35. "Sarcophagus"
by Tanith Lee

(c) 1980 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Series created by
Terry Nation. This is a complete dialogue transcript for research
purposes and is not for sale under any circumstances. Format (c) 
1993 by Susan Schnitger, Micky DuPree and Didi Johnson.

Dramatis Personae

Kerr Avon
Vila Restal
Del Tarrant
Dayna Mellanby

[On the surface of a planet. Three figures clad in red approach 
a round, shining white building. Two are carrying burning 
torches, the third is carrying an object covered by a red veil.]

[A circular chamber within that building. On the floor is a 
triangular pattern with rays extending from it. On a bier nearby 
lies a body completely hidden beneath a drape. Three more 
figures are there. Two, wearing gray, are also holding burning 
torches. The third is wearing black. The three figures in red 
enter the chamber. The one carrying the object sets it on the 
floor, and all make an obeisance to the one in black. All six 
figures gather about the triangle, and the leader magically 
extinguishes each of the other's torches in turn. A series of 
masked figures are conjured one by one in the center of the 

A female figure in green appears. She proffers a smoking bowl 
then disappears.

A male figure in orange appears.  He does some sleight of hand, 
making some scarves and a white dove appear from an empty tube 
and then vanishes.

A female figure in aqua appears.  She strums a few chords on a 
lyre-like harp and then disappears.

A male figure in red appears. He postures threateningly and fires 
a gun and then vanishes.

The assemblage starts to leave. A male Caucasian figure in black 
appears and simply stands there in a relaxed posture. The leader 
frowns, then banishes it with a gesture. She motions the others 
to leave, then uncovers the hands of the corpse. Removing a ring 
set with a large black stone from her own hand she slips it onto 
one of the body's fingers. After replacing the covering she 

[On the surface of the planet. The building is revealed to be a 
spaceship as it rises into the sky.]

[In space. The alien spaceship drifts.]

[A shot of a band of twisted gold metal.  Then it serves as a 
frame to an extreme close up of Cally's eye.]

[Inside Cally's cabin on the Liberator. She is sitting in a 
chair, holding a sheet of paper.]
    AVON:  [V.O., O.O.S.] Cally.
   CALLY:  What is it?
    AVON:  [V.O., O.O.S.] Well, it looks like a door. And it's 
           closed. [Cally lays the paper on a table then opens 
           the door and he enters the shot.] Zen's fixed the 
           orbit of the mineral asteroid that Tarrant was talking 
           about. We have half an hour to decide if we go after 
   CALLY:  Why not? It's something else to chase. [Avon picks up 
           the paper and looks at it.] A sketch of a place I 
           used to know.
    AVON:  Auron.
   CALLY:  Yes, Auron. And it's pointless to think about it. 
           I'll never see it again.
    AVON:  That's why you've been shut in here for ten hours? 
           Thinking about Auron and how you'll never see it 
   CALLY:  That's why.
    AVON:  I wish I could promise you that the sparkling company 
           on the flight deck would take you out of yourself.
   CALLY:  [smiles ruefully] I'm all right.
    AVON:  No, you're not. [He rests his hand on her arm.] But 
           you will be. Regret is part of being alive. But keep 
           it a small part.
   CALLY:  As you do?
    AVON:  [Smiles] Demonstrably.
           [Cally smiles, pats him on the chest, and exits. Avon 
           lays the paper down and follows.]

[The flight deck of the Liberator. Tarrant is working with a hand 
calculating device near one of the control positions.  Dayna is 
seated in the pit, tuning a lyre-like string instrument. Vila is 
bending over a triangular game board, moving a playing piece. 
Cally and Avon enter.]
    VILA:  I think I'm going to win this time, Avon.
   DAYNA:  Congratulations.
           [Avon pauses by the board to remove three black pieces 
           and shift one white piece.]
    VILA:  You can't. Oh. Yes, you can.
   DAYNA:  Vila didn't win again.
    VILA:  It was your fault. You put me off.
   DAYNA:  With pleasure. On the first planet we come to.
 TARRANT:  [Approaches Avon and hands him the calculator.] Here, 
           take a look at this. That asteroid's less than thirty- 
           two hours away, but we'll still be cutting it fine.
    AVON:  Let's get going then. There's nothing keeping us here.
     ZEN:  Information. Detectors indicate a vessel is approaching.
    AVON:  Identification?
     ZEN:  Negative.
    AVON:  What speed is it making?
     ZEN:  There is no specific speed. The vehicle is apparently 
 TARRANT:  Damaged?
     ZEN:  Negative.
    AVON:  Put it on visual.
     ZEN:  Confirmed. Scanners in operation. [It displays a 
           blurry visual of the alien spaceship.]
 TARRANT:  Doesn't maintain your usual standards, Zen. [The focus 
           sharpens.] Some kind of alien.
    AVON:  It's like nothing I've ever seen before.
    VILA:  An alien spaceship has aliens on it, right? My 
           experience of aliens hasn't exactly been warming.
 TARRANT:  Your experiences with humans haven't been particularly 
           glowing either. Zen, any idea where she comes from?
     ZEN:  Negative. No comparative data is available. Primary 
           analysis suggests the design is eccentric and may be 
           decorative rather than functional.
    AVON:  What about manpower, or whatever power it's got?
     ZEN:  The ship registers no life signs.
    VILA:  Well, if it really were alien it may not register as life.
     ZEN:  Alien vessel is now stationary.
    AVON:  Distance?
     ZEN:  Two hundred spatials.
    AVON:  That's a little too perfect for something that is 
           registering as unmanned.
 TARRANT:  We signal?
    AVON:  Give me a reason.
 TARRANT:  A reason? It's out there.
    AVON:  In other words, you're bored.
 TARRANT:  In other words, I don't believe in missing chances.
    AVON:  Any chance this offers is purely hypothetical. On the 
           other hand, any minerals we pull off that asteroid are 
           unique and therefore conceivably useful. And once its 
           orbit takes it back into the perimeter of its sun, we 
           lose it for another three months.
 TARRANT:  I still give this priority.
   DAYNA:  We can't just ignore it.
   CALLY:  No, Avon, we can't.
    AVON:  Something else to chase? Very well, as you are all so 
           eager -- Zen, signal the alien.
     ZEN:  Confirmed.
           [There is an alien sound. Cally closes her eyes and winces 
    AVON:  [to Cally] What is it?
   CALLY:  What?
    AVON:  You picked up on something.
   CALLY:  No. How could I? I'm an Auron. The only message I can 
           receive is from one of my own people.
    AVON:  I know.
   DAYNA:  But you're still psi-developed, Cally. You can read 
           minds sometimes. Did you?
   CALLY:  Not then.
 TARRANT:  I don't believe her.
    AVON:  Leave it, Tarrant. She just told you, only an Auron 
           can communicate directly to another Auron. That thing 
           out there is not an Auron ship. Zen, confirm negative 
     ZEN:  Negative response confirmed.
    AVON:  [Pulls ORAC's key out.] Now, we have another decision 
           to make. Somehow that ship has moored itself 
           conveniently close. Do we teleport aboard?
 TARRANT:  I suggest a party of three for maximum cover, and armed.
    AVON:  Why do I get the feeling that you have been planning 
           this for weeks? Very well. Vila, Cally, get three 
           guns. Get to the teleport.
 TARRANT:  And do what --
    AVON:  [To Tarrant] YOU will remain here as backup with Dayna. 
           [Smiles slightly] You don't mind, do you? [Hands him 
           ORAC's key.]

