1. "The Way Back"
by Terry Nation
Directed by Michael Briant

(c) 1977 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Series created by
Terry Nation. This is a complete dialogue transcript for research
purposes and is not for sale under any circumstances. Format (c) 1994
by Susan Clerc, Micky DuPree, Carol Reed and Susan Beth Schnitger.

Dramatis Personae

Roj Blake -- Gareth Thomas
Jenna Stannis -- Sally Knyvette
Vila Restal -- Michael Keating
Bran Foster -- Robert Beatty
Ven Glynd -- Robert James
Dev Tarrant -- Jeremy Wilkin
Tel Varon -- Michael Halsey
Maja -- Pippa Steel
Ravella -- Gillian Bailey
Dal Richie -- Alan Butler
Arbiter -- Margaret John
Doctor Havant -- Peter Williams
Alta Morag -- Susan Field
Clerk of Court -- Rodney Figaro
Computer Operator -- Nigel Lambert
Guard -- Garry McDermott


Public address
Public address (male)
Assorted rebels
Female prisoner


Les Shannon           Derek Southern
John Hensen           Sandy Sinclair
Barry Summerford        Mort Jackson
Beryl Nisbett

NOTE: ______ = unintelligible

[A security camera monitors a sterile white hallway. Thoroughout this
scene other people pass through the area in a lackadaisical, "out of
it" manner while the P.A. broadcasts soothing music and announcements.
Blake stops and looks around before moving on]
    P.A.:  Attention. Level thirty-eight walkways will be closed for
           one hour. Level thirty-eight cardholders must report to
           Central immediately.
 RAVELLA:  [Waiting behind a pillar labeled L/37] Roj.
   BLAKE:  Ah, Ravella.
 RAVELLA:  [She pulls him behind the pillar] Did you have any trouble?
   BLAKE:  No.
 RAVELLA:  You followed the route I gave you?
   BLAKE:  Yes. Can we get on with it please.
 RAVELLA:  Come on. [They begin walking]
    P.A.:  [In the background, mostly unintelligible] ____ engineering
           of the new ___ of the new discovery ____-
 RAVELLA:  And eating and drinking -- you've managed to do without?
   BLAKE:  Well, since you were so insistent I've done without food or
           drink for thirty-six hours.
 RAVELLA:  How do you feel?
   BLAKE:  Hungry and thirsty, of course.
 RAVELLA:  Nothing else? [She turns to check behind them]
   BLAKE:  Ravella, is this some kind of practical joke?
 RAVELLA:  It's no joke.
           [Unnoticed by Ravella and Blake, Dev Tarrant, who had been
           walking in a "drugged" manner, drops that mannerism and
           begins to follow them at a distance]
    P.A.:  The President will be answering questions about new
           population control ____ measures.

[They walk down a metal staircase into sub forty-three]
 RAVELLA:  All our food and drink is treated with suppressants. Going
           without for a day and a half, they should be wearing off.
   BLAKE:  [Laughs] Not that again.
           [Richie emerges from the side and kisses Ravella on the
 RAVELLA:  Dal Richie, Roj Blake. [They shake hands]
  RICHIE:  Been looking forward to meeting you. I hear your family
           settled on the Outer Planets?
   BLAKE:  Brother and a sister on Ziegler Five.
  RICHIE:  Do you hear from them much?
   BLAKE:  I get vistapes a couple of times a year. Look, what is this?
           I was told you had some news about them.
  RICHIE:  No, not me. The man we're going to meet. He specially
           asked us to contact you so he could tell you in person. He
           was on Ziegler Five a few months ago. [They have moved
           closer to a large, closed door]
   BLAKE:  Where is he now?
 RAVELLA:  Waiting for us. Outside.
   BLAKE:  Outside?
  RICHIE:  Don't worry. It's not all that bad. The air's fresh though it
           smells different.
   BLAKE:  You realize going outside is a Category Four crime?
  RICHIE:  We do know the law.
 RAVELLA:  Yes, so whatever you see tonight you keep silent about.
  RICHIE:  Well? Are you coming?
   BLAKE:  Let's get on with it. [Richie fiddles around with the door
           panel and a tool box] What are you doing?
  RICHIE:  Picking the lock.
           [Ravella looks back toward the staircase]
   BLAKE:  What is it?
 RAVELLA:  It's nothing.
           [Tarrant watches from the stairs]
  RICHIE:  Now, one more thing. If you open the door, it registers on
           the computer. These are circuit integrators. Now you could
           steal this entire section of wall and the machine would
           cheerfully ignore you.  Ready?
 RAVELLA:  [To Blake] Now look: you report anything to the
           authorities, you'll find yourself implicated more deeply
           than you imagine.
           [Richie turns a crank on a box and the door opens. Tarrant
           watches from the stairs as the other three exit, then
           follows them through the door, up a ladder, and finally
           outside. The city, a huge, grey dome, looms behind them
           against the night sky]

