38. "Death-Watch"
by Chris Boucher

(c) 1980 by the British Broadcasting Corporation. Series created by Terry 
Nation. This is a dialogue transcript for research purposes and is not for 
sale under any circumstances. Format (c) 1993 by Micky DuPree, Kathryn 
Andersen, Susan Beth Schnitger and Didi Johnson.

Regular Cast:
Kerr Avon : Paul Darrow
Cally : Jan Chappell
Vila Restal : Michael Keating
Servalan : Jacqueline Pearce
Del Tarrant : Steven Pacey
Dayna Mellanby : Josette Simon
Zen & Orac : Peter Tuddenham

Guest Cast:
Deeta Tarrant : Steven Pacey
Vinni : Mark Elliott
Max : Stewart Bevan
Commentator (Darvid) : David Sibley
Karla : Katherine Iddon

Male voice (viscast director)
Female voice (space liner announcer)
Male voice (space liner captain)
Male voice (Teal Control)

[Space. The liner Teal Star is in motion]
   VOICE:  Teal Star, Teal Star. This is Teal Control calling United 
           Planets passenger liner Teal Star, do you copy? (BLEEP)
 CAPTAIN:  [V.O] Teal Control, Teal Control, this is passenger liner Teal 
           Star, we do copy, go ahead. (BLEEP)
[Observation gallery of the Teal Star. Deeta Tarrant is standing alone on a
 catwalk that spans the room beside a large window viewport showing the
 space outside the ship.]
   VOICE:  Teal Star, this is Teal Control. We have a message for one of 
           your passengers, priority code nine. Please instruct your 
           computer to receive and decode. I repeat, priority code nine. 
           Confirm please. (BLEEP)
 CAPTAIN:  [V.O] Teal Control, this is Teal Star, confirm priority code 
[Space. View of the Teal Star]
 CAPTAIN:  Computer shows ready, green on all boards, go ahead.  (BLEEP)
   VOICE:  Teal Star, Teal Control. Message is running. (BLEEP)
 CAPTAIN:  [V.O] Teal Control, message received and decoding. Is that the
           lot? (BLEEP)
   VOICE:  That's the lot. Many thanks Teal Star. And good luck.  Teal 
           Control out.

[Observation gallery. Deeta walks down the stairs from the catwalk]
FEMALE VOICE:  The first-class dining salons on levels one through five are
           now open. Dinner is now being served in the first-class 
           passenger levels one through five.
   KARLA:  [approaching Deeta] Excuse me? I'm sorry it's very rude of me...
           but aren't you Deeta Tarrant?
   DEETA:  Yes, I am.
   KARLA:  Yes, I thought you were. I've seen you on the viscasts of 
           course -- but you look different somehow -- you're taller than 
           I expected.
   DEETA:  I usually stand in a hole.
   KARLA:  Oh, forgive me -- I didn't mean to be rude. You must think I'm 
           an awful fool.
   DEETA:  Of course not.
   KARLA:  Well, it was very nice meeting you. [starts past him 
           then stumbles against him.  Deeta catches her arm to steady 
           her.] Stupid shoes. Why is fashion never practical?
   DEETA:  [spins about, whips out gun and shoots assassin who falls 
           down from the catwalk, then turns gun on Karla] Tell me.
   KARLA:  I had nothing to do with that! [pause] You surely can't think I 
           was involved.
   DEETA:  Just a coincidence. [holsters gun]
   KARLA:  [losing "silly little me" tone of voice completely] Doesn't seem
           very likely does it. How did you know?
   DEETA:  The stumble. A deliberate fall can look accidental, but it never
           feels right. Balance is instinctive.
   KARLA:  Is he dead?
   DEETA:  Yes. How many more are there?
   KARLA:  Six hundred and seventy two. You don't really expect a serious 
           answer to that question, do you?
   DEETA:  Eventually. What's your name?
   KARLA:  Karla.
   DEETA:  Well, Karla, [turns away from her and goes to the body] your 
           partner here has used up all the available luck.  [examines 
           the body of the dead man] There's no easy way out for you.
   KARLA:  [sarcastically] You really think of me as a major threat, don't
   DEETA:  Why did you break the rules? You must know the penalties.
   KARLA:  I can see you don't rate me as a fighter, but do I strike you as
           a fool as well?
   DEETA:  So, you have an answer for the Summons to Justification.  Like 
           what?  Surely not a Blood Feud? [rises to face her] I can't 
           have killed someone who's close kin to both of you. 
           Particularly not as your friend here is a citizen of the 
           Vandor Confederacy. As I assume you are. [drops a metal ID 
           card at her feet]
   KARLA:  [picks it up] There will be no Summons to Justification. As 
           First Champion of the United Planets of Teal you're a valid 
           target until you reach the Combat Grounds.
   DEETA:  In time of war.
   KARLA:  Exactly. A formal declaration was delivered to your council an 
           hour ago.
FEMALE VOICE:  Will passenger Deeta Tarrant go to the Flight Deck, please. 
           Passenger Deeta Tarrant to the Flight Deck, please.
   KARLA:  [speaking over end of previous announcement] And that I 
           imagine will be your notification and call to combat.  
           You'll be transferred to a military cruiser within the 
           hour. A pity. We had hoped you would not be their Champion. 
           Our man is good. [Turns away from him, as if to leave] But 
           you might just be better. [pulls a gun and turns to aim at 
   DEETA:  Don't do it! [whips out his gun and shoots her]
FEMALE VOICE:  Will Deeta Tarrant report immediately to the Flight Deck, 
           please. [Deeta reholsters gun and exits] Deeta 
           Tarrant to the Flight Deck, please.
[Liberator flight deck]
   DAYNA:  Come on, Tarrant, I could've worked it out on my fingers by now.
           Move any faster, you'll break into a standstill.
 TARRANT:  The best strategy option is timed at fifty hours.
    AVON:  Useless.
 TARRANT:  Well, there's only one strike point which covers all escape 
    AVON:  They'll be long gone before we get anywhere near it.
 TARRANT:  Yes, I'm afraid they will.
   DAYNA:  The electronic warriors strike again. That'll be four of 
           Servalan's ore ships we've let through without a fight.
    AVON:  To FIGHT them we have to catch them.
   DAYNA:  To CATCH them we have to chase them, or hadn't that occurred to 
 TARRANT:  Yes, well, it's a little more sophisticated than fighting hairy 
           primitives with a bow and arrow, Dayna.
           [Vila enters carrying Orac.  Avon walks over to them.]
   DAYNA:  The machines are more sophisticated, Tarrant, that's all, but 
           the principle isn't, and the people certainly aren't.
    AVON:  [looks at Vila] You know, she could be right.
    VILA:  They're smiling, Orac.
    ORAC:  I fail to see the relevance of that observation.
    VILA:  Shouldn't they be tired and getting on each other's nerves?
    ORAC:  There is a progressive reduction in their conscious attention 
           span and a growing imbalance in the dynamic structure of the 
    VILA:  Is that yes or no?  [Vila sets Orac on the table in the "pit", 
           and all seat themselves about it.]
    ORAC:  It is yes. As a result of this, the efficiency rating of the 
           ship as a complete unit is dropping by one point zero two 
           percent per work period.  The error quotient bears a delayed 
           inverse relation--
    VILA:  [Pulls Orac's key] They don't write poetry like that anymore. 
           What this electronic pain is trying to say is--
 TARRANT:  --is that unless we get a break, there's going to be a fatal 
    VILA:  Right.
    AVON:  Where do you suggest we go, Vila, for this holiday that we all 
           need so badly?
    VILA:  Me? Well, I hadn't really given it any thought.
    AVON:  Oh, I see. You got all that information from Orac out of a sense
           of ... duty?
 TARRANT:  Dedication? Selfless devotion to the welfare of his comrades.
    VILA:  What's so strange about that?
   DAYNA:  Where's the party, Vila?
 TARRANT:  Oh, come on, Vila. Your sales pitch is a failure. Why not just 
           tell us what it is you want to do?
    VILA:  After Orac had told me about the dangerous situation that was 
    VILA:  ... I did do some checking...
    VILA:  -- and one of the things I discovered was ... that the United 
           Planets of Teal and the Vandor Confederacy are at war!
   DAYNA:  Oh, what an interesting piece of news, Vila. There's nothing 
           like someone else's war to take your mind off your own.
 TARRANT:  Are you sure about this?
    VILA:  Orac picked it up during a routine communication sweep.
    AVON:  When was the declaration?
    VILA:  A few hours ago. We've plenty of time to get to the combat 
 TARRANT:  Zen. [Looks at Avon] Yes?
    AVON:  Why not?
 TARRANT:  [goes to a control station, passing Cally as she enters] 
           Zen, I want a course for the planet designated as the 
           combat grounds by the Teal-Vandor Convention.
     ZEN:  Confirmed.
   CALLY:  Have I missed something?
   DAYNA:  I think we both have.
    AVON:  [replaces Orac's key] Orac, I want you to monitor all 
           transmissions from the Teal-Vandor combat grounds and relay any 
           public viscasts to the main screen.
    ORAC:  Am I to understand that you wish me to act as a viscast relay?
    AVON:  That is what you are to understand.
   DAYNA:  Is someone going to tell us what we're to understand?
   CALLY:  Yes, what exactly is going on?
    VILA:  You mean you've never heard of the Teal-Vandor Convention?
     ZEN:  Course is laid in. Acceptance confirmation is now required.
 TARRANT:  Accepted. Run course program. Speed Standard by Four.

