From Sun Jul 7 07:21:51 1996 Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 11:12:15 -0400 (EDT) From: Reply-To: To: Subject: tariqas-digest V1 #26 tariqas-digest Sunday, 23 June 1996 Volume 01 : Number 026 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Hudoyo Hupudio Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 11:48:10 +0700 Subject: Re: To Hudoyo At 01:43 PM 6/22/96 +0100, you wrote: >Hudoyo sat at the perimiter of the world >And saw the SUN Penetrating the BLACK BACK >OF NIGHT... >OH Hudoyo rose with LOVE COLORS of GOD >ARISING ARISING a Host of Golden Eagles >Gathering at the Theater of This >Cathedral Arch of Heart... >Hudoyo was silent in the silent >Languages of the Beloved >Arise and BE, JUST BE... > >Your Friend, Kaffea Lalla > > Well, I'm flattered. Thank you, my love. I'll post your poem on my desk at home. Hudoyo ------------------------------ From: Hudoyo Hupudio Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 11:48:17 +0700 Subject: Re: Sai Baba At 06:38 PM 6/22/96 -0400, K. Ahmad wrote: >Peace Be Upon You >The following was written by Bon Giovanni a Sai Baba Devotee. It was a long >article. I shortened it to suite the list. > >> His Mission: >> >> Stating that he is not seeking to establish a new religion nor to >> direct people towards a particular religion, Sathya Sai Baba >> encourages those attracted to his message "to continue worshipping >> along the lines already familiar to you." >> Again, another positive posting about Sai Baba. Thank you, my dear brother. Hudoyo ------------------------------ From: Hudoyo Hupudio Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 11:48:20 +0700 Subject: Re: Rod Poesy At 05:55 PM 6/22/96 +0100, Kaffea wrote: >Dear Friends >Rod Poesy died this afternoon. I know healing sometimes is going home. >Thankyou for all your love towards our family. Love Kaffea Lalla. > > Kaffea, All my heart is with you. I pray that Rod will find his peace with God. Hudoyo ------------------------------ From: AMBER K WILLIAMS <102064.3531@CompuServe.COM> Date: 23 Jun 96 00:56:28 EDT Subject: re:Not Appreciate Dear Jabriel, Thanks for your response and others too. This is an issue that still needs discussion. Most of the time I do see beyond and am willing to look for the message and forget the language--and consider the culture and period when the material was written. And yes this is a wonderful and peaceful quality to have and one I will cultivate. I appreciate your blessing. Iram ------------------------------ From: Steve H Rose Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 00:59:20 -0400 (EDT) Subject: (Fwd) Re: Hodgkins Disease From: Syed Aftab Haider Shah Organization: Bear Stearns Jahangir Siddiqui Ltd. To: Date: Sat, 22 Jun 1996 11:03:34 GMT+5 Subject: (Fwd) Re: Hodgkins Disease Priority: normal X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.01) Message-ID: <> Dear Brother, Assalamu'alaykum, I am requesting for the prayers for myself after reading the message below, I have not been keeping well for the last ten years espacially my digestion and low sugar level. My full name is Syed Aftab Haider Shah, mother's name is Bibi Ghulam Zahra. My address is 37 - B, East Avenue, Phase 1, Defence Housing Authority, Karachi. I will request for a special prayer so that I have SABAR and SHUKAR. Thanks, May God bless you. - ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- Date: Fri, 21 Jun 96 13:17 PDT From: Subject: Re: Hodgkins Disease To: <---- Begin Forwarded Message ----> Return-Path: To: From: (Jacquie Weller) Subject: Re: Hodgkins Disease Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 15:09:27 +0100 Reply-To: > >> >> > >Assalamu'alaykum, > >Dear Lalla, > >Maybe my Sufi master (with God's permission) can cure Rod using his Sufi >Healing method. >He has cured many people with cancer, leukemia, blindness, etc. for the last >20 years using this method. Some of his patients were incurable according to >their doctors. >If you agree, all you have to do is send me Rod's full name and his mother's >name and also your postal address. >Rod's name and his mother's will be mentioned by my Sufi master in his >prayer (after shalat), then he will make a "wifq" (paper containing Holy >verses and God's attributes) for Rod. I will send the wifq via airmail to >your postal address. It's just that simple. >But it's only if you agree. I'm only trying to help and it's free. >If Rod is cured (Insya Allah), and you want to donate something, just give >it to the homeless or beggars nearest to your home. > >Waiting for your respond... > > > >Wassalamu'alaykum, > >with love from your brother, > >Michael Roland > >The name is Rod Poesy, His Mother's name id Lorraine Poesy. I am not with my daughter in Seattle right now, but in constant intercession. I just came back from Seattle at the hospital there, I can't think of the name. My address is 104 S. Main apt. 206, Moscow Id. Thankyou so much. My other daughter Tammy is going up in the morning to be with Rod and Nickie (my daughter also). Love Kaffea Lalla > <---- End Forwarded Message ----> ------------------------------ From: Steve H Rose Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 01:22:41 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Why Sai Baba may be performing "magic" Assalamu alaikum. I know very little about Sai Baba, but it is my guess that he may perform "magic" at least partly for the following reason: Many people are at a level of spiritual development where they "need" to see such "magic" (in other words, the "magic" will impress them, and affect their patterns of attention). Whether the "magic" is "real" or not is not terribly important. It has an effect on people, which is why I assume Sai Baba uses it. For those of us on this list who believe we are too sophisticated to be "taken in" by "magic tricks" -- I would submit that our behavior in participating in extensive discussions of Sai Baba are sufficient evidence that his "magic" has had a similar effect on us. I do not know Sai Baba. If he is able to assist people, Insh'Allah, in finding the real, then it may not be harmful that he attracts people fascinated by the "magic" that he does. However, if people, whether disciples of Sai Baba, or members of this list, stay at the level of fascination with phenomena -- then, from my point of view, this is counterproductive. Yours, Habib ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 14:39:53 +0800 Subject: Miracles Assalamualaikum friends in tariqas On his death bed, Ghazzali said something about "ikhlas" and how we must have a pure heart or sincerity in our actions and words. His final prayer before he died is to remove the slightest doubt or impure thoughts from the heart before meeting with his Master. On the subject of miracles, life is a great miracle (after seeing one after another friend, relative, mother, father passed from this world). To interact with all of you is itself a sort of miracle. salam maarof ------------------------------ From: (Jacquie Weller) Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 00:38:56 +0100 Subject: Love Restores and Heals our Hearts... Nickie told me Rod was very peaceful, and she knew that she was to let go because Rod wanted to go home and be with God, it was his will to leave. She knew the prescense of God was in the room. She saw his sandals. There is a great deal more she shared too intimate to tell, In spite of the pain, her love for God is even stronger; Knowing the Comforter beyond words to describe. I too feel the peace of knowing now Rod is fully well... She said he had a smile when He left, And she has been visited in her dreams by Rod and her Jesus She has brought light to my heart as she witnessed of God, And faith is real when we Know the reality of God's love in our sorrow and in our joy, a Great Love visits us and never abandons us. Kaffea Lalla ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 14:55:15 +0700 Subject: Re: Rod Poesy At 05:55 PM 6/22/96 +0100, you wrote: >Dear Friends >Rod Poesy died this afternoon. I know healing sometimes is going home. >Thankyou for all your love towards our family. Love Kaffea Lalla. > > > Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaykum, Dear Lalla, May Allah accept Rod in Paradise, and give strength to you and your family. Let me quote one of Rumi's poems: The day I've died, my pall is moving on- But do not think my heart is still on earth! Don't weep and pity me: 'Oh woe, how awful!' You fall in devil's snare-woe, that is awful! Don't cry 'Woe, parted!' at my burial- For me this is the time of JOYFUL MEETING! Don't say 'Farewell!' when I'm put in the grave- A curtain is it for eternal bliss. You saw 'descending'-now look at the rising! Is setting dangerous for sun and moon? To you it's like setting, but it's rising; The coffin seems a jail, yet it means freedom. Which seed fell in the earth that did not grow there? Why do you doubt the fate of human seed? What bucket came not filled from out the cistern? Why should the Yusuf 'Soul' then fear this well? Close here your mouth and open it on that side So that your hymns may sound in Where-no-place! (from "Divan-i-Shams" by Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi) Wassalamu'alaykum, your brother, Michael Roland ------------------------------ From: "K. Ahmad" (by way of "K.Ahmad" ) Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 09:33:48 -0400 Subject: Sai Baba on Truth SAI BABA ON T R U T H > > As you tell the truth, tell it clearly and sweetly. Do not tell > truth in an unclear way, or tell untruth in a dear way. > Uttering truth is easy. But indulging in falsehood is a tortuous > process. One has to take a lot of trouble to cover up one lie with > more lies That is why it has been said; "Sathyam brooyaath; Priyam > brooyaath; Na brooyaath Sathyam Apriyam" ("Speak the truth; speak > what is pleasing. Do not utter truth that is unpleasant"). God is > the embodiment of truth. > > Truth is the foundation of the Universe. This truth transcends the > mind and speech and is beyond the categories of Time and Space. > Vedanta has described it as Ritam. It is also called Transcendental > Truth. Truth is that which remains unchanged over time. You must > live up to this Truth. > > You must realise that the Divine is present in everything. Only when > you can recognise the Omnipresence of the Divine will you be able to > experience the Divine. > Truth is the very basis of Dharma. When a person recognizes the > innate truth which is his essential nature, then he