7. "Mission to Destiny" by Terry Nation

    Transcribed by Dan Stephenson (

    with appreaciated help from Frances Teagle.

          Roj Blake       Gareth Thomas  
          Jenna Stannis   Sally Knyvette
          Kerr Avon       Paul Darrow  
          Cally           Jan Chappell
          Vila Restal     Michael Keating  
          Olag Gan        David Jackson  
          Zen             Peter Tuddenham 
          Dr. Kendall      Barry Jackson
          Sara            Beth Morris
          Mandrian        Stephen Tate  
          Sonheim         Nigel Humphreys  
          Levett          Kate Coleridge
          Grovane         Carl Forgione  
          Pasco           John Leeson  
          Rafford         Brian Capron  
          Dortmunn        Stuart Fell  

(To help some readers understand, 'torch' is another word for 'flashlight' 


Shot of a freighter, the ORTEGA, in transit.  Cut to Flight Deck - Rafford is
alone at the controls, and yawns.  Bleeper/red light activates.  Rafford pushes
some panel buttons.

    RAFFORD:  [Into microphone]  Log entry one forty three.  Flight time zero 
              one zero, elapsed nine zero.  We have reached course delta red 
              two. New heading locked in, all systems functioning.  Log entry

              [He picks up map viewer and inserts a new map transparency.
              Cut to corridor, someone is approaching the door.  Back to
              Rafford, he is marking on map.  Unknown person enters]

    RAFFORD:  Ah, come on in, I could do with some company.  I feel sleepy all 
              of a sudden.  Just finished marking up this.

              [He turns, smiling, and is met with a heavy blow on the head.
              He cries out, another blow and he collapses across the instrument
              panel, head bleeding.   View of a gloved hand wielding a hammer
              smashing several instruments.  The attacker leaves to Yellow
              corridor, still unseen on camera.]

LIBERATOR in space, then cut to flight deck.  Jenna and Blake are watching
the scanner of a circling ship's trace.

      JENNA:  There it is, look.  Circling every two minutes.
      BLAKE:  When d'you pick it up?
      JENNA:  Just before I called you.
      BLAKE:  It's circling all the time?
      JENNA:  Yes.  Zen says it's a Mark Three Galaxy Class cruiser.
      BLAKE:  Galaxy Class?  That's outer planets manufacture, isn't it?
      JENNA:  Right, but Mark Three went out of production at least fifty years
      BLAKE:  Getting any signals from them?
      JENNA:  No, she's as quiet as a grave.  [Shot of scanner on screen]
      BLAKE:  Probably guidance control systems.
      JENNA:  That ship's in trouble.  It's the only thing that makes any 
      BLAKE:  You think so?
      JENNA:  Mmm.
      BLAKE:  All right, we'd better take a look at her.  [to Zen] Zen, abort
              course programs, Take us in to 200 spacials and match vectors.
        ZEN:  Confirmed.
      BLAKE:  I want everything in the data banks concerning Galaxy Class
        ZEN:  Complete data is extensive.
      BLAKE:  Good.  How long before we're in teleport range?
        ZEN:  That will depend on speed as yet unspecified.
      BLAKE:  [smiling at Jenna] Standard By Four?
        ZEN:  Sixteen point one four zero nine zero one minutes.
      JENNA:  [grinning] Approximately speaking, of course.
        ZEN:  It is estimated that you will require one hunDR.ed and twenty
              eight hours to assimilate all available data on Galaxy Class
      BLAKE:  [perturbed] Mark Three?  [Shot of Liberator turning]

LIBERATOR approaching the circling ORTEGA

       AVON:  No sign of external damage.
      BLAKE:  According to the data banks, Galaxy Class cruisers are fitted
              with communicators.  See if you can raise a voice contact, will
              you Cally?
       VILA:  I don't like this.
      JENNA:  [mocking] That's unusual.
       VILA:  Mock if you like, but I can always sense danger.
        GAN:  Yes, even when there isn't any.
       AVON:  Scan doesn't show any modifications.  I think it's just what it
              seems to be.

Cally heard at the communicator, mentioning 'Liberator' and 'Galaxy Class 

      BLAKE:  An obsolete civilian cruiser.  [to Cally]  Any luck Cally?
      CALLY:  No response on any channel.
      BLAKE:  All right, I'm going across.  Will you come with me, Avon?  
              Cally?  Vila...
       VILA:  You don't need me to come over!  [worried]
      BLAKE:  No, I need you to work the teleport.
       VILA:  Right.  [relieved] [Jenna smiles]
      BLAKE:  Zen, take us in to one hundred spacials and hold.
        ZEN:  Confirmed.

ORTEGA - Crew Room.  Blake, Avon and Cally teleport in.

       AVON:  There you are, deserted.  [They examine the room]
      BLAKE:  [Examines chess board in play] If they did abandon, they 
              certainly did it in a hurry.
       AVON:  If the last of this mark is built half a century ago, this ship
              could have been here a very long time.
      CALLY:  No, these space condition reports are recent.
      BLAKE:  There is an odd smell, sort of sickly-sweet.
      CALLY:  Yes, there is something.
       AVON:  Could be the change of atmosphere, a different recycle system to
              that of the Liberator.
      BLAKE:  No, it's more than that.  I.. I can't place it... Alright, shall 
              we get on with it?  You go on down towards the stern, Cally and
              I'll work up towards the flight deck.
       AVON:  Right, I'll just contact Vila.  [to Vila, Blake and Cally leave]
              Are you awake?
       VILA:  [through bracelet]  No.
       AVON:  [smiles] That's what I thought.  It's very quiet here.  If it
             should get noisy, I'll be in touch.

