From: Phoenix Moonwave <>
Newsgroups: alt.magick
Subject: Sapphire Neo-Pagan Forum
Date: 5 Apr 1994 00:35:08 GMT

	Sapphire Neo-Pagan Forum is seeking submissions from
Neo-Pagans, Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Shamans, and anyone I may have
left out who has something to say.

	The first issue will be distributed by US Mail and at PSG this

	 Sapphire, which will be affiliated with the Wiccan/Pagan
Press Alliance, will be published eight times a year and will contain
only editorial, forum, art, and ads.  I reserve the right to edit
forum submissions for clarity and length.

	Submissions may be e-mailed to this address.  For subscriber,
advertising or other information, send your request and a
self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Moonwave Productions
P.O. Box 8334
Austin, Texas 78713-8334  

I look forward to your letters.  If your submission appears in
Sapphire, you will receive a copy of the magazine.

Blessed Be,
Phoenix Moonwave