: DAD complete for %s - no duplicates found %s: could not run DAD, driver problem? nd6_dad_timer: called with non-tentative address %s(%s) nd6_dad_timer: called with duplicated address %s(%s) nd6_dad_timer: DAD structure not found nd6_dad_duplicated: DAD structure not found %s: DAD detected duplicate IPv6 address %s: NS in/out=%d/%d, NA in=%d %s: DAD complete for %s - duplicate found %s: manual intervention required nd6_dad_ns_input: ignoring DAD NS packet for address %s(%s) ifa == NULL in nd6_dad_ns_inputifa == NULL in nd6_dad_na_inputnd6_rs_inputnd6_rs_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_rs_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, RS packet %d) nd6_rs_input: invalid ND option, ignored nd6_ra_inputnd6_ra_input: invalid hlim (%d) from %s to %s on %s nd6_ra_input: src %s is not link-local nd6_ra_input: lladdrlen mismatch for %s (if %d, RA packet %d) nd6_ra_input: bogus mtu mtu=%lu sent from %s; exceeds maxmtu %lu, ignoring nd6_ra_input: bogus mtu option mtu=%lu sent from %s, ignoring nd6_ra_input: invalid option len %d for prefix information option, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid prefix len %d for prefix information option, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid prefixlen %d for rfc2374 prefix %s, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid prefix %s, ignored nd6_ra_input: invalid ND option, ignored defrouter_addreqdefrtrlist_del: negative count on %s defrouter_delreqdr == NULL in defrouter_delreqdefrouter_select: called unexpectedly (forwarding=%d, accept_rtadv=%d) defrouter_select: more than one router is installed nd6_prelist_add: failed to make the prefix %s/%d on-link on %s (errno=%d) prelist_remove: negative count on %s prelist_remove: failed to make %s/%d offlink on %s, errno=%d prelist_update: failed to make the prefix %s/%d on-link on %s (errno=%d) prelist_update: nd6_prelist_add failed for %s/%d on %s errno=%d, returnpr=%p pfxlist_onlink_check: failed to make %s/%d offlink, errno=%d nd6_prefix_onlinknd6_prefix_onlink: failed to add route for a prefix (%s/%d) on %s, gw=%s, mask=%s, flags=%lx errno = %d nd6_prefix_onlink: failed to find any ifaddr to add route for a prefix(%s/%d) on %s nd6_prefix_onlink: %s/%d is already on-link nd6_prefix_offlinknd6_prefix_offlink: failed to recover a prefix %s/%d from %s to %s (errno = %d) nd6_prefix_offlink: failed to delete route: %s/%d on %s (errno = %d) nd6_prefix_offlink: %s/%d is already off-link in6_ifaddin6_ifadd: failed to make ifaddr %s on %s (errno=%d) in6_ifadd: wrong prefixlen for %s (prefix=%d ifid=%d) in6_init_prefix_ltimes: preferred lifetime(%d) is greater than valid lifetime(%d) rip6_inputrip6_outputrip6_attachrip6_usrreqrip6_detachudp6_outputPF_KEYpfkeyv2_policypfkeyv2_sendhmac-ripemd160hmac-md5hmac-sha2-256hmac-sha2-384hmac-sha2-512lzsaesctr3desdesblowfishskipjackcast128pfkeyv2_parsemessagettcompatCLGET: returning %x getflags: %x compat_43_sys_acceptcompat_43_sys_getpeernamecompat_43_sys_getsockname spsrr0r1r2r3r4r5r6r7r8r9r10r11r12usr_spusr_lrsvc_spsvc_lrpcund_spabt_spirq_spFaulted in DDB; continuing... address %p is invalid address 0x%08lx not a valid page framedb_fetch_reg: botchbranch_taken: botchscp=0x%08x rlv=0x%08x ( rsp=0x%08x rfp=0x%08xBad frame pointer: %p Bad user frame pointer: %p %sr%d=0x%08xtrace: pid %d at %p not found frame address = %08x frame address must be specified spsr=%08x r0 =%08x r1 =%08x r2 =%08x r3 =%08x r4 =%08x r5 =%08x r6 =%08x r7 =%08x r8 =%08x r9 =%08x r10=%08x r11=%08x r12=%08x r13=%08x r14=%08x r15=%08x slr=%08x mainbusmainbus_bs_alloc(): Help!mainbus_bs_free(): Help!cpu%s, #0x%03ximbimbrangeswiblxblSnmsmlaSnmsdumullSdnmssmullumlalsmlalstrtdaWldrtstrbtldrbtstrldrstrbldrbstmYnWlldmXnWlldrsbldrhstrhldrshswpdmoswpbmrsdpmsrpFmpF2bxclzdmbkptSdn2eorsubrsbadcsbcrsctstDn2teqcmpcmnorrmovSd2bicmvnadfPRfghmufsufrsfdvfrdfpowrpwrmffmlfdvfrdpolfpbopmvfPRfhmnfabsrndsqtlgnexpsincostanasnacsatnfpuopstfQLvldffltPRgdfixPRdhwfsrfswfcrfccmfPRghcnfcmfecnfemcr2#zmcrmrc2mrccdp2#ycdpldc2L#vldcstc2stcund%s %08x %s%s#0x%08xp%d_f%d#%s[r%d]cpsr[%c - unknown]c%d, c%d, c%d, %dr%d, c%d, c%d, %d, rrx, %s r%d, %s #%d{r%d-r%d}^[r%d#0x%02xf%d, c%d, No support for this CPU type (%08x) in kernelcpu.branchpredictcpu.cachecpu.nocachexscale.branchpredictxscale.cachexscale.icachexscale.dcache../../../../arch/arm/arm/process_machdep.ctf != NULLprocess_read_regs: Interrupts blocked in user processprocess_write_regs: Interrupts blocked in user process../../../../arch/arm/arm/syscall.cnargs <= MAXARGS../../../../arch/arm/arm/undefined.ccoproc >= 0 && coproc < MAX_COPROCShandler != NULLUndefined instruction in kernel WARNING: not updating battery clock Warning IRQ's disabled during boot() real mem = %u (%uMB) avail mem = %lu (%uMB) _bus_dmamap_load_mbuf: no packet header_bus_dmamap_load_uio: USERSPACE but no proc_bus_dmamap_load_raw: not implemented_bus_dmamap_sync: mix PRE and POST_bus_dmamap_sync: bad lengthunknown buffer type %d _bus_dmamap_sync_bus_dmamap_sync: ARM32_BUFTYPE_INVALID_bus_dmamap_sync: bad offset %lu (map size is %lu)_bus_dmamem_map: size botch_bus_dmamem_unmap_bus_dmamem_mmap: offset unaligned_bus_dmamem_mmap: segment unaligned_bus_dmamem_mmap: segment size not multiple of page sizeuvm_pglistalloc returned non-sensical address 0x%lx _bus_dmamem_alloc_range%s: SA-110 with bugged STM^ instruction rev 0rev 1rev 2rev 3rev 4rev 5rev 6rev 7rev 8rev 9rev 10rev 11rev 12rev 13rev 14rev 15step Jstep Kstep Sstep Tstep Bstep Cstep Dstep Erev 10step Gstep A-0step B-0step B-1step B-2step B-3step B-4step B-5(IXP1200 step A)(IXP1200 step B)(IXP1200 step C)(IXP1200 step D)(IXP1240/1250 step A)(IXP1240 step B)(IXP1250 step B)step A-1step C-0step D-0step ?step C-5step 0ARM600ARM610ARM620ARM700ARM710ARM7500ARM710aARM7500FEARM710TARM720TARM740T (8 KB cache)ARM740T (4 KB cache)ARM810ARM920TARM922TARM926EJ-SARM940TARM946E-SARM966E-STI ARM925TARM1020EARM1022E-SSA-110SA-1100SA-1110IXP1200i80200i80321 400MHzi80321 600MHzi80219 400MHzi80219 600MHzPXA250PXA210PXA27xIXP425 533MHzIXP425 400MHzIXP425 266MHzARM1136J-SARM1136J-S R1ARM OMAP3[45]30ARM OMAP3530CPU_ARM2ARM2asCPU_ARM250CPU_ARM3CPU_ARM6CPU_ARM7CPU_ARM7TDMICPU_ARM8ARM9TDMIARM9E-SCPU_ARM9EARM9EJ-SARM10ECPU_ARM10SA-1CPU_SA110XScaleCPU_XSCALE_...ARM11JCPU_ARM11CPU_ARMv7wr-thruwr-back**unknown 3****unknown 4**wr-back-lockwr-back-lock-Awr-back-lock-B**unknown 8****unknown 9****unknown 10****unknown 11****unknown 12****unknown 13****unknown 14****unknown 15**%s: IDC disabled IDC enabled WB disabled WB enabled LABT EABT%s: %dKB/%dB %d-way %s unified cache %s: %s does not fully support this CPU. %s: This kernel does not fully support this CPU. %s: Recompile with "options %s" to correct this. %s: %dKB(%db/l,%dway) I-cache, %dKB(%db/l,%dway) %s D-cache branch prediction enabled DC disabled DC enabled IC disabled IC enabledunknown CPU (ID = 0x%x)%s %s (%s core)Processor failed probe - no CPU ID Vector ExceptionAlignment Fault 1Terminal ExceptionAlignment Fault 3External Linefetch Abort (S)Translation Fault (S)External Linefetch Abort (P)Translation Fault (P)External Non-Linefetch Abort (S)Domain Fault (S)External Non-Linefetch Abort (P)Domain Fault (P)External Translation Abort (L1)Permission Fault (S)External Translation Abort (L2)Permission Fault (P) uvm_fault(%p, %lx, %x, 0) -> %x UVM: pid %d (%s), uid %d killed: out of swap Non-emulated page fault with intr_depth > 0 data_abort_fault: Misaligned Kernel-mode Program Counter kernelFatal %s mode data abort: '%s' trapframe: %p FSR=%08x, FAR=r0 =%08x, r1 =%08x, r2 =%08x, r3 =%08x r4 =%08x, r5 =%08x, r6 =%08x, r7 =%08x r8 =%08x, r9 =%08x, r10=%08x, r11=%08x r12=%08x, usp=%08x, ulr=%08xssp=%08x, slr=%08x, pc =%08x Fatal abortInvalid, Fatal %s mode prefetch abort at 0x%08x trapframe: %p, spsr=%08x Non-emulated prefetch abort with intr_depth > 0 badaddr: invalid size (%lu)mmrwpmap_clean_page: cache inconsistencypmap_enter: no pv entriespmap_enter: failed to allocate L2 bucketpmap_init_l1: can't get PA of L1 at %ppmapplpvepll2dtblpll2ptpplpmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for primary L1 @ 0x%lx pmap_bootstrap: WARNING! wrong cache mode for L2 pte @ %p pmap_bootstrap: No L2 for va 0x%x, pa 0x%lxpmap_bootstrap: out of static L2spmap_bootstrap: No L2 for L2 @ va %ppmap_alloc_specials: no l2b for 0x%lx../../../../arch/arm/arm/pmap.cnew_page > last_bootstrap_pageCannot allocate L1 KVMCannot allocate L1 physical pagespmap_alloc_l1pt: pglist not empty((va | pa) & L1_S_OFFSET) == 0pmap_map_entry: no L2 table for VA 0x%08lxpmap_map_entry: can't find L2 table for VA 0x%08lx((va | pa) & PGOFSET) == 0(va & ((L1_S_SIZE * 4) - 1)) == 0(l2pv->pv_pa & PGOFSET) == 0pmap_map_chunk: no L2 table for VA 0x%08lxpmap_map_chunk: can't find L2 table for VA0x%08lxpmap_map_chunk: no L1 table providedxscale_setup_minidata: can't find L2 table for VA 0x%08lxuser pmap (%p): pmap_kernel (%p): domain %d, l1 at %p %08lx: %c |0000 |8000 |10000 |18000 |20000 |28000 |30000 |38000 pa 0x%08lx: krw %d kro %d urw %d uro %d %c va 0x%08lx, flags 0x%x dumping to dev %u,%u offset %ld dumpsysdump device bad aborted from console i/o error device not ready succeeded area improper area unavailable dump to dev %u,%u not possible vmapbufvunmapbufThe operating system has halted. Please press any key to reboot. rebooting... reboot failed; spinning Attempting to power down... %08lx -> %08lx @ %08lx cpu not recognized! OpenBSD/zaurus booting ... initarm: Configuring system ... physmemory: %d pages at 0x%08lx -> 0x%08lx Allocating page tables freestart = 0x%08lx, free_pages = %d (0x%08x) initarm: Failed to align the kernel page directoryIRQ stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx ABT stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx UND stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx SVC stack: p0x%08lx v0x%08lx Creating L1 page table at 0x%08lx Mapping kernel Constructing L2 page tables freestart = 0x%08lx, free_pages = %d (0x%x) switching to new L1 page table @%#lx...bootstrap done. init subsystems: stacks vectors undefined page pmap initarm: out of memory../../../../arch/zaurus/zaurus/zaurus_machdep.cxscale_minidata_clean_size <= PAGE_SIZEglassbootfile: %s bootargs: %s ffuartbtuartstuartunknown option `%c' attempting to switch console to lcd screen %sCheck Condition (error %#x) on opcode 0x%x AT BLOCK #: %d (decimal) SENSE KEY: %s INFO: 0x%x (VALID flag %s) SKSV: %s FRU CODE: 0x%x ASC/ASCQ: %s COMMAND INFO: 0x%x %c Incorrect Length Indicator Set%c EOM Detected%c Filemark Detectedscxsplscsiplugunexpected opening returnedscsi_ioh_add: unexpected state %uscsi_ioh_del: unexpected state %uscsiiounexpected xsh state %uscsi_xfer pool exhausted! scsixsxs->cookie != NULL in scsi_xs_syncsyncxsxs->done != NULL in scsi_xs_syncscsi_done called twice on xs(%p)unknown error category (0x%x) from scsi driver scbusy%s(%s:%d:%d): No Additional SenseSoft ErrorNot ReadyMedia ErrorHardware ErrorIllegal RequestUnit AttentionWrite ProtectedBlank CheckVendor UniqueCopy AbortedAborted CommandEqual ErrorVolume OverflowMiscompare ErrorReservedNo Additional Sense InformationFilemark DetectedEnd-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedSetmark DetectedBeginning-Of-Partition/Medium DetectedEnd-Of-Data DetectedI/O Process TerminatedAudio Play Operation In ProgressAudio Play Operation PausedAudio Play Operation Successfully CompletedAudio Play Operation Stopped Due to ErrorNo Current Audio Status To ReturnCleaning RequestedErase Operation In ProgressLocate Operation In ProgressRewind Operation In ProgressSet Capacity Operation In ProgressVerify Operation In ProgressNo Index/Sector SignalNo Seek CompletePeripheral Device Write FaultNo Write CurrentExcessive Write ErrorsLogical Unit Not Ready, Cause Not ReportableLogical Unit Is in Process Of Becoming ReadyLogical Unit Not Ready, Initialization Command RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Manual Intervention RequiredLogical Unit Not Ready, Format In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Rebuild In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Recalculation In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Operation In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Long Write In ProgressLogical Unit Not Ready, Self-Test