Yellow corridor - Blake and Cally are opening doors. 

      BLAKE:  It's that same smell again.

The second cabin contains two unconscious people, Sara and Mandrian. 
Blake and Cally enter, Blake yawns.  Sara and Mandrian are examined.

      BLAKE:  The girl's alive.
      CALLY:  So's this one.  The pulse is strong.
      BLAKE:  No visible sign of injury.
      CALLY:  D'you think they're drugged?
      BLAKE:  What?
      CALLY:  They could be drugged.
      BLAKE:  Possibly.  I don't know - possibly.  They're certainly in a coma 
              of some sort.  [Cally starts to keel over and Blake is affected 
              by something]  No, it's no good.  We'll, we need the... Cally,
              that's it.  Cally, wake up!
      CALLY:  [telepathically] Alone...
      BLAKE:  Yes, Cally!  [shakes her]
      CALLY:  [groggy] What?
      BLAKE:  It's Sonovapour.  Tranquilizing gas.
      CALLY:  Gas?
      BLAKE:  Yeah, that's why we're so sleepy... [Closes cabin ventilator] 
              Must be bypassing the filters.  I must find the filter system...
              That'll cut off the flow, it was coming through the ventilators..
              Filters!  See what you can do for those two.  [Leaves, Cally 
              composes herself]

Green corridor - Avon comes out of a door as Blake approaches cautiously]

      BLAKE:  Avon.  Have you found anything?
       AVON:  Take a look.  [Motions to Dr. Kendall is seen unconscious in a
              chair]  He's the fourth one I've found, all of them unconscious.
              It's... Sonovapour.
      BLAKE:  Yes I know.  We found a couple.  It must be coming from the
       AVON:  Yes, well that should be... this way.

Back to Cally - she leaves the cabin and goes along Yellow Corridor to flight
deck door.  She turns away, it opens slightly, she looks back, draws her gun, 
goes back and jerks it open.  Rafford falls out, she grimaces and kneels beside

Filter room - Blake and Avon enter and look around.  Blake finds the filter

      BLAKE:  It's over here.
       AVON:  Here it is.  [Spots and extracts a gas cylinder]  Not a very 
              expert job.  Just stuck the tubing into the primary feed.
      BLAKE:  It's effective, though.  [Avon disconnects the cylinder]
       AVON:  Look at the gauge.  The cylinder is almost empty.
      BLAKE:  Hmm, once it was empty, the filter system would have cycled the
              gas out of the atmosphere.
       AVON:  At which point everybody would just wake up.  On the face of it, 
              a seemingly pointless exercise.
      BLAKE:  So wake them up and ask them what it's all about.  Increase the
              oxygen supply, it will speed recovery.  [Avon does so.  They 

Flight deck - Cally enters and look around.  She picks up a gas cylinder, puts
it down and turns to the door, hearing Blake and Avon outside in the corridor.
Blake and Avon have found Rafford's body]

      CALLY:  He's dead.
      BLAKE:  Very.  [They enter the flight deck]
      CALLY:  Someone was very thorough.  All this damage has jammed the main
              controls on a circular flight pattern.
      BLAKE:  Can it be repaired?
       AVON:  That would depend on what their replacement stores are like.
      CALLY:  [Picks up map viewer]  Look at this - it's blood.  He tried to
              write something.  [Hands it to Avon]
       AVON:  Five four one two four.  Whatever that might mean.
      BLAKE:  Could be anything.  Call sign, transmission frequency, navigation
              index, anything.
      CALLY:  But it is important.  He must have been dying when he wrote it.
              [Loud screams - Cut to corridor, Sara is standing over Rafford's
              body.  Exterior of Liberator and Ortega circling]

ORTEGA Crew Room - Everyone is present

DR. KENDALL:  I'm sorry, I just don't know.  I haven't any answers to your
              questions.  All I remember was I went my quarters and fell asleep
              in a chair.  At least that's where I was when I woke up a few
              minutes ago and found all this going on.
      BLAKE:  Yes, I know exactly how you feel, well, just relax and try to
              remember.  [to crew] Where were the rest of you when all this 
              going on?
    SONHEIM:  What gives you the right to ask?
      BLAKE:  You need our help.
    SONHEIM:  Do we?
DR. KENDALL:  We do.
    SONHEIM:  I was off duty.  I share quarters with Pasco.
      PASCO:  We were both there.  Routine rest period.
      BLAKE:  And your name?
    SONHEIM:  Sonheim.  We must have slept through it all, as Dr. Kendall did.
      BLAKE:  [to Grovane] And you?
    GROVANE:  I was in the communications center trying to make repairs.  I
              remember feeling very drowsy, that's about all.  And my name's
              Grovane.  [shrugs] That's all.
       SARA:  Mandrian and I were together.  The first thing I knew was when I
              came out into the corridor and saw Rafford.
      BLAKE:  [to Levett] And you?
     LEVETT:  I am called Levett.
      BLAKE:  Did you see or hear anything?
     LEVETT:  I was asleep in my quarters.
      BLAKE:  Would anybody else have seen you there?
    SONHEIM:  Why should anyone else bother.
      PASCO:  All right, there's no need for that.
     LEVETT:  There are worse things than being alone, Sonheim.  Being with you
              is one of them.
DR. KENDALL:  We're getting away from the point a little, aren't we?
      BLAKE:  You were all knocked out by Sonovapour, but at sometime in the 
              last twelve hours, your pilot was murdered.  And since you're the
              only people here on board, then I presume...
    GROVANE:  No we're not.  Dortmunn isn't here.
      BLAKE:  Who is Dortmunn?
    GROVANE:  Flight engineer.
      BLAKE:  Well, where is he?
DR. KENDALL:  I want him found, Mandrian.  Search the whole ship.  He's got to
              be here somewhere.
   MANDRIAN:  Sonheim, Levett.  [All the crew leave except Dr. Kendall]
      BLAKE:  Whilst your people look for him I'll go and see how my people are
              getting on.  They're on the flight deck assessing the damage.  
              Will you come with me?
DR. KENDALL:  Right.