[The circular chamber in the alien spaceship. Everything is 
covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. Cally appears 
   CALLY:  [looks around] Avon? Vila?
           [Avon and Vila appear, Vila falling down immediately.]
   CALLY:  Something went wrong?
    VILA:  You can say that again.
   CALLY:  You were both seconds behind me.
    AVON:  [into bracelet] Dayna, what happened?

[The teleport room on the Liberator. Dayna is at the controls, 
TARRANT is near by.]
   DAYNA:  Nothing happened.
    AVON:  [v.o.] I was late getting here and Vila arrived on his 
 TARRANT:  Nothing showed up as wrong. I'll get Zen to check 
           everything out.
    AVON:  Do that.
    VILA:  We are going to be able to get back, aren't we? I 
           shouldn't like to have to spend the rest of my life 
           here. [An "alien" sound effect -- a static-y hum -- 
           begins quietly, then build louder and louder as the 
           scene continues]
    AVON:  Don't worry. It wouldn't be a long one.
    VILA:  Wonderful. What do you mean?
    AVON:  Zen promised us an oxygen atmosphere but it's pretty 
           thin on the ground. [He rests his hand on an object 
           that crumbles beneath its weight, then picks up a 
           disk.] Though it must have been denser at one time to 
           cause so much of this. [He effortlessly crushes the disk 
           into powder.]
   CALLY:  You kept Tarrant out. Why?
    AVON:  His enthusiasm can be distracting.
    VILA:  [pulling at ribbons draped over the furnishings] What 
           are all these colored ribbons?
    AVON:  Perhaps they were having a party. According to Zen 
           this ship has one single deck and this is it. Do you 
           notice anything?
           [Vila looks about blankly.]
   CALLY:  No instrument panels?
    AVON:  No navigational or drive systems whatsoever. It's 
           unlikely that they would corrode without trace.
   CALLY:  [approaches the bier and uncovers the ring] Avon, look at 
    AVON:  [uncovers the face of the body] Whatever it was, it was 
    VILA:  I don't think I want to see.
   CALLY:  This isn't a a ship, it's a tomb. They, whoever they 
           are or were, sealed their dead up inside and set it 
           adrift in space. This rubble -- it's the remains of 
           artifacts buried with the corpse.
    VILA:  That doesn't seem very hygienic.
    AVON:  You worked it all out very fast.
   CALLY:  Well, it's obvious.
    AVON:  Yes.
   CALLY:  These jewels must be priceless. 
    VILA:  Jewels? [He reaches toward the ring.]
   CALLY:  [blocks his arm] Vila, don't.
    VILA:  [Looks at the corpse] No. I don't think I will. [As 
           he turns away he trips on an object on the floor, then 
           kneels beside it.] What's this? [He tears the veil 
           covering it, revealing a device shaped like an egg 
           mounted on a pedestal with several buttons.]
    AVON:  [crouches beside Vila] I take it that's a rhetorical 
           question, or did you really think we knew?
    VILA:  No.
    AVON:  I'd like to take a look at it before you smash it to 
           [Cally has remained beside the corpse. Something 
           appears to catch her eye. She draws her gun and 
           fires. The alien sound stops.]
    AVON:  [draws his gun and swivels to face in the same direction as 
           Cally] What the hell?!
   CALLY:  I saw something. I think it must have been my reflection.
    VILA:  You can take modesty too far, you know.
   DAYNA:  [v.o.] Avon! Avon, answer.
    AVON:  What is it?
[Teleport room]
 TARRANT:  The detectors are registering some sort of energy 
           build-up all 'round you on that ship.
    AVON:  [v.o.] One of us just fired at something that wasn't there. 
           Maybe we've triggered something else that is.
   DAYNA:  You certainly have. Listen, describe the interior.
    AVON:  [v.o.] Dust, debris, rather an old corpse --
   DAYNA:  WHAT? Well, is there any sort of beam you could have 
[Alien ship]
    AVON:  Probably hundreds.
   DAYNA:  [v.o.] A trip-wire?
    VILA:  [indicating the ribbons he had gone back to fiddling with]
    AVON:  We may have tripped a few wires, yes.
[Teleport room]   
   DAYNA:  That ship must have an anti-intruder device rigged. 
           You've activated it. Avon, I think you're now inside 
           a live bomb.
[Alien ship]
    AVON:  Then get us out of here fast and do it right this time. 
           [A throbbing sound starts and gets louder, and the 
           room lighting begins to flicker in intensity.] Vila!
    VILA:  Avon?
    AVON:  [indicating egg-shaped device] Pick that thing up.
           [Vila approaches it reluctantly, then stops to cover 
           his ears with both hands and shuts his eyes. Cally picks 
           up the device and then vanishes.]
    VILA:  That was smooth, Dayna. [Opens his eyes and looks 
           about] Dayna? Avon, we're still here.
[Cally appears in the teleport room.]
 TARRANT:  Where are they? Cally, for heaven's sake!
     ZEN:  Build-up of energy aboard alien ship increasing.
 TARRANT:  Did they take off the bracelets?
   CALLY:  Of course they didn't.
   DAYNA:  [vainly works the controls again] Am I doing something 
   CALLY:  No. This happened going in. As if--
     ZEN:  Build-up of energy aboard alien ship increasing to a 
           critical point.
   DAYNA:  Zen, malfunction of teleport system.
     ZEN:  Shutdown may be implemented. Energy increase aboard 
           alien ship computed as reaching critical point in 
           thirty seconds.
   CALLY:  [hurries into teleport area] Put me back on the alien 
 TARRANT:  You heard Zen -- you can't go back into that. Besides 
           which, the teleport could fail totally at any moment or 
           go into automatic shutdown.
   CALLY:  Try to put me back. Give me as many seconds as you can 
           spare then try to bring me out again.
   DAYNA:  Don't. Don't, Cally.
   CALLY:  Dayna!
     ZEN:  Twenty seconds.
   CALLY:  I think I can bring them out with me, otherwise they'll 
           both die.
   DAYNA:  This way you'll all die.
     ZEN:  Fifteen seconds.
   CALLY:  It's our only chance. Do it!
           [Dayna rushes to work the controls.]
     ZEN:  Ten seconds.

