What is Qabalah? Aleister Crowley Being Appendix A to Liber 777 Qabalah is: -- (a) A language fitted to describe certain classes of phenomena, and to express certain classes of ideas which excape regular phraseology. You might as well object to the technical terminology of chemistry. (b) An unsectarian and elastic terminology by means of which it is possible to equate the mental processes of people apparently diverse owing to the con- straint imposed upon them by the peculiarities of their literary expression. You might as well object to a lexicon, or a treatise on comparative religion. (c) A system of symbolism which enables thinkers to formulate their ideas with complete precision, and to find simple expression for complex thoughts, especially such as include previously disconnected orders of conception. You might as well object to algebraic symbols. (d) An instrument for interpreting symbols whose meaning has become obscure, forgotten or misunderstood by establishing a necessary connection between the essence of forms, sounds, simple ideas (such as number) and their spiritual, moral, or intellectual equivalents. You might as well object to interpreting ancient art by consideration of beauty as determined by physio- logical facts. (e) A system of classification of omniform ideas so as to enable the mind to increase its vocabulary of thoughts and facts through organizing and cor- relating them. You might as well object to the mnemonic value of Arabic modifications of roots. (f) An instrument for proceeding from the known to the unknown on similar principles to those of mathematics. You might as well object to the use of i, x^4, etc. (g) A system of criteria by which the truth of correspondances may be tested with a view to criticizing new discoveries in the light of their coherence with the whole body of truth. You might as well object to judging character and status by educational and social convention.