Departments Staff List Staff List MORNING STAR A Multimedia Christian Publication P.O. Box 7755, Nashua, NH 03060 Phone: 603-883-4624 - Fax: 603-883-0466 EDITOR IN CHIEF Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH EXECUTIVE EDITOR Pastor Geoffrey Kragen - Roseville, CA SENIOR EDITORS Teresa Giordanengo - Canonsburg, PA Al Murillo III - El Paso, TX ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jerry Johnson - Modesto, CA Sharon Sanders - Jerusalem, Israel Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jody Fauss - Lindale, TX Joseph A. Nigro - Oradell, NJ Jeannine Robinson - Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Moishe Rosen - San Francisco, CA Clark Stephens - Huntington Beach, CA Pastor Dale Strand - Dublin, CA Rick Thrasher - Santa Clara, CA J.C. Trudel - Naples, FL SENIOR PUBLISHER - DOS and WINDOWS Editions Steve Paulovich - Pembroke, NH SENIOR PUBLISHER - MACINTOSH Edition Toby Trudel - Nashua, NH SENIOR PUBLISHER - Hard Copy Edition Ray Reed - Beaumont, TX OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNICIAN Patrick Auriemma - Nashua, N.H. U.S. DISTRIBUTION DIRECTOR OF BBS DISTRIBUTION Walter H. Bauer Jr. - Sugar Land, TX AMERICA ONLINE NETWORK DISTRIBUTION Jerry White - Germantown, MD COMPUSERVE NETWORK DISTRIBUTION Dr. Charles Wootten - Matoaca, VA GENIE NETWORK DISTRIBUTION Mike Wilkinson - Citrus Heights, CA DELPHI NETWORK Rev. Vince Gonzalez - Naples, FL MORNING STAR is produced and published monthly, by a staff of born again believers in Jesus, located across the United States of America. Correspondence to MORNING STAR may be sent via the U.S. Postal Service or one of several computer networks. ELECTRONIC MAIL LINKS INTERNET: (Toby Trudel) AMERICA ONLINE: MStarDOS (Steve Paulovich) GENIE: M.Wilkinson1 (Mike Wilkinson) COMPUSERVE: 70743,603 (Jorge Lopez) DELPHI: VINCEGSR (Vince Gonzalez) PRODIGY: xvsn02a (Vince Gonzalez) FIDONET: 1:106/3118 (Walter Bauer) CHRISTIAN FAMILY NETWORK: 8:3003/0 (Walter Bauer) CHRISTIAN DISTRIBUTION NETWORK: 8:2013/0 (Walter Bauer) POLICENET: 150:402/53 (Walter Bauer) To receive a free copy of the MS DOOR program, which allows viewers to read the magazine onscreen, contact: Alan Graff P.O. Box 131 Wheelersburg, OH 45694 FIDONET: 1:2260/50 Editor's Letter Editor's Letter Hello and welcome to the 27th issue of MORNING STAR, our international computer-based Christian magazine. To those receiving the hard copy of this magazine, I'll "warn" you ahead of time - this is our annual "high-tech" issue. Our Feature area, People Profile interview and the Ministry Focus column are dedicated to Christians using computers, networks, electronic bulletin boards and other such modern contraptions. This month's Resource column has a list of "electronic bulletin boards" (BBS) which carry MORNING STAR. It is now available in 27 states as well as ten countries via these BBS. We even gave the "Bookworm" the month from his column off to make room for a software review! Hopefully, those readers who aren't very experienced with computers and such will appreciate the fact that Christians are using such methods to get the "Word" out and help one another in our work for the Lord. Scripture teaches that we are to use all legitimate means to get the good news of Jesus' Gospel out. I'm sure if he were alive today Paul would be taking a laptop computer with him as he flew from country to country doing the Lord's work. (By the way, I'm presently typing this letter on such a computer aboard a plane, on my way to visit my family in Florida. I think we're somewhere over South Carolina right now!) It is our hope that our readers enjoy the wide variety of subjects in our Feature area and we encourage everyone to send in articles and stories to help us continue to make MORNING STAR a quality magazine. Would you consider writing something for an upcoming Feature area? We are NOT looking for professional writers. We want this magazine to be a vehicle for ANY believer to express whatever is on his or her heart. Here's a list of our upcoming themes, beginning with volume 3.5, our February issue. (Talk about variety!) Feb 93 - Messianic Studies Mar 93 - Prison Ministry Apr 93 - Deliverance from homosexuality May 93 - Women "of" the Bible (Godly women of the past and today) June 93 - Annual Prophecy issue July 93 - Witnessing Aug 93 - Bible Study Sept 93 - Praise, Prayer and Worship Besides the Feature area, our Education, Music, Ministry Focus, Mission Field and Commentary columns are especially good places to make a contribution to. In addition to considering a literary contribution, keep in mind that our latest endeavor, the success of the new hard copy of MORNING STAR is dependent on the generosity of Christians who believe this is a worthy project. We started with enough funding to publish 500 copies into 1994 (150 of which are sent to prison chaplains at no charge to them) and we're trusting the Lord after that! Anyone wishing to help us should send a donation to our publishing ministry, DAVID'S MIGHTY MEN, PO Box 5093, Beaumont, TX 77726. In service to Jesus, Toby Trudel People Profile People Profile MORNING STAR Editor-in-Chief Toby Trudel conducted this interview over the America Online network, with Rick Thrasher, president of the California-based CHRISTIAN MACINTOSH USERS GROUPS (CMUG). CMUG is an international organization linking Christians who use Macintosh computers in their work for the Lord. Toby: Rick, can you give our readers a basic idea of what CMUG is all about? Rick: CMUG exists to help Christians who use Macs in their personal, professional or ministerial lives. If we can help them be more effective using their Mac, then they will be more effective for our Lord. We do this in four ways. First, we have a monthly newsletter, His Servant. Second, many companies offer discounts to CMUG members, including the entire Macintosh line. Third, I'm available to help CMUG folks with Mac questions and problems. Fourth, we have several local chapters demonstrating the Body of Christ at work, teaching, sharing and encouraging one another. Toby: What got you going in all this? Were you a "computer hacker" or a Christian first? Rick: I accepted the Lord in 1976, a few months after I began my professional career as a mainframe programmer. When the Mac came out in 1984, I couldn't see what the fuss was all about. Icons and pull down menus didn't seem to offer much. But I used a Mac for the first time in the summer of 1984 and I was hooked. Even though I had been using computers for years by then, I had never really enjoyed them. But using the Mac that first time, I smiled and laughed! I was having fun with a computer! When I started my computer management consulting business in the fall of 1984, I needed a computer, and the Mac was my choice: a 512k "Fat Mac". In 1986, the pastors and staff at my church, Peninsula Bible Church in Palo Alto CA, all got Mac Pluses. I began to help them learn how to better use their Macs. Eventually the lightbulb went on: there are probably other pastors and ministry workers who could use some help. So in February 1987, we held our first meeting. We mailed the invitation to about twenty people and fifteen came. We decided to call ourselves the Christian Macintosh Users Group. Toby: How many people belong to your group? Are they from all across the country? Rick: Our current membership is well over 700. We have people in many states, but the largest population is in California. We also have several local chapters around the country. Toby: Are their any CMUG groups outside the U.S.? Rick: There are many members outside the US. We even have chapters in the United Kingdom and the Philippines. Toby: What benefits do CMUG members enjoy? Do they get discounts or special insight on new products? Rick: There are many companies that offer discounts on software (Bible study, church management, graphics, etc.) and hardware (peripherals, Macs, etc.). We offer these discounts because we want to help you be better stewards of your limited financial resources. Toby: Rick, you publish a magazine called HIS SERVANT. Can you tell us what we might find in a typical issue? Rick: His Servant is a monthly newsletter. We publish product reviews and feature articles focusing on various aspects of Christian Mac computing. We also have How-to columns. We also accept advertising, so people can learn what products are available. Toby: Do you have a big staff working on this publication? Rick: It has varied over the years. We've never had more than a single person doing the editing and layout, plus a couple of contributing writers. Right now, the Lord is leading our editor into other ministry opportunities. So we have an opening for a skilled and committed person to do the layout and editing, preferably here in Silicon Valley. Toby: How does someone go about subscribing to HIS SERVANT? Rick: Send me your name, address and phone number and I'll give you a free three-month trial subscription. If you like what you see, annual membership is $15 for US, $20 for Canada and Mexico, and $35 for all other countries. Toby: What do you see in the future as far as Christians using High-Tech in their work for the Lord? Rick: The technological possibilities are tremendous. However, the Church does a poor job of utilizing technology, not just computers, but audio/video, telephones and answering systems, faxes, etc. We need to help the Church learn how to effectively and professionally use technology to do its traditional business: evangelizing the lost, teaching the saved, encouraging the hopeless, helping the poor, etc. Toby: With all this new technology, and the Bible not addressing many of the particulars, are their any dangers or pitfalls believers should be wary of? Rick: The world around us thinks that, in many ways, technology will save us from our problems. Here in Silicon Valley, technology has become a god! Thousands of the movers and shakers here are convinced that their technology-based products will save the world. Apple is one of the formats in this belief. We, as the Church, must not allow the various technologies available to us to become a replacement for the Power, Authority and Saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Technology is just a tool that can help us in many ways, but it will not save a single soul. At the same time, the Church must regain our voice. Most of these technologies raise ethical and moral issues. Except for a few areas, like medical ethics, the Church is silent. We must enter into the discussion from a Godly perspective so that we can be salt and light in the dark world around us. In a couple of years, for instance, our cable TV line will be able to bring into our living rooms hundreds of channels of educational and entertainment material. We'll have movies on demand, donwloaded from a central computer to our TV/Computer/movie player. How will we as parents regulate the availability of this enormous spectrum of material? We're barely able to right now, with only a few dozen channels available. We need to be involved in this discussion. Toby: Any new plans on the horizon for CMUG or HIS SERVANT? Rick: I always have plans, but I must wait on the Lord to raise up workers. One of our recent works is a bulletin board system. The Lord brought me a couple guys who wanted to do this, so we have a Mac with a 120MB hard drive stuffed with public domain, shareware and Christian software, including MORNING STAR. It's small and we're just getting started, but we're hopeful it will become a real opportunity to minister to people. Toby: By the way, what do you think of the Macintosh edition of MORNING STAR? Rick: The design and content are great. It's a wonderful idea, and I appreciate your efforts in getting it started and keeping it moving. Toby: Rick, are there any parting thoughts you would like to leave our readers? Rick: CMUG exists to serve you. We have a motto "For the Christian with a Bible in one hand and a mouse in the other" and a guiding verse from Ephesians 4:12: "He gave some ... for the equipping the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the Body of Christ". If you need anything related to Christian Mac computing, please let me know. I'll be glad to help in any way I can. For more info contact: Christian Macintosh Users Group 2190 Bristolwood Lane San Jose, CA 95132-1208 408/945-5773 - voice 408/946-4946 - FAX Internet: AppleLink - THRASHER.R Ministry Profile Ministry Profile CORNERSTONE COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL "Serving Those Who Serve God" By Jo Reaves Minneapolis, Minnesota Cornerstone Communications International was started nine years ago with the motto: "Serving Those Who Serve God." The logo was a crown indicating that Jesus Christ was the presiding CEO. The logo itself has since changed to trumpets proclaiming God's Word, but its meaning and the organizational chart at the top have remained the same. Nine years ago, "high tech" had not invaded the ministry scene or even the small business arena to any great degree. The personal computer had not become the popular and affordable item that it is today. Purchasing a used word processor was about as high tech as I could go, but it definitely had its advantages over the typewriters that most people I knew were still using. At that time, in 1984, I had recently left my position as Director of Administrative Services for Prison Fellowship in the Washington DC area, and had relocated to the Midwest. Minneapolis was a beautiful and pristine city and one of the most progressive in the Midwest in terms of industry and the arts, but still not quite up to speed with the East Coast in terms of available technology and technical support. My experience with computers had to wait a while for my pocketbook and my local office equipment dealer to catch up. As a published freelance writer, I knew how exhilarating it was to receive a letter from a publisher saying that they would publish my work. I also knew that for every positive response, there are many responses that are not so positive. I decided early on to work with gifted Christian writers who because of their lack of a block buster best seller or a block buster name, were not being sent the positive letters, but who had a message that was worth getting out nonetheless. My first client was one such gifted writer whose work touched me deeply. I began right away to work on a collection of his work. Next came a local ministry which had publication needs. This too seemed to fit within my overall plan to serve those who serve God; and so before desktop publishing became a popular catch phrase, I was already engaged in such an activity using my word processor. Within a short period of time, the Macintosh computer arrived on the scene and with the encouragement of a Christian friend who had been bitten by the "Mac bug," I made an investment in this new high tech kid on the block: the Apple Macintosh. A laser printer soon followed. For the first time, it seemed that available technology was catching up to the vision which I had to publish Christian writers, now extended to include Christians involved in ministries, at a cost which they could afford. The possibilities now were endless and I spent the next few years learning and taking every advantage of the high tech capability which I now had at my fingertips. As my software and my expertise in using it increased, so did my ability to offer more professional and wider ranging services to my clients. My ministry started to take on a variety of faces to meet the needs of those whom I served. At the same time, I began noticing a need among Christians who were starting their own small businesses. I decided to extend my services to include these budding new entrepreneurs. Thus came into existence my first subsidiary, Quest Design and Publishing. Starting out in business requires a wide range of printed materials from logo design, to business cards, to letterhead, to brochures, and the list goes on and on. An 800 number made it possible to bring in clients from around the nation. The Macintosh had enabled me to provide this needed service at a cost far lower than that charged by the local print shop which was still using the traditional cumbersome typesetting equipment. Electronic, popularly known as desktop, publishing was fast making the traditional method of typesetting and graphic design obsolete. The day I found a "calligraphy" software, another aspect of my ministry/business was born. From day one, I began designing an extensive collection of Scripture greeting cards, note cards, bookmarks, and wall hangings. Bookstores became interested and suddenly orders were coming in from as far away as Jamaica. The simplicity of God's Word with the elegance of what appeared to be hand-drawn calligraphy and lovely graphic art seemed a suitable combination. Custom orders began coming in from ministries including "Evangelism for Jesus." Christian bookstores began to order the popular "Wedding Plaque" which contained the names of the couple, the date, along with Christian symbols and a scripture passage, all embossed in gold, then matted and framed. Another popular item was the name plaque with the birthday and the special Scripture verse. Thus was born Cornerstone Creations. A couple of incidents most memorable include the time a gift box of cards was given to a woman who has a ministry of writing to prisoners. Knowing that God's Word was going into prisons around the country in this form was such a thrill to me. Another time I remember being especially pleased was when I was able to give a large collection of cards to someone who had contacts with many missionaries around the world. Knowing that just the right Scripture card would arrive at just the right moment and that the Lord would have a special blessing for the recipient gave me great satisfaction. The next addition to the Cornerstone Communications family came with the publication of a Christian magazine which was distributed free of charge. As my software became more sophisticated and my layout and design skills improved, a magazine seemed to be the most logical next step. Proclaim! magazine was a digest of what the Lord is saying to the church through those He has placed in leadership, as well as through less visible Christians. Permission was granted to print articles by Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, James Dobson, Beverly and Tim LaHaye, Jack Hayford, Larry Burkett, Jay Sekulo, James Whitehead, Robert Duggan, Intercessors for America, and others. Local writers and poets were also included. The response was positive but due to a lack of financing, this project is now on hold. At this point, Cornerstone Communications took on the additional word "International" to reflect the ever growing clientele and the scope of its mission. The newest addition to the CCI family, and one which grew out of the magazine, was Proclaim Publishing. This part of the ministry, which had really been born years earlier with my word processor, at this point took on an identity of its own. And as before, it was strictly for publishing Christian writers who had become tired of sending out their query letters and unsolicited manuscripts only to receive the standard turn-down letter stating that their work "does not fit in with our publishing schedule for the future." Although my publishing work in the past had been on a contractual basis, where I was hired to simply produce the authors' work and deliver it for them to do with as they saw fit, my desire was to become a run-of-the-mill publisher who would pay for the work to be produced and printed, give a royalty to the author, and coordinate the mass marketing efforts. It didn't take long for me to find out that there was a major problem with the marketing aspect, a fact which put a glitch in my overall plan. Bookstores generally only buy from the big well-known distributors and those distributors only deal with the big well-known publishers who have many titles for them to distribute. Someone like me, working on a small scale with many writers and no real "line" as it were, was not eligible to be included in the services of these distributors. Without a book being marketed, there was no reason for the book to be printed. Then a whole new type of writer presented itself to me. Those who had a message, who had a commitment to seeing that message reach people, who had not been accepted for publication from the big publishing houses, who had a network or could create a network of people desiring to buy their book, who did not have the necessary capability or desire to self-publish, and who did not have an exorbitant amount of money to pay a vanity press to publish their work. However, they did have a reasonable amount of money they could spend to have their book published and they were willing to spend that money to see their dream become a reality. Thus was created Proclaim Publishing, a kind of hybrid publisher, known in the business as a "subsidy publisher" as opposed to and very different from a "vanity press." Through high tech desktop publishing, I was able to produce the books fairly inexpensively. I played the traditional role of a publisher in terms of editing, design, layout and typesetting, and I coordinated with a book printer who was able to give a competitive rate. And "Voila" the writer had a book published with the copyright in his or her name registered at the Library of Congress at a cost which was both affordable and reasonable. The writers who opt to publish this way are generally those who will be able to do much of their own marketing either because of their own networking with friends and colleagues, and/or their willingness to go on TV and radio. They are committed to their message and confident of their ability to work with the Lord in seeing avenues open for them to get their message out. For those who want an 800 number where people may call to place their order, along with order fulfillment and shipping, I am privileged to work with a printer who will provide this service to my clients who wish it. In addition, this printer works in cooperation with another company which can offer a limited promotion and marketing program for those clients who want to supplement their own marketing efforts. The most satisfying aspect of what I do is to be able to help a gifted, anointed writer fulfill his or her mission by spreading the word that the Lord has put on their heart. The Bible states in Isaiah 52: 7 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who PROCLAIM peace, who bring good tidings, who PROCLAIM salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" Proclaim Publishing is one vehicle which I believe the Lord has raised up to help His servants spread His Good News. The next step that I see in the progression of this ministry involves whole church bodies coming together to publish works to fulfill the mission of their church beyond the confines of their four walls. I have had some inquiries about this and know that there are many churches which have a message they want to get out through the media, be it radio, television, the printed word, or all three. Many of these churches have the means to publish on their own as they have the equipment and staff to get the job done. For those whose means are more limited but their vision just as great, Proclaim Publishing is an avenue available to help them get their message out to those who do not attend their church. The motto which I believe the Lord gave me nine years ago still sums up what my ministry work is all about, even though high tech has made the possibilities far greater than I imagined at the time... "Serving Those Who Serve God." I am grateful to the Lord for calling me to this work and for blessing it. A little over twenty years ago, in the summer of 1973, as a young, new, born again believer in Jesus Christ, before the phrase "high tech" was ever coined, and before I even had a clue as to what wonderful plans the Lord had for my life, a word of instruction and encouragement was given to me from a visiting evangelist. This man had come from another country to minister at our church. He did not know anyone except our pastor who had invited him. As many may remember, the early 1970's was a time when the Charismatic Renewal was coming to many mainline denominational churches. The church where I was a member at the time was one such church. The gifts of the Holy Spirit had begun to be manifested in a very gentle and orderly manner, as suited the character of our denomination and our church. What this evangelist, operating in the gifts, said to me at that time has born fruit many years later. His words to me were: "Let your hands be strong. I will bless the work of your hands." Little did I know that it would be realized in such a literal manner. This is an exciting day in which to live, as we see biblical prophesy unfolding before our very eyes. High tech is a permanent part of our world and will continue to advance as we approach the day of Christ's return. We as Christians need to advance with it and make the best possible use of these marvelous tools available to us. They are not innately - in and of themselves - either good or evil, but they can be used for good or for evil purposes. What better purpose than to use them to fulfill our Lord's Great Commission to us, His Church. Surely, we can do no less for the Master. Maranatha! For more info contact: CORNERSTONE COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL 1117 Marquette Avenue, Suite 2303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 Fax (612) 673-0866 Internet Email: The Bookworm - Software Review The Bookworm - Software Review SOFTWARE REVIEW God's Second Best Gift to Mac Users: A Review of the ONLINE BIBLE 2.0 By Kay Hall If you were to dream up an ideal Bible study program for the Macintosh you'd probably want something that was fast, friendly, powerful, frugal with disk space and inexpensive. It would have the standard Mac interface, be available in several translations, and include flexible note taking and text handling. Perhaps you'd also like some study helps like cross references, and why not throw in a Greek and Hebrew lexicon keyed to Strong's numbers? And while we're dreaming, wouldn't it be great to be able to access your computer Bible from within any application with a simple key combination? Well, thanks to programmer Ken Hamel, these dreams have now come true. Ken has recently released the Online Bible 2.0 for the Macintosh and it has all the features mentioned above and much more. He created the Mac version in cooperation with the developers of the excellent Online Bible for PC's which has been popular for some time. The configuration I tested for this review consisted of the Online Bible 2.0 application, the combined KJV/NIV text, cross references, and Greek and Hebrew lexicons, taking up just over 10 megabytes on my hard disk. The basic text for the Online Bible is the King James (1769 Authorized) Version, indexed to about 350,000 Greek and Hebrew words using Strong's numbers. Version 2.0 has added over 100,000 verb parsings, footnotes from the original translators, and alternate readings from the 1833 Webster Bible. Each Biblical Greek and Hebrew word is transliterated and defined in English using Thayer's and Smith's Bible Dictionary plus others keyed to the large Kittel, and the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament and the Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius Lexicon keyed to the Theological Word Book of the Old Testament. By using the Strong's numbers to access the lexicons, it is simple for users with no knowledge of Greek or Hebrew to discern the meaning of the original Biblical words independently of their English translation. Also included are almost 600,000 cross references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge and other sources. Entering references to be displayed can be accomplished with as little as the first two letters of the book name. Periods will substitute for colons so you won't even have to reach for the shift key when typing chapter and verse numbers. When you click OK, a window instantly appears with your chosen verse in context. Twenty or more windows may be