[Liberator turning in space]
   CALLY:  [V.O.] If someone doesn't tell Dayna and me what all this is
   DAYNA:  [V.O.] --we're going to get very irritated!
    VILA:  [V.O.] Break out the booze, girls. It's fiesta time. Now, Cally,
           Dayna, let's not be violent. You know how I hate to see a man 
           cry, especially when it's me.

[Liberator flight deck.  Orac has been moved to the floor and the 
 central table is covered with drinks and bowls of snacks. Vila is 
 holding a drink and munching during most of this scene.]
   DAYNA:  And that's all it is? A fight to the death between two 
           champions, winner takes all.
    AVON:  That's putting it rather crudely.
   CALLY:  It's rather a crude idea.
 TARRANT:  Look, two men fight for the honor of independent planetary 
           systems of maybe twenty million people each. It's hardly crude, 
    VILA:  They don't just step up and beat hell out of each other with big
           wooden clubs, you know.
 TARRANT:  Or bows and arrows.
    VILA:  Or bows and arrows. There's ... uh ... rules and honor and 
           chivalry and ... all that sort of thing.
   CALLY:  [Rolling her eyes] That makes all the difference, of course.
    AVON:  It does to us. Outsiders are welcomed as honored guests and 
           accorded the status of neutral observers. As long as we abide by
           the rules of the Convention, both sides will protect us.
 TARRANT:  From all comers, including the Federation.
    VILA:  Which means we can enjoy the festivities in complete confidence
           and relaxation. Drink anyone?  [He waves his free hand at the 
           table, then gestures at one dish in particular.  Dayna 
           picks it up and holds it out to him while he scoops up some 
           of its contents.]
   CALLY:  What are these festivities Vila keeps drooling about?
   DAYNA:  They must be something special. [To Tarrant] I haven't 
           seen you move that positively in weeks.
 TARRANT:  It'll be a big occasion.
    AVON:  A ritual war is bound to generate a great deal of excitement.
    VILA:  Back on Earth they used to say it was the most excitement you
           can have with your clothes on anywhere in the galaxy.  [Tarrant 
   DAYNA:  How very witty of them.
    AVON:  No, he's right. The Teal-Vandor Convention was famous on Earth. 
           The ultimate excitement.
   CALLY:  The "ultimate excitement": watching two men kill each other.
    AVON:  Yes. No. On reflection, that would seem to have a somewhat 
           limited appeal [smiles] as ultimate excitements go.
    VILA:  Well, there's obviously more to it than that. I mean, wine, 
           women, and song.
   CALLY:  That would seem to have an even more limited appeal.
 TARRANT:  Oh, I don't know.
    ORAC:  I am now picking up a public viscast transmission.
    AVON:  Put it on the main screen.
    ORAC:  I must point out that this is a gross misuse and an absurd waste
           of my capabilities.
    AVON:  Put it on the main screen.
    ORAC:  I will do it only under protest.
    AVON:  You can do it any way you like. Just so long as you put it on 
           the main screen.
    VILA:  Are you sure you can't redesign him as something useful, like a 
           drinks dispenser? Or an empty space. I think he'd look really 
           good as an empty space.

[The main viewscreen shows the public viscast. Shots of white 
 lights swirling against a blue background, presumably meant to be 
 "space" settings.]
  DARVID:  [V.O] ... "space, the final frontier" as it was once called. A 
           weightless, freezing vacuum, here created artificially and 
           maintained by the central computer as one of the hundreds 
           of different environments offered by the combat grounds for 
           the coming battle. [The viewscreen shows shifting scenes of 
           different environments: oceans, rocky shores, tropical 
           beaches, etc.] In giant chambers, exact recreations like 
           these you see are controlled by the combat computer. 
           Environments from other planets, other cultures, other 
           times.  The computer will choose which of these 
           environmental chambers will be used for the battle.  This 
           choice is what the combat grounds are all about.  In the 
           words of the Convention, "Let no man say 'This man chose 
           the ground on which we die.'"

