Date: Thu, 7 May 1992 14:35 CDT From: "Lil ol Cutter (stumme)" <> Subject: Re: Leri-l To: X-Envelope-To: X-Vms-To: IN%"" (Edited to fit 80 columns width./Ceci) Greetings, and welcome aboard! You are now officially subscribed to the Leri-L Metaprogrammers Mail Service, dedicated to discussing metaprogamming techniques and the repercussions and ramifications of such techniques. If that sounds wordy, you ain't seen nothing yet :). Exploring human consciousness affects many areas and utilizes many tools -- the dissemination of useful information being one of them, so here we are. But that's not all. This service has slowly been evolving, in an amazingly positve way. We are not simply a random smattering of people who toss statistics and methods back and forth (although that's in there) -- we believe in synchronicity, and what we feel is that synchronistically, we can become friends through our metaprogramming experiences. We can learn about each other and our own personal quests, as opposed to some vague generic quest....the quest is personal, and it is interpersonal. We do not simply discuss metaprogramming -- we attempt it, routinely, via this mode of communication. And guess what -- it's one of the most amazing things some of us have ever experienced! If you wish to post to the gang, simply email to the Mail Service Address, and everyone gets it. If you have specific questions about the Service itself, email to my personal address. If you ever get bored and want out, email me a note that contains the keyword UNSUBSCRIBE. Mail Service Address Scotto's Address Also available for your enjoyment is a Daily Digest service, copyright 1992. Traffic on the daily service gets a bit intense sometimes, and if you don't want your mailbox cluttered, then this might be the way to go. Once a day you'll receive a package that contains the pertinent posts from the previous day, edited to a manageable length by yours truly. If you are interested in this, email me a personal request that includes the keywords DAILY DIGEST/CANCEL DAILY. (Those of you that get this letter are automatically subscribed to the regular service.) Have fun, my friends. . . Scotto === From: Mitchell Porter To: Subject: /pub/magick/Consciousness/leary Date: Thu, 16 Feb 95 14:43:05 +1000 The note you have there about the leri-l mailing list is way out of date. The list address is now, and to subscribe, one mails with "subscribe leri" or "subscribe leri-digest". There is actually a LeriFAQ, which I can mail to you if you wish. -mitch === From: Mitchell Porter To: Subject: Re: /pub/magick/Consciousness/leary Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 09:49:22 +1000 Two URLs: <a href="">LeriWeb</a> <a href="">THE COMPLEAT LERI FAQ</a> -mitch