[They stop at a stream. Ravella scoops up a handful of water and
 RAVELLA:  [To Blake] Try some.
   BLAKE:  Hm?
 RAVELLA:  It's natural water. [Blake tries some] The stuff we get's
           been recycled a thousand times [Blake spits it out] -- and
           it's dosed with suppressants.
  RICHIE:  I'll check ahead. Watch for my signal.
 RAVELLA:  Okay.
   BLAKE:  Improves the flavor if nothing else.
           [Richie wades off across the stream, carrying his boots.]
 RAVELLA:  Doesn't it bother you that you spend your life in a state of
           drug-induced tranquility? [removes her boots]
   BLAKE:  We've got to traverse that?
 RAVELLA:  Yeah.
   BLAKE:  [Removes his boots] Why should the Administration try to
           drug us?
 RAVELLA:  To keep control. They've been stepping up the suppressants
           because the number of dissidents is growing.
   BLAKE:  Should I take this? [Picks up Richie's box and they begin
           to cross the stream]
RAVELLA:  They've seen what's happening and they want to stop it.
   BLAKE:  Stop what?
 RAVELLA:  Don't you know? Don't you remember anything about the
           treatments they gave you?
   BLAKE:  I've had no treatments.
 RAVELLA:  I thought there'd be something left, some trace of memory.
   BLAKE:  What about my memory?
 RAVELLA:  There's the signal. [A flashlight beam is seen waving.]
           [Tarrant watches from the bushes. Blake and Ravella
           approach the tunnel entrance and are admitted by Richie]

[Tarrant follows their route]

[The tunnel.  Richie takes his box from Blake. There are many people
in the corridor, wearing mainly gray toned robes very different from
the garb of city dwellers.  They all watch as Blake passes by them.]
   BLAKE:  They're Outsiders!
  RICHIE:  Quite a few of them are working for our cause now.
   BLAKE:  But it's illegal to have contact with anyone who lives outside
           the city.
 RICHIE:  Right, but then this whole meeting is illegal.
   BLAKE:  I'm leaving. I want nothing to do with this. You told me I
           was going to meet a man who could tell some news about my
  RICHIE:  Hold on, Blake. You've got to hear Foster.
   BLAKE:  I don't want to hear Foster. I should report everything I've
           seen to the Administration.
 RAVELLA:  You can't do that.
   BLAKE:  Why not?
  RICHIE:  We've left documents in the city with your signature on
           them. Forged, of course, but convincing enough to implicate
           you in everything we've been doing.
 RAVELLA:  Don't have any doubts. One word in the wrong place can make
           you look as guilty as any of us.
  RICHIE:  And looking guilty is all it takes.
           [Foster approaches the three of them and shakes Blake's
  FOSTER:  Roj! Good to see you. It's been a long time. [Persists] Bran
           Foster. Oh! Stupid of me. You don't remember. You had the
   BLAKE:  Look, what is this? I've had no treatments, my memory is
           fine. Now what is going on?
  FOSTER:  Now, now, now. [He takes Blake aside]I know, I know, it's
           difficult for you. Then, too, it's difficult for those of
           us who knew you before. But the important thing is, you're
 TARRANT:  [Enters and speaks to Ravella and Richie in the background]
           I had trouble getting out of the city, the route was
           crowded. For a while there I thought we'd been infiltrated.
  FOSTER:  Dev Tarrant's here. Dev! [Beckons him over] You remember
           Roj Blake.
 TARRANT:  Oh, yes. We met before. [They shake hands]
  FOSTER:  [To Blake] Dev Tarrant. [To Tarrant] Ah, I'm trying to
           persuade Roj to rejoin us.
 TARRANT:  Yes. [Takes his leave]
  FOSTER:  [Still leading Blake aside] Now, I want you to listen to what
           I have to tell you. After that you can do whatever you
   BLAKE:  All right. Now what do you know about my family?
  FOSTER:  Well, I'll come to that. There are other things you should
           know first.
   BLAKE:  Forget the other things. Just what do you know?
  FOSTER:  [Tarrant is visible in the background through most of this]
           They're dead. Your brother and sister are both dead. I'm
           sorry, I didn't intend you to hear it like that. They were
           executed four years ago just after your trial.
   BLAKE:  Executed? No, that's not true. I hear from them regularly. I
           had a vistape only a month ago.
  FOSTER:  Those tapes are fakes. Part of the treatment to keep your
           memory suppressed. Now, this isn't going to be easy for
           you, but I'm going to have to tell you things about
           yourself of which you have no memory. Will you hear me out?
   BLAKE:  Go on.
  FOSTER:  Four years ago, there was a good deal of discontent with the
           Administration. There were many activist groups. But the
           only one that really meant anything was led by Roj Blake.
           You and I worked together.  We were outlawed and hunted.
           But we had supporters and we were making progress. Then
           someone betrayed us, I still don't know who. You were
           captured. So were most of our followers. They could have
           killed you.  But that would have given the Cause a martyr.
           [As Foster continues, we see Blake's memories of being
           tortured, captured, and beaten] So instead they put you
           into intensive therapy. They erased areas of your mind,
           they implanted new ideas. They literally took your mind to
           pieces and rebuilt it. And when they'd finished, they put
           you up and you confessed. You said you'd been "misguided."
           You appealed to everyone to support the Administration,
           hound up the traitors. Oh, they, they did a good job on
           you. You were very convincing. And then they took you back
           and erased even that.
   BLAKE:  What happened to the others?
  FOSTER:  In their benevolence, the Federation allowed them to emigrate
           to the Outer Worlds. Like your family, they were executed
           on arrival.
   BLAKE:  Why are you telling me this now?
  FOSTER:  Because we're preparing to move again. And if it were known
           that you were with us, we'd get more support. How do you
           feel? Will you help us again?
   BLAKE:  I don't know. I'm not even sure that I believe you.
  FOSTER:  It's all true.
   BLAKE:  I have to think.
  FOSTER:  Of course. We'll talk after the meeting.
   BLAKE:  Hmm. [He walks off to another part of the tunnel]
 TARRANT:  [Steps up to him] What do you think?
  FOSTER:  I don't know. There's not much left of the man I knew. We'll
           see. All right, let's get started, shall we?
 TARRANT:  [Announcing] All right, everybody, come on. Let's start the
           meeting now. You come over here and make a group.
           [The rebels sit in a group on the floor and applaud as
           Foster steps in front of them to speak.]
  FOSTER:  Thank you for turning up. Now we all know the risks that
           we're running in being here, so I'll be as brief as
           possible. You've probably heard that the settlers in the
           Outer Worlds are rightly demanding greater autonomy. If we
           can help to unify their voices, the Administration will
           have to listen.
           [Blake wanders through the tunnel and hides when he sees
           Federation troopers arrive. While this is happening,
           Foster's voice is heard in the background. It sounds like a
           repetition of his last two lines]

