From: (Tyagi Mordred Nagasiva)
Subject: Re: How are we able to work Magick?
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 93 12:04:09 PST

I've noticed that we have this annoying habit, as humans, of self-
justification.  In other words, we look for justification for the
'power' or 'effectiveness of power', especially when it comes to
things like magic, astrology (sun-signs), card and palm readings,
and 'psychic abilities'.

It is very easy to simply screen out all the times which a given
kind of attempted manifestation does not work.  While our attention
lingers and presents more personal emphasis on the times that it
DOES appear to work, then we are given subjective 'corroaboration',
especially with hindsight.  Perhaps this is what makes possible the
complete neglect of what Crowley calls 'the Magical Link'.

This is one of the benefits of a magical notebook, the rigors of
ceremonial magick in detail, and the skeptical eye and mind.  It
keeps us from fooling ourselves, from placing our faith in false
dreams and hopes.  It keeps us from walking off cliffs
before we are really ready to be the Fool.
