Queries about the Templars seem to pop up with some regularity. There
have been several bibliographies posted, but they have been less than
complete. To remedy this horrid lapse, I compiled a bibliography of
Templarana based on my bibliographic notes collected for some years.
I list these items mostly without comment. Additions, suggestions,
and comments are highly encouraged.

This is the second go-around for this list. There have been some updates
and corrections as well as some new entries. One significant new book
has come out since the first edition of the list and deserves a special
notice. It is Malcolm Barber's _The New Knighthood_. Also, Peter Partner's
classic work _The Murdered Magicians_ is now more readily available from
the most recent Barnes and Noble catalogue.

                      Andrew Hall  <ashall@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>


             The Unofficial Usenet Templar Bibliography V2.0
Recent spates of interest in the Templars have been sparked by Umberto
Eco's fantastic book _Foucault's Pendulum_. Interest in the Templars
and the formation of various Neo-Templar groups has spanned several
centuries. This is an attempt to compile a list of (mostly) books and
other materials relating to the Knights Templar both as historical
entities and as the subject of various occult and conspiracy theories.
A complete Templar bibliography would be an immense undertaking and,
probably, impossible. In light of this, I have limited this list in
several ways: 1) works whose primary focus is on the Templars (not the
Middle Ages or the Crusades which often have large Templar sections),
2) works that are reasonably available, and 3) works that are not 
limited in geographical scope (there are a huge number of scholarly
and interesting works whose titles are of the form _The Knight Templar
in XXXX_ where XXXX is usually a small city, county, or department).

Note on format: The list is divided into four sections- historical, 
legacy, fiction, and others. The first three are purely for books and 
the last is for other media. The languages are primarily French and 
English. This is partly due to the material and partly due to my 
language abilities.

                Historical Templar Material

This consists of general histories and collections of primary
documents. These books focus exclusively on the period from around 
1119 to 1312.

(* marks a collection of trial documents)

*             _Histoire de l'abolition de l'ordre des Templiers.
        Paris. 1779. 

*             _Proces des Templiers, publie par M. Michelet_. Paris.

Addison, C.G. _The History of the Knights Templar. London. 1842.

Albon, Marquis D. _Cartulaire de l'Ordre du Temple_.  Paris. 1913.

Atienza, Juan Garcia. _Gu'ia del la Espana templaria_. Barcelona. 1985.

Barber, Malcolm. _The New Knighthood: A History of the Order of the
        Temple_. Cambridge. 1994. 
                 _The Trial of the Templars_. Cambridge. 1978

Bothwell-Gosse, A. _The Knights Templar_. London. 1912.

Bordonove, Georges. _La tragedie des Templiers_. Paris 1993.
                    _La vie quotidienne des Templiers au XIIIe
                     siecle_. Paris. 1975

Bouffet, Hippolyte. _Les Templiers et les Hospitaliers de Saint-Jean
        en Haute-Auvergne_. Marseille. 1976.

Boutaric, Edgard. _Phillipe le Bel et les Templiers_. Paris. 1874.

Bradford, Ernle. _The Knights of the Order. 

Burman, Edward _The Templars: Knights of God_. London. 1986.

Burnes, J. _A Sketch of the History of the Knights Templars_.
        Edinburgh. 1840.

Campbell, G. A. _The Knights Templar, Their Rise and Fall_. London.

Capone, Bianca _Guida all Italia dei templari_. Rome. 1989.

Charpentier, J. _L'ordre des Templiers_. Paris. 1977.

Curzon, H. de _La Regle du Temple_. Paris. 1886. 

Daillez, Laurent. _Histoire de l'ordre du Temple_. Nice. 1980.
                  _Jacques de Molay, dernier maitre du Temple._
                    Paris. 1974.
                  _La France des Templiers_. Paris. 1974.
                  _La Regle des Templiers_. Nice. 1977.
                  _Les Templiers: Ces inconnus_. Paris. 1972.
                  _Les Templiers: Flandre, Hainaut, Brabant, Liege,
                   et Luxembourg_. Nice. 1978.

Delaville le Roulx, J. _Documents concernant les Templiers, extraits
        des Archives de Malte. Paris. 1882.

Delisle, Leopold. _Memoire sur les Operations Financieres des 
        Templiers_. Paris. 1888.

Demurger, Alain. _Vie et mort de l'Ordre du Temple:1118-1314. 
        Paris. 1985.

*Dupuy, Pierre. _Histoire de la condannation des Templiers_ Paris. 1713.   
                _Traittez concernant l'histoire de France_. 1685.

Fau, Guy. _L'affaire des Templiers_ Paris. 1972.