In ProgressLogical Unit Not Accessible, Asymmetric Access State TransitionLogical Unit Not Accessible, Target Port In Standby StateLogical Unit Not Accessible, Target Port In Unavailable StateLogical Unit Not Ready, Auxiliary Memory Not AccessibleLogical Unit Not Ready, Notify (Enable Spinup) RequiredLogical Unit Does Not Respond To SelectionNo Reference Position FoundMultiple Peripheral Devices SelectedLogical Unit Communication FailureLogical Unit Communication TimeoutLogical Unit Communication Parity ErrorLogical Unit Communication CRC Error (ULTRA-DMA/32)Unreachable Copy TargetTrack Following ErrorTracking Servo FailureFocus Servo FailureSpindle Servo FailureHead Select FaultError Log OverflowWarningWarning - Specified Temperature ExceededWarning - Enclosure DegradedWrite ErrorWrite Error Recovered with Auto ReallocationWrite Error - Auto Reallocate FailedWrite Error - Recommend ReassignmentCompression Check Miscompare ErrorData Expansion Occurred During CompressionBlock Not CompressibleWrite Error - Recovery NeededWrite Error - Recovery FailedWrite Error - Loss Of StreamingWrite Error - Padding Blocks AddedAuxiliary Memory Write ErrorWrite Error - Unexpected Unsolicited DataWrite Error - Not Enough Unsolicited DataError Detected By Third Party Temporary InitiatorThird Party Device FailureCopy Target Device Not ReachableIncorrect Copy Target Device TypeCopy Target Device Data UnderrunCopy Target Device Data OverrunInvalid Information UnitInformation Unit Too ShortInformation Unit Too LongID CRC Or ECC ErrorUnrecovered Read ErrorRead Retries ExhaustedError Too Long To CorrectMultiple Read ErrorsUnrecovered Read Error - Auto Reallocate FailedL-EC Uncorrectable ErrorCIRC Unrecovered ErrorData Resynchronization ErrorIncomplete Block ReadNo Gap FoundMiscorrected ErrorUncorrected Read Error - Recommend ReassignmentUncorrected Read Error - Recommend Rewrite The DataDe-Compression CRC ErrorCannot Decompress Using Declared AlgorithmError Reading UPC/EAN NumberError Reading ISRC NumberRead Error - Loss Of StreamingAuxiliary Memory Read ErrorRead Error - Failed Retransmission RequestAddress Mark Not Found for ID FieldAddress Mark Not Found for Data FieldRecorded Entity Not FoundRecord Not FoundFilemark or Setmark Not FoundEnd-Of-Data Not FoundBlock Sequence ErrorRecord Not Found - Recommend ReassignmentRecord Not Found - Data Auto-ReallocatedLocate Operation FailureRandom Positioning ErrorMechanical Positioning ErrorPositioning Error Detected By Read of MediumData Synchronization Mark ErrorData Sync Error - Data RewrittenData Sync Error - Recommend RewriteData Sync Error - Data Auto-ReallocatedData Sync Error - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data With No Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data With RetriesRecovered Data With Positive Head OffsetRecovered Data With Negative Head OffsetRecovered Data With Retries and/or CIRC AppliedRecovered Data Using Previous Sector IDRecovered Data Without ECC - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data Without ECC - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data Without ECC - Data RewrittenRecovered Data With Error Correction AppliedRecovered Data With Error Correction & Retries AppliedRecovered Data - Data Auto-ReallocatedRecovered Data With CIRCRecovered Data With L-ECRecovered Data - Recommend ReassignmentRecovered Data - Recommend RewriteRecovered Data With ECC - Data RewrittenRecovered Data With LinkingDefect List ErrorDefect List Not AvailableDefect List Error in Primary ListDefect List Error in Grown ListParameter List Length ErrorSynchronous Data Transfer ErrorPrimary Defect List Not FoundGrown Defect List Not FoundMiscompare During Verify OperationRecovered ID with ECCPartial Defect List TransferInvalid Command Operation CodeAccess Denied - Initiator Pending-EnrolledAccess Denied - No Access rightsAccess Denied - Invalid Mgmt ID KeyIllegal Command While In Write Capable StateObsoleteIllegal Command While In Explicit Address ModeIllegal Command While In Implicit Address ModeAccess Denied - Enrollment ConflictAccess Denied - Invalid LU IdentifierAccess Denied - Invalid Proxy TokenAccess Denied - ACL LUN ConflictLogical Block Address Out of RangeInvalid Element AddressInvalid Address For WriteIllegal Function (Should 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)Illegal Field in CDBCDB Decryption ErrorSecurity Audit Value FrozenSecurity Working Key FrozenNonce Not UniqueNonce Timestamp Out Of RangeLogical Unit Not SupportedInvalid Field In Parameter ListParameter Not SupportedParameter Value InvalidThreshold Parameters Not SupportedInvalid Release Of Persistent ReservationData Decryption ErrorToo Many Target DescriptorsUnsupported Target Descriptor Type CodeToo Many Segment DescriptorsUnsupported Segment Descriptor Type CodeUnexpected Inexact SegmentInline Data Length ExceededInvalid Operation For Copy Source Or DestinationCopy Segment Granularity ViolationInvalid Parameter While Port Is EnabledHardware Write ProtectedLogical Unit Software Write ProtectedAssociated Write ProtectPersistent Write ProtectPermanent Write ProtectConditional Write ProtectNot Ready To Ready Transition (Medium May Have Changed)Import Or Export Element AccessedPower On, Reset, or Bus Device Reset OccurredPower On OccurredSCSI Bus Reset OccurredBus Device Reset Function OccurredDevice Internal ResetTransceiver Mode Changed to Single EndedTransceiver Mode Changed to LVDI_T Nexus Loss OccurredMode Parameters ChangedLog Parameters ChangedReservations PreemptedReservations ReleasedRegistrations PreemptedAsymmetric Access State ChangedImplicit Asymmetric Access State Transition FailedCopy Cannot Execute Since Host Cannot DisconnectCommand Sequence ErrorToo Many Windows SpecifiedInvalid Combination of Windows SpecifiedCurrent Program Area Is Not EmptyCurrent Program Area Is EmptyIllegal Power Condition RequestPersistent Prevent ConflictPrevious Busy StatusPrevious Task Set Full StatusPrevious Reservation Conflict StatusPartition Or Collection Contains User ObjectsOverwrite Error On Update In PlaceInsufficient Time For OperationCommands Cleared By Another InitiatorIncompatible Medium InstalledCannot Read Medium - Unknown FormatCannot Read Medium - Incompatible FormatCleaning Cartridge InstalledCannot Write Medium - Unknown FormatCannot Write Medium - Incompatible FormatCannot Format Medium - Incompatible MediumCleaning FailureCannot Write - Application Code MismatchCurrent Session Not Fixated For AppendCleaning Request RejectedMedium Not FormattedMedium Format CorruptedFormat Command FailedNo Defect Spare Location AvailableDefect List Update FailureTape Length ErrorEnclosure FailureEnclosure Services FailureUnsupported Enclosure FunctionEnclosure Services UnavailableEnclosure Services Transfer FailureEnclosure Services Transfer RefusedRibbon, Ink, or Toner FailureRounded ParameterEvent Status NotificationESN - Power Management Class EventESN - Media Class EventESN - Device Busy Class EventSaving Parameters Not SupportedMedium Not PresentMedium Not Present - Tray ClosedMedium Not Present - Tray OpenMedium Not Present - LoadableMedium Not Present - Medium Auxiliary Memory AccessibleSequential Positioning ErrorTape Position Error At Beginning-of-MediumTape Position Error At End-of-MediumTape or Electronic Vertical Forms Unit Not ReadySlew FailurePaper JamFailed To Sense Top-Of-FormFailed To Sense Bottom-Of-FormReposition ErrorRead Past End Of MediumRead Past Beginning Of MediumPosition Past End Of MediumPosition Past Beginning Of MediumMedium Destination Element FullMedium Source Element EmptyEnd Of Medium ReachedMedium Magazine Not AccessibleMedium Magazine RemovedMedium Magazine InsertedMedium Magazine LockedMedium Magazine UnlockedMechanical Positioning Or Changer ErrorInvalid Bits In IDENTIFY MessageLogical Unit Has Not Self-Configured YetLogical Unit FailureTimeout On Logical UnitLogical Unit Failed Self-TestLogical Unit Unable To Update Self-Test LogTarget Operating Conditions Have ChangedMicrocode Has ChangedChanged Operating DefinitionINQUIRY Data Has Changedcomponent Device AttachedDevice Identifier ChangedRedundancy Group Created Or ModifiedRedundancy Group DeletedSpare Created Or ModifiedSpare DeletedVolume Set Created Or ModifiedVolume Set DeletedVolume Set DeassignedVolume Set ReassignedReported LUNs Data Has ChangedEcho Buffer OverwrittenMedium LoadableMedium Auxiliary Memory AccessibleRAM FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Data Path FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Power-On or Self-Test FAILURE (Should Use 40 NN)Internal Target FailureSelect Or Reselect FailureUnsuccessful Soft ResetSCSI Parity ErrorData Phase CRC Error DetectedSCSI Parity Error Detected During ST Data PhaseInformation Unit iuCRC Error DetectedAsynchronous Information Protection Error DetectedProtocol Service CRC ErrorSome Commands Cleared By iSCSI Protocol EventInitiator Detected Error Message ReceivedInvalid Message ErrorCommand Phase ErrorData Phase ErrorInvalid Target Port Transfer Tag ReceivedToo Much Write DataACK/NAK TimeoutNAK ReceivedData Offset ErrorInitiator Response TimeoutLogical Unit Failed Self-ConfigurationOverlapped Commands AttemptedWrite Append ErrorWrite Append Position ErrorPosition Error Related To TimingErase FailureErase Failure - Incomplete Erase Operation DetectedCartridge FaultMedia Load or Eject FailedUnload Tape FailureMedium Removal PreventedSCSI To Host System Interface FailureSystem Resource FailureSystem Buffer FullInsufficient Reservation ResourcesInsufficient ResourcesInsufficient Registration ResourcesInsufficient Access Control ResourcesAuxiliary Memory Out Of SpaceUnable To Recover Table-Of-ContentsGeneration Does Not ExistUpdated Block ReadOperator Request or State Change InputOperator Medium Removal RequestedOperator Selected Write ProtectOperator Selected Write PermitLog ExceptionThreshold Condition MetLog Counter At MaximumLog List Codes ExhaustedRPL Status ChangeSpindles SynchronizedSpindles Not SynchronizedFailure Prediction Threshold ExceededMedia Failure Prediction Threshold ExceededLogical Unit Failure Prediction Threshold ExceededSpare Area Exhaustion Prediction Threshold ExceededHardware Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureHardware Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighHardware Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsHardware Impending Failure Access Times Too HighHardware Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighHardware Impending Failure Channel ParametricsHardware Impending Failure Controller DetectedHardware Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceHardware Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceHardware Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountHardware Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountController Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureController Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighController Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsController Impending Failure Access Times Too HighController Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighController Impending Failure Channel ParametricsController Impending Failure Controller DetectedController Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceController Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceController Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountController Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountData Channel Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureData Channel Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsData Channel Impending Failure Access Times Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighData Channel Impending Failure Channel ParametricsData Channel Impending Failure Controller DetectedData Channel Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceData Channel Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceData Channel Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountData Channel Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountServo Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureServo Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighServo Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsServo Impending Failure Access Times Too HighServo Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighServo Impending Failure Channel ParametricsServo Impending Failure Controller DetectedServo Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceServo Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceServo Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountServo Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountSpindle Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureSpindle Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsSpindle Impending Failure Access Times Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighSpindle Impending Failure Channel ParametricsSpindle Impending Failure Controller DetectedSpindle Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceSpindle Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceSpindle Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountSpindle Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountFirmware Impending Failure General Hard Drive FailureFirmware Impending Failure Drive Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Data Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Seek Error Rate Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Too Many Block ReassignsFirmware Impending Failure Access Times Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Start Unit Times Too HighFirmware Impending Failure Channel ParametricsFirmware Impending Failure Controller DetectedFirmware Impending Failure Throughput PerformanceFirmware Impending Failure Seek Time PerformanceFirmware Impending Failure Spin-Up Retry CountFirmware Impending Failure Drive Calibration Retry CountFailure Prediction Threshold Exceeded (false)Low Power Condition OnIdle Condition Activated By TimerStandby Condition Activated By TimerIdle Condition Activated By CommandStandby Condition Activated By CommandPower State Change To ActivePower State Change To IdlePower State Change To StandbyPower State Change To SleepPower State Change To Device ControlLamp FailureVideo Acquisition ErrorUnable To Acquire VideoOut Of FocusScan Head Positioning ErrorEnd Of User Area Encountered On This TrackPacket Does Not Fit In Available SpaceIllegal Mode For This TrackInvalid Packet SizeVoltage FaultAutomatic Document Feeder Cover UpAutomatic Document Feeder Lift UpDocument Jam In Automatic Document FeederDocument Miss Feed Automatic In Document FeederConfiguration FailureConfiguration Of Incapable Logical Units FailedAdd Logical Unit FailedModification Of Logical Unit FailedExchange Of Logical Unit FailedRemove Of Logical Unit FailedAttachment Of Logical Unit FailedCreation Of Logical Unit FailedAssign Failure OccurredMultiply Assigned Logical UnitSet Target Port Groups Command FailedLogical Unit Not ConfiguredData Loss On Logical UnitMultiple Logical Unit FailuresParity/Data MismatchInformational, Refer To LogState Change Has OccurredRedundancy Level Got BetterRedundancy Level Got WorseRebuild Failure OccurredRecalculate Failure OccurredCommand To Logical Unit FailedCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Authentication FailureCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Key Not PresentCopy Protection Key Exchange Failure - Key Not EstablishedRead Of Scrambled Sector Without AuthenticationMedia Region Code Is Mismatched To Logical Unit RegionDrive Region Must Be Permanent/Region Reset Count ErrorDecompression Exception Long Algorithm IDSession Fixation ErrorSession Fixation Error Writing Lead-InSession Fixation Error Writing Lead-OutSession Fixation Error - Incomplete Track In SessionEmpty Or Partially Written Reserved TrackNo More Track Reservations AllowedCD Control ErrorPower Calibration Area Almost FullPower Calibration Area Is FullPower Calibration Area ErrorProgram Memory Area Update FailureProgram Memory Area Is FullRMA/PMA Is Almost FullDEFERRED CDBParametersError in %s, Offset %d, bit %dProgress Indicator: %dActual Retry Count: %dscsi_cmd_rw_decode: bad opcode 0x%02xASC 0x%02x ASCQ 0x%02xDiagnostic Failure on Component 0x%02xDecompression Exception Short Algorithm ID OF 0x%02xTagged Overlapped Commands (0x%02x = TASK TAG)XS_SHORTSENSE scsi_do_ioctl: impossible cmd (%#lx)DEC RZ55 (C) DECEMULEX MD21/S2 ESDIA00IBMRAID 0662SIBM 0663HIBM0664H3171-S2KZ-CDFRSS2FQUANTUM ELS85S iomegajaz 1GBMICROP4421-07SEAGATEST150176LW0002HPC3725SDCASSONY SDT-5000 3.WangDAT Model 1300 02.4Model 2600 01.7Model 3200 02.2CR-2801TE1.07CREATIVECD3630EAC101FX320Sq01GCD-R580B1.00MATSHITA CR-5741.021.06Memorex CRW-26421.0gSANYO CRD-256PSANYO CRD-254PSANYO CRD-S54P1.08CD-ROM CDR-S11.70CD-ROM CDR-N161.25UJDCD87301.14scsibusscsibus at %s: %d targets%s: unable to register bio , WWPN %016llx, WWNN %016llx, initiator %d../../../../scsi/scsiconf.cSLIST_EMPTY(&sb->sc_link)PLEXTORCD-ROM PX-40TS1.01MICROP 1588-15MBSUN0669vendor-unique targ %d lun %d: <%s, %s, %s> removable %d/%s %s%sscsibus_printlinkSCSI%ddirectsequentialprinterwormcdromscanneropticalchangercommunicationenclosure servicessimplified directscsibusprint: device type T_NODEVICE offlinescsibusprint: qualifier == SID_QUAL_BAD_LUscsibusprint: qualifier == SID_QUAL_RSVDscsi_probedevscsi_devidNEC CD-ROM DRIVE:260%s: WARNING: unable to establish power hook cdioctlATAPI CD-ROMSCSI CD-ROMdvd_authdvd_read_physicaldvd_read_copyrightdvd_read_bcadrive offline%s: WARNING: unable to establish shutdown hook %lldMB, %lu bytes/sec, %lld sec totalsdattach: unknown result (%#x) from get_parmssd_ioctl_inquiry(unknown)SCSI opticalSCSI disk%s %ssdgetdisklabelatapiscsiwdc_atapi_start: not ready, st = %02x wdc_atapi_intr_command%s:%d:%d: device timeout waiting to send SCSI packet unexpected data phasezero length transfer requested in data phasedata transfer direction disagreementdata phase where none expecteddata transfer direction disagreement during senseunexpectedly in command phasewdc_atapi_intr: warning: device requesting %d bytes, only %d left in buffer wdc_atapi_intr: warning: reading only %d of %d bytes wdc_atapi_intr warning: bcount value is %d after io atapiscsi: Shouldn't get here BSYDRDYDWFDSCDRQCORRIDXERR%s:%d:%d: device timeout, c_bcount=%d, c_skip=%d, status=0x%b, ireason=0x%x Device Reset Wait%s:%d:%d: %s timed out IdentifyPost-IdentifyPIOMODEdmamode%s:%d:%d: soft reset failed ../../../../arch/arm/arm/softintr.csoftnet_intrhand != NULLsoftintr_establish: unknown soft IPL %dpxaippxaip_attach: failed to map CLKMAN: CPU clock = %d.%03d MHz pxaip_attach: failed to map RTCpxaip_attach_critical: failed to attach INTC!pxaip_attach_critical: failed to attach GPIO!pxaip_attach_critical: failed to attach DMAC! addr 0x%lx intr %dpxa2x0_probe_sdram: impossibleWARNING: using filesystem date -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE! pxa2x0_io_bs_alloc(): not implementedpxa2x0_io_bs_free(): not implementedpxaintc: Interrupt Controller stray interrupt %d intr_establish: bogus irq number %dintr_establish: can't malloc handler infocouldn't establish interruptirq %ldmutex %p held in %smutex %p not held in %spxagpiopxagpio_reg_read: not bootstrappedpxagpio_reg_write: not bootstrapped: GPIO Controller %s: Can't map registers! pxa2x0_gpio_intr_establish: Pin %d not GPIO_IN%s: failed to hook main GPIO interrupt %s: stray GPIO#0 edge interrupt %s: stray GPIO#1 edge interrupt %s: unhandled GPIO interrupt. GPIO#%d pxa2x0_gpio_set_intr_level: bad level: %dpxadmac: DMA Controller : unable to establish interrupt pxa2x0_dma_to_fifo: bogus peripheral %dpxa2x0_dma_to_fifo: bogus dma channel %dpxa2x0_dma_to_fifo: bogus length %dpxa2x0_dma_to_fifo: bogus burstsize %dpxa2x0_dma_to_fifo: bogus width %dpxa2x0_dma_from_fifo: bogus peripheral %dpxa2x0_dma_from_fifo: bogus dma channel %dpxa2x0_dma_from_fifo: bogus length %dpxa2x0_dma_from_fifo: bogus burstsize %dpxa2x0_dma_from_fifo: bogus width %dpxaost%s: Cannot map registersclockpxaudc: cannot map mem space : USB Device Controller usbc: unable to establish connect interrupt pxaudc_read_epN: ep %d, no xfer fifo full when trying to set short packet ep%d: fifo error endpoint %d already used by %c%s: init failed, error=%d %s: cannot establish powerhook %s: unable to establish interrupt at irq %d: failed to map registers %d%s: Unknown depth (%d) %s: unable to load dma map, error = %d %s: unable to create dma map, error = %d %s: unable to map dma, error = %d %s: unable to allocate dma, error = %d pxa2x0_i2s_freem: trying to free unallocated memorypxa2x0_i2s_start_output: request with bad start address: %p, size: %d) pxa2x0_i2s_start_input: request with bad start address: %p, size: %d) apm%s: battery life expectancy %d%% %s: AC on,off,unknown, battery is undecoded (%x)highchargingCRITICALbackup power,%s: failed to create kernel thread, disabledapmevpxa2x0_apm_attach_sub: failed to map POWMAN apmlk%s: failed to map CLKMAN %s: failed to map MEMCTL %s: can't map GPIO pxa2x0_apm_sleep: can't map OST bogus new frequency 0 for rate %d maxclock %d manufacturer 0x%x%sproduct 0x%x function %d "pcmciapcmcia_card_attach%s: error %d detaching %s (function %d) (pcmcia_function_init: function is enabledpcmcia_function_enable: function not initializedcard has intr handler, but no function doesfunctions have ih, but the card does notdisestablishing last function, but card has no ihchanging ih ipl, but card has no ih@ %lx%s%lx%s%lx; iomask %lx, iospace %lx%s%lxunknown (%d)multi-functionserial portparallel portfixed diskvideo adapternetwork adapterauto incrementing mass storageSCSI bridgeSecurity servicesInstrumentSerial I/O Bus AdapterPCMCIA 1.0 PCMCIA 2.0 or 2.1 %s: can't alloc memory to read attributes %s: CIS checksum failed %s: can't map memory to read attributes %s: CIS version PC Card Standard %d.%d unknown (major=%d, minor=%d) %s: CIS info: %s: Manufacturer code 0x%x, product 0x%x %s: function %d: , ccr addr %lx mask %lx %s: function %d, config table entry %d: memory cardI/O cardcard type unknown; irq mask %x;%s: %d errors found while parsing CIS audio readonly powerdown irqlevel irqpulse irqshare io16 io8 bvd_active wp_active rdybsy_active mwait_required; maxtwins %d; memspacepcmcia_parse_cis_tupleSVECFD605 PCMCIA EtherNet CardV1-1%s: using CIS quirks for AmbiCom IncAMB8002TPMX PE-200DIGITALDEPCM-XXPCMCIAUE2212D-LinkDE-660DE-660+RPTI LTD.EP400CISV100RPTIEP401 Ethernet NE2000 CompatibleACCTONEN2212ETHERNETW89C926Seiko Epson Corp.P/N: EEN10B Rev. 00CNetCN40BC EthernetNE2000FastEthernetLNT-10TNNDC004743118001TAMARACKGVCNIC-2000pR01Ethernet CardiPort10/100 Ethernet CardFast-EthernetETHER-C16PCMCIA LAN10Base-EthernetLinksysEtherFast 10/100 Integrated PC Card (PCM100)Ver 1.0DE-650I-O DATAPCET/TX-RDFE-670TXDLINKSYSE-CARDPCLAcorega K.K.corega Ether PCC-Tcorega Ether PCC-TDcorega EtherII PCC-Tcorega EtherII PCC-TDcorega FastEther PCC-TXcoregaFEther PCC-TXFcorega FEther PCC-TXDSMC8041TX-10/100-PC-Card-V2XircomCompactCard EthernetCFE-10: unexpected I/O space configuration : unexpected number of i/o spaces %d should be 1 or 2 : no suitable config entry : can't allocate I/O space port 0x%lx/%d, %s: can't match ethernet vendor code : can't map ASIC I/O space : can't map NIC I/O space : function enable failed : can't get subregion for asic %s: can't map mem for enet addr %s: can't alloc mem for enet addr %s: can't alloc mem for LAN iobase %s: can't map mem for LAN iobase MEGAHERTZMODEM XJ2288Novatel WirelessMerlin UMTS ModemNRM6831: can't allocate i/o space : can't map i/o space port 0x%lx/%lu%s: couldn't establish interrupt Digital Mobile Media CD-ROMPortable CD-ROM DriveNinjaATA-EXP PnPIDEF1SHUTTLE TECHNOLOGY LTD.PCCARD-IDE/ATAPI Adapter: can't handle card info can't allocate memory for command queue ,0x%lx/%lu: can't map second i/o space : can't map first i/o space %s: couldn't enable PCMCIA function %s: couldn't establish interrupt handler %s%s %s: can't establish interrupt : can't alloc i/o space Wireless LAN PCC-11Wireless LAN PCCA-11corega_K.K.Wireless_LAN_PCCB-11WL PCCL-11ISL37300PWLCFL-11INTERSILHFA384x/IEEEVersion 01.02SMC2632WNANOSPEEDNECWireless Card CMZ-RT-WPVersion 01.01NTT-ME11Mbps Wireless LAN PC CardAddtronAWP-100 Wireless PCMCIACabletronRoamAbout 802.11 DSIntersilPRISM 2_5 PCMCIA ADAPTEREval-RevASymbol