[Darvid stands in front of a combat grounds chamber entrance]
  DARVID:  The combatants will each enter the chamber through a door like 
           this. Only the computer will know what awaits them on the other 
           side. Their only clue will lie in this locker, which contains 
           protective clothing and specialized weapons, should the 
           environment behind that door require them. [holds hand 
           against ear for a couple of seconds.]  And I've just been 
           told that the combatants are in fact now arriving at the 
           space port, and we are going across to join the thousands 
           of cheering spectators who are waiting to catch a glimpse 
           of the two men on whose skill the outcome of this war 
           depends. [voice changes to ordinary conversational tone] 
           That all right?
   VOICE:  [bored] Fine.
  DARVID:  Oh, that good,eh?
   VOICE:  Well, what do you want me to say? It was your usual delicate 
           mixture of enthusiasm and dignified cliche.
  DARVID:  I love you too. What's next?
   VOICE:  You mean you've forgotten? I don't know why we bothered to 
  DARVID:  From the way you've been juggling those remotes I didn't think 
           you had.
   VOICE:  If the performer won't move then the camera must.
  DARVID:  I thought it might confuse you if I moved.
   VOICE:  Oh, you've been thinking? Another first. [unintelligible sounds 
           of another voice] What? What d'you mean you've missed them? 
           Oh, wonderful!  Congratulations! Crowd scenes we can get 
           anywhere, you idiot! Darvid?
  DARVID:  Yes?
   VOICE:  We missed them at the spaceport.
  DARVID:  It happens.
   VOICE:  Only to me! They didn't even wave to the crowd. Their seconds 
           bundled them straight into two V.I.P. shuttles and off.
  DARVID:  We'll get some good shots of them when they present their 
           credentials to the Arbiters.
   VOICE:  Oh, remembered finally have we? Listen, [sarcastic tone] OUR 
           HEROES should arrive in about thirty minutes. You want to wander
           down and place the remotes for me?
  DARVID:  [mimics the other's tone] "Our heroes"? I suppose you'd change 
           places with them, would you? Step through one of those doors 
           without any idea of what's in there. Without even knowing 
           whether your opponent's been let in first and is all set up and 
           waiting. You'd fancy that would you?
   VOICE:  Not a lot. But then I'm not a professional killer.
  DARVID:  That's not what the critics say.
   VOICE:  You want to position those remotes for me, Darvid?
  DARVID:  All right, give me voice control.
   VOICE:  You've got it.
  DARVID:  Follow me, men. We have one hero and one dead man to meet, and 
           as yet no way to tell which is which. [beckons with one finger, 
           then walks out with three floating remote cameras following]

[Max and Deeta are in a two-seated tube-train]
     MAX:  How do you feel?
   DEETA:  Fine, Max, fine. For the fourth time.
     MAX:  I'm sorry. Right now you are our most important man. I just want
           to be sure there's nothing bothering you.
   DEETA:  You're more nervous than I.
     MAX:  Are you nervous?
   DEETA:  These sub-surface shuttles are a bit claustrophobic, aren't
     MAX:  I didn't know you suffered from claustrophobia.
   DEETA:  I don't, Max.
     MAX:  For a member of the diplomatic corps, I'm not being very 
           diplomatic, am I?
   DEETA:  Have you found out any more about their man?
     MAX:  Not really. He doesn't seem to have a history. He just turned up
           about the time the border problem was developing. He killed 
           Rakov in a private challenge and was automatically proclaimed 
           First Champion of the Vandor Confederacy.
   DEETA:  Any fights since then?
     MAX:  Rakov's son tried to take him. Strictly no contest.
   DEETA:  What do you think?
     MAX:  It's all been according to the rules.
   DEETA:  I don't know, Max. Smells like a set-up. Those two who tried to 
           kill me on the Teal Star: they knew in advance the precise time 
           that Vandor declared war.
     MAX:  We lodged a protest, but the Arbiters ruled there was no 
           technical violation.
   DEETA:  Any question about them?
     MAX:  You should know better than to ask that.
   DEETA:  I don't have to be diplomatic, Max. Well?
     MAX:  Their Arbiter is a High Council member. So is ours. They're both
           beyond reproach.
   DEETA:  And the neutral?
     MAX:  Nearly there. You'll be able to judge for yourself in a few 
   DEETA:  Max, in a few hours a man is going to try and kill me.  Now, 
           thanks to the skill of the diplomatic corps I know nothing about
     MAX:  Oh, that's most unfair.
   DEETA:  Unfair? I'm not concerned with fairness or diplomacy or good 
           manners. I'm only concerned that my opponent abides by the rules
           of the Convention, and my only guarantee of that lies with the 
           Arbiters. Now I want to know everything you know about the 
           neutral arbiter.

[Flight deck. The crew is still watching the public viscast, which is 
 now showing Servalan.]
    VILA:  [V.O.] Servalan! I don't believe it! Servalan is supposed to 
           make sure everyone sticks to the rules?
  DARVID:  [V.O.] And so the three Arbiters await the imminent arrival of 
           the Champions who will identify themselves, and make formal 
           acceptance of the rules of the Convention. This solemn 
    AVON:  [Speaking over the remainder of Darvid's speech] All this 
           breathless solemnity is beginning to irritate me.
  DARVID:  [V.O.] ...lies at the very heart of our system of representative
    AVON:  Give us vision only, Orac. [the commentator's voice is cut off]
    VILA:  I was enjoying that.
 TARRANT:  Servalan's a logical choice for them if you think about it. 
           After all, she is president of an empire which borders on both 
    AVON:  [pauses as if struck by this] She is indeed. [Rises and 
           crosses to a control station.]
   CALLY:  But she's not exactly an ideal candidate, though.
    VILA:  Her idea of chivalry is never to shoot a blind man in the back.
   DAYNA:  That's very true, Vila.
    VILA:  Wonderful. And for my next trick, I shall swallow my other foot.
           I completely forgot about your father.
   DAYNA:  I expect Servalan has, too.
    VILA:  I'm sorry, Dayna.
   DAYNA:  One of these days it will be my pleasure to remind her.
 TARRANT:  Yes, but not one of THESE days. Our prospective hosts get very 
           sweaty about rules violations.
    AVON:  The rule is no hostile act towards anyone. We are strictly 
           neutral observers. Zen, put the battle and strategy computers on
           line.  Direct visual readout to this position.
     ZEN:  Confirmed.
 TARRANT:  Battle computers?
    AVON:  Just something I want to check.
    VILA:  This looks like one of the champions. Let's hear it for the 
           man.  [Cally looks at the screen a few seconds then turns to
           look at Tarrant.] Sound, Orac, give us the sound.
           [Deeta is formally addressing the Arbiters]
   DEETA:  [on screen] --and defend the United Planets of Teal with my 
           blood.  For we are in the right.
    VILA:  I know him, don't I?
SERVALAN:  [on screen] Will you abide by the Convention?
   DEETA:  [on screen] I will.
SERVALAN:  [on screen] You are welcome here.
    VILA:  I'm sure I know him.
 TARRANT:  I doubt that. He left Earth a long time ago.
    AVON:  Who is he?
 TARRANT:  His name is Deeta. He's my brother.