*Finke, H. _Papsttum und Untergang des Templerordens_. Munster. 1907.

Forey, A. J. _The Templars in the Corona of Aragon_. London. 1973.

Gautier, L. _Sur les pas des Templiers en Auvergne: Puy-de-Dome_.
        Thiers, France. 1989.

*Gilmour-Bryson, Anne. _The Trial of the Templars in the Papal State
        and Abruzzi_. Vatican. 1982.

Gorny, Leon A. _Croises et Templiers_ Paris. 1974.

Guyot, [Chevalier]. _Manual of the Knights of the Order of the Temple_.
        Liverpool. 1830.

Haye, A. O. _The Persecution of the Knights Templar_. Edinburgh. 1865

Howarth, Stephen. _The Knights Templar_. London. 1982.

Kiess, George. _Des Templiers en Haut-Razes_. Campagne-sur-Aude,
        France. 1990.

Lambert, Elie. _L'architecture des Templiers_. Paris. 1955.

Lascaux, Michel. _Les Templiers en Normandie_. Rennes. France. 1983.

Lees, Beatrice. _Records of the Templars in England in the Twelfth
        Century: The Inquest of 1185. London. 1935.

Legras, Anne-Marie. _Les commanderies des Templiers et de Hospitaliers
        de St.-Jean de Jerusalem en Saintonge et en Aunis. Paris. 1983.

Leonard, E.G. _Introduction au Cartulaire Manuscrit du Temple (1150-
        1317), Constitue par le Marquis D'Albon_. Paris. 1930.

Lizerand, Georges. _Le Dossier de L'Affaire des Templiers_. Paris. 1923

Maillard de Chambure, Charles H. _Regles et Statuts secrets des 
        Templiers. Paris. Paris. 1840.

Martin, Edward J. _The Trial of the Templars_. London. 1928.

Melville, Marion. _La vie de Templiers_. Paris. 1951.

*Michelet, Jules. _Le Proces des Templiers_. Paris. 1841 (v1) 1851(v2).

Minucci, Giovanni (ed) _Convegno internazionale di studi alla Magione
        Templari_. Siena. 1987.

Nicholson, Helen. _Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights:
        images of military orders, 1128-1291.

Oursel, R. _Le Proces des Templiers_. Paris. 1959.

Parker, Thomas .W. _The Knights Templar in England_. Tucson. 1963.

Pernoud, Regine. _Les templiers_. Paris. 1977.

Picar, Michel. _Les Templiers_. Paris. 1985.

Piquet, L. _Des Banquiers au Moyen-Age; les Templiers_. Paris. 1939.

Pradier, Daniel. _Les Templiers: Comtat-Venaissin, Avignon, Pays 
        d'Arles: etude historique_. Tours. 1986.

*Prutz, H.G. _Entwicklung und Untergang des Tempelherrenorderns. 
        Berlin. 1888.

*Raynouard, M. _Monumens Historiques Relatifs a la Condamnation des
        Chevaliers du Temple. Paris. 1813.

Robinson, John J. _Dungeon, Fire and Sword_. New York. 1991.

*Schottmuller, K.  _Der Untergang des Templer-Ordens_ Berlin/.1887.

Seve, Roger. _Le proces des templiers d'Auvergne (1309-1311)_. Paris.

Seward, Desmond. _The Monks of War: The Military Religious Orders_.
        London. 1972.

Shallow, J. _The Templar Trials_. London. 1888.

Simon, Edith. _The Piebald Standard_. London. 1959.

-----  _Statutes des chevalier de l'ordre du temple_. Brussels. 1840.

-----  _Statutes of the religious and military Order of the Temple as
        established in Scotland with an historical notice of the 
        Order_ Edinburgh. 1843.

"Templars, Provins (Commanderie) _Histoire et Cartulaire des Templiers
        de Provins_. Provins. 1919.

Wolff, Philippe _Cartulaires des Templiers de Douzens_. Paris. 1965.

The Legacy of the Templars

This section is the 'growth industry' of Templar material. Being
comprehensive is out of the question here.  Again, this section will
contain books that are exclusively or nearly exclusively about the
Templars. For some unknown reason, they seem to make their appearance
in some unexpected places. Books where the Templars represent only a 
portion of the main theme have been omitted. This section also includes 
books whose time frame is that of the historical Templars, but contain
connections, theories, or other points-of-view. 

Ambelain, Robert. _Jesus ou le mortel secret des Templiers_. 
        Paris. 1970.

Baigent. Michael and Richard Leigh. _The Temple and the Lodge_.
        London. 1989.

Bailley, Robert. _Les templiers: realities et mythes_. Avignon. 1987.

