From: (Tyagi Mordred Nagasiva) Subject: Meditation (X-post from AOL) Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 07:08:19 PDT 930925 [X-post from America OnLine] |From: | |How many of you practice some form of meditation in |your following of the Tao? Meditation is imperative. I shall not define this word, 'meditation', however. I feel it is very adequately symbolized by the statues of the Buddha, the Tai Chi (yin/yang) and Sri Yantra (the mandala of Kali). |What specific techniques do you find which help? Mindfulness (i.e. applied attentiveness to every action). Breathwatching, being aware and watchful of the feeling and experience of breathing, the rise and fall of the diaphragm, without controlling it. Focus upon mandalas (orienting symbol-designs, especially those which I've designed myself - one I have had tattooed upon my thigh and thus will never be without it ;>). Chanting the name of God. I have my favorite name. There is no 'correct' name for all, here. There may be names which apply best to an individual, however. Works great with breathwatch. Focussed, respectful debate (I call it 'mondo'). The challenge is to adhere to no perspective absolutely and to attempt to understand the adversary/opponent as completely as possible while offering to them the most challenging response. Works very well in cyberspace. |Is there any other kind of discipline besides meditation |that any of you follow/practice? No. There simply are no others. Please again be sure that you do not take my meaning to be that there is nothing but sitting meditation. I mean that all practice is meditation. | Tyagi Nagasiva === From: (Vincent Saldell) Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1993 17:17:17 GMT asks: |How many of you practice some form of meditation in |your following of the Tao? I am no Taoist (though I have read tao te ching many times), I am no Christian (though I have read the bible much), I am no Buddhist (though Buddhism thrills me much), I am Ronin (the samurai without a master), seeking the way of heaven, while facing that which is evil. |What specific techniques do you find which help? 1 - being, meaning I focus upon myself, getting my mind together, letting thought-threads fade away 2 - non-being, I visualize my mind expanding, until it is one with everything, but itself is of nothingness. "All this, and what is me means nothing." 3 - Your mind starts to travel, just keep relaxed whatever you see or experience, and allways keep the command over yourself. (T=Tyagi) T>Focus upon mandalas (orienting symbol-designs, especially those T>which I've designed myself - one I have had tattooed upon my thigh T>and thus will never be without it ;>). Often one can see mandalas when one has reached deep meditative states of mind, and they are very beneficial. |Is there any other kind of discipline besides meditation |that any of you follow/practice? T>No. There simply are no others. Please again be sure that you do not T>take my meaning to be that there is nothing but sitting meditation. T>I mean that all practice is meditation. I agree. Meditation is a state of mind merged into our minds and no matter if you call yourself a shaman, or a zen-disciple, you are meditating. Different sensatory impressions stimulates the mind in a variety of ways, ie drumbeating, colours, patterns etc. -*- Ronin "tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly, man got to sit and wonder 'Why, why, why?' tiger got to sleep, bird got to land, man got to tell himself he understand." -The Books of Bokonon