[Actual room where the ceremony is taking place.  Deeta faces Servalan 
 across a table on which two guns are lying.]
SERVALAN:  The ancient weapons of combat. Use your choice with honor. 
           [Deeta takes both guns and checks them over.] They've already 
           been checked.  Don't you trust us? I assure you they're exactly 
           the same.
   DEETA:  No two guns are ever exactly the same.
SERVALAN:  You have a brother, do you not?
   DEETA:  I left Earth a long time ago.
SERVALAN:  He left more recently. Following your example, perhaps.
   DEETA:  I hope not. [sets down one of the guns] With your permission, 
           madam, I have preparation to make.
SERVALAN:  By all means.
           [Deeta bows, then turns and walks to the entrance where his 
           way is blocked by Vinni. He steps to the side but Vinni moves 
           to stay in front of him. They do this twice more.]
   VINNI:  You're not good enough to get past me, Tarrant.
   DEETA:  You're going to look pretty silly flat on your back with a face 
           full of footprints.
   VINNI:  [laughs] My name is Vinni. I've come to kill you. [moves 
           aside to allow Deeta to pass] You're a dead man, Tarrant.
   DEETA:  They're the worst kind. [exits]
           [Vinni crosses to bow to the Arbiters.]

[Deeta's ready room.  Max is waiting when Deeta enters.]
   DEETA:  I've just met their man. I don't like him. [sits in a chair 
           with a control panel attached to the right arm and an 
           electronic, helmet-like device atop the back.]
     MAX:  Did you expect to?
   DEETA:  I don't mean personally. I mean there's something strange about 
           him, something wrong.
     MAX:  He's a professional killer. That's not exactly the way a normal 
           person would.... [Breaks off as he realizes what he's saying]
   DEETA:  Have you ever thought you might be in the wrong business, Max?
     MAX:  I'm not usually this inept.
   DEETA:  Professional killers make you nervous.
     MAX:  Maybe.
   DEETA:  Yes, well NON-professional killers make me nervous. And Vinni is
           not a professional. So what the hell is he, Max?
     MAX:  A dead man, obviously. Coming up against a top professional like
           you, I mean. He has no chance, right?
   DEETA:  Rakov was a top professional.
     MAX:  You're better than Rakov.
   DEETA:  Yes, well, so is he. [Begins adjusting the control panel, 
           keeps fiddling with the controls throughout the next few lines.]
           Right, I'm ready to charge up the sensors.
     MAX:  I've a couple of messages for you here. [consults handheld 
           device] The viscast people would like to record an 
   DEETA:  No. They can use archive material for the obituary.
     MAX:  Do you want me to tell them that?
   DEETA:  Just tell them no.
     MAX:  Del Tarrant, claims to be your brother. His ship is due in about
           thirty minutes, wants to see you.
   DEETA:  No. Afterwards, maybe. Is that it?
     MAX:  That's it.
   DEETA:  Right. Time to charge up the sensor net. [Lowers helmet- 
           like electronic rig over his head.]
     MAX:  Something wrong?
   DEETA:  It's just the thought of all that stuff they put inside my head 
           ...  frightens the hell out of me.
     MAX:  It's quite safe, Deeta.
           [Whirring noises as the sensor net is charged. Deeta's eyes 
           fill with sparkling white light for a few seconds]
     MAX:  All right?
   DEETA:  Fine. [raises the helmet, then hands a green disk to Max] Right,
           let's see if it still works.  [Max sticks the disk on his 
           forehead] Ready? [Max nods and closes his eyes. The disk 
           changes to silver sparkles.] What do you see?
     MAX:  A gun.
   DEETA:  [looking at the gun he is holding] How does it feel?
     MAX:  Natural, almost part of me.
   DEETA:  [raising gun and pointing it at Max] And now?
     MAX:  I am pointing the gun at a man sitting in a chair. Is that 
           really how I look?
   DEETA:  [Closes his eyes] And now?
     MAX:  Nothing. But I feel ... a little anger, little sadness, some 
           small fear.
   DEETA:  [Eyes fly open] Welcome to my head.
     MAX:  [Opens his] It works.
   DEETA:  So you and millions of other taxpaying citizens can kill or die 
           almost for real. Just pick a champion, join the fun.
     MAX:  You resent this part of it, don't you?
   DEETA:  You only have to close your eyes to find out. [Max removes the 
           disk. Deeta smiles] Maybe you are in the right business 
           after all, Max. [holsters the gun]
     MAX:  You going to get some rest now?
   DEETA:  Well, I'm certainly going to try.
     MAX:  [rises] I'll see you before it starts.
   DEETA:  Oh, don't you want to eavesdrop on a dream or two?
     MAX:  No thanks, Deeta.
   DEETA:  Very sensible, Max. Very sensible.
           [It seems for a second that Max is going to speak but he 
           changes his mind and exits.]