Bonneville, Nicholas de _Le secret des Templiers du 14e siecle_.
        Rouvray. 1993. (reprint of a 1788 work).

Bradford, Ernle. _The Knights of the Order_

Bradley, Michael. _Holy Grail Across the Atlantic_ Willowdale. 1988.

Cadet de Gassicourt, Charles-Louis. _Tombeau de Jacques de Molai_
        [English trans] Boston. 1797.

Carmi, Gabrielle. _Des Templiers aux Massenies du Saint-Graal_.
                   Paris. 1980.
                  _Messages Templier ou le temps hors du temps_.
                   Paris. 1973.

Charpentier, Louis. _Les mysteres Templiers_. Paris. 1967.

Chaumeil, Jean-Luc. _Le tresor des Templiers_ Mensil sur l'Estree. 1984.

Delaforge, Gaetan. _The Templar Tradition in the Age of Aquarius_.
        Putney, VT. 1987.

Duez, Joel. _Secrets magiques des Kabbalistes et Templiers_. Villeneuve-
        sur-Bellot. 1985.

Dumontier, Michel. _Sur les pas des Templiers a Paris et en Ile-de-
                    France_. Paris. 1979.
                   _Sur les pas des Templiers en Bretagne, Normandie,
                    Pays de la Loire_. Paris. 1980.

Estobe, Leon Mary. _L'ordre mysterieux des templiers_.

Finas, Micheline. _Vive Dieu, Templiers_. Paris. 1979.

Girard-Augry, Pierre. _Aux origines de l'ordre de Temple_.

Guingard, M. _L'Or des Templiers: Gisors ou Tomer?_.

Hancock, Graham. _The Sign and the Seal_. New York. 1992.

Markale, Jean. _Gisors et L'Enigme des Templiers_. Paris. 1988.

Montagnac, E. L. _Histoires de chevaliers templiers_. 

Le Forestier, R. _La Franc-Maconnerie templiere et occultiste_. 
        Paris. 1970.

Legman, Gershon. _The Guilt of the Templars_.

Mahieu, Jacques de _Les Templiers en Amerique_.

Mariel, Pierre. _Guide pittoresque et occulte des Templiers_. Paris.

Mauclair, Paul. _Les templiers: La verite_.

Maurin, Jacques. _Le Double Mort des Templiers_.

Naudon, Paul _Les origins religeuses et corporatives de la 
        Francmaconnerie; L'influence des Templiers. Paris. 1953.

Nicholson, Helen. _Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights._
        New York. 1993.

Partner, Peter. _The Murdered Magicians: The Knights Templar and
        Their Myth_. Oxford. 1982   (1)

Probst-Biraben, J-H. _Les mysteres des Templiers_

Reznikov, Raimonde. _Cathares et Templiers_. France. 1991

Saint-Hilaire, Paul de. _Les sceaux templiers et leur symboles_.
        Puiseaux, France. 1991.

Sede, Gerard de _Les templiers sont parmi nous_. Paris. 1976.

Sinclair, Andrew. _The Sword and the Grail_. New York. 1992.

Steiner, Rudolf. _Inner Impulses of Evolution, The Mexican Mysteries,
        The Knights Templar, Spring Valley_. New York. 1984.

Tarade, Guy _Les sites magiques en Provence: lieux secrets des
        templiers, francs-macons, mages, et alchimistes de Provence_.
        Paris. 1990.

Weysen, Alfred. _L'ile de veilleurs_. Paris. 1986.

(1) Now published under the title _The Knights Templar and Their Myth_.

Fiction, Drama, etc.

This section is for fiction or drama that features the Templars, past 
or present, as a major part of the story. 

Beazley, Samuel. _Ivanhoe or The Knight Templar_. (musical)

Bearaud, Henri. _Bois du Templar pendu_.  New York. 1932.

Bramato, Fulvio. _Storia dell'ordine del templari in Italia_. Rome. 1991.

Charpentier, John. _Les grands Templiers; chronique de la cathedrale
        de Chartes au XIIIe siecle_.  Paris. 1935.

Deniel, Rene-Yves. _Sol Ponens: L'or des Templiers_. Paris. 1992.

Durrell, Lawrence. _The Avignion Quintet: Monsieur, Livia, Constance,
          Sebastion, Quinx_. London. 1992. (one volume)

Eco, Umberto _Foucault's Pendulum_. NY. 1989.

Edgell, Hugh A.R. _Champions of the Cross: the stories of the Order of
        St. John and the Poor Knights of Christ (the Templars)_. 1987.