opened at one time, depending on your Mac's memory. KJV text may be displayed with or without corresponding Strong's numbers. Any window may be easily switched from one Bible translation to another when using combined text modules. The Online Bible has outstanding search capabilities - fast and friendly yet powerful and flexible. Complete search facilities include word (one or more words anywhere in a verse), phrase (words adjacent to each other in the specified order), wild cards, and more. Even beginners can construct complex Boolean searches (using AND, OR, NOT and proximity operators) using handy buttons in the search dialog box. The range for searches can be restricted to any group of contiguous verses, chapters or books. Searches can even combine English words and Strong's numbers. All of the verses matching the selection criteria are displayed in full with the matching words/ phrases appearing in boldface text. Online Bible 2.0 is full of special details that render it well above your average software. One terrific feature is what I call dynamic menus. When you highlight a Strong's number, word, phrase or verse reference in a text window, the highlighted text then appears as an "Open [Selection]" item and a "Find [Selection]" in the appropriate menus. With excellent navigation features such as this, you'll rarely find yourself entering information into dialog boxes from the keyboard. Nearly every menu item has a corresponding command key sequence for even faster performance. And how's this for a nifty feature? When dragging the vertical scroll bar of a verse window, the window's title bar changes to display the verse reference at that location. This makes it easy to zip from verse 1 to verse 14 of a chapter, or to New Testament cross references, for instance. Once summoned, the cross references for a particular verse appear in full, instead of just their references. "Chaining" to the next verse of interest is simple and the Online Bible keeps track of your last 8 verses to help you keep your place. You may also add your own personal commentary to any verse. In addition to verse notes, you can define over 32,000 topical entries. Topics differ from verse notes and cross references in that they are independent of any specific verse. Cross references can be stored in the notes or topics you create for automatic display using the valuable "Note Reference" command. You may transfer any verse to your own verse list by any of several convenient methods. Verse notes, topical entries, lexicon definitions and simple text files created with Online Bible can be fully edited to create files that best suit to your particular needs. Any window can be printed directly, or copied and pasted into your word processor for more formatting control. Perhaps my favorite feature of the Online Bible is the Bible FKey. From within any application, simply evoke the designated keystroke and a dialog box appears asking you to enter the reference you would like. You also have the opportunity to specify format preferences and Bible version. Click "OK" and the requested text pours forth error-free into your document at the current insertion point complete with the verse reference. You'll be amazed at the usefulness of this feature. Even if you don't have the hard disk space for the other Online Bible modules, I recommend that you treat yourself to at least this much. Late in the review process Ken Hamel sent me the Thompson Chain reference topic set and the Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge Verse Note set. These helpful references take a little more effort to use but are well worth it. If you can spare the extra 9 megabytes of disk space they require, you will appreciate them as "icing on the cake." The Online Bible 2.0 comes with an illustrated, 60 page manual on disk. This excellent documentation fully explains each and every feature of the Online Bible in plain English and includes a helpful tutorial section. While most aspects of using the Online Bible will be intuitive to experienced Mac users, the manual documents many worthwhile features you'd be unlikely to discover on your own. Perhaps the best news of all is that the Online Bible 2.0 is available at little or no cost. All of the Online Bible, with the exception of the NIV text, may be copied and distributed freely - in fact, it's encouraged that you do so. (The NIV carries a royalty fee from its publisher and therefore may not be copied for your friends.) Don't let the low cost fool you, Online Bible 2.0 is of equal or better quality than the current commercial offerings, price notwithstanding. Here is one case where you will get much more than you pay for! Ken bills his work as "software for serious Bible students" and indeed Online Bible 2.0 is suitable for the scholarly. What really excites my about this software, though, is its potential to make serious Bible students out of "the rest of us." The Online Bible can be ordered directly from Ken Hamel at a nominal charge of $5 or less per disk. Write him at Box 168, Oakhurst, NJ 07755 for a complete list of modules and prices. System Requirements: Mac Plus or greater, System 6.0 or greater (including System 7), 4-20 megabytes hard disk space. Versions available: KJV, NIV, Darby, Young's Literal Translation, RSV, Spanish, French, 4 Greek and 1 Hebrew consonantal text. Praise and Prayer Praise and Prayer PRAISE AND PRAYER is our international prayer link column. Send your praise report or prayer request to MORNING STAR for publication in our next issue. Call on your brothers and sisters worldwide and together we will call on God! PRAISE REPORTS: Lucinda in Georgia praises the Lord that the eye surgery went well and the pain is minimal. Patti in Colorado is thankful that her blood pressure is almost down to normal and she has lost seven pounds! Seven year old Christina in Pennsylvania was diagnosed as having a brain tumor. After prayer the tumor was no longer there. Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord that Janette in California was able to get to the shoulder of the road safely after blowing a tire at 65 MPH in the fast lane. Jack in Georgia is the proud owner of a Dodge Caravan with hand controls. He is so happy to be driving and thanks the Lord for a truly wonderful gift. It will mean a lot more independence for Jack. Praise the Lord that Kenny in Pennsylvania has celebrated six years clean of drugs and alcohol. Jay thanks the Lord for a youth ministry position in Bowling Green, Ohio. Clara in Nebraska thanks the Lord for a very nice job. Deanne from Texas thanks the Lord for wonderful students who are willing to learn in her classroom this year. Patti praises the Lord that her blood pressure is normal now. Geoff in California praises the Lord for increased support in his ministry. Dennis praises the Lord that he has stopped drinking and smoking. Antonio praises the Lord that his sister Lucy is set up in her new daycare business in Tampa, Florida. Bert in Ohio thanks the Lord for bringing a wonderful lady into his life. PRAYER REQUESTS: Pray that the Lord will give Christian a complete healing of the brain tumor surgery he had. Geoff in California has requested prayer for someone who is suffering from depression. Pray for a young man named Nick in Pennsylvania who is in financial difficulty and has left a suicide note for his parents and is missing. Pray for salvation for Archie Sr., Doris, Jeffery, Bruce and Jimmy in Chicago, Illinois. Pray for Denise's husband in Florida that the Lord will grant him a job in this next interview. Pray for Teresa in Massachusetts who is working for the family and her job is frustrating and the commute is hard on her. Continue praying for Toby in New Hampshire that the Lord will heal the injury in his right elbow. Pray for Alvin in Arkansas who lost his wife Marie recently. They would have been married 47 years. Remember their son Phillip also. Pray for Robert and Alice Mary in Lincoln, Nebraska whose 34 year old son died recently of pneumonia. Pray for Iams father and uncle in Georgia who are in the hospital. Pray for Joe and his family in New Jersey and his father who is having surgery for cancer. Tom in California asks for prayer that the Lord would reveal to him soon His will for a new job/career. Continue to pray for Danny in Texas who has health and financial problems. Continue to pray for Sepher Ministries in California, that the Lord will encourage individuals to support the work. Pray for Joe in Pennsylvania who is very ill. Pray that the Lord will have His way concerning Patti's health and also in her daughter's court hearing in Colorado. Mason in Michigan asks prayer for his mother-in-law in Colorado who has lung cancer. Bert from Ohio has been laid off for 4 months and asks for prayer that he will be called back to work as a pipefitter. Pray for Mae in Florida who is recovering from back surgery. Chuck in Massachusetts asks for continued prayer for his business. Pray for a closer walk with the Lord for Will in Missouri. Pray for Erin, Karla, and her mom as they grieve the loss of their father/husband who was 34. Pray for Mr. Green in Georgia who was diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus and recently underwent surgery to remove it. Pray for Greg and his wife in Iowa who are youth counselors for a youth group. Pray that the Lord will have His way in the life of a five year old boy who has seizures. Pray for Joe in Connecticut who needs a maintenance/property management job. Pray for Amy in Alabama who needs an editing or word processing job. Pray for Lucinda's daughter Jennifer in Georgia who is having a tremendously hard time with school. Bill asks for prayer for the good health of his wife and 10 month old son, and that he would reflect the balance of love and holiness of God in his life. Pray for the Lord's provision of two or three Mandarin speaking broadcasters for a gospel radio station based in Kentucky. Pray for Jack in Georgia who just had surgery for cancer. Pray for Walt in Texas who is contemplating a job move and wants to be in the Lord's perfect will for his life. Pray for Ari that the Lord will have His way in his life. Pray the Lord will heal the problems in Beverly's pregnancy. Pray for a healing of Bob's marriage and for the salvation of his in-laws. Pray for Denise in Florida as she undergoes surgery. Pray for a baby that is experiencing seizures and is in the hospital in California. Robert in North Carolina asks for prayer for a friend who needs the assurance of salvation. Bob asks for prayer for a friend who has gotten involved with astrology. Pray for Amy's church that is going through a split. Pray for Dennis' Aunt Dorothy in Floria who is near death due to aneurysms in the brain. Pray that Oke's three boys, Chris, Jason, and Corry, will find a church at college. Pray that Raymond will find a job in Houston, Texas. Pray for Jay's sister Edna in Washington. She is having surgery due to a spot on her lung. Pray for Mary Clare in Maryland who has an enlarged thyroid and nodules. Pray for the music ministry at Dale's church in Maryland. Pray for Bill who has just had bypass surgery. Pray for a young Christian lady who was raped and is expecting a child shortly from this and will not talk to anyone. INTERNATIONAL REQUESTS: Pray for the "Wa" people of SE Asia, who are looking for evangelists, teachers, health care specialists, and agriculture specialists to make the shift from a heathen culture addicted to opium to a Christian culture producing more positive cash crops. A Missions Team from Calvary Chapel Spring Valley in Las Vegas, Nevada is on a trip to Kazakhstan in former Soviet Union delivering pharmaceutical supplies and witnessing the love of Jesus to the local populace there. Please pray for them . MORE THAN EVER - Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. (Psalm 122:6a) S.C.U.D. Warnings! S.C.U.D. Warnings! S piritual C ounterfeits U ndermining D octrine W A R N I N G S By Jerry Johnson Some common problems in communication: Presumptuously presentational aural input generated by pedantic, pedagogic, voluminous verbosity purports a propensity for obscurification of efficacious and reciprocal informational interchange. Ifyoutalktoofasteverythingyoussayrunstogetheranditbecomesveryhardtounderstand. When you talk too slow it is too easy to become distracted. ARRRGH!!! WHEN YOU SAY EVERYTHING IN A LOUD AND EMOTIONALLY INTENSE MANNER (!!!!!!) IT TENDS TO BE UPSETTING TO THE OTHER PERSON!!!!! DON'T YOU THINK SO????? You know, if you have, like, you know, too many, you know, like unnecessary, uh, how do you say it, like, uh, interjections, is that the word? It can, you know, make it kinda like hard to, you know, figure out, like, what's being said, you know, eh? PacHla klorBackmn jobLach KlingogHjsa (Translation: nobody understands you if you speak Klingon). And then, of course, is the instance where someone is totally into what they are saying to the extent that they never stop long enough to let someone else interject and even if they did interject it is not like the person who is doing the talking is really interested in what someone else has to say because they like the sound of their own voice and find the sheer volume of their output somehow comforting as if by the number of words being spoken there would be an innate verification of their wisdom and wit but, that not withstanding, they still are far more comfortable with putting out their own opinions than listening to the ideas of other because if they ever stopped long enough to listen to what someone else is saying they may happen upon a circumstance in which they might have to consider an alternative viewpoint and even consider, heaven forbid, changing their already set-in-cement concept, which they take so much joy in sharing. OK, OK, so speaking Klingon's not a common problem except at "Trekker" conventions. I had already written about half of this column when I stopped to analyze whether there was a significant difference between what I'm espousing and what I'm criticizing. I admit, in the explanation, it sounds pretty subtle, but in terms of foundational differences, there are some profound effects. "Are you giving another example of problematic communication or are you actually trying to say something?" What I'm saying is, I see a problem with the way some churches and Christian view prayer. "You're picking on prayer??!! That's pretty thin ice you're walking on!" Tell me about it. You see, a couple of months ago our pastoral staff called together the lay leaders of the church. We ended up with about 150 people in our youth facility. We were then told that our church needed to be a praying church (sounds good) and that we were to think of ways to get as many people as possible in our church praying (again sounds good). So at the various tables we discussed prayer groups, prayer chains, prayer meetings, prayer cliques, all with the goal of being a praying church. It was stressed for over an hour: We've got to get more people praying. We've got to pray more. We've got to pray longer. We've got to pray earlier in the morning. We've got to get more people praying longer, earlier in the morning. "So what's wrong with that? It sounds like a noble goal to me!" You're right. It did sound like a noble goal and then it struck me: what are we praying about? What are we praying for? And then it really struck me; we weren't talking about who we were praying to and that relationship. We were just talking about praying, period. As if praying, by the virtue of the act, would revolutionize the church. "Everyone knows that prayer changes things!" That's the whole point. Prayer doesn't change anything. God does. "Well, now you're just nitpicking." No. I really believe that even though the difference seems at best subtle and, at worst, merely semantic, there is a profound and basic error in exalting prayer in itself. "But we all know that when we are praying we are praying to God!" One man states, "I love being married," another man says, "I love my wife." Those statements are similar, but fundamentally very different. The first man may simply like having full-time company that cooks and has sex with him, the second is making a statement about his relationship with the person, not the arrangement. I think we have a parallel situation with looking to the act of prayer as having power and being intrinsically beneficial rather than as a manner of relating to a loving God through communication that has been given the label "prayer." As we have frequently talked about in this column, we humans have a bizarre propensity for clinging to methods, formulas and rules as a security blanket when God has called us to a living, vibrant and often times unsettling relationship with Him. Look at the Pharisees, they are a classic example. God chooses to bless the world through the Jews. To cement His relationship with them and make them truly unique, He gives them the law. So what happens by the time He sends His son? The Pharisees are so hooked into the law they don't even recognize the lawgiver! The trouble is, we aren't that different from the Pharisees. We all like things to be familiar and pedantically trustworthy and God decided to help us develop our trust in Him by constantly putting us into unfamiliar situations where we are essentially forced to rely on Him time and time again. I don't know about you, but the Christians I talk to admit that the life in Christ is more like a roller coaster ride than a walk through a park (or, if you are part of our pastoral staff, a walk through a golf course). "So you're saying prayer is a sin?!" Hardly. But it can become a form of idolatry. "That's it! Get the post, firewood and Bic lighter. We're torching this heretic!" An idol is anything that we revere in the place of, or before, or along with God. (Remember, the Israelites did all three versions.) Way back in my first column over two years ago (boy, is that hard to believe) I defined an idea being in error if it compromises the preeminence of Christ. The Pharisees did that with the law and maybe some Christians are doing that with the idea of prayer. The title of this article (yes, it has one) is "White Noise Prayer." White noise is basically static ... but scientists have discovered that if you have it modulating at a low volume it can sound like wind or waves or rain and can have a very calming effect on people. Sometimes I wonder if we don't pray white noise just to make ourselves feel better and to be able to say, "I prayed about it." There are some common misconceptions I observe that people have about prayer. Here are a couple: 1) "Prayer can move the hand of God." Sorry, God's hand doesn't need any help. Job 42:2 says, "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted." Isaiah 43:13 quotes God: "No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?" If we are praying effectively it is not because we are so impressive in our faith and wording that God just can't help Himself and is compelled to do what we ask. If our prayers are effective it is because God has enlightened us to His truth and desires and it is our thinking that has been changed, not His. Prayer changes our mind, not God's. As an example, look up Matthew 16:16 and 17. When Peter declared Jesus to be the Christ, Jesus didn't say, "Dang, you're brilliant! I think we ought to make you the boss because you figured that all out on your own!" Jesus pointed out that Peter knew that truth because the Father had given it to him. Same with our prayers. They become effective ONLY when they become aligned with what God already wants. 2) "Getting up early in the morning to pray is more spiritual, because that's what Jesus did." First of all, we always need to be careful when we start thinking that our righteous acts amount to anything. Remember Isaiah 64:6. We have to be clothed in Christ's righteousness because ours stinks. Second, I really believe Christ rose early to pray because that was the only time He would be left alone, not because God hears better before the sun comes up. 3) "We always must pray longer to get an answer from God." Have you ever considered that we only have to pray for a specific answer for as long as it takes God to get the answer into our thick skulls?! I believe the length of time it takes to get an answer from God is far more related to our willingness to stop and listen than it is to His ability to speak. (Please refer to the last communication example in my intro.) The classic example of this is found in Acts 10 when God is trying to get Peter to let the gospel go out to the gentiles. I know people who would LOVE to have a vision, but if you look at it honestly, God gave Peter a vision because Peter wasn't catching on to the more subtle clues taking place around him. Not only that, God had to give Peter two reruns of the vision before he caught on. Peter didn't have the vision because he was spiritual, he had it because he was dense. There are more, but this column is already looking pretty long. The bottom line is, don't pray because you think prayer is going to accomplish something great. Pray because you choose to commune with a loving God and want to align your heart with His, and then watch Him do great things. There is a very real difference. Next time: a column I've avoided for a long time because it will probably upset just about everyone... Commentary Commentary Guest Commentary PEACE AND SAFETY ?? By Zola Levitt From the LEVITT LETTER 10/93 The recent developments in Israel have surprised me as much as they have anyone else. I still cannot really believe that an Israeli government has chosen to deal with Arafat and the P.L.O. Nevertheless, at the time of this writing, we have just sampled the spectacle of the prime minister of a sovereign nation shaking hands with an international terrorist, and the agreement between them is fact. To put together some thoughts on this crucial development, I have reminisced about my 20 years of touring and residing in the Holy Land, which has included more than 40 tours. I am acquainted with a number of citizens of Israel, including Palestinian Arabs, Christians and Moslems; and I have commented from biblical and journalistic perspectives on that country as a matter of ministry. Still, when assessing an event of this magnitude, everybody is an amateur. I'll say what I can from my experience and from the perspective of biblical prophecy. First of all, I think this entire agreement comes under the heading of a false peace. Scripture is replete with ringing warnings about just such a characteristic in the end times. Familiar to all are such verses as, "Peace, peace, when there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14, 8:11); or, "For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them" (1 Thessalonians 5:30); or, "By peace shall he (the Antichrist) destroy many" (Daniel 8:25). This is not to say that the makers of this particular peace covenant are not well-intentioned or that somebody plans a double-cross. Men can have their own agendas, but God's plan, nevertheless, marches on. To say that any event in world news squares with some biblical prophecy is to invite criticism and skepticism. How many times have we seen predicted raptures come and go, or "Armageddons" fall short of ending the world. So, predicting the end by some modern-world happening is hazardous; but that doesn't mean we are to be asleep when the end comes. Scripture admonishes in 1 Thessalonians 5:4: "Ye, brethren, are not in darkness that the day should overtake you like a thief." With all of the above understood, let me make some predictions. First, I think the peace will hold for a while and that the world will be somewhat reassured. However, the posture of Israel in the Tribulation Period to be "hated of all nations" (Matthew 24:9) indicates that things will go sour in time. At the moment, the P.L.O.'s reputation has been restored, amazingly enough, and Israel, forever the victim, is being coerced to give up its territory to make peace work. The Israelis and the P.L.O. have been characterized in the press as equal and opposite enemies, both guilty of violence and terrorism. That is a ridiculous conception, however. Israel is a sovereign nation which wants only to be left alone. The P.L.O. is a terrorist organization whose entire function has been terroristic acts on an international level. We would not put up with an argument characterizing the gangs of Los Angeles and the police department of Los Angeles as being equal antagonists in some battle. To say all of that more clearly, Israel needs to get a major black eye to play its role in the Tribulation Period when the Antichrist will descend on the Temple, and that apparently has started. Second, we have broken through the membrane of the "land for peace" principle. Tiny Israel is doing what no nation has ever been asked to do giving up its territory and placing its citizens in the line of fire of those who have sworn from time immemorial to destroy Israel. To assume that the leopard can change its spots and that the destruction of Israel is only a hope of the past runs counter to biblical principle. The Second Coming of the Lord happens to prevent the total destruction of the Holy Land and all the rest of the world as well. ("Except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved" Matthew 24:22). Now that land has been given for the small price of modest recognition on the part of bitter enemies, more will be demanded until Israel must refuse and then be regarded as intractable and unwilling to make peace. Thirdly, we also have to regard the profound influence of the world media on this delicate situation. As if in answer to cries of the prophets, the media a decade or so ago turned anti-Israel and it has not changed since. It mindlessly favors Arab dictatorships over the only democracy in the Middle East and constantly badgers Israel as though it were some major power among the vast world of the Arabs. To repeat the figures again it's one nation of 4 million vs. 22 nations of about 200 million. In some cases, it's 20th century vs. the 10th; modem, moral, democratic Israel against feudal, primitive, totalitarian regimes; and still the media cannot get enough of Israel-bashing until it has made that nation some kind of pariah. The almost minuscule casualty figures of the Palestinian problem in Israel have captured world attention, while conflicts hundreds of times the size of Bosnia, South Africa, Ireland, Red China, etc. have languished as inconsequential, local arguments. I predict that the media will continue blasting the Israelis, no matter what they do, and will be a major force in bringing Israel into its Tribulation Period posture. When the Antichrist is ready to come, the whole world will be saying, "Yes, those Jews deserve it!" Fourthly, anti-Semitism is a major announcer of the oncoming Tribulation. We are seeing it in this country, all over Europe and, of course, perennially in the Middle East. And yet, the Jews are persecuted for nothing at all. Historically and in the modern world, they've really done nothing to deserve such hatred. But Bible people know the real reason behind these negative passions; when God chose the Jews, His enemy chose them, too. The argument in the first chapter of Job¥ whether God's righteous ones will turn against Him if the devil curses them has been played out many times in the tragic history of the Jewish people. I can only say that when prophetic events are already happening, nothing can be done to stop them. As I put it on a recent program, when it has started to rain, we don't try to stop the rain, but we get people into the Ark. This is the time of salvation! Some are saved out of fear, Scripture says, and indeed fear of the end was always a major human reason for the appeal of the Gospel. There's not a person on earth who does not wonder when he is going when he dies and how he will account for himself before whatever power lies over that edge. If we can make clear that God's announced, prophetic end of the age is virtually upon us, then it becomes decision time for everyone. The witness is not so much, "The bridegroom cometh," but more like, "Don't be a fool." If a person is too skeptical to come to