28. "Powerplay"
by Terry Nation

(c) 1977 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Series created
by Terry Nation. This is a complete dialogue transcript for
research purposes and is not for sale under any circumstances
Format (c) 1993 by Micky DuPree.
Transcription:  Malcolm Mladenovic.
Proofreading:  Dave Owen.

Dramatis Personae:

Avon          Paul Darrow
Cally         Jan Chappell
Vila          Michael Keating
Servalan      Jacqueline Pearce
Tarrant       Steven Pacey
Dayna         Josette Simon
Zen           Peter Tuddenham
Klegg         Michael Sheard
Harmon        Doyne Byrd
Lom           John Hollis
Mall          Michael Crane
Zee           Primi Townsend
Barr          Julia Vidler
Nurse         Catherine Chase
Receptionist  Helen Blatch

[scene - Liberator teleport section, Avon, Dayna, Tarrant present]

 TARRANT:  Summary execution is the usual punishment for boarding
           a Federation ship without authority. What are you
           doing on my ship?
    AVON:  Your ship?
 TARRANT:  That's right.
           [Klegg, Harmon and three other guards enter]
   KLEGG:  You were supposed to have searched the ship. These two
           should have been found. Where were you hiding?
   DAYNA:  We weren't hiding. We've...
    AVON:  We've only just realized there was anyone else on board.
           We were in a civilian ship that got caught up in the
           battle. We managed to dock our life capsule alongside
           this ship and come aboard.
   KLEGG:  Just the two of you?
    AVON:  We were exhausted and settled into a cabin. We've been
           sleeping for hours.
 TARRANT:  Have your men make another search and this time see
           they do it properly.
   KLEGG:  Harmon, you heard the officer.
           [Harmon and the other guards leave]
 TARRANT:  What's your name?
    AVON:  My name is Chevron, this is my wife, Dayna.
   KLEGG:  You have identification?
    AVON:  We lost everyhting when our ship was hit.
   DAYNA:  We were lucky to get out with our lives.
 TARRANT:  We've all been lucky, not many of our people survived
           the battle. Captain Del Tarrant.
   KLEGG:  Section leader Klegg.

