From: Brian Lo <> Newsgroups: rec.gardens Subject: FAQ: Beans Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 09:12:20 -0800 BEANS - GREEN, YELLOW WAX AND ROMANO (ITALIAN) Phaseolus vulgaris (see also seperate files on FAVA BEAN and LIMA BEANS) VARIETIES (snap beans require approximately 60-75 days to harvest, depending on season, planting date and variety). Processing: Consult processors. Green-podded varieties commonly grown are: Western Oregon: OSU 91-G (the primary variety), others are OSU l604, and the Italian bean varieties Romano FM 14, Roma II. Small-sieve green beans: Minuette, Dandy, Tesseo, 76-110. Yellow-podded: Goldie, Goldrush, Sunrae. Eastern Oregon; green podded: Wondergreen and Apollo both are curly top resistant (only use curly top resistant varieties east of the Cascades). Fresh market, Western Oregon, Bush types for hand picking: Oregon Trail, Tendergreen, Contender; OSU 91-G (for machine harvest or hand picking). Small-sieve (French types): Minuette, 76-110, Dandy, Tesseo (the latter two have lighter green pods). Italian type: Roma II. Pole types: Kentucky Blue and FM-1K (Blue Lake types), Cascade Giant (Oregon Giant type, except it is round-podded instead of flat-podded). Eastern Oregon, bush types: Wonder- green and Apollo, both are curly top resistant. Bush yellow pod: Puregold, Sunrae. Bush Romano types: RomaII, Romano FM 14. Bush yellow Romano: Wax Romano 264 SEED COMPANIES Abbott & Cobb Inc. POB F307, Feasterville, PA 19047 Asgrow Seed Company, POB 5038, Salinas CA 93915 Crookham Co. Caldwell, ID 83606 Ferry-Morse Seed Co. POB 4938, 555 Codoni Ave. Modesto, CA 95352 Harris Moran Seed Co. 3670 Buffalo Rd. Rochester, NY 14624 Johnny's Select Seeds, Foss Hill Road, Albion, Maine 04910 Rogers NK Seed Co. POB 4272 Boise, ID 83711 Sunseeds, 2320 Technology Pkwy. Hollister, CA 95023 W. Osborne Seed Co. Int'l. 1679 Highway 99 South, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Territorial Seed Co. POB 27, Lorane, OR 97451 Zenner Bros. Seed Co., Inc. 1311 S.E. Gideon St. Portland, OR 97202 SOILS Beans do best on well-drained silt loam soils. Sandy loams are satis- factory but require more frequent irrigation. Avoid soils that crust badly and those with high salt content. Beans produce best on soils which are neutral or slightly acidic. Lime should be applied if pH levels are below 5.8. Follow soil test recommendations. Rotate beans with grains or other crops to reduce damage from soil- borne diseases. Crop residues of lettuce, carrots, cabbage, parsnips, and cucurbits may harbor white mold sclerotia. SEED TREATMENT Use fungicide and insecticide treated seed. Processors may have reco- mmendations specific to their needs. Consult with individual companies. SOIL TEMPERATURE Good germination is obtained at soil temperatures of 60 F to 84 F. Seed rot is a serious problem at lower temperatures, and seedling injury from soil incorporated herbicides may be increased due to longer exposure times for slow germination. SEEDING AND SPACING In western Oregon, green beans are planted from about the end of April to the end of June. Planting of wax beans and Romano beans starts a week later and ends a week earlier. In eastern Oregon, beans are planted from about the first of May to about mid June. The small number of acres grown in eastern Oregon, allows planting to be limited to the optimum period. Green and wax beans number approximately 100-125 per ounce. Always handle bean seed with care. Rough handling lowers the percentage of germi- nation and increases numbers of crippled seedlings. Seed 6 to l0 seeds per foot of row l8 to 30 inches apart or as required to fit available cultivating, spraying and harvesting equipment. Although close spacings have been thought to increase probability of infections from gray and white mold, experience with close row spacings and high plant populations since the 1970's suggest that this might not be the case, espe- cially when close spacings are coupled with increasing the distance between plants in the row, and the availablity of effective fungicides. Reducing the distance between rows AND increasing the distance between plants, increases the number of pods (yield) per acre and reduces the number of beans per plant. This results in pods being born closer to the stem and higher in the plant canopy and plants being more upright. These factors tend to compensate for the reduced air drainage resulting from closer rows, and may result in such plantings being no more susceptible (but probably no more resistant) to gray and white mold than conventionally spaced beans under normal conditions. Aim for a final plant stand of l20,000-l75,000 (depending on between row spacing) plants per acre. This is usually 65 to 130 lb./acre of seed depend- ing upon seed size and germination percentage. Use the high seeding rates with reduced spacing between rows. This allows increased distance between plants in the row (5 plants per foot at 15 inch spacing between rows equals 10 plants per foot at 30 inches between rows). Appropriate spacings between rows at the higher plant populations would be 12-20 inches. Spacings under 12 inches between rows are difficult to accomplish with current planters. Romano types should be planted at lower populations of 90,000-100,000 to reduce problems from mold. Plant at a uniform depth and spacing of l - l l/2 inches. Use shallow depths with early planting dates. Plant deeper when soil surface is dry. For garden pole beans, seed 4 to 6 seeds per foot of row and space rows 5 l/2 feet apart. FERTILIZER In the production of vegetable crops, good fertilizer usage is only one of the important management practices, including proper seeding, pest control, adequate irrigation, and timely harvest. Because of the influence of soil type, climatic conditions, and other cultural practices, crop response from fertilizer may not always be accurately predicted. Soil test results, field experience, and knowledge of specific crop requirements help determine the nutrients needed and the rate of application. Fertilizer applications for beans should insure adequate levels of all nutrients. Optimum fertilization is intended to result in for top quality and yield, commensurate with maximum returns. Recommended soil sampling procedures should be followed in order to estimate fertilizer needs. The Oregon State University Extension Service agent in your county can provide you with soil sampling instructions and soil sample bags and information sheets. Recommendations are based on a row spacing of 30". With decreased row spacings fertilizer rates should be increased. Use the following recommended guidelines: For WESTERN OREGON: NITROGEN (N) Rates of 50 to 80 lbs of N/A are generally recommended where beans are grown on fields having a history of heavy fertilization and intensive culture. Rates of 80 to 110 lbs of N/A are recommended where forage legumes or heavily fertilized vegetable crops were not grown the preceding year. N plus potash (K2 O) applications should not exceed 90 lbs./A when between