[Aboard the alien ship. The beating sound is very loud.]
    AVON:  [into bracelet] Answer me, will you? Answer me! [Cally 
           appears and takes his hand.] Don't tell me, Zen has 
           finally gone mad.
   CALLY:  There's no time. Vila, give me your hand. [All three 
[The alien ship explodes.]

[The teleport room. All three appear.]
 TARRANT:  Zen, damage report.
     ZEN:  The Liberator has sustained no damage. The teleport is 
           now functioning at full power.
   DAYNA:  Better late than never.
    AVON:  What the hell was going on over here? Afternoon tea?
 TARRANT:  Ask Zen. I want to know what trick Cally pulled off 
           that Zen couldn't. Or wouldn't.
   CALLY:  Their teleport bracelets were affected by the energy 
           build-up. Mine obviously wasn't. When I linked with 
           Avon and Vila by touch, my bracelet boosted the others 
           and brought the three of us through.
 TARRANT:  Neat. And not remotely believable.
    VILA:  Who cares, it worked. Thanks, Cally. [He looks at 
           their still-linked hands.] I never realized you felt 
           this way about me.
           [Cally drops his hand in exasperation.]
   CALLY:  [to Avon] You were nearly killed. Was it worth it?
    AVON:  Was it?
   CALLY:  I'd like a straight answer.
    AVON:  Try a straight question.
   CALLY:  You didn't trust me. You thought I had some obscure 
           reaction to something on that ship, didn't you? You 
           and I teleported so that you could watch me and see 
           what I'd do. You cut Tarrant out because he had the 
           same idea, but he'd made no secret of it.
    AVON:  You're over-reacting.
   CALLY:  Probably. But you wouldn't expect a normal human 
           response, would you? I'm not quite human. [Exits.]
[The flight deck. The alien device has been cleaned up and is 
revealed to be an egg-shaped object in a bright enamel blue 
mounted on a base of shiny worked metal with an inset control 
panel with strange markings and buttons of varying sizes. It is 
sitting on a table with Avon studying it.]
 TARRANT:  Are you having any luck with that object, Avon?
    AVON:  As you can see, no.
 TARRANT:  Try ORAC with it.
    AVON:  I already have. It has no more idea of its function 
           than we do.
   DAYNA:  Do any of the buttons respond?
    AVON:  [pushes each of them] No.

[Cally's cabin. She is holding the alien's ring in her cupped 
hands, looking at it. There is a vision of the chamber in the 
alien ship. The figure with the smoking bowl appears, but now 
its face is revealed to be Cally's.]

[The flight deck.]
    VILA:  I've got a headache. Cally had the right idea. I 
           think I'll get some rest. [Starts to leave then 
           pauses.] As if a storm were coming.
 TARRANT:  Rather unlikely in here, don't you think?
           [Vila exits.]
   DAYNA:  I hate to say this, but I think Vila's right. There is 
           something. [She touches a control panel.] I thought 
           so! Static electricity.
    AVON:  [cautiously touches same panel] Nothing. It must be your 
           naturally electric personality.
   CALLY:  [enters] I've finished with the book screen, Dayna. You 
           said you wanted it.
 TARRANT:  Ah, Cally. I've been going over that theory of yours 
           about the teleport bracelets boosting each other. As 
           you're aware, it doesn't make sense.
   CALLY:  You have a better one?
 TARRANT:  There was some kind of power source on that alien ship 
           that you were telepathically receptive to. When the 
           teleport failed you were able to use that source to 
           get yourself out and to get Avon and Vila out with 
   CALLY:  I seem to be more clever than I thought I was.
 TARRANT:  What I really want to know is why you're being so 
           bashful. What are you hiding and why?
    AVON:  Shut up, Tarrant.
 TARRANT:  Did you say something to me?
    AVON:  I said, shut up. I apologize for not realizing you are 
 TARRANT:  [approaches Avon] There's something else you don't 
           realize. I don't take any orders from you.
    AVON:  Well, now that's a great pity, considering that your 
           own ideas are so limited.
 TARRANT:  Don't try and bluff your way with me, Avon. I know 
           what's been needling you right from the start. With 
           Blake gone, you thought you'd got it made, didn't you? 
           Thought you'd got control of this ship and a crew of 
           three who'd say, "Yes, Avon. Whatever you want, 
           Avon." [Cally puts the bookscreen down.] But you 
           reckoned without me. [Cally starts toward the 
    AVON:  That wouldn't be too difficult.
           [Alien sound effect starts.]
 TARRANT:  Oh, really? I don't think so. When you found me on the 
           Liberator, it was quite a blow. [Cally starts pushing 
           buttons on the artifact.] And every time you look at 
           me, it hits you harder, doesn't it? I'm faster than 
           you and I'm sharper. As far as it goes, I've made a 
           success of my life. But you? The only big thing you 
           ever tried to do you failed at. The greatest computer 
           swindle of all time ... but you couldn't quite pull it 
           off, could you? If it hadn't been for Blake, you'd be 
           rotting on Cygnus Alpha right now. No, you failed, 
           Avon. But I win. Not just at games, at life.
    AVON:  You also talk too much.
 TARRANT:  Be thankful I'm restricting myself to talk.
    AVON:  Well now, that's fascinating. You mean you can do 
           something else?
   DAYNA:  [Stepping between them] Oh, stop this. What are you 
           doing? Warming up to cutting each other's throats?
           [Cally has already moved away from the alien device. She turns 
           and heads for the exit. The alien sound effect stops.]
 TARRANT:  [Turns away] Avon. Do you want to forget I said all 
    AVON:  It wasn't particularly memorable.
[Corridor just off the flight deck.  Cally pauses during Dayna's
next speech then moves away down the corridor.]
   DAYNA:  [v.o.] We need sleep. All of us. Even you need sleep, 
[Flight deck]
 TARRANT:  And tomorrow, everything will look different?
    AVON:  If it does, you can assume you're on the wrong ship.

[In space. Views of the Liberator, as Dayna's voice sings:  "I 
left my world to wander in this endless midnight sky, for space 
is just a starry night where no suns ever rise." The twisted gold 
band frames a view of the Liberator.]

[Cally's cabin. She is lying on her bed. Sometimes her image is 
overlaid with a vision of her dressed in robes. The alien ring 
is on her finger.]
   Alien: [v.o.] Cally. Cally. Cally. [Vision of Cally as the 
           woman in green, bearing the bowl.]
[The flight deck. It is darker than normal. The egg-device is now 
glowing with a pulsing light. Dayna hurries in.]
     ZEN:  Inboard sensors detect a build-up of energy on flight 
           deck. This energy is of an electrical nature.
    VILA: [rushes in] Zen, what's the matter with the lights?
     ZEN:  Life systems have regained full power.
 TARRANT:  [enters] What's happening?
    VILA:  Something funny is going on.
   DAYNA:  [indicates egg device] That will take the smile off your 
    VILA:  Oh, no.

[Cally's cabin. She is lying motionless on her bed. The alien 
sound effect is loud.]