Christ out of love, then let it be out of good old self-preservation. Or, to say it another way, if this world is truly going to hell in a hand basket, any sensible person should make a plan to evacuate. Features Online Bible College Online Bible College ONLINE BIBLE COLLEGE by Dr. Charles A. Wootten Attaching a computer to the telephone line with a modem has opened new doors to shopping, paying bills, meeting new friends around the world, getting instant answers from information services as well as sending and receiving mail. For years modem users have been able to access thousands of files and message bases in the growing number of electronic bulletin board systems (BBS's). Developmentds in "high-tech" now allow you to use a computer and modem to further your theological education! The On-Line Bible College operates with the Christian International School of Theology in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. C.I. has been training ministers, missionaries, and others for twenty-five years. Eleven courses of study leading to degrees from Associate level to Doctorate programs are offered on and off line. Christian International is seeking candidate status for further accreditation. Other schools and seminaries throughout the country broadly accept their course work. The On-Line Bible College offers eighty courses in subjects as varied as Christian History, Counseling and Christian Psychology, Pastoral Ministry, Charismatic Theology, Greek and Hebrew Biblical Languages, Christian Education and Missions. All courses are theologically conservative. Students from other theological persuasions can express themselves without fear of prejudice. Ministerial experience and previous course work for academic credit receive a full and fair evaluation. Special study groups exist for those taking the same courses that allow the on-line sharing of information. The systems operator (Sysop), Rev. Dr. Charles A. Wootten, has a Masters degree in Ministry and a Doctor of Theology degree from International Seminary. Dr. Wootten is also the dean of the On-Line Bible College, which allows for on-line grading and responsive help when the student has a theological question or an administrative problem. The Sysop is constantly writing new programs to aid the students and improving the course formats. The support Bulletin Board System, SERVANT OF THE LORD BBS, uses a high-tech, user friendly format, that minimizes student costs by fast access options, an E-mail door, Front Door, three major Christian networks, and 24-hour operations. SERVANT also has thousands of Christian messages, Christian oriented files and programs. Almost 25,000 shareware and public domain files are available to members and students. The On-Line Bible College is over two years old and includes international students from Canada, Japan, South Africa, and Greece. Inquiries are coming in from all over the globe. Foreign nationals, missionaries, and American military personnel contact the On-Line Bible College through the mail and through electronic networks such as CompuServe, Prodigy, and America OnLine. The first graduate was in the summer of 1993! Costs to the student for studying this way are greatly reduced. There are no hidden expenses such as travel costs and overhead maintenance on buildings for the school. This savings is passed on to the student in keeping the tuition low - $45 per credit hour - which may be the lowest tuition anywhere for theological study. Another financial advantage is that the Christian International On-Line Bible College doesn't require payment for the entire program in advance. You simply pay for the courses that you are working on. There is also a very inexpensive audit program. Nothing beats the convenience of studying at your own pace, in the privacy of your own home, using your computer to speed your study and grading. Privacy, yes - isolation, no. That is what makes the On-Line Bible College unique! For more information, contact: Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. On-Line Bible College 6113 W. River Road Matoaca, VA. 23803-8047 Fax: (804) 590-1659. Dr. Wooten may be reached via Internet E-mail: or through the Christian Distribution Network: 8:2013/7 or 8:3003/7. A request may also be posted on the Newlife Christian Messaging Network to the Dean's name. You may also call "The Servant of the Lord" BBS by modem at 804-590-2161. 8 bits, no parity, 1 stopbit, ansi-terminal, from 300 baud to 19,200 baud V.32/42. On-line MSDOS catalog: OLBC9306.ZIP. Text files catalog available for non-DOS callers: OLBC*.TXT (included in OLBC9306.ZIP). Request a catalog on disk. Please specify computer type, size and format of the disk. For additional paper catalog copies, send $2 each to: Christian International School of Theology P.O. Box 9000 Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459-9000 For more information write to CI or call: (904) 231-2650. For additional copies of the On Line Bible College disk catalog, send $1.25 to: On Line Bible College c/o Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. 6113 W. River Road, Matoaca, VA., 23803-8047 or download from the support BBS: SERVANT OF THE LORD BBS, (804) 590-2161. Agape-Way Agape-Way AGAPE-WAY An Electronic Bulletin Board System (BBS) "For Christ's Love Compels Us" By Richard and Carol Arendt Beaumont, Texas During the summer of 1990, we met two college students whose favorite hobby was calling computer bulletin boards (BBS). One of them was almost too shy to discuss anything personal face to face but he could talk freely in discussions on these boards. After seeing this, the Lord gave us a vision to use this non-threatening forum to reach people who would not otherwise listen to the gospel. Soon afterward Agape-Way was born. Agape-Way is completely dedicated to the Lord and our primary goals are evangelism and helping people to grow in their relationship with Him. Like most BBS's we have many computer programs, graphic files, and text files that a caller can "download" to their own computer. Unlike most BBS's, however, nothing goes onto it that the Lord would not approve of. The text files cover a wide range of subjects including powerful classic articles and many of the graphics are, to say the least, unique. In the message areas people can share their faith with others, discuss their understanding of the Bible, and leave private messages to us. From time to time, people ask us for guidance in personal matters and their walk with the Lord. Sometimes the subject is too personal for them to discuss with someone they know (and who might gossip). We are glad when we can help them, and it makes all the work of running the system worthwhile. Surprisingly, the majority of the 600 plus people who have called are atheists and agnostics. Many have "interesting" personalities that would make them extremely difficult to reach with conventional evangelism. Most wouldn't even think of going to church but they will call Agape-Way. We typically receive about ten calls per day and an "average" user calls about ten times. Agape-Way is unapologetically Christian but is totally nondenominational. Since most callers never meet us in person, they don't know if we are young or old, black or white, rich or poor or what denomination we come from. Therefore, we can, as Paul said, "be all things to all men so that by all possible means (we) might save some." (1 Cor 9:22) Our message is simple and direct presenting Jesus Christ as LORD and SAVIOR and encouraging callers to commit themselves completely to Him. Ironically, Agape-Way is NOT religious. Some callers from harsh doctrinal backgrounds are even shocked by the concept that the Gospel really is "good news" but we view our ministry as a celebration of God's holiness and unfathomable We believe that the Bible is the final authority and provides guidance for every area of our lives... including how to run a BBS. First, salvation is a free gift from God. Jesus said, "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matt 1 0:8b) Therefore, access to Agape Way is completely free. As the apostle Paul wrote, "Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit." (2 Cor. 2:17) Indeed, we even refuse to accept donations. That may seem extreme but we are fishing for the hearts of man who are disgusted by the massive greed they see in the churches. Secondly, no subject is off limits and we don't hesitate to call sin what it is ... whether in the night-clubs or in the pews and the pulpit. Some people find this offensive but the Bible is totally candid about such matters so we must be also. To pretend that it doesn't exist is, in the eyes of unbelievers, excusing it and nothing but hypocrisy. Some might say, "They're just using that as an excuse..." but, excuse or not, if someone doesn't reach them with the pure, unadulterated gospel they will die in their sins and perish for eternity. Thus, as Paul said, "... the love of Christ compels us." (2 Cor 5:14) We also see from scripture that the Gospel is for everyone and therefore EVERYONE is welcome on our board. This includes those who are tangled up in drugs, cults, promiscuous lifestyles, homosexuality, or even the occult. We accept them with the unconditional love of Christ but they will know without a doubt that they must accept Christ as Lord and Savior, be cleansed by His blood, and forsake such sinful lifestyles. Many of Jesus' disciples came from such backgrounds as Paul reminds us when he says: "... and that is what some of you were. But you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (1 Cor 6:11 ) We believe that the gospel is more than a one time decision. It is an ever deepening walk with God for the rest of our lives ... and all eternity. As we walk with Him, He molds us into the image of Christ as we submit our lives to the Holy Spirit who lives within us. Thus, we encourage believers to seek Him with all their hearts and to lay their lives before Him as a living sacrifice. It is especially gratifying to be able to encourage those who have backslidden to return to Christ and to lay a solid foundation which cannot be shaken. Despite the obvious potential for evangelism and ministry of Agape-Way and other boards like it around the country, very few people in the church share our vision for it. Indeed, many church folks are highly suspicious of computer bulletin boards and those who run them. Part of this is simple "techno-phobia" but the computers and modems are merely the vehicle we use to reach a group of people who would otherwise be missed. The rest is a fear of doing something "different" but Paul made it clear that he would use "all possible means" to reach people for Christ. If you are interested in starting a bulletin board of your own we will be glad to help you develop your vision. It's a lot of work and you will receive little thanks from those you serve and recognition from the church but if God has called you to do it He will reward your efforts. We may never know (in this life) just how many people we have reached through Agape-Way, but God promises that His Word will not return void and bringing even one person to eternal life would be worth any effort we could put into it. For more info contact: Richard and Carol Arendt 13650 Moss Hill Beaumont, TX 77713 Agape Way BBS: (409) 753-2014 Internet: An Anti-Virus Program for Your Mind An Anti-Virus Program for Your Mind AN ANTI-VIRUS PROGRAM FOR YOUR MIND By Kay Hall Cocoa Beach, Florida Computer viruses and other types of "rogue" software have caused great consternation in the computing community over the past few years. With increasing dependence on technology in all sectors of our society, the potential for serious damage from intentionally errant or destructive software is all too real. The methods Satan uses to corrupt our minds are not unlike those of the "hacker" or "cyberpunk" who sends a virus, "worm" or "Trojan Horse" to wreak havoc on a computer system. Satan eagerly seeks to set up strongholds in our minds from which he can replicate evil thought patterns and begin to render us powerless. Computer viruses don't come on floppy disks clearly marked "DANGEROUS VIRUS," but rather are disguised as attractive (and often free) software. Similarly, 2 Corinthians 11:14 tells us that "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." Fortunately, we are not unaware of Satan's schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11), nor are we defenseless. Our minds need no longer be controlled by Satan, for we as believers have been given the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2 :16). There is software available to detect and combat computer viruses and, likewise, the Bible gives us a program to protect our minds against the attacks of Satan. As instructed in 2 Corinthians 10:5, "we take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ." This means to carefully examine each thought that presents itself, just as any new file loaded via disk drive or downloaded by modem would be examined by an anti-virus utility. The criteria to use in evaluating a thought are found in Philippians 4:8. Is it true? Is it noble? Is it right? Is it pure? Is it lovely? Is it admirable? Is it excellent? Is it praiseworthy? If the thought does not pass the Philippians 4:8 test, then it should be promptly replaced with a thought that does. Learn to reject the lies of Satan as Jesus did in the wilderness with specific truths from Scripture. (See Matthew 4:1-11) For the thought life already infected by Satan, there are weapons available prayer and God's Word that have "divine power to demolish strongholds" (2 Corinthians 10:4). By diligently praying and applying scripture the Christian can detect and remove wrong thought patterns, restore a proper mindset and even guard against future infiltrations. Victory is assured to those who discover and apply God's truth as Jesus promises in Luke 10:19, "I have given you authority ... to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." Reprinted in MORNING STAR with permission from Kay Hall (Internet: This article first appeared in the 9/1/91 issue of Church Bytes magazine. Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyrightc 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. A Vision for Today A Vision for Today A VISION FOR TODAY Christian Brotherhood Inc. By Norb Novocin Jacksonville, Florida When you look at the church around the world, what do you see? Do you notice any problems? Whether you noticed it or not there are problems, that is a fact. The Church, or the Body of Christ around the world is scattered, divided and is not drawn together. As an example, I know of a village of 20 people which has been blessed by several missionaries in the past, the people of the village accepted the Lord and now rather than being united, there are 6 churches for those 20 people. Think about that. Our Lord, Jesus Christ is returning for His bride, a bride having no spot or wrinkle, who has made herself ready for her bridegroom. Nowhere in scripture do we see Him returning for a million little brides. Christian Brotherhood, Inc., (CBI), is a non-profit organization dedicated to drawing the body of Christ together. We feel God has called us, during what we believe to be the end times, to help in this monumental task of getting the Body of Christ drawn and working together. Through much prayer and seeking the wisdom of God, over the last 6 years, a plan was devised to work towards that goal. Using a healthy blend of high end technology and good old fashioned love, one for another, CBI sought the most practical and simplest way of accomplishing this task. This article should, Lord willing, share some of that vision and plan. Before sharing too much, let us agree on a few basics. First, there are Christians who truly know the Lord in every type of denomination or sect of Christendom. Thus we work with any and all people who name Jesus as Lord. Second, when someone comes to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and is serious about going on with Him, sooner or later they will get involved in doing something for the Lord. Thus our main thrust is with individuals, ministries, chaplains, etc., doing something for the Lord, outside their own church walls. And third, it is scriptural that God's people will only be genuinely united by His love and through the demonstration of His love one to another. Next to best understand CBI's goal, you need to recognize the overall problem, the results of that problem and what is needed to correct it. The overall problem is fairly simple, historically, ministries, chaplains, as well as individuals working for the Lord, are not tied together into the Body of Christ. The consequences of the overall problem are mainly this; The physical and volunteer needs of ministries, chaplains, and individuals working for the Lord go unmet. Most of these expend the majority of their effort on ministering and do not have the time, nor the energy, to make their presence known to more than their immediate church or peers They have not been able to avail themselves of the huge resources found within the whole Body of Christ. There is a vast duplication of effort, within almost every community large or small. In order to solve this problem and its consequences, we see a need for three simple things. First, there needs to be a way of keeping track of ministries, chaplains, and individuals working for the Lord, what their needs are, and what they are doing. Second, there needs to be a practical and realistic way to reach out to ministries, chaplains, and individuals working for the Lord in such a way that we do not get in the way of their work and calling, and without causing any additional strain on what is already a huge workload. And finally, there is a need to involve individuals, as well as churches, with these ministries, chaplains, and individuals working for the Lord, which have historically stood alone. Understanding the problem mentioned above, and recognizing what is needed to solve that problem, we start to look to the Lord for a plan in how to go about this monumental task. First off, let's look at figures. In the United States alone, there are an estimated 1,503,500 ministries, chaplains and individuals doing something for the Lord, in a somewhat organized manner, outside their own church walls and around the world, nearly 20,000,000. Until recently, (the last 15 years or so), there has been no practical way of keeping track of this large of a number of organizations and individuals, along with their diversified callings. But now, we are blessed with what is commonly called the computer age. The number of personal computers, and their peripherals, modems, BBS's, On-line services, etc., are increasing at a geometric rate. Software for these computers is constantly evolving, becoming increasingly sophisticated and now there is the capability to keep track of who is doing what. The technology is here and the time is now! CBI has felt lead to start in this direction. But looking at this realistically and following what we outlined above, technology by itself does nothing to unite the Body of Christ. And even if it did, how do we gather the information on all of these ministries, chaplains, and individuals, and keep it up to date? Bottom line, scripture is very clear, what draws us together is His love and our demonstration of His love one to another. Or as the author put it in Philippians 2:3 "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself". There are 3,007 counties in the U.S., as a general rule of thumb, each county has roughly 500 ministries, chaplains and individuals working for the Lord outside their own church walls. We realize that quite a few counties come no where near this figure, but others are greatly over it, overall it averages out to about 500. This is what we envision; In each county, we would like to see a group of volunteers loosely working together. Each volunteer befriends any where from 1 to 10 of these ministries, chaplains or individuals. The volunteer chooses to become a servant to that small group of ministries, chaplains or individuals. Not on a full-time basis, but on a regular basis. They call and find out if there are any needs that can be prayed for. They ask if there is anything they can do. They just plain become a friend to the leader of that ministry. If the volunteer knows where to get a need met on their own they do so. If they don't know directly where to get a need met, they bring that need back to their home church and share it there, they also share it amongst the other volunteers within that county. Because the volunteer has chosen to become a servant to the ministry, chaplain or individual, love will be the result. Love flowing in both directions. If you want to be loved by someone, become their servant, unasked and willing to wash their feet, after a time they will return that love. To assist the volunteers in each county, there is a coordinator. The coordinator, keeps track of all the ministries, chaplains, and individuals within the county on a dedicated computer system. The computer system is available for people to access directly and find out who is doing what in their county. The coordinator plays much the same role to the volunteers as the volunteers play to the ministries, chaplains and individuals. The coordinator becomes a servant to the volunteers in the county, assisting them wherever possible. Here is a real life example of how this works; Recently, a ministry was much blessed with a large gift of two semi-trucks full of fresh food, including meat. While this was a blessing, they had no way to use this amount of abundance, nor the freezer space to store it. Not only that but the semi-trucks needed to be unloaded within a three hour period, so there was a sharp time limitation. Upon contacting us, we were able to locate through our contacts enough, ministries, chaplains and individuals doing something for the Lord, to unload and use this entire load of blessings for the glory of God. To assist the county coordinator there is a state coordinator. This role is duplicate of the county coordinator only state wide. The best of all possible worlds would allow for the county computers to be tied in with the state computer, thus having all information updated almost immediately. The state computer would again be a dedicated system, allowing people to access the information on who is doing what within the state. By now you can see the progression, the state is assisted by the country coordinator and the country coordinator is then in turn assisted by the world coordinator. When completed, literally anyone doing anything for the Lord outside their own church walls, would have an individual working and praying with them and there would be a system which would allow for knowing who is doing what anywhere. If you would like more information on Christian Brotherhood, Inc. or would like to help with this vision, contact: Christian Brotherhood, Inc. P.O. Box 41503 Jacksonville, FL 32203 Phone (904) 783-3210 E-mail: The Hi-Tech Gospel The Hi-Tech Gospel THE HI-TECH GOSPEL Do cyborgs have souls? By: Evangelist Brian P. Jenkins Crandall, Indiana We at Life in Jesus Ministries, Inc. have been using our computers to "Publish the Word" in Southern Indiana and North Central Kentucky since 1986. The things we have been involved in would not have been possible without the use of computers. We maintain a mailing list of over 1,200 individuals and churches throughout our area. Our monthly Unity Newsletter grew to over a 1,000 a month for a short time. We mail 250 "And If We Be One ..." letters to area pastors each month and distribute other materials as well. We constantly are called upon by area churches to produce flyers, bulletins and pamphlets. However, one day I was browsing through a catalog of Christian materials and I realized that there is no end to the books and materials that you can buy. In my spirit I spoke to the Lord and said, "Why should I be producing printed material when the world is already full of it?" I know that other countries are still needing printed materials but the United States is flooded with it. And, oh, the prices! As I took this to prayer I began to realize that this is truly the information age. We are inundated with all sorts of information. Anything and everything that you could want to know is right at your fingertips. Many times truly important information is lost beneath a sea of unimportant and unrelated facts. How can we as Christians use the latest technology to its best potential for spreading the Gospel? I believe the answer lies in filtering information to those who need it. It's not just a problem that the church is faced with, it applies in many areas of life. As I study church history I find that the early missionaries were faced with the fact that many cultures could not read or only the wealthy and elite could read. In that day preaching was a communication tool that reached people on the level where they were. The apostle Paul said that he became all things to all men that by all means he might win some. I believe this philosophy should be used when approaching computers and other communications tools for the spreading of the Gospel. Recently I have been looking at presentation software like Aldus Persuasion, Adobe Premiere and others. These tools are very effective in distilling a large amount of information down to a certain level for a certain type of audience. It could be possible to produce slide shows, overheads and even video tapes containing a powerful presentation of the Gospel or some other aspect of Christian doctrine. Our goal is to setup a system that would be capable of handling input from all available sources and refining it down into, if you will, a multimedia presentation. Source materials can be video (VHS, S-VHS, VHS C, S-VHS C, 8mm and Hi8), audio (waveform up to 44.1kHz at 16-bit and 16 Channel MIDI), text (typed and OCR), photos and slides (35mm and up to 4" x 5" transparencies and 8" x 10" prints, also Kodak Photo CD). These inputs can then be manipulated in a program like DigitalFilm and output to various medias for use in presentations. Output medias can be video tape, broadcast television or cable, audio tape, CD's and, yes, even books. We are currently looking at SONY equipment that will allow our Macintosh Computer to control three VTRs (video tape recorders) and digitize video onto our Hard Disk through a protocol called ViSCA. We are also looking at some Yahmaha MIDI synthesizers and MIDI interfaces that will allow us to dub MIDI music onto a digital track of the digitized video clips. Lastly we are looking at an analog audio digitizer that will allow us to digitize 16-bit audio narration onto our videos. Our Completed system would include a Quadra 800 computer with acceleration, a 17" 24-bit color monitor, a slide scanner, a color flatbed scanner, a MIDI interface with an SMPTE code generator, (3) SONY Hi8 VTRs, (2) frame accurate S-VHS Decks, a CD player and various storage devices. Software for video editing is still up in the air but if there are some price decreases by the first of the year we should have our decisions made for us. Many other pieces of software must be used in production. These include Photoshop, HyperCard, FileMaker Pro, Ray Dream Designer, FreeHand and assorted utilities. Our first goal with these new tools is to produce a 30 minute Standard VHS video tape entitled "The Writings" that will give people a concise history to the origins of our modern day Bible translations (Note: The title "The Writings" is already copyrighted). As CD video capabilities mature we will address converting this video over to an interactive multimedia presentation on compact disk that people can run on a more standard computer configuration. We maybe will have a version that will run entirely on a CD player hooked directly to a television. We have to see how technology develops. In the same way desktop publishing led the way for our ministry (and many others) to self publish and promote the Gospel in our area, so these leading edge technologies will allow us to reach many others where they are. By condensing pertinent information into presentation form, I believe that more people will be drawn to view these presentations and obtain information about faith in Jesus that they can really use. However when it comes to using technology to win the lost, just remember: Modern computers with all their video capabilities are still just communications tools. The words that save still come from the Spirit of God to the soul of a man through the voice of a witness. If I can help anyone who is working in these same areas, my over the phone consultation is free. May God bless you in your every endeavor for him. Whether you use computers, pen and paper or word of mouth, always be ready to give an answer to every man according to the faith that is within you! For more info contact: Evangelist Brian P. Jenkins Life in Jesus Ministries, Inc. P. O. Box 60 Crandall, Indiana 47114-0060 Office: (812) 366-4558 FAX: (812) 366-3905 Internet: Starting a Christian BBS Starting a Christian BBS STARTING A CHRISTIAN BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM By Walter H. Bauer Jr. You've been using computers at work for sometime and feel comfortable using them. You've decided to purchase one for home or perhaps like me you have decided to purchase one that can be upgraded as technology improves. You have a heart after the Lord and want to be used by Him. You've been calling several bulletin board systems in your area but just can not seem to find one that lifts up the name of Jesus. You decide that it would be great to run your own BBS but you're just not sure where to begin. As with anything we do in our life we should take it to the Lord in prayer. Phil 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (KJV) We should in our prayer continually seek his will for our life. When we seek the Kingdom of God first and all of His righteousness He will add all the other things we need unto us. Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (KJV) Lets say now you have spent some quality time praying and seeking the Lord's will on starting a Christian Bulletin Board and you have a peace about starting one. The next step is to begin to see what your budget will allow you to get and what software there is available out there to use for your BBS. I would suggest that you download a demo version of some BBS software from your local BBS (Wildcat, TAG, and SuperBBS are a few of the different types of BBS software). Try them out to see if you can load them so they work properly, and whether you as a caller would like the feel of the software. You want a program that is user friendly not only to you who will maintain it but to the caller who might be brand new to BBS'ing. Once you have decided on what type of software you want to use for the BBS you will need to again seek the Lord on what He would like for you to call the BBS and what theme you will project to your callers. Your next step is to decide if you want to belong to the different Christian networks so that you can offer your callers different conferences (places they read and leave mail). Many of these conferences can be a tool within your BBS to minister to new Christians, mature Christians, and those that are not Christians at all. In order to accomplish this you will need to join a network. I will use Christian Distribution Network as an example, as I am familiar with it. To join this you need only download a copy of Join_CDN.exe (a self extracting archive) which contains the application. If there is already a Christian BBS in your area that picks up mail from this network you can forward this completed application to the operator of that board for processing. The SYSOP will then assign you a network address. This is similar to your street address so the US MAIL knows where to send your mail. For example it might be 8:2013/23 which would mean you are the twenty-third board to get mail from 8:2013/0. Once you have joined a network you will need to add some more software to your board. You will need what is called a "front-end loader." There are three I know of. I use Frontdoor 2.02 as it is free of charge. There is also blinkley term and D'bridge. The later two have a registration fee. What this front-end loader will do is allow incoming mail sessions and also forward any mail left onto the person you get your mail from. It will also pass a human caller onto your BBS software. In addition to this you will need to have a "mail tosser." I currently use Wildmail to "toss" the mail. Wildmail works just like the mailman as it "tosses" the mail into the correct conference number and also extracts any mail that is left and processes it for forwarding. It is best to ask someone who has already set up these type of programs so that they can help you get it fine tuned so that it will work smoothly for your particular setup. Lets say you have now made it this far. You can add fancy ANSI screens (screens that display graphics in color) with the name of your BBS with a nice backdrop, utilities to announce when the mail has come in, how many messages were sent and received, as well as any other announcements you want to let the caller know about such as bulletins, newsletters, etc. For this to work best you will need an additional phone line. This phone line will be exclusively for your BBS to operate 24 hours a day. It is a regular phone line just like the one you talk to your friends on. Try to get a number from the telephone company that has never been assigned to anyone and its best to have it non published for security reasons. Now what do you do. You've just gotten all of the software working, have your phone line installed and are waiting for your first caller. In order for folks to know about your BBS you will need to advertise. In Christian Distribution Network and Fidonet there is a conference for sending an advertisement for your BBS across the USA and beyond. You should include the name of your BBS with area code and phone number, any games you might offer the caller, your theme, and the baud rates that can connect to you. I went through the steps above and decided to use the Wildcat BBS software from Mustang Software, Inc. I choose this one over several others as it was very easy to load. Once I went through the steps of loading the program it was ready to receive callers. I put advertisements in Fidonet, Policenet, Christian Family Network/Christian Distribution Network, and even in a Police Magazine telling folks of this new BBS. You the SYSOP (System Operator) must be willing to be available and ready to share Christ with those that are seeking. You will have to remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit and his leading in this area. You don't want to be obnoxious but you want to be open and available to share your faith in Christ. You will be rewarded soon enough when you begin to see fruit from this adventure. It will be rather expensive to begin. The BBS software will be your most expensive part. The other programs mentioned above are either free of charge or cost under $30.00 to register. You should have a Hard Drive large enough to be able to allow callers to upload shareware programs, and to carry any Christian programs you might offer for downloading. I know of some that only have a 40 MB hard drive but really have to shuffle space. I personally have a 120 and find that there is only 26 MB left. You will need a good modem. Many are still using 2400 baud modems however many are going to 9600 or 14.4's. This you will have to decide on what is best for you. If you have any questions feel free to leave them on my board at (713) 265 2798 (Morning Star and Policenet) or if you have one of those front-end loaders you can send the mail to 8:2013/0; 1:106/3118; 150:402/53. Studies New In Christ New In Christ NEW IN CHRIST is dedicated to the basic teachings of Biblical Christianity. In this issue we begin a series on the Bible itself - the "Measure of Truth" that God gave us to live by. The editorial staff of MORNING STAR encourages all readers to freely use this information to help new Christians grow in their walk with the Lord. THE MEASURE OF TRUTH Part 1 of a 3-part series By Toby Trudel Even if you believe God exists, there is one very important thing you should do each time before you start reading the Bible. Always ask God to help you understand the truth in what you are about to read. Don't think that just because you're a good reader or smart that it should all make perfect sense to you. Many "wise" people don't comprehend the Bible, as they approach it from strictly an intellectual point of view. It doesn't work that way. "... I praise you Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes Father, for this was your good pleasure." (Luke 10:21, see also 1st Corinthians 1:20,21 1:26-32 & 2:4,5) The Bible is a book of God's spiritual thoughts put into words. To truly understand His word requires spiritual understanding which you only get by asking God for it. (1st Corinthians 2:10-16) "Then He opened their minds so they could understand the scriptures." (Luke 24:45) If you read the Bible like an ordinary book, not sincerely asking God's help in studying it, you won't fully understand all of its truths. (Colossians 1:9,10, Ephesians 1:17) Or if you read it with inflexible religious or cult beliefs, and not with an open mind and heart, you'll also "miss the boat." Anyone who says that there is no way to correctly interpret the Word of God should make it a point to read First Corinthians, chapter 2, verses 10-16. It says that if someone doesn't comprehend the truths of the Bible, it's because they don't have the correct type of understanding, which is SPIRITUAL understanding. It's not the material (the Bible) that can't be understood, it's the student that must learn how to understand it. If you were a child and came home and told your folks that you had flunked a test because the material didn't make sense, wouldn't they say that it didn't make sense to you? They certainly wouldn't run down to the school to have the textbook removed because it was unlearnable. Rather, they would find out what you weren't doing right in studying and correct it. If you trust a mere school board to provide material that has truth in it and can be learned, there's all the more reason to trust that God has provided us with His "textbook" which also can be learned. The key to knowing the truth of God's word is to accept Christ (become born again) and thereby receive the guiding help of the Holy Spirit. He is the actual author that inspired the human authors as to what to write and illuminates believers to proper spiritual understanding. (1st Peter 1:10-12, 2nd Peter 1:20-21) Some people say they aren't sure that God really gave us His word in written form to live by. They claim to believe in God, but apparently feel He dumped us on this planet to figure everything out on our own, without telling us what is right from wrong, or how to run our lives and get to heaven to be with Him one day. This is not a definition of a creative God by any stretch of the imagination. You might as well believe in the "Big Bang" theory or some other human concoction. There are also those who say that only certain parts of the Bible are God's word while other are not. If that's so, then how can we tell which parts? How about the part that says that all of the Bible is God's word? "ALL Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." (2nd Timothy 3:16) To reject even the smallest part of the Bible is to void the worth of the entire book. Who would feel comfortable not knowing if the verses they depended on for their salvation were the "right ones"? Who would get the job of telling the rest of us which passages are from God and which aren't? Finally, the argument that the true meaning could have been lost through translation into English, doesn't hold water either. All top Bible scholars agree that today's English versions are as precisely translated as possible and quite accurate. We will cover this more in-depth in part 3 of this series. To those who don't know why they should accept the Bible as God's word compared to all the other "holy" books of other religions, here is something to consider. No other book on Earth has made any of the scientific, historical and (especially) prophetic statements that the Bible has. Other books are full of philosophy and mythology, but none dare to make claims concerning the hidden things of the past (that might be discovered one day) or predict events of the future. Only the Bible does this. Year after year, many historical and scientific claims of the Bible are being proved correct through geological excavations and advances in science. Here's a few examples of the Bible and science. For the most part, people didn't believe the Earth was round until the fifteenth century, though the Bible spoke of the circle of the Earth in the old testament seven centuries before Christ (Isaiah 40:22). The Bible even states in the book of Job, written around 1500 B.C., that the earth was suspended in space (Job 26:7). Sir Isaac Newton was the first to confirm this over three thousand years later in 1687 A.D. The Bible also told of the innumerable number of the stars (Genesis 15:5, Jeremiah 33:22, Hebrew 11:12) existence of canyons and mountains on the ocean floor (2 Samuel 22:16, Jonah 2:6) springs and fountains in the sea, (Genesis 7:11, 8:2, Proverbs 8:28), and ocean currents (Psalms 8:8). These, and other scientific claims, were written hundreds of years before Christ, and only discovered in the last couple of centuries. Here's an interesting fact. Jesus, speaking of a single future event at His second coming, said some people would be fast asleep at night, others making the morning meal and still others out working in the fields when it happened. "I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed ... two women will be grinding grain ... two men will be in the field." (Luke 17:34-36 & Matthew 24:40,41) Night, morning and afternoon at the same time around the world. Jesus was talking in terms of time zones long before any man thought of it! The greatest evidence the Bible presents however, deals with prophecy. There are been many predictions in the Bible dealing with nations, cities, individuals (especially Jesus) events and time periods, which have come true. Not one has failed to occur. Of course there are some, dealing with Christ's second coming, which won't be fulfilled until His return. Actually, some of these have already been fulfilled or are in the process thereof, such as the re-creation of the nation of Israel, as forecast in Ezekiel, chapters 36 and 37. You can search through the "holy" books of every religion on earth and you won't find a single piece of fulfilled prophecy. Not one. Space is too limited here to record all there is on this matter, but there are a number of Christian books dealing with this subject if you want to learn more about it. Another remarkable fact about the Bible is that it wasn't written by one person over a period of one lifetime. It was written by 40 different people, in different parts of the known world, over a time frame of around 1600 years. Yet all the books are part of the same specific message concerning man's relationship with God and how Christ fits into the equation. How this can be simply can't be explained, until you realize that there is really only one author to the whole Bible, God Himself. He inspired people (through the Holy Spirit) to record His Word so that we would have it in writing with us through history. Despite numerous all-out attempts by religious and pagan groups to destroy the Bible throughout the centuries, it has survived and flourished. That in itself is a miracle when you consider how other great philosophical writings which men have never persecuted, and in fact tried to preserve over the centuries, have often partially or totally vanished. We will continue this series on the Bible, "The Measure of Truth" in next month's NEW IN CHRIST column. New Testament Studies New Testament Studies This issue features the thirteenth in a series on the Epistles of John. This is the first study in 3 John. On some occasions this column with be called Old Testament Study. Whatever we call it, studies will include Psalms and books from both the Old and New Testaments. ENTERTAINING ANGELS 3 John 1-8 By Pastor Geoffrey Kragen I don't remember if I read this or heard it at a conference, or both. The board of a local church was considering providing care and parental training for single mothers. Needs included baby-sitting and maybe even meals for the women and their children. This was perceived as a wonderful opportunity to make the Lord's love real and filling a specific need within the community. One of the older men of the board expressed a real concern. "We've put a lot of work into maintaining the church facilities. We've just completed a remodeling of the kitchen. If we allow children in, we'll find messes, juice rings on the counter, spills on the rugs. We have a responsibility to care for the Lord's building." This man's concerns were legitimate. And the board did have a responsibility to care for the property. But, as another member put it, "On the other hand, the property should be primarily a base of operations. It should be used to carry out the Lord's requirement to care for people. When the structure becomes more important than people, perspective has been lost." "Yes," he continued, "the children may create a mess. But the mothers, as part of their parental training, could be helped to encourage their children towards proper behavior. To drop the program because of the danger that the kitchen might get dirty is unreasonable, and in the final analysis, disobedient. Maybe the little 'angel' will make a mess, but who knows when we will have entertained angels unaware." To serve the Lord may mean being uncomfortable. But to see lives changed, even our own, should be worth substantial discomfort. When we are willing to reach out to others, we will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness" (Matthew 25:21)! Again, as in John's second epistle, he gives attention to the problem of itinerant teachers. The church to whom John is writing was caring for those who came to them. The believers were providing for the needs of strangers. But this letter deals with the questions: Who were these strangers and just what type of care should be provided? A second problem had also arisen in this church. There was at least one individual who was being disruptive to the ministry. This person was attacking the saints of the body. We will examine John's response to this situation in the next article. The focus of this letter shows a marked contrast with the previous one. John stresses the importance of caring for those who are doing the work of Christ. He also provides a warning against those who would interfere with that mission. Also, unlike the second epistle, John names individuals in the body of the text. As a result, this provides a clearer picture of some activities in his day. The focus of this letter is more on the importance of practicing hospitality with discernment. To provide a bit more background, I'd like to quote from John Stott's introduction to this epistle. "The Didache, the first-century Church Manual ... shows that early Christian hospitality was sometimes abused. Instructions are given that an 'apostle' may not stay beyond one day or, 'in case of necessity,' two. 'If he stays three days, he is a false prophet' (xi. 5). On departing, he may receive enough food to last him his journey. But 'if he asks for money, he is a false prophet' (xi. 6). Again, if a prophet, apparently speaking under the inspiration of the Spirit, says 'give me money, or something else,' he is not to be heeded unless the money is 'for others in need' (xi. 12). It is recognized that true prophets have a right to stay and be supported (13), but an ordinary Christian traveler must not be entertained free for more than two or three days (xii. 2). If he wants to settle, 'he must work for his living. ... If he refuses to do this, he is trading on Christ' (xii. 3-5)." (1) Vs. 1: John addresses his letter as coming from the elder. He writes from a position of authority. What follows carries the weight of God's Word. Unlike the second epistle, this letter is addressed to a specific individual, Gaius. There is no way of knowing just who this person is, the name being a very common one. Because of the contents of the letter we can assume Gaius was in a leadership position in his church. John loves Gaius in truth. As already noted in previous studies, Christian relationship is always grounded in relationship with God. And that relationship always depends on an understanding of Scriptural truth. We can never emphasize enough that for people to be saved they must understand the basic doctrinal issues for salvation. This issue was of major concern to John in the midst of anything else he may have written about. These issues include the incarnation and all that is involved with it. "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, ... " (1 Corinthians. 15:3-4). And knowing this " ... if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). Vs. 2: It is reassuring to note that John wishes circumstantial wellness for Gaius. Apparently John knew that life is not necessarily miserable if one is in the will of the Lord. It is OK to be healthy. It is OK to get along in circumstances. This is bad news for those who glory in being miserable. But, it is also clear that John is concerned for Gaius' spiritual well-being. And it is safe to assume from the thrust of Scripture in general, that while God is concerned with the quality of our life, He is more concerned with our spiritual growth. "And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 1:10). "Therefore let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God" (Hebrews 6:1). Vs. 3-4: John was also pleased with the news of the faithfulness and quality of walk that Gaius had been showing. Gaius' life was a testimony within the Christian community. This is shown by other believers who brought back the word to John. John had suffered a great deal in his own ministry. In fact, if these letters were written after the book of Revelation, John would have been in exile. One source of encouragement in the midst of difficult times was to see the growth in the lives of believers. The Lord's work in the lives of others frequently is used to give those in ministry reassurance of the validity of their own service. And we do need this. As we walk in the Lord, we become a testimony to those around us. We also can be a source of joy to those who have had the opportunity to minister to us. Those of you who are parents can understand the joy that you experience when you see your children walking before the Lord. Vs. 5-6: Next, John commends Gaius for his willingness to minister to the needs of unknown believers. In fact, the account of his service had been carried by these individuals to others in the church. Gaius showed the qualities desirable for Christian leaders, balance. He was exercise love in the contest of truth. "Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ" (Ephesians 4:15). Providing support to those who serve the Lord brings glory to the name of the Lord. "He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me" (Matthew 10:40). One quality of the early church, which to a great extent has been lost by many of the contemporary western churches, is the sense of family and care between believers. Where believers have faced persecution, there is a sense of camaraderie and shared responsibility for one another. This is often missing where lives are comfortable. We will see more believers pulling together in this society as Christianity becomes more socially and culturally unacceptable. Vs. 7-8: Believers should not expect help from the unbelieving world. Gaius cared for individuals who risked everything in the service of the Lord. The only support that these believers received came from other believers. And this is still true. Certainly the world sometimes helps Christians carry out "humanitarian" work, such as support to organizations like World Vision in its programs for feeding the world's hungry. But, there will never be, and for that matter shouldn't be, support for the efforts to spread the Gospel to a fallen world. In the next article, we will see that for this specific ministry Gaius apparently didn't have everyone's support in the local congregation. "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it" (Hebrews 13:2). The principle of caring for individuals in obedience to the Lord is one that must never be forgotten. Wherever possible, we are to aid those who are serving the Lord in their career choice. John's concern here was specifically for those who were ministering outside the structure of the local church. I wonder is this is Biblical support for the para-church ministry? I'd like to take the concept a bit further, and focus on the need for individuals within the local church being willing to commit support to ministry sacrificially. The local body, in its corporate sense is to be a training camp for ministry. It is there we learn of God's expectations for our life, both related to our walk with Him and with each other, and in our reaching out to others. We can aid the work of the Lord as we minister in many areas. But, as we do, so we risk encountering people looking for aid and comfort. We may find people coming to the church who make us uncomfortable. We may find the facilities over stretched. We may find ourselves strained and in over our heads. And as we will see next time, we may even experience interference from within the Christian community itself. But Christ, our model, showed that the Father's ministry is to be carried out in the real world. Therefore, it will bring discomfort and sacrifice. Gaius, however, received John's commendation because he cared for those God sent to him. He provided hospitality to the Lord's ministers. His reputation for showing God's love to others had reached John through those who had seen Gaius' testimony. May the same be said of us. Let us be open to care for God's servants whenever He calls us to do so. And even more, let us never lose sight of our responsibility to care for the community around us. Our commitment will be pleasing God. "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me'" (Matthew 25:34-40). After all, you never know, we may be caring for angels! (1) Stott, John R. W., THE EPISTLES OF JOHN, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, MI, 1983, p. 216-217. Messianic Studies Messianic Studies Through out the history of the Church, there has been aberrant teaching which has become accepted as Biblical. One of the most insidious has been the view that the Church is "Spiritual Israel." This position holds that Israel, because of the rejection of Christ Jesus, lost its place as God's chosen people. All the promises made to Israel now belong to the Church. This is not the teaching of Scripture. And this teaching has done great damage. It needs to be refuted because it is bad theology. It is non-biblical because it gives an inaccurate view of God, Israel and the Church. It is dangerous because it has been used to support Anti-Semitic attacks on Jews individually and as a nation. In this issue of MORNING STAR we present part two of our 3-part article from Wayne Hilsden, on this false theological system, its problems and the true position of Scripture. The Jewish people are still the Chosen People. THE CHURCH AND ISRAEL An Explanation of Replacement Theology Part 2 of a 3-part article by Wayne Hilsden A transcript from an address given at the I.C.C.C. Shalom Israel Conference Hyatt Hotel, Jerusalem - 13th June, 1992 IT SEEMS TO BE BACKED UP BY HISTORY One reason is that it is not only because the allegorization method was used. There is a second reason why Replacement Theology has dominated the teaching of the Church. Replacement Theology seems to be backed up by historical facts. Let me explain. A fundamental assumption of Replacement Theology is that because Israel rejected Jesus as the Messiah, God has cast off the Jewish people as the chosen nation once and for all. Consequently, God has dispersed