From: (mordred)
Newsgroups: alt.magick.tyagi
Subject: Re: Submissives magick
Date: 29 Dec 1994 21:53:05 GMT

[from "Joseph Max.555" <>]

On 23 Dec 1994, Thantopsis wrote:
> I am a young female intrested in what this is all about....

Since you are responding on the thread begun by "Claves" with his vapid 
pronouncments about "submissives" being the best "vessels" for magickal 
power, a few caveats are in order.

Understand that, especially in light of the revelation by Mr. Claves that 
he is a male in his "50's", that the "old school" of sex magic suffers 
from an almost exclusively male domination paradigm. Women are considered 
to be mere "vessels" which the male magician exploits for his own use. 
Since females have only been able to be more open sexually in the last 
few decades (in the West, anyway), it comes as no surprise that the 
"ancient traditions" of Western Sex Magic (which Mr. Claves asserts is 
his source) see women as little more than mere assistants and magickal 
"lust generators". Until the 1950's (and Crowley was no exception), what 
little writings were available on sex magic gave insipid instructions 
such as:
"Step 1: The magician should obtain a compliant female with psychic 
ability and enthrall her..."

This translates, of course, to blatant sexual exploitation and psychological 
dependency - eg. it's bullshit.

If you want a good place to begin learning about sex magic, I suggest 
the book _Secrets Of The German Sex Magicians_ by Frater U:.D:. It is 
published by Llewellyn Books. If walking into BDalton and ordering such a 
title makes you nervous, it can be obtained direct from the publisher by 
calling toll-free 1-800-THE-MOON.

Read the book and get a handle on the subject before you go out seeking 
"gurus". In actual fact, there are no "occult secrets" anymore. There is 
nothing that _anyone_ can teach you that isn't available from various 
books that you can find and study yourself. Anyone who tries to tell you 
any different is lying.