[Flight deck]
     ZEN:  Orbit is now established. All systems are functioning normally. 
           Status is firm.
 TARRANT:  Thank you, Zen.
  DARVID:  [on screen] And so everything is ready. The formalities are 
           complete. The Champions are prepared. The Arbiters have 
           activated the combat computer which will control the conditions 
           of battle. Only the computer knows when it will begin and where.
           [the screen fades to black. A computer display prints up:
           1. WAIT                   ]
    VILA:  Come on, then. Let's go mingle with the joyous multitude. 
    AVON:  [to Tarrant] Are you going to see this diplomat?
 TARRANT:  Why not?
   DAYNA:  Do you want us to wait?
 TARRANT:  No. I'll find you. [exits]
    VILA:  Don't forget Orac.
           [Avon exits]
   CALLY:  No need. I'll operate the teleport.
   DAYNA:  Aren't you coming with us?
   CALLY:  I don't think so.
    VILA:  But we've come to enjoy ourselves, Cally.
   CALLY:  I know.
    VILA:  Well, how can you enjoy yourself staying here? [Dayna 
   CALLY:  Well, maybe it's got something to do with the fact that you 
           won't be.
    VILA:  Oh, thank you! [chases Cally out]
           [On the screen the computer graphic changes. The word 'wait' 
           winks out and is replaced by:
           2. WAIT                      ]

[Max's room.  Max is standing watching a screen with the same display.]
 TARRANT:  [materializing behind Max] Are you Max?
     MAX:  Oh. Oh, you startled me.
 TARRANT:  [offering his hand] I'm Del Tarrant.
     MAX:  [shakes his hand] I can see you're Deeta's brother. 
           [gestures to the nearby chairs and both men sit down]
 TARRANT:  How is Deeta?
     MAX:  He's resting at the moment. How long is it since you've seen
 TARRANT:  Oh, seven, maybe eight years.
     MAX:  I expect he's changed a bit.
 TARRANT:  I expect we both have. Why doesn't he want to see me?
     MAX:  Oh, he does, but afterwards.
 TARRANT:  There may not be an afterwards.
     MAX:  Oh, he stands a very good chance. He's been our First Champion 
           for nearly four years. He's fought a lot of challenges.  No 
           one's come near to beating him.
 TARRANT:  Were all his fights like this?
     MAX:  Well, uh, no, not exactly. [Offers Tarrant a small tray of 
 TARRANT:  No, thank you.
     MAX:  These combat grounds are only used for officially declared wars,
           and we haven't had one of those for twenty years.
 TARRANT:  So what brought this one on?
     MAX:  Border incursions, retaliation, escalation: routine enough
 TARRANT:  Once every twenty years is routine?
     MAX:  Our border squabbles don't usually lead to war. Actually this 
           one did take us a little by surprise. Our computers missed the 
           trend completely.
 TARRANT:  What's at stake? What happens to you if Deeta loses?
     MAX:  The Convention will require us to surrender two-thirds of our 
           fleet and three of our planets.
 TARRANT:  And you're willing to do that?
     MAX:  Well, of course. So are they. You see, Del, for us, this is not 
           a game. We really are at war.

[Flight deck. Cally is alone, holding a drink and using the 
    VILA:  [V.O., over comm] Cally? Are you there, Cally?
   CALLY:  What is it, Vila?
    VILA:  [V.O., over comm] Dayna and I are ready to come up.
   CALLY:  So soon?
    VILA:  [V.O., over comm] There's nothing here. Everyone's gone home.  
           Everything's closed.
   CALLY:  No joyous multitude?
    VILA:  [V.O., over comm] No joyous anybody. I've seen more life in a 
           prison blanket.
   CALLY:  What about Avon?
    VILA:  [V.O., over comm] Gone to visit a sick friend.
   CALLY:  A sick friend?
    VILA:  [V.O., over comm] That's what he said. And let's face it: any 
           friend of Avon's got to be sick, right? Are you going to bring 
           us up, Cally?
   CALLY:  Have a little patience, Vila.
    VILA:  [V.O., over comm] What for? All that ever gets you is older.

[Arbiters' room. Servalan is pacing.]
SERVALAN:  I am not in the habit of waiting for couriers-- [Turns and 
           breaks off as she recognizes Avon]
    AVON:  Madam President.
SERVALAN:  I see the Orac computer has broken our latest security code.
    AVON:  A useful gadget. Worth every penny you ALMOST paid for it.
SERVALAN:  Wasteful of you to let me know the code was broken, surely?
    AVON:  I thought you'd see me more readily if you thought I was part of
           the conspiracy.
SERVALAN:  Conspiracy? Oh, Avon. I haven't gone and given myself away 
           again, have I?
    AVON:  I've been doing a little strategic analysis.
    AVON:  Somewhere along the line there is going to be a major violation 
           of the Convention.
SERVALAN:  Really? Well, I'm glad you warned me. Because as Neutral Arbiter
           such violations are my concern.
    AVON:  The result will be total war between these two systems.  Real 
           war, not children's games like all this. You will let them fight
           it out for a little while and then your battle fleet will move 
           in to mop up the remnants. For their own good, of course, to 
           prevent further bloodshed and destruction. The civilian 
           populations may even welcome you.
SERVALAN:  What form will this major violation take?
    AVON:  Do they know that your battle fleet is massed on their borders?
SERVALAN:  Routine maneuvers. And a small demonstration of concern for my 
           personal safety, which both sides understand and accept.
    AVON:  Thank you.
SERVALAN:  For what?
    AVON:  Answering my question. [starts to leave]
SERVALAN:  I have nothing to hide.
    AVON:  [Turns back] Is that why you answered?
SERVALAN:  Naturally.
    AVON:  Oh, no, not "naturally," Madam President. You do not NATURALLY 
           answer a question from an enemy who has no NATURAL right to ask 
SERVALAN:  But I don't think of YOU as an enemy, Avon. I think of YOU as a 
           future friend.
    AVON:  [puts his arm about Servalan and pulls her against him] Your 
           plan had better be fireproof, Servalan, or I'll see you burn 
           with it.  [Kisses her.  While continuing to hold Servalan he 
           activates com in bracelet behind her back.] Cally?
   CALLY:  [V.O., over comm] Yes, Avon?
    AVON:  I'm ready to come up now.
   CALLY:  [V.O., over comm] Stand by.
SERVALAN:  [strokes finger across Avon's lips] Threatening an arbiter is a 
           violation of the Convention, you know.
    AVON:  So report me. [releases her]
SERVALAN:  I'll overlook it this time. [Avon teleports out] After all, 
           [smiles] it's not a major violation. [seats herself at the 
           table turns on the viewscreen which displays:
           2. WAIT                      
           then the last line changes to:
           3. WAIT
           Servalan presses a button. The screen changes to:
           NEUTRAL ARBITER READY         ]

[Flight deck. Dayna and Vila are watching the view screen.  Avon enters]
   DAYNA:  How was your friend?
    AVON:  Sick as ever. Orac, I want you to tap into the records computer 
           down there and get me all the rules relating to the Teal-Vandor 
    ORAC:  It will take a few moments to identify the appropriate data
    AVON:  Then I want you to assimilate them and program one of your 
           systems as an analog of a hostile arbiter.
    ORAC:  In what way, "hostile"?
    AVON:  One who is expecting a violation.
    ORAC:  Do you wish me to continue relaying the viscast?
    VILA:  Yes, we do. It's not exactly thrilling, but it's all there is.
   DAYNA:  And you came a long way to be thrilled, didn't you, Vila?
    VILA:  Damn right I did. And I'm going to be thrilled one way or 
           another.  [Furtive glances at Dayna] Have a drink, Dayna.
   DAYNA:  Do you know your most attractive quality, Vila?
    VILA:  [Eagerly] No. What?
   DAYNA:  Your subtlety. [His face falls.]

