From: (Andrew Haigh)
Subject: Re: Going shopping.......
Date: 24 Dec 93 07:03:11 GMT

	Regardie's `Golden Dawn' is good and I have found it useful in
the past.

	The other book is [Donald Michael ?] Kraig's `Modern Magic',
it too has proved interesting and useful in the past.

	Read Castaneda, paying close attention to the antics of Don
Genaro, the explanation of what `seeing' is, what the nagual and the
tonal are and how they relate to each other. How to turn sideways into
the wall of clouds and leave this reality.

	Read Chris Hyatt's `Undoing Yourself' One and Too.

	Antero Alli, `Angel Tech'

	Crowley, Magick;Book Four

	Baba Ram Dass, Be Here Now

	John C. Lilly, Centre of the Cyclone

	Greg Bear, Eon

	How's that for a start? :)