Flight Deck - Avon and Cally are removing damaged circuit boards.

       AVON:  Well, there's nothing I can do with that, it'll have to be
      BLAKE:  [Entering with Dr. Kendall]  What's the situation?
       AVON:  Well, we can fit some of it back together, but there are a lot of
              components that will have to be replaced.
DR. KENDALL:  Can it be made operational?
       AVON:  The interesting thing is as far as I can see that all this damage
              was done but for one purpose: to prevent the orbiting flight
              pattern which you are now in from being altered.
DR. KENDALL:  I don't understand any of this.  First the trouble with the
              communicators, and now sabotage.
      CALLY:  What happened to the communicators?
DR. KENDALL:  Just after we started back on the return trip there was a burnout
              in the main circuits.  Grovane, the communications officer, 
              thought the damage couldn't be accidental.  Apparently, all the
              safety circuits were still intact - they'd been bypassed somehow.
              It's still not working.  [Avon pulls a crystal out of the 
      BLAKE:  This man Dortmunn they're looking for, could he have any reason 
              to sabotage you?
DR. KENDALL:  None that I can think of.  He's a fine man and a first class
              engineer.  [his communicator buzzes]  Kendall.
   MANDRIAN:  [through communicator]  Mandrian.  We're in section nine, Doctor,
              you'd better come down.  There's something you should see.
      BLAKE:  Lead the way.  [Kendall and Blake leave]
       AVON:  This is a pity.  [shows the crystal to Cally]
      CALLY:  What is it?
       AVON:  The Ison crystal.  Even if we should get the ship operational, it
              will be blind.  With this fractured, there isn't a chance of
              outside vision.

A corridor - Sara eyes Mandrian as Blake and Kendall enter.

DR. KENDALL:  What have you found?
       SARA:  [She indicates control panel]  Life Rocket Two has been launched.
      BLAKE:  That explains where Dortmunn got to.
   MANDRIAN:  He's taking a tremendous chance.  Those life rockets have a
              limited range.  It certainly couldn't carry him to the nearest
              habitable planet.
DR. KENDALL:  But why?  Why would he do that?
      BLAKE:  If he killed Rafford, he's got nothing to lose.  A ship this
              size, you can't hide forever.
DR. KENDALL:  It still doesn't explain why.  Not just the murder - the 
              malicious damage, the- [Pauses, as an explanation strikes him]
              It's not possible.  I'd better check just to be sure.  [Leaves]

Kendall's Quarters - He enters, Blake following, and goes to a wall safe, 
inserts a bar-shaped key and punches a number.  As the door opens he removes
a metal box and opens it.

DR. KENDALL:  [sighs] For a moment, I thought Dortmunn might have taken it.  
              If he had, everything that has happened would have made sense.
              But it's here.  It had to be, of course.  It's impossible to open
              the safe without a molecular key and combination, and I'm the 
              only one on the ship that has those.
      BLAKE:  Well, what is it?
DR. KENDALL:  It's an energy refractor, a neutrotope.
      BLAKE:  What does it do?
DR. KENDALL:  I'll explain.  I and my crew come from Destiny, way out here
              on the edge of the Galaxy.  [Points to star chart]
      BLAKE:  Yes, I've heard of that.  It was colonized what, about a hundred
              years ago?
DR. KENDALL:  That's right.
      BLAKE:  But you're still not members of the Federation?
DR. KENDALL:  They've approached us, threatened, but we've resisted so far.  
              Ours is an agricultural economy.  We've a small fleet of 
              mercantile ships to trade with our nearest neighbors.  Our people
live well, but simply.  At least they did.
      BLAKE:  What happened?
DR. KENDALL:  Towards the end of the last growing season, just as the main crop
              was coming into maturity, reports came in that the plants were
              dying, wilting and dying.  It spread across both our continents
              with incredible speed.  We estimated that in under a year there
              would be no living vegetation left on the planet.
      BLAKE:  But did you isolate the cause?
DR. KENDALL:  It was a fungal disease.  Identifying it was one thing, but
              destroying it - it was resistant to everything.  In under three
              months, half the planet was buried in a covering of slimy white
              fungus.  The stench was vile and it was still spreading.
      BLAKE:  You think this uhh, neutrotope will provide the answer?
              [Picks up neutrotope and examines it]
DR. KENDALL:  My experiments show that radiation from our sun was deficient in
              certain specific wavelengths.  The neutrotope will provide the
              necessary frequencies to kill the fungus.
      BLAKE:  And you'll mount this on a satellite to be activated by your sun?
DR. KENDALL:  That's right.
      BLAKE:  Hmm.
DR. KENDALL:  We've calculated the orbital pattern required to maintain a 
              balance and save our planet.  [quickly takes neutrotope from 
              Blake holding it up high]
      BLAKE:  Impressive.
DR. KENDALL:  Yes, this has cost us... well, let's say it's bankrupted our
              economy and mortgaged our future.
      BLAKE:  Why so much?
DR. KENDALL:  The yield from the ore containing the element is minute.  This
              neutrotope and the few others that exist are the most valuable
              objects in our Galaxy.
      BLAKE:  Yes, well I can see why you were concerned that Dortmunn might
              have taken it.
DR. KENDALL:  [Putting it in the box]  Yes, it's enough to tempt anyone.  There
              are men who would betray their companions for a lot less.
       AVON:  [Appearing in doorway]  What a very cynical thought, Doctor.
DR. KENDALL:  But realistic, I'm afraid.
       AVON:  Cally and I have finished checking the damage.  I can give you a
              fairly accurate assessment of the situation now.  We can fit
              things together and we can make repairs.
      BLAKE:  And?
       AVON:  [With a slight smile]  There is, however, a problem.