[Max's room. He and Tarrant have been watching the same display.]
 TARRANT:  Right, I'll get back to my ship.
     MAX:  It'll start very soon now.
 TARRANT:  When it's over let me know. I'll come back.
     MAX:  Aren't you going to share it?
 TARRANT:  I'm sorry?
     MAX:  The sensor net. You don't know about it? [A line is added to the
           display: TEAL ARBITER: READY] Both men have had microsensors 
           implanted in the brain. These are connected to a conductive 
           mesh which is actually etched into the bone of the skull. 
           When this mesh gets charged up it becomes a sort of 
 TARRANT:  Transmitting signals from the microsensors?
     MAX:  Right. The signals are boosted through the combat computer and 
           are picked up by these receivers. [Picks up one of the 
           green disks and hands it to Tarrant] You put it on your
           It's activated through the optic nerves. Close your eyes and it 
           feeds the signal directly into the brain, open them and it cuts 
 TARRANT:  How effective is it?
     MAX:  With that, you can see what Deeta sees and feel a lot of what he
           feels, physically and emotionally. These [picks up and 
           hands Tarrant a blue disk] are a slightly different 
 TARRANT:  Keyed to the other man?
     MAX:  You choose which one you want to go with.
 TARRANT:  How many people use these?
     MAX:  Oh, almost everyone in the two systems. It's a release that we 
           all share. A catharsis. We all fight the war, but only one MAN 
           actually dies.
 TARRANT:  My brother.
     MAX:  Or his opponent.
 TARRANT:  So that's the ultimate excitement. Murder without guilt, death 
           without loss.
     MAX:  War without destruction. [Another line is added to the 
           display: VANDOR ARBITER: READY] I must go.
 TARRANT:  Wish Deeta luck for me.
     MAX:  Yes. [exits]
 TARRANT:  [into bracelet] I'm ready to come up, Cally. [grabs a few of 
           each color of disks from the boxes on a table.]
[Deeta's room.  He is looking at the viewscreen which displays:
           CHAMPIONS GO TO
           TEAL:  BLACK
           VANDOR: RED
     MAX:  [rushing in] I was afraid I'd miss you.
   DEETA:  It's all right, Max. There's plenty of time.
     MAX:  How do you feel?
   DEETA:  Fine.
     MAX:  For the hundreth time. I'm sorry, I haven't been much help, have
   DEETA:  The Death-Watch is never easy, Max. You did well, I'm grateful 
           to you.  [offers his hand and they shake]
     MAX:  We wish you luck.
   DEETA:  The people of Teal?
     MAX:  Your brother and I.
   DEETA:  Have the drinks set up, Max. We'll celebrate, eh, the three of
           us? [exits. Max takes a green disk, sits down and puts it on 
           his forehead.]

[Red door to battle chamber.  Vinni presses a panel.  The door to his 
 locker opens to reveal it is empty.  He draws his gun and stands 
 before the entrance.]

[Arbiters' room.  Another line has been added to the display:
 The Vandor arbiter affixes a blue disk and activates it by closing his 

[Black door to battle chamber. Deeta presses his panel, the empty 
 locker opens.  He draws his gun, checks it, then reholsters it and 
 moves to wait before the door.]

[Arbiters' room.  Another line has been added to the display:
 The Teal arbiter dons a green disk and activates it.  Servalan simply 

[Flight deck. The viewscreen is showing the same display. Tarrant and 
 Vila each have an activated green disk on their foreheads.  Dayna is 
 holding a blue one.]
   DAYNA:  I, I don't want to do this, Avon. I'll be fighting Tarrant's 
    AVON:  You will be judging the MAN who is fighting him.
   DAYNA:  But you can't be objective with something like this.
    AVON:  You don't have to be. It's your instinct as a fighter that we
   CALLY:  And Tarrant will be an instinctive judge of his brother's
    AVON:  You're a natural fighter, Dayna. You will be an instinctive 
           judge of the other man.
   DAYNA:  Well, even if one of them breaks the rules, what can we do about
    AVON:  That is what Orac is going to tell us.
           [Dayna affixes the disk to her forehead and shuts her eyes.]

[Max's room.  He waits with disk activated.]

[Arbiter's room.  Servalan smiles.  The display changes to read:
           COMMENCE       ]

[Red door. It opens and Vinni enters the combat ground.]

[Black door.  Deeta still waits.]

[Combat grounds, what looks like the bombed or burned out ruins of a 
 large building. Vinni moves about, searching.]
   VINNI:  [holds up hands with his gun pointing off uselessly in the 
           air and shouts] Tarrant! You get one free shot, 
           Tarrant! [pause, then holsters his gun, runs across the 
           main open area of the building into a more enclosed area 
           and climbs up a ladder.]

[Black door.  Deeta clenches his fist as he waits.]

[Flight deck.  Tarrant mimics Deeta's gesture.]

[Black door. It opens and Deeta enters the combat ground at some 
 distance from Vinni's point of entry. He moves about, scanning and 
 pointing his gun in various directions.]

[Combat grounds.  Deeta shoots at Vinni and misses.  Vinni fires back, 
 also missing.  They move about continuously.  Vinni searches for 
 Deeta. Deeta fires again, Vinni 
 fires back twice, then advances again searching in vain for Deeta.]

[Flight deck: through Dayna's mind's eye we see what Vinni is seeing as 
 he scans about.  Through Tarrant's mind's eye we see Deeta's hands and gun 
 as he fires at Vinni, who fires back.]

[Combat grounds.  Deeta is sheltering in a doorway.]
   VINNI:  [shouting from o.o.s.] Tarrant! Tarrant! We're wasting time, 
           Tarrant.  We could die of old age chasing each other around 
   DEETA:  What do you suggest we do? Draw straws?

