query_ident() Peter Eriksson aka Lpd @ NannyMUD Description: Below follows what changes are needed to implement the function query_ident() which returns the token that was retrieved by the Identification Server Protocol (see RFC931 or the future new revision of a similar protocol). A server for the Ident protocol can be FTP'd from 'ftp.lysator.liu.se' in the directory 'pub/ident'. You must be Root to install that server. With this function you can (if the remote site is running an Ident server) see not only from which host a user is connecting, but also his user name. In addition to the following patches to the LPMUD driver you will need the authuser library. It can be FTP'd from 'ftp.lysator.liu.se' in the directory 'pub/ident' as 'libauthuser-4.0-p2.tar.Z'. Usage: string query_ident(void|object); Example: write("My ident token is: " + query_ident() + ".\n"); write("Player " + ob->short + "'s ident token is: " + query_ident(ob) + ".\n"); Patchlist: func_spec.c: Add this in alphabetic order in the list of functions.: string query_ident(void|object); interpret.c: Add this in the huge switch with all the EFUNs: #ifdef F_QUERY_IDENT CASE(F_QUERY_IDENT); { extern char *query_ident PROT((struct object *)); char *tmp; struct svalue *arg1; if (!command_giver || !command_giver->interactive) error("query_ident(): illegal caller\n"); arg1 = sapply("query_level_sec", command_giver, 0); if (!arg1 || arg1->type != T_NUMBER || arg1->u.number < 22) error("query_ident(): illegal caller\n"); if (num_arg == 1 && sp->type != T_OBJECT) error("Bad optional argument to query_ident()\n"); tmp = query_ident(num_arg ? sp->u.ob : 0); if (num_arg) pop_stack(); if (tmp == 0) push_number(0); else push_string(tmp, STRING_MALLOC); break; } #endif comm1.c: Just before the first function declaration "int socket PROT((...));" insert: #include comm1.c: Add this before the function "new_player()": char *ident_get_identifier(fd) int fd; { extern int auth_fd2(); extern char *auth_tcpuser2(); unsigned long inlocal; unsigned long inremote; unsigned short local; unsigned short remote; if (auth_fd2(fd, &inlocal, &inremote, &local, &remote) == -1) return NULL; return auth_tcpuser2(inlocal, inremote, local, remote); } comm1.c: Add this in the function 'new_player()', just after the call to 'set_prompt("> ");': { char *userid = ident_get_identifier(new_socket); master_ob->interactive->ident = userid ? make_shared_string(userid) : 0; } comm1.c: Add this just before the definition of 'add_ip_entry()': char *query_ident(ob) struct object *ob; { if (ob == 0) ob = command_giver; if (!ob || ob->interactive == 0) return 0; return ob->interactive->ident; } Makefile: Change the "LIBS=" line to include "-lauthuser": LIBS= -lm -lauthuser # util/gc/gc.a