TechnologiesLA4111 Spectrum24 Wireless LAN PC CardPLANEXGW-NS11H Wireless LAN PC CardD-Link CorporationD-Link DWL-650H 11Mbps WLAN AdapterAllied Telesis K.K.WR211PCM: can't enable function port 0x%x/%d: can't establish interrupt %s: address %s malo8385-hmalo8385-m%s: device not ready for FW download %s: timeout while helper FW block download %s: helper FW not loaded %s: main FW not loaded %s: timeout while main FW block download %s: main FW download failed EU malocmd%s: timeout while waiting for cmd response %s: got unknown cmd response (0x%04x) %s: got invalid command response (0x%04x) : %d slot%s pxapcicpxapcic_mem_map: bogus kind%s: unable to create event thread for %s pxapcicevpxapcicsspcic_attach_card: already attachedpxammc: can't map regs mmccd: MMC/SD/SDIO controller sdmmc%s: can't attach bus : can't establish MMC interrupt : can't establish card interrupt %s: unsupported bus frequency of %d KHz %s: data not a multiple of %d bytes mmcmdmmclkDATADONEPRGDONEENDCMDRESSTOPCMDCLKISOFFRXFIFOTXFIFO DATERR RESERR SDIO%s: unhandled interrupt %b out of %b lcdzkbd: unable to establish powerhook zkbd_poll: PCMCIA/GPIO controller : failed to map %s Unable to establish %s powerhookwd0%s: can't map memory %x for scoop%s: invalid CF slot %dscoop_pcic_read: bogus registerscoop_pcic_write: bogus registerscoop_pcic_set_power: bogus power statescoop_mmc_set_power: unsupported OCR (%#x) zssp: can't map bus space %s: can't establish power hook ../../../../arch/zaurus/dev/zaurus_ssp.czssp_cd.cd_ndevs > 0 && zssp_cd.cd_devs[0] != NULLzssp_ic_send: invalid IC %d zssp_read_ads7846: not configured apm_acapm_bc../../../../arch/zaurus/dev/zaurus_apm.capm_cd.cd_ndevs > 0 && apm_cd.cd_devs[0] != NULLzts%s: enable failed zaudiohpjk: I2C, I2S, WM8750 Audio : codec failed to respond : unable to attach I2C : unable to attach I2S ulinearmulawalawslinearslinear_leulinear_leslinear_beulinear_bemutezrc: CE-RH2 remote control : failed to map controller %s: read from pseudo-register %02x %s: write to pseudo-register %02x %s: non-FF ECC bytes in OOB data %s: ECC failed %s: can't erase block %u, retrying %s: can't write block %u, retrying %s: can't erase old block %u %s: no spare block, giving up on logical block %u pblks %u lblks %u blkno %u: can't read oob data zflash_safe_start%s: %u unusable blocks blkno %u: badblock status %x blkno %u: duplicate logno %u blkno %u: logno %u too big blkno %u: can't read logno %s: %d-sector PIO, LBA, %lluMB, %llu sectors %s: freeze lock command didn't complete wdattach%s: enable write cache command didn't complete %s: enable look ahead command didn't complete CHS, %lluMB, %d cyl, %d head, %d sec, %llu sectors LBA48, %lluMB, %llu sectors %s: IDENTIFY failed __wdstart: bad return code from wdc_ata_bio()wddone%s: soft error (corrected) device faultdevice timeoutST506/MFM/RLLESDI/IDE diskwddumpwddump: try againwddump: device timed outwddump: unknown error typewddump: %swddump: drive faultwddump: DMA errorwddump: polled command has been queuedwd_get_params: bad return code from ata_get_paramsST506%s: flush cache command didn't complete %s: flush cache command: drive fault %s: flush cache command timeout %s: standby command didn't complete %s: standby command timeout %s: standby command: drive fault wdc%s:%d:%d: not ready, st=0x%b, err=0x%02x %s:%d:%d: timeout waiting for DRQ, st=0x%b, err=0x%02x %s:%d:%d: bad state %d in _wdc_ata_bio_start _wdc_ata_bio_start: bad state../../../../dev/ata/ata_wdc.cnblks == 1 || (ata_bio->flags & ATA_SINGLE) == 0%s:%d:%d: intr with DRQ (st=0x%b) %s:%d:%d: read intr before drq %s:%d:%d: device timeout, c_bcount=%d, c_skip%d %s:%d:%d: bad state %d in wdc_ata_bio_intr wdc_ata_bio_intr: bad statewdc_ata_ctrl_intr: state==RECALrecal%s:%d:%d: %s drive fault error (%x) piomodegeometryno media/write protectedinterface CRC erroraddress mark not foundtrack 0 not foundaborted commandmedia change requestedid not foundmedia changeduncorrectable data errorbad block detectederror not notifiedwd0aboot device: lookup '%s' failed. boot device: %s !wsdisplay_console_inittedtype->nrows > 0type->ncols > 0crow < type->nrowsccol < type->ncolswsdisplay../../../../dev/wscons/wsdisplay.cscrdata->nscreens > 0%s: screen %d added (%s, %s emulation) wsdisplay_forceclose: bad screen%s: screen %d deleted wsdisplay at %s mux %dwsdisplay_console_initted: console (%s, %s emulation), using %swsdisplay_console_device == NULLdmuxwsdisplay_common_attach: no memorywsdisplaytty() on ctl devicesc != NULLwsdisplay_switch3: giving up wsdisplay_switch3: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch3: not switching wsdisplay_switch3: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch2: giving up wsdisplay_switch2: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch2: not switching wsdisplay_switch2: invalid screen %dwsdisplay_switch1: screen %d disappeared wsdisplay_switch1: not switching wsdisplay_switch1: invalid screen %dwsrestorewswaitwsmoused_sleep%s: couldn't allocate copy buffer pcvtwsevent_init: already initialized wsevent_fini: already invoked wsevent_readwskbdwskbd at %s../../../../dev/wscons/wskbd.cwskbd_console_initted: console keyboard%s: attach error=%d wskbd_console_device == NULLcannot load keymap!wskbd_console_inittedwskdetwskbd_detach: %s didn't detach wskbd_console_device == scwskbd_input: evar->q=NULL %s: event queue overflow wskbdread: evp == NULL %s: connecting to %s %s: disconnecting from %s wskbd_get_mapentry: %d(%d): bad entrywskbd_load_keymap: %d(%d): bad entrywskbd_load_keymap: %d: recursion too deepwsmousewsmouse at %s attach error=%dwsmdetwsmouse_detach: %s didn't detach wsmouse_input: evar->q=NULL ../../../../dev/wscons/wsmouse.cev->value >= 0wsmouseread: evp == NULL wsmux: attach out of memory wsmux_getmux: no memory for mux %d wsmux_mux_open: no parent wsmux_mux_open: busy wsmuxopen: dev already in use wsmux_do_open: bad child=%p wsmuxclose: bad child=%p wsmuxread: not open wsmux_do_ioctl: bad child %p wsmuxpoll: not open wsmux_attach_sc: busy wsmux_detach_sc: %s has no parent wsmux_displayioctl: bad child %p wsmux_set_display: bad child parent %p ../../../../dev/wscons/wsemul_vt100.cedp->console == 1wsemul_vt100_output_c0c1: ESC in kernel output ignored wsemul_vt100_output: kernel output, not consolewsemul_vt100: invalid state %d\[>24;20;0cP0!u%5\wsemul_vt100_handle_csi[?62;6c[%d;%dR[?13n[?21n[?27;1nP2$uwsemul_vt100_handle_dcs: bad type %d[11~[12~[13~[14~[15~[17~[18~[19~[20~[21~[23~[24~[25~[26~[28~[29~[31~[32~[33~[34~OPOQOROSOpOqOrOsOtOuOvOwOxOyOIOMOD[7~OBOCOA[8~[6~[3~[2~[5~[4~[1~OjOkOlOmOnOorasops_init: couldn't lock font rasops_init: font table is empty rasops_init: fontwidth assumptions botched!rasops_mapchar: no font selectedfontwidth not 8/12/16 or RASOPS_SMALL - fixme!wsfont_unlock: font not lockedpre 1.02.0usb: USB revision %s, not supported usb_attach%s: can't register softintr %s: root device is not a hub %s: root hub problem, error=%d usbtaskunable to create event thread for %sunable to create usb task threadusbevtusbtskusb at %susbreausbreadusb: usb_nevents got out of sync! %d usbd_add_dev_eventusbd_add_drv_eventusb_add_eventusb_detachusbdet%s: event thread didn't die usbpalockusbd_close_pipe: pipe==NULL usbsynusbd_transfer: has old buffer! usbd_transfer: not doneusbd_alloc_buffer: xfer already has a buffer usbd_free_buffer: no buffer usbd_get_config_descriptor: dev == NULL usbd_get_interface_descriptor: dev == NULL usbd_abort_pipe: pipe==NULL usbd_endpoint_count: NULL pointer usbd_set_interface: NULL pointer usb_transfer_complete: xfer=%p not busy 0x%08x usb_transfer_complete: bad dequeue %p != %p usb_transfer_complete: actlen > len %d > %d usbd_transfer_complete: pipe==0, xfer=%p usb_insert_transfer: xfer=%p not busy 0x%08x usbd_start_next: pipe == NULL usbd_start_next: pipe=%p no start method usbd_start_next: error=%d usbd_do_request: not in process context usbd_get_quirks: dev == NULL usb_desc_iter_next: descriptor length = 0 usb_desc_iter_next: descriptor length too large usb_desc_iter_next: bad descriptor usb_detach_wait: %s didn't detach usb_block_allocmem: in interrupt context, failed usb_block_allocmem: in interrupt context, size=%lu HomeConnectBluetooth3C19250 Ethernet3CRSHEW696HomeConnect 3C460U.S.Robotics 56000HomeConnect 3C460B3CRUSB10075AR55233Com OfficeConnect Analog Modem3Com U.S. Robotics Pro ISDN TA3Com HomeConnectAolynk WUB320gXX1XX2RT2770RT2870RT3070RT3071RT3072URE450 EthernetUFE1000 Fast Ethernet1/10/100 EthernetXX4XX5XX6RTL8151XX7XX8XX9WL54XX10BWU613HWU54DMRT2573WUG2700USB320-EC Ethernet2664WT-Sinus 111 WLANSMCWUSB-GSMCWUSBT-G2PrismGT USB 2.0 WLANSpeedStream EthernetZD1211BWN4501H-LF-IRWUS-201WN7512MEZ1000 RDAUSB 2.0 Data LinkWarplinkAcerscan C310UAcerscan 320UAcerscan 640UAcerscan 620UATA/ATAPIAWL300AWL400Prism2.5 WLANPrism2.5 WLAN AROPEX FreeLan 802.11b802UAT1ACT-IR2000U FIRHHKB ProfessionalI/O BoardI/O Board, rev. 1AWN-8020 WLANAWU-120AN986A EthernetAN986 EthernetAN8511 EthernetAN8513 EthernetAN8515 EthernetUBS-10BT EthernetQ-DriveSnapScan 1212USnapScan 1236USnapScan TouchSnapScan e40SnapScan e50SnapScan e20SnapScan e25SnapScan e26SnapScan e52AirPrime CDMA Wireless EVDO cardAWU2000BWM-168bUSB-HASP 0.06One Touch 535/735SpeedTouch 120gSpeedTouch 121gMacAlly Kbd HubAU9814 HubMicroConnectors/StrongManNEC Kbd HubAT-USB100RT2070RT3572ADA70 SpeakersASC495 SpeakersNeptune 3NTL 250 cable modemBack-UPS Pro 500CG-WLUSB2GOCG-WLUSB2GNREagle IEagle IIEagle IICEagle IIIgnICEgnICE+EZUSBEZLINKNTT DoCoMo A2502ADU-E100HADU-500AOptical mouseADB deviceSpeakersEthernet A1277iSightTrue Random Number GeneratorARK3116 SerialPENTAX Optio230WLL013 (Intersil)WLL013Voyager 1010USB 2.0 10/100 Ethernet controllerAX88178AX88772AX88772aUSB-N11RT2570WL-159gA9T wirelessP5B wirelessMyPal A730WL-140Parallel10Mbps EthernetUC-110T EthernetUC210T EthernetDSB-650CTG121NWN821NV23CRUSBN275WN612AR3011AR9170USB Cable 205STK541 ZigbeeUHB124 hubW-Buddie WN210DWL-900AP Wireless access pointAT76C503 (Intersil 3861 Radio)AT76C503 (Intersil 3863 Radio)AT76C503 (RFMD Radio)AT76C505 (RFMD Radio)AT76C505 (RFMD 2958 Radio)AT76C505A (RFMD 2958 Radio)AT76C505AS (RFMD 2958 Radio)ATC-HA4USB USB headphoneUSB Audio Speaker1200UFRITZ!WLAN NData ModemAscensia ContourUSOTL4 RS-422/485USTL4 RS-422/485USO9ML2 RS-232USOPTL4 RS-422/485USPTL4 RS-422/485USO9ML2DR-2 RS-232USO9ML2DR RS-232USOPTL4DR-2 RS-422/485USOPTL4DR RS-422/485485USB9F-2W RS-422/485485USB9F-4W RS-422/485232USB9M RS-232485USBTB-2W RS-422/485485USBTB-4W RS-422/485TTL5USB9MTTL3USB9MZZ ProgrammerCard readerF5D6050 802.11b Wireless adapterF5U103 SerialF5U109 SerialSCSIF5D5050 EthernetF5U234 USB 2.0 4-Port HubF5U237 USB 2.0 7-Port HubF5U257 SerialF5U409 SerialF6C550-AVR UPSF6C1500EITW-RK UPSF6C120 UPSF5U120-PC HubF5D5055F5D7050 54g USB Network AdapterF5D705A 54g USB Network AdapterF5D705C 54g USB Network AdapterF5D705E 54g USB Network AdapterF5D8053 v3F5D8055F5D8055 v2F5D9050CF5D9050 ver 3F6D4050 ver 1F6D4050 ver 2F5U002 ParallelBWIFI-USB54ARUSB100N 10/100 EthernetUSB100LPUSB100ELUSBE100USB2AR EthernetBCM2033BCM2033 (no fw)HL-1050 laser printerMFC 210CKeyboard/Mouse6ch ConSerAirPcap NxCANOSCAN N656UCANOSCAN N1220UCANOSCAN N670UCANOSCAN N1240UCANOSCAN LiDE60PowerShot S10PowerShot S20PowerShot S100PowerShot G1PowerShot A20PowerShot A540PowerShot SX100Netmate EthernetNetmate2 EthernetUSB Chief Bus & Protocol AnalyzerAndromeda hubQVBE-300 PDACASIO Nameland EZ-USBEasyDisk PortableMy3000 keyboardMy3000 hubCM12402 Eagle IR CamCypressKB-8933 keyboardPro ThrottlePro PedalsFighterstickFlight Sim YokeWUSB54G v2WUSB54AGUSB200M v2HU200-TSWUSB54GCWUSB54GRWUSBF54GWUSB2005500PCU C-BusiPAQ PocketPCA1500iPAQ WLANW100WLAN MultiPort W200Personal Jukebox PJB100iPAQ LinuxCW6622CDMA Technologies USB modemCM-5100P EVDOCCU-550 EVDOCNU-550pro EVDOCGU-628CNU-680CGU-628 disk modeC11UWL-210C54RU WLANC54RUVIGORN61RT2573MEye Q 3xQuickCamEther USB-TFEther USB-TXWirelessLAN USB-11FEther USB-TXSWireless LAN Stick-11FEther USB2-TXULUSB-11 KeyCG-WLUSB2GLCG-WLUSB2GPXCG-WLUSB300GNMCG-WLUSB300NWLAN USB Stick 11FEther USB-TXCNomad IINomad II MGNomadVoip BlasterE-Mu 0202BlueCoreEx1300 hub1500Siemens Gigaset 108TG54USBthermometerKeyboard/HubFM RadioUSB2 HubSispm - old versionSispmSispm - flashPhotoClipUSB-FOB/iBUTTONJ-6502 speakersHenTong WK-668DM9601Axim X51vTrueMobile 1180 