the Jews into the nations as a punishment for the rejection of Jesus and the Land of Canaan promised to Abraham and his seed forever, has now been forfeited and the Jews can no longer make a legal claim to it. Now when we look at what is happening to the Jewish people since the first century, Replacement Theology would appear to have history on its side, at least up until this century, maybe 1948 to be more specific. On the surface the historical facts seem to be overwhelming proof that Replacement Theology is true. Within a generation of the crucifixion of Jesus the Roman army ransacked the City of Jerusalem, totally destroyed the Temple and uprooted the Jews from the land and carried them off into various corners of the Roman Empire. To the early Church Fathers these historical events were convincing proofs that God was finished with Israel and the Church has now rightfully taken Israel's place in the purposes of God. The suffering of the Jewish people did not end with the cruel Roman legion. The history of the Jews since that time has been filled with tragedy and for Replacement Theologians this sad history only confirms their belief that God is indeed finished with Israel. But their argument is a circular argument. Think about it. In reality the horrible suffering of the Jews is more a result of Replacement Theology than it is a cause. Actually if Replacement Theology had never been taught in the Church most of the atrocities inflicted upon the Jewish people during the last 1900 years would never have happened in the first place. THE TRAGIC STORY OF THE JEWS Let us review some of the highlights of this tragic history of the Jews to demonstrate what I mean. From about the fourth century on, the Church consistently regarded the Jewish people with prejudice and contempt and they justified this kind of anti-semitism when they began to see at least from their eyes that the Jews were responsible for the death of Christ. Christian theologians began to teach that it is the Jews who are responsible for the greatest of all crimes committed, the crime of Deicide, the murder of God. In fact many Christians came to believe that one way of showing loyalty to Jesus was to express their hatred toward the Lord's murderers. John Chrystoson, we call him St. Chrystoson for some strange reason. He was the man who lived in the Fourth Century, a prominent Church Father and theologian. He said these words in one of his sermons on Sunday. "They are murderers, destroyers, men possessed by the devil." He goes on to say "they know only one thing, to satisfy their gullets, get drunk, to kill and maim one another." To think this is St. Chrystoson! Chrystoson and other theologians in the Church were to have a deep and lasting influence upon the attitudes of Christians for hundreds of years. Six centuries later a hatred for Jews far more hideous than what we heard from Chrystoson was revealed. The Crusaders were remembered for their chivalry, their faith, their zeal for God, but in reality many Crusaders took revenge upon the Jews who were living at that time in the Holy Land. On one occasion when the Crusaders discovered a Jewish congregation of people meeting in a synagogue here in the City of Jerusalem, they burned down the building resulting in the death of all the worshippers that were trapped inside. This is just one of innumerable atrocities committed by the Christian Crusaders against the Jews! In 1,000 A.D., when the Crusaders first arrived in the Holy Land to liberate the land there were approximately 300,000 Jews living here. Two hundred years later, when the Crusaders were finally pushed out there were only 1,000 Jewish families that still remained in this country. Many of them were killed, many were exiled out of the land. What I have found shocking in my study of Church History is that anti-semitism is evident in the writings of the Christian Reformers, men who supposedly cleansed the Roman Church of much of its corruption and theological errors. The reformer Martin Luther at first was very sympathetic to the Jews. When he rediscovered that wonderful doctrine called Justification by Faith in the book of Romans, he believed that now the Jews would accept the Good News of the Gospel. Now they would know that they don't have to live by their works but by the grace of God, and that the righteousness of Christ justifies us. He got all excited. The Jews are going to get saved now - but it didn't happen did it, not under his ministry. Luther got so frustrated with these stubborn stiff-necked people that he became an anti-Semitic person himself and it was a tragedy to see this great theologian - and I have his books on my shelf because I respect him as a theologian - but there was this dark side to Martin Luther and almost every other theologian at that time who was anti-Semitic. Martin Luther in fact advocated the expulsion of the Jews from Germany and the destruction of the synagogues and religious books and on one occasion Luther wrote these words, "the Jews are brutes, their synagogues are pig-sties and they are to be burned. They live by evil and plunder. They are wicked beasts that ought to be driven out like made dogs". That is Martin Luther. It should come as no surprise that when the Nazi's came to power in Lutheran Germany, also Catholic Germany, but "Christian Germany" at least so-called, they used the writings of theologians like Martin Luther and others to justify their anti-Semitic policies. A sign greeted the Jews who came into the camp at Dachau, just outside of Munich in Germany. Do you know what it says on that sign? This is what the Jews would see as they went into that camp. It said "you are here because you killed our God". Replacement Theology would seem to have history on its side. With all of the suffering that the Jews have experienced over centuries and the fact that Hitler came within a hair's breadth of totally annihilating the Jews from this planet, certainly it must mean that God has rejected the Jews and He is set on their utter destruction. Seems to make sense doesn't it? Those horrible facts are there. What other people on earth have had this kind of persecution. No other people. Certainly they are a rejected people. Certainly the Church is really the beloved apple of His eye. He has finished with the Jews! AGAINST REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY But the trouble with this seemingly powerful argument is the fact that Replacement Theology was more a cause of this tragic history than an affect. At this point I think it is very important that I expose one more hole in this argument, the argument of history used by Replacement Theology. I contend that the history of the Jewish people is actually a stronger argument against Replacement Theology than for Replacement Theology. I believe that the history of the Jews as horrible as it has been is not a sign of God's rejection but rather a sign of God's absolute faithfulness to His people and I want to show you why I believe that. FACT...THE MIRACLE OF JEWISH SURVIVAL First of all when we consider all of the persecution and threats against the Jews, the very fact that the Jewish race still exists can be explained in no other way except to say that God loves His people Israel. They are indeed the "apple of His eye". It must be a Divine miracle that Israel exists today. In spite of having been stripped of their home land and scattered to the four corners of the earth, in spite of the threat of mass genocide, in spite of attempts at forcible conversion, even their own attempts to be assimilated into the rest of the Gentile world, Jews have survived as a distinct separate nation upon the face of the earth. There is simple no other ethnic group in the history of mankind that has faced such odds and yet endured. What can explain the immortality of the Jewish people? The only answer is the God of Israel. In the words of Malachi 3:6, "I the Lord do not change so you, oh descendants of Jacobs, are not destroyed." I want to read that again, "I the Lord do not change so you oh descendants of Jacob are not destroyed." The fact that the Jews have not disappeared off the face of this globe, in spite of every threat to annihilate them is one of the strongest arguments against Replacement Theology. FACT ... ISRAEL IS BACK IN THE LAND The other fact concerning Jewish history that actually shoots Replacement Theology foot holds is what has happened in most recent history. Now you can imagine people believing Replacement Theology prior to 1948. The Jews are scattered and certainly that must be a result of God's rejection of them, but what happened in 1948, it's unexplainable! Out of the ashes of the holocaust, after six million Jews were totally eliminated, suddenly out of the ashes came a resurrection of new life to this nation. Once again after two thousand years Israel has that same piece of real estate which was promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob back as their eternal possession. When God said, "you are going to have this land forever", He did not mean they were going to live in it forever but they were going to possess it forever. They may be scattered to the four corners of the earth but that doesn't mean they have lost their ownership. We are seeing lots of Germans going back now to reclaim their property, not that they lost possession of it is it. It is simply that they didn't live in it. Now you have lawyers working double time to figure all this out, how to get their property back to the rightful owners. Well Israel has come back and you think those lawyers in Germany are having a bad time, what is happening right now in this country? Who really owns this piece of property? We have to consult the Lord on that matter don't we! The lawyers text book, international law, the United Nations, all have their opinion, but I can tell you God has His opinion and the law of God is written for all to read if they will just open it up. They will see that this is God's land for God's people. I didn't want to get political this morning and I am not, I am just being Biblical this morning. FACT ... PROPHECIES ARE BEING FULFILLED So is this nation a freak accident as Lance Lambert asked the other night? Absolutely not. Rather what we are witnessing today is a literal fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy. Isaiah 14:1 says, "When the Lord will have compassion on Jacob and again choose Israel and settle then in their own land, then strangers will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob." Now I think this ICCC Conference is a bit of a literal fulfillment of some of this. Foreigners will rebuild your walls, it also says here that strangers will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob. Now another one from Jeremiah 16:14-15 "Therefore behold days are coming declares the Lord when it will no longer be said as the Lord lives who brought up the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt but as the Lord lives who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of the north and from all the countries where they had banished them for I will restore them to their own land which I gave to their fathers." My wife and I had the privilege of taking the ship to Odessa to pick up 562 former Soviet immigrants to bring them to this land, and I can tell you that it was exciting to see this word being fulfilled before my very eyes. Hallelujah, what an exciting experience we had from the land of the north and from all those other countries. It is happening literally today. God is changing history. For awhile history looked pretty bad for the Jews. It looked really good for Replacement Theology but I can tell you God is not finished with Israel. God is preserving Israel and restoring Israel back to this land right now. Now Ezekiel 11:17 says, "therefore thus says the Lord God, I shall gather you from the people and assemble you out of the countries from which you have been scattered and I shall give you the land of Israel." As we see this dramatic new chapter in Israel's history unfolding before our very eyes it is clear that the historical argument for Replacement Theology is full of holes. The allegorical method in interpreting the Scriptures is no longer regarded as valid by the Church theologians, yet Replacement Theology still persists and we have seen that the tragic history of the Jews, rather than proving that God has cast off His people actually proves the opposite, that God still holds His chosen people in the palm of His hand and He has preserved her as a nation in spite of every imaginable threat to her existence. Yet Replacement Theology still persists. Hard to understand isn't it? The third and final part of Wayne Hilsden's address will be presented in next month's Messianic Studies column. Special Studies Special Studies GOD IS REVEALED IN THE RESURRECTION Dr. Charles A. Wootten Whole Counsel Ministries, Inc. Just as important as the Blood of Atonement is the Resurrection of Christ. J. G. Lawson, "Greatest Thoughts About Jesus Christ," (p. 276), declares, "His resurrection was necessary to His being believed in as a Saviour ... A dying crucified God, a Saviour of the world, who could not save Himself would have been exploded by universal consent of reason as a horrible paradox and absurdity. Had not the resurrection followed the crucifixion, that scoff of the Jews had stood as an unanswerable argument against Him. 'Himself He cannot save; let Him come down from the cross, and we will believe in Him.' Otherwise, surely that which was the lowest instance of human weakness and mortality could be no competent demonstration of a Deity. To save is the effect of power, and of such a power as prevails to a complete victory. But it is expressly affirmed, 'that Christ was crucified through weakness.' Death was too hard for His humanity, and bore away the spoils of it for a time." Resurrection is the continuity of the Jesus of history with the Christ of living faith. The Incarnation, the Cross, and the Resurrection are together one divine act within history carried out for the salvation of the world. This is a Great Gospel Truth of the revelation of God: Jesus is not another God, but the same God who is with us always as loving Father and indwelling Holy Spirit. Christ Jesus brings to us through the Spirit of God the same victory He brought to those who saw Him in the flesh. With the resurrection those who saw Him in the flesh suddenly found themselves no longer pursuing worldly ends. Now their concerns were intensely spiritual ones. This is the testimony of the resurrection. The greatest miracle is that of a changed life. This is the whole purpose of the resurrection: the changed life. This discussion will not reiterate the established fact of the resurrection, but will focus for a moment on its revelation. The transformation of the disciples, even to this very day, is the greatest evidence of all time for the resurrection. We do not notice the same changed lives in the products of other religions. Somehowit is impossible to continually narrate a false resurrection with such certainty. Romans 6:4-11 says, "We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. If we have been united with him like this in his death, we will certainly also be united with him in his resurrection. For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin -- because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For weknow that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus." Paul declares, in his sermon at Antioch in Pisidia, that the resurrection is the fulfillment of God's promise: "We tell you the good news: What God promised our fathers he has fulfilled for us, their children, by raising up Jesus. As it is written in the second Psalm: 'You are my Son; today I have become your Father'" (Acts 13:32- 33). The promise made to the fathers that was fulfilled by the resurrection of Christ is: "... you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, 'Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed'" (Acts 3:25). Jesus is the Resurrected One, as God promised. His resurrection is the guarantee of the fulfillment of ALL the promises of God. This is another Great Gospel Truth revealing God through Jesus the Son of God with power. It shows that the promises of the Bible are as "He said to them, 'This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms'" (Luke 24:44). This revelation of God is the proof of God's ability to keep His word. R.A. Torrey, "What the Bible Teaches" says, "If we wish to know that all the promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus, we have only to look to that marvelous fulfillment of God's word and promise that has already taken place -- the resurrection -- and see in that the guarantee of the fulfillment of all." Romans 4:23-25 says, "The words 'it was credited to him' were written not for him alone, but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness -- for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification." 1 Thessalonians 4:14 declares, "We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him." We have the same spirit of faith in the hope of the resurrection "just as the first ripe ears of corn which grew on the plains and mountain sides of Palestine were immediately brought into the temple, and waved before the Lord, as a pledge that every corn standing on and growing in Palestine should be safely reaped and gathered in; so the resurrection of Christ is a demonstration that we his people shall be raised again. ... As surely as the sepulcher of Christ became an empty sepulcher, so surely the sepulchers of his people shall become empty sepulchers also; as surely as he got up, and sang a jubilee of life and immortality, so surely shall his people come out of the grave. How beautifully has the prophet Isaiah expressed it! 'Awake and sing, ye that dwell in the dust; for the dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead. Thy dead men shall live; together with my dead body shall they arise.'" (Beaumont, The Wesleyan Demosthenes). When the purpose for which He had come had been fulfilled and fully accomplished, and the witnesses were ready to begin the new work of bearing His message to all nations, His glorified humanity, the ending of kenosis, was received up into that world to which it rightfully belonged. "He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming soon.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen" (Revelation 22:20-21). The series, The Revelation of God, is now closed. Genesis to Revelation has been covered humbly within the electronic covers of MORNING STAR. Our prayer is that you have grown to know Him better and want to make Him known. God bless you. The WORD for Today The WORD for Today In Hebrews 10:25 we read, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another -- and all the more as you see the Day approaching." The responsibility of all Christians is to encourage one another. This series is intended to help provide some guidelines in the process of encouragement. The book, "Encouragement, the key to caring," by Lawrence J. Crabb Jr. and Dan B. Allender, is recommended reading with the series. Each message can be read in conjunction with the related chapter in the book. The series can be used as the basis of a group study in your church. Please let us know if you find the material helpful, or if you have any questions or suggestions. The article presented here is the twelfth of fourteen messages given by Pastor Geoff Kragen. They were presented at Foothill Bible Church in Lincoln, California. WATCH WHAT YOU SAY "Encouragement is the kind of expression that helps someone want to be a better Christian, even when life is rough." (1) I have been teaching adult Sunday School classes for almost twenty-five years. This has provided me with many opportunities to encourage others. Unfortunately, it has also given me the chance to violate some basic principles of encouragement. I have some theological "hot buttons." Hitting one of these can set me off. (I won't go into them here as they aren't the issue, but I am sure you also have yours.) I remember one example from many years ago. I was less tactful then than now. Anyway, an individual in a class asked what was for him a legitimate question. Unfortunately, the nature of the question and the way it was expressed hit one of my "hot buttons." I explained from Scripture the correct understanding of the issue. I didn't do this in love. I didn't limit myself to the correct position. I had to demolish his "stupid" view. I didn't say he or his view was stupid. But by the time I was through with my answer, he was laying crumpled and bleeding on the floor (figuratively speaking). Needless-to-say he never returned. Was what I taught correct? Yes. Was the way I taught it correct? No! Encouragement is more than just giving people the right information to help them mature. It is caring more about their need to move towards the Lord than our need to be right. In this series of articles we have devoted a lot of space to discuss the need to encourage. We have seen how we can be both effective and ineffective. We have considered how to create an encouraging environment. In this and the next article we will examine some practical techniques we can use to encourage. Because of the importance of the material, I am going to follow outlines taken directly from the material in Chapters 12 and 13 of Dr. Crabb's book. For some of us, encouraging comes naturally. For others it doesn't. In either case we can always become more effective. Part of our underlying struggle is that it can be a painful effort to encourage others. It is through this work that we help each other grow. "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Proverbs 27:17). This is why it should be part of our ministry. First, we have to think as encouragers. Too often we focus on our own "needs" and wants. We live in a society that teaches us that we must learn to love ourselves before we can love others. But, if we are to serve the Lord, we have to focus on how He would have us care for others. This entails refocusing our perspective. As encouragers, we must be willing to get involved in the pain of others. And the issue isn't bringing them up to where we are, but coming along side and walking with them. We must consider how our words can either build up or tear down. This is a new approach to life. "The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit;" "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit" (Proverbs 15:4; 18:21). Dr. Crabb identifies three principles that help us to be effective in our speaking to the pain of others. Principle 1: Be Slow to Speak (2) Too often we find ourselves in conversation with someone and our mind starts wandering. Or maybe we are listening to what he is saying, but simultaneously we are working on our response. We need to listen. This means we must give him our undivided attention. "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." "A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered. Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue" (Proverbs 12:1; 17:27-28). When we actually listen, restraining the tendency to respond quickly, we convey an important message. We are telling the speaker: "I am concerned about you. I am really interested in hearing what you are saying. I want to know you better." We can understand how this will help to let someone know we are care for them. Principle 2: Be Sensitive in Your Speech (3) Principle 3: Be Gentle in Your Speech (4) Because of the close relationship between sensitivity (awareness) and gentleness (expression), I want to touch on these together. Have you ever felt like you have "hoof in mouth disease?" -- (Open mouth, insert foot.) Or as one person put it: "We run our mouth before our brain is in gear." To encourage others, we must depend on the Lord to help us be sensitive to both their words and feelings. Second, we must be concerned that we express ourselves with gentleness. We don't have to know why they feel the way they do. We do have to accept the fact that their feelings are real to them. Sensitivity or gentleness can advance our efforts to encourage. Any other approach can either lead to the results I experienced noted in the introduction. Or, harshness can result in our being attacked. "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger" (Proverbs 15:1). Paul expresses this principle when he notes, "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" (Ephesians 4:2). I am much more likely to open up to someone who expresses love instead of a judgmental spirit. To be gentle and sensitive we must strive, in dependency on the Holy Spirit, to grown in our understanding of people and how they function. We need to be aware of the differences between adults and children, men and women, believers and unbelievers. We must take these differences into consideration as we reach out to them. Remember, when we are striving to encourage, we must always ask: "Do I want to convey information, or do I want to express words in a way they can be accepted?" As we can see the basic issue when speaking, is an awareness of the others needs instead of a focus on our comfort level. If we look away from the person we are supposed to be reaching out to and look at ourselves, we will undermine any effort to encourage. Dr. Crabb gives several examples of what we can do to inhibit the process of encouragement. (5) 1. Defensive or Explanatory words: I don't know about you, but I can change the focus of my efforts to myself when I start getting defensive. This immediately shows the other person I am more concerned about how I feel than about his needs. I am not the issue or shouldn't be. 2. Apologies: Aren't we supposed to apologize? Yes, but we also all know the individual who uses apologies as a way to stop conversation rather than resolve problems. They continue to behave in the same way, and then think that an apology ends any hurt over their behavior. But apologies should only come out of an understanding of the hurt we give, and a sincere desire to make it right. Restitution and restoration are the issues, not quick apologies. We are to make things right between one another. "Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift" (Matthew 5:23-24). An apology is the final step in a restoration process, not an avoidance mechanism. 3. Attack/Cutting Remarks: This needs very little comment. Common sense says that when we attack or cut down another person we can't encourage them. This kind of behavior is clearly self-centered. It is frequently grounded in the concept that the best defense is a "good" offense. 4. Corrections: Some of the most disruptive types of behaviors to communication are corrections. Husbands tell wives: "You shouldn't feel that way." After a husband beats a wife in a drunken rage, she tells the children, "Your father didn't really hurt me. He just slipped and accidentally hit me." By constantly correcting someone we send the message that their views have no value. When parents tell a child that what he knows to be true is false, they create serious problems for the future. These children, as adults, will many times be unable to distinguish between truth and lies. We don't have to agree with everyone, but it isn't always our responsibility to straighten them out. And, if we think it is we will find little opportunity to effectively encourage anyone. 5. Quick Advice: Many times we simply need to express a thought or a feeling. And when we do, someone jumps in right away with a ready response, or with instant advice. I know that if this happens too frequently to me, I will stop talking to that person. When we encourage, we often do this by simply being an available ear. We don't always need to have an answer. If we are slow to speak, sensitive and gentle, we will never give quick advice. If we are serious about encouraging others, then we need to remember that we are to be other-centered rather than self-centered. As we function in this manner, we will not only be better encouragers, but others will see God's love lived out through us. "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another" (John 13:34-35). 