From: (Tyagi Mordred Nagasiva)
Date: Wed,  8 Sep 93 12:34:02 PDT

930908 [Abyss Birthday!!!!!]

I just wanted to note that those who work with the Simon NCon may face
considerable skepticism from many serious (though perhaps
small-minded) mages.  The reason for this, as I understand it, is that
the Simon book has a number of qualities which make it an unusual
source for magical rite-structure.  One is that it purports to be a
replica or fragment of a very old tome which was quite possibly wholly
fabricated by a man named H.P.Lovecraft, a writer of fiction.  He was
not, himself, noted for his magical exploits.

Secondly, since it is put forward in this manner, many consider its
contents to be completely useless, even while it bears some
resemblance to historical and traditional magical grimoires (such as
the Goetia, to which you may refer in comparison).  I have yet to hear
very much about this person Simon and whether he was really qualified
to create such a work (not so much by virtue of social acknowledgement
as by experience and abilities in the perceptual and expressive

Keep this in mind when posting to this newsgroup.  It may be an uphill
battle to convince some mages that the Simon NCon is of actual magical
value, yet many of the people who participate in this group also know
that *any* source may yield very valuable results if pursued with a
diligent will and a pure intent.

KKC's suggestion that alternatives should be considered and may still
be very useful is important advice.  These elements of rite are, in
the end, triggers and/or symbols of the experience which magick brings
about.  Often we may be able to use substitutes where the rite in
question calls for substances or tools which are difficult (or
impossible) to acquire.

On the other hand, the difficulty of acquisition may actually *add* to
the power of the spell.  Either through the physical (and/or monetary)
exertion required to obtain it, or by the emotional content in so
doing (as in the case of our own blood), we may unlock very potent
sources of magical energy which will seal the accomplishment of our
true will.

Yea, may we accomplish our true will.