Klossowski, Pierre. _Le Baphomet_. Paris. 1965.
                    _The Baphomet_. New York. 1988 (translation)

Kurtz, Katherine. (and Deborah Turner Harris) _The Adept_ (series)
          _The Adept_. New York 1991.
          _The Lodge of the Lynx_. New York. 1992.
          _The Templar Treasure_. New York. 1993. (has Templar focus)

Marschner, Heinrich. _Templar and Jewess_ (opera) 

Scott, Walter _Ivanhoe_.

Sienkiewicz, Henryk. _The Teutonic Knights_. New York. 1993. 

Watson, William. _The Last of the Templars_. London. 1992.

Other Media

This section is for articles, films, unpublished texts, and other such
items. The articles portion is limited to items of a more general 
interest since there are a huge number of articles in specialized
journals of medieval history. Items available on the Internet will
(hopefully) have a site at which they are currently available.

Articles and Magazines

"Revelations Templiers." _Les Dossiers de l'histoire #17_ (entire issue)

Barber, Malcolm. "The Origins of the Order of the Temple." _Studia
                  Monastica_. XII 1970. pp219-240.
                 "James of Molay, the last Grand Master of the Temple."
                  _Studia Monastica_ XIV 1972. pp91-124.

Bernard of Clairvaux "Liber Ad Milites Templi De Laude Novae Militae"
        in _Sancti Bernardi Opera Omnia_ Paris. 1839. vol1. pp1252-78.

Cheney, C.R. "The Downfall of the Templars and a Letter in their 
        Defence." in _Medieval Texts and Studies_ Oxford. 1973. p314-27

Ferris, E. "The Financial Relations of the Knights Templar to the 
        English Crown." _The American Historical Review_. v. viii 1903 p1

Leclerq, Jean. "Un document sur les debuts des Templiers." _Revue d'
        Histoire Ecclesiastique, LII 1957. pp88-91.

Perkins, C. "The Knights Templar in the British Isles." _The English
             Historical Review_. v. xxv 1910. p209.
            "The Trial of the Knight's Templar in England." _The English
             Historical Review_.  v. xxiv 1909.  p432.
            "The Wealth of the Knights Templar in England." _American
             Historical Review_. XV 1910. pp252-263. 

Reinach, Salomon. "La tete magique des Templiers." Revue de l'Histoire
        des Religions_. LXIII 1911. pp25-39. 

Willis, P. and Lea-Jones, J. "The Legacy of the Knights Templar and 
        the Knights Hospitaller in Bristol." _Temple Local History
        Group Newsletter_. v. iii 1987. p15.

Wood, H. "The Templars in Ireland." _Proceedings of the Royal Irish
        Academy_. v. xxvi 1906-7. p327.

Wright, Thomas. "The Templars." _Narratives of Sorcery and Magic from
        the Most Authentic Sources_. Vol I. (1851) reprint 1971. pp51-64.


Froude, James A. _The Knights Templar_ [microform] Louisville. 1886.

Worley, George _The church of the Knights templars in London [microform]
        London. 1907.


Appendix I - Sources for general information, non-specific to Templars

Daraul, Akron _A History of Secret Societies_. Secaucus, NJ. 1961.

Gabrieli, Francesco (ed) _Arab Historians of the Crusades_ 

Joinville, Geoffrey de _Chronicles of the Crusades_.

Macdonell, John _Historical Trials_. Oxford. 1927.

MacKenzie, Norman Ian. _Secret Societies_.

Roberts, J. M. _The Mythology of Secret Societies_.

Riley-Smith, Jonathan. _The Atlas of the Crusades_. New York. 1991.

Runciman, Steven. _A History of the Crusades_ Harmondsworth. 1978.

Strayer, Jospeh. _The Reign of Phillip the Fair_ Princeton. 1980. 


Appendix II - Specific queries

While any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, there are a few
items and areas for which I am particularly looking.

- There is a new book on the Templars coming out in France. A bookstore
  owner showed me a newsclipping (he knows the author). Stupidly, I
  didn't write the title and author down.  Depending on the price,
  I might be interested in obtaining it from someone in France.

- Some of the authors (particularly Baigent and Leigh) have produced
  documentaries for film of for Tv (like the BBC).  I would like to
  find titles, air dates, and even copies.

- Michael Bradley's book _Holy Grail Across the Atlantic_ appears not
  to be available in the US. I know it is/was available in Canada. I
  would appreciate hearing from anyone who would be willing to help me
  obtain it. 


Fredrick Appelberg, Peter Cawley, Patrick Kearney, Keith McGuinness,
and someone from PSU who pointed out that I had missed Klossowski but
a too rapid use of delete made me lose his/her name.
"We scale the face of reason to find at least one sign that could reveal
the true dimensions of life. 'Lest we forget- Lovecraft wasn't writing