WLANW5500 HSDPADell U740 CDMAEarthmate GPSEarthmate LT20Rio 500WL-200UCHUSB 611GWL-240UXH1153 802.11bC-Net CWD-854 rev FRTL8187AccelePort 2AccelePort 4AccelePort 8PS/2 ActiveDWL-120 rev EDWA-130 rev CDWL-122DWL-G120DWL-120 rev FDWL-G122 rev A2DWL-AG132DWL-G132DWL-AG122DUB-E100 rev B1DWA-160 A2DWA-130 rev D1DWL-G122 rev C1WUA-1340DWA-111DWA-110DWA-160 A1DWA-130KVM-221LCD-4300ULCD-8000USamsung LD220IOGEAR DVI GUC2020Rextron DVIStarTech CONV-USB2DVIDisplayLink DVICMP-USBVGA10WS Tech DVIEasyCAP008 DVIHP USB DockingHP USB DVILenovo DVISUNWEIT DVIVideoHome NBdock1920Lilliput UM-70nanovision MiMoStorage AdapterVigor550Vigor600Sensor TerminalWireless TerminalANT dev boardANT2USBFlash DiskEW-7318EW-7618EW-7717EW-7718Touch PanelDiva 852 ISDN TAhubGoldpfeil P-LAN29UOLD-USB/TXLD-USBL/TXLD-USB20UC-SGT SerialUC-SGT0 SerialFT323RELSAMicrolink USB2EthernetEeePC701 camera1S serial2S serial1S25 serial4S serialE45 EthernetCentronics1S9 serialEZ-USB2U4S serialUSB PrinterISD Smart Cable for MacISD Smart CablePerfection 636U / 636PhotoPerfection 610Perfection 1200U / 1200PhotoExpression 1600Perfection 1640SUPerfection 1240U / 1240PhotoPerfection 640UPerfection 1650GT-9700FPerfection 2400Perfection 1260Perfection 1660Perfection 1670Stylus CX3650Stylus DX3800Stylus DX4000Stylus DX5000Stylus DX6000CX5400ER1 Control ModuleRCM4 interfaceXTNDAccess IrDATwistSambaWL-430UWrist PDAConnector for DVD drive8U232AM Serial2232C SerialFT4232HPS/2 Keyboard/MouseOpenRD JTAGKeyCANdapterMindstorms NXTCamOOCDlinkLM3S DevelLM3S EvalJTAG/RS-232OpenDCCOpenDCC SnifferOpenDCC ThrottleOpenDCC GatewayRR-CirKits LocoBufferDMX4ALL DMX interfaceASK RDR 4X7MJS Sirius To PC InterfaceChameleonOpenPort 1.3 MitsubishiOpenPort 1.3 SubaruOpenPort 1.3 Universal2232L SerialRadio ModemiPlusGamma Scout OnlinePropox JTAGWestrex 777Westrex 8900FHF Dual ISO ReaderCCD cameraATK-16 CameraATK-16HR CameraATK-16C CameraATK-16HRC CameraATK-16IC CameraServoCenter3.1USRMini-Sound-ModulKL 100WS 550WS 888Funk Energie MonitorFHZ 1300 PCWS 500RS-485UMS 100TFD 128FM3 RXWS 777EM 1010 PCCSI 8EM 1000 DLPCK 100RFP 500FS 20 SIGUTP 8WS 300 PCWS 444 PCEVER Eco Pro UPSActive Robots commsPyramid DisplayUnicom IIIExpert ISDNRS232 OptoBridgeExpert mouseCLOCK USB IIExpert mouseCLOCK USB II MSFExpert mouseCLOCK USB II HBG1-WireTNC-X packet-radioVCPD2XXRigExpert TinyHO870HO820FT232BM SerialKWYSY6Y8DB9Y9DGQGDUSBUAD 8UAD 7USI 2T 1100PCD 200ULA 200ALC 8500 ExpertFHZ 1000 PCUltraPortSprog IIInfraredHomePro ZWaveCoastal ChipWorks TNC-XMaster Development 2.0Oceanic instrumentSuunto SportsUSB-UIRTUSBX-707ICD-U20ICD-U40MACH-XLOAD N GOICDU64PRIME8ITM TouchscreenMatrix Orbital USB SerialMatrix Orbital MX200 Series LCDMatrix Orbital LCDMatrix Orbital LK202-24 LCDMatrix Orbital LK204-24 LCDRelaisTira-1DAC-2Accesso readerUR 100CLI 7000UM 100UO 100PPS 7330TFM 100UDF 77UIO 88R2000KU RNGBCS SE923FT232RLCrystalfontz CFA-632 LCDCrystalfontz CFA-634 LCDCrystalfontz CFA-547 LCDCrystalfontz CFA-633 LCDCrystalfontz CFA-631 LCDCrystalfontz CFA-635 LCDCrystalfontz CFA-640 LCDCrystalfontz CFA-642 LCDProtegoR200-USB TRNGSEMC DSS-20 SyncStationCANviewAMC-232USB0TT-USBUS485PIC-ProgrammerPCMCIA SRAM-cards readerParticel counter PK1APP 70 dust monitoringIBS PEDO-ModemCANUSBMass StorageAH-F401U Air H deviceYP3X00 PDAGPSmap 60CsxIque 3600GDM720x MASS storage modeProx-PU/CUGeneLink Host-Host BridgeGL650 HubGL641USB CompactFlashGN-BR402WGN-WLBM101GN-WBKGGN-WB01GSGN-WI05GSGN-WB31NGN-WB32LSMCWUSBT-GAuricalGoCOM232 Serial converterGWUSB2EGamePad ProCF-writer/MP3 PlayeriMate, ADB adapterExpert mouseCLOCK USBDA LeaderHWGUSB2-54 WLANHWGUSB2-54-LBHWGUSB2-54V2-APHWNU-300Gunze USB Touch PanelFlashGate SmartMediaFlashGate CompactFlashFlashGateCrossam2+USB IR commanderHandspring VisorHandspring TreoHandspring Treo 600WinTV FMHWUN2HWDN2UF200 EthernetDVD-CAM DZ-MV100A CamcorderDeskJet 895CScanjet 4100CPhotosmart S20DeskJet 880CScanJet 4200CCD-Writer PlusMultimedia Keyboard HubHN210WScanJet 6200CPhotoSmart S20DeskJet 815CScanJet 3300CCD-Writer Plus 8200eDeskJet 1220CDeskJet 810C/812CScanjet 4300CCD-Writer+ CD-4eOfficeJet G85xiLaserJet 1200Scanjet 5200CDeskJet 830CScanJet 3400cseDeskJet 885CScanjet 6300CDeskJet 840cScanJet 2200CScanjet 5300CDeskJet 816CDeskjet 970CseScanjet 5400CiPAQ 22xx/Jornada 548Deskjet 959CJornada 568DeskJet 930cInkjet P-2000UHS2300DeskJet 640cPhotosmart P1100HN210E EthernetPhotoSmart C500PPC6700 ModemSmartPhoneAndroid phoneHUAWEI Mobile E618HUAWEI Mobile ModemHUAWEI Mobile E180HUAWEI Mobile E510HUWAEI Mobile ModemHUAWEI Mobile E161HUAWEI Mobile K3765HUAWEI Mobile K3765 InitialPVR-SMARTPC5740 EVDOUM175 EVDOOpticalCD-ROMQuantis USBID-1ID-RP2C service 1ID-RP2C service 2ID-RP2DID-RP2V service TID-RP2V service RID-RP4000V service TID-RP4000V service RID-RP2000V service TID-RP2000V service RFlash Go!EdgePort/4 RS232Hubport/7Rapidport/4Edgeport/4 RS232Edgeport/2 RS232Edgeport/4 RS422Edgeport/2 RS422/RS485Hubport/4Hand-built Edgeport/8MultiTech version of RP/4Edgeport/(4)21 ParallelEdgeport/421 Hub+RS232+ParallelEdgeport/21 RS232+Parallel1/2 Edgeport/8Edgeport/2 RS232/DINEdgeport/4 RS232/DIN1/2 Edgeport/16Edgeport CompatibleEdgeport/8 RS422WatchPort/HOEM deviceUSB2 StorageIDE ISD110IDE ISD105Portable USB Harddrive V2USB cableUSB Storage Adapter V2Rate Matching HubEasyPCAP310 AnyPoint IIWireless 2011B82930 test boardIO BoardMini IO BoardPrism2.x WLANValueCANNeoVI BlueUSB-SSMRW SD-cardUSB-SDRW SD-cardUSB ETTUSB ETTXUSB WN-B11USB Airport WN-B11USB WN-G54/USETG-US2FT232RWN-GDN/US2RSAQ1 SerialUSB2.0-SCSI Bridge USB2-SCRSAQ5 SerialZip 100Zip 250CDRW 9602iFP-1xxiFP-3xxiFP-5xxWM1080AUSB-LCD-20x2PC-60BJD 350SPECBOS 1201AirH"PHONE AH-J3001V/J3002VMP-XP7250 Builtin WLANMP-PRX1MiniHub 4000PKC-180 IrDAHKS-0200 USBDAQOrbit trackballTurboBallOrbit trackball for MacVideoCAM VGAUSA-28 serialUSA-28X serialUSA-19 serialUSA-18 serialUSA-18X serialUSA-19W serialUSA-49W serialUSA-19QI serialUSA-19Q serialUSA-28X/XB serialUSA-28XB serialUSA-28XA serialUSA-18XA serialUSA-19WQ serialUIA-10 remote controlUIA-11 remote controlKNU101TX EthernetKonverter for B1Konverter for KAANDigital Science DC220Digital Science DC260Digital Science DC265Digital Science DC290Digital Science DC240Digital Science DC280EasyShare DX4900Niche mouseGenius NetScroll mouseFlight 2000 joystickColorPage Vivid-ProAH-K3001VKPC650 EVDOHard DiskCD R/WAltiTrack9531 GPSjumpSHOT CompactFlash2662W-AROptra S 2450PowerSure Personal XTUSB1000WUSB100WUSB600NWUSB54GC v2WUSB54GC v3WUSB600N v2Camedia MAUSB-2USB10TXUSB10T EthernetUSB100TX EthernetUSB100H1 Ethernet/HPNAUSB10TA EthernetWUSB11 802.11bWUSB11 802.11b v2.5WUSB12 802.11b v1.1WUSB11Network Everywhere NWU11BWUSB11 v2.8WUSB11 v3.0LAN-GTJ/U2LAN-TXM2452 keyboardM4848 mousePageScanQuickCam WebWebcam C200Webcam C500QuickCam ProQuickCam ExpressQuickCam Notebook DeluxeQuickCam Pro 3000QuickCam Notebook ProQuickCam Pro 4000QuickCam ZoomQuickCam FusionQuickCam Orbit MPQuickCam Pro 5000QuickCam OEMQuickCam Ultra VisionQuickCam Pro 9000QuickCam Pro NotebookQuickCam Communicate DeluxeQuickCam Orbit AFQuickCam Communicate MPQuickCam E 3500 PlusQuickCam Deluxe NotebookN43N48 mouseM-BA47 mouseWingMan Gaming MouseBD58 mouseiFeel MouseWingMan GamePad ExtremeWingMan RumblePadWingMan Force joystickWingMan Formula Force GP (GT-Force)iTouch KeyboardUSB-PS/2 TrackballTrackMan WheelCordless mouseCordless keyboardCordless Desktop OpticalEmobile D21LC Mass only modeEmobile D21LCLCS-8138TXUSS-720 evaluation kitSheevaPlugD-Link DU-H3SP BAY HubSitecom RS232ML-4500MDS ISDB-T tunerUSB 5131 DCF77 - Radio ClockLUA-TX EthernetNintendo Wi-FiLUA2-TX EthernetLUA-KTX EthernetWLI-USB-S11MCR-SM2 SmartMediaUSB-IDE Bridge: DUB-PxxGWLI-USB-KS11G wlanLUA-U2-KTX EthernetWLI-USB-KB11 WLANWLI-U2-KG54-YB WLANWLI-U2-KG54 WLANWLI-U2-KG54-AI WLANLUA-U2-GT EthernetWLI-U2-KAMG54PC-OP-RS1 RemoteStationWLI-U2-SG54HPWLI-U2-G54HPWLI-U2-KG54LWLI-UC-G300NWLI-U2-SG54HGWLI-UC-AG300NWLI-UC-GNMetaGeek Wi-SpyTelldus TellstickWi-Spy 2.4iRicochet GSProtection Center 1 UPSProtection Center 2 UPSMODACOM Mobile wimax adaptorAX88772AYUREXCAM_1SP128AR EtherFastSideWinder Precision ProIntelliMouseNaturalDigital Sound System 80Sidewinder Precision Racing WheelInternet Keyboard ProTrackball ExplorerIntelliEye mouseMN510 WirelessPalm 700WXWireless Optical IntelliMouseWireless Optical Mouse (Model 1023)Wireless Optical Mouse 3000 (Model 1049)Wireless Optical Mouse 3000 (Model 1056)XBOX 360 WLANMicrosoft LifeCamSCSI-DB25SCSI-HD50CameraMateFreecom IDEPhantom 336CX - C3ScanMaker X6 - X6UPhantom C6ScanMaker V6USLScanMaker V6ULMidisport 2x2Digital WalletDimage S304Dimage XDimage 7iDimage A1CD-R/RW DriveFDDMA-620 IrDAEasiDock 200 SerialEasiDock EthernetMCS7703 SerialMCS7715 Serial ParallelMCS7730 EthernetMCS7830 EthernetMC141555 hub controllerT720cV360USBLANSB4100 Cable ModemSB5100 Cable ModemMT5634ZBA modem1200 CU600 CU1200 UB1200 Plus1200 CU PlusBearPaw 1200FMDC-800DV2000PowerMust 800DiskOnKeyGPIB-USB-ABearPaw 1200BearPaw 2400WL300NU-GRepeaterPicty760Picty900Picty920Picty800USB2.0 Hub6-in-1 Flash Device Controller8-in-1 Flash Device ControllerMulti-format Flash ControllerTurbo-ConnectClik! 40EthernetGadgetUSB 2.0 Fast Ethernet802.11b802.11b V2WG111v3WG111UWG111v2WN111V2WNDA3100WNA1000MA101MA101 Rev BWG111TWPN111E990E880E885CA-42 SerialInternet Stick CS-15 (umass mode)Internet Stick CS-15Noritake COMEMONV-902WExpressCard 3GV620V740V720U740U870XU870X950DES620 CDMAU720EU870DU727MC950D HSUPAZeroCDMC760 CDU760MC760NovAtel FlexPack GPSOpenOCD JTAGC-1C-700 Ultra ZoomOV511OV511+BX50F UPSBX35F UPSMDCFE-B CFMemory Stick+CFDatafab-basedPNY/Datafab CF+SMSimple Tech/Datafab CF+SMCF + SM Combo (LC1)Datafab MD1-II PC-Card8In2model 01 WiFimodel 01 Bluetoothmodel 01+ Ethernetmodel 01 EthernetSolid state diskDKU-5 SerialUSB Serial AdaptorPalm m500Palm m505Palm m515Palm i705Palm Tungsten ZPalm m125Palm m130Palm Tungsten TPalm Zire 31Palm ZireLS-120MultiMediaCardTY-TP50P6-S 50in Touch PanelSB485 USB-485/422AP485 USB-RS485SB422 USB-RS422SB485S USB-485/422SB485C USB-485/422SB232 USB-RS232TMU ThermometerIRAmp DuplexDRAK5QUIDO USB 8/8QUIDO USB 4/4QUIDO USB 2/2QUIDO USB 10/1QUIDO USB 30/3QUIDO USB 60(100)/3QUIDO USB 2/16QUIDO USB 3/32DRAK6 USBUPS-USB StavovyMU ControllerSimuKeyAD4USBGOLIATH MUXGOLIATH MSR6 in 13 in 1Serial ConverterAt-Home EthernetWL-503IAGWU513DSS 350 Digital Speaker SystemDSS XXX Digital Speaker SystemSNU5630NS/05PCA645VCPCA646VCPCVC675K VestaPCVC680K Vesta ProPCVC690K Vesta Pro Scan CameraPCVC730K ToUCam FunPCVC740K ToUCam Pro PCPCVC750K ToUCam Pro ScanDSS 150 Digital Speaker SystemCPWUA054SNU6500SNU5600DIVA mp3 playerPS2 to MacXkeys Programmable KeyboardCRW-600 6-in-1GW-US11H WLANGW-US11S WLANGW-US54GXS WLANGW-US300GW-US54HPGU-1000TGW-US54MiniGW-US54Mini2GW-US54SGGW-US54GZLGW-US54GDGW-USMMGW-USMicroNGW-US54GZGW-US300MiniSDSP-400 Headsettest boardExpress EthernetPP7000 series printerTravel Flash DriveG2-200G2E-300G2-300Colorado 9600Colorado 600uVisioneer 6200Colorado 19200Colorado 1200uG2-600ReadyScan 636iG2E-600ComfortMouse-in-a-BoxSony PCGA-UMS1PL2301 Host-HostPL2302 Host-HostPL2303 SerialParallel printerATAPI-4 Bridge ControllerPL2501 Host-HostUSB-1284 BRIDGEScorpion-980NMSM driverCDMA MSM modemHSDPA MSMCDMA MSM phoneCDMA Technologies MSM modemZTE MF633 USUPA USB modemZTE MF637 HSUPA USB modemZTE K3565-Z USB MSM modemZTE USB MSM installerAC8700 CDMA USB modemQuanta USB MSM (umass mode)Quanta Q101 HSDPA USB modemUSB StrikePadNeo1973 Debugi-Key 2000RT2671RT3370RT8070USB serial REX-USB60REX-USB60FRTL8150RTL8151 PNARTL8171RTL8187BRTL8192UBlackberryRIM Mass Storage DeviceBlackberry pearlVGP-VCC2 CameraVGP-VCC3 CameraVGP-VCC5 CameraVGP-VCC4 CameraVGP-VCC6 CameraVGP-VCC7 CameraVGP-VCC8 CameraVGP-VCC9 CameraVGP-VCCX CameraUA-100 Audio I/FUM-4 MIDI I/FSC-8850 MIDI SynthU-8 Audio I/FUM-2 MIDI I/FSC-8820 MIDI SynthPC-300 MIDI KeyboardUM-1 MIDI I/FSK-500 MIDI KeyboardSC-D70 MIDI SynthUM-880 MIDI I/FSD-90 MIDI SynthUM-550 MIDI I/FSD-20 MIDI SynthSD-80 MIDI SynthUA-700 Audio I/FGamepad 203USBXG-760AXG-76NACyborg 3D Gold JoystickImageMate SDDR-05aImageMate SDDR-31ImageMate SDDR-05ImageMate SDDR-12ImageMate SDDR-09ImageMate SDDR-75JY-DV9USB gamepadSanyo SCP-4900 PhoneI330SWL-2100USL11R-IDESeaLINK+232 (2101/2105)SeaLINK+485 (2102)SeaLINK+232I (2103)SeaLINK+485I (2104)SeaLINK+422 (2106)SeaPORT+2/232 (2201) Port 1SeaPORT+2/232 (2201) Port 2SeaPORT+2/485 (2202) Port 1SeaPORT+2/485 (2202) Port 2SeaPORT+2 (2203) Port 1SeaPORT+2 (2203) Port 2SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 1SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 2SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 3SeaPORT+4/232 (2401) Port 4SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 1SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 2SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 3SeaPORT+4/485 (2402) Port 4SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 1SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 2SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 3SeaPORT+4 (2403) Port 4SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 1SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 2SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 3SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 4SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 5SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 6SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 7SeaLINK+8/232 (2801) Port 8SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 1SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 2SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 3SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 4SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 5SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 6SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 7SeaLINK+8/485 (2802) Port 8SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 1SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 2SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 3SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 4SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 5SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 6SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 7SeaLINK+8 (2803) Port 8NUB-8301NUB-862Root HubSN1 L1 System ControllerST268ZT6688ADM8515 EthernetPocket AdapterSL5500A300SL5600C700C750E-USB BridgeeUSCSI BridgeImageMate SDDR09eUSB SmartMedia / CompactFlasheUSB MultiMediaCardSony HifdeUSB ATA/ATAPIeUSB CompactFlashCD-RW DeviceSCM MicroSpeedStreamSpeedStream 1022GSM module MC35SX1X65X75EM5625MC5720AirCard 595MC5725597ECompass 597595UAircard 580 EVDOAircard Tru InstallerMC8755MC8765MC8775875MC8780MC8781880881880E881E880U881U885UC01SWIrDADatum Networks SSF-7X Multi PlayersDigiFilm-ComboMULTICARDREADERU2EPsion Dacom Gold Port EthernetBSM7-D-USBPololu SerialEDG1228Argussoft ISPCrumb128Degree ControlsTracient RFIDTrack Systems TraqmateSuunto sportsBurnside Desktop mobileRIGblaster P&PRIGtalkIP-Link 1220Lipowsky Baby-JTAGLipowsky Baby-LINAerocomm RadioLipowsky HARP-1MC35puDCU-11 cloneCP210x SerialGPRS ModemUSBscope50USBwave12USBpulse100USBcount50YAP Phone (no firmware)YAP PhoneNetComm Roadster II 56LN029WL-022CN104WL-168 v1WL-168 v4WL-302WL-603WL-315WL-321WL-324WL-343WL-608WL-344WL-329WL-345WL-353WL-349 v1WL-349 v4LN-028LN-030WL-113WL-172WL-113 rev 2SmartLink EthernetsmartNIC 2 PnPEZ Connect EthernetEZ Connect 11MbpsEZ Connect 11Mbps v2EZ Connect 54MbpsNUB100 EthernetNUB110 EthernetDSC CamerasMemorystick NW-MS7Harddrive V2Memorystick MSAC-US1HandycamMSC MemorystickClie v3.5PlayStation2 keyboardPlayStation2 keyboard hubPlayStation2 mouseClie v4.0Clie v4.0 Memory StickClie s360Clie v4.1 Memory StickClie v4.1Clie nx60Clie tj25IFU-WLM21seg TV tunerKeikaiDenwa 8KeikaiDenwa 8 with chargerMS3303H SerialUB801RICUSB2321X/2X/4XBiometric CoprocessorCommunicatorUSBRH sensorInternet Access DeviceMobile AdaptorU-Cable type D2U-Cable type P1Slipper UIr-TrinityU-Cable type A3U-Cable type A4Type 6 KeyboardType 7 KeyboardType 6 MouseSGC-X2ULSupra Express 56KSupraMax 2890 56KRio 600Rio 800Nike psa[play 120EP-1427X-2 EthernetEP-9001-G rev 2AEricsson DCU-10/11LW153LW303LW313ZD1211Modem modeStorage modeUSBPS2CameraMate (DPCM_USB)ZodiacUSB-PDC Adapter UPA9664USB-cdmaOne Adapter UCA1464USB-PHS Adapter UHA6400USB-PHS Adapter UPA6400FD-05PUBALLNET 0193 WLANZyXEL ZyAIR B200 WLANU-300CQuickWLANMicrophoneTWL541U WLANMissile LauncherTEMPer sensorAureon Dual USBKY-BT100 Bluetooth175/177 USB interface330 USB interface435/635/735 USB interface845 USB interfaceService adapter580 USB interface174 USB interface556/560 USB interfaceUSB adapterUSB to serial converterUT-USB41 hubTUSB2046 hubTUSB3410Nex II DigitalFusion Digital GamepadQL355P power supplyArgos Mini SmartcardThumbDriveThumbDrive 8MBU209 SerialUSB/MP3 decoderXXX 1100SM-2000G240ANTARIS4 GPSTEW-444UB EUTEW-429UB_ATEW-429UBTEW-429UB C1ALL0298 v21200 UB PlusAstra 1236UAstra 1220UAstra 2000UAstra 2100UAstra 2200UAstra 3400Panache Surf ISDNNW-3100NF RICUSR1120 WLANUSR9000 SureConnect ADSLUSR5422 WLANUSR5421A WLANUSR5423 WLANMC60 SerialK8055 USB Experiment interface boardG773 Monitor HubP815 Monitor HubAirsyncG773 Monitor ControlCPiA CameraOneTouch 7600OneTouch 5300Scanport 3000OneTouch 6100OneTouch 6200OneTouch 8100OneTouch 8600DSC350Vodafone Mobile Connect 3GGlobeTrotter 3G FUSIONGlobeTrotter 3G QUADGlobeTrotter 3G QUAD PLUSGlobeTrotter MAX 3.6/7.2GlobeTrotter 3G PLUSGlobeTrotter HSDPA ModemGlobeSurfer Icon 7.2GlobeTrotter HSDPA Icon 225GlobeTrotter HSUPA 380EGlobeTrotter Icon322 storageCH341 serial/parallelCH341A serial/parallelCH340 serial/parallelCT-0405-U TabletGraphireGraphire3 4x5Graphire4 Classic A6Intuos A5WNC-0600USBUR055GORiNOCO 802.11nImaging DeviceIBM PC CameraFlashbuster-UUX256 MIDI I/FUX96 MIDI I/FRP-U200NetVolante RTA54iNetVolante RTW65bNetVolante RTW65iNetVolante RTA55iU640MO-03M4Y-750XI-725/726XI-735MD40900UB81UB822986L Fax ModemZD1201ZD1221ALL0298Omni 56K PlusG-200 v2ZyAIR G-220AG-225HM-202G-270SG-220 v2G-202NWD-271NPrestigeUnknown vendoreGalaxHUMAXBernd Walter Computer TechnologyAOXAtmelMitsumiHewlett PackardAdaptecNational SemiconductorAcer LabsFuture Technology DevicesQuantaEastman KodakMelcoLeadtekCreative LabsNokiaADI SystemsComputer Access TechnologyStandard MicrosystemsAdvanced Gravis ComputerSun MicrosystemsTaugagreining HFAdvanced Micro DevicesLexmark InternationalNANAOAlps ElectricThrustmasterTexas InstrumentsAnalog DevicesSilicon Integrated Systems Corp.KYE SystemsDiamond (Supra)MicrosoftPrimax ElectronicsMGE UPS SystemsAMPCherry MikroschalterAmerican MegatrendsLogitechBehavior Tech. ComputerPhilipsSanyo ElectricConnectixKensingtonLucentPlantronicsKyoceraSTMicroelectronicsYAMAHACompaqHitachiAcer PeripheralsDavicomVisioneerNikonCypress SemiconductorSeiko EpsonRainbow TechnologiesI/O DataTDKU.S. RoboticsMethode Electronics Far EastMaxi SwitchLockheed Martin Energy ResearchFujitsuToshiba AmericaMicro Macro TechnologiesKonicaLite-On TechnologyFuji Photo FilmPhilips SemiconductorsTatung Co. Of AmericaScanLogicMyson TechnologyDigiITT CanonAltec LansingItunerHoltekPanasonic (Matsushita)SharpIiyamaShuttle TechnologySamsung ElectronicsAnnabooksJVCChicony ElectronicsBrother IndustriesDallas SemiconductorAcer3ComAztech SystemsBelkin ComponentsKawatsu SemiconductorAmerican Power ConversionAdvanced Connectek USANetChip TechnologyALTRAATI TechnologiesAladdin Knowledge SystemsUniversal AccessViewSonicXirlinkAnchor ChipsSonyVLSI VisionAsahi Kasei MicrosystemsATEN InternationalMustek SystemsTelex CommunicationsPeracom NetworksAlcor MicroWACOMe-TEK LabsEIZOElecomXyratexHauppauge Computer WorksBAFO/Quality Computer AccessoriesY-E DataAVMQuickshotRolandRockfireRATOC SystemsZyXEL CommunicationOMRON CorporationIomegaA-Trend TechnologyAdvanced Input DevicesLaCieCisco-LinksysOmniVisionJing MoldIn-System DesignApple ComputerY.C. CableDigi InternationalQualcommQtronixRicohBrainboxesUltimaAxiohm Transaction SolutionsMicrotekSUN CorporationLexar MediaGenesys LogicFuji ElectricKeithley InstrumentsEIZO NanaoKawasaki LSIFFCAnko ElectronicP.I. EngineeringAOC InternationalChic TechnologyBarco Display SystemsBridge InformationSolid YearBio-Rad LaboratoriesMacallyAct LabsAlarisApexVivitarGunze Electronics USAAvisionTEACSilicon GraphicsSanwa SupplyAcer Semiconductor AmericaSigmatelDrayTekAiwaACARD TechnologyProlific TechnologySiemensAvance LogicMinoltaCH ProductsHagiwara Sys-ComChuntexAskey ComputerSaitekAlcatel TelecomAGFA-GevaertAsia Microelectronic DevelopmentBizlink InternationalKeyspanLiebertAashima TechnologyMultiTechADS TechnologiesAlcatel MicroelectronicsSirius TechnologiesGuillemotBoston AcousticsPutercomMCTImationSusteenEicon NetworksSyntech InformationDigital StreamAureal SemiconductorMidimanCyberPowerSurecom TechnologyGriffin TechnologySanDiskJenoptikLogitecBrimaxAxis CommunicationsABL ElectronicsSagemSun CommunicationsAlfadata ComputerNational Technical SystemsOnntoBeADMtekCoregaFreecomMicrotechMotorolaOlympusAboCom SystemsKeisokugikenOnSpecAPG Cash DrawerB.U.G.Allied Telesyn InternationalAVerMedia TechnologiesSIIGCASIOAptio ProductsArasan Chip SystemsAllied CableSTSNBewanZoom TelephonicsBroadLogicHandspringAction Star EnterprisePalm ComputingSOURCENEXTAccton TechnologyDiamondBayNETGEARTopre CorporationActiveWireB&B ElectronicsPortGearNetgearSystem TalksMetricomADESSO/Kbtek AmericaJatonAPT TechnologiesBoca ResearchAndrea ElectronicsBurr-Brown Japan2WireAIPTEK InternationalSmartBridgesBillionton SystemsGEMPLUSExtended SystemsM-SystemsAuthenTecAudio-TechnicaTrumpion MicroelectronicsAlation SystemsGlobespanConcord CameraGarmin InternationalGoHubsAmerican Biometric CompanyToshiba CorpIntrepidYanoKingston TechnologyBlueWater SystemsAgilent TechnologiesGude ADSPortsmithAdirondack Wire & CableBeckhoffMinds At WorkAltius SolutionsArris InteractiveACTIVCARDACTiSYSNovatelA-FOUR TECHAIMEXAddonics TechnologiesAKAI professional M.I.ARESCOMBay AssociatesAlteraCambridge Silicon RadioTrek TechnologyAsahi OpticalBoca SystemsShanTouBroadcomGREENHOUSEGeocast Network SystemsDream Cheekyid QuantiqueID TECHZyDAS TechnologyChen-SourceNeodioOptionTodos Data SystemASUSOmnidirectional Control TechnologyTekram TechnologyHAL CorporationATIKurusugawa ElectronicsSmart TechnologiesASIX ElectronicsAmbit MicrosystemsHTCRealtekAddonics TechnologyFujitsu Siemens ComputersAgate TechnologiesDMIIcomGN OtometricsMicrodia / Sonix Technology Co., Ltd.Sealevel SystemJETIEasyDiskElektor ElectronicsTerraTec Electronic GmbHZ-ComAtheros CommunicationsPosiflex TechnologiesTangtopKobil SystemsPen DriveABCConceptronicMicro Star InternationalELCON SystemtechnikUnknown VendorSitecom EuropeMobile ActionAmigo TechnologySpeed Dragon MultimediaCONWISE TechnologyHawkingFossilG.MateOurs TechnologyPilotechNova TechiTegnoNoritake itron CorpAirprimeLarsen and BrusgaardVTechFalcom Wireless CommunicationsResearch In MotionDynastream InnovationsThurlby Thandar InstrumentsGIGABYTECCYU TechnologyHyundaiGCT SemiconductorSILABS2USIPLXAsanteSilicon LabsVellemanTen X Technology, Inc.Integrated System Solution Corp.Japan Radio CompanySphairon Access SystemsDeLormeServerWorksAcer Communications & MultimediaSierra WirelessAlcatelInterBiometricsTsunamiPheenetRaptor GamingTwinMOSTendaTesto AGCyberTAN TechnologyHUAWEI TechnologiesAraneus Information SystemsTapwaveAincommMobilityDick Smith ElectronicsBaltechSharkAsureWaveWistron NeWebRadio ShackOpenMokoHuawei 3ComSilicomRalink TechnologyStarTech.comPlanex CommunicationsSilicon PortalsU-bloxOQOU-MEDIA CommunicationsFiberlineSparkLANOlimexAMITSOHOwareUMAX Data SystemsInside Out NetworksGood Way TechnologyEntregaActiontec ElectronicsClipsalGigasetGlobal Sun TechnologyAnyDATA Inc.JablotronCMOTECHAxesstelSenaoStrawberry linux Co., Ltd.SweexMecaniqueDisplayLinkQcomMeinberg FunkuhrenZTE Inc.Terminus TechnologyBayer Health CareQinHeng ElectronicsMatrix OrbitalOvisLinkThe Mobility LabTCT MobileMDSAlti-2Longcheer TechnologyDresden ElektronicPegatronMetaGeekModacomAirTiesEncorePARA IndustrialTripp-LiteNHJASUSTeK ComputerAEIPQIDaisy TechnologyNational InstrumentsMicronet CommunicationsI-O DataiRiverDellAceecaPapouch s.r.o.AveratecZinwellSitecomArkmicroEDIMAXIntelALLWIN TechMosChipMarvellCACE TechnologiesEvolution RoboticseMPIA TechnologyNORMAL_COMPLETIONIN_PROGRESSPENDING_REQUESTSNOT_STARTEDINVALNOMEMCANCELLEDBAD_ADDRESSIN_USENO_ADDRSET_ADDR_FAILEDNO_POWERTOO_DEEPIOERRORNOT_CONFIGUREDTIMEOUTSHORT_XFERSTALLEDINTERRUPTEDXXXvendor 0x%04xproduct 0x%04x%x.