[The flight deck. Tarrant is examining the egg-device, which 
keeps blinking.]
 TARRANT:  Maybe ORAC will be more obliging now that this thing has 
           turned its light on.
    VILA:  My head's killing me.
 TARRANT:  You should learn self-defense. [Keys ORAC.] ORAC, I 
           want another analysis.
    ORAC:  I have already informed you that this structure is of 
           an unfamiliar type. My deductions are necessarily 
           limited by the facts available and the rationality of 
           possible theories. Wild surmise is not a part of my 
    VILA:  Eh?
 TARRANT:  Be more specific, ORAC.
    ORAC:  The only deduction I have been able to make concerning 
           this artifact is that its purpose is not only 
           inimicable but also apparently unreasonable. It is 
           active although the panel of keys appears to have been 
           pre-programmed many centuries prior to this 
           activation. Since the origin of the device is 
           ambiguous it must belong to a world or even a galaxy 
           as yet unfamiliar to the human race.
   DAYNA:  What do you mean, the purpose of the artifact is 
           unreasonable? Are you saying you do have some idea--
    ORAC:  I am not willing to speculate on so tenuous and oblique 
           a basis. I should, however, warn you that a slight 
           electrical imbalance appears to be--[electronic tone]
    VILA:  What did you say?
           [A tray of glasses begins to jiggle for no apparent reason.]
 TARRANT:  ORAC, what's the matter with you?
    ORAC:  Disconnect me.
 TARRANT:  Wait a minute, Orac--
    ORAC:  Disconnect.
           [The glasses tumble off the tray which begins to swoop 
           around in the air.]
   DAYNA:  I don't believe that.
    VILA:  Try and convince me, will you? Please?
    ORAC:  Dis ... con ...n....
           [The egg-device glares with a steady blue light.]
 TARRANT:  Down! Get down! [They duck down behind some control 
           panels. The egg-device turns dull, then self-destructs, 
           collapsing and crumpling into dust. The tray clatters 
           to the floor. They raise their heads and look about 
   DAYNA:  ORAC! [rushes over to Orac. During the next couple of 
           speeches she fiddles a bit with Orac, removing and 
           replacing its key, etc.]
 TARRANT:  Zen, check the radiation level in here.
     ZEN:  Radiation level normal. There's been a second 
           momentary increase of energy in the area of the flight 
           deck. Not in itself dangerous.
    VILA:  Well, it wouldn't be for you, would it?
   DAYNA:  [ORAC is damaged. I can't tell how badly.
    VILA:  I've got pins and needles.
     ZEN:  [Pitch and tone vary wildly through the rest of Zen's 
           dialog]:  Inboard ... inboard sensors indicate there 
           is an intruder aboard.
 TARRANT:  Well, that's impossible, Zen. Even if someone had 
           teleport facility, there's nothing and nowhere they 
           could have come from, is there?
     ZEN:  There is an intruder aboard.
   DAYNA:  Well, how? And where? Zen?
     ZEN:  Sensors cannot determine....
    VILA:  Zen!
     ZEN:  Computers indicate a sustained electrical disturbance. 
           Inboard sensors affected. There is an energy loss 
           from all systems, all systems....
   DAYNA:  Zen?
     ZEN:  There is a.....
    VILA:  What's happening?
 TARRANT:  Somehow something is bleeding power out of this ship to 
           use for itself. Zen's out of action. I'm going to 
           shake Avon awake and get some guns. Dayna, you fetch 
           Cally. I particularly want her with us. [Dayna starts 
           to exit.] But Dayna, go carefully with her. [Dayna 
    VILA:  What's Cally supposed to have?
 TARRANT:  No time for a discussion, Vila. You stay here.
    VILA:  Stay here? Alone? [to himself] I hope. It's getting dark.

[Cally's cabin. Cally is lying on the bed.]
   Voice:  Cally? Cally, are you listening to me? I know you can 
           hear me now, fully. You heard only a suggestion of my 
           voice before, yet you responded. You obeyed me almost 
           from the beginning, Cally. A telepath. Rare. A 
           wonderful find, wonderfully vulnerable. [Vision of 
           Cally in the green robes, kneeling.] Cally, you've 
           been so long alone. Cut off from your people. You've 
           been homesick for your own world, your own kind, 
           haven't you? For someone to communicate with. True 
           communication:  one brain speaking to another. But 
           you won't ever be alone again, Cally. Not now, not 
           for as long as you live.

[At corridor intersection. Dayna crouches and assumes a fighting 
stance when she hears someone approaching. She relaxes as Tarrant 
arrives, wearing one gun and carrying two more.]
 TARRANT:  Avon's not in his cabin. Get to Cally. [Hands her a 
           gun.] Here, you may need to keep her covered with your 
           gun. Take her through to the flight deck. [Hands 
           over a second gun.] Give Vila this gun and tell him, 
           tell him to look after her.
   DAYNA:  Will he do it?
 TARRANT:  Make sure he does. You and I are going to comb this 
           ship for Avon and for the intruder. Whatever it is.
           [They exit down different corridors. After they are 
           gone, Avon steps into sight from a third.]

[Flight deck]
    VILA:  [to ORAC]:  I always said you were a useless pile of junk. 
           [To himself] No point in being nervous, Vila. No, 
           there isn't. Lot of shadows I never noticed before. 
           Hi, shadows! I suppose that's all you are, just 
           shadows. Don't think about that. No, I won't think 
           about that. [Addressing the empty room] But, since 
           you're all here: [Produces small flower from his 
           mouth. Sound of applauding audience.] Oh, really. 
           It wasn't that good. Just watch this: [Makes a 
           handful of white grains disappear then reappear. 
           Louder applause. Vila bows.] Well, thank you, you're 
           too kind, too kind. [He notices Dayna's lyre laying 
           on a bench.] I, the master of illusion, command you to 
           play. [The strings vibrate and a series of chords 
           begin to sound, to Vila's horror.] Eh? No, don't do 
           that. I didn't mean it. Dayna?
           [Vision of Dayna in the aqua robes, playing the lyre. 
           Vila, in orange robes, cowers.]
    VILA:  [V.O.] You're always getting at me.
   DAYNA:  [V.O.] Your helplessness brings out my sadistic streak.
    VILA:  Stop it! Don't! [The lyre begins to float about. Vila 
           covers his ears and turn away, huddling on the floor. 
           Vision of him in the orange robes doing the same.  On 
           his knees, Vila watches the lyre as if mesmerized.]