1. Crabb, Jr., Lawrence, J. and Allender, Dan B., ENCOURAGEMENT - KEY TO CARING, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1984, p. 10. 2. Ibid., p. 114. 3. Ibid., p. 115. 4. Ibid., p. 116. 5. Ibid., p. 117-118. Columns Anee M'Amin Anee M'Amin Anee M'amin is Hebrew for "I believe". Each month this column presents the testimony of a Jewish believer in Yeshua (Jesus). GOD HAS BECOME REAL For a Jewish girl named Debbie, walking the "walk" was more important than talking the "talk" in convincing her to accept Jesus as Messiah. Debbie Kukielka's Testimony From THE CHOSEN PEOPLE Magazine When she started talking to me about it, I didn't want to listen. But when I saw it in action, I had to know more. A few years ago, Chris moved into my neighborhood, just three doors down. At the outset, she tried to develop a friendship with me. I was kind of leery at first, and then when she told me she was a Christian, I was immediately turned off. STAY AWAY This little alarm went off in my head warning me to stay away from this woman. I even told her I didn't want to talk about it. She respected my wishes and would only mention things in a very general way. But I watched her. And something she experienced amazed me. Chris had been trying to have children for at least five years. During that time she had several miscarriages, and I couldn't believe the faith the woman had. I really thought it was something. She'd tell me she knew things would work out right. When she did conceive again, her doctor confined her to bed rest. Up until then, Chris' words had been just that - words. I could hear how she trusted in her God, but I only became intrigued by her Christianity when I saw it in action. To show their concern for Chris, several of her friends from church brought food over while she was bed-ridden. Those people took time out of their busy lives to share with this woman. I had always had a difficult time establishing close relationships. I guess it built this deep desire to develop true friendships, and when I saw the concern of these people I was hooked. I had to know more about it. I wanted friendships where people felt concerned about me. At the time I didn't necessarily associate it with Christianity. I thought if I found a church, I'd find people who would care about me like that. So I went to the library. There, I found a book listing denominations and information about them. There were so many, I didn't know where to go. As I looked through the library, I came across a book of testimonies of Jews who believed in Jesus as the Messiah. As a teenager, I'd had an aunt who confessed her belief in Jesus as Messiah, and she had talked to me about it, but most of my family had little to do with her. Our family wasn't very religious even though we were Jewish. For me, being Jewish had always been a heritage, but never a religion. Even when I married, my parents weren't as concerned about my fiancee's religion as the M.D. after his name. So I really didn't have a strong religious background, even though I was Jewish. In back of the book, I found a list of churches proclaiming Jesus as the Jewish Messiah. I found the closest church to me in Rockville, MD, and I couldn't believe it. The church used the same phone number as Chris', except some of the numbers were transposed. In the meantime, Chris had her baby, and I still found the woman's faith incredible. For the first time I'd found something to believe in. And that started me reading the Bible. I spent the next year or so reading through the Old Testament, continuing to make trips to the library. On one visit, a book caught my attention - "Betrayed" by Stan Telchin. The book listed Telchin's church as a local one and I found it and started attending there. Eventually the church had Telchin visit me. SEARCHING FOR GOD He was so Jewish, but he had found God. And I wanted to find God, too. I read everything I could to find out more, and then Chosen People Ministries entered my life. A cousin of Chris had listened to Scott Brown from Son of David speak at her church where she obtained information concerning Chosen People. She gave it to Chris, who then gave it to me. I started a personal Bible study with Scott Brown and also started attending Son of David - a place I had passed many times, never knowing what it was all about. I accepted Jesus the Messiah as my personal Savior last May. In September, I was baptized. God has become real for me, and my Jewish identity is complete. In fact, I feel more Jewish than ever before. I have started experiencing a new sense of fulfillment in my life. And that deep desire for true friends that started me on the search for God has been fulfilled too. For just a few weeks ago, while I recovered from walking pneumonia, friends from church brought meals, prayed and fellowshipped with me, as God restored my health. Testimony Testimony A MEANINGFUL LIFE By Carolyn Dodenhoff From TESTIMONY NEWSLETTER Volume 2.4 - July/August 1993 I grew up in an upper middle class, church going family. My father was even an elder in our church, but he had never believed in Jesus as personal Savior. When I was a child, God was important to me - I prayed, wanted to be a good person; and when I was fourteen, after confirmation class at our liberal church, I decided to get baptized and join. It was a serious step for me as I examined if I really believed that Jesus was God, died for our sins, etc. However, no one had ever explained to me the need for repentance and accepting Jesus as my personal Savior and the Lord of my life. As I got older, I didn't have a background in the Bible or a salvation experience so I began to doubt my beliefs. I also began to see the hypocrisy of churchgoing people around me: some saying, 'live for God' but in fact living for the 'American Dream' - the things money could buy. None of the Christians I had contact with knew the Bible well enough to answer my questions about Christianity, so I assumed they must just believe blindly because it satisfied some emotional need. When in college I was exposed to and easily swayed by different ideas. At first, it was devastating to think there was no God and it hurt to think I had been deceived; so, as a defense I suppose, I became hardened and for a while mocked religion and religious people. I decided I would believe only what could be proven to me tangibly so I couldn't be deceived again. After a couple of years, however, I developed a spiritual hunger to know the 'Truth'. I began to study Hinduism, Buddhism, and astrology; and practiced yoga and transcendental meditation (I would years later have to repudiate my association with these things as I realized they are demonically influenced). My major in college was in fact comparative religions. I was willing to look at anything but Christianity since I'd already decided it couldn't be true - I thought, "all those ignorant hypocrites couldn't be right." When I finished college, I sort of apprenticed myself to a woman. I found out years later she was a witch. She taught me to read astrological charts. She also had a spirit that dwelled in her bookstore. She lived behind the store, and would occasionally hear the spirit knock on the door between the store and apartment. Or she would find books mysteriously fallen off the bookstore shelves. Although I had found little bits of true things in each religious system I studied, none of them held together completely - there were always contradictions, flaws, vague answers, etc. So I began to feel that perhaps I couldn't find truth just by study alone; maybe I had to experience it. And yet I was wary. I knew how easily I could be deceived. About a year out of college, I decided to go to Israel and live on a kibbutz (an extended agricultural community). I'd been fascinated when hearing about kibbutznicks in college - of their commitment to the ideal of establishing a homeland, sacrificing material and selfish goals for a greater cause. Once there, I stayed on a kibbutz at Caesarea on the Mediterranean Sea. While at a party one evening, I heard someone mention a fellow named Daniel. They said he was visiting the kibbutz and was coming to the party, but was presently in another room having a religious discussion. My ears perked up and I thought, "maybe this guy knows something about the Truth I'm looking for." After the party, as I was walking out, up came this fellow Daniel. My roommate, a Swedish girl who knew him from when he had previously lived on the kibbutz, introduced us. I inquired about his religious discussion and he answered by asking me if I was a Believer. My fascination bubble burst as I realized he was another "Bible thumper." I became kind of sarcastic and returned to my room. A short time later, my parents came through Israel for about five days on a world tour. They stayed at a Christian Missionary Alliance House in Jerusalem, and we arranged that I would meet them there to go traveling with them for a day. When I arrived, my mother seemed anxious for me to meet someone and ushered me into a room. Daniel, whom I'd met briefly on the kibbutz, walked in and my mother introduced us. A long time later I found out my mother had heard from the couple running the mission house that Daniel was having a tremendously effective ministry in Israel witnessing to people about Jesus Christ. She therefore asked him to witness to me. Daniel didn't know when she asked that I was the same girl he'd spoken to on the kibbutz. After talking with him for a while I realized he was really quite nice and very interesting and intelligent. He said he'd been planning to come back and stay on the kibbutz for a while. When he did come to the kibbutz he was put to work in the kitchen, where I also worked. I began to like and respect him but decided that I didn't want to get too close to someone who was a Christian. Since I didn't like working in the kitchen anyway I arranged for a transfer to the kibbutz guest houses. My first day of work there, while waiting in the enclosed truck bed with several others to be transported, I heard someone yelling in Hebrew to the person who was late to hurry up. Who should hop up into the truck but Daniel? I think my surprise was pretty apparent. He had been transferred, without requesting it, to work as an electrician (one of his trades) at the guest houses. I resigned myself that it must be my 'fate' to get to know this guy, as there were certainly some weird circumstances that I couldn't explain bringing us together. As I got to know him, I found he was unlike any other Christian I'd met. For one, he wasn't a hypocrite. He was really living to the fullest what he said he believed. He'd been to Bible school and was in Israel to study Hebrew and archaeology in preparation to go as a missionary to some really remote Pacific island (Tikopia - a primitive stone age culture in the Solomon Islands) to tell them of Jesus and translate the Bible into their language. He was doing this without any pledged financial support or organizational backing - just trusting God to guide and supply his needs. Whether I agreed with him or not, I had to respect him. I found it extremely puzzling that someone so intelligent, probably the most intelligent person I'd ever met, should be totally committed to Christianity. This caused me to ask him a lot of questions about his faith, and he was the first Christian I'd met who could give me reasonable answers to my questions - not just an emotional plea to blindly believe and be saved. In fact, he showed me proofs for the basis of his faith through fulfilled prophecy. I came to believe that there very possibly was a personal God and that the Bible might be His inspired book. Before I only believed in a good/evil 'force' of the universe and the animistic philosophy of astrology. It seemed this might be the proof I'd been looking for in my quest for Truth. But I still had trouble accepting the fact that Jesus was God - that God really could have come to earth in the flesh. So I told Daniel that I figured we'd never see each other again as I knew I'd never become a Christian. Years later I found out that he had to restrain himself from laughing in my face. He sensed I was responding to Truth and was convinced that I would eventually get saved. The Lord gave Daniel peace to leave for the mission field after we had known each other for a couple of months. I traveled for another seven months or so. I knew I really needed to seriously examine Christianity, yet I rationalized that I was too busy traveling. The 1973 Yom Kippur War had broken out; and I became fascinated with the country of Israel, the people, and the events that were taking place. It puzzled me to no end how this tiny country, in the midst of vast armies of Arabs, wound up winning wars against impossible odds. I would hear of miraculous, seemingly supernatural events, that on several occasions saved Israeli military troops. When I finished traveling I was out of money, so I had to live with my parents in New York for a while. I hadn't lived with them in about six years. I noticed some changes. My parents used to entertain a lot on weekends: now, instead, I observed my father on a Saturday night studying the Bible and preparing to teach Sunday school the next morning. I found out some time later that he'd had a born-again experience while I had been away. My mother and I had a history of a lot of conflicts, especially during my teenage years: now on occasion I would see her almost bite her tongue rather than get in a fight or hassle me. They were quite involved in church activities, and had left the liberal church I'd grown up in to help start a Christian Missionary Alliance Church. My Dad, I found out later, was praying during the time I was staying with them that I'd get saved before I left home again. I had but one friend in the area, and she too had gotten saved and was now a Christian. It took me a month to find a job. With all this time alone, I decided this was the time to really examine Christianity. I had a hard time reading the Bible because the New Testament made such clear statements that Jesus was God - the very fact I had trouble accepting. So I read books by Christians like C.S. Lewis. The more I studied, the more convinced I became that this might be true. Just in case it was, I began to pray, and the Lord began to answer my prayers. An Indian Evangelist, a friend of my parents, came to visit us. He gave me the book, 'The Late Great Planet Earth' by Hal Lindsey. As I read, I was reminded of all the things Daniel had spoken to me about in Israel. Only now I was more open. I saw that just as fulfilled prophecy gave proof of the existence of God and the authority of His Word, so also Jesus proved who He was partly by the prophecies He fulfilled. One evening, after my parents were in bed, I finished reading the book. I knew that I had become convinced intellectually Jesus was God and had come in the flesh to die for our sins. This was the exclusive, proven Truth I'd been looking for. I realized now I had to respond to this Truth I'd been looking for with a personal commitment of my life. I got down on my knees next to my bed and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and be my Savior. I know there was a change because from then on I became very convicted of sin in my life and wanted to please God more than anything. I also had a real hunger to study the Bible, and became obsessed with wanting to find out what God wanted me to do with my life. I knew from Daniel's testimony to me in Israel that getting saved wasn't just getting my ticket to heaven, but it was a matter of submitting myself totally to God and service to Him. I knew God had a plan for my life so I began to pray that God would reveal His will to me. I told God I would go wherever and do whatever He wanted me to. After some time of praying, the thought of going to help Daniel in his ministry crossed my mind. He'd finished an academic year in the Solomon Islands and was at that time doing some advanced linguistic work in Australia. I thought at first it must just be my own wishful thinking - I desired to be around someone like Daniel in order to be discipled, and I knew no one to do this locally. I'd also fallen in love with Daniel while in Israel. I decided to write Daniel and ask him what to do since he knew God better than me (We'd been writing off and on as he'd continued to witness and then to disciple me by mail). In response, he expressed his affection for me, however he said I would have to seek God's will and do whatever God told me. This left me in turmoil. I really wanted God's perfect will in my life. I knew enough somehow to pray for peace. I was in such indecision. One night I got down on my knees, and as I prayed, God really zapped me with His peace. I also figured I could pray for open/closed doors. I was working as a medical clerk in our local hospital and had been informed about a job opening in the new psychiatric wing. I'd been really interested in psychology in college, so I thought perhaps the Lord could use me in Christian counseling. When I didn't hear about the job, I called up to check and was informed that there was no such job available - so much for the closed door. For an open door, I needed money and a visa for Australia. At that time you couldn't just buy a ticket for Australia, but also had to have a return ticket so you wouldn't try to stay and work there, taking a job away from a national. I didn't have enough money for a round trip ticket form New York to Australia. I received a prayer letter from Daniel stating that his Australian visa was about to run out and that he was planning to go on to New Zealand. It then dawned on me that if the Lord was calling me somewhere, I didn't need a round trip ticket. I had enough to buy a ticket to Australia, then on to New Zealand. I was able to get a visa, so I wrote Daniel to tell him how God had spoken to me and of my plans. We hadn't seen each other for about a year and a half and had only known each other for a couple of months in Israel. Because we were convinced it was of the Lord, we were married within two weeks of my arrival. After we were married, Daniel shared fully with me why he was convinced. God had shown him He was going to give him a wife. As Daniel had dated several women in the past who would possibly have made excellent missionary wives, some of whom would have liked to marry him, he prayed for a sign for God's perfect will. He prayed that a woman would contact him and tell him she felt led to come and help him in the work, not just get married, since the Lord's work and doing God's perfect will came first in his life and must also in hers. When he told me that the wording in my letter to him was exactly what he had prayed for, I was doubtful. I remembered questioning what I could possibly do to help him in his work. But when he showed me the letter, there it was. God has used me in many ways as Daniel's helpmate. One way is as his secretary - something he really needed for his writing and translation ministry. As we've traveled around, we've either lived by direct faith in places where we couldn't work or have been self supporting. On occasion, I've been able to work for our personal finances, as well as those of the ministry. In American Samoa I taught high school art and on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona I was a nurse at the Indian Hospital (I've become an RN). Nursing is also an occupation that can open up numerous opportunities to witness and minister to people on the job, and is an excellent profession for entering countries closed to traditional missionaries. God is so good, Not only had Jesus gone to so much trouble to reveal His Truth to me, transform my life, and save me for all eternity; He also answered a prayer I'd prayed as a teenager before I began to doubt Christianity. As I saw the empty materialistic lives around me, even of a lot of Christians or churchgoing people, I prayed not for a happy life in the sense of how the world views happiness (like the 'American Dream'), but I prayed for a meaningful life. God has used me working as Daniel's helpmate in ways that I never could have imagined, giving me such a wonderful sense of fulfillment. I can't think of any life more meaningful than finding and doing God's perfect will and taking your part in completing the most important task in history - Jesus' Great Commission to 'Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation,' (Mark 16:15). The above testimony was used with permission from the Testimony Newsletter. Personal testimonies are welcome and encouraged. Contact: Testimony Newsletter Dennis R. Mallory, Publisher P. O. Box 14974, Albany, New York 12212-4974 Education Education By the time this article is published in MORNING STAR, Californians will have already voted on Proposition 174. The following report is from the CHRISTIAN SCHOOL COMMENT, a publication of the Association of Christian Schools International, Volume 25 number 2. CALIFORNIA'S PROPOSITION 174 "THE SUPER BOWL OF BALLOT INITIATIVES" By Dr. Paul A. Kienel, Executive Director Association of Christian Schools International Fifteen percent of America's school children attend school in California - slightly more than five million youngsters. That is why Dr. William J. Bennett, former United States Secretary of Education, says California's Parental Choice in Education Amendment (Proposition 174) appearing on the state's November ballot is "The Super Bowl of ballot initiatives." In fact, he called it, "The mother of all ballot initiatives." On many issues, good and bad, California often becomes a testing ground for the United States and sometimes for Canada. The idea of giving parents a choice where to send their children to school did not originate with California. Numerous states in recent years have introduced "choice" within the public school system. Choice within public schools does little, of course, to bring about education reform through "free market" competition. Choice within public schools is like telling customers of a chain store, "Try one of our other stores." "Free market" competition in education happens ONLY when state and federal laws permit the use of tax dollars in the form of student vouchers or tuition tax credits to be redeemed in private and religious schools. The City of Milwaukee and the State of Minnesota currently use public funds to support private school choice. Even at The White House one could say that government funds (President Clinton's salary) are being used to send the President's daughter, Chelsea, to a private religious school! These programs, however, are small and relatively non-threatening to the public schools compared to the aggressive voucher proposals written by political libertarians in the western states of Oregon in 1991, Colorado in 1992 and now California in 1993. The Oregon and Colorado voucher proposals failed but their strong support by the taxpaying public caused the Oregon and Colorado state affiliates of The National Education Association to spend millions of dollars defeating them. Forbes Magazine reporting on NEA tactics against California's Proposition 174 said, "The NEA-affiliated California Teachers' Association used unprecedented tactics to disrupt the effort (by Libertarians) to place a school choice initiative on the ballot - including blocking would-be signators' access to the petition in shopping malls, allegedly sabotaging the petition with fake names and offering a signature-collection firm $400,000 to decline the account." (1) CTA's efforts effectively delayed Proposition 174 but it will be on the California ballot November 2,1993. Voucher proposals originating the western states are threatening to public schools because they offer substantial tax dollars to parents (Prop. 174 offers $2,600) to spend at any school of their choice and promise a minimum of state regulation for private and religious school educators who redeem the vouchers. Consequently, the public school community fears not only a loss of students and income but also a loss of power. Speaking of the California initiative, William Bennett said, "This is more than about money. It's about control and it's about power." (2) Consequently, some Christian school educators believe the private and religious schools are being "used"- - "USED" to create a threat to the public schools, - "USED" to create competition and - "USED" to wrench power away from the public school establishment. The focus is on getting at the power base of the public schools and not on the advancement of Christian school education. Another former U.S. Secretary of Education, Lamar Alexander, speaking of vouchers said, "A public school would become any school that receives students brought in with public monies. So that a private school that accepts vouchers becomes another type of public school." Lamar Alexander was obviously not speaking to a Christian school audience when he made that statement. The Association of Christian Schools International has 801 member schools in California with a combined student enrollment of 130,780. ACSI mailed our California school administrators the pro and con arguments on Proposition 174 and then surveyed their opinion. The majority of our members can be characterized as cautiously supportive of the measure. Some were STRONGLY supportive and some were STRONGLY opposed. Even those, however, who were SUPPORTIVE made statements which reflect their concern, such as: Wilton, CA - We would only accept this money if there were no strings attached. Governmental interference of any degree would not be acceptable. Accountability is not a problem, dictation of policies is. We really have a difficult time believing the government gives anything away free! We will soon see. Oak View, CA - I would support the amendment until restrictions would place our curriculum or teaching practices in jeopardy. Frankly, we really don't expect to ever see a voucher redeemed even if passed. Have you received your auto insurance rebate yet? Castro Valley, CA - We are not committed re: participation, if passed. We are very concerned re: future of schools who become dependent upon this money. Oroville, CA - I have some reservations about this being a Trojan horse for Christian schools. Santa Monica, CA - My support is very weak due to the possibility of government intrusion ... One administrator who was STRONGLY SUPPORTIVE offered this caution: Escondido, CA - I only pray we are not playing into Satan's hand by allowing a POTENTIAL foothold into our school by governmental regulations. All of us are affected to some degree by the old adage that if you take the king's shilling you become the king's man. The momentum for educational vouchers is strong. Many believe that full-range vouchers represent the only viable means of breaking up the public school monopoly. There are a growing number of angry people who are bent on breaking up the monopoly. Only time will tell if the spin off effect of this struggle is a windfall for Christian school education or a liability to our cause. It's not too early to pray earnestly about it. (1) Peter Brimelow and Leslie Spencer, "The National Extortion Association," Forbes, June 7, 1993, P.78-79. (2) William Bennett, radio interview, Issues in Education, August 21, 1993. Prison Ministry Prison Ministry Warm Hearts in a Cold Joint ... FRANKY'S MERRY CHRISTMAS by James Brett Barnett Franky is one of those men who came every night to sit and pray. He' s a young fellow, not much over five feet tall, and he thinks a little slowly. He could not read, nor could he write much more than his own name, but he loved to sit and listen as we read the Bible. Some would call Franky retarded. I never learned why he was in prison. Sometimes we asked him to lead our closing prayer. Although not fancy, his prayers were always heartfelt. One night before Christmas, Franky came over to my bunk in tears. He said, "She shouldn't of lied to me, she could 'a' told me, she just shouldn't of lied..." "Calm down, Franky, calm down. What's the matter?" It took a while, but finally I got the story. It seems Franky had phoned a foster lady he called his "auntie." The state assigned this person to keep him when he was a minor because as he