[Meeting area]
  FOSTER:  The security forces are already overstretched. If we can step
           up our campaign of civil disobedience here on Earth, they
           will have to concentrate their forces here, and that will
           give the Outer Worlds much more freedom of action. Now we
           must aim to have at least one world declare its
           independence within the next two years.
  REBELS:  Hear hear.

[Back in the tunnel, Blake changes hiding places as more troopers
appear. Again, Foster's voice is in the background, apparently
repeating his last lines]
 TROOPER:  [V.O. on comm link] Unit Three, move in.

[Meeting area]
  FOSTER:  Now, I think most of you know my old friend, Dev Tarrant. Dev
           will give you details of how we can all help.
 TARRANT:  We've got to cause as much disruption as possible in the
           food manufacturing division. There's nothing more effective
           than ration cuts to cause unrest. I've worked out methods
           by which this disruption can be implemented.
           [Troopers enter from several directions]
  FOSTER:  [To the rebels] Now, do not attempt to resist arrest. No
           matter what the provocation, we must not resort to violence.
           [To troopers] We claim our rights as citizens, and demand
           to be treated as civil prisoners.
           [The troopers open fire and the rebels scramble for cover
           that isn't there. Scene cuts between the massacre and Blake
           listening helplessly in the tunnel. Blake emerges from
           hiding some time later and sees the corpses. When he
           returns to the city, he is captured, triggering again the
           memories shown during Foster's talk with him]

[Cell. Blake is sitting cross-legged on a metal bunk, with his hands
pressed to his temples. There is droning/humming noise in the
background throughout]
  HAVANT:  You're obviously suffering from a severe emotional
           disturbance. We must try to unravel this fantasy.
   BLAKE:  It is NOT a fantasy.
  HAVANT:  Of course it isn't.
   BLAKE:  [Looks up] Do you believe me?
  HAVANT:  To you it isn't a fantasy.
   BLAKE:  [After a pause] Get out! Leave me alone.
  HAVANT:  Reality is a dangerous concept. Each one of us interprets it
           in a slightly different way. Every sense impression is
           filtered by the brain and altered, sometimes just a little,
           sometimes completely, to fit our individual model of what
           the world is about. If that model should be challenged ...
   BLAKE:  [Has started chanting over and over to himself] I am NOT
           insane. I am NOT insane ...
  HAVANT:  No. You must put that thought completely out of your mind.
           You've had a shock.
   BLAKE:  [Stops chanting] Yes.
  HAVANT:  We must work together to uncover what that shock was. I'm
           going to prescribe a mild sedative--
   BLAKE:  No drugs!
  HAVANT:  --a mild sedative to help you to sleep. You must rest.
   BLAKE:  No! No drugs.
  HAVANT:  All right, no drugs. Now try not to think anymore. Don't
           worry, we'll get it sorted out.
   BLAKE:  [alone, huddled down in a corner of the cell] I can't
           remember. I can't remember!

[Ven Glynd's office. Blake, pacing in his cell and glaring at the
security camera hidden in the ceiling light, is shown on a large
screen on the far wall throughout the scene]
   GLYND:  Can he break through the memory blocks, Dr. Havant?
  HAVANT:  It's unlikely. We don't eradicate memory, of course, merely
           make it inaccessible. But in the normal healthy mind the
           barriers are impenetrable. Should he suffer anything like a
           nervous breakdown, where all the mental circuitry
           malfunctions, as it were, then he might just possibly find
           a route into his past.
   GLYND:  Mm. That might just possibly prove something of a problem.
  HAVANT:  Can't he be eliminated?
   MORAG:  No, he's a symbol of opposition to the Administration.
  HAVANT:  So?
   GLYND:  We've done cross-sectional psych readings which show that a
           high percentage of people, particularly the younger ones,
           believe that Blake's trial was a showpiece, that his
           statements were rigged.
   MORAG:  His death could be used by the dissidents. They need a hero.
           Alive or dead, Blake could be it.
  HAVANT:  Difficult. I suppose my department could infect him, some
           rapidly terminal disease. Would his natural death help?
   GLYND:  I don't think so.
   MORAG:  What we need is something to discredit him. If he could be
           deported to Cygnus Alpha .... Doctor, am I right in
           thinking you can create experiences, implant them into a
           subject, who will then believe that they really happened?
  HAVANT:  Of course. In fact, creating an illusion of reality is quite
   MORAG:  Good. Then I think we can totally destroy Blake's credibility
           and get him sentenced. [to Glynd] But I'd like to do a
           feasibility check. [Gynd nods] Doctor, would you come with
           me please.
  HAVANT:  As you wish.
   GLYND:  I want to bring charges soon, Morag.
   MORAG:  Oh, I shall report back.
           [Morag and Havant exit through the main door and Tarrant
           enters from a back corner]
   GLYND:  You heard?
 TARRANT:  I heard.
   GLYND:  Satisfied?
 TARRANT:  Not yet. He can identify me. My whole operation is at risk.
           I'll be satisfied when the risk is eliminated.