Crew Room - all crew present

       AVON:  When we've finished, you should have a ship that will navigate 
              and get you back to destiny.  The problem, is that without THIS,
              [holds up Ison crystal]  you will have to travel at sub-light
              speeds.  I estimate that the journey will take you approximately
              five months to complete.
                       {SONHEIM:  But that'll be too late!
              together {          We'll miss the planting season!
                       {          Five months!
                       {GROVANE:  It'll set us back a full year!

DR. KENDALL:  When I heard the news I was concerned as you are, delay that long
              would be disastrous, but there is an alternative.
      BLAKE:  Liberator can make the journey in four days.  What I've suggested
              is that Avon and Cally stay here and help you with your repairs.
              I take the neutrotope to Destiny, and then come back to collect
   MANDRIAN:  No.  We can't do that.  We can't just hand over the neutrotope to
              some passing stranger.
    SONHEIM:  I agree.  We've been trusted with this mission, we can't simply
              forget our responsibility.
   MANDRIAN:  There are plenty of ready markets for the neutrotope.  If it was
              stolen and sold, a man could be wealthy beyond - beyond 
              imagining.  That thing is a temptation even for those of us with
              our homes, families, and lives at stake.  You have nothing at
              stake, nothing to lose.
       AVON:  It is frequently easier to be honest when you have nothing to
      BLAKE:  The responsibility for the neutrotope belongs to all of you.
              There is a risk that if you entrust it to me, I may fly off never
              to be seen again.  You have to weigh that chance against the
              effects a year's delay would have on the possibility of your
              planet's recovery.  We made the offer, the choice is up to you.
      CALLY:  Remember that Avon and I will be staying.  We will regard
              ourselves as hostages against Blake's return.
       AVON:  Well thank you Cally, what a clever idea.
      CALLY:  [telepathically] Blake will return.
       AVON:  You can bet your life on it, in fact you've just bet both our
              lives on it.  [Blake smiles at their banter]
DR. KENDALL:  Personally, I have no hesitation about accepting the offer.
              Well, delivery of the neutrotope is vital.  And anyway, after
              what's happened here, it may well be safer with Blake.  However,
              we'll vote on it.  Those in favor?  [Raises his own hand.  Levett
              raises her hand followed by Pasco and Grovane.  Sonheim crosses
              his arms.  As Mandrian turns away, Sara raises hers]  That's 
              about four to three, in favor.  We accept gratefully.
      BLAKE:  Right, I'd like to get started right away.
DR. KENDALL:  Of course.  Sara, would you get the neutrotope, please?
              [Sara leaves, then Mandrian storms out]
DR. KENDALL:  Sorry.
      BLAKE:  All right, it's a natural reaction.  Right, I'll get back to
              you as soon as I can.  You're quite sure about volunteering to
      CALLY:  We must help these people.  [She and Avon hand their teleport
              bracelets to Blake]
       AVON:  Must we?  Personally, I don't care if their whole planet turns
              into a mushroom.  I shall stay because I don't like an unsolved
      BLAKE:  You don't think Dortmunn and his life rocket are the answer?
       AVON:  No.
      BLAKE:  Why not.
       AVON:  There is something else that has to happen before it all begins 
              to come together.
              [Sara returns with the neutrotope box and gives it to Blake]
      BLAKE:  [To Sara] Thank you.  [To Cally and Avon]  Better give me your
              guns.  [They hand them over]
DR. KENDALL:  Don't fail us.
      BLAKE:  I won't.  [into bracelet]  Vila, bring me up.  [he teleports
      CALLY:  My people have a saying, a man who trusts can never be betrayed,
              only mistaken.
       AVON:  Life expectancy must be fairly short among your people.

LIBERATOR - Jenna and Gan doing routine checks.

      JENNA:  Three two point one oh.
        GAN:  Check.
      JENNA:  Three two one oh oh.
       VILA:  [Entering with Blake]   Where are Cally and Avon?
      BLAKE:  It's a long story.
       VILA:  Well what's in the box?
      BLAKE:  It's an even longer story.
       VILA:  I like stories!
      BLAKE:  Zen, get a locator fix on the other ship.  I want to be able to
              pinpoint its position at all times.
        ZEN:  Confirmed.
      BLAKE:  Set a course for Destiny, speed standard by six.
       VILA:  Where's that?
        ZEN:  Confirmed.
        GAN:  What have you got there?  [Blake places neutrotope box on table]
      JENNA:  Why are we leaving them behind, what's going on?
       VILA:  Where is Destiny?!
      BLAKE:  According to Avon, it is a story that doesn't have an end yet.
       VILA:  All right then we'll start with the beginning.
              [External shot of Liberator and circling Ortega.  Liberator moves