[scene - Liberator flight deck]
    AVON:  [off-screen] Is this the way?
 TARRANT:  [off-screen] Straight ahead.
           [Dayna, Avon, Tarrant and Klegg enter]
   KLEGG:  When you came aboard was there anyone else on the ship?
    AVON:  No.
 TARRANT:  Does the name Blake mean anything to you?
    AVON:  Blake, it seems to me I know the name. He was a
           political agitator, wasn't he?
 TARRANT:  How about you?
   DAYNA:  No, the name means nothing to me.
   KLEGG:  Jenna Stannis, Kerr Avon, Vila Restal?
    AVON:  Never heard of them. Are they important to you?
 TARRANT:  Very.
    AVON:  Why?
 TARRANT:  Because this was their ship.
   DAYNA:  I thought you said it was yours?
 TARRANT:  Prize of war.
    AVON:  What do you want now, a deed of transfer, perhaps?
 TARRANT:  In a way, you see we can't navigate this ship. It's
           operating on computer programming and we can't get an
           override to manual control.
   DAYNA:  You mean the ship is doing whatever it wants?
 TARRANT:  That's right. Our guess is that before Blake and his
           crew abandoned the computer was instructed only to
           respond to recognised voice prints. If Blake or any of
           the others have survived they'll use a communicator
           link. The computer will identify the voice and then
           direct the navigation units to take the ship within
           teleport range of the transmission source.
    AVON:  You need one of the original crew back on board to put
           the ship under your control.
   KLEGG:  That's exactly right.
   DAYNA:  Have you heard any transmission yet?
 TARRANT:  Thousands of them. The communication channels are
           thick with distress calls. But there is one, one
           special one, keeps coming in every hour or so. It's a
           long way off, a very weak signal. But every time we
           hear it the computer registers a power surge as if it
           was reacting to the voice.
    AVON:  If your theory is correct, it could be a member of the
 TARRANT:  We think so. The ship's gone into direct line flight
           now, it could be homing in on the signal.
   KLEGG:  But just before it settled on this flight path the
           ship went through some very precise manoeuvres which
           took it close to a planet.
    AVON:  A navigational check, presumably.
   KLEGG:  Yes, maybe. But shortly after that you two appeared.
    AVON:  Coincidence, pure coincidence.
   KLEGG:  I do not believe in coincidence, pure or otherwise.
    AVON:  I don't care what you believe in, why should you doubt
 TARRANT:  You'll find Section Leader Klegg doubts everything. He
           even questions my superior rank.
   KLEGG:  I accept that your rank places you in authority, sir;
           but my reports will show that my men and I boarded
           this ship before you.
 TARRANT:  Oh, don't worry, you'll get all the credit you deserve.
   KLEGG:  Thank you, sir. Now in the meantime and with your
           permission I suggest we confirm that neither of these
           two are members of Blake's crew.
 TARRANT:  You have my permission to try.
   KLEGG:  You will each speak a line into the computer's audio
           command circuit. If the computer does not recognise
           the voice it will not respond.
 TARRANT:  Would you mind?
    AVON:  As a matter of fact I would. I am getting a little
           tired of these insinuations. Loyal Federation citizens
           do have certain rights. We will not submit to being
           interrogated like common criminals. I warn you, I have
           a number of influential friends.
   KLEGG:  [points gun at Avon] Over here. You will say "Indicate
           if my voice pattern is registered in the memory banks
           and confirm identity." [To Dayna] You say it.
   DAYNA:  Indicate if my voice pattern is...
   KLEGG:  Is regisistered in the memory banks...
   DAYNA:  Is registered in the memory banks and confirm identity.
   KLEGG:  You're clear. [to Avon] You.. say it..
           [fight - Avon and Dayna are both knocked out by Tarrant]
   KLEGG:  Why did you do that?
 TARRANT:  He was reaching for a gun.
   KLEGG:  She could've killed me.
 TARRANT:  She wasn't exactly gentle with me.
           [Harmon and a guard enter]
   GUARD:  What happened?
 TARRANT:  He went for a gun. He wasn't going to chance taking
           the voice test.
   KLEGG:  There are no weapons on him, he's unarmed.
 TARRANT:  Are you sure?
   KLEGG:  There's nothing!
 TARRANT:  I must be getting jumpy.
   KLEGG:  We've still got to check his voice print.
 TARRANT:  Not yet, he's out cold. [To guards] Lock them up
           [Harmon and guard drag out Avon and Dayna, still
   KLEGG:  If you'd been a bit less sudden we'd have known the
           truth by now.
 TARRANT:  Or you might have had the back of your head blown off.
    VILA:  [on communicator] Zen, do you read me, Zen? Please
           respond if you are receiving.
 TARRANT:  It's him, same distress call, same frequency.
   KLEGG:  Still a long way off.
    VILA:  [on communicator] Oh come on, Zen, say something will
           you? Look, I'm in bad trouble. I need help.
 TARRANT:  Look. The computer's responding.
    VILA:  [on communicator] Look, it's very lonely where I am,
           wherever it is. I'm cold and I'm miserable and I'm
           hurt and I'm hungry.
 TARRANT:  Instruments are registering a change of course. The
           ship's locking on to the signal.
   KLEGG:  We were right, it is one of Blake's people.
 TARRANT:  And we're heading towards him.
    VILA:  [on communicator] Now be reasonable. All I ask is that
           you let me know that you're getting my signal. I don't
           want a long conversation. I'm not interested in the
           latest news, just confirm that you hear me. Come in!
   KLEGG:  All these instruments are reading. The ship's
           transmitting back to him.
 TARRANT:  But he's not getting it, maybe a fault in his receiver.
    VILA:  [On communicator] Call yourself a computer? You're an
           idiot, Zen. You should have been melted down for scrap
           years ago.  [scene switch - to Vila on surface of a
           planet] You electronic moron. Ooh. Help me will you,
           Zen. I'm in bad trouble. [Pause. A growl in the
           undergrowth] [to himself] Sounds big and bad tempered,
           I just hope it's vegetarian. Is there anybody there?
           There's something moving out there, men. Keep your
           weapons ready.  Yes sir. Now don't be nervous men.
           There are ten of us, and all heavily armed. I just
           hope that whoever's out there has the good sense to
           leave us alone. I'm going to give them ten seconds to
           get away from here. One, Two, Three, ... Hold your
           fire men. I'm a humane man. I'm going to give them
           another ten seconds. The poor devils don't know that
           it's certain death if they attack us.  One, [Notices
           Lom's spear next to his head] Two. Aghh, Ahh, ohh oh
     LOM:  You are hurt?
    VILA:  Yes, it's my arm. I think it's broken.
     LOM:  It has affected your mind, I think.
    VILA:  My mind?
     LOM:  You were talking to yourself in different voices.
    VILA:  Ah no. No, no, no, no. I was talking to my men.
           Communicator. My men are positioned all around here. I
           give them their orders through this and I can hear
           them answer.
     LOM:  We've been watching you. You are alone; and you do not
           need to explain to me about communicators, I am quite
           familiar with them.
    VILA:  Oh. Well that seems to cover everything.
     LOM:  You were in a space accident?
    VILA:  Accident? It was a full scale war. There was this alien
           battle fleet...
     LOM:  [interrupting] I would like to hear more about it when you
           are rested and fed. Are you hungry?
    VILA:  Starving.
     LOM:  [Whistles] Let me see your arm. My name is Lom.
    VILA:  I'm Vila, pleased to meet you. Ooh.
     LOM:  Yes, you are right, it is broken. It will have to be set.
    VILA:  Will that hurt?
     LOM:  A little.
    VILA:  Oh, it's just I'm not very good with pain. It's not
           that I'm a coward or anything. It's just that I have a
           very low pain threshold. Hardly a threshold at all,
           [Mall arrives]
     LOM:  Vila, this is Mall. [to Mall] He's very hungry, give
           him something. I have to mend his arm. I think when
           this is done it would be safer if you come back with
           us to our camp. There are hunters in this area.
    VILA:  Hunters, what are they after, big game?
     LOM:  No. Us! Hold him.
    VILA:  Oaahhh!