   BLAKE:  [V.O.] Remember. Remember. Remember. Remember.

[Glynd's office, later. Morag is already seated]
   GLYND:  Varon. Come in. [Varon does so] Do sit down.
   VARON:  Thank you.
   GLYND:  You know Morag, don't you?
   VARON:  Yes. Morag.
   MORAG:  Varon.
   GLYND:  I've got a defense assignment for you. Not a very pleasant
           one, I'm afraid.
   VARON:  [Takes a plastic flimsy from him] Eh.
   GLYND:  Morag is prosecuting.
   MORAG:  The evidence is indisputable. If I were you, I should
           concentrate on the mitigation.
   VARON:  Mm.
   GLYND:  Varon, I'm aware that I needn't say this to you of all
           people, but I will say it because I feel so very strongly
           about this case. I want you to do everything in your power
           to help the man. Our first concern must be to see that he
           has justice.

[Prison. Varon gives a guard the plastic flimsy and the guard pushes
some buttons]
    P.A.:  [V.O.] Security clear on cell unit M-three for Justice
           Department access.
           [Varon walks over to a small table facing onto the glass
           wall of Blake's cell. Blake is lying on his back on the
   VARON:  I'm Tel Varon, Justice Department. I've been assigned to
           defend you.
   BLAKE:  I don't need a defense. I'm going to plead guilty.
   VARON:  Come now. Certainly the evidence against you is strong --
   BLAKE:  I just want to make a statement in open court. I want those
           responsible for the massacre brought to trial.
   VARON:  I'm sorry?
   BLAKE:  There can be no justification for deliberate murder.
   VARON:  There's nothing in the charges about murder. There are a
           number of other counts. Assault on a minor, attempting to
           corrupt minors, moral deviation ...
   BLAKE:  Let me see that! [He gets up and reads the sheet Varon presses
           against the glass] All involving children! None of this is
   VARON:  Of course not. That's why you surprised me when you said you'd
           plead guilty.
   BLAKE:  [Splutters] Well, yes, but not to this, not to these charges.
   VARON:  They are the only ones that have been brought against you. And
           I must tell you frankly the evidence against you is very
   BLAKE:  Well, if there is any evidence, it's been faked!
   VARON:  I've had the opportunity of talking to the children -- that
           is, the prosecution witnesses -- and they do seem very
           certain of their facts.
   BLAKE:  Oh, yes, yes. Yes, their briefing would have been perfect.
           [Sits back on the bunk]
   VARON:  If I may, I'd like to outline how I think we should conduct
           your case.
   BLAKE:  [In the background behind Varon's lines] They set me up
   VARON:  There is a possible approach if we could cite your record:
           your breakdown after your involvement with those illegal
           political groups, the remorse that you felt, the guilt you
           carried has placed you under an enormous strain. And we can
           submit that these assaults, these aberrations were carried
           out whilst you were mentally unbalanced.
   BLAKE:  I will offer no defense, but I will plead not guilty.
   VARON:  These are grave charges. Without extenuating circumstances,
           you might face deportation. A mental institution would be
           better than spending the rest of your life on Cygnus Alpha.
   BLAKE:  [Firmly] I will offer no defense. Right?
   VARON:  Won't you reconsider?
   BLAKE:  Even if you could prove me innocent, the charges have been
           made. I've got to hand it to them. [To the security camera]
           You've done a brilliant job!!