row spacings are 36 inches, or 108 lbs./acre for 30 inch spacing. There is danger of seedling injury from the concentration of salt when fertilizer in excess of the above rates is banded at planting time, also: * There is less danger if the row application is split into two bands. * The danger is aggravated as the band comes closer to the seed. The danger is greater with sandy than with finer textured soil. * Immediate irrigation at the first sign of burn should reduce further injury. * There is more possibility of damage to seedlings on acid soils where the pH is below 5.5. PHOSPHORUS (P) Phosphorus fertilizer should be banded at planting for vigorous early seedling growth. Bands should be located 2 to 3 inches to the side and 2 to 3 inches below the seed. Response is greatest from bands properly placed at 2 x 2 inches. If the OSU soil test Apply this amount of for P reads (ppm): phosphate (P2 O5) lb/A: 0 - 15 120 - 150 15 - 60 90 - 120 Over 60 60 - 90 POTASSIUM (K) Potassium should be applied before planting or banded at planting time. Amounts above 60 lbs K2 O per acre should be broadcast and worked into the seed bed. See statements on fertilizer banding under "NITROGEN." If the OSU soil test Apply this amount of for K reads (ppm): potassium(K2 O) (lb/A) 0 - 75 90 - 120 75 - 150 60 - 90 150 - 200 40 - 60 Over 200 None In Western Oregon, avoid using chloride forms of potassium for that which maybe put in the band. There is some research evidence that indicates that these forms may increase manganese solubility and cause manganese toxicity. SULFUR (S) Include 20-30 lbs/A of S in the fertilizer program for bush beans. S is sometimes contained in fertilizers used to supply other nutrients such as N, P, and K, but may not be present in sufficient quantity. Plants absorb S in the form of sulfate. Fertilizer materials supply S in the form of sulfate and elemental S. Elemental S must convert to sulfate in the soil before the S becomes available to plants. The conversion of elemental S to sulfate is usually rapid for fine ground (less than 40 mesh) material in warm moist soil. S in the sulfate form can be applied at planting time. Some S fertili- zer materials such as elemental S and ammonium sulfate have an acidifying effect on soil. The S requirements of Bush beans can be provided by: 1. The application of 20-30 lbs S/A in the form of sulfate at or prior to seeding. 2. Applying 30-40 lbs S/A as fine ground (finer than 40 mesh) elemental S the preceding year. 3. Applying coarser ground elemental S at higher rates and less fre- quently. MAGNESIUM (Mg) When the soil test value is below 1.5 meq Mg/100g of soil or when cal- cium (Ca) is ten times more than the Mg, apply 10 to 15 lb Mg/A banded at planting. If deficiency symptoms appear, spray with 10 lbs Epsom salts in 100 gals of water/A. Mg can also be supplied in dolomite, which is a liming material and reduces soil acidity to about the same degree as ground limestone. Dolomite should be mixed into the seed bed several weeks in advance of seeding. BORON (B) Responses of bush beans to B applications have not been observed in experiments on growers' fields in western Oregon. Fields which have received recent heavy B applications should be soil tested for B. If the soil test indicates 2.0 ppm B or above, there is danger of injury to beans. ZINC (Zn) The application of Zn has increased the yields of bush beans in the Stayton area especially on the gravelly, dark colored soils. If the OSU soil test Apply this amount for Zn reads (ppm): of Zn (lb/A): Less than 1 3-4 banded or10 broadcast Over 1 None When the soil test is below 1 ppm Zn, a response to Zn is expected on all soils. When the soil test is between 1 and 1 1/2 ppm Zn, a response to Zn is expected on most soils in the Stayton area. Where Zn is required, either 10 lb/A of Zn should be broadcast and worked into the soil prior to planting or 3 to 4 lbs/A of Zn should be banded with the fertilizer at planting time. A broadcast application of 10 lb Zn/A should supply Zn needs for 2 or 3 years. LIME Lime applications should be made when the soil pH is 5.8 or below, or when calcium (Ca) levels are below 5 meq Ca/100g of soil. Possible seedling injury from the band application of fertilizer is less when the soil pH is 5.5 or above. Some Willamette Valley experiments with beans have shown decreased uptake of phosphorus from band applications of phosphorus when the pH approaches 5.0. If the OSU SMP Buffer Apply this amount test for lime reads: of lime (T/A): Below 5.2 4 - 5 5.2 - 5.6 3 - 4 5.6 - 5.9 2 - 3 5.9 - 6.2 1 - 2 Over 6.2 0 The liming rate is based on 100-score lime. Lime should be mixed into the seed bed at least several weeks before seeding. A lime application is effective over several years. Do not apply lime when the soil pH is above 6.0. Yields were reduced in Willamette Valley experiments when lime raised the soil pH to 6.5. Phosphorus, K, Mg, Zn, B, and lime recommendations are based on soil test values from the Soil Testing Laboratory, OSU, Corvallis, Oregon. This guide is largely based on the results of experiments conducted by Horticulture and Soils Department researchers of the OSU Agricultural Expe- riment Station, and is quoted from OSU Fertilizer Guide FG28. EASTERN OREGON, east of the Cascades: lbs. per acre Nitrogen (N): 50-80 Phosphorus (P2 O5): 50-100 Potassium (K2 O): up to 50 Sulfur (S): 20-30 Garden Pole beans At time of seeding, band 60 - 80 lb./acre of nitrogen and ll0 to l50 lb./acre of phosphate (P205) 2 inches to the side of the seed and 3 to 4 inches deep. Broadcast and disc in up to 90 lb./acre potash (K20) before planting. Just prior to blossoming, side-dress with 35 lb./acre of nitrogen. IRRIGATION Irrigation is not recommended until about 2 weeks after planting. Too much water at seeding slows growth and may increase root rots. During the rest of the season, keep moisture levels in the top foot of soil at or above 50% of available water. To avoid any water stress the two critical times during bean development are during bloom and pod set. It is advisable to irrigate in the early morning hours so the plants may dry off before the night. A total of 10" - 16" may be needed in western Oregon depending on location planting date, seasonal variation and variety. Approximate summer irrigation needs for the Hermiston area have been found to be: 3.5 inches in May, 5.0 in June, 7.5 in July, and 7.0 in August. Soil type does not affect the amount of total water needed, but does dictate frequency of water application. Lighter soils need more frequent water applications, but less water applied per application. HARVESTING AND HANDLING In western Oregon, green bean harvest is generally from about July 10 to the end of September. Wax bean harvest is from about mid July to mid Septem- ber, and Romano beans from the first of August to mid September. The prime harvest season for the Willamette valley is between July 25 and the end of August for green and wax beans, and between August 1 and 25 for Romano beans. In eastern Oregon, grean