[scene - a cabin on the Liberator]
   DAYNA:  I'm sorry, I let you down.
    AVON:  Let me down?
   DAYNA:  There were only two, I should have been able to kill them
    AVON:  We all have our off days. Anyway there were four other
           guards hanging around.
   DAYNA:  I could have dealt with them.
    AVON:  I'm sure you could, but it's not all bad. If I had
           spoken, Zen would have identified me. This way we've
           bought ourselves a little more time.
   DAYNA:  How do we use it?
    AVON:  To start with we get out of here.
   DAYNA:  And once we're out?
    AVON:  This is my ship.

[scene - guard outside cabin door, rises and nods to someone approaching]

[scene - inside the cabin again, Avon is picking the lock]
   DAYNA:  You want me to try it?
    AVON:  Are you any good with locks?
   DAYNA:  No, but then neither are you, by the look of it.
    AVON:  You should never judge by appearances.
   DAYNA:  I don't, I judge by results, and you're not getting any.
    AVON:  Wrong again.
           [opens door - they find a dead guard outside with a knife
           in his back]
    AVON:  That's a difficult way to commit suicide.
   DAYNA:  Maybe he was cleaning it and it went off.
           [exeunt, Klegg and Tarrant arrive]
 TARRANT:  He's dead - killed with his own knife.
   KLEGG:  Do you still doubt that our friend is one of Blake's
 TARRANT:  No. Let's find them, get your men.

[scene - a passageway in the Liberator, Avon and Dayna enter, Avon opens
an inspection hatch]
    AVON:  Quickly. [they climb down through the hatch and put it
           back in place above them. Tarrant enters, sees hatch;
           it is clear he is suspicious]
 TARRANT:  I want every inch of this ship checked. Right, move!

[scene - Dayna and Avon in inspection channel]
 TARRANT:  [off screen] Search everywhere, every possible place.
   DAYNA:  What do we do now?
    AVON:  These inspection channels link up all over the ship. A
           little narrow in places, but we can get almost
           anywhere we want.
   DAYNA:  They're not going to give up on us.
    AVON:  They might, with a little encouragement. We have to take
           the pressure off so that I can talk to Zen.
   DAYNA:  Is it worth the risk?
    AVON:  The way the ship is acting it's obvious we're on our way
           to pick up another one of the crew.
   DAYNA:  And you need to know who and where.
    AVON:  Last word I got Blake and Jenna were still alive.
           There was nothing on Vila and Cally but that does not
           necessarily mean that they are dead.

[scene - a fish-shaped hospital ship; Cally lying on a bed, a nurse enters]
   NURSE:  Don't be alarmed, we're going to make a surface landing.
   CALLY:  More survivors from the battle?
   NURSE:  Just one, apparently. We picked up a voice signal a
           couple of hours ago. We're homing in on it now. It
           will be a quick touchdown and immediate lift-off. The
           local inhabitants are hostile, apparently. Ah, let's
           see how your burns are healing.
   CALLY:  How many survivors have you picked up now?
   NURSE:  This will make sixty-four. Feel any discomfort there?
   CALLY:  No.
   NURSE:  Yes, sixty-four. We're almost at capacity, we'll be on
           our way home after this pickup. Does that hurt?
   CALLY:  A little tender.
   NURSE:  I'm not surprised. When we pulled you out of your life
           capsule you were badly scorched.
   CALLY:  It was lucky you found me.
   NURSE:  Hm, that's what we're here for. You're doing fine. The
           new tissue's forming up. A few hours and you'll be
           able to take the regen mask off for good. [ship
           touches down in a barren, rocky landscape.] Absurd. No
           matter how many flights I make I'm always relieved
           when we touch down safely. Not very inviting is it?
   CALLY:  Not very. I imagine that survivor must be quite
           pleased to see us.
   NURSE:  Let's hope we were in time. Hm, we'll soon be on our way
   CALLY:  Where is home?
   NURSE:  Our planet, you mean. It's called Chenga. It was
           settled about two hundred years ago.
   CALLY:  Was it aligned to the Federation?
   NURSE:  No, neutral. We keep to ourselves.
   CALLY:  Well then, why are you getting involved now, why are you
           picking up survivors?
   NURSE:  That's quite enough talking. You still need to get
           plenty of rest. We're lifting off.
   CALLY:  That was fast.
   NURSE:  We had a very precise locator reading. I'll go and see
           what sort of state our new visitor is in.
           [The Nurse leaves, then returns with Servalan]
   NURSE:  We have a new guest. [to Servalan] You can settle in
SERVALAN:  You're very kind. And now if you would be good enough
           to tell your Captain I would like to see him. I have a
           great deal to do and very little time. So please see
           to it, immediately.
   NURSE:  I'll see he gets the message.
SERVALAN:  Good. That will be all for the moment.