[Courtroom. Varon enters and joins Blake in an alcove]
   VARON:  Good morning.
   BLAKE:  I've had a chance to think things through. It's vital that I
           have the opportunity to make that statement to the open
   VARON:  Well that's up to the Arbiter. It's not usual.
   BLAKE:  There's no way you can prove my innocence, is there?
   VARON:  [protests] You've given me no chance to try.
   VARON:  It is doubtful.
   BLAKE:  I AM innocent.
   VARON:  I've spoken to the children. Their statements were all
           verified by lie detector. And that puts them beyond
   BLAKE:  [Motions for him to sit down] The Administration has gone to
           enormous trouble -- I mean, they've even put themselves at
           risk. There must be a number of people involved who know
           the truth. Now why? Why would they take that chance?
   VARON:  There's no possible reason that I can think of.
   BLAKE:  Look, I know you've heard the evidence, but, just for the
           moment, assume that I am innocent.
   VARON:  All right.
   BLAKE:  Now at first, I thought they wanted to silence me because I
           was the witness to the murder of twenty people. The only
   VARON:  If they're as ruthless as you suggest, then why didn't they
           simply eliminate you?
   BLAKE:  Because I was something of a political figure -- or so you
           told me.
   VARON:  It's true, you, you had a considerable following, but then you
           publicly denounced your whole movement and pledged support
           to the Administration. It's suggested there are still
           people who secretly believe you were coerced into that
   BLAKE:  Exactly. And my death would merely reinforce those beliefs.
           It, it's exactly the same as if I were arraigned for being
           at a proscribed political meeting. And so they trump up
           these charges against me.
   VARON:  If it were true, do you realize the implications of what
           you're saying? It would mean there is corruption at a high
           level of the Administration.
   CLERK:  Now be silent. By the authority of the Terran Federation,
           this tribunal is in session.
           [The arbiter enters, escorted by several troopers]
   CLERK:  The Arbiter will permit submissions. [Troopers take
           reddish plastic boxes from Varon and Morag]
 ARBITER:  Let the accused be brought forward. [This is done] Have you
           the accused been made aware of the charges that are laid
           against you?  And do you fully understand the nature and
           gravity of those charges?
   BLAKE:  Yes.
 ARBITER:  Who speaks for the Federation?
   MORAG:  I do.
 ARBITER:  Who speaks for the accused?
   VARON:  I do.
 ARBITER:  Are you both satisfied that the evidence was fairly
           obtained? And that all statements were certified as true
           and correct by lie detector?
   MORAG:  I am.
   VARON:  I am.
 ARBITER:  Is the accused satisfied that his defense has been fully and
           fairly prepared?
   BLAKE:  The charges against me are totally false. I am not guilty,
           therefore I offer no defense.
 ARBITER:  Your guilt or innocence is what we are here to determine.
           If there are no further submissions, the case will be
           examined. [The clerk presents each advocate with one of the
           boxes, from which they remove clear spheres] Let it be seen
           that the evidence for the prosecution is sealed and
           approved by the defense. Let it be seen that the evidence
           for the defense is sealed and approved by the prosecution.
           [The spheres are placed into the justice machine] Let the
           matter be assessed and may justice prevail. [The spheres
           blink alternately but one stops sooner then the other] The
           accused has been found guilty on all charges. [The charges
           appear on the large screen behind the arbiter -- see
           Addenda after transcript for their text.] His crimes
           have been accorded a Category Nine rating, and as such are
           adjudged most grave. In sentencing you, the judgment
           machine has taken into account your past record, your
           service to the state, and your loyalty to the Federation.
           None of these have mitigated in your favor. It is the
           sentence of this tribunal that you be taken from this place
           to an area of close confinement. From there you will be
           transported to the penal colony on the planet Cygnus Alpha,
           where you will remain for the rest of your natural life.
           This matter is ended.
   BLAKE:  I wish to make a statement.
 ARBITER:  There can be no more said regarding this case. The matter
           has been assessed and judgment made.
   BLAKE:  But the evidence is false. These charges are lies.
 ARBITER:  If you have any complaint against the conduct of this
           tribunal, it must be directed through your advocate.
   BLAKE:  You've got to listen to me. [Guard injects him and as he
           passes out he sees Tarrant. Blake's memories are again
           shown under Foster's voice]
  FOSTER:  [V.O.] They erased areas of your mind, they implanted new
           ideas. They literally took your mind to pieces and rebuilt
           it. And when they'd finished, they put you up and you
           confessed. You said you'd been "misguided." You appealed to
           everyone to support the Administration, hound up the
           traitors. Oh, they, they did a good job on you. You were
           very convincing. And then they took you back and erased
           even that.

[Transit cell]
PRISONER: [Screams as she is dragged along by guards] Let me go! Let
           me go! No! No! No! No! Let me go! Let me go! No! No! No!
           No! Let me go!
           [Jenna follows the scene from behind the bars and then
           walks between the cots and watches Vila steal the
           unconscious Blake's watch. As Vila reaches for more, Blake
           comes to and pushes him away. Jenna observes their
    VILA:  Easy! Take it easy! I hate personal violence, especially when
           I'm the person.
   BLAKE:  Who are you?
    VILA:  I'm Vila Restal. [They shake hands]
   BLAKE:  Where are we?
    VILA:  In a transit cell.
   BLAKE:  I don't understand.
    VILA:  You're on your way to the penal colony on Cygnus Alpha. Or you
           will be when the prison ship's refueled. Try to look on the
           bright side. It must have something. None of the guests
           have ever left early.  In fact, none of them have ever left
           at all.
   BLAKE:  Why are you going there?
    VILA:  They didn't give me a choice. I steal things. Compulsive, I'm
           afraid. I've had my head adjusted by some of the best in
           the business.  But it just won't stay adjusted.
   BLAKE:  A professional thief.
    VILA:  More a vocation than a profession. Other people's property
           comes naturally to me.
   JENNA:  [Sits down next to Blake. To Blake] What's the time?
    VILA:  [Hands the watch back. To Blake] Just taking care of it while
           you were unconscious. The place is full of criminals.
   BLAKE:  [To Jenna] Thanks.
    VILA:  [Indicating her] Jenna.
   BLAKE:  [Also to her] Blake.
   JENNA:  What's your story?
   BLAKE:  Well, I'm innocent -- of what I was charged with anyway.
    VILA:  We have something in common, then. We're all victims of a
           miscarriage of justice.
   BLAKE:  It's true!
   JENNA:  Of course it is.
   BLAKE:  What about the others?
    VILA:  Oh, a very antisocial bunch. Murderers, liars, cheats [Looks
           at Jenna] ... smugglers ...
   JENNA:  [To Vila] -- thieves --
    VILA:  -- and they're the nice people.
   BLAKE:  How long before we take off?
   JENNA:  About twenty-four hours. If you're expecting a last-minute
           reprieve you'd better forget it. [Her hand is in his hair]
           Once they get you this far there's no going back. You'd
           better get used to the idea. Nobody out there gives a damn
           about you. [She nudges his head]