said it "they didn't know where my mama was." His "auntie" promised to send him some Christmas money to buy something from the commissary. Now this lady couldn't or wouldn't accept his collect phone call. Franky was heartbroken over a $10 prison-store order that he wouldn't get for Christmas. What does one do in a crisis like that? Christmas in prison is rough on all of us. I would have given him the money if I had any. But I'm a convict too. Still, I wanted to minister to my young friend. Somehow, a caring heart comes as standard equipment when one is "born again." The thoughts that go through a young Christian's head at times like these can be rough to sort through. Especially when one has troubles of his own to deal with. "Lord, I can't handle this," I silently prayed. "That's right, you can't," came the answer. (Uh-oh, now what?) "So, what do I do now?" "Trust me" was all I heard. So I trusted. I went to Franky. "Franky, you believe in Jesus, and you know He loves you more than anyone else. Let's ask Him to help." Franky agreed, so we joined hands to pray. "Lord, please help my friend have a merry Christmas and send him $10 to spend in the store. Amen." We finished our prayer just as men began arriving for our nightly prayer time. "Hey, what's up?" one of the guys asked. "We're praying for a merry Christmas for Franky." It all came together so fast I didn't have time to think about it. Some instant coffee a few cookies convicts call "cutmouths," a moon-pie, and a bunch of convicts singing "Silent Night." (Brings tears to my eyes to think about it even now.) Franky had a real nice party as guys began giving him little presents, like a new pencil or a Bible marker, or a pair of socks. It was a miracle, for sure, but God wasn't through yet. He always gets things right. After a week or so, I'd completely forgotten Franky's Christmas prayer. He was happy and the crisis was over. Then our Lord tested me again. A lady who once came to our prison chapel with one of the ministries wrote to me for prayer and sent a money order for $10. Her husband was divorcing her, and she was a mess, but still she felt impressed to send me the money. Here was a voucher and a letter from someone I hardly expected to send me money. More amazing, the prison had allowed it to be posted to my book. Thank you, Lord, for the needed money. Now I can get some shampoo and maybe a snack or two." "It's not your money," a still small voice nagged. In typical fashion, I said, "Huh?" "Remember your prayer for Franky." "But Lord, I haven't been to the store in almost three months." No answer. I knew what I had to do. I went to find Franky. "Franky, here's a store list. Let's work it up and I'll pick up the order for you next week." Franky didn't understand He said "What do you want? I ain't got no money." In his simple way he thought I was trying to trick him out of something, as most convicts would. He thought I wanted him to buy something for me. "No, Franky, no. Don't you remember? We prayed for God to send you $10. Well, it came in today and I love you $2 worth, so let's make a $12 order." I threw in my last two months' wages with a tear beginning in my eye. We eventually got an order figured out. Then for weeks Franky would walk around and "share" a plastic bag of cutmouth cookie crumbs with us. After prayer at night, he would share his Christmas blessing with us in simple Christian love. But again, that ain't all of the story. My friend who sent Franky's $10 didn't need to worry about her rent. It was paid in full by an anonymous person. And the very night I gave Franky the store order that I had placed for him, I received another money order from someone on my list to buy shampoo. Just a miracle, that's all. Ain't God good! Author James Brett Barnett is an Alabama prisoner. Reprinted from INSIDE JOURNAL "The Hometown Newspaper of America's Prisoners" by PRISON FELLOWSHIP P.O. Box 16429 Washington DC 20041-6429 Music Music After 26 years experience as church musician at several churches, Dennis Mumper is the Director of Music at the Canonsburg United Presbyterian Church in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Mumper directs the Adult Chancel Choir, the Children's Choir, and the Bell Choir. He holds a Master of Music Education and a Bachelor in church music majoring in pipe organ from Westminster College. THE SINGING OF MILLIONS OF ANGELS By Dennis Mumper Being directly involved in church music for well over twenty-five years in various denominations, I've found common threads that weave them all together. I've learned that musically you can please no one all the time. Common phrases like "I didn't like any of the hymns today", or "I didn't know any of the hymns today", or None of the hymns today were my favorites", flourish in all churches. This tells me several things. First, the number of hymns the congregation is acquainted with is limited. Second, they don't know why particular hymns are used, and lastly they are not paying attention to what the hymn is saying. The readily available, "music at your fingertips", on tapes, records, CD's and radio have slowly developed Christian Music from a form of worship to another form of entertainment. This is not wrong. As a "Christian", I would wish to entertain myself with "Christian" music rather than "Non-Christian" music. But what is wrong is, that we as church musicians, have not educated our congregations to read and understand the lyrics (words) of the music. Instead we seem to sometimes pay greater attention to the pretty melodies and rich harmonies, rather than to the message. What makes a song sacred is not the melody, the instruments, nor the person singing the song, but the words. Martin Luther, to get better congregational participation, used the great medium of music. Many times he would take melodies from their everyday life and write new "sacred" lyrics to them. This way, it was not only easier to sing the new lyrics (they already knew) but, can you imagine the everyday songs now being sung with Christian meaning? How do you educate the congregation? First you should teach them how to use a hymnal. The basic hymnbook is quite user friendly. At a glance you can gain some very useful information on the hymns within its covers. The General Index will usually be found at the rear of the hymnal. If you know the name of a particular hymn or are familiar with it's first line you can easily find the page it's on. Most people are familiar with the General Index, but, let's open a few more doors in the hymnal. The Topical Index is where you will find hymns that are related to a certain "topic". For instance, under the topic "Father's Day", you may find the hymns "A Christian Home", "Faith of our Fathers" etc. Now, you are beginning to look like a real expert on hymns! When someone says they wish to sing a hymn about the Church, you will quickly find "A Mighty Fortress" is quite fitting. Next you will find the Metrical Index quite useful. Looking under the strange script (11,7,11,7 with refrain), you will find the hymn "Softly and Tenderly". Turning to that page you will find that when you sing this hymn it takes eleven notes to sing the first phrase, seven notes for the second phrase, eleven notes for the third phrase and seven notes for the fourth, followed by the hymn's refrain. What does this do for you? It gives you the freedom to find or write other lyrics that can be placed in the (11,7,11,7) format. Many hymns are based using familiar melodies or "tunes". These tunes were named for saints, their original composers, churches, etc. The tune "Hyfrydol" was used for "Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus". It was also used for "Our Great Savior". (If you took your hymnal and looked this tune up, you would also find a Metrical Index of (8,7,8,7,D) which matches with Beethoven's, "Song of Joy". You can sing "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" to "Hyfrydol")! The Index of Authors and Composers help, if you know the name of a composer and wish to examine their hymns. Calvin wrote 6500 hymns, of which 200 still exist. If you wish to sing a hymn by Calvin, simply look up his name. One of the most important portions of the index is the Scriptural Index. If you are basing your hymn selection upon the day's message, (this is the way hymns should be selected), then you use this section. If the scripture being used that day is (Matthew 5:1-12), then you will find a hymn such as "All Creatures of Our God and King" quite fitting. But you have to pay attention to the scripture and the lyrics of the hymn to see the connection! As you can see, we don't sing hymns just as a means to keep the service going. They are a means of meaningful worship. They are prayers, psalms, praise, rejoicing, thankfulness, scriptures and sermons. They can express your faith in very special and beautiful ways. Music has played an important role in the Bible. It is first mentioned in Genesis 4:14-18, Jubal the first musician. Saul, while being tormented by a spirit listened to harp music to calm him down, (I Samuel 16:14-18). In II Samuel 6:5 we find music being used to celebrate and praise God. You will find this many times; (I Chronicles 15:28 and 16:42, II Chronicles 7:6 and 29:25, all of the Psalms, and at the close of the Last Supper, (Matthew 26:30), "And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives". Now that the congregation is paying more attention to the words and realize how the hymns are related to the total message of that day, it's time to expand the number of hymns they sing. Remember, a new hymn is only new the first time. After that, the congregation will recognize the melody. You are not limited to the hymns in one hymnbook, but to literally thousands. Start a collection of hymnals. By checking the copyright, you will find many of the hymns public domain and can be used without copyright infringement. Make it a point to teach your congregation at least one new hymn a month. If it is a hymn of Praise, use it as a congregational introit at the beginning of the service. Once you have established a routine the people will be expecting a new hymn and even looking forward to it. As the music leader of your church, you are to lead the music in the service. Give it a purpose, a direction. Just as the minister's message has a starting point and an ending point with means in the middle, so should your music. That's why it is called the Ministry of Music, because it is just that. Every once in a while include a hymn story in the bulletin explaining who wrote the hymn or why. But always keep the congregation aware of the fact that the music is sacred and not to sing it like they are just passing time. I have used the term hymn to be all inclusive of hymns, psalms, canticles, carols, chorales and gospel tunes. Become your church's hymnologist; the more interest you have, the more your congregation will have. "Then in my vision I heard the singing of millions of angels surrounding the throne, and the living beings and the elders:", "The Lamb is Worthy", (Revelation 5:11,12,) indeed "He" is worthy. Chef's Corner Chef's Corner CHRISTMAS DAY - If you and your family are among those who are looking for a change from turkey, perhaps this is your year for an English Christmas Dinner. Our menu for six features an elegant Standing Rib Roast with Yorkshire Pudding. What could be more traditional - or more sure to please your family and guests! Try two extra special vegetable dishes with this meal: Creamed Celery Parmesan, combines the flavors of mild celery and crisp almonds with the bite of Parmesan cheese. Brussels Sprouts and Carrots are in an easy-to-prepare but utterly delicious Mushroom Sauce. Christmas would not be complete without eggnog - for this dinner it's Eggnog Christmas Salad! Red Caviar Ring is an elegant and fabulous-tasting dish for your table. For dessert, Ambrosia combines tart citrus fruit flavors with sweet coconut. Of course, no English Christmas Dinner would be complete without a dessert pudding - English Steamed Pudding. The featured meat is one of the most fabulous of all beef cuts, the STANDING RIB ROAST. To prepare, place one roast in a baking pan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste; place one sliced onion over the top. Insert meat thermometer according to manufacturer's directions. Bake in a 325-degree oven to desired doneness. The pan drippings from this roast are the foundation for YORKSHIRE PUDDING. You prepare the pudding batter while the meat is cooking. Mix 1 cup sifted flour and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add 1 cup milk gradually, beating until smooth. Add two eggs, one at a time, beating until smooth. Cover and place in refrigerator until roast is done. After removing roast from oven, increase oven temperature to 425 degrees. Pour 1/4 cup hot beef drippings from baking pan into a shallow 8 x 10-inch pan. Place pan in oven until drippings are hot. Remove pan and pour in refrigerated pudding mixture. Return to oven and bake for 25 minutes. Do not open oven door while baking. Cut into squares and serve immediately with hot roast beef. CREAMED CELERY PARMESAN is an elegant vegetable treat. To prepare, melt 2 tablespoons butter in a large skillet until frothy. Add 1 cup slivered almonds and 3 cups diced celery. Cover; saute for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add 2 more tablespoons butter and let melt. Blend in 2 tablespoons flour and cook, stirring, for one minute. Add 1/2 cup light cream, 1/8 teaspoon pepper, and 1 cup boiling chicken broth. Stir until blended. Cook over moderately high heat, stirring, until the sauce comes to a boil and thickens. Spoon into a one-quart casserole dish and sprinkle with 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese. Broil until the cheese browns. BRUSSELS SPROUTS AND CARROTS IN MUSHROOM SAUCE - Simmer 2 packages frozen Brussels Sprouts and 4 large carrots, sliced, in 1/2 cup boiling water to which 1 teaspoon salt has been added. Let cook until tender. Add 1 can cream of mushroom soup and heat thoroughly. Add 1/2 cup grated cheese and stir slightly. Serve immediately. EGGNOG CHRISTMAS SALAD - Drain one No.2 can crushed pineapple. Pour the juice into a saucepan and heat to the boiling point. Soften 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin in 3 tablespoons lemon juice. Dissolve in heated pineapple juice and cool to room temperature. Add 1 1/2 cups eggnog, the drained pineapple, and 3/4 cup chopped celery. Pour into a five-cup mold. Chill until firm. Then dissolve one 3-ounce package raspberry gelatin in 1 3/4 cups boiling water. Add Cranberry-Orange Relish (recipe follows) and cool. Pour over congealed eggnog-gelatin mixture, and chill until firm. For the CRANBERRY-ORANGE RELISH, grind one pound fresh cranberries and two whole oranges, seeded, in a food grinder, or blend the fruits in an electric blender. Add 1 cup sugar and chill for several hours to blend flavors. Its tangy good taste is just what you need to give Eggnog Christmas Salad a perfect color - and a delightfully unexpected tartness! RED CAVIAR RING also brings a festive holiday note to your Christmas table - Soften one envelope unflavored gelatin in one 7-ounce bottle lemon-lime carbonated drink. Heat in double boiler, stirring, until completely dissolved. Chill until slightly thickened. Combine 1/2 pint sour cream and 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Fold in 1 cup heavy cream, whipped, and gelatin mixture. Add one 4-ounce jar red caviar and pour into a one-quart ring mold. Chill until firm. Unmold on a serving platter and garnish with salad greens. For the perfect finishing touch, fill the hollow center of the caviar ring with crab meat salad. AMBROSIA - To prepare, cut 12 large peeled oranges into segments and remove the membranes. Reserve any orange juice. Drain 1 cup shredded fresh coconut and reserve the milk. Drain two 1-pound cans pineapple chunks and reserve a small amount of syrup. Layer orange segments, coconut, and pineapple chunks in a glass serving bowl. Mix reserved orange juice, coconut milk, and pineapple syrup and pour over fruits. Chill thoroughly. In keeping with the English tone of this holiday dinner, you must offer the traditional ENGLISH STEAMED PUDDING. Mix 1 cup ground suet, 2 cups bread crumbs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 cup raisins, and 1 cup currants. Mix in 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 teaspoons nutmeg, and 1/4 pound chopped nutmeats. Stir in 1 cup sour milk or buttermilk and 1 teaspoon soda. Mix well. pour into a greased pudding mold (fill more than 2/3 full). Tie a greased paper over the mold. Place mold on rack in a large pan of boiling water. Steam for three hours. What a perfect finish for this English Christmas Dinner! Column - Forgiving Others Column - Forgiving Others FORGIVING OTHERS By Mike Wilkinson "Therefore the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. And when he had begun to settle accounts, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. But as he was not able to pay, his master commanded that he be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and that payment be made. The servant therefore fell down before him, saying, 'Master, have patience with me, and I will pay you all.' Then the master of that servant was moved with compassion, released him, and forgave him the debt. But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, 'Pay me what you owe!' So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, 'Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.' And he would not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay the debt. So when his fellow servants saw what had been done, they were very grieved, and came and told their master all that had been done. Then his master, after he had called him, said to him, 'You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?' And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him. So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses" (Matthew 18:23-35). Our God is a forgiving God. He forgives all of our sins in His great mercy. He sent His son Jesus to pay the penalty so we could be free from the guilt and shame we deserve. When we receive His forgiveness, He no longer remembers our sins, so we are right with Him once again. He sees us as clean and whole, and does not hold a grudge or remind us of what we have done. "The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us" (Psalms 103:8-12). And yet, although we know such great forgiveness from the Lord, there are Christians who will not forgive others, or who will not forgive themselves. This is contrary to the will of God, and hinders the expression of the love of God in His church. When we forgive others, we should forgive as God forgives, not remembering the wrong we have suffered, not reminding the person of their sin, and not telling others about the problem. If we keep the sin alive, we have not truly forgiven. The Matthew 18 passage above intends to show us what God sees when a forgiven person will not forgive others. Its purpose is not to make us live in dread of God, but rather to reform our ways when we forget to treat others as we have been treated. We who are in Christ should love and forgive. "Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful" (Colossians 3:12-15). Request for Volunteers Request for Volunteers PARTICIPANTS NEEDED Proclaim Publishing is asking help with a national questionnaire for married Christians. The comments will be compiled and examples given to indicate the keys to a happy (successful) marriage from a biblical point of view. The idea is that the best marriages are those where both partners are committed to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and where they practice God's Word. Confidentiality is guaranteed if desired. If you wish to help with this study, we'll send you a questionnaire. Write to: 1117 Marquette Ave., Suite 2303 Minneapolis, MN 55403 E-mail: Fax: (612) 673-0866 International Mission Field Mission Field With all the strife in Haiti we are seeing in the news of late, this timely article reminds us that there is always hope ... BUCKET BY BUCKET, BLOCK BY BLOCK Mike Turvey Merriam, Kansas An organization called Men for Missions (MFM) was founded in the mid 1950's by a Christian layman who thought that missions had been an activity for church ladies for far too long. His vision was for laymen to get involved in mission work. This organization has introduced thousands of men (and women) to Christian service abroad, much of it in the area of construction. In foreign countries, however, building churches, schools, clinics, etc, is remarkably different. Forget calling for ready-mix concrete or going to the local tool-rental store. Such was the situation as we worked on the Eglise Evangelique (Evengelical Church) in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, this past January 1993. It's not convenience that counts, however. Love is the mortar of those concrete blocks, and it's love that inspires tired bodies to carry still another bucket of cement. Hard work? Certainly! But the harvest of souls yet to come provides the motivation. The dedication service for this church will be a spiritual high for hundreds of individuals who responded to MFM's slogan of "do, go andgive", with their sweat, dollars, and prayer. Our team, consisting of a wide variety of individuals, joined forces with a college age group spending their semester break in the impoverished country of Haiti, to help build this church. Putting our collective "hands to the plow,", we poured columns and beams, welded rebar supports, and laid block on a second floor for two solid weeks. Previous work teams had already dismantled the old church and poured the foundation and walls for the ground floor. Today the church is closer to completion and I know future teams will bring it to fulfillment. While each worker retains his own special memories, one of mine recalls the "thank-you" meal prepared out of gratitude by the ladies of the church. Served buffet-style, mounds of rice and peas with numerous other delicious dishes, even goat meat - were washed down with American soft drinks, then topped off by a fresh fruit dessert. The fellowship and unity we sensed that evening added greatly to our dining pleasure. Although our fellow Haitian helpers spoke little English, God's love was communicated through his Holy Spirit that night to us all. Words cannot describe the sounds, sights, and odors of this foreign land. But, we remember that everyone in Haiti is precious to God. Lack of material goods does not equate to poverty of spirit. I found that Haitian believers posses a richness of love for the Saviour that few of us know. Even so, without the "Yes, Lord" of yet-unknown future workers, the church will be far less that it could be. Here's where dollars, prayers, and perspiration can be transformed into souls soon to know Jesus. Spiritual hope awaits the thousands who will eventually enter these doors. Can the Lord count on you to come? For more info contact Mike via Internet at: Partners International Partners International PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL Ministry Highlights - October 1993 BAPTISMS KEEP THEM BUSY Chinese evangelists sponsored by Partners International report having had a busy summer. They were busy "not on the farms, but by the riverside baptizing new believers." Many times the baptisms were done at night. Some groups ventured out more boldly during the day. In one service where 60 people were baptized, the oldest person making that step of faith was a 70-year-old lady. She said that it was "the happiest day of her life." ANOTHER "UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP" RECEIVES A CHURCH Skopje, Macedonia, has the largest number of Gypsy people living in any one place about 80,000. They are 70 percent Muslim, and are considered an "unreached people" by missions researchers. Our partner, the Balkan Mission, announced just last month the opening of the first Gypsy church in Skopje! About 40 new Gypsy believers and seekers are meeting in a rented facility. SKYROCKETING CHURCH GROWTH Recent statistics show significant growth in the number of churches planted by our partner ministries. The Philippine Missionary Fellowship planted 96 churches from 1956-1989, a 33-year period. In just the last four years, they have established 124 more churches and have about 100 more church planting projects in process. The Rajasthan Bible Institute established 72 churches between 1975 and 1990. In the last three and a half years they have started 406 more! The Evangelical Theological Seminary of Indonesia planted about 600 churches through 1990. Now the number has more than doubled to 1,445. However, these advances are not without great cost. For example, 67 of the full-time workers of the Philippine Missionary Fellowship are laboring with no financial support at all. Partners International is trying to find sponsors for these workers who are living by faith alone. RAINS ARE A WITNESS Jacob and Rosie Devasagayam, both medical doctors, gave up the opportunity for lucrative practices in the USA and returned to work among the poor in their homeland of India. They and their staff provide free medical care and a Christian witness to 67 villages. They have recently begun a farm to demonstrate better farming techniques to villagers. This year the Lord blessed them with very good monsoon rains after many years of drought. Dr. Jacob Devasagayam reports, "The villagers feel the rains are good this year because we Christians have started the farming project. In our culture this is a significant testimony." TRAINING ARAB CHRISTIANS Each year the Arab World Evangelical Ministers Association (AWEMA) trains Arab Christian leaders at a location in the Middle East. Again this year Partners International subsidized the training, covering 50 percent for some participants and more for others from very poor circumstances, like the pastors from Iraq who earn the equivalent of $5 per month. This training is precious to leaders who normally do not receive much teaching or fellowship, but live day to day amidst masses of Muslim people. The training in Arabic covers evangelism, discipleship, missions and apologetics. Participants also take to the streets for outreach. Francisco Velasquez, Partners International's North Africa/Middle East Coordinator, wrote: "I'm impressed with the impact that these outreaches have on the people. Here we have brothers from different countries, all of them ministers or evangelists, who have never had the freedom to share the gospel in Arabic so openly to a fellow Arabic-speaking man. They get excited. They see that it is possible. The impact on their lives is amazing." A new opportunity has just opened up for Christians in the USA to support Arab church planters trained by AWEMA and working among Arabs in the Middle East. About 24 workers are ready now, and the number may soon grow to 40. TOO MANY WANT TRAINING Partners International's newest partner ministry, St. Petersburg Christian College in St. Petersburg, Russia, reports more applicants than they can handle. For the next year 600 have applied for 45 spaces. REAL-LIFE TRAINING Students at Antioch Mission's missionary training course in Brazil went to Uruguay and held services in homes and churches and gave radio broadcasts. The team discovered that the people consulted witch doctors, similar to the "Macumba" type of witchcraft practiced in Brazil. They explained how people can be set free from witchcraft and demons. Many turned to Christ. Some were healed of physical ailments and others were delivered from demon possession. A number of these trainees will join the 56 Latin Americans already sent out by Antioch Mission to places as far as North Africa or Albania. Though Partners International assists in the support of the Antioch Mission staff, all the Brazilian missionaries they send out are supported by Latin American churches. Jonathan Santos, the ministry leader, wrote: "We keep targeting new countries where people do not have the freedom to hear the gospel or even have a Bible." THE COST OF CONVERSION Suwardi, a Partners