ORTEGA Flight Deck - Levett and Grovane are assisting Avon

       AVON:  Probe.  [Levett hands it to him]
      CALLY:  [Puzzling over Rafford's message on the map viewer]  ... two 
              four.  Does this mean anything to you?  Five four one two four?
    GROVANE:  No, I don't think so.
     LEVETT:  Should it?  Is it important?
      CALLY:  Yes it is important.
       AVON:  [To Grovane]  Monitor response.  [Grovane attends to a panel on 
              the wall]
      CALLY:  The air is stale in here.
     LEVETT:  The ventilator's closed.  [Cally opens ventilator]
       AVON:  [to Grovane]  Well?
    GROVANE:  Zero response.
       AVON:  Well there is nothing I can do.  It will have to be replaced.  I
              shall need laser transfer linkage.  Have you got any?
     LEVETT:  I think so, in the storage hold.  I'll go and check.
      CALLY:  Stay here, I'll get it.  [Starts to leave]
     LEVETT:  You'll need a torch.

              [Cally leaves and walks down yellow corridor.  As she passes a
              door she hears a tapping sound and pauses.  Inside the cabin,
              Mandrian is trying to prise open a small electrical device.  As
              Cally watches he gives up, puts it into a shoulder bag and hides 
              it under the mattress, then leaves.  When he has gone, Cally 
              slips in and retrieves the device, puts it in her pocket, 
              replaces the bag and goes out.]

Crew Room - Pasco and Sonheim are doing maintenance work.  Sonheim holds a 
tablet, Pasco wearing an eyepiece and holding a probe.

      PASCO:  Fourteen?
    SONHEIM:  Right.
      CALLY:  [Entering]  Where is the storage hold?
    SONHEIM:  [gruffly] What do you want down there?
      CALLY:  We need some laser transfer linkage.
    SONHEIM:  I don't know that we have any.
      CALLY:  Well, that is what I'm going to find out.  [To Pasco]  Can you 
              tell me, please?
      PASCO:  Don't mind him, he lacks affection.  Blue corridor.  Go down past
              the filtration plant and it's the next door on the left.
      CALLY:  Thank you.  [Leaves]
    SONHEIM:  Be back in a moment.  [Gets up and goes out]

Blue corridor - Cally hears Sara and Mandrian argue in the filtration plant.

                     SARA:  ...You are always snooping.
                 MANDRIAN:  I am not snooping.
                     SARA:  Yes you are.
                 MANDRIAN:  I am not!  Now I want to know what it is.

              [Sara rushes out, colliding with Cally and runs off.
              Cally pushes the door open and sees Mandrian sitting in an
              attitude of distress.  She walks on to the storage hold and
              goes in, just as Sonheim rounds the corner after her.]

Storage Hold - The light doesn't work, Cally produces a torch and looks 
round.  She opens a cupboard, there is a noise, an arm flops into view and
a body rolls off the top of the cupboard.  As Cally backs away in silent
horror, Sonheim creeps up behind her and puts his hands on her shoulders.
She jumps violently but makes no sound.  Sonheim sees the body, moves past
her, kneels beside it and turns it over.

    SONHEIM:  [to Cally]  It's Dortmunn.

Crew Room - Everyone present.

DR. KENDALL:  Someone among us determined that this mission should fail, and
              frankly, I can't even guess at a motive.
       AVON:  Try greed.  It's usually reliable.  When you set out on your
              return journey, you were carrying something extremely valuable.
              As he said earlier [pointing to Mandrian], if the neutrotope 
              could be sold, it would make a man wealthy beyond imagining. 
              Well, it obviously wasn't beyond the imagination of someone here.
   MANDRIAN:  I just meant that we were taking an enormous risk by entrusting
              it to a stranger.  It never crossed my mind that any of us...
       AVON:  But it did cross your mind, didn't it?  A temptation, you said,
              even for those of us with our lives at stake.  The value of the
              neutrotope is all the motive you need to look for.  Now I don't
              pretend to know the whole plan, but parts of it seem fairly 
              clear.  The damage to the communications center - that isolated 
              the ship.  You couldn't receive any messages, nor could you put 
              out a distress call.  I'm not sure when Dortmunn was killed, but
              Cally thinks that the death of the pilot Rafford was an accident.

              together {SONHEIM:  What d'you mean?
                       {Grovane:  An accident?

