Date: Mon, 15 Nov 93 12:14:57 CST From: Chris Carlisle <C24884CC@WUVMD.Wustl.Edu> WHAT IS AMER? The Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions (AMER) is a St. Louis-based organization made up of representatives of several distinct magical and/or Earth-centered religious traditions. Our members include witches, neo-pagans, Satanists, and Christians, working together for freedom of religion for all Americans. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE 1. AMER will defend the right of every American to practice his or her own religion, insofar as that religion's practices do not directly harm anyone. In particular, AMER will actively campaign for tolerance for magical and Earth-Centered religions. 2. AMER will work to promote a positive image for magical and Earth-centered religions, and to counter negative propaganda about such groups. 3. AMER will promote cooperation among the various magical and Earth-centered religious groups. 4. AMER will serve as a source of accurate information on magical and Earth-centered religions and practices. DEFINITIONS Magical Religion: any religious belief or practice which includes, as an aspect of its faith or an element in its ritual, the practice of what they call magic or the use of psychic powers. Earth Religion: any religious belief or practice which holds as a tenet a reverence for the Earth. HOW DOES AMER WORK? AMER will provide speakers to schools, police groups, churches, and anyone else who is interested about learning about magical and earth religions. AMER'S members work together to combat negative attitudes about the occult by writing letters to individuals and organizations who have disseminated incorrect information about the occult. We also help victims of religious discrimination through letters, phone calls and personal contact. AMER AND THE MEDIA AMER monitors media coverage of topics which affect the magical community. When one of our members sees an article or television story which gives unfairor slanted coverage to an event which involves "the occult", we contact the news organization in question to express our disapproval. We also write to commend news organizations which provide what we see as "good coverage". We hope that our efforts will promote fair media treatment of members of magical and earth religions. AMER AND THE POLICE AMER's members are also available to work with police departments to provide expert advice on crimes and rumors of crimes which involve or appear to involve members of the magical community. AMER AND THE CLERGY AMER works to contact clergy of all faiths and let them know about our concerns, in the hopes that they will come to understand, and even to tolerate, magical and earth religions. COMMUNITY SERVICE AMER encourages all of its members to participate in community service projects such as food drives, disaster relief, or environmental projects. AMER's St. Louis members meet every six weeks to clean up a stretch of highway. We feel that this highly visible form of service helps promote a positive image for occultists. WILL AMER TELL EVERYONE ABOUT MY RELIGION? The only members of AMER who are required to appear or speak in public are the members of the Board of Directors. If you wish, your membership can be kept totally confidential. In addition, AMER does not promote or endorse the activities of any specific religion, so you will not be asked to participate in any religious activities. AMER NEEDS YOU None of AMER's goals can be accomplished without a large and enthusiastic membership. We need volunteers for a variety of projects, from letter-writing to highway cleanup. Money? Of course we need it, but we need you even more. To help with an AMER project, send your name and phone number to AMER Volunteers at the address below. If address only, a small donation for postage would help. TO JOIN You can obtain the necessary membership application forms and other membership information by writing to AMER at the address below. TO CONTRIBUTE Make checks or money orders out to Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions and send them to AMER Treasurer at the address below. FOR PUBLICATIONS To obtain copies of AMER's "The Truth About Human Sacrifice", "Dream No Small Dreams", "The Truth About Ritualized Child Abuse", "Exercising Your Writes", "The Truth About Police Harassment" or our newsletter, The AMER Intelligence, send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to AMER Public Information Officer at the address below. ANY QUESTIONS? Send your questions and (if possible) a stamped, self-addressed envelope to AMER at this address. Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions P.O. Box 16551 Clayton, MO 63105 (314)994-1026 ************************** * Chris Carlisle * * Email Liaison * * and * * Vice-President * * C24884CC@WUVMD.BITNET * * or * * C24884CC@WUVMD.WUSTL. * * EDU * **************************