%02x"%s %s", class %d/%d rev addr %dusbd_devinfousbdly0 lengthout of datausbd_fill_iface_data: bad descriptor(s): %s iface descusbd_fill_iface_data: bad max packet size usbd_set_config_index%s: device addr %d (config %d) exceeds power budget, %d mA > %d mA %s: port %d, set config at addr %d failed usbd_new_device: addr=%d bad max packet size %s: No free USB addresses, new device ignored. usbd_new_device: cannot find HS port configuration %d interface %d port %dusb_disconnect_port: no device uhub%s: hub depth (%d) exceeded, hub ignored uhub_attach%s: no ports, hub ignored %s: bus powered hub connected to bus powered hub, ignored %s: no interface handle %s: no endpoint descriptor %s: bad interrupt endpoint %s: port %d power on failed, %s %s: cannot open interrupt pipe %s: port %d reset failed %s: device problem, disabling port %d %s: strange, connected port %d has no power %s: illegal enable change, port %d %s: port error, giving up port %d %s: port error, restarting port %d sel%d-uaudio_add_selectoruaudio%s: audio descriptors make no sense, error=%d %s: audio rev %d.%02x, %d mixer controls %s: alt %d missing AS interface(s) %s: failed to get configuration descriptor uaudio_mixer_add_ctl: no memory i%duaudio_get_cluster_nchan: bad data uaudio_add_mixermix%d-%smixeroutlfeauxfmsynthuaudio_add_feature%s.%sbassmidtrebleagc4 msdelaybassboostloudnessuaudio_add_processing_updownpro%d-modeuaudio_add_processingpro%d.%d-enableuaudio_add_extensionext%d-enableuaudio_merge_terminal_list: no memory uaudio_io_terminaltype: no memory uaudio_add_alt: no memory %s: no memory %s: ignored setting with type %d format %s: sync pipe for recording not yet implemented %s: ignored setting with precision %d bps %d %s: ignored setting with format %d %s: sync ep descriptor wrong type %s: sync ep descriptor too large %s: sync ep wrong direction %s: sync ep wrong xfer type %s: sync ep bSynchAddress != 0 %s: sync ep address mismatch %s: ignored audio interface with %d endpoints %s: no usable endpoint found uaudio_identify_ac: skip desc type=0x%02x uaudio_identify_ac: unexpected AC header uaudio_identify_ac: bad AC desc subtype=0x%02x equalizationuaudio_round_blocksize: blk=%d %s: error creating sync-pipe: err=%s endpt=0x%02x %s: error creating pipe: err=%s endpt=0x%02x uaudio_chan_pintr: count(%d) != size(%d) %s: count < n %s: transfer count - frame total = %d uaudio_chan_rintr: count(%d) > size(%d) uvideouvideo_r5u87x_05ca-1835uvideo_r5u87x_05ca-1836uvideo_r5u87x_05ca-1837uvideo_r5u87x_05ca-1839uvideo_r5u87x_05ca-183auvideo_r5u87x_05ca-183buvideo_r5u87x_05ca-183euvideo_isight_05ac-8300uvideo_disable: already disabled! %s: no VC_HEADER found! %s: too many VC_HEADERs! %s: no VS interface found! %s: too many PU descriptors found! %s: video control not supported for this device. %s: can't get VS interface %d! %s: no INPUT FORMAT descriptors found! %s: no format descriptors found! %s: no MJPEG frame descriptors available! %s: too many format descriptors found! %s: no UNCOMPRESSED frame descriptors available! YUY2NV12UYVY%s: too many MJPEG frame descriptors found! %s: too many UNCOMPRESSED frame descriptors found! %s: no valid alternate interface found! %s: could not set alternate interface %d! uvideo_vs_negotiation%s: %s: no frame descriptors found! %s: could not SET probe request: %s %s: could not GET probe request: %s %s: could not SET commit request: %s %s: software video buffer is too small! %s: can't allocate frame buffer! %s: could not allocate isoc VS xfer! %s: could not allocate isoc VS buffer! %s: could not allocate bulk VS xfer! %s: could not allocate bulk VS buffer! %s: could not set alternate interface! %s: could not open VS pipe: %s %s: no endpoint descriptor for VS iface vid_close%s: can't create kernel thread!vid_bulkuvideo_vs_decode_stream_header_isightuvideo_mmap_queue: mmap queue is full!Generic USB video class deviceUnknown FormatMJPEGYUYVUnknown UC FormatCamera Terminal%s: can't allocate mmap buffer! vid_mmapuvideo_dqbuf: NULL pointer!%s: ucode activate error=%s! %s: ucode upload error=%s! %s: ucode file incomplete! %s: loadfirmware error=%d! %s: ucode status error=%s! %s: ucode load failed: %s %s: ucode header contains wrong value! %s: failed to init firmware loading state: %s umidi%s: out=%d, in=%d %s: disabled. USB MIDI I/F%s: illegal endpoint(in:%d) %s: illegal endpoint(out:%d) umidi: (ok) %d: already on intrq umidi: (again) %d: already on intrq umidi: missing intr entry Fixed EndpointYamaha Specific(genuine USB-MIDI) ucomucomlkucomopenucomstart: err=%s ucomstart: null oxfer %s: read start failed %s: lost %d chars ucom at %s portno %dugen%s: setting configuration index 0 failed %s: setting configuration %d failed ugenclose: not open ugenread: no edesc ugen_do_readugenriugenrbugenread: no pipe ugenwrite: no edesc ugenwiugen_do_writeugenwbugenwrite: no pipe ugenpoll: no pipe ugenpoll: no edesc hid_start_parsedefault bType=%d Local bTag=%d Main bTag=%d Global bTag=%d BAD LENGTH %d hid_report_size: lo != 0 , %d report id%s%s: no input interrupt endpoint %s: unexpected endpoint %s: could not read endpoint descriptor uhidev%s: no report descriptor %s: iclass %d/%duhid at %s reportid %duhidev_intr: bad repid %d %s: report length too large (%d) uhidev_set_report_asyncuhidevwiuhid: input=%d, output=%d, feature=%d uhid_do_readuhidreauhid_do_ioctl: %d modifier keys, %d key codes%s: was console keyboard hidkbd_decodeno usable key codes arrayukbd, country code %d: %d button%s, W dir, Z dir, Z and W dir %s: mouse has no X report %s: Y report 0x%04x not supported %s: mouse has no Y report %s: X report 0x%04x not supported umsucycomucycom_openulpt%s: setting alternate interface failed bi%s: using %s-directional mode uni%s: could not find bulk out endpoint %s: couldn't get ep %d ulpt: iface desc out of range%s: offline %s: out of paper %s: output error ulptwrumassCBIBulk-OnlyRBC%s: using %s over %s %s: bus attach failed %s: command protocol=0x%x not supported %s: isdata not configured UFIISD-ATACBI with CCI%s: waiting for refcnt %s: got polled xfer %p, but %p already pending %s: BBB bulk-%s stall clear failed, %s %s: Invalid CSW: sig 0x%08x should be 0x%08x %s: Invalid CSW: tag %d should be %d %s: Invalid CSW: status %d > %d %s: Phase Error, residue = %d %s: BBB reset failed, %s %s: BBB bulk-in clear stall failed, %s %s: BBB bulk-out clear stall failed, %s %s: transferred %d bytes instead of %d bytes%s: Unknown state %d%s: CBI bulk-in/out stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI intr-in stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI reset failed, %s %s: CBI bulk-in stall clear failed, %s %s: CBI bulk-out stall clear failed, %s umass_cmd: large datalen, %d %s: Unknown status %d in umass_scsi_cbDCF77HBGudcfUnknownumbgUSB5131unknown statusnot synchronized, time set from host, freerun%s: open tx pipe failed: %s %s: open rx pipe failed: %s %s: failed to get interface, err=%s %s: failed to set configuration, err=%s %s: close tx pipe failed: %s %s: abort tx pipe failed: %s %s: close rx pipe failed: %s %s: abort rx pipe failed: %s urio%s: setting config no failed %s: getting interface handle failed %s: missing endpoint uriorsuriowruvisorGeneric%s: no proper endpoints for port %d (%d,%d) DebuggerHotSyncRemote File System%s: init failed, %s %s: device is neither visor nor palm : failed to get interface, err=%s : failed to set configuration, err=%s udsbr%s: request failed err=%d aue%s: EEPROM read timed out %s: MII read timed out auemii%s: couldn't get endpoint descriptor %d %s: detach has active endpoints %s: no memory for rx list -- packet dropped! %s: %u usb errors on intr: %s %s: %u usb errors on rx: %s %s: usb error on tx: %s %s: aue_send error=%s %s: tx list init failed %s: rx list init failed %s: open intr pipe failed: %s %s: watchdog timeout %s: close intr pipe failed: %s %s: abort intr pipe failed: %s axeaxe%d: read PHY failed axe%d: write PHY failed %s: media change failed axe_setmultiaxemii AX88172 AX88772 AX88178%s: usb errors on rx: %s axe%d: usb error on tx: %s axe%d: rx list init failed axe%d: open rx pipe failed: %s axe%d: open tx pipe failed: %s axe%d: tx list init failed axe%d: watchdog timeout axe%d: close intr pipe failed: %s axe%d: abort intr pipe failed: %s axe%d: close tx pipe failed: %s axe%d: abort tx pipe failed: %s axe%d: close rx pipe failed: %s axe%d: abort rx pipe failed: %s cue%s: read MAC address failed %s: cue_send error=%s kue%s: warm boot, no firmware download %s: failed loadfirmware of file %s: errno %d %s: cold boot, downloading firmware %s: failed to load trigger segment: %s %s: failed to load fixup segment: %s %s: failed to load code segment: %s %s: loading firmware failed %s: could not read Ethernet descriptor %s: no memory for multicast filter buffer %s: kue_send error=%s %s: no proc!! cdce%s: no data interface %s: could not find data bulk out %s: could not find data bulk in %s: no descriptor for bulk endpoint %d %s: interface alternate setting %d failed %s: no descriptor for interrupt endpoint %d extra ethernet descriptor %s: close interrupt pipe failed: %s %s: abort interrupt pipe failed: %s %s: open interrupt pipe failed: %s %s: too many errors, disabling %s: usb error on rx: %s urndis%s: %s %s: out of memory %s: ctrl message error: wrong size %u > %u %s: ctrl message error: unknown event 0x%x %s: init failed 0x%x %s: wrong device type (current type: 0x%x) %s: medium not 802.3 (current medium: 0x%x) %s: ctrl message error: invalid query info len/offset/end_position(%d/%d/%d) -> go out of buffer limit %d %s: query failed 0x%x %s: unable to reset data filters %s: reset failed 0x%x %s: unable to get init response %s: halt failed %s: query failed %s: unable to get query response %s: set failed %s: set failed 0x%x %s: unable to get set response %s: set param failed 0x%x %s: urndis_decap invalid buffer len %u < minimum header %u %s: urndis_decap invalid msg len %u > buffer len %u %s: urndis_decap invalid ethernet size %d < %d %s: urndis_decap invalid data len/offset/end_position(%u/%u/%u) -> go out of receive buffer limit %u %s: urndis_decap invalid msg len %u < %u %s: urndis_decap invalid type 0x%x != 0x%x %s: unable to get hardware address %s: invalid address %s: unable to set data filters %s: no descriptor for bulk endpoint %u %s: interface alternate setting %u failed udavudavmii%s: detach has active intr endpoint. %s: detach has active rx endpoint. %s: detach has active tx endpoint. udav_setmulti%s: udav_send error=%s %s: %s: dying upl%s: upl_send error=%s urlurlmii%s: couldn't get endpoint %d %s: url_send error=%s %s: %s: bad register %04x no %s: data interface %d, has %sCM over data, has %sbreak %s: Could not find data bulk in %s: Could not find data bulk out %s: status change notification available %s: could not set data multiplex mode %s: no endpoint descriptor for %d umodem%s: no pointer to data interface %s: close notify pipe failed: %s %s: abort notify pipe failed: %s %s: abnormal status: %s %s: Invalid notification length! (%d) uftdiuftdi_openuplcom%s: failed to get device descriptor %s: failed to get interface, err=%s %s: Could not find interrupt in %s: reset failed, %s %s: failed to get second interface, err=%s umct %s: failed to set configuration, err=%s uvscom%s: uvscom_readstat: %s %s: uvscom_shutdown: %s %s: uvscom_set_line: %s %s: uvscom_set_line_coding: %s uvsop%s: cannot open interrupt pipe (addr %d) %s: uvscom_intr: abnormal status: %s ubsa%s: failed to get interface: %s %s: failed to set configuration: %s %s: ubsa_request: %s %s: this device is using CDC notify message in intr pipe. Please send your dmesg to , thanks. %s: intr buffer 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x %s:notify serial state, len=%d, data=0x%02x uslcom%s: could not set configuration no %s: could not get interface handle %s: no endpoint descriptor found for %d uarkuipaq%s: no proper endpoints found (%d,%d) %s: unhandled set request: reg=%x onoff=%x uchcom%s: CH340 %s: CH341 %s: failed to get interface: %s %s: intr pipe is too short%s: no data bulk out end point %s: no data bulk in end point %s: no interrupt end point uchcom_read_reguchcom_get_version%s: cannot get version: %s %s: cannot update status: %s %s: cannot set DTR/RTS: %s %s: cannot set DTE rate: %s %s: cannot set LCR: %s %s: cannot get LCR: %s %s: cannot clear: %s %s: cannot reset: %s %s: cannot open interrupt pipe: %s uscanner%s: bulk-in and/or