[Cally's cabin. Cally is lying on the bed, unconscious. The 
ring is gone from Cally's hand.]
   DAYNA:  [enters] Cally? Cally. [shakes her] There's trouble, 
           Cally. [shakes her] Come on, wake up. Wake up. 
           [Turns as if she's heard something outside the door.] 
           Avon? Vila? [Draws her gun and approaches the door 
           cautiously. There is a flare of light and she screams, 
           then falls unconscious.]

[Flight deck. The lyre is floating about, while a kneeling Vila 
stares at it.  The lyre stops, silent, in midair.  Vila crouches 
on the floor, covering his head with his arms. Vision of him in 
the orange robes doing the same. The lyre comes to rest on a 
    VILA:  It didn't happen. No, of course it didn't. [Rises, 
           limps to a seat.] Pins and needles. [Rubs his legs. 
           The Alien sound begins, and a female hand, wearing the 
           ring, touches him on the shoulder. He jumps up and 
           looks behind him:  nothing there. Then he sees the 
           alien, who looks like Cally with red hair, off to the 
           side. He approached, she raises her hand, there's a 
           flash of light from it, and Vila falls down.]
[Cally's cabin. She is lying unconscious on her bed. Dayna is 
lying on the floor with Tarrant kneeling beside her.]
   DAYNA:  [moans] Oooh.
 TARRANT:  So you're alive,
   DAYNA:  I shouldn't be. I don't deserve to be, I'm sorry.
 TARRANT:  I bet you are.
   DAYNA:  Cally!
 TARRANT:  She's in some sort of coma. Describe what attacked you.
   DAYNA:  Well, that's the point. It was Cally. But not Cally.
 TARRANT:  Somehow something came off that alien ship and onto 
           Liberator. To do it it used the device Cally 
           brought with her and it used Cally. I don't 
           understand how, if what was on the ship was dead, but 
           there must have been something left, some kind of pure 
   DAYNA:  It looks like her and it has a body.
 TARRANT:  Then it's used her as a blueprint to make itself a 
           brand new physical shape, only the whole thing 
           sounds crazy.
   DAYNA:  Oh, it's happening. And what hit me was real enough. 
           It's feeding off the ship's energy and off Cally. It 
           will kill her.
 TARRANT:  I wonder what it's got planned for the rest of us? I 
           just better get rid of it before it starts. [He turns 
           to discover Avon is leaning against the doorway.]
    AVON:  Do you want the applause now or will it wait?
 TARRANT:  Where were you?
    AVON:  Outside, about twenty feet down the corridor. You 
           carelessly managed to miss me both times you went by.
 TARRANT:  Oh, another game, hide and seek perhaps.
    AVON:  I was watching this cabin.
 TARRANT:  Reason?
    AVON:  Isn't it obvious? We've been outmaneuvered. Teleport 
           failures, mysterious alien artifacts. While you and I 
           were pawing the ground, that thing managed to get 
           Cally to reactivate the device in the correct 
           sequence. Cally is the link all right, but short of 
           killing her there wasn't much we could do to stop it. 
           Whatever is now on this ship has sufficient psi 
           abilities to drain the Liberator and Cally to the 
           dregs. [helps Dayna to her feet and guides her to a 
           seat while continuing to speak] It is also capable of 
           throwing high voltage bouquets. If you want it, it's 
           gone toward the flight deck. I followed it a little 
           way. However, I wouldn't advise a headlong infantry 
 TARRANT:  I'm sure you wouldn't. [Draws his gun and exits. Avon 
[Corridors. As Tarrant runs toward the flight deck he is 
intercut with visions of the conjured figure in scarlet doing the 
same things.]

