python-nautilus-common-files-4.0.1-58.4e>UA#7aW 2T8%(?f"ieo1bs9)۾fCV=WK8iXRS,) FTN>>?d% * k1 B_    ] dx   (8 9D : FTGlHIXY\]^Jbcd eflu,v@wx y zHX\bCpython-nautilus-common-files4.0.158.4Python nautilus files shared between python interpreter versionsThis package contains common files required to build wrappers for python-nautilus in both Python2 and Python3.f"ireproducibleGNOME:Apps / openSUSE_Factoryobs://큤AAf"if"if"if"if"i535ac5e8351ee343528a40bf3f3a6462338ac16f6c0018194d2e917918b46dbcbdb0d898d9cfcc53b6627c1c79b62b62c0f0d19265565979be7176a7b6222542rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootpython-nautilus-4.0.1-58.4.src.rpmlibnautilus-python.sopython-nautilus-common-filespython-nautilus-common-files(x86-32)python310-nautilus-common-filespython311-nautilus-common-filespython312-nautilus-common-files@@@@@@@@@"\d@c'@b^@]]*]0_@](v@Z?Dominique Leuenberger Daniel Garcia Bjørn Lie Dominique Leuenberger Bjørn Lie Bjørn Lie Dominique Leuenberger Bjørn Lie Bernhard Wiedemann Update to version 4.0.1: + Fixed build failure due to underlinking. + Fixed build failure with Python 3.13.- Add fix-hwcaps.patch to fix the issue with Nautilus: Segmentation fault (core dumped) with libpython3_11-1_0-x86-64-v3 (bsc#1212474)- Update to version 4.0: + Updated migration docs and rewrote overview.- Update to version 4.0.alpha: + The extension was ported to Nautilus 43: Notably, this removes any direct access to GTK widgets from the API. Most scripts will need to be modified. Please check the migration guide in the docs on how to update your scripts. + Switched to Meson build system. + Removed support for Python 2. + Fixed build with -fno-common. + Added missing parent constructor calls to examples. + Decorated the examples with typehints. + Fixed several memory leaks. - Drop python-nautilus-gcc10-buildfix.patch: fixed upstream. - Add meson BuildRequires and replace configur/make/make_install macros with relevant meon/meson_build/meson_install variants.- Add python-nautilus-gcc10-buildfix.patch: Fix build with gcc 10.- Fix Requires in devel subpackage, needed now we only build python3 variant.- No longer build python2 variant: This did not really work anyway as python-nautilus-commonp_files was not that common between py2 and py3: the .so file actually linked one of the python interpreters directly (boo#1157305).- Update to version 1.2.3: + Fixed open-terminal example extension. + Fixed glgo#GNOME/nautilus-python#3: setting argv[0] to thunar. + Fixed glgo#GNOME/nautilus-python#4: allow overriding the build date to enable reproducible builds. + Removed build warnings. + Fix to work with python 3.8. - Drop reproducible.patch: Fixed upstream. - Use modern macros.- Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218)- Update to version 1.2.2: + Fix folder string comparison to prevent duplicate extension loading (bgo##792427).reproducible 17135313284.0.1- -O2 -Wall -U_FORTIFY_SOURCE -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -Werror=return-type -flto=auto -gobs:// 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=8c50a2ab2ddaef06a6d99a3f2905963e8d560510, strippeddirectoryUnicode text, UTF-8 text PRRRRRRRRROXd,*ċ윅utf-871718044303c0d0ae5c4ea7ccc59f52fd84a1cf60dcdaa2eb2430db4d476635bbe7ea5c707cea7abfb3fd276af8ff11eb4512ef9beef307676ec49e7bb46d22f? (/h%fDDLT3'python-nautilus-commfiles-4.0-57.19Jtұ3hP:C=H(>Z8.1-58.4 8>( A jA ?f9 .eo1b]OI.#>Ogɕ+ :foUK-_S_61ac75e20f16dfa6fbb4e9898f07bb94cbdc0f31477463ac4ae9e83eab6f40af9784b3f7914907c8732eb2c522d39c8f8351eH\Yi_|Ύt /WP9scqe9AbX>p {;9  k( < YBj$n33,HQBZh91AY&SY/N՚`=lUWS~쮀R9B6SClQ OQCGHzzjhhh SSѨ4"e=CLF= zCA"MfLLL0FCɑ 0 di&F&CLMda4 2`hhd A!!#22Ѧ zMj0MLFj4ɓC#2d4ѐ 2bh0 diM it\% IÒZU8pҾ,f@̚uABX 5H^YdU'1#16&fQr*$f ZP1+J%EXY)'-eHDF :f>&BUFO@SZ)m%=yUl<' $Bͅ !a[la 1m)ZhB2P L d"ȭ&=B* %@!Ur!Չj*!t` z҂##~÷X#j *G<@kk Xc`l`Wg`c OM\.!"_4pBA3&;H,$gYie(( &vCS;ڰCۘp}ύ4Ԧ9=tǥOТ86DD RP"=(Z;@ uu֕sg?6[fDop{'ƻwuh5G퀽IȊ)ψ|3e9UD^k* B'VTT~huALI\jdj, ʪF] d{~g/ A[sX\)͓<6crv'4&c!0/\DD56=_B_̬R:Vjͅ-={7,l/D'tUpv5hwLj~d4OفbxCJWK!A5fR,f̦M,հS ,%h͔NDŽpH3o*QStPKEAmW9O,4@x)eD pLC q(dv ʗK1h~?H V% gmodulejPB=D$L PFD$;t$d?T9FV‹ ²t$TVD$TP/RT$,Y T$ p*9@t$DQ3$J$a>h|xwHUL2hllpɮIx&\`Y$S PjROD$HԫP$< z_H< ,.&fVPRTyՋL$,1Pu40L}H4Tjrfjj^,>vWދm@Le+W\[^_].t&׏>:ll߅\Mm$ V֙&p74a V9%L׋D0 )Ę(ךݝ#ܔWHRVD(GQW6R/Pw ߅U:PXt(u DHqHVP3Pb '. 3Lhރtm$fS蚁7S[; sys.argv = [''].1 (2024-04-19) - Fixed build fare due to underlinking.with P 3.13 (Patrick Monnerat) HDD$)(H A1J2g'!$EI~Q"tj =Täii Jx,9$_)ixiȅ\,I]i3,rU+xӻWbF1cdyۊ4@lg]$!G>_J7pA!]V{B O*>g@u-ZX;,W-*v'05tᢅ#FzE8_`Ő/`oK`QR떺>W 1ؚMӢxApMs ~/.˱,jB=DtA+^ȹ7fA!< $ggyLH4dVf|Ǿ_ aNb2Ytރm5 isu>/FD%[}d*wIWs*,-Kƒ=w)RjB;D#Z~(GܟZĀ7#G9#$zRZx06W닗ѫޭ<XWzCI2VO(qaЛ /Joqdd=9q }kJ=