[scene - the forest on the planet's surface]
     LOM:  We will rest.
    VILA:  Much further to go?
     LOM:  Not far. [to Mall] Scout the ground ahead. [To Vila]
           The hunters are out.
    VILA:  Who are these hunters?
     LOM:  They live to the north. They come to the forests to search
           for us.
    VILA:  Yes, but why?
     LOM:  Some treat it as a sport, most do it for the bounty.
    VILA:  Bounty?
     LOM:  The administration pays very highly, that's why there are
           many professional hunters. They are the most
    VILA:  You mean they get paid for killing you?
     LOM:  Killing? No, it is far worse than that.
    VILA:  Worse!
     LOM:  Down! There. [ominous lights moving under the trees]

[scene - inspection channel on the Liberator, Avon and Dayna]
    AVON:  Sounds quiet enough. Are you ready? [She nods]
           [they move out of inspection tunnel and hurry off]
           [Harmon and a guard enter and spot handles left up on cover]
  HARMON:  We've found them. Keep it covered - I'll get the
           [leaves, someone else arrives]
 GUARD 2:  We've got them.

[scene - another corridor, Klegg and a guard present, Harmon enters]
  HARMON:  We've found them. Section leader, we've found them.
           They're hiding in an inspection channel under the
 TARRANT:  [entering] Right, let's get on with it. Lead the way.

[scene - AVON and DAYNA in escape capsule launch area]
    AVON:  I was afraid it might have been used, but it's all right. I
           shall have to check it for damage.
   DAYNA:  Check what?
    AVON:  Watch the corridor.
   DAYNA:  Avon, what are you doing?
    AVON:  In a way, I am making us invisible.

[scene - the corridor with the hatch, Tarrant, Klegg, Harmon and a guard]
 TARRANT:  Lift together. Now.
           [shot from Klegg's rifle down into the inspection hole]

[scene - life capsule launch control area]
    AVON:  All in perfect working order.
   DAYNA:  How much longer are you going to be?
    AVON:  If you were them where would be the last place you'd
           expect to find us?
   DAYNA:  I don't know.
    AVON:  What about the room they locked us up in, would you think
           of looking there?
   DAYNA:  No, I don't think I would.
    AVON:  When I give you the signal fire two shots. I don't
           want anyone to miss this.

[scene - back to corridor]
 TARRANT:  A little sudden, Klegg.
   KLEGG:  It's not my fault, he was already dead.
 TARRANT:  From the wound on his head he was probably just unconscious.
   KLEGG:  I can't be held responsible.
 TARRANT:  All right, Section Leader, you were too quick with your
           gun, but I'll see the report shows you were not to
   KLEGG:  I shall be writing my own report on this.
           [2 shots are heard]
 TARRANT:  Stay here!

[scene - Tarrant arrives at life capsule launch controls]
 TARRANT:  They've launched a life capsule.

[scene - the cabin]
    AVON:  That should take the pressure off.
   DAYNA:  For a little while, anyway. What do we do next?
    AVON:  I must talk with Zen, find out what we have to do to
           help the others.

[scene - the corridor, Tarrant, Klegg, Harmon and the remaining two guards]
   KLEGG:  They made fools of us, we had them and they get away;
           killed two of us and escaped in a life capsule. None
           of that is going to look good on either of our
           records, sir!
 TARRANT:  Thank you, Klegg. I'm aware it's not likely to bring
           instant promotion. Still, we do have the Liberator.
   KLEGG:  Do we? Are you sure it's not the other way round? It's
           doing what it wants, going where it wants. Are you
           sure it hasn't got us? [All but Tarrant leave]
 TARRANT:  [to himself] I'm not really sure about anything.

[scene - surface of planet]
     LOM:  They're moving away.
    VILA:  Isn't that what we should be doing?
     LOM:  Shh. [Mall arrives. To Mall] You saw them, are they
           just the two of them? [Mall holds up four fingers]
    VILA:  Who are they? What are they?
     LOM:  We call them hi-techs - we must go.
           [Lom is shot with a suction dart, Mall throws his
    VILA:  [to Mall] Is he dead?
           [Mall picks up Lom and hurries off, Vila gets lost
           following him]
    VILA:  Where are you? Where are you?
           [Vila is caught]
     ZEE:  He's not a primitve.
    BARR:  He was with them.
     ZEE:  Look at his clothes, he's not one of them.
    BARR:  It's not important, anyhow.
     ZEE:  Oh, the poor thing's hurt.
    BARR:  [To Vila] Here, let me help you.
     ZEE:  Can you understand what we say?
    VILA:  Oh yes. Yes, yes yes - every word. My ears're all
           right, it's my arm that's the trouble.
    BARR:  He speaks our language.
    VILA:  Are you from Earth?
     ZEE:  Our ancestors came from Earth
    VILA:  Oh, that's nice to hear, so do mine. Do you mind if I sit
     ZEE:  Of course.
    VILA:  Oh.
    BARR:  Are you hungry?
    VILA:  Well now you mention it, my last meal was interrupted.
    BARR:  I'll get you something.
     ZEE:  What's the matter with your arm?
    VILA:  Broken, nothing really.
     ZEE:  Let me see if I can make it more comfortable for you.
    BARR:  When you're ready we'll take you to the Centre. You'll get
           expert medical attention there.
    VILA:  That's very kind of you. You know, I thought I was going
           to be killed.
     ZEE:  We don't kill, our guns fire tranquilizing darts. We
           try to catch the primitives so they can be taken back
           to a more civilized way of life, so they can be of use
           to the whole community.
    VILA:  Well, there's nothing wrong with that.
    BARR:  We need the primitives. They're very important to us. Just
           as you are.
    VILA:  That's nice to hear. I can only tell you that after
           all I've been through it's nice to know I'm safe at last.