understands his > own reality For truth, good character is the very life breath. > > Truth does not simply mean abstaining from lying. You have to take > truth as your very essence, as the foundation of your life. You > should be prepared to renounce everything for the sake of truth. The > world conducts itself in fear of truth and is always subservient to > truth. When there is no truth, man will be afraid even to live. > Truth confers fearlessness on man It is truth which protects the > entire world and makes it move. It is truth which drives away fear. > Truth is such an important quality that only when it is being > fearlessly observed by an individual will he be able to attain > divinity. Character is the life breath of truth. Important to > character is virtue and good behaviour. Humanity will not shine > without good behaviour. Virtues, good qualities, good behaviour, all > these lend splendour to humanity. In order to protect humanity and > develop divinity, you have to take truth, character and good > behaviour as your basis. > > Untruth will destroy the person's humanness. Therefore you should > resolve to always tell the truth no matter what, no fearing and not > caring for the consequences, whether they be useful and profitable > for you, or whether they may result in chastisement and punishment. > Just as a foundation is very important for a mansion, just as roots > are the very basis of a tree, truth is the very basis of life as a > human being. > > If you are wavering in truth, there will be no safety and protection > for your life. Under the most trying circumstance, Harischandra > never gave up either telling the truth or following Dharma. He > considered Truth and Dharma like two eyes or like the two wheels of > a chariot or like the two wings of a bird, each indispensable to the > others. > The entire Cosmos has emerged from Truth. And it will merge back in > Truth. Where is the place beyond the sway of Truth? Behold, > brothers, That which is the Pure Satwa! In every man born on earth, > Truth is verily the visible God. The entire universe consisting of > moveable and immoveable objects has emerged from Truth. Sathyam - > Jnanam - Anantam - Brahma. > > Truth is indeed Brahman. Truth is endless. According to > > Vedantins, Truth is synonymous with the eternal Brahman. Hence Truth > alone has to be revered by everyone. Justice is their mainstay. > Every man is the inheritor of Truth and Righteousness. > > Truth and Righteousness will never submit to anything. All kinds of > power whether physical, intellectual, monetary, military or > political, have to bend before Truth and Righteousness- but the > latter will yield to none. Truth and Righteousness will always > triumph. ------------------------------ From: ( M BRAWLEY) Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 09:41:21, -0500 Subject: Rod Poesy Dear Kaffea Lalla, Assalamu Alaykum. May the peace, blessing, and protection of Allah be with you and your family and give you solace and strength. My deepest sympathy and warmest regards. Maryam ------------------------------ From: "K.Ahmad" Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 09:49:53 -0400 Subject: Re: Rod Poesy At 05:55 PM 6/22/96 +0100, you wrote: >Dear Friends >Rod Poesy died this afternoon. I know healing sometimes is going home. >Thankyou for all your love towards our family. Love Kaffea Lalla. > > > > Bismillah Irrahman Irrahim Allah-u Akbar La Ilaha Illallh Assalamu'Alaykum Wa Rahma Tullahi Wa Barakato Subhana Rab Bi Yal A'la Dear Lalla, May Allah accept and bless Rod's soul, may Allah strengthen you and your family in this crisis. Wassalamu'alaykum, your brother, Kaleem Ahmad ------------------------------ From: Frank Gaude Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 06:38:24 -0700 Subject: Re: Miracles Hello, folks! wrote: > > Assalamualaikum friends in tariqas > > On his death bed, Ghazzali said something about "ikhlas" and how we must have a > pure heart or sincerity in our actions and words. That seems the whole issue, purity and sincerity... not thinking of yourself but of others. > His final prayer before he > died is to remove the slightest doubt or impure thoughts from the heart before > meeting with his Master. Let us pray that it be so! > On the subject of miracles, life is a great miracle (after seeing one after > another friend, relative, mother, father passed from this world). To interact > with all of you is itself a sort of miracle. Yes, our interaction is a product of people using their intellectual to discover some of the material mysteries formed by laws laid down by Will of Absolute, our Allah. If a miracle be defined as something we don't as yet understand then much of life is a miracle, even how to produce our next breath! Alhamdu'lillah! tanzen ------------------------------ From: Frank Gaude Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 06:58:14 -0700 Subject: Re: Why Sai Baba may be performing "magic" Steve H Rose wrote: [...] > I do not know Sai Baba. If he is able to assist people, Insh'Allah, in > finding the real, then it may not be harmful that he attracts people > fascinated by the "magic" that he does. However, if people, whether > disciples of Sai Baba, or members of this list, stay at the level of > fascination with phenomena -- then, from my point of view, this is > counterproductive. Yes, the key: do we help others before we help ourselves? Phenomena is at earth level; faith at spirit, will, heaven level. Dear one, nothing is counterproductive as each thought, each word, each deed moves us along the path of our fate, each moment fulfilling each jot of the sacred laws. Peace, tanzen Today's selection from The Bowl of Saki, readings from Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan: 6/23 Each individual composes the music of his own life; if he injures another he breaks the harmony, and there is discord in the melody of his life. ------------------------------ From: Frank Gaude Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 06:54:50 -0700 Subject: Today's Rumi HOW LONG can i lament with this depressed heart and soul how long can i remain a sad autumn ever since my grief has shed my leaves the entire space of my soul is burning in agony how long can i hide the flames wanting to rise out of this fire how long can one suffer the pain of hatred of another human a friend behaving like an enemy with a broken heart how much more can i take the message from body to soul i believe in love i swear by love believe me my love how long like a prisoner of grief can i beg for mercy you know i'm not a piece of rock or steel but hearing my story even water will become as tense as a stone if i can only recount the story of my life right out of my body flames will grow RUMI, ghazal number 408, translated May 12, 1992, by Nader Khalili, RING OF FIRE. tanzen ------------------------------ From: Frank Gaude Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 08:04:53 -0700 Subject: Re: 11 questions on Ibn Arabi's dream Hello, everybody! wrote: > > Ibn Arabi wrote: > > ============================================================== > Once God showed me, in the way in which a dreamer sees, that I was > circumambulating the Kaabah with a group of people whose faces I did not > recognize. They were reciting two lines of poetry, one line of which I > remember and the other of which I have forgotten. The one which I > remember is this: > > For years we have turned, as you have turned, around this House, > all together, each of us.... > .... > (From the Futuhat al-Makkiyya; translated by W. C. Chittick in "Imaginal > Worlds: Ibn al-`Arabi and the Problem of Religious Diversity," p. 90.) > ============================================= > > Thank you farid for this most interesting passage. Thank you, indeed! > About this passage, my attention has been caught by the movement > between :< we / you / all together/ each of us.> Simply reference to the various levels through the octaves of creation. > *The sevenfold circumambulation (to walk around =circum ambulare)through > time (40.000years) does also imply a circumspection of views? I would think so. > Is this the passage through the seven nafs, or the seven stages of godrealisation? > (circumspection = to see around, to consider from all possible viewpoints > in order to get a unified, wholistic view) Both, as we work our way through many octaves, octaves within octaves (remember life is vibration, music), of nafs our view is that of a "bigger picture", each time around the view is one of a greater, and greater, spectrum of life, finally, knowing non-life, then the circle is complete, every triangle has been placed within the pyramid. > *What are the initials in Arabic of the four agents (we/you/all/each?) Don't know. > *What is implied in this transition or collaboration of four corners: > the cornerstones of WE, YOU ( is this Ibn Arabi or Allah? or both?) > ALL and EACH? (remember Gurdjeff's All and Everything , they are not > redundant terms, they imply a qualitative distinction,just as the repetition of > Rahman was Rahmin in the sura Fatiha) Each level along Ray of Creation has it character, its qualities. Each level is fully supportive of all levels, Law of Three being a thread up and down, inside and out, the Ray. > *What sort of process is alluded to ? Transformation. > *What is the relation between 7 and 4? Well, 7 is a quality, or restraint, of Law of 3. Four comes out of this law. Four is of earth, three is of heaven. The three passes from one level to another, an aspect of Will of Absolute, forming a bond between all things, a force that attracts, pulls all things togehter: humans call this "love". Such is likened to "family". Love is to heaven as gravity is to earth. > *And One? Such is the unknowable, that which stands behind Allah, called by some Will of Absolute. Out of this Will comes "three" with the power to create other levels. Something of The Absolute produces all levels. > If we imagine each of these 4 cornerstones relating to the orientation of the > Kaaba, > *which corresponds to the setting of the black stone? and > What is the black stone? Can't answer either question. Is it important? Can't say. > *What is the khilva and what is the unveiling ? Can't say., > * What is the function > of poetry? Poetry is the connective between earth and heaven. > *Why only the first line is remembered? Through Will of Absolute coming down Ray we have memory (the 1st line) of our "home", of what we are, and such produces a "longing" to