Falcon The Falcon Programming Language Falcon runtime and associated tools. home:Milliams Milliams' Home Project Miscellaneous packages https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/Milliams/openSUSE_Tumbleweed_standard/ openSUSE:Tumbleweed Tumbleweed Tumbleweed is the openSUSE Rolling Release This OBS Project represents the content of the currently published snapshot. The newer repository for next publish can be found in openSUSE:Factory standard repository. https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Tumbleweed/standard/ openSUSE:Tumbleweed Tumbleweed Tumbleweed is the openSUSE Rolling Release This OBS Project represents the content of the currently published snapshot. The newer repository for next publish can be found in openSUSE:Factory standard repository. http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss/ openSUSE:Factory The next openSUSE distribution Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git, desktops, office applications and many other packages, will want Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed appeals to Power Users, Software Developers and openSUSE Contributors. If you require the latest software stacks and Integrated Development Environment or need a stable platform closest to bleeding edge Linux, Tumbleweed is the best choice for you. Staging dashboard is located at: https://build.opensuse.org/staging_workflows/openSUSE:Factory List of known devel projects: https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory:Staging/dashboard/devel_projects Have a look at http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Factory for more details. https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/openSUSE:/Factory/ports/ falcon The Falcon Programming Language An Open Source, simple, fast and powerful programming language which is easy to learn and to feel comfortable with. Falcon provides six integrated programming paradigms: procedural, object oriented, prototype oriented, functional, tabular and message oriented. And you don't have to master all of them; you just need to pick the ingredients you prefer, and let the code to follow your inspiration. This package contains the main interpreter as well as the default "feathers" (core modules) falcon-tools The Falcon Programming Language additional tools An Open Source, simple, fast and powerful programming language which is easy to learn and to feel comfortable with. Falcon provides six integrated programming paradigms: procedural, object oriented, prototype oriented, functional, tabular and message oriented. And you don't have to master all of them; you just need to pick the ingredients you prefer, and let the code to follow your inspiration. This package contains tools useful when creating applications with Falcon falcon-dbi The Falcon DBI module Generic database interface framework and specific database drivers. falcon-cgi Falcon CGI module A Falcon module for developing CGI applications falcon-curl The Falcon cURL module A binding to libcURL as well as a stream interface for http and ftp and VFSs for the vm for http and ftp. falcon-dbus The Falcon DBUS module DBUS is an inter-application light communication protocol. This module allows Falcon application and embedded scripts to participate in desktop-wide conversations on systems like GNOME and KDE. Falcon scripts can control other applications an be notified by them through this interface. falcon-posix The falcon-posix package The falcon-posix package. falcon-pdf The falcon-pdf package The falcon-pdf package.