[scene - elsewhere in the forest, Lom and Mall]
     LOM:  Vila, the hi-techs got him? [Mall nods] May his soul
           rest in peace.

[scene - on the hospital ship]
   CALLY:  [telepathically] Vila, Vila, can you hear me?

[scene - in the forest]
     ZEE:  You'll hardly feel this.
    VILA:  Ohh.

[scene - on the hospital ship]
   CALLY:  Oh.
SERVALAN:  Are you all right?
   CALLY:  Yes.
SERVALAN:  Cally. What a delightful coincidence. I'm glad to see
           you came through more or less unscathed, fit to be
           brought to trial.
   CALLY:  Trial, by whom, Servalan? From the reports I've heard
           the Federation is finished. You lost control when Star
           One was destroyed.
SERVALAN:  After a war of that scale there was bound to be some
           disruption. But things will be under control again
           very soon.  Don't ever doubt it. You and Blake and all
           the other traitors from the Liberator will be dealt
   CALLY:  But don't you understand, it's over. You're finished.
           You don't have power any more.
SERVALAN:  You think not?
   CALLY:  We're on a neutral ship heading for a neutral planet.
           Try giving some orders and see who obeys you.
   NURSE:  We're approaching home base and shifting into an entry
           orbit. We'll be on surface soon.
SERVALAN:  You told the Captain I wanted to see him?
   NURSE:  He's busy preparing for touchdown at the moment. I
           gave him your message, but I'm afraid he does have
           more pressing priorities.
   CALLY:  Not exactly jumping whenever you snap your fingers are
SERVALAN:  Not yet, but I've enjoyed authority too long to give
           it up easilly. I'll be giving orders again, and
           they'll be obeyed. When that happens I shall give a
           very special priority to you and your friend, Avon.
   CALLY:  Avon?
SERVALAN:  We met; briefly.
   CALLY:  Then he's alive.
SERVALAN:  The condition I hope is purely temporary.

[scene - cabin on the Liberator]
   DAYNA:  Must you do that?
    AVON:  It won't fit into any logical pattern.
   DAYNA:  What won't?
    AVON:  Who killed the guard and why?
   DAYNA:  Whh, he's just one less to deal with, do we care why?
           [pause] But why leave him sitting there?
    AVON:  To delay discovery and give the murderer a chance to
           get away.
   DAYNA:  A personal grudge, one of the others has been waiting for
           a chance to settle an old score?
    AVON:  That's a possibility.
   DAYNA:  Can you think of another?
    AVON:  Yes. Just one. There's someone else on this ship that
           neither they nor we know about. Stay here and stay
   DAYNA:  I'll come with you.
    AVON:  I can do it faster on my own.
   DAYNA:  Do what? Avon, why do you keep everything to yourself?
           Why so secretive?
    AVON:  Perhaps I'm shy. [Goes to leave] Anybody comes through
           this door, kill them. Anybody that isn't me, that is.

[scene - Harmon coming from store room, seen by Avon]

[scene - Liberator flight deck, Klegg, Tarrant and a guard]
   KLEGG:  Any deviation in the flight path?
 TARRANT:  Not for more than an hour. There's nothing on this
           heading except the planet Chenga. That's got to be
           where we're going.
   KLEGG:  Chenga? Never heard of it.
 TARRANT:  It's a neutral, small population. I'll check the
           references to see if there's anything especially
           [Avon sees them and stays out of sight outside]
   KLEGG:  I'm going to take another look at that teleport
           system. If anyone comes aboard, that's the way they'll
           [Klegg and guard leave, followed by Tarrant, Avon
    AVON:  Zen, I want a status check. Keep it down to basics, I
           don't have too much time.
     ZEN:  All systems are fully operational. Computers are
           responding to a program of search, locate and
    AVON:  Have you anything on Blake's whereabouts?
     ZEN:  His last voice transmission reported that he is safe and
           well and en route for the planet Epheron.
    AVON:  Epheron?
     ZEN:  It is a planet of the system Lauritol. It has several
           primitive life forms.
    AVON:  Don't give me the whole thing, I'll punch up the
           reference. What about the others?
     ZEN:  Jenna received superficial injuries in a life capsule
    AVON:  Is she all right?
     ZEN:  She reports she is well and aboard a neutral cargo
           carrier in transit to the planet Morphenniel. She
           advises that her situation requires no priority
    AVON:  Cally?
     ZEN:  No contact.
    AVON:  Vila?
     ZEN:  He is injured and according to his last transmission
           in grave peril. Accordingly his recovery has been
           given maximum priority.
    AVON:  Where is he?
     ZEN:  The planet Chenga. Teleport range will be achieved in
           precisely three hours and eight point five minutes.
    AVON:  All right, continue recovery program.
           [Avon leaves the flight deck, an unconscious Dayna is
           dragged in by Klegg and a guard.]
   KLEGG:  Bring her round.