return. The struggle to return, this desire for union, such is likened to Allah getting to self, then Self, in the material world, the create, produced by unknowable Will. > *Can WE (all and each one of us) re-remember the second verse? Sure, as that is the nudge to which we are usually responding. The 2nd verse is symbolic of that Will that is in the create. Such Will is also in the non-create. The 2nd verse is the harmony of the universe, create and non-create, within and without, all. > ----------------- > Maybe some of us, each of us, all of us may attempt to find > some answers to these 11 questions, or even better put new questions? Within the "holy book of nature" are all the answers along with all the questions. Nature is the only book fit for every time, every place, every person. My question is how do I become more conscious to fully appreciate the sprectrum of life before me? This is the prayer: May our eyes, our consciousness, be opened moment-by-moment, to truth, tolerance, wisdom, justice, faith, unity, and love; may our consciousness be that of The Beloved. Amin. > Salam wa Barakatu wa Rahmatullah, > may we all see with the inner eyes of the Heart > and hear with the inner ears of Truth, > and speak with the tongue of Mercy and Compassion. Amin, again! Thanks so much, dear Rabia, for being, tanzen ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 22:13:24 +0700 Subject: Re:faith and heal(to Tanzen) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaykum brother tanzen, At 02:15 PM 6/22/96 -0700, you wrote: > >The question is "how does one acquire faith sufficient... " > Opps,.. sorry for not reading your words carefully... But I think the answer for "how" is better asked to one's own sheykh. I'm surely unsuitable for lecturing you. :-) Anyway my Sufi master taught me that shalat is the best method to have "ikhlas" in our our our the whole of us. Shalat(of course if done properly) will make us "ikhlas" Shadaqa (Alms) will make us "shabr" Shaum (Fasting) will make us "taqwa" Hajj (Pilgrimage) will make us "tawakkal" Ikhlas->Shabr->Taqwa->Tawakkal are the degrees of faith. God will give the power to heal to those who are suitable enough. >I would translate the word "ikhlas" as "pure faith", >one that came about without conscious work... interesting. >Hope others add to the definition. >Any comment? How about "to accept everything without complaining, and to give everything without asking reward"? >Does your Sufi Master teach others to cure, heal themselves? > He taught many Qur'anic verses, dhikrs, and other methods for us so that we can cure ourselves from certain diseases. But for serious ones (like cancer, AIDS, etc.) he must do it by himself. The same goes for spiritual healing. >I visited your Master's Web page... very nice fellow >and family... his disciples seemed to glow. >Yes, a revolt is going on here! >One thing, my experience would have been "better" >on the page if the English had >been better... had to use two levels of mind to fully >understand what was there. >Anglos, in general, do not like mental translations, such work... >but other than that, my feelings were exalted by your Master. > I'm sorry for my poor English (it's me who made the page). I do find difficulties in translating my Sufi master's works into English. Maybe you can help me by pointing paragraphs in the page which are unclear, so that I can make it better and understandable for everyone. Please e-mail me privately for this. I don't want others to be burden with my problems. But do you know that even the intellectuals (professors, doctors, masters, phillosophers) who had heard my Sufi master's lectures or read his articles (all speak the same language-Indonesian) also difficult to understand his concepts at the first time. They (including me and his other disciples) must re-read his writings or attend his lectures a few times before be able to understand and follow his ideas. That's why his services to common people are to cure their diseases and solve their social problems, while to the educated ones he gives his Sufi concepts. >Love, > >tanzen > >Alhamdu'lillah! > Love, and love, and love to you and the others too.. Wassalamu'alaykum, your brother, Michael Roland Sami Allahu liman hamidah. (Meaning: May God hear those who praise him) ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 22:13:33 +0700 Subject: Re:faith and heal(to Lalla) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaykum, At 05:03 PM 6/22/96 +0100, Kaffea Lalla wrote: > >A small twist on words, does faith heal or God heal? >A little faith the size of a mustard seed >is All God requires to move the mountains >of despair, sickness, grief, greed, all the ills of mind, soul, body. >Just Believe that God has a remedy >even when it isn't seen, understood, or ever comprehended. >A thousand years is but a day to God in the eons of eternity. >Love Kaffea Lalla > > > > Your faith is so big that I think God already trust you to have power to heal yourself and others. How can we use this power from God? I suggest you find a true master to guide you. Yes, God is The True Healer. Wassalamu'alaykum, with love from your brother, Michael Roland ------------------------------ End of tariqas-digest V1 #26 ****************************