bulk-out endpoint not found %s: could not get interface descriptor, err=%d,id=%p %s: cannot open bulk-out pipe (addr %d) %s: cannot open bulk-in pipe (addr %d) uscannerclose: not open uscnrbuscnwbwi_usb%s: open pipes failed %s: already detached %s:%s: invalid packet id sent %x invalid packet len: %x memsz %x max %x %s: %s: error=%s write_record buf size err %x %x wiTXsync%s: %s error=%s UGH RX UGH TX wi_usb: received USB_BUFAVAIL packet wi_usb: received USB_ERROR packet wiIDLwitxlwiusbthratuatu-rfmd-intatu-rfmd-extatu-rfmd2958-intatu-rfmd2958-extatu-rfmd2958smc-intatu-rfmd2958smc-extatu-intersil-intatu-intersil-extatu-at76c503-i3863-intatu-at76c503-i3863-extatu-at76c503-rfmd-acc-intatu-at76c503-rfmd-acc-extatu-at76c505-rfmd-intatu-at76c505-rfmd-extatu_send_mibatu_start_scanatu_initial_configatu_joinunknown-device%s: %s loadfirmware error %d %s: reattaching after firmware upload atu_get_card_config%s: could not get card cfg! atu_rxeofatu_tx_start size=0 dying%s: %s%s%s %s: sc=%p, isoc=%p ubt%s: ubt_match %s: failed to set configuration idx 0: %s %s: Could not get interface 0 handle %s (%d) %s: missing INTERRUPT endpoint on interface 0 %s: missing BULK OUT endpoint on interface 0 %s: Could not get interface 1 handle %s (%d) %s: could not get config descriptor %s: ISOC config failed %s: missing BULK IN endpoint on interface 0 %s: could not read endpoint descriptor %d %s: ubt_attach: sc=%p %s: sc=%p flags=%d %s: driver detached %s: sc=%p, act=%d %s: Could not set config %d on ISOC interface. %s (%d) %s: missing ISOC IN endpoint on interface config %d %s: %s: endpoint type %02x (%02x) addr %02x (%s) %s: rd_size=%d exceeds MLEN %s: wr_size=%d exceeds MLEN %s: missing ISOC OUT endpoint on interface config %d %s: sc=%p ../../../../dev/usb/ubt.csc->sc_enabled%s: usbd_transfer status=%s (%d) status != USBD_NORMAL_COMPLETION%s: %s: xmit CMD packet (%d bytes) %s: sc_dying %s: status=%s (%d) %s: sc_refcnt=%d %s: %s: CMD complete status=%s (%d) %s: %s: truncating ACL packet (%d => %d)! %s: %s: xmit ACL packet (%d bytes) %s: %s: ACL complete status=%s (%d) %s: isoc=%p, len=%d, space=%d %s: isoc=%p, status=%s (%d) xfer == isoc->xfer%s: dumped undersized event (count = %d) %s: sc=%p status=%s (%d) %s: sc_aclrd_busy=%d, sc_dying=%d %s: dumped undersized packet (%d) %s: refcnt = %d isoc != NULL%s: out of memory (xfer halted) %s: sc=%p, isoc=%p, count=%u %s: refcnt=%d isoc->xfer == xferural%s: MAC/BBP RT%04x (rev 0x%02x), RF %s, address %s %s: no endpoint descriptor for iface %d %s: could not allocate tx buffer %s: could not allocate tx xfer %s: could not allocate rx buffer %s: could not allocate rx xfer %s: could not allocate beacon %s: could not transmit beacon %s: could not transmit buffer: %s ural_rxeofural_tx_data%s: could not allocate protection frame %s: could not read EEPROM: %s %s: could not read MAC register: %s %s: could not write MAC register: %s %s: could not write to BBP %s: could not read BBP %s: could not write to RF RT2522RT2523RT2524RT2525RT2525eRT2526RT5222%s: timeout waiting for BBP %s: could not allocate AMRR xfer %s: could not allocate Tx list %s: could not allocate Rx list %s: could not queue Rx transfer %s: could not open Rx pipe: %s %s: could not open Tx pipe: %s %s: timeout waiting for BBP/RF to wakeup %s: could not retrieve Tx statistics - cancelling automatic rate control rumrum-rt2573%s: failed loadfirmware of file %s (error %d) %s: could not load 8051 microcode %s: MAC/BBP RT%04x (rev 0x%05x), RF %s, address %s %s: timeout waiting for chip to settle rum_rxeofrum_tx_data%s: could not multi read MAC register: %s %s: could not multi write MAC register: %s RT2527 (MIMO XR)RT5226RT2528RT5225 (MIMO XR)%s: could not run firmware: %s %s: could not allocate beacon frame %s: timeout waiting for NIC to initialize %s: MAC/BBP RT%04X (rev 0x%04X), RF %s (MIMO %dT%dR), address %s cmdqrun-rt3071%s: timeout waiting for MCU to initialize %s: invalid firmware size (should be 4KB) run-rt2870../../../../dev/usb/if_run.c(len & 1) == 0RT2820RT2850RT2720RT2750RT3020RT2020RT3021RT3022RT3052len <= sizeof (cmd->data)run_set_keyrun_set_key_cbrun_delete_keyrun_rx_framerun_txchan >= 1 && chan <= 14%s: could not reset chipset %s: could not initialize BBP %s: timeout waiting for DMA engine %s: HMAC ZD1211%s, FW %02x.%02x, RF %s, PA %x, address %s %s: hardware initialization failed zydzd1211zd1211b%s: error %d, could not read firmware file %s %s: could not load firmware (error=%d) %s: device version mismatch: 0x%x (only >= 43.30 supported) %s: could not open pipes %s: could not read EEPROM %s: could not attach RF %s: open tx intr pipe failed: %s %s: open rx intr pipe failed: %s zyd_cmdzydcmd%s: could not send command (error=%s) %s: sorry, radio "%s" is not supported yet UW2451UCHIPAL2230AL7230BTHETAAL2210MAXIM_NEWGCTAL2230SRALINKRFMDMAXIM_NEW2PHILIPS%s: radio initialization failed %s: unknown notification %x zyd_rx_datazyd_txusbf%s: can't establish softintr %s: usbf_new_device failed, %s %s: can't create task thread set config activated ../../../../dev/usb/usbf_subr.cdev->function == NULLdev != NULL && dev == up->deviceup->device == NULL%s %s, rev %d.%02d/%d.%02dusbf_devinfo_allocusbf_allocmemxfer %p already has a buffer usbf_free_buffer: no buffer usbf_start_next: %s SIMPLEQ_FIRST(&pipe->queue) == xferbus->soft == NULLcdcefOpenBSD.orgCDC Ethernet Emulation: usbf_add_config failed : usbf_add_interface failed : usbf_add_endpoint failed : usbf_add_config_desc failed : usbf_end_config failed : usbf_alloc_buffer failed : usbf_open_pipe failed : usbf_transfer failed : address %s cdcef_do_request %s: usbf_transfer failed encap error uow%s: failed to set config %d: %s %s: failed to get iface %d: %s %s: failed to open bulk-in pipe: %s %s: failed to open intr pipe: %s %s: failed to open bulk-out pipe: %s %s: missing endpoint: ibulk %d, obulk %d, intr %d %s: failed to get endpoint %d descriptor uow_ow_matchromuow_ow_searchuowcmd%s: cmd timeout, type 0x%02x, cmd 0x%04x, param 0x%04x %s: cmd failed, type 0x%02x, cmd 0x%04x, param 0x%04x: %s %s: read %d bytes, xfer too big %s: read failed, len %d: %s %s: failed to alloc xfer %s: write %d bytes, xfer too big %s: write failed, len %d: %s bthub %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02xbthidev auth encrypt unknown link-mode: %d secure: no descriptor : no descriptor: no reports found %s: connect (#%d) %s: l2cap_attach failed (%d) %s: l2cap_bind failed (%d) %s: l2cap_connect failed (%d) ../../../../dev/bluetooth/bthidev.csc->sc_ctl != NULL%s: connect failed (%d) sc->sc_int == NULL%s: connected sc->sc_int != NULL%s: disconnected %s: auth failed %s: encrypt off %s: insecure %s: unplugged %s: report id %d, len = %d ignored %s: truncating HID report %s: output report too long (%d)! btmsbtkbdbtsco listen mode invalid channel channel %d %s: audio_attach_mi failed %s: tx_refcnt=%d! ../../../../dev/bluetooth/btsco.csc->sc_sco != NULLsc->sc_state == BTSCO_WAIT_CONNECTsc->sc_statesc->sc_rx_intr != NULLsc->sc_rx_block != NULLconnectdrain%s: ring buffer unreleased! mii_attach: phyloc and offloc specifiedmii_detach: phyloc and offloc specifiedOUI 0x%06x model 0x%04x rev %d at %s phy %dmii_phy_setmediamii_phy_setmedia: MASTER on wrong mediamiiautnsphyDP83840 10/100 PHY: %s, rev. %d nsphyterDP83815 10/100 PHYDP83843 10/100 PHYDP83847 10/100 PHYqsphyQS6612 10/100 PHYinphyi82555 10/100 PHYi82562EM 10/100 PHYi82562ET 10/100 PHYi82562G 10/100 PHYiophyi82553 10/100 PHYeephy88E1000 1 Gigabit PHY88E1000 2 Gigabit PHY88E1000 3 Gigabit PHY88E1000 4 Gigabit PHY88E1000S Gigabit PHY88E1011 Gigabit PHY88E1111 Gigabit PHY88E1112 Gigabit PHY88E1116 Gigabit PHY88E1116R Gigabit PHY88E1118 Gigabit PHY88E1149 Gigabit PHY88E3016 10/100 PHY88E3082 10/100 PHY88E1000 5 Gigabit PHY88E1000 6 Gigabit PHY88E1000 7 Gigabit PHYexphyxl: 3Com internal media interface %s: ignoring this PHY, non-zero instance exphy_service: can't isolate 3Com PHYrlphyRTL8201L 10/100 PHYIP101 10/100 PHYrl: RTL internal PHY rlphy_service: attempt to isolate phylxtphyLXT970 10/100 PHYLXT971 10/100 PHYmtdphyMTD972 10/100 PHYicsphyICS1890 10/100 PHYICS1892 10/100 PHYICS1893 10/100 PHYsqphy80220 10/100 PHY80225 10/100 PHY84220 10/100 PHYtqphy78Q2120 10/100 PHYukphy: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface, rev. %d: OUI 0x%06x, model 0x%04x %s: no media present bmtphy3C905B internal PHY3C905C internal PHYBCM4401 10/100baseTX PHYBCM5201 10/100 PHYBCM5214 Quad 10/100 PHYBCM5220 10/100 PHYBCM5221 100baseTX PHYBCM5222 Dual 10/100 PHYamphyAm79C873 10/100 PHYDM9101 10/100 PHYDM9102 10/100 PHYDM9601 10/100 PHYAm79C875 quad PHYacphyAC101 10/100 PHYAC101L 10/100 PHYAC_UNKNOWN 10/100 PHYnsgphyDP83861 10/100/1000 PHYDP83865 10/100/1000 PHYDP83891 10/100/1000 PHYurlphy: RTL internal phy %s: %s: enter %s: %s: link %s mmcdiemmctsk%s: can't enable card %s: no functions ../../../../dev/sdmmc/sdmmc.clockstatus(&((sc))->sc_lock) == LK_EXCLUSIVE%s: can't supply bus power %s: can't supply clock %s: can't identify card %s: mem init failed %s: i/o init failed mmcdlySpectecSDIO WLAN CardSDW-820../../../../dev/sdmmc/sdmmc_cis.clockstatus(&((sf->sc))->sc_lock) == LK_EXCLUSIVE%s: bad CIS ptr %#x %s: CISTPL_VERS_1 too short %s: bad CISTPL_FUNCID length %s: bad CISTPL_MANFID length %s: CIS parse error at %d, tuple code %#x, length %d %s: CIS version %d.%d wireless network adapter%s(%sat %s%s: can't supply voltage requested by card %s: can't send I/O OCR ../../../../dev/sdmmc/sdmmc_io.c%s: can't set I/O RCA %s: can't select I/O RCA %d %s: can't read CIS TAILQ_EMPTY(&sc->sc_intrq)../../../../dev/sdmmc/sdmmc_mem.c%s: can't set mem RCA %s: unknown SD CSD structure version 0x%x %s: unknown MMC CSD structure version 0x%x %s: unknown MMC version %d %s: can't attach scsibus %s: can't allocate ccbs ../../../../dev/sdmmc/sdmmc_scsi.cgetccbSD/MMC Drive #%02dsdmmc_scsi_cmd%s: out of ccbs sbt%s: function not ready %s: SDIO Bluetooth Type-A %s: can't allocate cmd buffer %s: can't allocate workq ../../../../dev/sdmmc/sbt.clockstatus(&((sc->sc_sf->sc))->sc_lock) == LK_EXCLUSIVEsbtdie%s: sbt_write_packet: failed to send length %s: sbt_write_packet: failed to send packet data %s: sbt_write_cmd: giving up %s: sbt_read_packet: failed to read length %s: sbt_read_packet: failed to read packet data %s: sbt_read_packet: reading len %u bytes %s: sbt_read_packet: len %u > %u %s: sbt_intr: read failed %s: sbt_intr: m_copyback failed %s: recv 0x%x packet (%d bytes) %s: recv ACL packet (%d bytes) %s: recv EVENT packet (%d bytes) %s: recv SCO packet (%d bytes) %s: sbt_intr: MGETHDR failed CMD%s: xmit %s packet (%d bytes) %s: sbt_write_packet failed onewireowdtfamily 0x%02x"%s" sn %012llxonewire at %sowscanonewire_searchowidle%s: can't create kernel thread IDMultiKey4kb NVRAM + RTCAddressable Switch4kb NVRAM1kb NVRAM1kb EPROM16kb NVRAM16kb EPROM64kb NVRAM64kb EPROMTemperatureAddressable Switch + 1kb NVRAM256b EEPROMJava4kb EEPROM + PIO4kb NVRAM + CounterMicrolan Coupler4kb EEPROMSmart Battery MonitorRTC with interrupt8-channel Addressable SwitchDigital Potentiometer1kb EEPROMLithium Battery Monitor2-channel Addressable SwitchTemperature + 8kb datalog20kb EEPROMowidsn %012llxowsbmVDDVADCR: unable to register update task owsbm_updateowtempowtemp_updateowctrCounter A sn %012llxCounter B sn %012llx%s: invalid CRC %s: malloc() failed Wd'(3  <<d d@@ @ @p@ tlLKKKK{L`aLK\NpNNKK(K0K>N8KTN4$`8u"5_-#a+,vT. 28^[*=/\Yw]0ODOlOOO,OlOЂOOOlO OO̙OlOOOOlOO P PlOOPPxOOd'Px'PlOO'P'POO'P'POO'P(PЀOO$(P8(PxOO@)PT)POOl)P)POO)P)POO)P)POO*P OOO*P OOO*P OĀOO4+POOOT-P@-POO x3PؗOOO3P OOO3PD8POO|4POOO4PpOOO\5Pp5POO5P5POO5P5POO5P5POO6P4POO@6P5POOT6Ph6POO|6P+POO6P6POO6P6POO7P7POO7PlOOO 8P 8POO8P8PԀOO<9P(9PԀOOLh(4($A( 3* 7* w,';(?,,h(u,pt, ,d, X,= h( ?@(f,*h((, ( + 8+ ?$(,??? +,++h( ?H??(? ? ?h(J)(H+h( 4* 88*J) ̒,L,?(t(,?L?(,+++,,(,h(`L) T?LFLFL$FL(FL4FL M-O B-OH-OH-@OH-LO I-XOI-dOI-pO(Q-|O8U-O V-Odɜ@ۿRdv!0&gv4DUJüXџn|ك1 w.fT@R+:dN_vm|$ÿ6H ;Z*^lO}~l .ǟ䩐 2ZLKy^hh ?z.ĕ*8FkzTHYb-;O;O|;Oĩ:O̩:(O,@OHX;LOC;XOlD;dO F;pOlP;|OlS;OT;O:OU;O,O<:OX;Oh:O:O:$O:O:O:O: O V;0O,VOO,Ox:O<;O<;O>;O:O4:@OHX;O<:OX;Oh:O:O:O:V0OO,O:O<;O<;O>;OT:O:@OHX;O<:ODY;Oh:O:O:O:0O,VOY;Y;];^;Y;2*Y;2*O;Ot;O;O,O,O,l StODJnnpfsO;O܈;O(;@O<;OP;Oh;O|;O;O;O;O;O;OȈ;O;LOl;XO|;dO܊;pOx;|O;O`;Op;O;O ;O ;OH;O;O;Ȍ;4Ot;O; 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