The MIND MACHINE Bibliography                             17 September 1991

Becker, Dr. Robert O., _CrossCurrents:  The Perils of Electropollution,
  The Promise of Electromedicine_.

"Brainwave" by Andy Flind in _Everyday Electronics_ (British mag), vol. 20,
  No. 9 September 1991.  Wimborne Publishing Ltd. ISNN 02623617.  Article on
  build it yourself LED flasher with controllable brilliance, September 1991.
  More advanced circuit promised for December 1991 issue.  Available from:
    Post Sales Department
    Everyday Electronics
    6 Church Stree
    Wimborne Dorset BH21 1JH
    tel: 0202 881749
    (back issues #Sterling 1.70 in UK, #2.20 overseas surface mail)

"Brain Machines" in _Evolution_, vols. 13 and 14 of _Encyclopedia Psychadelica
  International_.  Same issue includes article on Gysin's Dreamachine.
  Available from (if they still exist):
    Box 833
    London NW6, UK

Burroughs, W.S. and B. Gysin, _Throbbing Gristle_, pub. by Re/Search (USA),
  see pp. 41, 43, 53-4 for info on the Dreamachine.

_Byte_ (USA Mag), June and July 1988.  Articles on HAL-4 device for reading
  and displaying EEGs on a PC.

Cornell, Jay, "Mind Machines Today:  Better Brain Change Through Electricity",
  in _Reality Hackers_, issue 5, 1988, pp 12-21.  Contains reviews of 10 mind
  machines as well as a brief discussion of optical, electrical and mechanical
  modes of influencing the mind.  For back issues see entry on _Mondo 2000_.

Hutchison, Michael, _MegaBrain_.

Laughlin, Charles D., Jr., John McManus and Eugene G. d'Aquili.  _Brain,
  Symbol & Experience:  Toward a Neurophenomenology of Human Consciousness_.
  Boston:  New Science Library, 1990.

Lily, John C., _The Deep Self_.

_Nevada Aerial Research Newsletter_.  Issue dated May 1989 contains article on
  resonant frequencies and associated mental states.  Available from:
    Nevada Aerial Research Group
    PO Box 81407
    Las Vegas, NV  89180-1407

_Megabrain Report_.  Available from:
    Megabrain Report
    PO Box 2744
    Sausalito, CA  94965

_Mondo 2000_.  Frequent articles on VR, occasional articles on mind machines,
  plus articles and interviews on other leading edge technologies and people.
  Back issues and subscription information available from:
    Mondo 2000
    PO Box 10171
    Berkeley, CA  94709

Ornstein, Robert, _Psychology of Consciousness_.

Persinger, Michael.  _Neurophysiological Bases of God Beliefs_>

_Radio-Electronics_ (USA mag), plans for "meditiation goggles" lights only
  machine, April 1989.

Sargent, Carl L., "Exploring PSI in the Ganzfield", in _Parapsychology
  Monographs No. 17_.  Available from:
    Parapsychology Foundation Inc.
    228 East 71st Street
    New York, NY  10021

Stacy, Dennis, "Transcending Science", in _Omni_ (USA mag).  Includes info on
  the Persinger Helmet, a device for magnetic stimulation of the temporal
  lobe.  Issue/yr not available at this time.

Tart, Charles, ed., _Altered States of Consciousness_.

_Whole Earth Review_ (USA mag).  Frequent articles on mind machines, as well
  as other off-the-beaten-path products, services and informations.  Published
  quarterly by:
    Whole Earth Review
    PO Box 38
    Sausalito, CA  94966-9932

Can somebody supply more information about the following:

_Would the Buddha Wear a Walkman:  A Catalogue of Revolutionary
Tools for Higher Consciousness_
