From: (Xiphias Gladius) Subject: Re: Lost my sense of humor Date: Fri, 17 Sep 1993 03:15:45 GMT [deletia] A couple astrologer friends and my parents and my sister and I were sitting around one night, under the influence of really good coffee and even better chocolate cheesecake, and we made up the following: How many Aries does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but it takes a hell of a lot of light bulbs. . . . Taurus? What, me move? . . . Gemini? 2 (Okay, that was cheap) . . .Cancer? Only one, but he has to bring his mother. Leos? A dozen. One to change the bulb, and eleven to applaud. Virgos? One to clean out the socket, one to dust the bulb, one to install, and two engineers to check the work. Libras? Libras can't decide if the bulb needs to be changed. Scorpios? None. They LIKE the dark. Sagittarians? One to install the bulb, and a Virgo to pick up the pieces. Capricorns? The light's fine as it is. Aquarians? Have you asked the bulb if it WANTS to be changed? Pisceans? What light bulb? and, How many astrologers does it take to change a light bulb? "Don't ask me now, Mercury's retrograde!" - Ian, a Piscean.