[Varon's quarters. Varon clears his throat in the doorway and Maja
turns in bed]
    MAJA:  What time is it?
   VARON:  Late.
    MAJA:  Come to bed. [He does and they kiss]
   VARON:  There's something wrong, you know.
    MAJA:  Blake.
   VARON:  Mmm. The prosecution evidence was so complete that I accepted
           it. I assumed Blake was guilty and concentrated on
           justification and appeals for mercy.
    MAJA:  Well, what else could you do? You interviewed all the victims,
           the witnesses. None of them had any doubts.
   VARON:  Perhaps they should have. [kisses her again]
    MAJA:  What do you mean?
   VARON:  I don't know. Perhaps Blake is guilty. Even so it's ... too
    MAJA:  Where are you going?
   VARON:  The Public Records computer.
    MAJA:  To look for what?
   VARON:  I don't know.
    MAJA:  Give me one minute and I'll come with you.

[Public Records Office. The operator is very involved in listening to
music on a sort of walkman with glasses]
   VARON:  I'm Tel Varon with the Justice Department. I want to run a
           check on the medical records of those children. [Lays a
           piece of paper on his desk]
OPERATOR:  It'll have to wait until morning.
   VARON:  I want them now. [Shows ID]
           [The operator grudgingly complies]
OPERATOR:  Alpha three-three-seven five. C-six-one-two: Leesal, Renor.
           [As they are called out, each record appears on a large
           screen on the wall across from the operator's desk --
           see Addenda for transcript of these records.]
OPERATOR:  Three-four-one-seven: Deca, Carl. Three-five-one-two: Fen,
   VARON:  [To Maja] Nothing. Admissions to clinic, treatment records.
           It all tallies with the evidence. [To operator] Let me have
           the school attendance records on those three.
OPERATOR:  Alpha three-three-seven-seven: Leesal, Renor. [Each
           record appears in turn on the screen -- see Addenda for
           their text.]
   VARON:  [To Maja] Well that's interesting. He was absent from
           school on the afternoon before the assault.
OPERATOR:  C-four-one-seven: Deca, Carl.
    MAJA:  So was he.
OPERATOR:  C-five-one-two: Fen, Payter.
   VARON:  [To Maja] Well that makes it more than a coincidence. Now
           where were they? [To operator] Give me the admissions to
           the Central Clinic on that day.
OPERATOR:  Alpha zero-zero-two-eight-eight Alpha. [Screen flashes red]
    MAJA:  What's the matter?
OPERATOR:  The information has been classified. It can be obtained by
           the priority three clearance.
   VARON:  But I need that information.
OPERATOR:  Not possible.
           [Maja hands Varon a brooch]
   VARON:  Look, the Justice Department can get a clearance [Places
           the brooch on the desk] but it takes time.
OPERATOR:  This didn't happen, of course.
   VARON:  No, of course it didn't.
           [Operator pushes more buttons and records again appear on
           the screen]
   VARON:  Look at that: outpatient admission, identity unrecorded. And
           there's another. And a third.
    MAJA:  Three unidentified admissions on the date the victims weren't
           at school.
   VARON:  It's not absolute proof, but it gives us somewhere to start.
    MAJA:  But why would they have been to the clinic?
   VARON:  Mental implantation?
    MAJA:  What's that?
   VARON:  A fictional experience and emotion, implanted into the mind so
           vividly and permanently that it becomes reality.
    MAJA:  Is that possible?
   VARON:  The process was perfected years ago, but prohibited by the
           medical profession. But if it is being used again --
    MAJA:  Blake could be telling the truth.
   VARON:  And that could blow the top off the whole Administration. Come
    MAJA:  Where are we going? [They exit]
OPERATOR:  [Into comm] Security.