beans are harvested from about late July to mid September. Yields of snap beans for processing average approximately 6 tons/acre, with good yields at 8 tons/acre, in the Willamette Valley. Fresh market bean yields are reported as averaging approximately 35 cwt./acre with good yields at 100 cwt./acre. All beans for processing and some fresh market beans are machine har- vested. Bean fields intended for processing are picked with self-propelled machines that pick 3 or more rows at a time. Fresh market beans are either picked by hand or with tractor-pulled single, or self-propelled multiple row machines. When fresh market beans are machine harvested, they are further hand-sorted and graded before packaging for market. Harvest is started when a graded sample contains about 50% No. 4 sieve size and under. The actual sieve size percentage will vary depending on processor needs and the bean variety. Protect harvested beans from heat and sun and deliver to processor or buyer as soon as possible. STORAGE (quoted from USDA Ag. Handbook #66): Store at 40 to 45 F. and relative humidity of 95%. Green beans should be stored for only a short period (7 to 10 days) between 40 and 45 F. Even these temperatures cause some chilling injury but are best for short storage. Snap beans are cold sensitive and may be severely chill-injured in a few days at temperatures of 38 F. and below. Chilled beans develop surface pitting and russeting a day or two after removal to warm temperatures for marketing. Tendergreen beans can be held for about 2 days at 31 F., 4 days at 35 F., or 12 days at 42 F. before chilling injury is induced. Cultivars differ signifi- cantly in their sensitivity to chilling. Russeting is aggravated by free moisture and is especially noticeable in the centers of containers, where condensed moisture remains. Beans should not be top iced if they are to be held at higher temperatures later. Snap beans are highly perishable and should be cooled rapidly after harvest, preferably to 40-43 F. They can be effectively vacuum cooled or forced-air cooled, but hydrocooling is preferable not only because cold water cools rapidly but also because the free moisture helps prevent wilting or shriveling. Snap beans lose moisture rapidly if not properly protected by packaging or by a relative humidity of 95% or above. When the relative humidity approaches saturation, as in consumer packages, temperatures above 45 F. must be avoided or decay is likely to be serious within a few days. Beans can be held about 10 days at 40 F. if they are utilized immedia- tely after storage, as for processing. Longer storage or holding at tempe- ratures above 45 F. will hasten yellowing and the development of fiber. Containers of beans should be stacked to allow abundant air circulation. If containers are packed close together, the temperature may rise because of the heat of respiration, and the beans will deteriorate rapidly. When beans are stored in large bins or pallet boxes, provision should be made for rapid cooling. Beans stored too long or at too high a storage temperature are subject to various decays, including water soft rot (Sclerotinia spp.), cottony leak (Pythium butleri), gray mold (Botrytis cinerea), and rhizopus rot (Rhizopus spp.). Beans principally benefit from use of a controlled atmosphere (2 to 3% oxygen and 5 to 10% carbon dioxide) because it retards yellowing. Also, the discoloration of broken ends of beans awaiting processing can be controlled by holding them in 20 or 30 % carbon dioxide for 24 hours. PACKAGING Beans are commonly packaged in 26-3l lb. bushel wirebound crates and bushel hampers; or 20-30 lb. cartons. ENTERPRISE BUDGET The following summary information has been taken from the bush bean enterprise budget for bush beans for processing, developed in 1993 by Bob Lisec, Dan Mc Grath, and Tim Cross, Oregon State University Extension Service: The bush bean budget estimates total variable costs of $568.81 per acre and total fixed costs of $238.54 per acre, resulting in $807.35 per acre for total cost of production. The break even price needed to cover variable costs is $87.50 per ton, and the break even price needed to cover all costs is $124.20 per ton, based on a normal yield of 6.5 tons net per acre. For the complete budget and assumptions used contact one of the above-mentioned authors. PEST CONTROL FOR BEANS THE PESTICIDES LISTED BELOW, TAKEN FROM THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST PEST CONTROL HANDBOOKS, ARE FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND ARE REVISED ONLY ANNUALLY. BECAUSE OF CONSTANTLY CHANGING LABELS, LAWS, AND REGULATIONS, OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY CAN ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF USE OF CHEMICALS SUGGESTED HERE. IN ALL CASES, READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS AND PRECAUTION- ARY STATEMENTS ON THE SPECIFIC PESTICIDE PRODUCT LABEL. USE PESTICIDES SAFELY! Wear protective clothing and safety devices as recommended on the label. Bathe or shower after each use. Read the pesticide label--even if you've used the pesticide before. Follow closely the instructions on the label (and any other directions you have). Be cautious when you apply pesticides. Know your legal responsibility as a pesticide applicator. You may be liable for injury or damage resulting from pesticide use. WEED CONTROL Cultivate as often as necessary when weeds are small. Proper cultivation on field selection and rotations can reduce or eliminate the need for chemical weed control. ACTIVATED CHARCOAL SEED PROTECTION Several Pacific Northwest grass seed crops are protected from herbicide injury with the use of activated charcoal which adsorbs and detoxifies or inactivates the herbicide. In vegetables, activated charcoal can be mixed with horticul- tural grade vermiculite and applied as an anticrustant/seed protectant. The activated charcoal vermiculite mix is placed within the seed furrow using a positive feed device. Herbicides must not leach excessively or move readily from crop roots into the plant. Although crop safety can be enhanced, weeds emerging from within the treated area also are protected. Another use for activated charcoal involves seed protection from herbicides that leach into the seed zone from excessive rainfall. Seed coatings of activated charcoal would reduce the active concentration of herbicide at or very near the seed during the germination process. Activated charcoal/vermiculite mix: Thoroughly mix 1 lb activated char- coal/ft3 of number 2 or 3 grade horticultural vermiculite. If severe dustiness is a problem, add a small amount of water. Apply 1 ft3 of mixture/600 ft. of seeded row or approximately 15 cu.ft/A. Fill the seed furrow using a positive feed applicator and press with a press wheel. THE WEED TREATMENTS LISTED BELOW ARE TAKEN FROM THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST WEED CONTROL HANDBOOK, AND ARE FOR INFORMATION ONLY. CONSULT PRODUCT LABELS FOR CURRENTLY LEGAL REGISTRATIONS, RATES, AND COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS. WEED MANAGEMENT GENERAL STRATEGY According to USDA standards and processor quality, harvested beans must be free of nightshade berries, Canada thistle buds, pigweed stems, or mustard pods. Crop rotations, close row spacings, early season weed control, and cultivation (except in rocky or clod soils) are combined with herbicides to minimize weed competition and contamination of product. ___________________________________________________________________________ STALE SEEDBEDS FOR VEGETABLE PRODUCTION Stale seedbeds are sometimes used for vegetable production when other selec- tive weed control practices are limited or unavailable. The concept depends on controlling the first flush of emerged weeds before planting or emergence of the crop followed by minimal soil disturbance which reduces subsequent weed flushes during establishment of the crop. Following establishment, other weed control practices including cultivation or use of other herbicides can be used. 1. Prepare a seedbed, preferably 2 to 3 weeks before planting to achieve maximum weed seed germination near the soil surface. Soil temperatures and moisture must be reasonable or results will be erratic. 2. Plant the crop with minimum soil disturbance. Otherwise, new weed seed will be exposed to favorable germinating conditions. 3. Just before or after planting but before crop emergence, treat the field by flaming or with herbicide to kill all germinated or exposed weeds. Weed Treatment Active Ingredient Per Acre and Application Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flaming Use liquid propane or similar fuel-burning equipment to quickly sear the weeds, but not consume them with flame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ paraquat 0.625 to 0.94 lb ai/A Gramoxone Extra (see remarks) Restricted-use pesticide. Do not ingest or inhale spray mist. Wearing protective face shields, respirators, and clothing is advised. Apply during or after planting, but before crop emergence. Add a nonionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate according to label specifications, taking care to avoid anionic formulations that react in the tank to form insoluble precipitates. Exposed crop plants will be killed. Do not apply preplant or pre-emergence to soils lacking clay minerals, such as peat, muck, pure sand, or artificial planting media. (Acts as contact; absorbs energy produced by photosynthesis forming peroxides that disrupt living cells.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- glyphosate Consult Labels Roundup Roundup RT (E. Washington and Idaho only) or Honcho + nonionic surfactant Apply to actively growing weeds either preplant in conjunction with site preparation or preemergence crops listed on the label. Consult label for specific rates, times of application, and perennial species control- led. Generally 1 to 1.5 lbs ai/A should be used for annual weeds, while perennial weeds require higher rates. Addition of a surfactant or ammonium sulfate improves activity when weeds are stressed. Do not apply more than 8 lbs. ai/A per year, nor plant non-labeled crops within 12 months following application. (Inhibits production of 3 amino acids and protein synthesis.) ______________________________________________________________________________ PREPLANT INCORPORATED Weed Treatment Active Ingredient Per Acre and Application Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPTC 3 to 4 lb ai/A Eptam (not adzuki, cowpeas, lima beans and flat podded beans, except Romano) Apply preplant to soil dry enough for thorough mixing and incorporate 2 to 3 inches deep immediately by cross-disking, rototilling, or sub- surface application beans can be planted immediately. Suppresses growth of yellow nutsedge, but does not kill tubers. In the Willamette Valley, experience suggests that rates may be reduced to as low as 1.5 lb ai/A when mixed with trifluralin. (Inhibits shoot growth). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ trifluralin 0.5 to 0.75 lb ai/A Treflan Apply preplant and incorporate 2 to 3 inches deep within 24 hours or less by cross-disking or using a PTO rotary tiller. Spray only once and avoid overlapping. Erratic plant growth, enlarged stems below the soil surface, and poor root growth have been observed when maximum labeled rates were applied uniformly in fields with slight variations in soil type. Consult label for planting sensitive crops within 12 to 20 months. (Inhibits mitosis in both shoots and roots). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pendimethalin 0.5 to 1.5 lb ai/A Prowl Label describes preplant incorporation, but crop injury and yield losses have been observed under cool, wet conditions. Adjust rates depending on soil texture and organic matter. Do not feed bean vines or graze livestock in treated fields. Weak on mustard and composite (sunflower) weeds. (Inhibits mitosis in both shoots and roots.) ______________________________________________________________________________ PREEMERGENCE SOIL-APPLIED (PRE TO CROP AND WEEDS) Weed Treatment Active Ingredient Per Acre and Application Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ metolachlor 1.5 to 3.0 lb ai/A Dual Apply either preplant within 14 days of planting and mechanically incorporate in top 2 inches of soil, or apply preemergence behind the planter and activate with 1 inch overhead irrigation or rainfall. May delay maturity and/or reduce yield if cold, wet soil conditions occur after planting. Weak on mustard weeds. Do not graze crop residue or feed canning wastes to livestock for 6 weeks following treatment. (Inhibits roots and shoots.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DCPA 4.5 to 10.5 lb ai/A Dacthal Often performs erratically in western Oregon. Elsewhere, apply immedi- ately after planting and activate with ample irrigation or rainfall. Do not graze treated areas or feed plant parts to livestock. Consult label for replanting sensitive crops within 8 months. See Dry Bean section for additional information. (Inhibits mitosis). ______________________________________________________________________________ POSTEMERGENCE Weed Treatment Active Ingredient Per Acre and Application Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bentazon 0.75 to 1.0 lb ai/A Basagran Apply to small, rapidly growing annual broadleaf weeds after first trifoliate bean leaf is fully expanded. Temperatures below 75 F day or 55 F night and require newly emerged weeds and may provide only partial control or suppression. Temporary yellowing, bronzing, speckling, or burning of leaves may occur, but beans usually continue growth with minimal delays in pod maturity. Addition of crop oil concentrate may increase injury and reduce or delay yields. Do not tank-mix with other pesticides, apply within 30 days of snap bean harvest, not exceed 4 pints/A per season. (Inhibits photosynthesis.