[Flight deck. Vila is lying unconscious on the floor. Tarrant 
enters, sees the alien and fires at her to no effect.]
   ALIEN:  I'm afraid your rather temperamental weapons aren't 
           stable anymore.
 TARRANT:  What are you?
   ALIEN:  Cally. Can't you see?
 TARRANT:  Cally is dying. D'you want that?
   ALIEN:  I have established a psychic link between us, she and 
           I. If I let her go, she'll live. But I require her 
           life energy to complete this shape. So she'll have to 
           become a part of me. Not dead, absorbed. I'd never 
           kill superfluously. You should bear that in mind.
 TARRANT:  [Looking at Vila's still form] "Superfluous" may mean 
           something different to you.
   ALIEN:  Tarrant. [He looks up.] Yes, I know your name, just as 
           I know your language. To my people death is an interim 
           state. But to humans death is death. That makes you 
           very simple to deal with.
 TARRANT:  Don't bet on that.
   ALIEN:  But you can't fight me. Only the Auron girl could have 
           done that, but she left it too late. Part of her 
           welcomed me. You see, I could reach her mind. When 
           she tried to close the door against me, it was 
           emotionally impossible. Besides, how could she have 
           true loyalties to any non-telepath, any human?
 TARRANT:  Normally only an Auron can contact another Auron. 
           Your psi powers must be extremely advanced.
   ALIEN:  They are.
 TARRANT:  But still you needed that device to bring you through.
   ALIEN:  My people have learned how to boost their psychic 
           capabilities by means of high technology.
 TARRANT:  You disrupted the systems of this ship. That isn't 
           going to help you.
   ALIEN:  You underestimate your vessel. It's largely capable of 
           regeneration and the power source is virtually 
           limitless. Yes, I think I will accept your ship as 
           your gift to me. You call it Liberator, don't you? 
           How very apt.
    VILA:  [moans]
 TARRANT:  Presumably you could kill us all. So why haven't you?
   ALIEN:  I told you, I don't kill superfluously. When I was 
           alive before, I was accustomed to being served by 
           intelligent menials. I'm prepared to offer you all a 
           choice. You can live as my--
 TARRANT:  Intelligent menials?
   ALIEN:  Don't let a mere two words prevent you from 
           staying alive.
 TARRANT:  You underestimate your powers of expression.
   ALIEN:  Come now. [Vision of the man in scarlet/Tarrant and the 
           woman in aqua/Dayna and the man in orange/Vila 
           gathered about her as the alien/Cally passes a white 
           dove to the man in red/Tarrant.] Would it be so very 
           horrible to serve me, to be my protector? Would it be 
           so soul-destroying, Tarrant? It was predicted that I 
           would find you. That I would live again because of 
           each of you. And your roles in my new life, they were 
           predicted too. [Tarrant attempts to strike the alien 
           but she vanishes, leaving his arm to pass through 
           empty air.]
   ALIEN:  [from a new position] Or you CAN die. I like to be waited 
           on but it isn't essential. As far as the computers 
           are concerned, my voice print is the same as Cally's. 
           I can soon learn how to control the ship. I've 
           already learned how to cripple it. [Vila moves and 
           moans. She indicates Vila] That one interests me. He 
           has a very high IQ and yet he acts like an imbecile. 
           He'll make an ideal pet.
 TARRANT:  [lunges to panel and pushes a switch] Dayna!
   ALIEN:  [Lifts hand, glowing with white light] Stay where you 
           are. Do I really have to kill you to prove you're in 
           the presence of a superior?
 TARRANT:  [groans with pain, then smiles and lifts hands 
           placatingly] All right. That was a stupid move.
   ALIEN:  Yes, stupid. I have a world, a planet, a home. I mean 
           to get there.
 TARRANT:  A planet? Where?
   ALIEN:  A world that would take more than your lifetime to 
           reach. A world more beautiful than any other. A 
           world you'll never see even if I let you live. [Lifts 
           glowing hand again.] You need instruction, human 
           called Tarrant. [Tarrant cries out and falls down.] 
           Rather than render you unconscious I want you to 
           experience that pain. I want you to think about it. 
           The girl who sings songs would do well to learn by 
           your example.  [Dayna, standing in the doorway, aims 
           her gun.] Throw that away.  Away, I said. [Dayna 
           hesitates, then obeys. She crosses to kneel beside 
 TARRANT:  [to Dayna] Cally?
   DAYNA:  She's hardly even breathing.
   ALIEN:  Cally, Tarrant, Dayna, Vila. One is missing.
   ALIEN:  [laughs] Remember my mental link with Cally. Naturally I 
           know who is here and who isn't, particularly if it's 
           Avon. Where is he, Dayna? [silence] Very well, let me 
           guess: he's outside in the corridor as you were 
           before he failed to stop you rushing in here.
    AVON:  [enters] As a matter of fact, I didn't try to stop her. I 
           just got out of her way.
   ALIEN:  I don't think you should look at me like that.
    AVON:  Don't you?
   ALIEN:  I might interpret it as insolence, which could be 
           uncomfortable for you.
    AVON:  Could it?
   ALIEN:  Yes, it could, Avon. But you are always practical, 
           aren't you? Have you decided to accept my terms?
    AVON:  Have you offered some?
   ALIEN:  [laughs] You will have heard me, I think, from the 
           corridor, just as you watched me earlier from the 
           other corridor.
    AVON:  I didn't hear any terms, just something about "pets."
   ALIEN:  Cally would want you to live, I know that.
    AVON:  It must get tiresome for you, knowing so much.
    VILA:  Avon! Say you'll do as she says.
   DAYNA:  Vila! Be quiet!
   ALIEN:  He has an unusually sharp intelligence, which can 
           recognize when it's beaten. I might forgive him for 
           wanting to steal my ring.
    AVON:  Cally stole your ring.
   ALIEN:  Cally was supposed to. I hope you made her a touching 
    AVON:  She's not dead ... yet.
   ALIEN:  But she won't struggle, not against me. [Shot of Cally 
           lying on her bed.] I'm waiting for your answer. [Avon 
           starts to walk around the panel between them.] Stay 
           where you are. [He continues to approach her. Shot of 
           Cally on her bed, stirring.] Very well, now you can 
           see me properly. [She "magically" shifts to a slightly 
           different postion and Avon jerks his head to refocus 
           on her.] I like you, Avon. You're stronger than the 
           rest.  Cally liked you. You can console yourself now 
           I'm so very much in her image. I could even think and 
           feel as she does. You and I can be friends.
    AVON:  You surprise me.