[Transit cell. Varon and Maja talk to Blake through the bars. Jenna
watches from the side. Vila sidles up and startles her, earning a
dirty look]
   VARON:  The meeting place -- how did you get to it?
   BLAKE:  I, I don't know. It was dark.
   VARON:  Which exit did you use?
   BLAKE:  Sub forty-three.
   VARON:  Forty-three -- that would be on the north side. All right,
           where did you go from there?
   BLAKE:  Well, we walked for about three miles. There was a stream.
   VARON:  Is there anything else you can tell us?
   BLAKE:  Yes, there was a man. I saw him in court just before I passed
    MAJA:  What about him?
   BLAKE:  Well, I'd seen him before, at the meeting. I, I thought he was
           one of them. He must have betrayed them. His name was
   VARON:  Dev Tarrant?
   BLAKE:  Do you know him?
   VARON:  He works in the Outer Worlds most of the time. He's in
   BLAKE:  He's a murderer.
   VARON:  Then he'll come to trial like everyone else in this coverup.
   BLAKE:  And what about me?
   VARON:  Well, first I'm going to talk to my superior and get a
           holding order on you so that at least you can stay here on
           Earth while I investigate.
   BLAKE:  You haven't got much time.
   VARON:  With luck I'll get you taken back to the city detention area
           within -- couple of hours.
   BLAKE:  Thanks.
   VARON:  Listen, I, I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I'll be in
           touch. [He and Maja leave]
           [Jenna and Vila approach Blake]
    VILA:  Friends in high places? Can't you put a word in for me?
   BLAKE:  I'll try and think of one.
   JENNA:  Leaving us?
   BLAKE:  I hope so. [Vila chuckles. Blake to Jenna.] Nothing
           personal. Why are you here? You didn't tell me.
   JENNA:  I was trading 'round the Near Worlds. I'm a free trader.
    VILA:  A smuggler. She's a big name. It's an honor to be locked up
           with her.
   JENNA:  I'm glad you're pleased.
    P.A.:  [V.O. male] Attention security personnel. Launch is advanced to
           seventeen hundred hours Earth time. That is all.
    VILA:  That's about eight hours.

[Glynd's office]
   VARON:  Well, it looks to me as though we've all been used. It wasn't
           Morag's fault of course, but the prosecution case was based
           on a very well-organized deception.
   GLYND:  But why?
   VARON:  Well, Blake claims he was arrested after he went Outside.
   GLYND:  Outside?
   VARON:  Yeah, about three miles beyond sub forty-three.
   GLYND:  What did he go Outside for?
   VARON:  An anti-Administration meeting. He says everyone there was
           murdered by security forces.
   GLYND:  Leaving him a sole survivor?
   VARON:  No, and, and a security agent named Tarrant. He says Tarrant
           organized the massacre.
   GLYND:  Ah, I can't believe that. Still, it will bear examination.
   VARON:  Then you'll order an inquiry?
   GLYND:  Yes. You've raised a reasonable doubt. The whole matter must
           now be investigated.
   VARON:  Thank you.
   GLYND:  Now go home and get some rest.
   VARON:  Not yet. I, I'd like your authority to go Outside the city.
   GLYND:  To look for those tunnels? No, I'll have a team make a survey
           of the area.
   VARON:  All right. And Blake's holding order?
   GLYND:  You leave everything to me. Go home and get some sleep.
           You've done as much as you can.
           [Varon exits office and joins Maja in the hall outside and
           the scene now cuts between the office and hallway as Varon
           and Maja eavesdrop]
    MAJA:  Is he going to be all right?
   VARON:  Something ... there's something not ... "to look for those
           tunnels" ... I didn't say anything about tunnels.
    MAJA:  What?
   GLYND:  [Into phone] Link me with Dr. Havant, Central Clinic.
  HAVANT:  [V.O. over comm] Doctor Havant.
   GLYND:  Ven Glynd. I think we may have a problem. Might be best if
           you were unavailable for a few days.
  HAVANT:  [V.O.] Is it a very serious problem?
   GLYND:  No, no, no, nothing that can't be handled.
  HAVANT:  [V.O.] I'll take a few days leave and stay at home.
   GLYND:  Good. Arrange to take calls only from me. Goodbye. [Breaks
    MAJA:  What does it mean?
   VARON:  It's obvious. He's involved.
    MAJA:  Then where do we go from here?
   VARON:  Higher up. Even to the President if we have to. But if we're
           going to make accusations against Glynd we'll need the
           strongest possible evidence.
    P.A.:  [V.O.] A limited supply of protein ___ are now available
           from the ___ section of the food dispensing units.

[Varon and Maja enter a room]
   VARON:  I'm going to try something. [Opens comm link] Central Clinic,
           Doctor Havant. [To Maja] Tell them it's Glynd.
  HAVANT:  [V.O. over comm] Doctor Havant.
    MAJA:  Doctor Havant, I have Glynd for you.
   VARON:  Sorry to call you again, but are there any clinical records
           about the matter? Treatment charts, medical notes?
  HAVANT:  [V.O.] Yes, of course. They're in my office. You want them?
   VARON:  Yes, I'd like to have a look at them. Leave them at reception
           and I'll have them picked up.
  HAVANT:  [V.O.] I'll get my assistant to bring them down now.
   VARON:  Thanks. Goodbye.
  HAVANT:  [V.O.] Goodbye. [Breaks link]
   VARON:  We've got them. You go to the clinic and pick up the records,
           then go home and collect the tape camera.
    MAJA:  Where are you going?
   VARON:  To talk to a thief and borrow a lockpick. I'll meet you in
           two hours at sub forty-three.

[Transit cell. Blake and Jenna are standing at the bars]
   JENNA:  You're running out of time.
   BLAKE:  They've had long enough to issue a holding order.
   JENNA:  It's a long process, formalities. Don't worry, they'll get
           it. I wish someone was working for me. Till now it doesn't
           seem real.  Now it's getting close, I'm getting scared.