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sethoxydim 0.19 to 0.28 lb. ai/A Poast Identify susceptible grasses and apply at optimum growth stage listed on the label. Add 2 pints/A nonphytotoxic crop oil concentrate to improve leaf absorption. Erratic control often occurs when grasses are stunted or stressed from drought, high temperatures, or low fertility. Resis- tant grasses include annual bluegrass and all fine fescues, whereas quackgrass can be suppressed. Do not apply within 15 days of harvest, nor exceed 4 pints/A per year. (Inhibits fatty acid production, cell membranes, and new growth.) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ INSECT CONTROL Proper rotations and field selection can minimize problems with insects. THE PESTICIDES LISTED BELOW ARE TAKEN FROM THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST INSECT CONTROL HANDBOOK, AND ARE FOR INFORMATION ONLY. CONSULT PRODUCT LABELS FOR CURRENTLY LEGAL REGISTRATIONS, RATES AND COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS. Insect and Description Control, Active Ingredients Per Acre --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aphids, including malathion - 1.0 to 1.5 lb Bean aphid diazinon - 0.5 to 0.75 lb Aphis fabae Phorate or Thimet 20G - Black plant louse that colonizes 0.9 to 1.4 oz ai/1000 row ft. leaves and pods. May occur early in season, but most com- Phosdrin - 0.25 lb monly found later in summer. Di-Syston - 1 to 2 lb Do not feed vines. dimethoate - 0.25 to 0.5 lb endosulfan - 0.5 to 1 lb Dibrom - 1 lb Do not feed treated vines. By-product waste at processing plants may be fed to livestock. Orthene - 0.5 to 1.0 lb Do not feed treated vines. By-product waste at processing plants may be fed to livestock. Pyrellin - 1 to 2 pt Pyrethrins and Rotenone Diatect - 1 to 3 lb formulation. Diatomaceous earth and Pyrethrins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armyworms and carbaryl - 1.5 lb Cutworms Lannate - 0.45 to 0.9 lb Full-grown larva 1 inch long, greenish with a broad, dark, Orthene - 0.75 to 1.0 lb lateral band, edged with a nar- Do not feed treated vines. row white line. Larvae tend to By-produce waste at processing defoliate pigweed and later mi- plants may be fed to livestock. grate to vegetable crops. Bacillus thuringiensis - 1 to 2 qt Armyworms only. Add an appropriate spreader- sticker to enhance control. Most effective on small larvae. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garden symphylan Dyfonate - 2 lb Scutigerella immaculata Mocap - 2 to 3 lb Small, white, centipede-like animals active in soil. Telone II - preplant Telone C-17 - preplant ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grasshoppers dimethoate - 0.25 to 0.5 lb Phosdrin - 0.5 lb malathion - 1 lb carbaryl - 0.5 to 1.5 lb Orthene - 0.25 to 0.5 lb By-produce waste at processing plants may be fed to livestock. Nosema locustae - use as manufacturer directs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lygus bugs dimethoate - 0.5 lb Lygus spp. Phorate 0.9 to 1.4 oz ai/1000 Adults 3/16 inch long with a row ft. light yellow "V" on backs. Feed on pods and beans. Can cause Lannate - 0.45 to 0.9 lb blemishes on developed bean seed. Damage is only of con- carbaryl - 1.0 to 1.5 lb cern to fresh market beans. Blanching of processed beans Orthene - 0.5 to 1.0 lb removes discoloration. Do not feed treated vines. By-product waste at processing plants may be fed to livestock. Malathion - 1.25 lb Dibrom - 1 lb Do not feed treated vines. By-product waste at processing plants may be fed to livestock. Pyrellin - 1 to 2 pt Pyrethrins and rotenone -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nitidulid beetle Most insecticides used Meligethes nigrescens for aphids or other pests of beans reduce Small, black beetle that infests nitidulid populations. blossoms from mid-July to mid- August. May cause blossom drop, but control is unnecessary unless population is very high. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pea leaf weevil No products currently Sitona lineata registered for this use. Adults small, grayish-brown weevils about 1/6 inch long. May appear on beans in late summer in Willamette Valley. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seedcorn maggot Phorate 0.9 to 1.4 oz Delia platura ai/1000 row ft. White larvae of fly, similar to Dyfonate 4E, 10G - 2 to 4 lb the cabbage maggot. Attack germinating seeds and may de- Lorsban 50-SC - 1 oz ai/100 lb stroy planting. Damage most of seed. serious during cool, wet weather. diazinon 50W - 0.25 oz ai/bu Germate Plus - 1.8 oz. of formulation/50 lb. seed. Use planter box treatment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slugs metaldehyde baits. Do not Gray garden slug contaminate edible plant parts. Agriolimax reticulatus Use as needed, but not more often than once per week. See supple- Damage mostly to germinating ment, Slug Control. seeds and seedling plants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spider mites Dicofol or Kelthane - Tetranychus spp. 0.33 to 1.5 lb Tiny spiderlike animals located Comite - 1.6 to 2.4 lb on undersides of foliage. Feed on plant juices and cause yel- Dibrom - 1 lb lowing and browning of leaves. At least 2 applications at 7 to Not usually a problem in Western 10 days intervals necessary. Do Oregon. not feed vines. By-product waste at processing plants may be fed to livestock. Di-Syston - 1 to 2 lb Metasystox-R - 0.5 lb dimethoate - 0.5 lb Phosdrin - 0.5 lb Phorate 20G - 0.9 to 1.4 oz ai/1000 row ft. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stick bugs carbaryl - 2 lb Different species endosulfan - 0.5 to 1 lb Brown or green bugs that feed on blossoms and beans with piercing, Orthene - 0.5 to 1.0 lb sucking mouthparts. Damage similar Do not feed treated vines. to that caused by lygus bugs. By-product waste at processing plants may be fed to livestock. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cucumber beetles carbaryl - 1 to 1.5 lb including Diabrotica endosulfan - 0.5 to 1.0 lb undecimpunctata Lannate - 0.23 to 0.45 lb Yellowish-green, black-spot- ted beetle common to western diazinon - 0.375 Oregon. Adults attack and feed on seedlings, foliage, and pods. malathion - 1.75 lb methoxychlor - 1 to 3 lb Pyrellin - 1.5 to 2 pt Pyrethrins and rotenone Diatect - 1 to 3 lb Diatomaceous earth and pyrethrins --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wireworms diazinon - 3 to 4 lb Ctenicera and Limonius spp. Dyfonate 4EC - 4 lb Brown, jointed larvae of click Telone II - preplant beetles. Kill young plants, weaken older ones. Telone C-17 - preplant Germate Plus - 1.8 oz. of formulation/50 lb. seed. Use planter box treatment. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ DISEASE CONTROL Proper rotations, field selection, sanitation, spacings, fertilizer and irrigation practices can reduce the risk of many diseases. Fields can be tested for presence of harmful nematodes. Using seed from reputable seed sources reduces risk from seed born diseases. THE PESTICIDES LISTED BELOW ARE TAKEN FROM THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST DISEASE CONTROL HANDBOOK, AND ARE FOR INFORMATION ONLY. CONSULT PRODUCT LABELS FOR CURRENTLY LEGAL REGISTRATIONS, RATES AND COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS. BEAN COMMON MOSAIC AND BEAN YELLOW MOSAIC Cause: Viruses carried by aphids--fairly widespread in their distribution. Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV) (Bean Virus 1) is seed transmitted. Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus (BYMV) (Bean Virus 2) is not transmitted. Symptoms: BCMV infection causes systemic mosaic symptoms consisting of a green to bluish-green mottled or mosaic pattern on leaves which usually exhibit a downward curling or cupping and general malformation. The mosaic symptom is often associated with and follows the network of leaf veins which become slightly darker than the interveinal area. Another symptom of infec- tion is venial necrosis or `road mapping' of leaves. Systemic necrosis (black root reaction), characterized by black vascular tissue in the stems and pods, and death of plant, may occur in some varieties with a specific type of resistance gene to BCMV. These varieties are actually resistant to all strains of BCMV under most conditions, but under high temperatures, infections result in the black root reaction and death of the plant. Plants arising from BCMV-infected seed or plants infected very early in the season are dwarfed and spindly, and the crop is often reduced. BYMV typically causes a yellow and green mottling, but different strains may also cause venial necrosis. Leaves are often brittle, glass, cupped downward, and may be malformed. Both viruses cause deformed pods, and the pod surfaces may be rough and shiny. ~Control: The only satisfactory control for bean common mosaic and some of its variant strains is to use resistant varieties such as `Oregon 91G', `Oregon 54', `Roma II', `BB 110', and `Goldrush'. Few good bean varieties have been developed that are resistant to bean yellow mosaic. Avoid planting beans near sweet cover, crimson clover, red clover, or gladioli as bean yellow mosaic may be transmitted from these plants to the beans. Most varieties of commercial dry edible and many snap bean varieties are resistant to one or more strains of BCMV, but are susceptible to other stains which are newly reported. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURLY TOP Cause: A virus spread by the beet leafhopper. Other hosts include sugar beets, watermelon, tomatoes, and cucurbits. The disease is not uncommon in the Columbia Basin, Idaho and central Oregon. The virus overwinters in wild perennial or winter annual host plants and is not seedborne. Symptoms: On young plants the trifoliate leaves develop a puckering and downward curl. This is followed by general chlorosis and death. When older plants are affected, they become chlorotic, dwarfed, bunchy, and the pods are stunted. All leaves become thicker than normal and, being very brittle, break off easily at the stem. Infected plants yield few or no pods. ~Control: Use resistant varieties. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HALO BLIGHT Cause: Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Pseudomonas phaseolicola, a bacterium. The bacteria may overwinter in the seed or infected plant parts (trash) and is spread by rain, irrigation water, tools, humans, or equipment. Most lima beans are susceptible to the disease, but `OSU 91G' has moderate resistance. `Blue Lake' pole beans are not resistant but seldom become naturally infected when field grown. Symptoms: 1. The first symptom of the disease on the leaves is water soaked spots followed by irregular brown spots on undersides of leaves. Later the spot shows through the upper surface and a yellow halo usually occurs around it. A bacterial sheen over the surface of the spot is often present. Defoliation occurs in severe infections. Leaves on systemically infected plants may show yellowing (chlorosis) and malformation without the appearance of much external infection. Systemically infected plants are often stunted. 2. On the pods, sunken water-soaked spots appear, often with a bacterial ooze on the surface. The spots extend through the pod. Later the spots become dry and brown. 3. On the stems, reddish waxy cankers develop, often girdling and killing the plants. 4. On the seeds, sunken brown spots cause the seed to shrivel. ~Control: 1. Plant disease-free seed. This is very important since all outbreaks of the disease in the Pacific Northwest have resulted from the planting of infected seed. 2. Sprays with 1-3 lb/A of Kocide 101, or 1.5 to 4.0 pt/a Champ flowable at 7-10 day intervals will slow the spread of the disease if it is present in the field. 3. Use a 2- to 3-year crop rotation. The bacteria overwinter in the undecom- posed plant debris from the previous year's crop, and the longer beans are kept out of a field that previously produced a diseased crop, the less chance there is of contaminating the newly planted crop. 4. Plow under plant debris as soon as possible after harvest to allow plenty of time for the debris to disintegrate during the winter. The usual practice of plowing under the trash and then sowing a cover crop is good, except for the trash that is along the edges of fields, along fence lines, etc. Careful flaming of these areas is suggested. 5. If you cannot obtain disease-free seed, delay planting if possible. The frequent wet weather that occurs in the Willamette Valley in June is conducive to the development and spread of halo blight. Possible severe outbreaks of halo blight will depend on whether or not the June weather is wet or dry. Planting late to miss the wet periods will reduce the inci-dence and spread of halo blight. 6. Avoid overirrigation with sprinklers. 7. Do not work in infested fields that are wet with rain or irrigation water. 8. Idaho law prohibits the importation of infected seed for increase. Residues: Copper exempt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEED ROT AND SEEDLING BLIGHT Cause: Pythium and Rhizoctonia sp. (fungi). Both seed rot and seedling blight result from fungi that persist indefinitely in the soil. Symptoms: Seed decay or a rotting and damping off may occur in the young seedling plants. This is followed by wilting and death. ~Control: Seed treatment, or where Pythium sp. are a problem, apply Ridomil 2E at the rate of 1 pt./13,000 lin ft of row in furrow or in a 7-inch band at the time of planting or treat seed with 2 oz Apron 25 W/cwt of seed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEED TREATMENT Apply one of the following chemicals according to label directions: Apron, captan, thiram, PCNB, or carboxin. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN (Snap) -- BROWN SPOT Cause: A bacterium, Pseudomonas syringae, which has been shown to be seed-transmissible but is normally not found in seed grown in western states. The disease is usually more of a problem in lima beans than in snap green beans. Symptoms: On the leaves small, round to oval, brownish-red spots appear, normally more restricted than halo blight lesions. Under most conditions there is a small amount of water soaking in the leaf, but under highly humid condi- tions larger amounts of water soaking occur. The lesions normally have a small indistinct yellowish margin. On the pods the lesions are small oval spots, brownish red in color, preceded by small water-soaked spots. The lesions are much more restricted than those of halo blight. At times the bean pods seem to grow to avoid the spots causing a zigzag appearance in the bean pods. ~Control: This disease has been found only once and is not a serious problem in Oregon's Willamette Valley but does cause problems in the Midwestern bean pro- ducing areas. In the Midwest, the organism overwinters on vetch. Only legume-specific strains of bacterium cause brown spot. Strains of Pseudomonas syringae that cause diseases of stone fruits and pomaceous plants will not cause brown spot on beans. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN (Snap) -- GRAY MOLD Cause: Botrytis cinerea, a fungus. This fungus lives on organic matter. Its spores are present in the air all through the growing season. Cool,moist conditions favor development of the disease. Symptoms: All above-ground portions of the bean plant are attacked. The fungus attacks old blossom parts that have fallen or remained on the plant. The fungus moves from these infected blossom parts into the healthy tissue. The symptom of the disease is water-soaked lesions, which later become covered with gray spore masses. Gray mold is known to occur in southern Idaho at trace levels but is not known to cause any significant losses. ~Control: 1. Gray mold is usually more severe when beans follow beans. Rotate out of beans for at least 2 years when possible. 2. Place the bean rows so prevailing winds blow along, rather than across them. This reduces humidity and makes conditions less favorable for the infection. 3. Proper spacing of the rows and the beans within the rows is important. Overcrowding increases humidity, which favors infection. 4. In cooler areas irrigate heavily prior to bloom and as little as possible thereafter. Irrigation has less impact on the disease if plants dry within 12 hours. This can be regulated by the time of day irrigation is applied. Fungicides: Apply Rovral 50 WP at 2.0/A - apply at 1 to 10 percent bloom and again 5 to 7 days later in at least 40 gal water/A. See rotation crop restrictions on label and under residues. Bravo 720 at 3 pt/a also has a registration. Bravo does not control gray mold as well as Rovral but may be only choice if Rovral resistance is a problem. Bravo-treated bean waste may not be fed to livestock. Residues: Rovral--The following crops may be rotated after harvest: garlic and leafy vegetables. The following crops may be rotated the year following treatment: root crops, cereal grains, soybeans, and tomatoes. Do not allow foraging for 14 days after last application of Rovral. Do not feed snap bean hay to livestock. Do not feed dry bean hay to livestock until 45 days after last application. Do not feed succulent bean hay to livestock. Bravo 720--Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. Do not graze treated areas or feed treated plant parts to livestock. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN (Snap) -- NECROSIS DISEASE (Sudden Death) Cause: Clover yellow vein virus transmitted by the green peach aphid, the pea aphid, the black bean aphid, and the clover aphid. Two or three subspecies of Trifolium repens (white clover) are the principal reservoirs of the virus in western Oregon. Both clover yellow vein virus and strains of bean yellow mosaic virus often occur in the same field. Symptoms: First, the terminal leaf rolls downward and turns brownish in color. Following terminal death, stem and leaf tissues die from the terminal down- ward. Within 4 to 7 days the upper part or the entire plant may turn dark brown and die. ~Control: Management practices by the bean grower can substantially reduce this disease in beans. 1. Where feasible, eradicate white clover varieties from border or pasture areas near fields used for bean production. Instead, grow red clover, alsike clover, other hardy clovers, birdsfoot trefoil, or other agronomically suitable legume species. 2. Where white clover eradication is not feasible, select fields for bean production that are separated from white clover stands by at least 100 meters. This small degree of isolation will substantially reduce losses caused by the bean necrosis disease. 3. When possible, locate bean fields upwind (toward the prevailing summer breeze) from clover fields or pastures containing clover. This further minimizes infection due to aphid flights from clover to beans. 4. Avoid planting beans in fields that contained white clover varieties the previous year. Surviving or volunteer clover plants, particularly those in border areas or within bean rows, may serve as a virus reservoir. 5. Should aphicide application to beans be necessary during June or July for black bean aphid or other species, spray should also be applied to field border areas containing numerous white clover plants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN (Snap) -- ROOT ROT Cause: Fusarium sp., fungi. Species of Fusarium live in the soil formany years. They are spread on infected bean straw and by soil water. Symptoms: The plants are stunted and the leaves are yellowish and often drop early. At ground level and below, the main root may show a red dis-coloration later turning black and decaying. The infection seldom spreads into tissues above the ground level. Small side roots are killed, and, above them, second- ary roots are developed which may also become infected and die. These second- ary roots help maintain the plant and assist in crop development. ~Control: Plant in well-drained soil practicing a long rotation with grass or grain crops intervening for 5 to 6 years. Shallow cultivation may be helpful. Hilling of vines is helpful because it promotes adventitious root production. Research in Washington and Oregon has shown that subsoiling to a depth of 18 inches below the drill row just prior to planting increases bean yield under severe root rot. Root rot is not decreased, but better root formation develops to offset the disease's effect on the plant. This treatment is especially effective on heavy soils or in soils which have a "plow pan." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN (Snap) -- RUST Cause: Uromyces phaseoli, a fungus. Rust has been of minor importance for many years. The disease, when present, is generally widespread in the major bean-growing area, the Willamette Valley. Symptoms: Early (June)--white blisters develop on the upper sides of the leaves. In 2 to 3 weeks the lower side of the blister turns white and produces a white "powder," the spores. Summer (July)--brown powdery spots on both upper and lower leaf surfaces and petioles. When infection is severe, many leaves are killed and the crop reduced. Late summer (August-September)--black powdery spots on both upper and lower leaf surfaces and petioles. Killing of the leaves and a reduced crop. ~Control: A. Plant resistant varieties. B. Prevent fungus carryover. C. Prevent infection in the field. 