From: Raven <JSINGLE@MUSIC.LIB.MATC.EDU> Newsgroups: alt.magick Subject: RE: Okay, I'll try this group... Date: 19 JUL 94 19:53:53 EST Giles Christie ( writes: >I am interested in learning more about the spiritual world (or whatever) At the top of the reading list my wife and I have distributed for the past three years are five books we label as good "General Advice": Marion Weinstein, POSITIVE MAGIC Dione Fortune, PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE SANE OCCULTISM THE TRAINING AND WORK OF AN INITIATE Robert Anton Wilson, PROMETHEUS RISING Becoming familiar with those -- especially with what Weinstein calls the "Inner Bell" in her "Ten Foot Pole" chapter -- should help keep you from many of the worse mistakes. This does NOT mean that I agree with everything in those books, and in fact one thing you should learn quickly is NOT to believe too much of what you read anywhere, but these at least are on the side of a sane and healthy approach to occultism. Other books you might then want to study: Margot Adler, DRAWING DOWN THE MOON Adam Smith, POWERS OF MIND Robert Anton Wilson, COSMIC TRIGGER ISHTAR RISING Hans Holzer, THE NEW PAGANS P.E.I. Bonewits, REAL MAGIC (see the Cult Danger frame in back) Pauwels and Bergier, THE MORNING OF THE MAGICIANS Colin Wilson, THE OCCULT Charles G. Leland, ARADIA: GOSPEL OF THE WITCHES Robert Graves, THE WHITE GODDESS Margaret Murray, THE WITCH-CULT IN WESTERN EUROPE THE GOD OF THE WITCHES Lucius Apuleius, THE GOLDEN ASS Sir James Frazer, THE NEW GOLDEN BOUGH (ed. Theodor H. Gaster) Munro S. Edmonson, LORE: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF FOLKLORE.. Robert Eisler, MAN INTO WOLF Joseph Campbell (ed), THE MYSTERIES Israel Regardie, RITUALS OF THE GOLDEN DAWN Eliphas Levi, TRANSCENDENTAL MAGIC A.E. Waite, THE BOOK OF BLACK MAGIC AND CEREMONIAL MAGIC Gerald B. Gardner, WITCHCRAFT TODAY THE MEANING OF WITCHCRAFT Vivianne Crowley, WICCA: THE OLD RELIGION IN THE NEW AGE Stewart Farrar, WHAT WITCHES DO Starhawk, THE SPIRAL DANCE Z Budapest, THE GRANDMOTHER OF TIME HOLY WOMEN'S MYSTERIES Michael Harner, THE WAY OF THE SHAMAN Eden Gray, MASTERING THE TAROT R.G.H. Siu, THE PORTABLE DRAGON (I Ching for Westerners) Paul Huson, MASTERING WITCHCRAFT <<caution!>> Aleister Crowley, MAGICK IN THEORY AND PRACTICE <<extra caution!>> That should keep you busy for a while! "Raven" (JSingle@Music.Lib.MATC.Edu) Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA