Newsgroups: alt.magick From: (Cecilia Henningsson) Subject: Re: immediate effects Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1993 12:57:24 GMT (Gordon Stanley Adams) writes: > Does anyone have anything to offer on using magick in real time? > (ie: immediate effects, no complex ritual beforehand - something > that could be done in public) Specifically, stuff on affecting > people and/or animals. Any postings, book-refences, ftp references, > etc. would be much appreciated. To affect animals or people is hard, but it can be done in public without elaborate rituals. All you have to do is listen and watch. When they talk to you, listen to their words and intonation, watch how they hold their bodies, in relation to your own and to inanimate objects. Just take in what they are conveying, both what they want you to understand and what they want to hide. If you don't understand what they mean, when you are alone, try doing just as they do, take up the same stance, and say what they said as exactly as possible. Try to feel their emotions and motivations. A few don'ts: Don't draw any conclusions, don't put any words to what you see, don't talk to other people about your practice. Don't fall into stereotypes. Do observe how your observations effect your own behaviour. A basic book would be Desmond Morris' "People -- a field guide" (reservation about the title). Oh, I shouldn't have to say this, but this is a simplistic (not simple) charm person spell. It doesn't work on cats, though. I hope this helps. --Ceci -- "All acts of love and pleasure are my acts." ===================================================================