[Combat grounds.  Vinni is standing in the more enclosed area.]
   VINNI:  We draw guns, Tarrant. Isn't that what you're best at?  Only I'm
           better and I'm going to prove it. Holster your gun -- I'll meet 
           you out in the open, face to face. Fast man wins. What do 
           you say? [Deeta walks up behind him, unnoticed.] Well, have 
           you got the stomach for it?  [Deeta aims his gun at Vinni's 
           back then holsters it] What do you say, Tarrant?
   DEETA:  All right. [Vinni spins around at the sound of his voice.] Let's
           see if you're as fast with your gun as you are with your mouth.
           [Vinni grins and leads the way into the larger, open-to- 
           the-sky, area of the building.  He turns to face Deeta, who 
           has his hand on his holstered gun.  Vinni holds up his 
           empty hands.]
   VINNI:  After you, Tarrant.
           [Deeta starts to draw his gun.  Change to slow motion as 
           we see the smoke from Vinni's shot and that Deeta's gun 
           isn't even fully aimed yet. Deeta is blown back by the 
[Intercuts shots as Max and the others react and we see Deeta falling 
 in slow motion. Another shot is heard, possibly meant to be an echo 
 from the first.]

[Flight deck]
    VILA:  No!

[Combat grounds.  Deeta falls to the ground, one hand clutching 
 his bloody chest, then his hand slips slowly to the ground.]

[Flight deck. Tarrant grimaces in pain and sorrow.]

[Combat grounds.  The skeletal roof of the building against the sky, 
 apparently Deeta's point of view.]
   DEETA:  [V.O.] Stupid. Stupid of me. He's fast. He's really fast, Del. 
           Del, I'm sorry. I'm afraid the eavesdroppers have to listen 
           after all.  Didn't want a million people in my head when we 
           met-- [Vinni is approaching] Damn, it hurts. I never should 
           have left you. I missed you, little brother. [Vinni takes 
           aim and fires one last time.  The screen goes black.]

[Flight deck]
   DAYNA:  Tarrant. Tarrant! [shakes him] Tarrant! Tarrant!  [she rips 
           his patch off and he gasps] I'm sorry, Tarrant.
 TARRANT:  He should have killed him when he had the chance.  [Smiles a 
           sickly smile] Deeta never was very practical.
[Combat grounds. Vinni stands over Deeta's body]
   VINNI:  [to Deeta] I told you I was faster. [looking up as if to the 
           audience, shouts] Deeta Tarrant is dead! [Walks off a few 
           steps] I claim victory for the Vandor Confederacy of 

[Arbiter's room]
SERVALAN:  [switches off screen] Well, gentlemen, before we confirm 
           this victory there are some checks I should like carried 
           out, formalities only. But I fear scrupulous fairness is 
           one of my small personal obsessions. I'm sure you'll bear 
           with me.

[Flight deck]
    AVON:  Did they behave as you expected? Come on, we haven't got much
 TARRANT:  Deeta didn't break any rules. In fact, he kept an extra one of 
           his own. A costly one.
    AVON:  You felt nothing abnormal in his behavior?
 TARRANT:  Nothing.
   DAYNA:  I felt something. At least, I think I did.
    AVON:  Yes?
   DAYNA:  It's difficult to pin down. It's as though we were waiting.
    VILA:  Not from where I was standing. I couldn't understand how I 
           missed him. And I couldn't believe how fast he pulled that gun.
   CALLY:  And yet watching them on the screen, I felt it was Deeta who had
           the real talent, the real instinct for it.
   DAYNA:  That's it. There was no instinct. No anticipation. I wai-- HE 
           waited for things to happen and then reacted to them. But when 
           he did react it was so fast it was exhilarating. I began to feel
           the other man couldn't shoot me because I could move before any 
           shot could reach me.
    AVON:  Well, Orac?
    ORAC:  It is my conclusion that the one called Vinni is not human, but 
           is in fact a highly sophisticated android exquisitely programed 
           as a gunfighter.
 TARRANT:  Deeta was fighting a machine?
    AVON:  And when that is revealed, all hell breaks loose.
   CALLY:  How will they find out?
    ORAC:  There is a little used regulation which allows any of 
           the arbiters to call for a medical examination of the winning 
   CALLY:  Won't it resist?
    ORAC:  The Vinni android will regard itself as human. It will have no 
           reason to resist such an examination.
    AVON:  Orac, how can we destroy the android without violating the 
    ORAC:  By challenge, under the rules of blood feud. Since Vinni has 
           killed his brother, Tarrant has the right of combat.
           [Avon looks at Tarrant who stands up.]
 TARRANT:  That sounds promising.
    VILA:  You wouldn't stand a chance.
 TARRANT:  I'll risk that.
    AVON:  He could use the new gun. Dayna?
   DAYNA:  It's ready. [starts to go but Avon stops her]
    AVON:  Vila can get it.
   DAYNA:  It's in the test room, Vila.
    VILA:  What did your last slave die of? [He leaves the flight 
           deck.  Tarrant moves off to stand alone, with his back 
           to the others.]
    AVON:  Dayna, I want you to stop Servalan.
   DAYNA:  [with grim anticipation] My pleasure.
    AVON:  Do everything you have to to prevent that medical examination 
           and delay things until we get there, but do not kill Servalan. 
           Cally. Will you operate the teleport? [Cally exits.] I mean 
           this, Dayna. You kill Servalan now, you blow everything wide 
           open, including us. [Dayna exits. Avon crosses to Tarrant 
           and takes him by the arm.] Tarrant. I presume you have no 
           tedious scruples about cheating and lying?
 TARRANT:  None at all.
    AVON:  Oh, good. [Smiles. They exit]

[Arbiter's room. Two technicians are about to scan Vinni.  Dayna enters 
and shoots the computer they were about to use.]
   DAYNA:  Still! Silent, all of you. [aims her gun at Servalan] Or I'll 
           kill her now. [Vinni starts to move] She's dead, Vinni, not 
           even you could reach your gun in time.
SERVALAN:  Do as she says.
   DAYNA:  That's right, Servalan. [moves to kneel at her side] Now, I 
           want you to close your eyes.
SERVALAN:  Close my eyes?
   DAYNA:  We're going to play a little game. [holds her gun beneath 
           Servalan's chin] Close your eyes. [Servalan does so.] I 
           want you to imagine how my father felt, just before you 
           killed him.  [Servalan's eyes fly open.]