[scene - the Chengan forest]
    VILA:  I really don't understand what the primitives are so
           afraid of.
     ZEE:  When the planet was first colonized the settlers broke
           into two factions:  those who wanted to live what they
           called the simple, natural life, growing their own
           food, building their own homes.
    VILA:  And the other faction?
    BARR:  Wanted to use every new scientific development to make
           life easier and more comfortable. To stamp out
           sickness and disease and create a safer, happier,
           prosperous environment.  Through the use of high
    VILA:  High technology - hi-techs. I see now, that's your side.
     ZEE:  That's right.
    VILA:  And the primitives are the others.
     ZEE:  Well, you've seen where their philosophy has taken
           them. They live like animals, half starved without
           proper food or medicines.
    BARR:  They'll never willingly give up their way of life.
           That's why we try to catch them with our drug guns.
           And when we do they make an invaluable contribution to
           our society.
    VILA:  It's a shame, they just don't know what they're missing.
    BARR:  Soon we'll reach the city and you'll be safe then.

[scene - Avon outside cabin on the LIberator]
    AVON:  Dayna?
           [he enters]
  HARMON:  Stand! Face that wall. Put your hands against it.
           [Harmon searches Avon for weapons]
    AVON:  May I turn round now?
  HARMON:  Carefully.
 TARRANT:  You got him. Good. A very impressive performance, I
           didn't believe anyone could stay out of sight for so
           long, but then you did have the advantage of local
           knowledge, didn't you Avon?
    AVON:  My name is...
 TARRANT:  Your name is Avon.
    AVON:  How did you know?
 TARRANT:  When we first came face-to-face. I said "What are you
           doing on my ship?". There were a dozen ways you could
           have answered, but you said "Your ship?". An innocent
           stranger wouldn't question who was in command.
    AVON:  Unless he was here first as I said I was.
 TARRANT:  No, Klegg's men would have found you. They had to make
           sure no one else was on board in order to claim the
           salvage prize money. Greed makes very efficient
           troopers. No, if you were here then you must have been
           hiding. I repeat, an innocent stranger wouldn't
           question who was in command.
    AVON:  I congratulate you, that's very nicely reasoned, a
           stupid lapse of concentration on my part.
 TARRANT:  Oh, don't blame yourself too much.
    AVON:  I'll try not to.
 TARRANT:  I imagine you've been under considerable stress.
    AVON:  I had hoped for a more inspiring epitaph.
 TARRANT:  So, after realizing you were one of Blake's people it
           was simple. You weren't Blake, I'd have recognized
    AVON:  And too intelligent for Vila.
 TARRANT:  It was an even bet.
    AVON:  Quite.
 TARRANT:  I still don't know who the girl is, though.
    AVON:  Her name is Dayna, she's not one of us. Where is she,
           by the way?
 TARRANT:  Do you care?
    AVON:  She did save my life.
  HARMON:  Shouldn't we take him to the flight deck, sir? Section
           Leader Klegg will want to question him.
 TARRANT:  When I'm ready, Harmon.
    AVON:  Klegg doesn't strike me as a subtle man.
 TARRANT:  He isn't.
    AVON:  So when I refuse to answer his questions we'll get
           into the dreary process of subjecting me to extreme
           pain and suffering.
 TARRANT:  Barbaric, but frequently effective.
    AVON:  Before we get into that there's something I think you
           should know.
 TARRANT:  Go on.
    AVON:  One of your men was murdered.
  HARMON:  Two. Two of our men were murdered.
    AVON:  Oh better than I thought. I wish I could say I was
           sorry. What I can say is: we didn't kill them.
  HARMON:  He's lying.
    AVON:  I think I know who it might have been.
    AVON:  [indicating Harmon] Him.
  HARMON:  Why, you ly...
 TARRANT:  Easy Harmon.
  HARMON:  They were my friends.
 TARRANT:  Let him finish.
    AVON:  I saw him coming out of one of the sections, he was
           nervous, uneasy. I couldn't make anything of it until
           I remebered what was housed in that section. This ship
           carries considerable sums of various currencies, rare
           metals, precious stones and the like. He was coming
           out of the strong room.
  HARMON:  I was following orders, I was searching for you.
    AVON:  Show him the bag you have in your pocket.
           [they fight, Tarrant shoots Harmon as he is about to kill
    AVON:  The others must have known what he was up to. He
           didn't want to share with them.
           [Tarrant searches Harmon, finding and emptying a bag of
 TARRANT:  You made a good case, Avon, there was only one thing
           wrong with it.
    AVON:  What was that?
 TARRANT:  He didn't kill those men. I did. [Gives Harmon's rifle
           to Avon] You'll need that if we're both to come out of
           this alive. [Closes door]

[scene - Chenga. Barr leaves a dome and meets Zee and Vila in the
    BARR:  There, that's all done. I've checked you in and
           registered you.
     ZEE:  The staff will look after you. You just ask for
           anything you want. You'll find they're most obliging.
    VILA:  But I'll be seeing you and Bar again, won't I?
     ZEE:  That's not allowed, I'm afraid.
    BARR:  Zee and I have work to do.
    VILA:  Oh, I'm really sorry I won't be seeing you both again
           and I want to thank you for everything you've done.
           Without you, I don't know what would have happened to
     ZEE:  It was no trouble and remember we get a reward for
           bringing you here.
    BARR:  Two thousand credits.
    VILA:  You get paid for helping me? That's what the
           primitives meant when they said that you get a bounty.
           You see, they've got it all wrong, they just don't
    BARR:  You'd better go now, they're expecting you. You're
           going to make an enormous contribution to our society.
    VILA:  Well, it's little enough after all you've done for me.
           You look after yourselves and thanks once again. I
           really, really mean that.