[Sub forty-three. Maja descends the staircase and looks around]
   VARON:  Maja. [She turns] Did you get everything?
    MAJA:  [Nods and hands it over] And there are the records from the
   VARON:  Good. [Examines them] Yes, we can build a case on these.
    MAJA:  Did you get what you wanted?
   VARON:  Come and see.
    MAJA:  I've never been Outside before.
   VARON:  I have, years ago. I didn't like it much; it's very

[An alarm sounds, apparently back at security. A trooper sits down at
a keyboard much like that for the Public Records computer and Varon
and Maja appear on his viewscreen. He pushes some buttons]

[Outside the city.  Vaja and Varon approach the entrance to the

[Transit cell. A guard is prodding the prisoners to move]
   GUARD:  All right, listen to me, all of you. Move out of here in
           single file into the embarkation channel. Come on, let's
           get started.  Move! [Rousts Jenna] You! Come on. Move! Out.
           Pick up your bag. Go!  Come on, faster, move. [To Blake]I
           said move. Single file! With one behind the other. Keep
           them in line, guards. You in front, move!

[In the tunnel. Varon and Maja find the corpses]
   VARON:  Stay here. I'll, uh, I'll search the bodies and get picture
           tapes. [He pulls out a camera and begins recording]

[Exterior of the London]

[The London. The prisoners shuffle in. Blake takes a seat by the window]
    VILA:  [In the background as the guard is yelling] ___ it's going to
           be a very very long eight months I'm telling you ___ Do you
           know how to work these harnesses? you just stick it in here
           ___ it's going to be a very very very long eight months
   GUARD:  All right, come on, move. Keep moving. Come on, faster. Keep
           your voice down. Find the seat that's allocated to you and
           sit in it.  Fasten the harness. Stand by for liftoff. Keep
           your voices down. You, fasten your harness. You, down in
           the front. That's your seat. Come on, move. You, stop
           talking. Fasten your harness.
   BLAKE:  How long before liftoff?
   GUARD:  You in a hurry to get there?
   JENNA:  Don't worry. There's still time.

[Tunnel. Varon finishes recording and rejoins Maja]
   VARON:  I've got everything we need.
    MAJA:  Enough to keep Blake here on Earth?
   VARON:  More than enough.

[Exterior shot of the London]

[The London. Blake has not buckled his harness and the guard
approaches him]
   GUARD:  You different to everyone else? Fasten your harness.
   BLAKE:  What?
   GUARD:  Hn. Maybe we can help you hear better. You can start with a
           couple of hours confinement. You'll be surprised how
           quickly your hearing improves. [to guard near a control
           panel] Seat eleven, confinement! [the other guard presses a
           few buttons. Blake's seat spins away from the window and
           constraints emerge from the sides to encircle him]

[Exterior of the London taking off]

[Outside. Tarrant and two troopers watch as the London blasts off past
the dome]
 TARRANT:  [turns to look down at the ground] I think a transporter
           accident. Killed instantly. Very tragic. [To troopers] See
           to it, will you? [One of the troopers nods. The camera
           shifts to reveal the corpses of Varon and Maja lying on
           the ground]

[Exterior shot of the London]

[The London. Blake cranes his neck to look out the window at Earth and
the moon]
   GUARD:  Take a long look. That's the last you'll ever see of it.
   BLAKE:  No, I'm coming back.

** the end **


I. This is the arbiter's wall screen at the end of the trial:
 3. ML563/MIN
     guilty of all charges
[The last line blinks]

II. These are the medical records of the children:


BD GRP. BG (AN) TEMP. 94.8 p/80
X42. .1.5. B2 MATERNITY  731814  11
DR. A.J. GLOBBS          812714
X42.  .4.3. VAC AD NA    713094
X42. .10.6. CARD. CX        617
X43.  .5.3. 1 TNA VMA       902
X45.  .1.5. C27             714
X46.  .5.3. X TR            107
X49.  .3.7. P CR            202

A 3375 C417 DEC
BD GRP BG (AN) TEMP 94.8 p/80
X43. .6.2. B6 MATERNITY  731224
DR. PAINTER HAMER        812597
X43. 10.11 VAC AD XX PA  713132
X48. .4.3. BLT TREAT Z      093
X48. .8.8. BLT C P2         618

A 3375 C512 FEN PAYTER
BD GRP BG A TEMP 94.8. pulse 82
X43. .2.1. B4 MATERNITY  731002
DR. CAEN VEN             812753
X43. .8.4. VAC AD CA     713913
X44. .5.3. CHEST A 52       512
X46. .7.3. 1 TV (RG2)       912
X47. .6.8. 6 AST           2163
X48. .4.4. LR2 TLO          107
X49. .7.5. MLO (M UNIT)    3257

III. These are the school records of the children:
[Note: much of the screen is obscured by Varon and Maja's heads,
so these are incomplete.]


X48.1   .48   .6.3   ..**
X51     -------------------
0 2247/1524

A 3377 C417 DECA CARL
 9.   .3.6
  .   .6    ----- 6. 24
 1.   .3         .8. 12
.2.   .6

A 3377 C 512 FEN PAYTER
   9.   .3 17
    .   .8       ----- 8. 25
        .3             6. 17
   62.  .