International-supported worker in Indonesia, told about visiting the home of a girl named Darmi. About 20 of her family and relatives had gathered there. Eight accepted Christ as their Savior that night, including Mrs. Darmo, Darmi's mother. Starting with this family, Suwardi began building a house church in their home. Then Darmi's older sister, who works in another city, heard about the meetings. She threatened to never come home again unless the meetings stopped. Mrs. Darmo's brother scolded her and tried to force her to return to Islam by signing a statement. He also threatened Suwardi, saying he should never return to the village if he wants to live. But Mrs. Darmo continued to allow the meetings to take place in her home. Suwardi writes, "This pressure is too much for Mrs. Darmo, who has just become a Christian. Pray for her." PARTNERS INTERNATIONAL 1470 N.4th St San Jose, CA 95112 Phone (800) 966-5515 In CA: (408) 453-3800 FAX: (408) 437-9708 CFI Reports CFI Reports CFI REPORTS is our monthly column dedicated to the ministries of CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL in Jerusalem. Our October, 1993 issue of MORNING STAR (Volume 3.1) presented a summary of the various CFI ministries and explained the foundational principles and objectives of CFI. In this month's column we present the 3rd quarter report of A CHRISTIAN VOICE FOR SOVIET JEWRY from Jerusalem. For more information please call CFI's U.S. office at 305-463-9100 (Fax: 305-525-1635) or write to: Hannele Sorensen CFI P.O. Box 63-8703 Margate, FL 33063-8703 A CHRISTIAN VOICE FOR SOVIET JEWRY A Quarterly Report from Jerusalem "... The Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country ... " (Jeremiah 23:8) TERRORISTS MURDER NEW IMMIGRANTS IN JUDEA AND SAMARIA Three new immigrants from the former Soviet Union were killed in July and August in three separate terrorist attacks on civilians . The first victim was Olga Khaikov, 42, married, mother of an eleven-year-old girl. On July lst--the first anniversary of her arrival in Israel--Olga boarded the 7:00 am bus to work from the northeast Jerusalem suburb of Neve Yakov. Minutes later two terrorists boarded the now-crowded bus, with bags filled with weapons and bombs. One standing near the driver pulled out an M16 and began firing. The driver and a passenger succeeded in throwing him to the floor as the bus careened to a stop atop a traffic island. But by then three were wounded, including Olga. She died in Hadassah hospital later that night. Also aboard the bus was the wife of a new immigrant who often helps out at the CFI Distribution Center. She was not injured, but experienced a period of shock and fear. The two terrorists fled from the bus, commandeered a car driven by an Israeli woman, and forced her to drive them toward Bethlehem. All three were killed in a hail of gunfire when they approached an army checkpoint. The two terrorists were identified as members of the fundamentalist Islamic organization Hamas. A Koran was found alongside their bodies in the burned-out car. The Israeli woman driver left behind a husband and four children. Only 50 meters from the CFI main office is their home, where our staffers visited with them during the shiva, their seven-day period of mourning. Just one week later, Mordecai Lipkin, 38, an artist, was driving home to his four small boys who were waiting at their home in the settlement of Tekoa, south of Bethlehem. His wife Ilana was away in Moscow on a short-term mission to other potential immigrants. Rounding a bend, he saw a car stopped at the side of the deserted road and terrorists, perhaps disguised as Jews, waving to him to stop. He never had time to pull his weapon. Minutes later, a passing bus with an army escort came on the scene. There were 16 bullet holes in the car, six in Mordecai's lifeless body. His wife Ilana was called home for the burial. She and other Tekoa residents resolved to establish a new Jewish presence at the site of his killing . Despite opposition from the army, they are keeping a daily vigil at the site, and each evening a group of students sit there to study the Tanakh. The attackers have not been found. The third killing took place August 20 in Ma'aleh Adumim, a city just east of the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem. Igor Gorgol, 32, was guarding a construction site on the eve of the Sabbath when terrorists burst into his hut and shot him twice. His body was discovered when workmen returned for the new work week on Sunday. Gorgol, divorced, had arrived from the Ukraine two years before. His assailants also remain unknown. Each of the three victims fell in the land returned to Israeli control in the 1967 war--the "occupied territories." They were in truth casualties in a battle taking place for the fulfillment of the word of God, for it is specifically to these "occupied territories" that the LORD has promised to gather returning immigrants. Consider what Ezekiel recorded: But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come. For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown. I will multiply men upon you, all the house of Israel, all of it; and the cities shall be inhabited and the ruins rebuilt. I will multiply upon you man and beast; and they shall increase and bear young; I will make you inhabited as informer times, and do better for you then at your beginnings. Then you shall know that I am the LORD. (Ezekiel 36:8-11) Where are the mountains of Israel to which the LORD speaks? Precisely in Judea and Samaria, the "occupied territories." The terrorists among the Arab population don't like it. Even the present government of Israel doesn't seem to like it. But it is the will of the LORD God to regather the Jewish people into these territories. To confirm this point, turn to another of the great ingathering prophecies, Jeremiah 32-33, which is even more geographically precise: Behold, I will gather them out of all countries where I have driven them in my anger, in my fury, and in great wrath; I will bring them back to this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely. They shall be My people, and I will be their God; then I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me forever, for the good of them and their children after them. And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from doing them good; but I will put my fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me. Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this land, with all My heart and with all My soul. For thus says the LORD: Just as I have brought all this great calamity on this people, so I will bring on them all the good that I have promised them. And fields will be bought in this land of which you say, "It is desolate, without man or beast; it has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans." Men will buy fields for money, sign deeds and seal them, and take witnesses, in the land of Benjamin, in the places around Jerusalem, in the cities of Judah, in the cities of the mountains, in the cities of the lowland, and in the cities of the South; for I will cause their captives to return, says the LORD. (Jeremiah 32:37-44) Here are specifically described the "occupied territories" where the three recent terror attacks took place: in the land of Benjamin (Olga Khaikov), in the places around Jerusalem (Igor Gorgol), and in the cities of Judah (Mordecai Lipkin). The ingathering to these territories is in fact underway, and is facing violent opposition. And those of us who would encourage the immigration must understand: the future of the ingathering is linked to the future of the territories. We must bear this in mind as the "Peace Process" accelerates. At this writing Israel's prime minister has agreed to hand over to the PLO not only the Gaza strip, but also the city of Jericho--a part of the land of Benjamin cited by Jeremiah. This, the first city given by God to the Israelites as they entered the land in biblical times, will under the agreement become the first to be voluntarily given away. The majority of Judea and Samaria is expected to quickly follow. But can the great ingathering which is promised really continue if the land meant for the immigrants is gone? Our response is to trust that, according to God's word, Judea and Samaria will not be lost -- and to act accordingly: PRAY -- At the end of the day it is only the LORD who will decide the issue. Psalm 33:10-11 "The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the people of no effect. The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of His heart to all generations." EDUCATE -- other believers and Israelis who may not realize the importance of this land to God's promise and plan for Israel. SUPPORT -- employment opportunities for new immigrants in Judea and Samaria. CFI is working now to identify appropriate projects. COMFORT -- the victims of those who violently oppose God's purposes (see box). Jonathan Miles CFI - Project Open Gates COMFORT, YES, COMFORT MY PEOPLE ... After the murder of Mordecai Lipkin by terrorists, CFI volunteer Jill Nelson visited his widow and four sons in their small cinder block house in the settlement of Tekoa: "When asked by Jonathan to go and visit is family, I felt nervous about how I would find them and how they would accept my sympathy . After all, how many people can truly understand such shock? Only through the great comforter Himself, the Holy Spirit. "I mainly spent time with the four children, David, 7; Yakov, 5; Avshalom, 4; and Betzalel, ; but their mother Ilana who is finding it difficult to pull their lives into normality, accepted our help warmly and I felt strangely bonded to her. "Another companion from work, Lizbet from Norway, and I brought groceries for the house and gave Ilana some peace and quiet while we took me children out to play. They are such beautiful children and it was so satisfying to see them laughing while Lizbet and I sat on the seesaw with all of them, bouncing up and down. "They speak regularly of their father and me phrase is constantly heard, "Abba sheli," (Hebrew for "my father"). They even describe his traumatic death in such a way that I wonder whether it has sunk into their young minds that it has actually happened. "After our first visit, Ilana asked that we take the two older sons, David and Yakov, to the zoo in Jerusalem so that she could have time to herself the younger ones were at their grandparents). That day I felt an increasing sadness for these two boys as they squeezed both of my hands tightly everywhere that we went." "TO DAVID" By Jill Nelson Hold my hand tighter little one, don't be afraid anymore. Your big eyes look so torn; sorrow has washed over them. Your innocent heart is throbbing with pain not many your age have known. The blue sky seems dull in your eyes now that Abba is not here. I know you cannot believe it ... that he is gone. But little one, turn your eyes to the Lord. He is a Father who will never leave you and nothing ... no one can take Him away from you. BREAKTHROUGH FOR OPERATION EXODUS The door is now open for greater Christian involvement in the ingathering of new immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel. After nearly two years of opposition, the Jewish Agency has reversed its position and agreed to cooperate with the Operation Exodus sailing line which is organized and sponsored by believers. Prior to this, the Jewish Agency had itself controlled all immigration programs to Israel since the pre-State days. Christians who wished to bring Jews to Israel could do so only through financial contributions to the Jewish Agency. The door to independent Christian activity first cracked open in December 1991, when the Bournemouth, England-based Ebenezer Emergency Fund organized three sailings which brought 1400 new immigrants from Odessa to Haifa. The event created a huge, positive splash in the Israeli media, with much discussion of the prophetic verses which motivated Christians to take part, e.g., Isaiah 49:22. A new round of sailings commenced in March, 1993 on a weekly schedule, completed with the 25th arrival of the ship on September 20. The work was initially hampered by lack of Jewish Agency cooperation both in the former Soviet Union and in Israel. But the Agency has now instructed its representatives in the former Soviet Union to help direct immigrants to the sailings, and has promised to give Operation Exodus immigrants equal treatment with the storage and transport of baggage upon their arrival in Israel. These two steps should prove of enormous benefit in organizing the next round of sailings. IMMIGRATION CONTINUES Meanwhile immigration to Israel continues at a steady pace of about 5,000 a month from the former Soviet Union. 41,000 arrived from January through August of this year. The total immigration from December 1989 through August 1993 is 439,000 Those newly arriving at the CFI Distribution Center tell us conditions are still deteriorating in the republics. One man told us that because of the rampant crime, he would escort his wife home each night from work, a hammer in his hand for protection. "But worst of all, people are beginning to hate each other," we heard from Abram Gringauz, another new immigrant who arrived in July. The 67-year-old former engineer, who "built half of Moscow", had to leave when the 1000+% inflation ravaged his pension of 22,000 rubles. When he left, a kilogram of sausage alone cost 7,000 rubles. Through the Distribution Center Christian friends helped Abram with a clothes cupboard for his new home, dental care, and eyeglasses; and we agreed together with him: "Thank God there is the possibility of coming to Israel." CFI Conference CFI Conference CHRISTIAN FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Invites You to Jerusalem for SHAVUOT (PENTECOST) 1994 "The Government shall be upon His Shoulder ..." (Isaiah 9:6) Ramada Renaissance Convention Center Jerusalem, Israel May 9-12, 1994 Dear Christian friends of Israel: Shalom and warmest greetings from Jerusalem in the name of Messiah Jesus! On behalf of the Jerusalem Office of Christian Friends of Israel, it is our pleasure to extend to you a very warm welcome to join us in Israel for Shavuot 1994. We are most excited in our spirits about the theme: "The Government Shall Be Upon His Shoulder ..." (Isaiah 9:6) During this time we pray that the Lord will draw us even closer together as an international body of believers in His love and oneness in anticipation of His reigning upon the earth. Our Shavuot conferences are designed to bring us in-depth teaching, times of prayer and intercession as well as personal ministry to the body of Messiah. As we learn more of God's government for our personal lives and of the rule of His government when He comes, we will respond to the Lord's call upon our lives to desire above all else, to please Him. Jerusalem is the only city on earth which is being prepared for the Messiah's return. Many Christian pilgrims visit during the year to see the historical places of the Bible and to see the Lord's work of bringing His people "home." We encourage you to make one of the most important pilgrimages you will ever make, to Jerusalem during this special time of Shavuot. Your active participation in the full program is encouraged. We anticipate a special time together in His City. In His Service, RAY SANDERS Director, CFI Jerusalem TENTATIVE TOPICS: The Government of God and His Rulership (Isaiah 9:6) Jerusalem: Destined to be called the Throne of the Lord (Jeremiah 3:17) The Inner Government of Our Lives (Galatians 2:20) The Priestly Work of Prayer (I Kings 8:38) Taking Up His Throne in our Hearts (Hebrews 4:16) For the Lord Hath Chosen Zion (Psalm 132:13) For It Is Time To Seek The Lord (Hosea 10:12) And He Shall Reign for Ever (Revelation 22:5) SPEAKERS: Johannes Facius / Lance Lambert / Derek Prince (Plus other internationally and locally known speakers) Davidic praise and worship by King of Kings Worship Team SPECIAL 10-DAY CONFERENCE TOUR May 5-14, 1994 (From JFK in New York) "See Israel Through Messianic Jewish Eyes" TOUR HOSTS: Hannele Sorensen (CFI) Neil & Jamie Lash (Love Song to the Messiah) For more information on the conference and/or the tour call: 1-305-463-9100 Or write to: Christian Friends of Israel - U.S.A. P.O. Box 63-8703 Margate, FL 33063-8703 Newsdesk Newsdesk MORNING STAR NEWSDESK - December 1993 This month's MORNING STAR newsdesk reports on developments in technology that are leading to the global economic system foretold in the Bible as well events north of Israel that may be bringing us closer to the prophesy of Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. PAVING THE HIGH-TECH HIGHWAY While the cable-TV industry has hogged the spotlight in the information superhighway derby, with shrewdly timed announcements, lobbying campaigns and huge deals, the race is only just beginning. The phone companies are now making their move and the result may be that the information superhighway could pull up to U.S. homes sooner than many expected. Companies such as Bell Atlantic, NYNEX and AT&T have been quietly working on ways to deliver interactive video and reams of information to computers and televisions in homes and offices. A century of switching signals to millions of phone lines and keeping track of whom to bill for what, gives the phone companies a leg up on cable companies when it comes to managing interactive TV. The phone companies are already ahead of cable operators in upgrading backbone networks with the fiber lines necessary for advanced video services. Strong balance sheets will allow them to raise billions to complete their rebuilding programs. Some phone companies are also choosing to ally themselves with cable companies. In May, U S West Inc. announced a $2.5 billion investment in cable and programming giant Time Warner Inc. Under this deal, the two will rebuild Time Warner's cable systems so they can offer video-on-demand services. Executives see this as clearing the way for more megadeals including a possible joint venture between Viacom, Paramount and several Baby Bells. Southwestern Bell is looking to buy two Washington-based cable systems outright which, if the deal is approved, would be the first time a U.S. phone company has taken over a domestic cable operator. (BUSINESS WEEK 09/20/93) NBC ACQUIRES MAJOR STAKE IN EUROPE'S SUPERCHANNEL NBC says it has acquired a major share of Europe's Superchannel and will add many hours of U.S. news and information programming to the television service, including NBC Nightly News and the Tonight Show. An English language channel, Superchannel is delivered by satellite and television cable systems to 30 million homes in Western Europe and some 26 million homes in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. "Superchannel will provide major and immediate international recognition for NBC's programming and CNBC's business and financial news, and at the same time bring NBC an invaluable array of new resources and relationships in Europe," said NBC President Robert Wright. "It provides (NBC) greater presence in Europe than CNN," NBC executive vice president Tom Rogers said, referring to rival Turner Broadcasting's Cable News Network. (COWLES/SIMBA MEDIA DAILY 10/01/93) A HIGH-TECH STEP TOWARD REVELATION 13 European and Israeli banks have begun using new software which enables them to exchange financial messages, such as payment requests, letters of credit, and securities orders, with correspondent banks and customers. With the system, the banks connect to international and domestic networks, including S.W.I.F.T. and the Swiss Interbank Clearing System (SIC). Stratus Continuous Processing Systems is produced by a U.S.-based firm and MINT international payments software was developed by Manof Communications Systems (International) Ltd. in Hertzlia, Israel. "This rapid and recent adoption of the Stratus/MINT solution reflects the emerging need for cross-border payments automation among medium-sized and smaller banks with expanding international lines of business," observed Doris Privitera, Stratus' financial services industry specialist. "Stratus' continuously available computers ensure that banks can process payments around the clock and across time zones, allowing them to meet critical clearing and settlement deadlines. "MINT's rich connectivity and robust features give the banks the flexibility to communicate easily with virtually any financial network or other systems used by their branches, customers, or correspondent banks," Privitera added. Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild S.A., a Swiss investment bank serving private and institutional clients, is using the continuously available Stratus-based MINT solution to manage all international as well as national interbank payments. Located in Geneva, the Stratus system is linked to S.W.I.F.T., SIC, and telex networks and will be connected to SECOM, the new Swiss national securities clearing system, before the year's end. "The Stratus/MINT solution is one of the vital organs of our bank," said Terrence Denton, Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild vice president of information technology. "Its fault-tolerant technology guarantees us the availability we need to process high value financial and clearing operations within the imposed critical timeframes. The transfer in seconds of funds and deal confirmations is a major benefit to our private and institutional clients. (BUSINESS WIRE 09/07/93) WATCHING THE WORLD COME TOGETHER MTC Electronics of Canada said its joint paging system in Dongguan, China has been fully subscribed, with 50,000 people putting deposits on pagers before service even begins. Reuters of the UK, meanwhile, launched a financial paging service in the booming province of Guangdong. On the telephone side, Ericsson won orders for its AXE switches, worth $17 million, from Liaoning province. This gives Ericsson 2 million lines in the country. The company also won its first orders in India. Finally, in Hong Kong, which reverts to China in 1997, Bell Atlantic of the US teamed with Champion Technology Holdings to bid for a telephone license. The Hong Kong Telecom monopoly expires in 1995. Bell Atlantic hopes the Hong Kong service can be its springboard into China. In Eastern Europe, Israel's Bezeq telecommunications company signed a deal with Elbit Ltd., of Poland to build a telecommunications network in the Warsaw suburbs. That network, like others planned by foreign companies, would be extended to other areas of the country. Elsewhere, nations are moving to privatize their networks and, under the urging of foreign bankers, are maintaining monopolies for an interim period to pay for network improvements. One of those countries, the Czech Republic, also won an $80 million loan from the World Bank to improve its state- run Czech Telecom network, part of a 15-year, $900 million modernization. Finally, in South America, three groups formed by Bell Canada, Telefonica de Espana and Portugal's Marconi, with Brazil's Constram, filed for a new competitive cellular license in Uruguay. (INTERNATIONAL UPDATE 09/10/93) WHAT WOULD BRING PERSIA (IRAN) TOWARD ISRAEL? Iran is sending 10,000 relief workers to set up camps inside Azerbaijani territory for 100,000 refugees fleeing an offensive by Armenian forces, Azerbaijani leader Heidar Aliyev told reporters Wednesday. At the same time, Aliyev expressed fears that the fighting between Armenian and Azeri forces over the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave might engulf neighboring countries such as Turkey and Iran, which have been massing troops on their borders, and called on Russia to bring peace to the region. "Russia's role as a great state and our northern neighbor is huge," Azerbaijan's acting president said. "We are hoping for a more significant contribution by Russia in resolving this complex problem." Aliyev said he could not substantiate reports that Iran had sent troops across its border with Azerbaijan, allegedly to protect an Araks River dam and reservoir jointly owned by Baku and Tehran. Armenia said the leaders of Iran and Armenia held a 20-minute telephone conversation in which Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosian told Iranian President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani that the "Karabakh conflict is reaching its critical point," the Russian Itar-Tass news agency said. Aliyev also is inviting help from Iran. He said 10,000 Iranian relief workers would be building tent encampments for refugees displaced by the bitter fighting of recent weeks, and distributing humanitarian aid. Aliyev, a former KGB general and Soviet Politburo member who ruled Azerbaijan as Communist Party boss in the Brezhnev-era, was in Moscow for top-level talks with Russian leaders in an attempt to mend broken fences with the Kremlin. Aliyev is clearly banking on Russian efforts to resolve the conflict, which has escalated in recent weeks as Armenian forces spilled out of Karabakh and sliced through southwestern Azerbaijan toward the Iranian border. (UPI - MOSCOW 09/08/93) AND WHAT WOULD BRING TOGARMAH (TURKEY)? Despite the disappearance of the Soviet Union, threats to Turkey's security have increased due to its proximity to the conflicts in the Balkans, Caucasus and the Middle East, a Turkish military official said. In an exclusive interview with the TURKISH DAILY NEWS, Brig. Gen. Hursit Tolon, the secretary-general of the Turkish General Staff, said the massive and apparent threat to the country during the Cold War had transformed itself into an uncertain situation with multidimensional risks. "Risks and uncertainties have been continuing in the post-Cold War era," Tolon said. "In countries along the Eurasian belt, which covers the former socialist countries, a painful period is being lived through during the transition to democracy and a free-market economy. "The conflicts which arise from the ultra nationalist trends which have come to the surface and from the ethnic tensions complicate those transformation pains." Tolon said another "reality" of the post-Cold War era is the fact that both America and Europe, due to economic difficulties, abstain from taking radical measures for solving the regional conflicts and disputes. Turkey has complained that Western reluctance to take necessary measures to stop Serbian aggression against the Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina has encouraged Armenians to continue their invasion of Azerbaijan's territory. The two conflicts sandwich Turkey, one from the west, the other from the east. (WEST EUROPE INTELLIGENCE REPORT 10/05/93) AND WHAT OF MAGOG? (RUSSIA) Abkhazians, who make up only 17 percent of the population in this northwestern province of Georgia, are fighting to secede from the former Soviet republic. They have received extensive military help from Russian volunteers arriving from the small Muslim republics of the north Caucasus. Georgia has repeatedly claimed that Russian troops based in Abkhazia are arming and even fighting alongside the secessionist rebels, claims Moscow has denied. (UPI 09/27/83) ISRAEL'S INVOLVEMENT IN THE AREA Israel has recently rejected several Georgian requests to purchase weapons and military equipment. The request was relayed to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem and to other elements, official and unofficial, by very senior figures in Tbilisi. The Foreign Ministry found it hard to reach a decision on this issue because the current Georgian regime is considered pro- Israeli. In the end, it was decided to reject the request in order not to harm Israel's sensitive relations with Russia. The recommendation was relayed to the other Israeli elements involved. (MIDDLE EAST INTELLIGENCE REPORT 10/01/93) Resource Resource MORNING STAR ONLINE DISTRIBUTION December, 1993 The Morning Star BBS list contains those electronic Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) that are carrying Morning Star. They are either available as a compressed file for downloading or in some cases use a "DOOR" program that allows the viewers to read the magazine on screen. With the MSDOOR program available free from Alan Graff, (P.O. 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