   ALIEN:  You know that I wouldn't wish to make a slave of 
           you, don't you? Not you.
    AVON:  It's a pity you couldn't get rid of me earlier, wasn't 
           it, and Vila, when you jammed the teleport so that 
           only Cally would get out of your coffin alive.
   ALIEN:  I was mistaken.
    AVON:  Yes, Cally wouldn't leave us to die, so you had to let 
           the three of us through, very reluctantly. You knew 
           where the danger would be right from the start.
   ALIEN:  Avon--
    AVON:  You are taking this ship precisely nowhere.
   ALIEN:  Don't be foolish. You spoil yourself. But I'll be 
           patient with you. I've waited centuries. I can afford 
           a few moments until you can bring yourself to consent 
           to be obliging.
    AVON:  And no one aboard this ship is going to accept or 
           carry out a single demand of yours.
   ALIEN:  You've seen what I can do.
    AVON:  It would be a little difficult to miss.
   ALIEN:  Don't try to play games with me.
    AVON:  Nothing was further from my mind. [Alien sound effect 
           begins.] You've given us your terms, now I will give 
           you ours: no deal.
   ALIEN:  [Her robes start blowing as if a breeze had sprung up] I 
           thought you were the clever one. You're a fool, like 
           Tarrant. The pain Tarrant is experiencing ... 
           visualize that pain and much more. [Shot of Cally 
           tossing her head back and forth.] You're as close to 
           death as you have ever been. Think about human death, 
           Avon. Irrevocable.
    AVON:  I have thought about it. What's keeping you?
   ALIEN:  What did you say?
    AVON:  You claim you can kill me. You better get on with it. 
           Make me die. There's nothing else you can make me do. 
           [Steps right up to her.]
   ALIEN:  [Electrical bolts flash from her face, exploding the 
           control stations. Shot of Cally thrashing about in her 
           bed.] One last chance. [She raises her arm 
    AVON:  [looks at her upraised hand and gives a slight, 
           contemptuous smile] Save it. [More panels explode and 
           burn. The alien screams in anger and frustration. 
           Cally's voice shouts "NO". Shot of Cally sitting up in 
           her bed.] It seems you made another mistake. Cally has 
           loyalties after all. But you knew that right from the 
           beginning, didn't you?  [He reaches up and grasps her 
           wrist, then pulls her arm behind her back, embracing 
           her. The alien sound effect stops.] You look so 
           beautiful when you're angry. [He kisses her. While she 
           is distracted he slips the ring from her finger, then 
           brings it around and holds it in front of her face.] 
           Thank you.
   ALIEN:  Give it to me.
    AVON:  That would be a little foolish, when I just went to so 
           much trouble to get it.
   ALIEN:  You don't understand.
    AVON:  Don't I? Psychic abilities boosted by high 
           technology? This ring is the real source of your 
           power, isn't it? [During a close-up shot of the ring 
           you can see that the setting surrounding the stone is 
           the same as the ring that framed earlier shots of 
           Cally's eye and the Liberator.]  This is how you 
           formed your link with Cally and you cannot hold her or 
           feed off this ship without it.
   ALIEN:  Avon! Avon, give it back to me. [Vision of Avon as 
           the man in black, holding the smoking bowl.] You must. 
           You don't know. I HAVE to keep this body. I have to 
           live. I've waited so long. Centuries. More time 
           than you could comprehend. How can you imagine what it 
           must be like to be dead, to exist in nothingness, in 
           nowhere. Blind, deaf, dumb, and yet to be sentient, 
           aware, waiting. Centuries of waiting. I have to find 
           my world again, my people, my home. I want to breathe 
           and see and feel. And know. Don't send me back into 
           the dark, Avon, let me live. [Vision of Avon as the 
           figure in black, with the smoking bowl. He turns the 
           bowl over and spills white grains out onto the ground. 
           Avon throws the ring into one of the burning consoles 
           where it explodes.]
   ALIEN:  [Her voice gradually dies away as the alien turns back into 
           the dried-up corpse, then vanishes]:  I want to live, 
           to live. I want to live, to live, to live. I want to 
           live, to live, to live. I want to......
           [Avon looks over at Tarrant, Dayna and Vila kneeling 
           on the floor, then over at the door where Cally is 
           standing with tears on her face.]
[Flight deck. Dayna and Vila are seated on some of the lounges.]
    VILA:  All right. Cally was telepathically linked into that 
           thing. So Avon gambled that Cally could be shocked 
           into fighting it, and that it couldn't kill him 
           because Cally wouldn't let it. And it worked. But 
           that means that Cally sat back while it had a go at 
           all the rest of us. I've always liked Cally.
   DAYNA:  You're being pedantic, Vila.
    VILA:  I am?
   DAYNA:  Well, in the end, it wasn't trying to kill us, just 
           Avon. He'd pushed it into a corner where it couldn't 
           do anything else.
    VILA:  What d'you mean, it wasn't trying to kill us? It 
           nearly killed me when it fixed the teleport.
   DAYNA:  Well, that was before it totally linked with Cally. 
           She didn't have any influence over it except that it 
           had to protect her. Anyway, Avon was the target then, 
           too. You were incidental.
    VILA:  "Incidental"? That'll look good on my gravestone. It 
           nearly killed Cally.
   DAYNA:  It was absorbing her rather than killing her. Making 
           her part of itself. She felt that, too, that's why 
           she couldn't fight for herself.
    VILA:  That doesn't make sense to me.
   DAYNA:  Well, then obviously it's the right answer.
     ZEN:  All systems have been restored to maximum capacity. 
           The Liberator is now fully operational.
    VILA:  At least Zen's talking to us again. [Sound effect of 
           ORAC working.] And even ORAC's back on his feet.
   DAYNA:  What a revolting thought!
    VILA:  You should be used to those.
           [Avon, Tarrant and Cally enter and move to their 
           control stations. Dayna rises and moves to hers.]
 TARRANT:  You sure you're up to this, Cally?
    AVON:  Translated, that means how do you feel?
   CALLY:  I feel all right. Thank you.
 TARRANT:  [looking pointedly at Vila] And how about you, Vila?
    VILA:  Oh, I'm ...[turns, sees Tarrant's expression.] Oh, I 
           see. [Rises and moves to his control station.]
 TARRANT:  Avon?
    AVON:  [Turns to look at Cally. She returns his gaze. 
           After a few seconds she smiles very slightly.] Zen, 
           let's get out of here.

** the end **