       SARA:  An accident?!
      CALLY:  A misfortune.
       AVON:  It certainly was for him.
      CALLY:  I think that it was not part of the plan.  Whoever put the
              Sonovapour into the ventilation system intended to put the whole
              crew to sleep, while the controls were being sabotaged.  Rafford
              was supposed to be sleeping, too.
       AVON:  But the ventilator ducts on the flight deck were closed,
              consequently Rafford was unaffected by the gas.
      CALLY:  The murderer was using an oxygen mask to stay awake.  Reaching 
              the flight deck and finding Rafford conscious must have been a
       AVON:  And that shock killed Rafford.
      PASCO:  The ventilators shouldn't have been closed.  It's against flight
              operating procedure.
       AVON:  The next shock was when we arrived.  Now that that really was
              misfortune.  Pure bad luck.
      PASCO:  Rafford should have known better.
       SARA:  Shut up, Pasco!
   MANDRIAN:  Go on.
       AVON:  Even the most meticulous of plans could not have anticipated our
     LEVETT:  [rather amused]  Meticulous?
       AVON:  The murderer had to cover up, and quickly.  Dortmunn was killed.
              I think the plan was to put his body into the life rocket and
              launch it into space.  That way, it would appear obvious that
              Dortmunn was guilty.
    SONHEIM:  So why didn't it happen?
       AVON:  I think it was too difficult.  Dragging the body across the
              spaceship, to the launch area without being seen - that proved to
              be impossible, so the murderer settled for the next best thing -
              he launched an empty life rocket.  And that worked.  We all
              believed that Dortmunn had escaped.
   MANDRIAN:  But whoever did it must have known the body would discovered
              sooner or later.
       AVON:  Of course.  He was playing for time.  The plan had gone to 
              pieces.  The best the killer could hope for was to delay a full
              inquiry for as long as possible.  As a matter of fact, I think 
              that was a waste of effort.  I know - we all know, that one of 
              you is the murderer.  But proving which one...  Unless, of 
              course, as seems quite likely, someone other than the murderer
              already knows...  [smiles]  Already knows.
DR. KENDALL:  Naturally, the whole matter will be put into the hands of the
              authorities when we reach Destiny.  Despite what you say Avon, 
              the murderer will be found.  In the meantime, you will all resume
              your normal duties, and anything that you see or hear that seems
              unusual, report to me at once.  Thank you.
       AVON:  We'll get back to the repairs now, a couple of hours, you should
              be able to set off for home.
DR. KENDALL:  [Grovane approaches as Cally watches the others leave]  Something
              you wanted, Grovane?
    GROVANE:  Yes.  It just occurred to me - you said one of us is the 
       AVON:  That's right.
    GROVANE:  There is another possibility.
       AVON:  Yes?
    GROVANE:  There could be somebody else on the ship, somebody we don't know
              about, a stowaway!

Exterior - LIBERATOR in flight.  Cut to Flight Deck.  Vila is dozing in his
seat, Gan wakes him and hands him a drink, then takes cups to Blake and 

        ZEN:  Detectors indicate a meteorite storm directly in Liberator's
              flight path.
      BLAKE:  Scale and intensity?
        ZEN:  Scale nine, intensity twenty-seven.
       VILA:  Twenty seven?
        GAN:  I think eight's about the strongest we've had so far.
      JENNA:  My teeth are still rattling from that.
       VILA:  An intensity of twenty-seven is a lot of very fast rocks.
      BLAKE:  Scale nine puts the storm over a vast area too.  How much would 
              it add to our flight time if we went around it?
        ZEN:  Estimated flight time of eighty-four hours would increase to
              three hundred and thirty-six hours.
       VILA:  <sighs>
      JENNA:  Four times as long.
        ZEN:  Confirmed.
      BLAKE:  Would the force wall hold if we went straight through the storm?
        ZEN:  It is within the maximum design tolerance, however there would be
              no safety margin.
      BLAKE:  Is there enough reserve power to maintain the wall?
        ZEN:  Insufficient data for accurate projection.
      JENNA:  In other words, he doesn't know.
        ZEN:  Confirmed.
       VILA:  [raises hand to Blake]  Let's go round.

Blue corridor - Cally meets Sara and Sonheim.

      CALLY:  Are the others still searching?
       SARA:  Yes, nothing so far.  Do you want any help on the flight deck?
      CALLY:  No, we've almost finished.  Sonheim, there was something I wanted
              to you.
    SONHEIM:  [To Sara] Go ahead, I'll catch you up.  [To Cally, as Sara 
              leaves]  What is it?
      CALLY:  Finding Dortmunn's body put it out of my mind.  Why did you 
              follow me to the storage hold?
    SONHEIM:  Why do you think?  You're an attractive girl.  You asked where 
              the hold was, I snapped at you.  I came after you to... 
      CALLY:  To apologize?
    SONHEIM:  Of course.  What other reason could I have?
      CALLY:  Perhaps you were afraid I would find Dortmunn.
    SONHEIM:  That's ridiculous!  I didn't know his body was there!  I told
              you!  I followed you to apologize!
      CALLY:  I believe you.
    SONHEIM:  It's true!
      CALLY:  Of course.

ORTEGA Flight Deck 

      CALLY:  [Entering]  The transfer linkage you asked for.
       AVON:  About time.  Any news from the search parties?
      CALLY:  No.
       AVON:  No, there won't be.  It was an unlikely idea, keeping out of
              sight for the length of time this ship has been in flight.  Not
              really possible.  [attends to the instrument panel]
      CALLY:  I agree.  So who do you think it is?
       AVON:  Mandrian.
      CALLY:  Why?
       AVON:  Instinct.  I discount Dr. Kendall.
      CALLY:  I thought you mistrusted instinct.
       AVON:  I do, so I am probably wrong.
      CALLY:  It could be him.  I told you I heard him quarreling with Sara,
              didn't I?  Sonheim makes me uneasy, too.
       AVON:  He would be next on my list.
      CALLY:  The answer is here. If only we could see it.

Blue corridor - Mandrian opens filter room door and enters.  He sees someone.

   MANDRIAN:  I knew you'd be here.

LIBERATOR Flight Deck - Screen shows meteorite storm.

      BLAKE:  How far are we in now?
       VILA:  Halfway.  I can't be sure.  The detectors are swamped.
        GAN:  The force wall's eating into our power reserves.
      JENNA:  There's a field drag effect too.  We're having to use a lot of
              power to maintain our speed and heading.

ORTEGA Flight Deck - Cally and Avon at work.

      CALLY:  Avon, I saw Mandrian with this.  [Shows him electrical device]
              Then he put it back in the bottom of Sara's flight bag.
       AVON:  What is it?
      CALLY:  Well, that's what I want you to tell me.
              [Main light goes out and alarm sounds]
      CALLY:  Look!  [She points to flashing lights on the console]
       AVON:  Filtration malfunction.  We'd better get down there.