1. Dust with a finely divided sulfur (325 mesh or finer) containing at least 80 percent sulfur. Make the first application as soon as the first lesions or spots appear. Apply the dust at 20 to 40 lb/A, depending on size of plants at time of application. Continue dusting at 7-day intervals until blossom time. The early applica- tions of dust are especially important--they should be applied before any rust is noticed. Control of rust by dusting is difficult if the disease becomes established in a planting. 2. Chlorothalonil 1.04 to 2.21 lb ai/A. Do not apply within 7 days of harvest. 3. Several wettable and flowable sulfur formulations have registrations for this disease. Residue: Chlorothalonil. Do not graze treated area or feed treated plant parts to livestock. Tolerance 5 ppm. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAN (Snap) -- SCLEROTINIA DISEASE (White Mold) Cause: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a fungus. This organism lives during winter as sclerotia, attached to old bean stems or directly in the soil. Sclerotia are moved about on plant materials, and farm implements. Sclerotia in the top 0.5 inch of soil develop into muchroomlike growths which produce spores. These spores most frequently infect blossoms under cool, moist weather conditions, and the infected blossoms fall on the plant structure, spreading the disease. Irrigation practices that keep the plants moist overnight or keep the soil surface wet for extended periods (e.g., overnight) are conducive to the development of white mold. Other host plants include lettuce, dandelion, carrots, parsnips, cabbage, peas, crucifers, potatoes, and cucurbits. Symptoms: Young infected plants show water-soaked spots on the leaves, petioles, and stems. Older plants develop water-soaked spots and/or white, creamy growths of the fungus anywhere on stems, petioles, leaves, or pods. Most infections occur near the ground as a result of fallen, infected blos- soms. The fungus may also invade the pith of the main stem and cause most leaves to turn yellow and to wilt. Embedded in the external fungus growth are compact sclerotia that are at first white, later darkening until they become black. ~Control: (1) Provide adequate aeration between rows and within rows by increased planting distance. (2) Deep plowing to bury sclerotia is beneficial. (3) Rotate crops where land permits for at least 2 years out of beans or other hosts of the fungus. (4) Varieties that do not produce excessive foliage near the ground level (open base types) tend to escape early-season infections. Chemical Control: Fungicides: In fields with a history of white mold, fungicide should be applied at 10 to 25 percent bloom (10 to 25 percent of the plants in the field have at least one open bloom). A second application of fungicide 7 to 10 days later is necessary with highly susceptible varieties or under heavy disease pressure. Spray Materials: Benlate 50 WP 2 lb/A. One application at 10 to 25 percent bloom usually is sufficient. Under heavy disease pressure, two applications should be applied, one at 25 percent bloom and one at full bloom. Benlate may be applied through sprinklers (Oregon and Idaho only). Thiophante-Methyl (Topsin M)--apply 1.05 to 1.4 lb ai/A once at 50 to 70 percent bloom or 0.7 to 1.05 lb ai. Apply twice, once at 10 to 30 percent bloom and the second 4 to 7 days later. Rovral 50 WP 2.0/A--apply at 1 to 10 percent bloom and again 5 to 7 days later in at least 40 gal water/A. See rotation crop restrictions on label and under residues. Residues: Benomyl--tolerance 2.0 ppm in or on beans 50.0 ppm in or on vines (forage). Limits 1.0 lb actual/A. Do not apply to snap or dry beans within 14 days of harvest, or to lima beans within 28 days of harvest. Do not use where crop is grown only for forage purposes. Thiophante-Methyl--Tolerance 2.0 ppm in beans and 50 ppm in hay or forage. Do not apply to beans within 14 days of harvest or lima beans within 28 days of harvest. Rovral--Garlic and leafy vegetables may be rotated after harvest. Root crops, cereal grains, soybeans, and tomatoes may be rotated the year following treatment. Do not allow foraging for 14 days after last application of Rovral. Do not feed snap bean hay to livestock. Do not feed dry bean hay to livestock until 45 days after last application. Do not feed succulent bean hay to livestock. Strategies for Control White and Gray Mold in the Same Field: In the western valleys of the Pacific Northwest, both diseases at time occur in one field. In the last several years these problems have been controlled by the use of Ronilan under a Section 18 label. Since it is unlikely that another Section 18 label will be obtained, other methods must be used to control the diseases. The facts that affect possible strategies are: Benlate and Thiophanate-methyl control white mold well but slightly increase gray mold because many gray mold strains are resistant to these fungicides. Rovral controls gray mold but is weak in the control of white mold. Gray mold strains resistant to Rovral do not survive well in the field. Rovral has plant-back restrictions. Bravo controls gray mold poorly and does not control white mold. Bean waste treated with Bravo cannot be used as feed. These facts suggest three possible programs for mold control, which are listed with their pros and cons below. 1. Use only Rovral for mold control. Good control of gray mold but white mold, usually the more important problem, may not be controlled ade- quately. Plant-back regulations apply. 2. Use only Benlate or Thiophanate-methyl. This program would work well unless an extended period of cool, moist weather occurred during the season. Then, gray mold could cause large losses. 3. Tank-mix or apply consecutively Rovral with either Benlate or Thiophanate-methyl. These combinations should control both white and gray mold. The full rate of each material in the combination certainly will give good control. Mixtures with as little as a half rate of Rovral combined with a half rate of Benlate or Thiophanate-methyl should be adequate under moderate disease pressure. Plant-back regulations apply. In any of the above programs, control can be increased by reducing irrigation during and after bloom and by selecting the times of day for irrigation that limit plant wetness to less than 12 hours. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- This information was prepared by the Oregon State University Extension Service from Oregon and Pacific NW publications as well as other vegetable production guidelines from public institutions in the U.S. and Canada. These guidelines are intended as a general guide for Oregon commercial vegetable producers. Address comments or questions to your County Extension Agent or Dr. N. S. Mansour, Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. ---------------------------------------------------