[Max's room.  Max and Tarrant enter]
     MAX:  I understand your feelings, believe me, I do. But Deeta was a 
           professional, he knew the risks--
 TARRANT:  The challenge has already been made.
     MAX:  He might not accept it.
 TARRANT:  He has to accept it, you know that. Will you act for me or not?
     MAX:  There's still time to withdraw--
 TARRANT:  Yes or no?
     MAX:  Vinni's the best I've ever seen -- you don't stand a chance 
           against him--
 TARRANT:  [forcefully] Yes or no?
     MAX:  Very well. I'll negotiate the arrangements. [starts to 
 TARRANT:  And the combat computer, remember, I want it to choose the
           battle chamber and run the contest.
     MAX:  I see no reason they shouldn't agree to that. [pause] You're a
           fool, Del.
 TARRANT:  [smiles] It's a family trait, Max.

[Flight deck. Avon, Vila, Dayna and Cally enter, Orac is on the table 
 in the pit.]
    VILA:  And they accepted what Dayna did?
    AVON:  They ruled it as a minor technical violation, banned her from 
           the planet just as I expected.
    VILA:  Well, are you going to tell us why, or are you just going to 
           gloat quietly to yourself? [all seat themselves in the pit.]
    AVON:  There is a blood feud between Dayna and Servalan. But Dayna did 
           not declare a challenge and she did not kill Servalan, either.
   DAYNA:  A purely temporary oversight on my part. [Avon smiles]
           [Screen shows: COMBAT COMPUTER: READY]    
    AVON:  Any time now.
    VILA:  Are you sure you can reach him, Cally?
   CALLY:  No, I'm not sure. It's a long way, I warned you of that.  But I 
           know Tarrant well now and I know where he is.
    VILA:  Well, why not have a trial run?
   CALLY:  There's no point, Vila. Either it works at the time or it
   DAYNA:  And if it doesn't, he's dead.
   CALLY:  You think I don't know that?
           [These lines are added to the screen during Vila's next speech:
            1. WAIT                 ]
    VILA:  They agreed on the conditions. We're on.
    AVON:  Get on with it, Orac, tap into that computer. I want to know 
           which chamber it chooses.
           [Screen display changes to continue:
           2. WAIT                    ]
           Well? Which is it?
    ORAC:  I am checking. Kindly wait.
    AVON:  We are short of time, Orac.
    VILA:  I'll say we are. It's not hanging about this time.
           [Screen display: 2. WAIT blinks out and is replaced by:
           3. WAIT]

[Arbiters' room.  Screen displays reads:
  All three press buttons. The display changes to:
           NEUTRAL ARBITER: READY         ]

[Display screen:

           CHAMPION:  RED

           INDICATE READINESS               ]
[Max's room. Max and Tarrant are shaking hands.]
     MAX:  I won't wish you good luck. That's what I wished your brother.
 TARRANT:  Thanks for your help, Max. [Removes his transporter 
           bracelet and hands it to Max.]
     MAX:  There's nothing for you to prove, Del. You just kill that man, 
           any way you can.
 TARRANT:  Oh, don't worry. I wasn't planning to be a hero.

[Flight deck. Display screen adds:
           CHAMPION: READY  ]
    AVON:  Come on, Orac. Come on.

[Red door.  Vinni waits]

[Black door. Tarrant turns away from the empty locker as its door 

[Flight deck]
    ORAC:  I have the information you required.
    AVON:  Cally.
   CALLY:  [V.O., telepaths] Tarrant. Tarrant, listen to me.  Concentrate.

[Black door] 
   CALLY:  [V.O., telepaths] The chamber contains the observation gallery 
           of a deep space liner. Your door will open first, but only 
           by sixty seconds. In that time you must reach the center of 
           the gallery.

[Max's room.  The display screen adds:
           CHALLENGER: READY   ]

[Arbiters' room. Display screen:
           COMMENCE            ]

[Black door.  The door is just closing.]

[Red door.  The door opens and Vinni enters.]

[The observation gallery. Vinni enters at one end of the catwalk, scans 
 about for Tarrant. When he sees no one he smiles and holsters his gun. He 
 crosses to the other end. After he passes Tarrant moves from where he was 
 hidden beneath the catwalk, and silently boosts himself up onto the 
 catwalk. He lies there on his stomach and uses both hands to brace his gun,
 aimed at Vinni's back.]

[Max's room]
     MAX:  Kill him, Del. Kill him now!

[Flight deck]
    VILA:  What's he waiting for?
   DAYNA:  He can't shoot it in the back!
    AVON:  [matter of fact tone] It's a machine -- pull the trigger.

[Observation gallery]
 TARRANT:  Vinni. [Vinni spins at his voice and goes for his gun but 
           Tarrant fires first. Vinni staggers at the shot, starts to bring
           his gun to bear, but Tarrant fires twice more and Vinni
           evaporates into a blue haze that dissipates swiftly.  Tarrant
           rises and walks to where Vinni had been.] As ever, Dayna, gaudy, 
           but effective. [exits]

[Deeta's room]
    AVON:  Having vaporized the evidence, there is no proof now, of course.
     MAX:  How could they have done it? It's a betrayal of everything -- 
           every civilized -- How could they have done such a thing?
    AVON:  Well, if it's any consolation, I don't think THEY did.  Servalan
           is undoubtedly behind it.
 TARRANT:  She'll have had some help, of course, but not from the High 
           Council of Vandor itself, or not deliberately.
    AVON:  There's an arms manufacturing cartel that looks highly promising
           as a candidate for co-conspirator.
 TARRANT:  Yes, particularly since one of its directors happens to be a 
           member of the High Council.
     MAX:  But there is nothing we can do, short of outright war.
    AVON:  Well, as a matter of fact, our legal advisor [Avon and Tarrant 
           exchange looks], Orac, suggests that as Servalan called for a 
           medical examination that never in fact took place, the result of
           the contest between Vinni and Deeta is technically void. If you 
           lodge an objection, that contest will have to be fought again.
     MAX:  Of course! I'll get on to it right away.
    AVON:  [rises] Orac has two other suggestions to make. First, you use 
           your veto to get a change of neutral arbiter. Second, you 
           make it clear from the outset that Teal will require a 
           medical examination of both contestants [points in 
           emphasis] BEFORE the fight.
     MAX:  Right. I'll do that. [Grabs Avon's pointing hand and shakes it 
           then turns away to pat Tarrant on the shoulder, 
           leaving Avon to stare down at his hand in disbelief.] 
           I'll be back in a minute. [Exits]
    AVON:  I think we should leave now.
 TARRANT:  Max just said that he'd be back--
    AVON:  Orac had another interesting legal point to make. According to 
           the rules of the Teal-Vandor Convention, YOU are now the new 
           First Champion of Teal.
 TARRANT:  I think we should leave now.
 TARRANT:  [in perfect unison] Bring us up, Cally.

-- the end --