The corridor - they meet Levett

     LEVETT:  Dr. Kendall wants you.
       AVON:  Filter plant?
     LEVETT:  There's been another killing.  [She leads the way]

Filter Plant - Sara is sobbing on Dr. Kendall's shoulder, Mandrian is lying on
the floor and Pasco and Grovane are holding Sonheim.  A severed cable is 
smoking and spluttering.  Levett, Avon and Cally enter]

       AVON:  [Kneeling by body]  Tell me what happened.
      PASCO:  I was coming past, and I heard a noise.  So I looked inside.
              Mandrian was just as you see him.  Sonheim was standing over
              him, with this dagger in his hand.
    SONHEIM:  I didn't kill him.  I didn't kill him.  I didn't kill him!
              [desperately, to Avon] I didn't kill him!!

LIBERATOR - Flight Deck

        GAN:  Power reserves are almost gone.
        ZEN:  In one point zero three minutes, it will no longer be possible to
              operate force wall and main drive simultaneously.  Please decide
              which to close down.
      JENNA:  Without main drive we'll never get out of this.
       VILA:  Without the force wall we'll be smashed to pieces.
      BLAKE:  Have the locators detected the outer edge of the storm yet?
       VILA:  No.  Yes!  No.  Maybe...
      BLAKE:  Which is it, Vila?
       VILA:  It's `Maybe'.
        ZEN:  Directive is now required.
      BLAKE:  Jenna, stand by to feed all power through to the main drive when
              the force wall is down.  Gan, deactivate the force wall.
        GAN:  Deactivating...
              [Gan presses key, Jenna increases power, producing strong
              acceleration.  Gan tries to stop the neutrotope box sliding off
              the table, but it falls]

ORTEGA Crew Room - Kendall, Cally and Sara

DR. KENDALL:  Why?  For what reason?
      CALLY:  Perhaps Sonheim was still trying to cover up.  Mandrian knew
              about him and threatened to expose him.  Or perhaps he went into
              the filter plant while Sonheim was sabotaging the equipment?
DR. KENDALL:  But why damage the filter?  What possible reason could he have
              for delaying the flight still further?
              [Avon, Pasco and Grovane enter]
      CALLY:  How bad it is?
       AVON:  The damage was minor.  I've got Levett working on it.
      PASCO:  We've locked him in the storage hold.  He seems quiet enough.
      CALLY:  Has he said anything more?
    GROVANE:  Well, nothing new.  He claims he went in and found Mandrian dead,
              picked up the knife, that's where I came in.  He still says he
              didn't kill him.
       AVON:  I believe him.
    GROVANE:  But I saw him with a dagger in his hand!
       AVON:  But you didn't see him use it.
    GROVANE:  Well, I didn't see Mandrian die either, but I know he's dead.
       AVON:  I've just spent the last ten minutes in the filter plant looking
              for something that should be there but isn't.  The cable that was
              damaged carries a high energy charge.  In order to cut it, he
              would need a laser knife or an insulated saw.  Neither of which
              were there.
DR. KENDALL:  Then, somebody else was the saboteur?
       AVON:  Yes.  Mandrian came in, discovered whoever it was, and had to be
              silenced.  The murderer then went out, taking the saw with him.
              Sonheim's story is true, he just happened to be the one to
              discover the body.
       SARA:  Then who did kill Mandrian?
       AVON:  The same person who killed Rafford and Dortmunn.  And I know who
              that is now.
    GROVANE:  You know?
       AVON:  Yes.  I should have seen it right from the start, but my mind had
              conditioned itself to see the wrong thing.  As Cally has been
              saying all along.  [he produces the glass top of the map reader
              and lays it on the table]
      CALLY:  You found the meaning!
       AVON:  Yes, just before he died Rafford managed to scrawl this out.
DR. KENDALL:  Five four one two four?
       AVON:  Precisely.
      PASCO:  What's it mean?
       AVON:  Absolutely nothing.  As a number it has no significance at all,
              but when I was in the filter plant just now, I noticed one of the
              instruments.  Liquid crystals show a number, and then the
              confirmation circuit translates those numbers into the written
              word.  Right from the start, we thought that those were numbers.
              They are not, they are letters.
      CALLY:  Letters?
       AVON:  Rafford was dying.  It's difficult to be neat under those
              circumstances.  [he takes a marker pen and paper and draws]
              Let's start with the one and the two.  [The letters A R A appear]
              And the first letter... [He puts an S in front, everyone looks
              at SARA]
       SARA:  [Covering them with a gun]  So now you know.  It doesn't matter,
              you'd have known soon enough anyway.
DR. KENDALL:  Sara, why?
       SARA:  I wanted the neutrotope.  Or at least the money it would give me.
              It's that simple.
       AVON:  Was Mandrian in it with you?
       SARA:  No, but he found out.  I asked him to share it with me, but he
              wouldn't.  He wanted me to come to you and admit the whole thing.
              If I didn't, he was going to tell you himself.  So... But none of
              that's important now, I only need a little more time.
       AVON:  You're not going anywhere, Sara.  You just don't get off a
              spaceship and run.
       SARA:  I'll kill the first one that puts his head outside this door.
              [She backs out and runs down the Green corridor.  Avon looks out]
       AVON:  Well, she's one of your crew, you'd better get after her.
              [Pasco and Grovane run after her.]

