<metapackage xmlns:os="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install" xmlns="http://opensuse.org/Standards/One_Click_Install">
    <summary>Stromx library and studio</summary>
    <description>Current development versions of stromx and stromx-studio.</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <description>Current development versions of stromx and stromx-studio.</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>The next openSUSE distribution</summary>
        <description>Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git, desktops, office applications and many other packages, will want Tumbleweed. Tumbleweed appeals to Power Users, Software Developers and openSUSE Contributors. If you require the latest software stacks and Integrated Development Environment or need a stable platform closest to bleeding edge Linux, Tumbleweed is the best choice for you.

Staging dashboard is located at: https://build.opensuse.org/project/dashboard/openSUSE:Factory

List of known devel projects: https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory:Staging/dashboard/devel_projects

Have a look at http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Factory for more details.</description>
      <repository recommended="true">
        <summary>Applications related to the earth (GIS, Mapping, geodesy, GPS, astronomy)</summary>
        <description>This project collects the user applications of all the geosciences.

Topics are:

- GIS:
  geoinformation system programs, data sets and everything related
  enduser software for global navigation satellite systems
- Mapping:
  software to handle maps, data display on maps and everything related to this
- everything else which fits

When installing on SLES, you need to have openSUSE:Backports/SUSE Package Hub repositories as well:
      <repository recommended="false">
        <description>Tumbleweed is the openSUSE Rolling Release

This OBS Project only exists so people can build against it to get nice repositories with 'Tumbleweed' in the name
In reality, this OBS Project matches openSUSE:Factory snapshot.</description>
        <summary>The stromx package</summary>
        <description>The stromx package.</description>
        <summary>A graphical user interface to edit stromx streams</summary>
        <description>This package contains the stromx-studio application for editing and running stromx streams in a graphical user interface.</description>