[scene - inside the dome, Vila enters]
    VILA:  Excuse me, er, Zee and Barr sent me. I think I'm
 TIONIST:  And most welcome.
    VILA:  You know, those two are really nice girls, really
 TIONIST:  They've brought in over twenty primitives in the last
           two years.
    VILA:  You don't surprise me, they're all heart those two.
 TIONIST:  Now, if you'd like to follow me.
    VILA:  Lead on, lead on. Cally!
   CALLY:  Vila!
    VILA:  Oh, Cally, what a relief. I thought I'd never see you
   CALLY:  It's good to see you. I knew you were still alive
           because I felt your pain.
    VILA:  Oh, you've no idea what I've been through.
   CALLY:  How is it?
    VILA:  Well, it's all right if you don't count the agony.
   CALLY:  I tried very hard to contact you.
    VILA:  Things got a bit hectic. Are you all right?
   CALLY:  Yes.
    VILA:  The others?
   CALLY:  I don't know. I think Avon's alive.
    VILA:  He would be.
 NURSE 2:  We have to move on to health reception. You can go
           together if you wish.
    VILA:  Oh, thank you.
   CALLY:  We'd like that, thank you.
 NURSE 2:  This way.
    VILA:  Thank you.
SERVALAN:  [Initially off-screen] You - come here. My name is
           Servalan. I want to see a senior official immediately.
 TIONIST:  I'm afraid that won't be possible.
SERVALAN:  I am President and Supreme Commander of the Terran
           Federation. I want to see a senior official. I want to
           see him here and I want to see him now.

[scene - Guard approaches cabin, Avon and Tarrant are talking inside]
    AVON:  [Through the door] Del Tarrant - who are you?
[scene switches to inside]
 TARRANT:  I've been on the Federation wanted list for quite a
           while. I had my own ship. I was running contraband,
           getting myself mixed up in other people's wars - you
           know the sort of thing. Naturally I heard something of
           what Blake and the rest of you were doing.
    AVON:  We tried not to keep it a secret. How did you get here?
 TARRANT:  Like you, I went in against the aliens, unlike you I
           barely survived the first salvo. I was picked up by a
           Federation ship - that's how I came by the uniform.
           When she was hit and we abandoned my life capsule
           homed in on the Liberator. She was still in bad shape
           but the repair circuits were beginning to make
    AVON:  Were Klegg and his men already here?
 TARRANT:  Yes, so I had no choice but to bluff it out and
           pretend I was Federation. The man I got the uniform
           from outranked Klegg and I trained as a Federation
           Space Captain so it wasn't too difficult.
    AVON:  You certainly convinced me, especially when you cracked
           me over the back of the head.
 TARRANT:  Yes, sorry about that, but I knew if you spoke the
           computer would identify you.
[scene switch to guard]
    AVON:  Were you planning to kill all of them?
[switch back]
 TARRANT:  Yes, if necessary, it's not quite as callous as it
           might seem, almost but not quite. Klegg and his men
           are the Federation's death squad, they have a record
           of brutality hard to match.
    AVON:  You don't have to apologise to me.
 TARRANT:  I wasn't.
           [they hear the sound of movement from outside the
    AVON:  Just one thing. When we launched the life capsule, why
           weren't you convinced we had gone?
 TARRANT:  It convinced Klegg, but not me.
    AVON:  I thought it was a good idea.
 TARRANT:  It was, but that's how I knew you had faked it, it's
           the sort of idea I would have had myself.
           [Avon opens the door but the guard runs off]
    AVON:  Pity - it would have been better if they still thought
           you were on their side, but there are only three of
           them now.
 TARRANT:  It's not quite that straightforward, Klegg's holding
           your friend Dayna.

[scene - Chenga medical facility]
 TIONIST:  If you'll swallow these - they're trace elemnts to
           help the instruments make a complete analysis.
    VILA:  Of course, anything we can do to be helpful.
   CALLY:  Thank you.
 TIONIST:  Now if you'd like to relax someone will come to see
           you shortly.
    VILA:  You know, I think our luck has finally changed.
   CALLY:  Yes, I'm not quite sure just which way.
    VILA:  You're not serious. I tell you, given the choice
           between all this or sitting out there with a broken
           arm I know which I'd choose.
   CALLY:  Well, there's something not quite right about all this.
    VILA:  Not right - I've never known such hospitality.
   CALLY:  I think I'm going to try and contact the Liberator.
    VILA:  There's no rush is there? At least tell them not to
           hurry. Tell Zen to give the others priority.
   CALLY:  Cally calling Liberator. Liberator, are you receiving
           me? Respond please.

