libraw1394-tools-2.1.1-150000.3.4.1<>,38eDhp9|@h@kyrdm:+ʠtmGao<Ʃd&{dR˘hFNrBao[9}{OM/#bO~ 䅐J%@ "&eJIk$M;}vQTkgW~7pAJiBc=g02=N,6EgDsm`%y'?nueqkZyy^HQ2kZMBPSG$?뀧T1,7>A?d & [&0 FUx~              >d    (8 94 : BFG H I X$Y0Zl[p\ ] ^&bc1deflu vw x y0zl|Clibraw1394-tools2.1.1150000.3.4.1Command-line utilties to manipulate IEEE1394 devicesCommand-line utilities to inspect and send IEEE 1394 isochronous packets, and to test the basic functionality of raw1394.eDhh01-armsrv12SUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC LGPL-2.1+   g #/A큤eDheDheDheDhR}&R}&U?8R}&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-2.1.1-150000.3.4.1.src.rpmlibraw1394libraw1394-toolslibraw1394-tools(aarch-64)@@@@@"@U ]@TT@QM@N.@LL{ Update to new upstream release 2.2.1 * Align fw_handle buffer for 64-bit access * Prevent requests for previously provided ISO TX packets * Save and restore errno in raw1394_new_handle{,_on_port} for legacy applications - Store and use gpg key to verify. Trim description and update it for the contemporary Firewire stack. - Make libraw1394-exports.patch simpler by avoiding ^- lines. - Drop redundant --with-pic; it is only used for static libs (which we do not build), and always on anyway for shared libraires. - Name the utility package -tools as with many other pkgs. - Remove non-library packages from baselibs.conf.- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner - Remove obsolete ppc provides/obsoletes- libraw1394-exports.patch: Only symbols prefixed with raw1394_ are part of the public API, everything else is private.- Update to version 2.1.0: + Behavior changes of the backend to firewire-core: - The isochronous reception buffer is now mapped read/writable rather than read-only. - Decrease memory footprint of IR and IT buffers by avoiding some internal rounding up of the buffer size. + New APIs in : - raw1394_add_config_rom_descriptor(): Add contents to the Configuration ROM of the local node(s). At runtime, this API is only available if running on top of firewire-core. - raw1394_remove_config_rom_descriptor(): Counterpart to raw1394_add_config_rom_descriptor(). - raw1394_read_cycle_timer_and_clock(): Like the existing raw1394_read_cycle_timer(), but lets the caller choose between CLOCK_REALTIME, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, or CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW. - raw1394_get_speed(): Returns the speed code of the maximum possible transmission speed between a given node and the local node. - enum raw1394_iso_speed was extended by RAW1394_ISO_SPEED_800, _1600, and _3200. + New APIs in : Added preprocessor constants L1394_SPEED_BETA, L1394_SPEED_800, _1600, and _3200. + testlibraw1394: Added unit tests of the new APIs. - Changes from version 2.0.9: + Fix that raw1394_iso_recv_flush() did not have any effect when running on firewire-core alias juju kernel drivers. This fix needs kernel 3.4 or later at runtime. + Remove build-time dependency on linux-headers. + Remove --with-fw-dir configure switch which is no longer useful + Janitorial fixes. - Changes from version 2.0.8: + Performance improvement: Configuration ROM access via raw1394_read() is dramatically faster and very robust now. + Interoperability fix: Internally retry raw1394_read/write/lock/lock64() after ack-busy response. + Small bug fixes.