Corridor - Sara enters the flight deck.  Pasco and Grovane arrive and try the

      PASCO:  Locked!

Crew Room

DR. KENDALL:  It's clear enough why she acted as she did, but why go with
              it?  Once Blake left with the neutrotope, there was no need for
              more killing.
       AVON:  I don't understand that myself.  What worries me is that she's
              still so confident.  She hasn't a hope of escaping yet she's 
              still holding out.
DR. KENDALL:  How did she hope to dispose of the neutrotope when we reached
       AVON:  She probably made contact with a prospective buyer when you were
              collecting it.  It wouldn't be too difficult.  [Cally stands up]
              What is it?
      CALLY:  I know what she's planning.  Why she sabotaged the ship.
       AVON:  Well, don't keep us in suspense.
      CALLY:  [Getting device out of her pocket]  Ever since the controls were
              damaged we have in the same space position.  [Hands it to Avon]
       AVON:  A homing beam transmitter and it's operating.
      CALLY:  Anyone tuned into its frequency can locate us exactly.  That's 
              why she's not worried.  Another ship is coming to get her and 
              it's on its way now.
DR. KENDALL:  Destroy it!
       AVON:  Too late.  They will have had a fix on us for some time now.
DR. KENDALL:  And when they get here and find the neutrotope not on board?
       AVON:  It wouldn't matter if it was.  They will have to destroy the
              evidence.  And that, I'm afraid, includes us.


       VILA:  I don't think I feel very well.
        GAN:  I hope nothing's been broken.  [Retrieves box]
      BLAKE:  So do I.  [Opens box - empty]  It's still on the Ortega.  We've
              got to get back to them.
       VILA:  Now I know I don't feel very well.

ORTEGA - Grovane and Pasco on guard by flight deck door, they are armed.
Cut to Sara sitting at console with the neutrotope in her hands.  She puts
it down and picks up her gun.

Red Corridor - Cally, Avon and Kendall

      CALLY:  If we could get back onto the flight deck, how long would it take
              to finish repairs?
       AVON:  No time at all.  It's virtually all done.
      CALLY:  In flight we'd stand some sort of chance, like this we're a
              sitting target.
DR. KENDALL:  We would have to burn through the flight deck door.  And if we
              did, she's armed, remember.  She could still hold us off.
       AVON:  Then we have to get her to come out.
      CALLY:  Well she's hardly likely to do that.
       AVON:  [Smiles]  Oh yes she is.


      BLAKE:  Visual.
        ZEN:  Confirmed.  [Ortega trace shown on screen]
       VILA:  There, there she is.
      BLAKE:  How long before we're in teleport range?
        ZEN:  Twenty-three point one six minutes.  [extra beeping sounds]
        GAN:  We're getting another reading!
      BLAKE:  What?
        GAN:  Look!  [Another trace, closing with Ortega]
      JENNA:  Another ship.
      BLAKE:  It must be coming to collect the neutrotope.  Zen, can we get
              there first?
        ZEN:  Liberator will be in teleport range three minutes before the
              unidentified ship makes contact with the Ortega.

ORTEGA Flight Deck - Sounds of gunfire and screams, Sara gets up and stands
by door listening - shot of Cally's hand firing gun - Sara smiles.  When
silence falls, she opens the door and sees Grovane and Pasco lying there.
She comes out, Avon creeps up behind her and jerks the gun out of her hand.
She drives her elbow into his gut, turns round and grabs him by the throat.
Pasco and Grovane get up.  Avon pulls clear and socks Sara on the jaw, she 
reels into the arms of Pasco and Grovane.

       AVON:  You'd better get her out of here, I really rather enjoyed that.
              [They drag her away.  Avon goes into flight deck and picks up


        ZEN:  Teleport range will be achieved in one minute.
      BLAKE:  Come on, Vila.  [They leave]
      JENNA:  [Anxiously watching screen]  They're getting very close.

ORTEGA Crew Room - Avon, Cally and Kendall, Sara is slumped across the table,
holding her head.  Blake teleports in, carrying a toolbox and a collection of

       AVON:  Blake!
      CALLY:  How did you get back so soon?
      BLAKE:  Get ready to leave.  There's a ship coming up on you fast.  
              You've got about three minutes.
DR. KENDALL:  We have the neutrotope now, nothing else matters.
      CALLY:  I'll get the others.
      BLAKE:  I'll be back in a minute.  [Leaves room]

LIBERATOR - Gan and Jenna view the scanner.

        GAN:  He's cutting it too fine.
      JENNA:  Come on Blake, get out of there.

ORTEGA - All the crew are present.

       SARA:  No, no I won't!  [Resisting Avon who is clamping a teleport
              bracelet on her arm]
DR. KENDALL:  She must be taken back for trial.
       AVON:  [Hanging on to Sara's wrist]  Agreed.
       SARA:  I won't go!  I won't go.
      BLAKE:  [Re-entering]  Everything set?
      CALLY:  Yes, ready.
              [As Avon lets go, Sara wrenches off the bracelet and throws it
      BLAKE:  Bring us across Vila.
              [They all teleport, except Sara, who relaxes with a smile]

LIBERATOR - The Ortega crew are sitting on the couches with Cally, watching
the screen.

      BLAKE:  They're locked on.  [Traces merge, then a blinding flash on 
DR. KENDALL:  What was that?
      BLAKE:  I rigged a charge on the entry hatch.  Right, I think I can get
              you all home now.  Zen, set a course for Destiny, speed standard
              by six.
        ZEN:  Confirmed.
       VILA:  Take us round the easy way this time.

                                  ** the end **