[scene - Liberator flight deck]
    AVON:  Zen, where are they?
     ZEN:  In-board sensors registering movement in the teleport
    AVON:  We have to get them out of there fast. If Vila
           teleports aboard they'll have him cold.

[scene - teleport section, Avon and Tarrant are just outside it]
    AVON:  Now is a good time to start getting ideas.
 TARRANT:  Do you have grenades on board?
    AVON:  We can't chance damaging the teleport.
   KLEGG:  [offscreen] Do you hear me out there?
    AVON:  We hear you.
   KLEGG:  You come in here, unarmed, or I kill the girl.
    AVON:  [offscreen] Not a chance.
   KLEGG:  She will die slowly and very noisily.
   DAYNA:  Don't count on it.
   KLEGG:  Well?
    AVON:  [offscreen] We'll think about it.
   KLEGG:  You've got five minutes.
 TARRANT:  You'd better come up with something fast.

[scene - Chenga medical facility]
     VILA:  You know, I wouldn't mind settling down here, nice
            planet, nice people, meet a nice girl, raise a family.
    CALLY:  What would you do for a living?
     VILA:  There're always opportunities for a top class thief.
 SERVALAN:  [off screen] Where's section area twenty-two?
PERSONNEL:  [off screen] Through there.
     VILA:  Servalan.
            [Servalan enters]
 SERVALAN:  Two of you now. Even better than I thought. I came to
            say goodbye. I shall be leaving shortly.
    CALLY:  Goodbye?
 SERVALAN:  You see you were wrong, Cally. The Federation does
            still carry influence. I had to arrange for a
            considerable payment of goods and equipment to be
            made, but in return I am to be given transport back to
     VILA:  Wonderful, we were worried about you. Your welfare
            really concerned us.
 SERVALAN:  We won't meet again.
     VILA:  Sounds good. I told you our luck had changed.
 SERVALAN:  Ah, not for the better, I'm afraid. You see I know
            what this place is now. I know why they went to all
            the trouble patrolling the battle area, picking up
    CALLY:  Why?
 SERVALAN:  They need humans. I suppose you two just about
     VILA:  Qualify for what?
    CALLY:  Servalan, what are you talking about?
 SERVALAN:  Unofficially the staff call this place the
            slaughterhouse. It's an organ bank. They store living
            tissue - all the vital organs for spare part surgery.
     VILA:  I can't move. Cally, I can't move.
 SERVALAN:  Don't be too alarmed. It's all quite painless and
            humane, I understand. [a nurse arrives with a stretcher]

[scene - Liberator teleport section]
    AVON:  I am ready to talk.
   KLEGG:  I talk - you listen. We take over the ship. You
           program the computer to respond to my voice commands,
           I want complete control.
    AVON:  What do we get?
   KLEGG:  You'll be teleported onto the surface of the nearest
           planet. You can build your security into the computer
           program. It won't respond to me until you are safely
           off the ship.
   DAYNA:  Don't do it, Avon.
    AVON:  Well, I wouldn't, Dayna, but I can't think of any
   KLEGG:  There is no alternative. One more thing. Tarrant is
           not part of the deal, he stays. I have things to
           settle with him.
    AVON:  He won't go along with that.
   KLEGG:  Convince him.
    AVON:  All right. Take the magazine out of your gun and give
           it to me. When I give you the signal fire one shot,
           then get ready to take him when he comes in.
   DAYNA:  No, Avon!
   KLEGG:  Very neat. I don't think I'd like you as a friend, Avon.
    AVON:  Let's get it over with.
    AVON:  Tarrant! I've got them Tarrant!
           [Tarrant enters and is captured]
    AVON:  There are so few people you can trust these days.

[scene - the organ bank]
   NURSE:  There'll be no pain, we ensure that all life is
           extingushed before surgery begins.

[scene - Liberator teleport section]
   KLEGG:  Where are you going?
    AVON:  To reprogram the computer.
   KLEGG:  Not alone, you're not. I'm coming with you.
    AVON:  Now!
           [fight - two of the guards are dealt with by Dayna]
 TARRANT:  She's very good.
    AVON:  Promising, quite promising.

[scene - the organ bank]
   NURSE:  They're ready for them in surgery - extinguish life.

[The teleport operates just in time]
   DAYNA:  She's alive, it looks as though she's been drugged.
    AVON:  That one's Cally. I'll introduce her more formally
           when she wakes up. This one is Vila. I should really
           introduce him now, he's at his best when he's

[scene - Liberator flight deck]
    AVON:  Go ahead.
   DAYNA:  My name is Dayna, Dayna Mellanby.
    AVON:  Now you.
 TARRANT:  I am Del Tarrant.
    AVON:  Register the voices, Zen. From now on you will obey
           their requests and commands.
     ZEN:  Confirmed.
    AVON:  Welcome to the Liberator.
    VILA:  And you are, welcome to it.
   CALLY:  Oh, given the choice would you rather be a load of
           spare parts down there?
    AVON:  Or one spare part up here?

[end credits]