- Update to version 2.0.7: * Fixes playback to some audio devices based on the DICE chipset. * Several fixes for using libraw1394 on top of the firewire-core kernel driver (as opposed to raw1394 which was removed in kernel 2.6.37).- convert Summary(pt_BR) to UTF-8- Update to version 2.0.5 - See for changes since 1.3.0 - Upstream urls changed as is up for sale and no longer in use. - Removed patch libraw1394.eventloop-return.patch, already integrated. - Removed mpg1394grab.patch and mpg1394grab-beautify.patch as the upstream maintainer says that streaming video support is now integrated.- buildrequire pkg-config to provide the correct symbols- add baselibs.conf as a source- obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293)libraw1394h01-armsrv1 1699009384 2.1.1-150000. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=bab3a44d843710abe29b06a10e904f70da62900c, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=845d6b92efeaf93341edb2e3389263168752c56b, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=f6b397e9f75504a67660396e0b5d586892d4142f, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, strippeddirectoryASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR3%r+Outf-8ac1dc2a6ee458ae516b25e8b3c0cd1f9b0f22f91bba9cbaab686f0120e0575a4?7zXZ !t/$f]"k%+ԽzPm+8ZBZkݍ/u7>:<,>?XL/[*4y^~cl pʢrn(ܚM<:얼"~mWiA'Z9;8{ڲ5Tk\z0hk)>N~Ra6TCB ԓ }ho,H(PbH86Ƽ'1dN\/Zjz1 v 1't>D|K/gyВXC:-; 49I%6'"QM7>CO˝ š_D %%ŏRWB"}~-&&.JǪ!?=;ɼ7T`H2 &voX0S~Uv?E{iݧ+y2e »a={.Я-7^2=|~4N\Sߑ.~^*δ>~(RFw;?PSz*)t͖M`LP2H@YʼtF`:\R/;ZUY⚫OKhΕmܛr耥$4Uk`R(o HjmnCE90s9yb+r]a|fk#:XtWT`~F :%Bw`" k{k-oB5\1酶N$f7XM sX M|fnxTmJt^AN{A+ WjyEdj]ӂ5' ;\բ}>!kPn2Z3<]~qRq6Ut:Gq 7|F[oNj-5B0E-ð*p, BMQ9==q`8}DÏmoI`k*|Nge0](%Iks,ġ= deg1ipcJ[V8uxwx*M(}68v'l Z^/nyb"Uk4up޸T!nҴ=/=ˢ~P[3,¤_3"kFgJ1>v-3D(63pʰ'Ff`Ġ kԦ\356:Q6k"| &[$N DcZTx;^!PKU,̓/)8P.:e_P6wSLN}u Ỹ@A,y!G 'aiph>C2Qxs lbSbwk 'Va{Be܂s8eed=&z|:pͱ Dp5:A*:"]+\n^H/[pA~ ESPL ^u-G/y yP?/*8_MwbU;ɫ=aJolSg/JVK'MDڈIf?wτ4ȡ{}]Hջ{'fԻw/)a,VwHWttٜ>φcq((kGΙE}V{DytC<KxbdűDi trjXL.KYO:o+ 7Nre675s, +a6u:uzĎ0A&VsGm{u2XXr^&96ITlu:'s G8ȳ14?ar͍BE/J7B~Ы1TC9/=Gχɔ+;y ?Żg06@ߖ(]/b.))lޒg)Kn)췾܂ZX[jSsV=O;A{UHѫ5ɟ' 7`QЛ b+NOُ Ҷ8B%jfQlK&ٚ]vhnU =E2cl!-t^ ͹%l1pe04,daaWòe̾iwu6w+ SJ[Y31Jm7eߙ_gAeqW̶|Cb~M/:;Jnk/CF֡5^+w2P"NY1U*JlXDCW}:UIp5 +g{D/ѷ`KI> ;DDLP}Hz=4'E.Ȉ`tW8ߧAm@M8{*,Z{<* R@cZ∧SH"+SL"ČO0$g^{N1x̚1j`5V&_VbBUFlƩ5tAa{ֆ!=l6,ź}n@l4mqqY= t *wkŶ0 `~s1X[ɘf ܯvجK0 8{')[$#7# ,blS[ =E@UlZc3vGiqIh_[ F8͜hGd0G)J} OѤEYo@3:ӬWvd\Ƅg> `# AhmV"0܁.L@w.pZy~BOJ!P;f:Rqc8 Rm@@ CΑ"6͋cOT#ĖȕHrW|:涬C$3/KWNߏ/IwxBWC~5 Hu'q )=noru8~S4DLpɾ4k]S%:ϝWU㊧hTe ǒb3"_drxHp=D_O`$U,7Z1EL[ȿĄ?'fHg8|:5Eޘt ݭU||ι=c(abe :(w-iGA @ $.+5Rv9Q#SwXdVUg8;Q:^^lWs-qFf` @2(:D_fJOګw $-mOa1HV",ι'HA\3n{Ύ3UzwWg<Ωd]L|^ۻ5sDԼ Upk(րaaӱl$Hl3 YZ